Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Deep State In US Security Agencies


  1. Replies
    1. BULLSHIT !

      It's Treason.

      What you do is call for impeachment, if that doesn't work you vote the s.o.b. out next election.

    2. I don't want a banana republic.

    3. .


      When Nixon fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus both resigned rather than do the firing.

      Nixon may have had the legal right to fire Cox but Richardson and Ruckelhaus both had the right and the balls to do the right thing and resign rather than become complicit in that act.

      Hopefully, Rosenstein would have the integrity to do the same thing.

      That was what was being suggested.

      As for Congress, it would be up to them to decide what they would do and if Trump's actions would rise to the level of impeaching.

      A banana republic. Good lord, your a peach.

      Read the friggin constitution.


    4. all these threats to "lock up" political opponents is a hallmark of a banana republic. And, gee, who among us here have wailed "lock her up"? over and over again.

    5. AFTER a proper trial, Ash.

      She deserves it.

      I've never called for a coup in the USA.

      The proper remedy is impeachment, or vote the s.o.b. out at the next election.

      "If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right"

      From people calling for a 'coup', for example. From the 'antifa' types....

  2. .

    The Big Whine. Another Excuse. The Dems, the Media, the Deep State, Clinton, Comey, the GOP, anyone but Trump


    1. BobTue Jul 25, 12:32:00 AM EDT

    I wonder if Quirk would equate, as many have, Trump's going to The Boy Scout Jamboree to a Hitler Youth Rally ?

    There was talk of 'loyalty', you know.

    More childish prattle from the English major.

    Who gives a shit? I could care less what jamboree or ‘rally’ Trump attends. I am confident that wherever he goes he will continue to make a clown of himself. So what?

    For the last two months, the only subjects talked about here have been bashing immigrants and complaining about the Trump/Russia story and by corollary (and excuse) Hillary’s non-indictment and the ‘corrupt’ media. That’s all the Trumpkins here want to talk about because it diverts from the things that actually matter. When was the last time there was a discussion here about healthcare or Trump’s proposed tax plan, his budget priorities or the effects of his moves on regulations affecting financial reform or health, safety, and environmental issues, you know, the things that have and will affect most Americans. Nothing. These things don’t reflect the tropes Deuce is trying to establish, that is, that the immigrants coming to this country are the primary reason our traditional ‘Christian’ culture is changing for the worse and that all of Trump’s problems are caused by the media, the Dems, the GOP, the judiciary, and anyone else who doesn’t get it (i.e. who doesn’t provide 100% support to Trump). What bullshit. All of it.

    Trump at a boy scout jamboree, Trump golfing at Mar-a-Lago, Trump and the Russians. The only ones who care about these are the Trumpkins and their counterparts on the left who have nothing more important to talk about. Is it a problem for Trump? Sure. Does it affect most Americans? Hell no.



    1. {...}

      Hillary Clinton? Would it be gratifying to see her in the docks on some of the things she has done or is accused of doing? Sure. Would it provide an inordinate amount of catharsis? Of course. I would imagine her approval ratings are at least as bad as Trump’s right now. However, would it actually affect the lives of most Americans? Fuck no. The swing voters who put Trump over the top could give a shit about Clinton, they could give a shit about Trump and the Russians, they are willing to wait until Meuller does his thing and worry about it then. Let the chips fall where they may. What they care about are the promises Trump made to ‘them’, the promises of things he was going to do for ‘them’, the jobs he was going to create for ‘them’, the things that he has so far done jack shit on.

      Face it, most here support Trump only because of the narrow interests they project onto him. Their problem is that Trump is a totally flawed vessel both in inclination and in temperament. I assume the frustration we see here every day is because of that fact. However, while the Dems and much of the media may take great pleasure in attacking Trump, they are not the actual reason for Trump’s problems. While the judiciary may reject some of Trump’s proposals, ultimately these issues will be decided by SCOTUS. And while the GOP is having a hard time getting its shit together, they have almost universally supported Trump’s proposals and their problem is mostly with the thin margins they have in the Senate. So all this shit we hear daily here is simply bullshit whining by kiddies not getting their way.

      Trump’s biggest problem is Trump. He provides his enemies all the ammunition they need to keep the criticism going on a daily basis. How many times has he come out the same day as some good news story for him and stomped on that story with some wild ass tweet? Lying comes naturally to the guy. Hyperbole is his mother’s milk. He views himself as a king but acts like the court jester. In the end, no one, not the media, not the Dems, not the GOP, no one can corrupt someone who is not already prone and open to corruption. Stop making excuses. Stop whining. Jump on the reality train.


    2. Good screed.

      I plead guilty to wanting a tax cut due to my narrow interests. My bank account is low.

      You should be happy Trump isn't war mongering. He has walked away from Syria. Hillary might have had us in there.

      Count some blessings, Sir !

    3. Hell even Chuck Schumer is saying walk away from all this Russian to-do.

      Hillary was the one that lost the election, he says.

      It wasn't stolen from her by the Russians.

    4. .

      So what.

      Trump's foreign policy is Obama 2.0. Big friggin deal. He's still asking for a 10% increase in military spending, turned the war over to the military, and now they are talking about hiring mercenaries to wage the Afghan war on into perpetuity. The man is a jerk.


