Saturday, October 07, 2017

Charges of Fraud, Falsifying of documents , Theft and Criminal Misconduct against Democrat House Members

House Democrats ordered the systematic falsification of records showing how they spend their taxpayer-provided office budgets, according to lawyers for two former House information technology (IT) aides.

 The Daily Caller

It’s a remarkable accusation that pits sitting lawmakers against the former aides, Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and his wife Hina Alvi. Imran was arrested in July while trying to board a flight to Pakistan, and then indicted on four counts of bank fraud involving moving money to that country. Imran and Hina, who was also indicted, face a court date Friday.

One of Imran’s lawyers, Aaron Page, acknowledged the invoicing discrepancy Aug. 21, telling The Daily Caller News Foundation, “This is just how things have been done for forever. This is what experienced members of Congress expect: to expedite things, they adjust the pricing.”

If members or senior staff instructed IT aides to misrepresent how budgets were spent, that could potentially explain why officials have not charged the Awans with crimes related to procurement, even a full year after House authorities gathered documentation showing invoices that claimed expensive technological items cost $499 instead of their true price: potentially an open-and-shut violation.

“The only reason you’re not seeing charges is because the Democrats who employed him are not cooperating,” a senior Republican congressional official with direct knowledge of the probe told TheDCNF last month.

He was initially surprised by seeming recalcitrant to enforce House rules, the official said, and eventually saw it as supporting the idea that members might fear that an investigation into rogue staffers could ultimately implicate members or senior staffers in procurement misconduct.

House-wide administrators take a periodic inventory of all equipment over $500, but items listed as less than that amount can more easily go missing. The difference in the price was made-up to the vendor, CDW Government, by wrongly inflating the cost of a “service plan.” The cost for the equipment’s service plans did not count toward triggering any internal tracking. Service plans are costs associated with support in case something breaks.

Some of the equipment was shipped to the Awans’ homes, and many pieces of equipment could not immediately be produced when investigators asked to see it, the senior congressional official told TheDCNF.

An allegedly lackadaisical approach is especially troublesome because procurement violations are not the only focus of the probe into the Awans. The Washington Post reported that investigators found the crew accessed a server 5,400 times without authorization and transferred “massive” data off of the House network. Democrats are potentially letting Imran get away with security breaches to keep the procurement issues from being looked into, the senior official told TheDCNF.

“We will never know the amount of penetration these guys had unless [the offices] do the right thing and come forward,” the official said. Collectively, the Awans and their friend Rao Abbas ran IT for one in five House Democrats, and had access to all their files.

The Washington Post reported Sept. 17 that Abid Awan’s attorney, James Bacon, responded to a question about why orders were falsified to show amounts less than $500 by saying, “In a fluid situation you do what you’re ordered to do.” Any missing equipment, Bacon said, “disappeared after it was brought to the folks who were demanding it. … It sounds to me like there’s a lot of scapegoating here.”

Christopher J. Gowen, one of Imran’s lawyers, added in The Washington Post: “There’s nothing that Imran did that wasn’t requested by one of his clients on House staff.”

Members’ muted response is difficult to square with the fact that Democrats were the ones whose data was in jeopardy and that they have spoken passionately about the importance of cybersecurity, particularly in the context of Russia. Fifteen of the 17 female members of Congress tied to the Awans would not even express concern to TheDCNF when provided with police reports showing multiple women called the cops on Imran, with one saying she felt “like a slave.”

TheDCNF first revealed the details of the long-running procurement issues Aug. 20, including that Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke of New York did not immediately fire Abid after learning that $120,000 of equipment was missing from her office. Her chief of staff instead filed papers to remove the equipment from the inventory, and did not alert authorities or fire Abid until House administrators contacted the office months later to say they would be reviewing that Awans’ actions.

