Sunday, October 08, 2017

End game for ISIS in Iraq and Syria - Assad won - The US should get out and stay out

Liberman: Assad has won in Syria

Israeli Defense Minister says countries which sought to oust Bashar al-Assad now cozying up to Syrian dictator.

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman said on Tuesday that President Bashar al-Assad has been "victorious" in Syria's civil war and was now being courted by former enemies.

"Assad has emerged victorious in the battle," Avigdor Liberman told Israeli news website Walla!.

"Suddenly, everyone wants to get closer to Assad," he said.

"I see that there is now a long line of countries applauding and wooing Assad, including Western [and] moderate Sunni Muslim [states]."

Assad's fortunes have changed dramatically since Russia launched a military intervention to shore up his forces in 2015 and he now appears well on top after a series of key victories.

Israel has previously called on Assad to step down, but officials have sought to avoid getting too heavily involved in the conflict.

Israel has accused Assad-backer Iran of transferring sophisticated weapons to Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist movement, and has reportedly sporadically struck weapons convoys to the Shiite movement inside the war-ravaged country, as well as Syrian government forces.

Israel and Syria have technically been in a state of war for decades and the Jewish state has become alarmed at the growing Iranian influence in Damascus.
Liberman said they were hoping for increased American involvement to counterbalance the Iranian threat.

"We hope that the United States will be more active on the Syrian front and in the Middle East in general. We are on the northern front against the Russians, Iranians, Turks and Hezbollah," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu admitted last year Israel had carried out dozens of attacks on weapons convoys destined for Hezbollah.


  1. We have suffered enough self inflicted damage from the Neocon wars in the Middle East. The wreckage and carnage we left behind in our five trillion dollar calamity should be lesson enough, but don't count on it. Trump talked the talk about leaving the ME but he is now walking the walk rather wobbly.

    Trump should be kept accountable for the one single thing that got him enough votes to get him elected. Get out.

  2. The entire catastrophic blunder should be remembered as well as the culprits that brought it to us.

  3. Instead, it starts:

    JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s defense minister said on Tuesday President Bashar al-Assad was winning Syria’s civil war and urged the United States to weigh in as Damascus’s Iranian and Hezbollah allies gain ground.

    Avigdor Lieberman’s comments marked a reversal for Israel, where top officials had from the outset of fighting in 2011 until mid-2015 regularly predicted Assad would lose control of his country and be toppled.

    “I see a long international queue lining up to woo Assad, include Western nations, including moderate Sunnis. Suddenly everyone wants to get close to Assad. This is unprecedented. Because Assad is winning, everyone is standing in line,” he told Israel’s Walla news site.

    In late 2015, Russia helped Assad turn the tide with a military intervention that put Moscow’s forces in the field alongside Israel’s most potent foes - Iran and the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah - opposite Syrian rebels.

    The United States has focused its Syria operations on fighting rebel jihadis like Islamic State - dismaying Israel, which has tried to persuade both Washington and Moscow that Iran’s expanding clout is the greater threat.

  4. Another of Trump's promises was an end to Bush and Clinton nepotism. How is that working?

    Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were named "the world's most influential Jews" in the Jerusalem Post's 2017 top-50 list.

    "The ultimate Jewish power couple" is the way the newspaper describes the daughter and son-in-law of President Trump.

    Both serve as senior advisers to the president.

    Kushner and Ivanka Trump were named by the Post ahead of "Wonder Woman" actress Gal Gadot, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump administration Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

    "In their first six months as presidential advisers, Ivanka and Jared led a resistance within the West Wing against forces they considered too far right of the American political consensus — and won," read the first paragraph in the Post.

    The forces the paper may be referring to include former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon, who reportedly was at odds with Kushner and Ivanka Trump throughout his time in the White House.

    Bannon resigned on Aug. 18 and returned to Breitbart News, a conservative publication that often refers to the pair as "Javanka."

    "No matter the crisis that surrounds this president, Ivanka and Jared have made a choice to express their indignation and disapproval quietly, ensuring they maintain Trump's trust whilst pushing him toward their preferred path of moderation," the Post story also reads. "It is Jared's tactic, as well, in the Middle East peace process, as he works to build trust amongst the parties and with Israeli and Palestinian leadership himself."

    The couple has come under fire recently for reportedly using private email accounts after Trump's inauguration.

    The top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) requested an immediate briefing from the pair on Thursday.

  5. The Neocon Premise promised that if the autocratic regimes in the Middle East were overthrown, democracy would take root and flourish, bringing on an era of freedom and prosperity.

    The autocrats, Assad, Hussein, Gaddafi and Mubarak knew better. They knew their people and territory. The theorists from Bush on down were self assured beyond the edge of delusion. Recent history has proven that every country where regime change took place or was attempted has ended in catastrophic failure. Once and time again, US foreign policy used raw might, instead of sound judgement.

    The damage is done. A few days ago, US soldiers were killed in Niger. Niger? Who gives a damn about what happens in Niger?

    The most dominant religion practiced in Niger is Islam, with about 80% of the populace identifying themselves as Muslims.

    The average IQ in Niger is 69. It has a population of 22 million.

    Niger's fertility rate is 6.89 children born per woman, the highest in the world. Half (49%) of the Nigerien population is under age 15.