    5. .

      Hell even Chuck Schumer is saying walk away from all this Russian to-do.

      Hillary was the one that lost the election, he says.

      It wasn't stolen from her by the Russians.

      Bullshit. As for Hillary, she is irrelevant even to most of her previous supporters. As for the investigation, he is not saying walk away from it. He's saying the same thing I'm saying. Let the various investigations play out to the end. It will take at least a couple more months before it's over. Until you know if or if not anything turns up why worry about it every day when you have so much other shit going on.


  3. We are off to a morning showing of 'Dunkirk'.

    I am taking some shooting ear muffs, and dramamine.

    Will give short report.


  4. QuirkTue Jul 25, 12:21:00 PM EDT


    It's Process.

    Obviously you don't have a clue about the process.

    Refer to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities

    Trump, whether you like him or not is the lawful CEO of the US and has a right to dismiss anyone in the executive branch.

    An ex-DCI promoting insubordination to a lawful order by the POTUS is a chargeable offense.

    Here is how it works:

    * The CIA is an executive branch agency, so ultimately reports to the President

    * The DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

    * The CIA keeps the President informed of national security issues around the globe.

    1. .

      See my response to Bobby above. The same response is meant for your objections.

      Kelly and Clapper are private citizens. The same as Guiliani or Gingrich.

      An ex-DCI promoting insubordination to a lawful order by the POTUS is a chargeable offense.

      My first impulse is to again shout bullshit but I am willing to wait for you to post the section of Executive Order 12333 that refers to ex-DCI's commenting on the actions of some other department head.

      If you are arguing that you have to go against your conscience and commit an act that you consider unconscionable just because it is legal rather than resign, I say that is really fucked up.



  5. The whole purpose of the CIA is to give the Commander and Chief reliable information required by him to protect the USA. It is critical that there is trust and confidence in the process and between the two offices.

    It is astonishing that an ex DCI would undermine that process. No surprise about which shallow-rooted American president appointed him.

    It is incredulous to me that anyone would condone such a situation.

    1. because,
      because, he's KING TRUMP, CEO of the US, Commander in Chief, Pardoner of whom-ever he wants, even himself.

      All bow before the KING, worship him, OBEY!

    2. .

      After your comments here over the last few months, I don't find it the least bit surprising that you would argue that loyalty to Trump even if his orders go against your conscience is more important than refusing, resigning from the job, and holding onto some measure of personal integrity.


  6. Good to see you are catching on, Ash.

  7. .

    Cabinet members don't take an oath to the President of the United States. They take an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States. They may work for the president. They may be fired by him. But the only loyalty they owe is to the Constitution and laws of the US. If they think a president's actions compromise their oath the honorable thing to do would be to resign.


  8. Quirk and Ash:

    An obviously totally corrupt deep state?

    So what?

    Let the "process" play out!

    1. "obviously totally corrupt"? Obviously it is corrupt in the deluded world of Doug but for the rest of us - where is the corruption? Are they selling mining rights, defense contracts, and various other items to buy luxury yachts and the like? or is it simply corrupt because 'the state' leaks like a sieve and now the leaks are not benefitting Trump thus it must be corrupt?

    2. Agree: Hillary selling off 1/3 of our Uranium in return for dollars for Bill defined corruption.

    3. .

      Everyone with any power in the government is Republican at the moment. If they want to go after Clinton, I'm all for it. Go for it. There is zero standing in their way. Just prove it.

      HOWEVER, what happens with Hillary has jack shit to do with what's happening with Trump. If you get stopped by a cop for speeding and your excuse is 'hey, that guy over there was speeding faster than me', how far do you think it will get you?

      I've made no comment on Trump or anyone in his employ, past or present, regarding the Russian thing. I haven't accused him of anything other than being a dummy who is his own worst enemy. However, I have said let the investigations play out. If there is nothing there, move on. If there is something there 'that can be proved' then take whatever is the appropriate action.

      Why can't you get this shit through your head?


    4. I was replying to Ash's comment regarding corruption.

  9. "the only loyalty they owe is to the Constitution and laws of the US"

    Quirk is working on his Good Government Badge.

    1. No loyalty whatsoever to $700,000 in contributions to one's wife.

    2. No bias at all when almost all appointees contributed to Hillary.

      Nothing to see here, let the "process" play out.

    3. .

      Quirk is working on his Good Government Badge.

      And the alternative you offer?


    4. .

      No bias at all when almost all appointees contributed to Hillary.

      Like Trump and all the Trumpkins. Constant whining. Constant innuendo. Never talk about any accusations. Merely character assassinate anyone who is investigating Trump. Have of Trump's team including Trump have contributed to Hillary at one time or another dipshit.


    5. .

      Right, none so blind they won't continue to whine. Never address any issues. Just whine, whine, whine.

      Boo hoo, Doug. Boo hoo.



  10. Does total lawlessness in DC "covered" by a bottomlessly corrupt "news" media affect most Americans?

    Hell No!