When TheDCNF asked for comment before publication of that story, Gowen replied, “Not one thing you have reported has been even remotely true.” The day after the story ran, Page, one Imran’s lawyers working alongside Gowen, acknowledged, “I certainly wouldn’t say everything is false,” and blamed House members and their staffs.

“That was Chris being Chris and generalization… This is obviously part of the original thing that police are looking into,” he told TheDCNF.

As it relates to the $120,000 write-off, “It had to do with an outgoing chief of staff who — I don’t remember the guy’s name off the top of my head but I think there was potentially some issues there,” Page said, referring to Shelley Davis, Clarke’s outgoing chief of staff, who would have signed off on purchase orders.

“There may be cases on Capitol Hill of other people — certainly not Imran — who are enriching themselves who are taking devices or abusing expense accounts,” Page said. “Potentially, part of that inventory reflects irresponsible practices by other people but none of it was in Imran’s hands. ”
Clarke and Davis have both declined to explain.


  1. You need to go to this link to see the scope of this growing scandal. Check the list of Democrats

  2. A list of members who employed the Awans is at the end of the link. It is interactive and you can see the amounts of money involved. This is not just a Wasserman and Clinton scandal. it goes way beyond them.

  3. Do You Think The House Democrats Are Covering This Scandal Up?

    House Democrats ordered the systematic falsification of records showing how they spend their taxpayer-provided office budgets, according to lawyers for two former House information technology (IT) aides.

    It’s a remarkable accusation that pits sitting lawmakers against the former aides, Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and his wife Hina Alvi. Imran was arrested in July while trying to board a flight to Pakistan, and then indicted on four counts of bank fraud involving moving money to that country. Imran and Hina, who was also indicted, face a court date Friday.

    One of Imran’s lawyers, Aaron Page, acknowledged the invoicing discrepancy Aug. 21, telling The Daily Caller News Foundation, “This is just how things have been done for forever. This is what experienced members of Congress expect: to expedite things, they adjust the pricing.”

    If members or senior staff instructed IT aides to misrepresent how budgets were spent, that could potentially explain why officials have not charged the Awans with crimes related to procurement, even a full year after House authorities gathered documentation showing invoices that claimed expensive technological items cost $499 instead of their true price: potentially an open-and-shut violation.

    1. Do you think it is possible Democrats would do such a thing?

    2. As possible as Mr Kushner and his wife using private email for public business.

      As possible as Trump Cabinet members wasting millions of dollars on chartered jets.

      As possible as Mr Trump wanting to do 'busuness' with a sanctioned Russian bank.

  4. The there is the lovely Yvette, shown in video at the head of the post

    TheDCNF first revealed the details of the long-running procurement issues Aug. 20, including that Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke of New York did not immediately fire Abid after learning that $120,000 of equipment was missing from her office. Her chief of staff instead filed papers to remove the equipment from the inventory, and did not alert authorities or fire Abid until House administrators contacted the office months later to say they would be reviewing that Awans’ actions.

  5. Once again, we learn why Obama was historically campaigning for Hillary.

    1. .

      Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet. I must have missed that part.


    By World Tribune on October 5, 2017

    Imran Awan, his brothers and their associates were merely doing what they were “ordered to do” by Democratic members of Congress when the IT aides allegedly falsified records on how the members’ office budgets were spent, according to lawyers for Awan.

    Awan was arrested in July while trying to board a flight to Pakistan, and then indicted on four counts of bank fraud involving moving money to that country. Imran and his wife Hina Alvi, who was also indicted, face a court date on Oct. 6.

    Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan, along with Alvi, and their associates collected more than $5 million in pay from congressional offices, “often drawing chief-of-staff level pay though there is reason to believe many didn’t even show up,” according to The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF), which has been out front on the story.

    One of Imran’s lawyers, Aaron Page, who acknowledged the invoicing discrepancy on office equipment last month, told DCNF, “This is just how things have been done for forever. This is what experienced members of Congress expect: to expedite things, they adjust the pricing.”