    School attendance is l 38% for males and 27% of females. Education occurs primarily through Koranic schools.

    US interests in this disaster is what? We do not have enough problems that we have to meddle in Niger?

  6. I fear that we have learned nothing.


    NAIROBI/ABIDJAN (Reuters) - U.S. special forces soldiers were with their counterparts from Niger on Wednesday in the West African nation’s volatile southwest, a growing hot-bed of jihadist violence, when the report came in of a raid nearby.

    The assailants were believed to be led by Dondou Chefou, a lieutenant in a new group operating along the Mali-Niger border and called Islamic State in the Greater Sahara. A decision was soon taken to pursue them.

    The mixed force was ambushed by fighters on dozens of vehicles and motorcycles. Under heavy fire, U.S. troops called in French fighter jets for air support, but the firefight was at such close quarters that the planes could not engage and were instead left circling overhead as a deterrant.

    The version of events, as told by two Nigerien and two Western sources briefed on the incident, shines a light on Washington’s increasingly aggressive Special Forces-led counter-terrorism strategy in Africa and its risk of casualties.

    Four U.S. soldiers died in the firefight, killed in a country where most Americans were unaware that their army is deployed but where Washington has steadily grown its presence. One soldier’s body was only recovered two days later.

    At least four Nigeriens were also killed and, according to one Niger security source, militants seized four vehicles in the ambush. French helicopters, scrambled after the U.S. call for help, evacuated several soldiers wounded in the clash.

    A diplomat with knowledge of the incident said French officials were frustrated by the U.S. troops’ actions, saying they had acted on only limited intelligence and without contingency plans in place.

    After initially offering only scant details of what happened in the Nigerien desert on Wednesday, the U.S. military’s Africa Command said on Friday the soldiers were in the area to establish relations with local leaders.

    “It was not meant to be an engagement with the enemy,” Africom spokesman Colonel Mark Cheadle told reporters. “The threats at the time were deemed to be unlikely, so there was no overhead armed air cover during the engagement.”

    U.S. forces do not have a direct combat mission in Niger, but their assistance to its army does include intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance in their efforts to target violent extremist organizations.

    U.S. military deployments are on the rise in Africa.

    1. .

      Hey, we failed in SE Asia and the ME. Maybe we'll be luckier in Africa.

      If it doesn't work out, Sam better get out of Australia before we get there.


  8. We followed the French into Viet Nam, where the French never had any business being their in the first place. In 1889 the French attacked and took over Niger. The French took over Morocco and Algeria as well. Why is that our problem?

    At the moment, seventeen hundred members of the Special Forces and other military personnel are undertaking ninety-six missions in twenty-one countries, and the details of most are unknown to Americans. Why?

  9. .

    Big Trump Fails

    We could spend all day going over the things Trump has promised yet failed to do. People complain about the Mueller investigation taking 9 months and announcing no results so far. Yet, few discuss the Trump performance in that same 9 months. The big fails are obvious, healthcare reform, the wall, the budget (running out of time), tax reform (pending...or not).

    The only thing Trump has accomplished is to reverse every executive orders that Obama put in place including those of value to the middle class like those involving health and safety, the environment, education, etc. If Trump refuses to certify the Iran deal, it won't be because of the value of the agreement but because every six months he is forced to certify something Obama did. And this brings up another issue. His actions to date point out his own ineptitude.

    The Iran deal shows Trump for what he is, a phony. His MO is to promise everything and yet dump responsibility for getting it done on Congress. During the primaries, he promised that he had a new super healthcare plan that would be available Job 1. Instead, he had zip. He dumped the responsibility on Congress only stopping every so often to criticize the effort. If he fails to certify the Iran deal it will dump the whole situation on Congress to resolve. He promised he would negotiate tremendous trade deals; yet, he hasn't done shit except to degrade the US position as an honest broker.

    On the economy, he promised his base he would balance the budget in 5 years; worse, he promised he would pay off the national debt by the end of his second term. Nobody but his base would believe such a thing but the reality is moving in the opposite direction.

    Under Trump's proposed budget, CBO projects the deficit will rise to $668 billion and the Debt will grow by $10 trillion in the next 10 years. Even the details are the opposite of what he promised. He promised the rich would receive no net tax break under the plan. The reality is they will receive massive tax breaks under the plan. He promised he would bring Wall Street under control. You've seen how the Street has performed in anticipation of the actual breaks they will be receiving under the plan. He promised the plan would concentrate on the middle class. The reality? Many in the middle class will suffer under the plan. The benefits to the rest (the majority) will look like peanuts compared to those of the rich. Trinkets for the natives.

    It's still early in the negotiations on the tax reform package but there is one thing you can count on, any bill Trump signs will contain big tax breaks for real estate developers like him and his family.


    1. .

      Drain the Swamp

      Trump promised to drain the swamp, to get rid of lobbyists, to leash Wall Street. The reality, other than the generals and a few nuts like Bannon he populated his cabinet with millionaires, billionaires, and lobbyists. He rationale, 'I don't want poor people in these jobs'. The middle class has seen the results.


    2. .

      The Team

      Trump, like most presidents before him, hires and is influenced by people who share his worldview. Unfortunately, Trump's worldview sucks.

      Here's and article Doug will likely applaud...