    1. cor·rupt

      having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain:
      "unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials"
      synonyms: dishonest · unscrupulous · dishonorable · unprincipled · [more]

      (of a text or a computer database or program) made unreliable by errors or alterations.

      cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain:
      "there is a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts"

      change or debase by making errors or unintentional alterations:
      "Epicurus's teachings have since been much corrupted"
      synonyms: alter · tamper with · interfere with · bastardize · debase · [more]

      Tell us Doug, being a Trumpette and all, would laundering Russian money through allowing anonymous purchases of luxury Condominiums constitute corruption in your world?

    2. You haven't asked for my opinion but I'll give it anyway.

      I'm not sure the law on the topic at this time, trading with Russia, etc., and you aren't either but if it is a criminal act, it's a criminal act.

      Which is lower level misfeasance in my mind than selling USA foreign policy as the Secretary of State.

      Let me ask you in return, Ash, was The Clinton Foundation involved in 'corruption' ?

    3. I don't know. No charges have been laid to date so it appears there is insufficient evidence of corruption. You guys sure have howled about the Clintons over the years and the Clinton foundation was very active so if there is evidence of corruption it will eventually come out.

      It also appears that you guys, and Trump, keep playing the 'Clinton Card' whenever the heat rises. There are active investigations (note the plural) and Trump and his team are subjects of them. I think this Russian condo thing could be very troublesome for them. Deuce's man Trump, in his ever endearing infinite wisdom, has already put himself on record:

      "SCHMIDT: Last thing, if Mueller was looking at your finances and your family finances, unrelated to Russia — is that a red line?
      HABERMAN: Would that be a breach of what his actual charge is?
      TRUMP: I would say yeah. I would say yes. By the way, I would say, I don’t — I don’t — I mean, it’s possible there’s a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"


    4. .

      It's the same B.S. we saw from the Dems when Obama was in office.

      Nothing was ever Obama's fault. The economy, jobs, foreign policy, you name it, it was always Bush.

      You guys play from the same play book as the Dems and then you whine about them doing the same.

      You want to talk about the problems we have? Look in the mirror.

  11. Report on 'Dunkirk' -

    The two movie goers here give it an A+.....

    Not as gory as you might imagine, very very realistic, only two or three women make a brief appearance, one black fighting for the French is briefly sighted, LOTS of swimming, drowning, etc.

    I thought Ariel's Song could have been worked in somewhere, but it wasn't -

    William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
    from The Tempest

    Ariel's Song

    Come unto these yellow sands,
    And then take hands:
    Curtsied when you have, and kiss'd
    The wild waves whist,
    Foot it featly here and there;
    And, sweet sprites, the burthen bear.
    Hark, hark!
    The watch-dogs bark.
    Hark, hark! I hear
    The strain of strutting chanticleer
    Cry, Cock-a-diddle-dow.

    Full fathom five thy father lies;
    Of his bones are coral made;
    Those are pearls that were his eyes:
    Nothing of him that doth fade,
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something rich and strange.
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    Hark! now I hear them—Ding-dong, bell.

    In Act I, Scene II of The Tempest, the "airy Spirit" Ariel is ordered by Prospero to lead the shipwrecked Ferdinand to him. She does this by invisibly singing the above song to gain his attention and guide him by the sound of her voice. The second stanza is of particular relevance to Ferdinand since his father drowned.

    Lots of really well done fighter/fighter/bomber scenes, so realistic.

    Missing ? Any major personality development, human emotional interaction plotting.....though some characters were followed all the way through.

    The time watching it passed very quickly.

    Highly Recommended !

    1. I did not detect evidence of any drop in sperm count among all those involved in the Dunkirk experienc -

      Sperm Counts Have Plummeted Among Western Men, Scientists Confirm

      George Dvorsky
      Today 1:15pmFiled to: HUMAN REPRODUCTION

      Image: Shutterstock

      Something weird is going on with human sperm production. For decades, scientists have warned that sperm counts are dropping among Western men, but no one has really been able to prove it. In what is now the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind, scientists have presented compelling evidence in support of this rather alarming assertion, showing that sperm counts have dropped more than 50 percent in just four decades.

      “Given the importance of sperm counts for male fertility and human health, this study is an urgent wake-up call for researchers and health authorities...”

      The sperm count decline is real and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down, according to new research published in Human Reproduction Update. By conducting a meta-analysis of 185 studies published between 1973 and 2011, researchers from the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai documented a 52.4 percent decline in sperm concentration, and a 59.3 percent decline in total sperm count among men living in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The same declines were not observed among men living in South America, Asia, and Africa, where fewer studies have been performed.

      Both total sperm counts and sperm concentration (i.e. the total number of sperm in a given volume) are good measures of male reproductive ability. The men used in these studies weren’t chosen because of any suspected fertility issues. Alarmingly, the rate of decline does not appear to be stopping; the downward slope was “steep and significant” even when the meta-analysis was restricted to studies done after 1995.....


      Que Industries working out of Detroit, Michigan is on the problem with a new rub on product SquirkSperm SS that is showing excellent results in test subjects.

    2. .

      Does total lawlessness in DC "covered" by a bottomlessly corrupt "news" media affect most Americans?

      The only ones who it affects are those that only read the headlines, that lack the reading comprehension skills to know when they are being fed a line of bullshit, or who lack to mental capacity to be skeptical.