    Luke Rosiak of DCNF’s Investigative Group noted that “If members or senior staff instructed IT aides to misrepresent how budgets were spent, that could potentially explain why officials have not charged the Awans with crimes related to procurement, even a full year after House authorities gathered documentation showing invoices that claimed expensive technological items cost $499 instead of their true price: potentially an open-and-shut violation.”

  7. Attorney: House Dems Ordered 'Systemic Falsification'

    TRUNEWS-Oct 6, 2017
    Attorney: House Dems Ordered 'Systemic Falsification' ... the former aides, Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and his wife Hina Alvi.

  8. Notice the sources, those that have not been publishing this?

    1. Not the capitalist press, is that your point.

      Not those that are paid to play the government line?

      No Faux News, NBC or CBS...
      No CNN, no PBS, no Reuters...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin took military aircraft on at least seven occasions without adequate jus

    Secretary of Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin's use of military planes violated rules but was not illegal, his department's inspector general concluded.

    Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin took military aircraft on at least seven occasions without adequate justification, his department’s inspector general said in a report.
    The inspector general said that

    Mnuchin's use of the planes was not illegal but that he had failed to meet rules that require that military flights be used only if the White House determines in advance that doing so is justified by costs or specific security or emergency needs.

    Mnuchin has been criticized for requesting a military aircraft for a trip to Kentucky during which he viewed the solar eclipse and a trip to Europe for his honeymoon in August. He withdrew the request for the honeymoon trip, according to the report from the counsel to the Treasury inspector general, Rich Delmar.

    In total, Mnuchin requested government aircraft for nine trips, one of which was withdrawn and one that is scheduled for later this month. The report, released Thursday, found that each trip was classified as a White House support mission.

    In order to get that classification, the president must have directed the official to take the trip and the department must show that commercial airlines were either not available or cost effective or that there was an emergency need or national security concern requiring military planes
    Delmar found that for the majority of the trips Mnuchin requested, it was “not explicit” that President Trump had ordered the travel, and the department did not provide a detailed analysis of the trip. Most of the requests included a similar line saying the planes were needed “due to scheduling, logistics and secure communications needs.”
    This "single boilerplate statement constituted the whole analysis and justification for designation and use of military aircraft,"

    Yep, there is corruption aplenty in the Federal government.

    We ought to elect someone that can drain the swanp.

    Not enlarge it

  11. .

    Do you think it is possible Democrats would do such a thing?

    Oh, very possible. Perhaps you haven't heard but they are ALL dicks.

    On the other hand, the investigation continues. And I don't expect many of these people to be fleeing the country. And anyone surprised by corruption in D.C. has likely been living in a cave somewhere. The only people who can't be corrupted are the incorruptible and they are in very short supply in D.C.

    But, just as with the investigations into members of the GOP, I can wait for the investigations to end and trials to begin especially given the ongoing hurricane season, conflicts real and potential around the world, nut jobs shooting up crowds of people, and the Detroit Lions starting out 3 and 1.


    1. They ARE all dicks.

      ...except for the INVESTIGATORS, of course!



  12. .

    Pew Research: One Honking Big Poll on the Widening Partisan Divide on Political Values

    Sharp shifts on aid to needy, race, immigration, diplomacy, foreign policy, etc., etc. etc.

    The divisions between Republicans and Democrats on fundamental political values – on government, race, immigration, national security, environmental protection and other areas – reached record levels during Barack Obama’s presidency. In Donald Trump’s first year as president, these gaps have grown even larger.

    And the magnitude of these differences dwarfs other divisions in society, along such lines as gender, race and ethnicity, religious observance or education.

    A new study by Pew Research Center, based on surveys of more than 5,000 adults conducted over the summer, finds widening differences between Republicans and Democrats on a range of measures the Center has been asking about since 1994, as well as those with more recent trends. But in recent years, the gaps on several sets of political values in particular – including measures of attitudes about the social safety net, race and immigration – have increased dramatically.