      Kevin Hassett Spanks the Tax Policy Center

      President Trump’s new CEA chair, Kevin Hassett, walked into the lion’s den last week with his first official speech. He used the moment to pound the leftist Tax Policy Center (TPC). It was a wonderful sight.

      When Hassett wasn’t pounding the TPC, he was spanking them. He took them to the woodshed, and disciplined them in public view...

      The article includes this insightful analysis...

      Hassett rightfully accused the TPC for ignoring widely accepted economic literature, for using false assumptions on tax details that have never been published, and for manufacturing income-redistribution (“tax cuts for the rich”) and deficit numbers that don’t even exist...


      Kevin Hassett is the new face at the highest economic level of the Trump administration...

      And he’s well-liked by everyone who knows him. Plus, he’s smart. Very smart...

      Not only did he chastise the TPC, he schooled them on a number of important tax policies that have become mainstream thinking inside the Trump White House.

      “Economists who have studied the effects of taxes over time have discovered a consensus,” he said. “Lower marginal tax rates and a broader base increase the rate of economic growth and well-being.” [Italics mine.]

      He continues: “For years, TPC analyzed tax bills without providing dynamic scoring, but now provides a dynamic score, but with zero effect.”

      For me, Hassett’s biggest contribution to the tax debate is the notion that high corporate tax rates depress the wages of workers.

      Because companies have stashed profits overseas, and because the U.S. tax cost of investment is so high, middle-income wage earners have suffered mightily. Hassett -- and his AEI colleague Aparna Mathur -- have argued for over a decade that if you want to raise wages, cut corporate tax rates.

      During his TPC speech, Hassett noted that “for the median household in the U.S., the top corporate marginal rate cut from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost wage growth almost four-fold.”

      In his past work, Hassett has argued that 70 percent of the benefits of lower business tax rates accrue to middle-income wage earners -- in other words, Donald Trump’s middle-class base.

      Trump’s tax cuts are not hand-outs to the rich, as the redistributionist Democratic left argues. Everyone benefits from these lower tax rates. As JFK put it, a rising tide lifts all boats. The growth ignited by lower tax rates solves all problems...

      Doug whines whenever Trump is criticized. He should love this article. The problem of course if that it is all bullshit.


    3. .

      The Erroneous Assumptions Behind Trump's Tax Plan

      As noted above, the main problem with the above analysis is that it is complete bull.


      1. Admittedly subjective, however, take a look at Hassett's picture at the top of the article. Nuff said.

      2. The article was written by faux economist and delusionist Larry Kudlow. More than enough said. I suspect the man became delusional during the Kennedy presidency. Hell, one of his best friends and brothers in error is Art Laffer.

      3. Third, all of that consensus, all of those peer reviewed studies Larry and Kevin keep talking about are bullshit that has been overtaken by history and experience.

      They talk about how tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate interests will result in more profits and subsequently end up in higher wages for the middle class. Larry's wet dream. We have 40 years of experience that proves (to anyone with a mind) that it's bullshit. During that period, there have been good times and bad for corporations, high profits, low profits but one thing has remained constant, wage growth has been flat even during periods of high productivity. In the past few years, corporations have gained big profits and held record levels of cash. Did they invest? No. And they didn't increase wages. What they have done though is a lot of stock buybacks and increases to executive compensation.

      Larry loves to cite Reagan on tax cuts. The only thing Reagan did was help destroy the unions and that was hardly a good thing for the middle class and wages.

      Hassett and Kudlow are also talking up tax cuts because it will help promote the repatriation of corporate profits being held overseas. Another bullshit theory. We saw what happened when in 2004 when Bush tried it.
      First, the amount repatriated was far less than projected which only makes sense given that it's smart for companies to invest in countries where their products are bought and in some countries they are forced to invest there if they want access to the local market. However, the main problem was what was done with the profits that were repatriated.

      Studies indicate that the tax losses associated with the repatriation produced few measurable results. The same studies indicate that only about 2% of the money returned was used for additional investment even though the repatriation rules written into the law demanded that the money returned be used for investment. This was made possible by the fact that money is fungible. It was a simple matter to manipulate records to show that the repatriated money was all used for investment by using it to replace money previously already allocated for those same investment and shifting the previously allocated resources for other uses. The bulk of the freed up money was used for stock buybacks and executive compensation. And that was the short term effect.

      Long term, history shows that the repatriation program did nothing to stop companies from storing profits overseas. Why change things when under current practice you can count on another tax holiday in a decade or so.

      And thus it goes. The few get richer on the backs of the many and Larry and Kevin and Trump (and Doug?) think its the greatest thing since white bread.


    4. .

      And don't even get me started on dynamic scoring.


    5. Yeah, I agree with Doug, let's pass on the dynamic scoring rant.


  10. — President Trump on Sunday laced into Senator Bob Corker, a Republican whose support the president will need on tax reform and the future of the Iran nuclear deal, saying on Twitter that the senator had decided not to run for re-election next year because he “didn’t have the guts.”

    “Senator Bob Corker ‘begged’ me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee,” Mr. Trump wrote. “I said ‘NO’ and he dropped out (said he could not win without my endorsement).”

    Mr. Trump also said that Mr. Corker had asked to be secretary of state. “I said ‘NO THANKS,’” Mr. Trump wrote.