      And who gives a damn about them.


  12. .

    From people calling for a 'coup', for example. From the 'antifa' types....

    Who's calling for a coup except you guys?

    You guys have been calling for nullification of the constitution, for breaking up the union, for emasculating the judiciary, and on and on. The posts Deuce has been putting up about immigration ruining our 'Christian' tradition are bullshit. His post yesterday was a joke. That 'Christian' tradition he is crying about has suffered more from his generation a hell of a lot more than it ever will from any immigrants. The union has more to fear from you guys and your ilk than from the left. Well, that is if you weren't just a bunch of old guys sitting around spending your social security and your Medicare while whining about others doing the same.

    You know what you can do with your 'coup' nonsense.



    1. Pop this in your pie exit hole - :)


      The idea of the sacredness of the individual is rare in human history -- and worth defending.

      July 25, 2017 Walter Williams

      Here's part of President Donald Trump's speech in Poland: "The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?"

      After this speech, which was warmly received by Poles, the president encountered predictable criticism. Most of the criticism reflected gross ignorance and dishonesty.

      One example of that ignorance was penned in the Atlantic magazine by Peter Beinart, a contributing editor and associate professor of journalism and political science at the City University of New York. Beinart said, "Donald Trump referred 10 times to 'the West' and five times to 'our civilization.' His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means." He added, "The West is a racial and religious term. To be considered Western, a country must be largely Christian (preferably Protestant or Catholic) and largely white."

      Intellectual elites argue that different cultures and their values are morally equivalent. That's ludicrous. Western culture and values are superior to all others. I have a few questions for those who'd claim that such a statement is untrue or smacks of racism and Eurocentrism. Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan; is it morally equivalent? In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limitations placed on women, such as prohibitions on driving, employment and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning. Thieves face the punishment of having their hands severed. Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death in some countries. Are these cultural values morally equivalent, superior or inferior to Western values?


    2. During his speech, Trump asked several vital questions. "Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?" There's no question that the West has the military might to protect itself. The question is whether we have the intelligence to recognize the attack and the will to defend ourselves from annihilation.

      Much of the Muslim world is at war with Western civilization. Islamists' use multiculturalism as a foot in the door to attack Western and Christian values from the inside. Much of that attack has its roots on college campuses among the intellectual elite who indoctrinate our youth. Multiculturalism has not yet done the damage in the U.S. that it has in Western European countries — such as England, France and Germany — but it's on its way.

      My colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell reveals some of the problem. He says, "Those in the Islamic world have for centuries been taught to regard themselves as far superior to the 'infidels' of the West, while everything they see with their own eyes now tells them otherwise." Sowell adds, "Nowhere have whole peoples seen their situation reversed more visibly or more painfully than the peoples of the Islamic world." Few people, such as Persians and Arabs, once at the top of civilization, accept their reversals of fortune gracefully. Moreover, they don't blame themselves and their culture. They blame the West.

      By the way, one need not be a Westerner to hold Western values. One just has to accept the sanctity of the individual above all else.


    3. I have never ever called for a coup.

      I have dreamed of voting, along with Montana, Wyoming and we'd welcome British Columbia to leave our sacred union and form a new entity.

      An Idawyotanaexit. We would join NATO and contribute our fair share to the defense of North America.

      Don't throw a hissy fit, it's just a dream, and will never happen.

    4. It expresses a disgust with 'the elites' of both East and West Coast USA, is all.

  13. Reporters asked Scaramucci on Tuesday how he was going to handle White House leaks on Tuesday, to which the former Wall Street financier responded, saying,

    "I'm gonna fire everybody, that's how I'm gonna do it."



  14. A 14-year-old survivor of a deadly car crash in California that was livestreamed on Instagram said she isn't mad at anyone and doesn't blame the driver.

    Instead, Manuela Seja blamed social media, which she said has taken over people's lives and is only going to become more prevalent, television station KSEE in Fresno (http://bit.ly/2v2bYRB) reported Monday.

    "Honestly, I'm not mad at anybody and I don't blame anybody," Seja, who suffered a leg injury, said during an interview with the station. "It's all affected by social media. That's what life is now. And it's going to advance more and more. That what it's going to be about."


    Her father, Nicandro Sanchez, told Fresno television station KFSN (http://abc30.tv/2tSlnpX) he has seen the video.

    "It's an accident," he said. "It happened that way. Who knows why?"


  15. Well, we could all see this coming -

    North Korea Will Have Nuclear ICBM Next Year
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 5:01 pm on July 25, 2017


    T Rex Tillerson is giving himself a vacation.

    I read that as his saying he is thinking of resigning as he doesn't like what he is hearing of the administrations proposed 'solution' to the North Korean problem.

    I am thinking of burying a trailer out at the farm and invite Quirk, Ash, Deuce, Doug, MOME and whoever I have forgotten to join me in case of need.

    Doug already has his lava tube though so he has two options.

    All this is extremely disturbing and insane and I have no idea what to really do about it.

    It is not our fault or The Donald's. He just inherited the situation from all the previous can kickers.