    Government aid to needy. Over the past six years...


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. .

    Trumponomics 101

    CBO: Federal budget deficit rises to $668 billion

    CBO's 10 year projection is that the Debt will rise from $20 trillion to $30 trillion over the next 10 years.

    The party of fiscal responsibility soldiers on.


    1. CBO's estimate of debt over the next 10 years if Hillary had won -

      $55 Trillion


  15. .

    Insert criticism of Democrats for disposal here.



  16. .

    5 inches of rain.

    World to end.




  17. In other words, if some of the dossier had been substantiated by investigators, things would look . . . just like they look at the moment.

    This is another iteration of the curiosity I’ve raised in connection with the related “unmasking” controversy. President Trump runs the executive branch. He is in charge of classified information. He gets to decide what may be disclosed. If he wanted us to have all the facts about Obama administration use of foreign-intelligence-collection authority to monitor the Trump campaign, disclosure would already have been made. Congress and the public would know what Trump associates had been monitored, which ones had their identities revealed in intelligence reporting, how many times, by which Obama national-security officials, and why.

    Instead, the administration complains about unmasking, but never takes the steps Trump could easily take to expose it as an abuse of power.

    Just like it complains about the dossier, but never takes the steps Trump could easily take to expose it as a fraud.

    None of this would prove collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin. It does suggest, however, that there were good reasons to conduct an investigation.

    — Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute and a contributing editor of National Review.

  18. Louisiana Lafayette 4

    Mighty Vandals 0


  19. Cubs 3
    Nationals 1

    Bottom of fourth

    1. Mighty Vandals taste bitter defeat at the hands of the Ragin' Cajuns:

      Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns 21

      Mighty Idado Vandals 16

      Idiot Vandal Coach Patrino got a technical called on his stupid self towards the end which made all the difference :(:(


      My 79 year old cousin marched with the World Famous Idaho Marching Band today at halftime.

      She was a member of the World Famous Idaho Marching Band for two years when she went to school at U of I.

      Appalachian State up next week for the Mighty Vandies, at Home in the Dome, Vandal Fans world wide.

      Idaho 1 -1 in league play now.


    2. ?ats Win!!!

      Came back in the eighth to win 6 to 3

      Harper and Zimmerman both hit homers

  20. Pooty had a birthday today. He's 65, the official retirement age for Government officials in Rooskia.

    There are 'elections' for Pres. next spring in Rooskia.

    Think Pooty will run ?


    He's been running the show since 1999, no reason to stop now.

    And, the Rooskians really do like the guy, most of them.

    70-80 % favorable rating according to American pollsters.

    Sometimes he shoots, often he poisons his opponents, who have thinned out considerably over the years.

    O Russia !

  21. This is very good, but it doesn't cut and past so I can't give you a taste -

    "I'm very very hopeful for what comes after this, because this" - he said, gesturing toward the woman he had just autopsied - "is pretty awful."

    After a lifetime of it this man, upon retirement, is going to theology school and into the ministry.

    Good read.

  22. Gregg Jarrett: The Trump-Russia 'collusion' and other great hoaxes

    Gregg Jarrett By Gregg Jarrett, Fox News

    Amid the tragic events in Las Vegas this week, what would otherwise constitute a major news event in Washington received only passing notice. Which was perfectly fine with the mainstream media since it would prefer to ignore the news anyway. It does not hew to their carefully constructed narrative of Donald Trump as villain.

    Here is the news: after an exhaustive 9-month investigation, the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee offered no evidence whatsoever that Trump or his associates “colluded” with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Nothing.

    But wait, what about all those media stories which all but indicted and convicted President Trump for “collusion”? Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr said on Thursday that his committee’s findings would contradict some of them. "We will find that quite a few news organizations ran stories that were not factual”, he noted. Gee…what a surprise.

    Yet, in a bizarre twist, the Republican and Democratic co-chairs said that the issue of collusion is “still open”. In other words, they’ve got bupkis… but they still might nose around.