    Mr. Corker offered a barbed response. “It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center,” he wrote on Twitter. “Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

    A step up from "The Apprentice".
    No doubt that the 'Emasculated President' is proud of the ratings.

    He does believe the show is going to be renewed.

    "John Kelly is one of the best people I've ever worked with," Trump told reporters. "He's doing an incredible job, and he told me for the last month he loves it more than anything he's ever done. ... He will be here, in my opinion, for the entire remaining seven years."


    1. Trump's claim that Corker 'begged' for endorsement is false, sources say

      President Donald Trump's tweets Sunday morning claiming he denied Sen. Bob Corker's request for an endorsement are false, two sources familiar with the discussions said.

      Trump told Corker he was going to endorse him the day the Tennessee Republican announced his intention to retire, the sources said.

      "The President called the senator early last week and asked him to reconsider his decision not to seek re-election and reaffirmed that he would have endorsed him, as he has said many times," one of the sources said.

  11. Turning to important news -


    A Che Guevara loving sellout....

    .... but he really doesn't know his Che, cause Che didn't think much of folks like Kaepernick.....

    1. You decide -

      Colin Kaepernick ‘Planning On Standing For The National Anthem’ (Now Reporter Claims It Wasn’t Discussed)
      JOHN SEXTONPosted at 3:31 pm on October 8, 2017

      There doesn’t seem to be any video of Kaepernick explaining his sudden change of heart. This statement comes via CBS Sports reporter Jason LaCanfora who says he spent several hours talking to Kaepernick Saturday. “He’s not planning on kneeling,” LaCanfora said, adding, “He’s going to donate all his jersey sales and he’s planning on standing for the anthem if given the opportunity.” Here’s video of the interview with LaCanfora:.....


  12. Wonderful long rant, Quirk, really excellent !

    1. Some of your fire really ought to be aimed at the Congressional Republicans, though, at least some of the Republican Senators.

      In case you have forgotten, we do have a Legislative Branch, which is vital for lots of stuff, without the support of which the Pres has all sorts of difficulties.

    2. Repubs are held harmless in Quirkland.

      Reality does not intrude in Dickville.

    3. Dickville: aka MSM all day every day.

  13. The French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the English, the Italians, all those sea faring European nations got a leg up with the ocean sailing ship, and gun powder.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that all European colonialism was bad, though.

    It wasn't.

    Be cautious in your discernment, or you might end up defending human sacrifice by the Aztecs, for instance, and other such 'cultural practices'.

    1. Now they're being invaded by ship courtesy of the EU.

    2. The Az seemed to be of the opinion that the sun wouldn't rise unless someone's beating heart was pulled out of some chest each day.

      In this, they have been proven wrong, to the delight of many a living beating human heart.

    3. I'm still celebrating indigenous saints day.

    4. So am I.

      I am recalling that indigenous fellow Lewis and Clark met when they came back from the Pacific, who had just come back from a war party, with a necklace of human scalps around his neck.

    5. (Inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, pioneering, resourceful, enterprising, inspired.)

    6. Thinking it over, I'm glad THE LAW finally got something of a grip.

    7. Indigenous:

      "originating or occurring naturally in a particular place" a mushroom.


    1. ...First thing I thought when I read "Pence Walks" was that he quit.


    2. Jesus Christ: "Faux News" is now 10 thousand tweet quotes saying less than nothing.


    3. ""After sitting down with Colin Kaepernick for several hours, @JasonLaCanfora says the QB is still actively trying to play in the NFL," NFLonCBS tweeted Sunday, including a video."

      What I would give to spend several hours with Colin Kaepernick.

  15. Turkish President Admits He’s Holding Americans Hostage
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 9:31 am on October 8, 2017

    1. Also holding his hand over Quirk's anus, trying to save him from death by cancer.

  16. It's a nightmare -

    Alan Dershowitz: Trump's 'calm before the storm' is a message to North Korea and Iran
    Alan Dershowitz

    FILE - This undated file photo distributed by the North Korean government shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at an undisclosed location in North Korea.

    Reporters continue scratching their heads about what President Trump meant when he spoke of the “calm before the storm” Thursday as he was hosting a dinner for military commanders and their spouses. It seems clear to me that he was sending a powerful message to North Korea and Iran: change your behavior now, or prepare to face new but unspecified painful consequences.

    North Korea and Iran are taking the measure of President Trump to see how far they can push him and how much they can get away with. The North Koreans continue testing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles and threaten to launch a nuclear attack on America and our allies that could kills millions. Iran is likely engaging in activities that could contribute to the design and development of its own nuclear explosive device.

    If these worrisome actions by the two rogue nations persist, there will be a storm. And as candidate Trump said during his campaign for the White House, he will not tell our enemies what kind of storm to expect – only that he will not allow current trends that endanger our national security and that of our allies to continue unabated.

    The president must make some difficult decisions: whether to continue to rely on economic sanctions that don’t appear to be working against North Korea; and whether to refuse to certify Iranian compliance with the bad nuclear deal and demand that additional constraints be placed on the Islamic Republic’s dangerous and provocative activities.

    President Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to decide whether to certify Iranian compliance with the nuclear agreement, which is designed to keep it from developing nuclear weapons for the next few years. News reports say he is expected to refuse to make that certification.