    1. Hmmmm: Rex Tillerson Is Taking A Little Time Off, Says State Department
      ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 3:31 pm on July 25, 2017

      Nothing wrong with a hard-working diplomat recharging via some down time away from the office, but it’s impossible not to notice that this “time off” is happening while rumors are swirling that Tillerson may be on his way out at State.

      SEE ALSO: Trump knifes Sessions again: He endorsed me because I had big crowds in his home state, not because he’s loyal.

      Is that “a little time off” as in vacation or “a little time off” as in a trial separation? A cabinet official who spoke to Erick Erickson confirmed the reports that Tillerson is pissed off at how Trump has treated Jeff Sessions. Yesterday, before Trump escalated the Sessions-bashing on Twitter this morning, CNN cited sources claiming that T-Rex had intended to stay a full year at State but was rethinking that given his manifold frustrations with the White House, just the latest of which is the Sessions matter:

      Tillerson has a growing list of differences with the White House, including a new debate over Iran policy and personnel. His frustration is hardly a secret and it has spilled out publicly at times. But friends sense a change of late…

      Both of these sources are familiar with Tillerson conversations with friends outside Washington. Both said there was a noticeable increase in the secretary’s frustration and his doubts that the tug-of-war with the White House would subside anytime soon. They also acknowledged it could have been venting after a tough week, a suggestion several DC-based sources made when asked if they saw evidence Tillerson was looking for an exit strategy.
      News broke last week that Tillerson had to close the State Department’s war-crimes office. Since then it’s been revealed that he’s closing the Department’s office for the coordination of cyber issues as well. The Free Beacon describes the relationship between the White House and State at the moment as one of “open war”:

      The State Department is said to be in a state of “massive dysfunction,” with top officials working under Tillerson ignoring White House directives on critical staffing issues and key policy matters, according to multiple sources, including administration allies who are said to be increasingly frustrated with what is perceived as the White House’s inability to control its own federal agencies.

      The tensions have fueled an outstanding power battle between the West Wing and State Department that has handicapped the administration and resulted in scores of open positions failing to be filled with Trump confidantes. This has allowed former Obama administration appointees still at the State Department to continue running the show and formulating policy, where they have increasingly clashed with the White House’s own agenda…

      “Foggy Bottom is still run by the same people who designed and implemented Obama’s Middle East agenda,” the source said. “Tillerson was supposed to clean house, but he left half of them in place and he hid the other half in powerful positions all over the building. These are career staffers committed to preventing Trump from reversing what they created.”

      That’s a hell of a time for the man in charge to take a vacation but a quite logical time for him to undertake a trial separation. It could be that he’s weighing whether to resign, knowing that that would drive an already chaotic administration even deeper into chaos with Priebus, Sessions, and McMaster all potentially out the door as well sooner rather than later. Or maybe … Tillerson’s already resigned and the White House asked him to keep it quiet for a few days as they plot when and how to reveal it? If T-Rex really does (or has) quit, I think that all but assures that Trump won’t fire Sessions. Losing one major cabinet member six months in is embarrassing; losing two in a very short span would be a total clusterfark.


  16. Multi-culture ism by the muzz -

    California Imam calls on Allah to annihilate Jews....DRUDGE

    1. First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people....

      One gets tired of it.

    2. Quirk assures us they will assimilate.

    3. .

      Of course they will, and have. In the US.

      You sit by and cheer as Bob and Deuce sort through every web site that makes a living on reporting every attack by a Muslim throughout the world, one quarter of the world's population of 7.5 billion, a population of about 1.6 billion. But working 24/7, when talking of western countries, they come up with less violent deaths than occur in a major American city in a year. And the US is a piker when it comes to murders. Take a look at big cities in Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, whole regions of Mexico.

      Most of the deaths from Muslims comes from internecine violence happening among warring factions of Muslims and are centered primarily in the ME and parts of Africa and affect mainly Muslims.

      The numbers for the US have been put up here before as well as numbers for overall crime statistics by immigrants and refugees. And the numbers are ignored.



  17. O Debbie, Debbie, Debbie -

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT guy reportedly arrested at Dulles, charged with bank fraud
    Posted at 5:35 pm on July 25, 2017 by Brett T.

    Just a couple of days ago, the Daily Caller reported that the FBI has seized smashed hard drives from the home of Imran Awan, the Pakistani-born man who had served as an IT aide to DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    The Daily Caller reported that a source in Congress confirmed that the FBI had joined a Capitol Police criminal probe into “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network” by Imran and three of his relatives, who had access to the emails and files of the more than two dozen House Democrats who employed them on a part-time basis.

    And now, on Tuesday, Fox News is reporting that Imran has been arrested as Dulles International Airport and charged with bank fraud.


    Pakistani muzz....

  18. Q & A ?

    Being Neurotic May Help You Live Longer....DRUDGE

  19. I'm heading to a Trump rally in Ohio....


  20. If Trump hadn't fired Comey, we wouldn't be here.

    If Sessions had not recused himself, we wouldn't be here.

    If Rosenstein wasn't a leftist operative, we wouldn't be here.

    If the press was not an arm of the Democrat Party, we wouldn't be here.

    If, if, if...

  21. Nothing new in the Youngstown, Ohio Trump stump speech that I could see -

    Went on for a little too long perhaps....

