Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Most Corrupt Robert Mueller, Grand Inquisitor of the Swamp

Steve Bannon Tells Trump To Bring In New Lawyers as He Looks For Ways to Kneecap Mueller

Trump’s former top dog increasingly feels like he has to take matters into his own hands.

Steve Bannon spoke on the phone with his old boss, Donald Trump, on Monday and offered a message: get yourself some new lawyers.

The former White House chief strategist has grown increasingly concerned that the president’s legal team is falling down on the job, proving too accommodating to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and leaving Trump vulnerable as former campaign aides are handed indictments.

“In terms of Steve’s thinking of how the president is handling this, yeah, he thinks the legal team was not prepared for what happened today—they’re not serving the president well,” a source close to Bannon said.

Added another confidant: Bannon believes Ty Cobb and John Dowd, the top two attorneys on the president’s legal team, “are asleep at the wheel.”
Bannon talked to Trump after those indictments were issued on Monday to express these concerns directly. Two sources, one working inside and one outside the White House, with knowledge of the conversation told The Daily Beast that Bannon advised Trump not to demote Dowd and Cobb, but to bring in new lawyers to work over them, in the hopes that fresh blood would bring an order and "ruthlessness" to Trump's legal team that Bannon sees as desperately incompetent.

Cobb and Dowd have publicly feuded over White House legal strategy after joining the president’s team, arguing in particular over the degree to which that team should cooperate with Mueller’s investigation. They’ve been overheard doing so at a steakhouse in D.C., while Cobb has been fooled by an email prankster and has angrily lashed out at reporters.

Trump was receptive to Bannon’s plea and expressed dismay and frustration at the state of his legal team and the ongoing Russia probes. However, it was not clear if the president was committing to any sweeping changes to his team of lawyers at this time.

As the president decides what next to do, Bannon is looking to take matters into his own hand—all in an attempt, he believes, to spare Trump from having to fire the man investigating his campaign and family’s finances.

Multiple sources close to Bannon told The Daily Beast on Monday that he is “advocating a much more aggressive legal approach short of firing Mueller,” as one source put it, and has been mulling options that would effectively curtail the special counsel’s investigation into 2016 Russian election-meddling and alleged Trump campaign connections to it.

He’s being tight-lipped about the strategy so far—and it is unclear how robust an effort he’ll actually try to mount—but options are available to him.

One potential avenue is legislation crafted by Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Florida Republican and member of the House Freedom Caucus, an influential bloc of conservative lawmakers. DeSantis offered an amendment to a House spending package in August that would have barred Mueller from pursuing criminal charges for any conduct occurring before March 2015. That would have severely complicated Mueller’s indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, which rely in large part on alleged criminal conduct prior to the 2016 presidential campaign, when the two lobbied on behalf of a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine.

DeSantis’s amendment would also have given Mueller six months to wrap up his investigation before the special counsel’s office was completely defunded. 

A spokesperson for the congressman did not return a request for comment as to whether Bannon had been in touch with their office.

The White House has insisted that Trump has no plans to fire Mueller despite a pair of indictments handed down against former campaign chairman Manafort, and Manafort’s deputy Gates. A federal court on Monday also unsealed a guilty plea by former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, who admitted to soliciting damaging information about Hillary Clinton last year from individuals who he believed had ties to high level Russian government officials, including President Vladimir Putin.

While DeSantis has an amendment to curtail the special counsel’s purview, it’s not clear how widespread support for doing so is among even Republicans on Capitol Hill. Many, in fact, have expressed reluctance to interfere. Bannon and his allies would have an uphill battle ahead of them, as numerous GOP officials are also on record having praised Mueller’s integrity and capabilities.

Bannon, incidentally, shares some of those views. Though he is considering ways to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation, he has also been privately praising and expressing respect for the special prosecutor and his team’s qualifications, calling them “serious guys” who should not be underestimated. 

Trump’s former top strategist still talks regularly with the president on the phone. But he’s also been confiding in allies that some of the president’s behavior has been counterproductive, perhaps even legally so, in the face of the ongoing Russia-related investigations.