    U.S. policy toward both Iran and North Korea is closely related, because we must prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club and becoming another, even more dangerous version of North Korea.

    The sad reality is that even if Iran were to comply with the letter of the nuclear agreement, it will still be able to develop the capability to build up a vast nuclear arsenal within a relatively short time. This is the fundamental flaw of the agreement.

    And Iran claims that the nuclear deal permits it to refuse to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect military facilities. This has led the IAEA to conclude that it cannot assure the world that Iran is not even now designing and developing a nuclear arsenal with missiles capable of delivering them to American allies in the Mideast and Europe, and soon the U.S. itself.......

    1. I'm sticking with nookie.

      I came into this world as a reject
      Look into these eyes
      Then you'll see the size of these flames
      Dwellin on the past
      Its burnin' up my brain
      Everyone that burns has to learn from the pain
      Hey I think about the day
      My girlie ran away with my pay
      When fellas come to play
      No she stuck with my homeez that she fucked
      And I'm just a sucker with a lump in my throat
      Hey, like a chump
      Should I be feelin' bad? No
      Should I be feelin good? No
      Its kinda sad I'm the laughin' stock of the neighborhood
      You would think that I'd be movin' on
      But I'm a sucker like I said
      Fucked up in the head, not!!
      Maybe she just made a mistake
      I should give her a break
      My heart will ache either way
      Hey, what the hell
      Watcha want me to say
      I wont lie that I cant deny

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

      Why did it take so long?
      Why did I wait so long, huh
      To figure it out? but I did it
      And I'm the only one underneath the sun who didn't get it
      I cant believe that I can be deceived
      By my so called girl, but in reality
      Had hidden agenda
      She put my tender heart in a blender
      And still I surrendered
      Hey, like a chump

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

      I'm only human
      Its so easy for your friends to give you their advice
      They tell you to let it go
      But its easier said then done
      I appreciate it
      I do, but just leave me alone
      Leave me alone
      Just leave me alone!!
      Just leave me alone!
      Aint nothin' gonna change
      If you can go away
      Im just gonna stay here and always be the same
      Aint nothin' gonna change
      If you can go away
      Im just gonna stay here and always be the same
      Aint nothin' gonna change
      If you can go away
      Im just gonna stay here and always be the same

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

      I did it all for the nookie
      Come on
      The nookie
      Come on
      So you can take that cookie
      And Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!
      Stick it up your, yeah!

    2. To those whom it may concern:

      Don't stick a cookie up your anus.

  17. .

    I see Lefty and Fudge are edging back to their anus fixation. It appears the Twins are getting ready to formally come out of the closet.


    1. Yup.

      After 35+ years of marriage, and another birthday coming up, I'm seriously thinking about finally coming out of the closet.

      Another bases loaded home run by the Bar's shrink.

    2. Heh !

      Top that, if you can.


    3. .

      After 35+ years of marriage, and another birthday coming up, I'm seriously thinking about finally coming out of the closet..

      It's probably time. Lefty should think about it too. One more excuse to whine about being a victim.


  18. UPDATE: CBS Sports' Jason La Canfora clarified that he did not speak to Colin Kaepernick about standing for the national anthem specifically.

    Wanted to clarify one thing regarding @Kaepernick7. When I was asked about his whether or not he would sit or stand for anthem ...

    — Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) October 8, 2017
    Standing for Anthem wasn't something that I spoke to Colin about sat. I relayed what had been reported about him standing in the future...

    — Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) October 8, 2017

  19. I'm glad I'm not President, and you should be glad you're not President, too.

  20. Harvey Weinstein Fired From The Weinstein Company
    Board of directors issued a statement on Sunday
    Sharon Waxman | October 8, 2017 @ 4:13 PM

    I'm glad Harvey's not President.

    1. Doug also got fired from The Doug Company.

      Harvey Waxmanstein

    2. It's all your own fault.

      You put the wrong guy on the Board of Directors.

      You shoulda known better.

      If you can stand the climate I can find place for you here.

    3. "“In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company – Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar – have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately.”"


      Any rumors that liberal "jews" controlled Hollywood are completely erroneous.

    4. "More ugly stories continued to dribble out over the weekend, including a vulgar report by a news anchor that Weinstein masturbated in front of her and other stories of inappropriate propositions."

      I always wanted to do that.

  21. MTWGA

    Make The World Great Again.

    (Have to explain our foreign policy to Deuce and Quirk.)


    Cam Inman‏Verified account
    #49ers Eric Reid on VP Mike Pence exit:

    "This was like a PR stunt. This is what systemic oppression looks like"


  23. I thought New Orleans and the World was doomed?

    1. Guess we're suffering from a Tropical Depression.


    2. Tropical Depression Nate

      The NHC has issued its final advisory on this system. Public Advisories from the Weather Prediction Center will provide updates as long as the system remains a flood threat.

    3. Glad I evacuated to my tube atop Haleakala.

    4. You are unlikely to get flooded out in your lava tube redoubt.

      All you got to worry about is a volcanic eruption.

  24. "California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic..."

    aka: Poop in the streets.

    See: San Francisco

    1. No thanks.

      I'm never going to San Francisco again.