    Brought up trying to get the biggest tax cut in USA history through Congress a couple of times.

    Melania did the introduction.

    Packed house.

    All races, ages represented....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Meanwhile, Canada lowers its standards -

    July 25, 2017
    Trudeau government to revise Canada's citizenship test, no longer ban 'barbaric cultural practices' or require a job

    By Thomas Lifson

    Justin Trudeau's government is redefining what it means to be a Canadian, and in the process, he appears to be opening the door for the Islamization of our northern neighbor. The Canadian press has obtained a copy of a draft of a new study guide for Canada's citizenship test, which defines what it means to be Canadian.

    Unsurprisingly, given his progressive inclinations, Justin Trudeau's government apparently does not want to be judgmental about things like female genital mutilation, honor killings, and the need to get a job if you want to come in and be a Canadian. Judgmentalism is reserved for the Yankees to the south, apparently.

    Respecting treaties with Indigenous Peoples, paying taxes and filling out the census are listed as mandatory obligations of Canadian citizenship in a draft version of a new study guide for the citizenship exam.

    The working copy obtained by The Canadian Press suggests the federal government has completely overhauled the book used by prospective Canadians to prepare for the test.

    The current "Discover Canada" guide dates back to 2011 when the previous Conservative government did its own overhaul designed to provide more information on Canadian values and history.

    Some of the Conservatives' insertions attracted controversy, including increased detail about the War of 1812 and a warning that certain "barbaric cultural practices," such as honour killings and female genital mutilation, are crimes in Canada.

    1. Getting rid of both those elements was what former Liberal Immigration Minister John McCallum had in mind when he said early in 2016 that the book was up for a rewrite. But although work has been underway for over a year, there's no date set for publication of a final version.

      In the draft version, the reference to barbaric cultural practices is gone, as is the inclusion of getting a job as one of the responsibilities of citizenship.

      The "refugees" overwhelming Western European countries also mostly reject jobs, despite the fact that most are young men of military or working age. They also tend to reject other elements of integrating and becoming self-sufficient, as Breitbart reported:

      The Swedish government has found that only between three and four percent of newly arrived migrants with a poor standard of education have any interest in attending further schooling or training.

      The new report, which comes from the Swedish Employment Service, shows that only three to four percent of migrants who have come to Sweden in the last two years have shown interest in attending classes to develop their education.

      Annie Rubensson, integration and establishment manager at the Employment Service said that the figures could greatly impact migrants chances of employment Sveriges Radioreports.

      "This means that their chances of getting a job drops significantly," Rubensson said adding, "we are working hard to motivate and we will strengthen our efforts in the guidance to inform about what is required in the Swedish labour market."

      The Canadian draft has other things in mind when it discusses requirements of immigrants:

      Instead, the proposed new guide breaks down the responsibilities of citizenship into two categories: voluntary and mandatory.

      Voluntary responsibilities are listed as respecting the human rights of others, understanding official bilingualism and participating in the political process.

      Obeying the law, serving on a jury, paying taxes, filling out the census and respecting treaties with Indigenous Peoples are mandatory.

      Respecting the human rights of others (unless they are indigenous peoples) is optional! I wonder how Canada's homosexuals and Jews feel about this? Both groups trend progressive. How many will bite their tongues and go along with the dogma?

      Canadians might want to pay attention to Germany, Sweden, Belgium, and other European countries that have welcomed masses of Muslims purporting to be refugees and think carefully about what their government is proposing to do to Canada.


    2. Paying your taxes to fund welfare for those who decline to work or improve themselves is mandatory.

      Respecting the human rights of others (unless they are indigenous peoples) is optional!

      O! Canada !!

    3. Ash was a big Trudeau supporter.

      Even went out during the campaign and worked for him, as I recall.

      Pay your taxes, Ash !

    4. And respect the Indigenous !

    5. The "refugees" overwhelming Western European countries also mostly reject jobs, despite the fact that most are young men of military or working age. They also tend to reject other elements of integrating and becoming self-sufficient, as Breitbart reported:

      The Swedish government has found that only between three and four percent of newly arrived migrants with a poor standard of education have any interest in attending further schooling or training.

      The new report, which comes from the Swedish Employment Service, shows that only three to four percent of migrants who have come to Sweden in the last two years have shown interest in attending classes to develop their education.

      Annie Rubensson, integration and establishment manager at the Employment Service said that the figures could greatly impact migrants chances of employment Sveriges Radioreports.

      "This means that their chances of getting a job drops significantly," Rubensson said adding, "we are working hard to motivate and we will strengthen our efforts in the guidance to inform about what is required in the Swedish labour market."

  24. Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

    The outgoing spy chief needs to be punished for lying, his critics say.



    Part of the "Process" in QuirkWorld

    1. The other liar with Wolf:

      Obama should fire John Brennan

      Washington Post


    2. Let 'the process' proceed, and succeed.

    3. Nice to have confidence in the "Process" of the Deep State.

      If it only works against one side, and is completely corrupt, no big deal.

      Just ask Quirk.

  25. Replies
    1. Quotable

      Que's Classic Quotes: Q Publishing LLC, working out of Detroit, Michigan.