“[Bannon] doesn’t think the tweets are very helpful,” one source bluntly noted, citing Bannon’s private criticisms of the president’s habitual hate-tweeting, particular when the news cycle becomes Trump-Russia heavy.

“I thought these [tweets] were supposed to stop after I left the White House,” Bannon has joked to his allies, according to a close associate. 

Monday morning brought no relief for the former White House strategist.
“Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????” Trump rage-tweeted. “....Also, there is NO COLLUSION!”

—With additional reporting by Sam Stein



    "Did Jeff Sessions get caught in bed with Kevin Spacey?"

  2. President Trump on Monday is scheduled to have lunch with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, just hours after Trump's former campaign chairman was indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller.

    Sessions was invited to join Trump's weekly lunch with Vice President Pence, which is closed to press coverage.

    It's likely Trump will raise the indictment of Paul Manafort, which represents a significant escalation of the special counsel probe that has loomed over his presidency for months.

    The president in the past has criticized Sessions for his handling of the Russia investigation, blaming his decision to recuse himself for Mueller's appointment.

    Mueller's team charged Manafort with 12 counts, including conspiracy against the United States and money laundering related to his work for a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine.

    Some believe Mueller could use the charges to attempt to extract information from Manafort about whether the campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the election.

    Trump allies have expressed confidence Manafort would not reveal damaging information about Trump or his team in a deal with prosecutors.


    1. If he did reveal damaging information, if there is any, his chance for a Presidential pardon would fly out the window.

      I expect he will not reveal damaging information.

      Mueller will be 'Trumped'.


    2. Idiot, that is why Mr Gates was indicted.

      Why Popadopolis pled out, may have even worn a wire in an attempt to garner evidence for a cariety of reasons

      Mr Trump will have to blanket pardon his entire contacts list.

  3. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and two other aides mark a new phase in his sprawling investigation into Russia and President Donald Trump. But the president’s supporters on Capitol Hill have said they want all the facts to come in first.

    There “will be holy hell to pay” if Mueller is dismissed, Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News on Monday, unconcerned about rumblings of the ongoing threat Mueller poses to the president. He said there is zero evidence from the White House that Mueller’s investigation will be stopped or curtailed.

    Asked to elaborate, Graham continued: “I've heard nothing from the White House to suggest that the president's going to try to replace Mr. Mueller. Zero evidence from anybody I've talked to. It would be wrong to do so unless there were cause.”

    People familiar with Trump’s thinking told The Associated Press the president has become increasingly concerned that the Mueller probe could be moving to an investigation into his personal dealings.

    “No politician should ever be afraid of the American legal system working its will,” Graham told Fox News about many of his colleagues’ refusal to comment on the case.

    1. Free Beacon neocons, never-Trump Republicans, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, a British spy and comrades in Russian intelligence, and perhaps the FBI, all working with secret money and seedy individuals to destroy a candidate they could not defeat in a free election.

  4. That Other Plot -- to Bring Down Trump
    Pat Buchanan

    Well over a year after the FBI began investigating "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has brought in his first major indictment.

    Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has been charged with a series of crimes dating back years, though none is tied directly to President Donald Trump or 2016.

    With a leak to CNN that indictments were coming, Mueller's office stole the weekend headlines. This blanketed the explosive news on a separate front, as the dots began to be connected on a bipartisan plot to bring down Trump that began two years ago.

    And like "Murder of the Orient Express," it seems almost everyone on the train had a hand in the plot.

    The narrative begins in October 2015.

    Then it was that the Washington Free Beacon, a neocon website, engaged a firm of researchers called Fusion GPS to do deep dirt-diving into Trump's personal and professional life -- and take him out.

    A spinoff of Bill Kristol's The Weekly Standard, the Beacon is run by his son-in-law. And its Daddy Warbucks is the GOP oligarch and hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer.

    From October 2015 to May 2016, Fusion GPS dug up dirt for the neocons and never-Trumpers. By May, however, Trump had routed all rivals and was the certain Republican nominee.

    So the Beacon bailed, and Fusion GPS found two new cash cows to finance its dirt-diving -- the DNC and the Clinton campaign.



    1. {...}

      To keep the sordid business at arm's length, both engaged the party's law firm of Perkins Coie. Paid $12.4 million by the DNC and Clinton campaign, Perkins used part of this cash hoard to pay Fusion GPS.