    2. Or Oakland, or Berkeley, or LA.

    3. If I ever go to California again, it's Truckee, for me.

      All seems well today in Truckee, not a turd on the sidewalks anywhere -

    4. A car just exited the gas station, and turned right.

    5. Two people were jaywalking.

    6. I missed that.

      That is unusual, in my limited experience.

      You've been watching for years, and no doubt have a better eye than I.

  25. Report: Student punches man in the face after he 'grabbed her crotch' in Isla Vista

    A 22-year-old UCSB student reportedly punched a man in the face after deputies say he grabbed her crotch without permission Saturday night.

    The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office says the woman was walking home in the 6600 block of Del Playa Drive around 8:50 p.m. when she recalls a man walking up from behind her and grabbing her crotch over her clothing.

    Deputies say she then turned around and punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

    She then took off and called the sheriff's office when she got home.

    Police are asking the public for help locating the man.

    1. I always wanted to do that also.

      (W/O the punch in the face.)

  26. After she floored him, she should have kicked him in the balls about a dozen times.

  27. Freight Train going through Truckee right now.

    1. I wonder if that's a daily train.

      Must try to remember to check tomorrow at about 5:20 pm.

    2. Damn !

      Too bad.

      It was exciting.

      Try it tomorrow about 5:20pm.

      I'm betting it's a daily.

  28. On Sunday, Kaepernick's girlfriend, radio personality Nessa Diab, took to Twitter.

    "The reports that Colin will stand for the anthem are completely false! He has never discussed this with anyone," she posted.

    Kaepernick retweeted Diab's message.

    1. Bless Twitter.

      Without Twitter we wouldn't have a clue about all the meaningful things going on.

  29. Scary Airbus 380 landing in cross winds -


  30. Dr. Seuss Museum Mural to Be Replaced After Authors Claim Illustration ‘Racist’

  31. Authors Mike Curato, Mo Willems, and Lisa Yee signed a letter that said the illustrations portray “deeply hurtful” racial stereotypes about the Chinese. The complaint posted to Twitter reads:

    We recently learned that a key component of this institution honoring Dr. Seuss features a mural depicting a scene from his first book, ‘And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,’ and within the selected art is a jarring racial stereotype of a Chinese man, who is depicted with chopsticks, a pointed hat, and slanted slit eyes. We find this caricature of ‘the Chinaman’ deeply hurtful, and we have concerns about children’s exposure to it.


    I sued a guy who took a picture of me clearly showing my round eyes.

  32. The last two years, however, have seen Harvey Weinstein's golden touch wane. The company he runs with his brother had endured a tough run at the box office.

    TWC's upcoming slate includes The Current War (Nov. 24), an industrial-age drama starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Thomas Edison and Michael Shannon as George Westinghouse; Paddington 2 (Jan. 2); The Upside (March 9); and Mary Magdalene (March 30).

    A response to a message to Weinstein's attorney, Charles Harder, for comment from the mogul steered media requests to Sallie Hofmeister of strategic communications firms Sitrick and Company, who told The Hollywood Reporter: "I can’t reach him at the moment. He’s unavailable. Apologies."

    1. One view is that he's running out of money after all those settlements.

      Poor Harvey.



    3. Ann Coulter ✔ @AnnCoulter

      Merle Streep on Trump: "Evil prospers when good men do nothing" ... Like she did for 20 years, winning Oscars.

    4. If Harvey needs a job, I know a hog farmer that has a suitable position.

  33. I got pissed for seeing a Swedish woman stereotyped with blond hair and blue eyes.

    I felt very hurted.

    1. She was stuffing her pie hole at a smorgasbord, too.

    2. We need nationalized hurt insurance.

    3. Here are a few -;_ylt=A86.J7waztpZ5zgAJ5EPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByZDNzZTI1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=beautiful+Swedish+women+at+smorgasbord&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt

    4. NHI - good idea, Dougo.

      It's the government's job to make life as pleasant as possible, after all.

    5. And here's what we can do to help the Government along -

      Join us for a free event onThursday, October 12th at 6:30 PMto hear former Senator
      and current Convention of StatesSenior Advisor Jim DeMint
      Convention of States Idaho presents
      Senator Jim DeMint!
      How do you restrain a government that doesn’t want to play by the rules?

      Time and time again, we’ve been told that changing the government is as simple as
      voting elected officials out and replacing them with someone new.

      With Congress having an average disapproval rating of 72%, it's clear this approach
      is not working.

      What if there was a more effective way to take back control of our country and limit
      the influence of Washington D.C. in our everyday lives?

      Join us for a free event on Thursday, October 12th at 6:30 PM to hear former Senator
      and current Convention of States Senior Advisor Jim DeMint present a solution as big
      as the problem: an Article V Convention of States.

      When: Thursday, Oct 12, 2017
      Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. MT
      Where: Dick Eardley Senior Center
      690 Robbins Road, Boise, ID

      Light refreshments and a Q&A session will be held following Senator DeMint’s speech.


      Michael Kohl
      Convention of States Idaho
      State Director (
      (208) 940-3019

      Janis Helfman
      Convention of States Idaho
      Assistant State Director (
      (714) 448-5546
      RSVP (
      Stand with us as we fight for
      Our Faith, Our Family, Our Land, Our Freedom!