    The nation’s capital leaks like an old rusty bucket. And the torrent of leaks to the media on the multiple investigations into whether Trump colluded with the Russians leaves little doubt that if any evidence exists, we would surely know about it by now.

    Only in Washington can you spend 9-months hunting for evidence, come up empty-handed, yet keep the probe going.....

    1. .

      People don't get convicted on phony leaks.

      Why do the Trumpkins keep whining about this?


    2. It's in our DNA, or course, what the hell do you think ?

      That we come by it naturally, or something ?


    3. 'phony leaks'

      That's why I dun give up my sell phon

    4. But I'm not

      W H I N I N G 'bout it.

    5. (1 in 6 smartphones test positive for fecal matter)

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. .

      DougSun Oct 08, 12:38:00 AM EDT
      I'm an XY kinda guy.

      Well, perhaps. Even after the operations.

      But since you identify as a bubbly XX (some would say a triple X) it's really kind of irrelevant.



  23. On the same day that Rush Limbaugh read my recent column on air, YouTube — in the dead of night — demonetized a large percentage of videos on my channel. My YouTube channel has been around for years with many recordings of very boring village meetings highlighting local Chicago-area corruption. Recently, I started doing reaction videos and comedy and gained a bunch of new subscribers and it's been fun. I don't swear (certainly no "F" words) and there's nothing really controversial unless you count making fun of gender-confused rabid leftists with blue hair "controversial."

    Yesterday, October 5, after Rush read my article on his show, I made a video that included my reaction to him talking about it on the air. It wasn't up for three hours before my videos started getting the dreaded yellow dollar signs — which means YouTube just took away my ability to be paid for them. YouTube made sure that whatever bump in subscribers or views I got from Rush would not benefit me in any way.

    YouTube decided that a video discussing Rush — who broadcasts every day and is paid obscene amounts of money by advertisers — is not "advertiser-friendly." This would be news to Rush's entire staff who are making a living off his advertiser-friendly show that the FCC has allowed for over twenty years.

    Whiny bitch.

  24. YouTube has been going after politically conservative content creators for a long time. Paul Joseph Watson's videos have largely been demonetized along with those of Trump-stumping sisters Diamond and Silk and other big-name conservative talkers.


    1. The article:

      Anal Cancer: The New Gay Epidemic the Media Won't Talk About

      What we have here is a clear warning that putting things into the anus that don't belong there is a very bad idea—and yet the media is unable to report that clearly. Why? Could it be the LGBTQWTF lobby doesn't want them to? Researching the negative effects of anal sex is darn near impossible.

      If you want to know the truth, it still exists on the American Cancer Society's website (at least until the gaystappo find out someone is telling the truth).

    2. OK Bob, you gotta put your foot down:

      No more receptive anal intercourse for Quirk!

    3. You hear that, Quirk ?

      No more receptive anal intercourse for you, Sir !

      You got to relearn being a giver, not a receiver.

      I suggest you hook up with the always eargerly receptive MisDemenoir again.

    4. Or Teen Vogue Editor Philip Picardi.

    5. For the time being, at least, stay away from Felony.

      She might lead you astray.

    6. And, Quirk, stay away from Teen Vogue Editor Philip Picardi.

      He's gay as a goose, and longs to lead you astray.

      As ever, looking out for you.....

    7. .

      I see the twins are projecting again.

      Too much unsupervised playtime in the nursery when small, I suspect.


