Tuesday, July 25, 2017

You have to see this: Anthony Scaramucci shows Jake Tapper who is wearing the long pants


  1. Don't liberals and our betters in Canada preach and teach that we have it all wrong about Muslims? They tell us you can't judge the many by the crimes of a few. To do so is racist, bigoted, xenophobic

    Here is what our moral superiors say in an unguarded moment:

    AshSun Jul 23, 11:12:00 AM EDT
    "The low-quality, 2.5-minute cellphone video was provided to The New York Times by Archer's office and earlier obtained by Florida Today. It shows a man flailing in the middle of a body of water as the teenagers describe his struggle and laugh at him from the shore.

    One of the teenagers, using an expletive, calls Dunn a junkie. Someone tells him not to expect any assistance: "Ain't nobody going to help you, you dumb bitch. You shouldn't have got in there," he says."

    So American, so 'superior!

    1. Don't liberals and our betters in Canada preach and teach that we have it all wrong about Muslims? They tell us you can't judge the many by the crimes of a few. To do so is racist, bigoted, xenophobic.

      The Hidden Islamic War Series: Muslim Fighters Slaughtering Europeans In World War II
      By Alexander Shah - on July 24, 2017


      Also muzzies in the Spanish Civil....Franco brought them over to Spain from Morocco. Without them, the Spanish Republic may have survived.

      Hitler liked the muzz too, and their methods.

    2. Their methods were akin to those of ISIS.

      What has changed ?

      Not much.

  2. Good to see you are catching on Deuce.