  34. "He knew our team has had the most players protest," Reid told NBC Sports Bay Area. "He knew that we were probably going to do to it again.

    This is what systemic oppression looks like. A man with power comes to a game, he tweets a couple things out and leaves the game with an attempt to thwart our efforts."

    President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter after the start of the game that he requested Pence to "leave the stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country." In the same tweet, Trump said he was "proud" of Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence, who was also in attendance.

    1. It's terrible, the systemic oppression suffered here in the USA.

      It's as bad as in North Korea, perhaps worse.

    2. And no one, not even the Vice-President, ought to be allowed to just up and freely walk out of a national sporting event.

  35. The NFLPA has released a statement defending protests and players' constitutional rights in the wake of Jerry Jones' comments.

    "We should not stifle these discussions and cannot allow our rights to become subservient to the very opinions our Constitution protects," the statement says. "That is what makes us the land of the free and home of the brave."

    1. I'm good with "We should not stifle these discussions" but the rest might use a little editing for clarity's sake.

  36. Crown Prince of the Swampers.

    Pence and second lady Karen Pence traveled to Indianapolis from Las Vegas for the game Sunday, and flew to California after the game, according to NBC News reporter Vaughn Hillyard.

    Pence quickly walked out of the game after NFL players kneeled during the national anthem. The move is facing criticism, with one Indianapolis sports columnist accusing Pence of using the game as a political stunt.

    CNN reporter Kevin Liptak tweeted Sunday that the aircraft Pence takes can cost over $42,000 an hour to operate, meaning that Pence’s trip could cost upwards of $250,000.

  37. Send the bill to Colin Kaepernick.

  38. I should have exerted my rights at every job I had and told all my bosses to go fuck themselves.

  39. Tennessee devastated by Nate's 35 mph winds.

    All those who did not evacuate New Orleans perished.


  40. Gay Coffee Shop Owner Screams Profanities at Christians – Kicks Them Out of Building (Video)Q

    Hope he crams a lawsuit up their ass, too.

    1. He had a better idea:

      The angry far left homosexual and owner of Seattle’s Bedlam Coffee screamed at the Christians,

      “I like a**. I’d f*ck Christ in the a**.”

    2. Now that's the proper way to deliver Service in a lawsuit.

      None of this having the Sheriff officially serve the papers, hand to hand.

    3. No ink signing necessary.

      The DNA itself is proof enough of service.

    4. Borgman then asked activist Jonathan Sutherland whether he would “tolerate” a sex act between two men.

      “Can you tolerate my presence? Really?” the owner asked. “If I go get my boyfriend and f**k him in the a** right here you’re going to tolerate that? Are you going to tolerate it?”

      “That would be your choice,” Sutherland replied.

      “Answer my f***ing question!” Borgman yelled back. “No, you’re going to sit right here and f***ing watch it! Leave, all of you! Tell all your f**king friends don’t come here!”

      As the group prepared to leave, one of the women in the group told Borgman, “Just know that Christ can save you from that lifestyle.”

      “Yeah, I like a**,” the owner spat. “I’m not going to be saved by anything. I’d f**k Christ in the a**. Okay? He’s hot.”

      Another woman then told him that she would pray for him.

    5. At least he appreciates Christ's appearance.

    6. ...and his ass, but that goes without saying.

    7. Kalambong Kalambong caperick • a day ago

      When Christian bakers refused to bake a cake for gays, they were sued and found guilty

      When gay coffee shop owner who admits Jesus Christ was hot and that he'd f99k Christ's a99, chase a group of Christians out of his coffee shop, he becomes an instant 'hero'

    8. You two do have an anal fixation

    9. Doesn't St. Paul somewhere admonish Christians to not overly rely on the courts ?

      Quirk should know the answer to this, knowing the Bible and our court system.

      Quirk, doesn't St. Paul somewhere admonish Christians to not overly rely on the courts ?

    10. I'd say the gay fuck has an anal fixation.

    11. It's a banal fixation, not an anal one.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels has seemingly admitted the show chose not to roast Harvey Weinstein because the embattled film heavyweight is from New York.

    When Michaels was asked as he was leaving SNL’s after-party at 4am why the show avoided the Weinstein controversy, the producer smiled and responded: ‘It’s a New York thing.’

    The show had earlier been criticized for not mentioning the sexual harassment allegations leveled against Weinstein this week.

    But has since learned that the cast did try out a Weinstein joke during dress rehearsal – it just never made it to air.

  42. Harvey is God AND "The Punisher" according to Streep:

  43. Have MAGA caps pushed out Pussyhats ?

    I see MAGA caps all the time but haven't seen a Pussyhat in months.

    1. I saw a poll about this issue recently but can't find it now.

      MAGA caps were vastly more popular now than Pussyhats, like by 3 or 4 to 1.


      ....The MAGA hat, on the other hand, might seem like the complete opposite: assembled in Southern California and distributed on the Trump web site for $25, it appears to be a prototypical example of mass production. But hats and other MAGA merch sold in D.C. didn’t always come from directly from the official campaign: they came from places like China, Vietnam, and Honduras. Indeed, a quick search on Taobao reveals a number of such merch, each sold by individual suppliers, sometimes with additional flourishes and touches. En masse, they lack the personal touch of the handknitted pink hats, but what they have in common is multiplicity. There was also no one MAGA hat, but an endless array of variations on sale, some official and many more from multiple manufacturers and distributors.