      Here is where it begins to get interesting.

      In June 2016, Fusion GPS engaged a British spy, Christopher Steele, who had headed up the Russia desk at MI6, to ferret out any connections between Trump and Russia.

      Steele began contacting old acquaintances in the FSB, the Russian intelligence service. And the Russians began to feed him astonishing dirt on Trump that could, if substantiated, kill his candidacy.

      Among the allegations was that Trump had consorted with prostitutes at a Moscow hotel, that the Kremlin was blackmailing him, that there was provable collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

      In memos from June to October 2016, Steele passed this on to Fusion GPS, which passed it on to major U.S. newspapers. But as the press was unable to verify it, they declined to publish it.

      Steele's final product, a 35-page dossier, has been described as full of "unsubstantiated and salacious allegations."

      Steele's research, however, had also made its way to James Comey's FBI, which was apparently so taken with it that the bureau considered paying Steele to continue his work.

      About this "astonishing" development, columnist Byron York of the Washington Examiner quotes Sen. Chuck Grassley:

      "The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises ... questions about the FBI's independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration's use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends."

      The questions begin to pile up.

      What was the FBI's relationship with the British spy who was so wired into Russian intelligence?

      Did the FBI use the information Steele dug up to expand its own investigation of Russia-Trump "collusion"? Did the FBI pass what Steele unearthed to the White House and the National Security Council?

      Did the Obama administration use the information from the Steele dossier to justify unmasking the names of Trump officials that had been picked up on legitimate electronic intercepts?

      In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed they did not know that Perkins Coie had enlisted Fusion GPA or the British spy to dig up dirt on Trump.

      Yet, when Podesta testified, the lawyer sitting beside him in the committee room was Marc Elias of Perkins Coie, who had engaged Fusion GPS and received the fruits of Steele's undercover work.

      Here one is tempted to cite Bismarck that, if you wish to enjoy politics or sausages, you should not inquire too closely how they are made.

      Thus we have Free Beacon neocons, never-Trump Republicans, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, a British spy and comrades in Russian intelligence, and perhaps the FBI, all working with secret money and seedy individuals to destroy a candidate they could not defeat in a free election.

      If future revelations demonstrate that this is what went down, it is not only the White House that has major problems.

      If you wish to know why Americans detest politics and hate the "swamp" that has been made of their capital city, follow this story all the way to its inevitable end. It will be months of unfolding.

      The real indictment here is of the American political system, and the true tragedy is the decline of the Old Republic.

  5. Electing a Marxist Kenyan as a US president has consequences.

    Have you ever read the manifest, “Problems Facing Our Socialism” by Barack Obama, Sr., the father of Barack Obama, Jr., published in the July, 1965 issue of the East Africa Journal, a paper which lays out the father’s socialist and anti-Western convictions?

    You should

    1. I know of it.

      BO Sr. was a drunk, and died a drunk.

      His 'thought' was pure third world crap.

      He lost a leg in a drunken auto crash, then lost another, IIRC.

      I still think Frank Marshall Davis is daddy.

      Where did O'bozo get his height, and the facial resemblance, if not from that source ?

  6. Obama's regime was the most corrupt in US history. There is no precedent for anyone becoming POTUS with more shallow American roots than Obama. The damage is done.

  7. October 31, 2017

    So Where Are the Podesta Indictments?

    By Daniel John Sobieski

    If Paul Manafort is guilty of failing to register as an agent of a foreign government, something that occurred when Manafort was not running the Trump campaign, then so is Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton campaign manager, who is also up to his eyeballs in collusion between the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and Russia and Ukraine:....

    ....An indictment of Manafort while the Podestas and Team Clinton roam free after their real and treasonous collusion with Ukraine and Russia in the Uranium One scandal would be a scandal unto itself. It would be like giving a parking ticket to the bank guard while letting the bank robbers escape with the loot.



    1. Tbey are coming, if there is a winnable case against Mr Podesta

  8. I've been listening to MSNBC tonight.

    According to them, Trump is already in the trash heap of history. And the GOP is right behind.

    Mueller is a Democrat. His hires are mostly Democrats. The Judge is a Democrat.