  25. Teen Vogue Contributing to Delinquency of Minors by Pushing Anal Sex. Where's the Arrest?

    There are laws, you know. Laws all over this country that prohibit you from speaking lewdly to a minor. You will end up on a sex offender list if you show pornography to a minor. Every state has a "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" law. New York (which I chose because of its lax attitude toward any type of morality) has a law that says:

    A person is guilty of endangering the welfare of a child when:
    He or she knowingly acts in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than seventeen years old or directs or authorizes such child to engage in an occupation involving a substantial risk of danger to his or her life or health;  [emphasis mine]

    And yet Teen Vogue is distributing lewd mental porn to kids encouraging them to harm themselves and no one has been arrested. Their recent smut guide to anal sex for minors caused a serious uproar in sane circles, especially from parents with teens who think minors should not be engaging in sex — let alone risky and unhealthy behaviors that lead to high instances of HIV transmission like anal sex. Most parents thought Teen Vogue was a fashion magazine. It turns out it's porn dressed up as "education" with writers who are little more than creeps on the corner wearing trench coats waiting to flash your kid.

    The author of the article, Gigi Engle, is your typical SJW nightmare. She is often written about lovingly by millennial magazines and photographed under soft lighting wearing problem glasses and surrounded by silicone dildos trying to look intellectual.

    If only I had been forward thinking enough to make a career writing about lube and rim jobs for kids, I could be the toast of NYC and published by Simon & Schuster. Perhaps not surprisingly, the editor of Teen Vogue is a gay man who responded to concerned parents like this:

  26. Everything has gotten worse since Hugh Hefner, scumbag, came along.

    And yes I am W H I N I N G.

    'Was good, now heap shit'

  27. Phillip Picardi ✔ @pfpicardi

    Replying to @pfpicardi and 2 others

    to a growing population. Gen Z will be our queerest and most fearless generation yet.

    1. Phil:

    2. And perhaps our last Generation ever.

      The Lord being slow to anger, but just, as has been said.

    3. All I found at your 01:18:00 AM EDT, Doug, was advice on how to get a good price on a Jeep.

    4. .

      That's Doug, or as he's being called lately, Lefty. Trying to earn a little money for that second silicone implant.


  28. Darth Gator Escapes

  29. Muslim IT Staffer Imran Awan ‘Very Strongly’ Wants To Block Review Of Hard Drive, Was Using Alias
    By Pamela Geller - on October 7, 2017


    As the scandal widens and worsens, the media goes to extraordinary lengths not to cover it.

    “Five Capitol Hill technology aides said that members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects who police say victimized them. The baffled aides wonder if the suspects are blackmailing representatives based on the contents of their emails and files, to which they had full access.” (more here)

    VIDEO: Democrat Muslim IT Spy Ring Sent Sensitive Intel to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD
    Rep Steve King: Democrat Muslim IT spy ring is “an enormous act of treason, a lot of people complicit” had access to “all the communication of the Foreign Affairs Committee”

    “Imran Awan ‘Very Strongly’ Wants To Block Review Of Hard Drive, Was Using Alias,” by Luke Rosiak, Daily Caller, October 6, 2017:

    Lawyers for Imran Awan, an ex-aide who ran information technology (IT) for Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, “feel very strongly” that data recovered from a hard drive on Capitol Hill should not be valid as evidence because he put a note that said “attorney client privilege” near it before leaving it in a phone booth, they said in federal court Friday. A police report shows that the backpack contained a laptop with the username “RepDWS,” copy of Imran Awan’s ID, and the notebook.

    Prosecutors revealed that when they arrested Imran at the airport in July as he tried to board a flight to Pakistan, he was carrying a resume with an alias in the Jackson Heights, Queens neighborhood of New York City. Imran may have planned to “relocate” there, seemingly under a different identity, Prosecutors suggested. They said he had wiped his cell phone hours before the arrest, suggesting that he was taking “active measures” to hide evidence.

    Hina Alvi, Imran’s wife, was arraigned on four felony counts of bank fraud. Wasserman Schultz of Florida added Alvi to her payroll after the couple was already the focus of a criminal investigation into misconduct on Capitol Hill.