      Nor does the MAGA hat end there. At the March, a number of people wore bright red baseball caps amidst the pink pussyhats. Looking closely, they contained remixes of the phrases, like “NO H8 in Our State,” a reference to North Carolina’s Proposition HB2; “WTF America?”; and “Make America Mexico Again”, a satirical project by activist and artist Jeronimo SaldaƱa, who created a number of remixes with the help of crowdfunding site Go Fund Me. I even met one woman with a red cap that said “Unity, Clarity and Agility”, and she said she owned the cap long before 2016, but it still suited the March’s themes of resistance. Many of these hats rely on custom printing services, which operate in similar ways to the original Nike Project: people can go online, throw together a quick phrase the same way they might throw together a quick video cut or tweet, and pretty soon have their own hats and t-shirts for whatever slogan, color and design they like. There seem to be as many Nasty Woman hats as there are Deplorables ones available online.

      It may be a matter of production techniques.

      The MAGA cap is easier and cheaper to make than the more expensive often hand made soft warm Pussyhat.

  44. Anything written by The Great Hugh should be read closely, and attentively -

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Saudi Arabia and the Kurdish Referendum

    By Hugh Fitzgerald - on October 8, 2017

    ....But the most important reason for Saudi Arabia to wish not just for that Kurdish referendum, but for an independent Kurdish state carved out of northern Iraq, is the effect it would inevitably have in Iran, both directly on Iranian Kurds, and through them, on the three other main minority peoples, the Azeris, Baluchis, and Arabs, all of whom have a history of insurrection against their Iranian overlords, and who might be similarly inspired by the Kurdish example in Iraq to renew their previous attempts at greater autonomy, or even for secession, from Tehran. Thus, the Azeris could hope to become part of an enlarged Azerbaijan (there are more Azeris in Iran than in Azerbaijan), the 1.8 million Baluchis in Iran could attempt to join the more than 8 million of the world’s Baluchis who are just across the Iranian border in Pakistan and would welcome them as part of the Province of Baluchistan (Iran’s attempt to prevent this could possibly pit Pakistan against Iran), and the Arabs of Khuzestan, who have been in a state of unrest for nearly a century, might now, with Iran’s military spread thin overseas, possibly hope to secede in order to avoid what they describe as the “anti-Arab racism” and ceaseless repression of the Persians. Having a population of five million — Tehran hasn’t released any figures since 2002, when it dubiously claimed there were only 1.8 million ethnic Arabs — the Khuzestanian Arabs could aim for secession and independence, possibly joining, and being militarily supported by, the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, that is, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman. Iran, of course, cannot possibly permit Khuzestan to secede, because it desperately needs those oilfields, and will do whatever it takes to hang onto them. Forcing Iran to keep a lid simultaneously on its unhappy Kurds, Azeris, Baluchis, and Arabs, who constitute 35-50% of Iran’s population, while it finds itself also having to continue its support to Assad, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, would be the most effective way to weaken Iran. So important is that goal to the Saudis, that it has even led, especially in intelligence matters, to a tacit understanding, and cooperation, with Israel.

    The Saudis do not seek an open quarrel with Iraq or Turkey on the question of Kurdistan. They would gain nothing, and could only make enemies, by publicly coming out on the side of the Kurds. But they may take quiet satisfaction in the results of that referendum, and even more in the expressions of delight by Iranian Kurds that have been reported. And so should the American government, for when it comes to Iran, our mortal enemy, the Kurdish matter, question, problem, call it what you will, can be a gift that keeps on giving.

    1. Anyone that thinks the Saudis are our "friend" and the Iranians our "mortal enemy" is a first rate fool

  45. Hugh Fitzgerald: Snapshots From A Muslim Photographer (Part 1)


    From a report this July at the Huffington Post:

    A Muslim photographer is working on an ambitious project that he hopes will tackle stereotypes about American Muslims and showcase the community’s rich diversity.

    Since the fall of 2015, Carlos Khalil Guzman has been using his free time and his own funds to travel across the country to interview an array of Muslims. In the series, titled “Muslims of America,” Guzman is attempting to capture portraits of Muslims from all 50 states in the country. The series includes people of different sects of Islam, ethnicities and backgrounds ― from Native American Muslims to Syrian refugees to queer Muslims.”

    Frustrated by a lack of diversity and representation of Muslims in the mainstream media, Guzman said he decided to create a project that would help people learn about the many ways American Muslims practice their faith.

    “I wanted to be proactive about it,” Guzman told HuffPost. “We need to find our own ways to educate people.”

    Guzman, a 28-year-old photographer of mixed ancestry from Brooklyn, New York, is an activist and a revert to Islam. He started exploring the religion in college, after getting to know Muslim activists through different networks on his campus. He found in Prophet Muhammad an example of what it means to be tolerant, charitable and compassionate ― and realized that Islam reinforced his own beliefs about social justice.

    Prophet Muhammad is an example of what it “means to be tolerant, charitable, compassionate”? May we beg to differ? Are we allowed to mention.......(endless mentions follow)

  46. Anyone who doesn't take seriously the chants coming from Iran of "Death To America, Death To Israel" is not thinking seriously.

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