    Whole thing is a big farce.

    Here are Hillary's sins:


    Here are Trump's sins:


  9. But "Draft Dodger" Peterson Mr Trump is President, Ms Clinton is not.

    Winning ... there are consequences

  10. Go away, Dead Beat Dad and Self Confessed War Criminal.

    You are a melancholy bore.

  11. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, you know that is not going to happen.

    You may be bored by the truth. ..
    It is of no concern to me.


  12. Tony Podesta, a major Democratic Washington player, is stepping aside from his lobbying firm amid the special counsel's investigation, he began telling people Monday.

    Podesta was the chairman of Podesta Group -- a namesake firm that he also founded.

    On the day charges were unsealed against former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and his aide Rick Gates, Podesta announced at a staff meeting he would leave his firm and is alerting clients he is stepping aside.


  13. 2016 Under Scrutiny: A Timeline Of Russia Connections

    Laid out in a reasonable manner.
    Easy for anyone, even a Eng Lit major who was riding a college deferment to dodge the draft back in the day, to understand.


  14. Manafort and Gates should not be pardoned. Let the justice system work. Manafort and Gates are greedy bastards and deserve what they get. I read Buchanan's piece last night. I agree with every word of it. Particularly:

    Free Beacon neocons, never-Trump Republicans, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, a British spy and comrades in Russian intelligence, and perhaps the FBI, all working with secret money and seedy individuals to destroy a candidate they could not defeat in a free election.

    1. Except he left out Obama. But I guess he is covered under "DNC."

  15. .

    I love most of the arguments here.

    Fire Mueller with no apparent (or at least substantiated) cause.

    Pardon all of the Special Counsel's witnesses (whether they want it or not?). This although some have already been charged with serious crimes.

    Limit Mueller's investigation in time and cut off funding.

    Ignore the fact that the Russians were playing both sides against the middle and are probably laughing their ass off right now.

    Any crimes? Justify or rationalize them away under the excuse...

    Free Beacon neocons, never-Trump Republicans, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, a British spy and comrades in Russian intelligence, and perhaps the FBI, all working with secret money and seedy individuals to destroy a candidate they could not defeat in a free election.

    as if the Trump team wasn't doing exactly the same thing.

    Amoral, subjective, partisan bullshit. And if the people suggesting it had any official standing they would probably be looked at for obstruction of justice.



    1. .

      Doug will be pissed that Buchanan didn't include the 'MSM' in his indictment.


    2. .

      This line also shows what little faith the Trumpettes have in Trump's innocence.


    3. That is REALLY the most telling piece of reality

  16. .

    As has been said so many times before, Trump should just stop talking and stop tweeting. I'm sure his lawyers keep telling him this constantly. So far, he has remained on the right side of the law but it's easy to say something not only stupid but illegal in the heat of the moment.


  17. .


    The Trump team and the Trumpettes argue that this week's indictments were a nothingburger, acts committed in the past and having nothing to do with the Trump campaign and lies by a low level coffer chaser.

    However, in reality they were a smart move by Mueller and a lesson in Prosecuting 101.

    He presented two instances for everyone, Podesta, Spicer, and others involved to consider...

    1. Popodopoulos:

    Popodopolous is charged with lying to the Feds (how many times have we seen this before?). If found guilty, he could have gotten 5 years and a $250,000 fine. By confessing and admitting his guilt, he will likely get anywhere from 0 to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

    2. Mantafort and Gates:

    These guys have not admitted guilt. Yet. If found guilty of the charges, they could be subject to 12-15 years in jail and $ millions in fines. If they admit guilt, the time in jail could be reduced to 4-5 years and the fines negotiated down.

    Big differences and something anyone questioned by the Special Counsel needs to consider.


    1. Waiting on an updated status for Lt Gen Flynn.

      A man of limited financial means
      With a son who could be made complicit in the tangled web that has been woven

      Drip, drip, drip

    2. incentives to spill the beans on those up the food chain.

  18. Good Grief, Quirk.

    You are generally a man of good enough sense but on this farce you've got everything ass backwards.

    Since they lost the election they are trying this political coup.

    It's Hillary that ought to be under the microscope.