    2. "the ‘corrupt’ media"

      Another Quotable Classic

  26. July 25, 2017
    North Korea cancels beer festival amid reports of terrible drought
    By Rick Moran

    Of all the festivities in North Korea I would be most likely to miss, I think the Taedonggang Beer Festival tops the list. So it is with a sense of relief that the Daily Express reports the cancelation of the festival. No explanation from the regime of Kim Jong-un has been forthcoming, but rumors are rampant that the worst drought in 17 years might have something to do with it....

    ....Last week the United Nations said North Korea is heading towards its worst drought since 2000.

    However, the cancellation of the festival comes as the first possible sign there Pyongyang is expecting problems.

    The secretive state was previously ravaged by a widespread famine where at least two million people are estimated to have died between 1995 and 1999.....


    Only two million died in the famine....good old commie agriculture.

    1. Kim Pig Un's belt line doesn't seem to have receded, though I've noticed all the military brass around him are not similarly afflicted.

  27. BobTue Jul 25, 08:34:00 PM EDT

    Ash was a big Trudeau supporter.

    Even went out during the campaign and worked for him, as I recall.

    Pay your taxes, Ash !

    Just another day at the bar- Bob making shit up yet again. Doug eats it up though. Just fucking brilliant. What a place. Yep, mockery is all that is deserved.

  28. Ash, I do recall you mentioning you worked someway a little for Trudeau, and I know you voted for him too.

    Don't bs old Bob.

    'Calexit' ballot measure begins gathering signatures....DRUDGE

    I'd sign that petition, but I guess I have no say in the matter, so all I can do is wish them well.

    1. Be truthful now, Ash, as the Lord wills us all to be honest in discussions.

    2. You got out there a bit urging people to vote Trudeau or some such.

      I remember it well.

    3. Young Prince Ash used to be all juiced up about the 'peer reviewed' scientific studies on global warming.

      It turned out of course that 'the peers' were all in cahoots, leaving me an opportunity to mock him endlessly.

      Here is a peer reviewed article Young Prince Ash might like -

      Author Fools Scientific Journals With Paper About Midi-Chlorians
      JOHN SEXTONPosted at 9:21 pm on July 25, 2017

      This is a little off the beaten path but I thought this story was pretty funny so here it is. A writer who goes by the handle Neuroskeptic created a bogus scientific paper about midi-chlorians, the imaginary cellular components which allow Jedis to manipulate the force in the Star Wars movies. Honestly, I’ve hated midi-chlorians from the moment I heard them in whichever prequel they first appear, but in this case I love them because this sting is funny. Neuroskeptic submitted the paper to nine peer-reviewed journals under the name Lucas McGeorge. Four of them agreed to publish it, despite some really obvious giveaway lines. From Discover Magazine:

      SEE ALSO: Senate Judiciary to Manafort: Wonderful thing, subpoenas

      Beyond supplying cellular energy, midichloria perform functions such as Force sensitivity…”
      “Involved in ATP production is the citric acid cycle, also referred to as the Kyloren cycle after its discoverer”

      “Midi-chlorians are microscopic life-forms that reside in all living cells – without the midi-chlorians, life couldn’t exist, and we’d have no knowledge of the force. Midichlorial disorders often erupt as brain diseases, such as autism.”

      Apparently, no one at the four journals caught the references. The author even included an entire story taken directly from one of the prequels in the paper:

      Wasserman Schultz IT aide arrested trying to leave the country

      Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It is not a story the Jedi would tell you. It was a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians [17] to available to the midichlorial electron transport chains, and thus generates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) [14,15]. He had such knowledge [18] of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying [20]. The dark side of the Force’s a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. ROS uncouples the midichlorians by increasing uncoupling proteins and increasing the leakage of proteins through the adenine nucleotide translocate. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he’d taught his apprentice everything he knew, and his apprentice killed him in his sleep. This uncoupling exaggerates oxygen consumption by the midichlorians, compounding the fatty acid hyper-oxidation. Ironic: he could save others from death, yet not himself.

      And I have to mention that some of the citations in the paper are almost as funny as the paper itself. For instance:

      19. Palpatine S. “Powerhouse of the cell”. Scientific American. 1957; 197: 131-140.

      21. Solo H, Bacca C, Martin WF, Garg S, Zimorski V. “Endosymbiotic theories for eukaryote origin”. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B. 2015; 370: 20140330

      26. Fett B. “Midichlorial evolution”. Science. 1999; 283: 1476-1481.
      Who knew Chewbacca was peer reviewed? According to Neuroskeptic, the point here is that some science journals are just selling peer review to anyone who will pay for it.

      So does this sting prove that scientific publishing is hopelessly broken? No, not really. It’s just a reminder that at some “peer reviewed” journals, there really is no meaningful peer review at all. Which we already knew, not least from previous stings, but it bears repeating.

      Here’s the video of Palpatine sharing the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise with Anakin Skywalker:


    4. I used to mock Young Prince Ash with my line:

      "There's a lot of money in global warming"

  29. .

    1. DougTue Jul 25, 07:54:00 PM EDT
    If Trump hadn't fired Comey, we wouldn't be here.

    If Sessions had not recused himself, we wouldn't be here.