    Hina handed a U.S. passport to prosecutors, and prosecutor Michael Marando asked if she had a Pakistani passport too. Hina shook her head “no” before her lawyer, Nikki Lotze, acknowledged that Hina did have one, but that it was in Pakistan. Lotze later said the passport was expired, and the judge requested that she try to have it mailed to U.S. authorities.

    The investigation into Imran and his family began when House authorities noticed they were billing expensive equipment to congressional offices and falsely listing the price as exactly $499.99, one penny under the threshold at which equipment is automatically tracked by House administrators. The Awans’ relatives told The Daily Caller News Foundation that similar equipment was being sent to Pakistan. The investigation soon broadened into cybersecurity issues, when authorities found the Awans had accessed a congressional server 5,400 times without authorization and moved “massive” data off the House network, The Washington Post reported in September.

    After they learned of the investigation, prosecutors say the husband and wife tried to go to Pakistan, first wiring hundreds of thousands of dollars there that prosecutors allege was obtained through bank fraud. Authorities have not charged the Awans, as of yet, with crimes related to the original investigation in the House.

    1. Chris Gowen, Imran’s attorney, sought on Friday to preemptively stop prosecutors from using the laptop as evidence as it relates to potential additional charges, saying: “We do expect there being an attorney-client privilege issue in this case… What occurred is a backpack from my client was found, he was trying to get a better signal, there was a note that said attorney client privilege and a hard drive. We feel very strongly about this.”

      A Capitol Police report shows that the laptop was found in a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building after midnight, after Imran had already been banned from touching the House network, and that the laptop had the username RepDWS.

      In an emotional exchange caught on video in May, Wasserman Schultz demanded that the Capitol Police chief return the laptop, saying there would be “consequences” if they did not. She said “if a member loses” equipment, police should not be able to look at it. She hired an outside lawyer to try to block prosecutors from looking at it, invoking the “speech and debate” clause, which covers members’ legislative activity. Two months later, she said it was actually Imran’s laptop and she had never seen it. She did not fire Imran for months after the laptop was found in his backpack, and continued to pay him until his arrest.

      Prosecutors accidentally gave information about law enforcement activities to Imran’s attorneys and claim that they should not have. “Earlier this week, there was the inadvertant disclosure of law enforcement materials to defense counsel,” Marando said. “There may be a motion on that.”

      Prosecutors did not request that Hina wear a GPS monitor, and Imran’s lawyers repeatedly asked for his to be removed. The judge denied a similar request last month.

      The judge said she was open to removing the monitor, partly because of the disparity introduced by prosecutors not requesting one for Hina. “If he’s charged with the same thing, why should I keep him on the GPS monitor?” Judge Tanya S. Chutkan said.

      Hina left the country in March, but Imran’s lawyers said, “Alvi has returned with the children, so the government’s flight risk argument is negated.”

      The judge said, “I will consider reducing [conditions] further, his motivation to flee is lessened when his family is here.”

      Gowen cited “tremendous financial hardship,” but Marando noted the family owned four properties in the U.S. that they sold, and that they were doing a major land deal in Pakistan. “There’s no reason for him to stay in the U.S. with property in Pakistan,” Marando said. “He was [already] going to be in Pakistan away from his wife and kids” for months with the flight arrangements they made before being charged.”

      “I cannot say what goes on in the mind of an industrious person who wants to leave the country,” Marando said. “But he’s traveled to Pakistan numerous times and made numerous wires of significant amounts of money for the purchase of property, potentially to set up a life there. He had on him two cell phones [and a] laptop. One cell phone was wiped two hours before we arrested him. He was taking active measures to [evade] our investigation.”…

      “They found a file called ‘.obliterate’,” Marando said of the iPhone Imran was carrying when authorities arrested him at the airport. “It includes the time it was wiped, which was at 6 p.m.,” hours before he was arrested. Imran had just purchased the phone, Gowen said.

  30. Janet Jackson: Felt Like a Prisoner in Muslim Marriage

  31. Robert "Butt Boy" Peterson pervert reverts to form.
    So sad

    Bob Sun Oct 08, 01:03:00 AM EDT
    You hear that, Quirk ?