    1. The two are not connected, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      That you refuse to accept that ...

      Part of your pathology.

    2. Wasn't talking to you, Self Confessed War Criminal, Dead Beat Dad, Jew hater and Liar.

      Say, speaking of pathology, go back and read Quirk's diagnosis of you.

      Kindly leave me alone.

      You are a melancholy bore.

      Thank You Very Much

    3. NO

      You get no respite
      Not until the 160,000 Kurdish redugees can return home

      You advocated for rebellion, others paid the price . .



      Not until you. ...

      Stand Tall

  19. Something is going on in NYC but can't tell what yet.....some driver mowing people down on a bike path.

    1. Down by the World Trade Center.

      Might be a muzzie....

  20. Heh -

    KIM'S DISASTER North Korea nuclear tunnel COLLAPSES ‘killing at least 200 people’ amid fears of a massive radioactive leak

    The collapse happened at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in the country's north-east on October 10, according to reports

    By Tom Michael
    31st October 2017, 3:50 pmUpdated: 31st October 2017, 3:54 pm

    A TUNNEL at an underground North Korea nuclear site has collapsed with up to 200 people killed, according to reports.

    The collapse happened at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in the north-east of the country on October 10, according to Japan’s TV Asahi.

    The Punggye-ri test site in North Korea is carved deep into Mount Mantap, as these file images showTHE SUN
    The Punggye-ri test site in North Korea is carved deep into Mount Mantap, as these file images show
    The disaster has prompted fears of a massive radioactive leak which could spark a Chernobyl- or Fukushima-style disaster.

    A North Korean official said the collapse happened during the construction of an underground tunnel, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reports.

    Some 100 people are said to have been trapped by the initial tunnel collapse, with a further 100 lost in a second collapse during a rescue operation, Asahi reported Tuesday.....


    1. Next you'll be reporting on some kid pouring gasoline on an anthill and lighting it.

  21. Is Mueller running scared?
    Patricia McCarthy

    It seems like Mueller perhaps rushed his big splash onto the stage. As of last Saturday, Manafort had no inkling he was about to be indicted. Papadopoulos had no heads up. His lawyer was not even available to him yesterday morning. This is unusual in federal non-violent crimes indictments. More


    So Where Are the Podesta Indictments?
    Daniel John Sobieski

    An indictment of Manafort while the Podestas and Team Clinton roam free after their real and treasonous collusion with Ukraine and Russia in the Uranium One scandal would be a scandal unto itself. More


    1. .

      It seems like Mueller perhaps rushed his big splash onto the stage.

      More wishful thinking on the part of American Thinker


  22. "The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the

    Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises ... questions about the FBI's independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration's use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends."

    1. Not the idea ...

      If rhey had paid Fusion GPS there'd be something th discuss ... But ...

      They did not

      No harm. No foul.

  23. Fellow in NYC seems to have yelled the akbar, so that gives us a hint.

    The Police shot him, he's alive and in the hospital.

    1. Pray for his good health.

    2. May allah grant him a speedy recovery and long life, PBUH.

      And a death sentence by the court.


  24. .

    I have complete faith in Mueller.

    Let our justice system play out.


  25. Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West, who headed the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis until it closed last summer, is a former Florida congressman and staunch conservative who has been mentioned as a possible successor to Hensarling.


  26. No Muslim Gulls

    Seagulls are monogamous creatures that mate for life and rarely divorce. They have a strong societal structure that works very effectively against predators to their breeding colonies, as they will gang up on the intruder with up to a hundred gulls and drive them away, on occasion even driving them out to sea to drown.


    1. Gullcam:


    2. Sounds like they make great parents.

    3. Cayucos Pier has more activity in the early morning than Truckee even.

    4. Be sure to click the gear icon at lower right and select "1080p" to get clearest view of gull landing on light, kids on slide, etc, etc.

    5. People having lunch.
      Birds are all flocked up.

    6. Got it !

      Absolutely fascinating !!

      Real life as it should be on planet Earth !!!

  27. Mueller is running amok


  28. Make America Grate Again

    "Some are born grate, some achieve grateness, and some have grateness thrust upon them."


  29. These two carpet munching lesbos are nuts.