    No more receptive anal intercourse for you, Sir !

    You got to relearn being a giver, not a receiver.

    I suggest you hook up with the always eargerly receptive MisDemenoir again

    Butt Boy Peterson learned his 'receptive anal' skills from Uncle Hank

    Really, boobie, you need to stop projecting your inner anal receptor needs here, at the Elephant Bar


  32. Trump is the most powerless president in American history

    Trump wallows in a vat of perks as his broken promises pile up

    Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. ...

    I am happy that I am not the only one who has noticed the powerlessness of Mr Trump

    He is the 'Emasculated President' and it is of his own doing.


  33. Protesters took to the streets of the Afghan capital, Kabul on Friday to demand an end to the “American occupation” as the country marks 16 years since the beginning of the US and NATO invasion.

    Hundreds took to the streets, according to RT’s Ruptly video news agency, shouting anti-American and anti-NATO slogans. Protesters carried banners in both English and local languages, reading “Yankees go home.”

    The demonstration, in which both male and female protestors took part, was organized by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan.

    “We can’t bear occupation anymore,” a member of the Solidarity Party told Ruptly, adding that “every day we witness them (US and NATO) bombing our cities and thousands of innocent people are killed

    Read more:


    The official spelling of the city has always been ‘Pittsburgh.’ In 1758 when the British captured Fort Duquesne from the French, they established their own settlement, naming it Fort Pitt after England’s Prime Minister at the time, William Pitt. General Forbes sent a letter to Pitt informing him of the honor they bestowed on him, and the dateline indicated the missive was written on November 27, 1758, and posted from Pittsbourgh.
    Bourgh is a variant of the word borough, meaning a fortified town, and burgh is a Scottish variant of the same name. For instance one might think that Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, should be pronounced ‘Ed-in-burg,’ but actually it is ‘Ed-in-boro.’ Forbes was a Scot, as were many of his men. So it follows that he would dub the city with a Scottish spelling of the name.

    Documents throughout the late 1700s and early 1800s refer to the area as the ‘Manor of Pittsburgh,’ the ‘Town of Pittsburgh’ or the ‘Borough of Pittsburgh.’ The ‘h’ firmly intact in all referrals.


    As the old song says, ‘Little Things Mean a Lot,’ and that is certainly true when it comes to the correct spelling of Pittsburgh. Why the confusion? It stems from a controversy that occurred nearly 100 years ago when the ‘h’ was nixed. When Pittsburgh was being incorporated as a city in 1816, a printer’s error dropped the ‘h’ from the end, even though the original city charter included it. Throughout the rest of the 1800s ‘Pittsburg’ without the ‘h’ turned up here and there in newspapers and other printed material, but official documents always retained the ‘h.’ Pittsburgh with the ‘h’ was the most common spelling; and it seemed no one much cared about the occasional misspelling, for a while.

    The true challenge came at the end of the 19th century. As the country expanded and technology evolved, the need for standardization arose. In 1890, the United States Board of Geographic Names, which was created to bring consistency to the spellings of locations throughout the country, deemed that all cities ending in ‘burgh’ must drop the ‘h’ in the spirit of uniformity.

    The board even went to so far as to insert a special section in their report citing Pittsburg’s erroneously printed charter documents of 1816 as being correct and stating that the ‘h’ had been added by the post office, multiplying the confusion.

    No matter who was to blame, the board’s action set off a controversy that would rage for 21 years. Although city ordinances and council minutes from those years show that the ‘h’ was retained in all official documents, several newspapers conformed to the directive of the U.S. Board of Geographic Names.

    Some residents were pleased with the decision, but the majority was not.

  35. As to my egregious faux pas, I will share the blame with my overzealous spell-check but take final responsibility for lazy editing.

    Let the record show, that I hoisted the terrible towel upside down and the banner stands corrected.

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