    If Rosenstein wasn't a leftist operative, we wouldn't be here.

    If the press was not an arm of the Democrat Party, we wouldn't be here.

    If, if, if...

    1. DougTue Jul 25, 08:28:00 PM EDT
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    DougTue Jul 25, 08:31:00 PM EDT
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. DougTue Jul 25, 08:40:00 PM EDT
    Nice to have confidence in the "Process" of the Deep State.

    If it only works against one side, and is completely corrupt, no big deal.

    Just ask Quirk.

    Come on, Doug, don't give up now. You had a pretty good whine going there. No record but still pretty good. Surely you can dream up at least a few more excuses for why the Trump administration is such a major clusterfuck.

    Next, you'll be whining that all the polls need to be adjusted to provide Trump with a handicap for being new on the job.

    Put a little more effort in it and you might still be able to impress the other Trumpkins here. But that is likely about all.

    Even the FOX news slappies are starting to question Trump.

    Trump demands loyalty from everyone yet offers it to no one even, if push comes to shove, to his own family. The man is one sorry excuse for a human being.

    But you guys defend him against all reason.

    Funny. Not a ha funny. Just funny.



  30. It's just that I'm in favor of some of the things Trump favors, Quirk.

    It's not that I think him a great man.

    I do admire. and am a little jealous of, his energy level, and wished I had so much.

    When the campaigning was going on I put most of my effort into dissing Hillary and not singing The Donald's virtues.

    I'm glad she lost and he won. It was unexpected.

    It looks as if we are not getting into Syria, which should please you.

    With Hillary that might have gone another way.

    Try to give him credit where even you might find it due.

    1. And, no, I don't think he plays well with others in the D.C. sandbox.

      I would rather have Jess Sessions as President.

    2. Good thing we didn't copy and paste all Quirk's deletions...
      everyone would run out of memory displaying the page.

    3. My cheap computer simply doesn't have that kind of capacity.

    4. .

      Sorry, Doug.

      I just thought those were part of your latest whine.


    5. .

      t's just that I'm in favor of some of the things Trump favors, Quirk.

      I give Trump credit when I see something he does that looks positive.

      His first act was to get out of the TPP. That was appropriate as everyone agreed it was a crumby deal.

      Supposedly, he has done some good things with veteran's affairs. I have heard good thing said about the 'Veteran's Bill of Right's' though I don't know all the details.

      On policy, the problem is the good things are few and far between. I won't go through all the things I see him doing wrong. I've mentioned them in general terms before. The details would take hours.

      On a personal level, everything about the man irritates the hell out of me. He's rude, crude, and obnoxious. I can't see how you guys can keep making up excuses for him.

      Example. Above, I think I mentioned I could give a shit about Trump's visit to that scout jamboree. That was before I saw parts of it on the news tonight. What kind of jerk thinks its appropriate to give a political stump speech to a bunch of boy scouts?

      It just keeps getting worse.


  31. Sessions decided to keep Obama's man Rosenstein on for his experience.


    1. Well, that's true too.

      If I were President, or you, Doug, only then would all things be well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Trump would be there for energy transplants.

    4. If Quirk were my inherited FBI Director I'd fire him !

      Sorry, had to correct a spelling error.


  32. Dusty Farmer (Source: Jasper County Jail)
    Dusty Farmer (Source: Jasper County Jail)
    Deputies with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office arrested a 39-year-old woman in connection to allegations that she allowed her 2-year-old daughter to eat weed stems and lick meth spoons.

    Dusty Lynn Farmer, of Buna, was arrested and charged with second-degree child endangerment. Her bail amount was set at $15,000.
    According to the arrest affidavit, an investigator with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a Child Protective Services investigator on July 18 about a case involving Farmer and her 2-year-old daughter.

    The CPS report allegedly stated that Farmer let her 2-year-old daughter eat weed stems and lick meth spoons. In addition, the CPS report indicated that the little girl had sores all over her and a boil on her bottom, the affidavit stated.

    Farmer “smokes meth and weed in the house with her baby and sells drugs as well,” the affidavit stated.


    1. God Bless Child Protective Services.

      Perfectly legitimate move in my view.

    2. Trudeau thinks the worst abuse was not letting it determine it's own gender.

    3. In spiritual news, we knew that The Juice found Jesus in Prison.

      Now -

      TRUE BELIEBER Justin Bieber is starting his own CHURCH, insiders claim… so is that why he’s cancelled his ‘Purpose’ world tour?
      The Canadian shocked millions when he revealed he was calling off the gigs as he was 'burned out'
      By Jon Lockett and Holly Bancroft
      25th July 2017, 12:13 pm Updated: 25th July 2017, 4:26 pm
      Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

      POP insiders sensationally claim Justin Bieber may have cancelled his current long-running tour so he can start up his own CHURCH.

      Bieber shocked millions of fans yesterday when he revealed he was calling off the Purpose tour months before it was due to end as he was “burned out.”....


    4. Some jailhouse come to Jesus events are authentic.

      I am dootful in the case of OJ Simpson.

  33. Obama and the 'Deep State' -

    Declassified memos confirm civil liberty violations during Obama-era spying on Americans....DRUDGE


  34. If you find a Hindu and a ChiCom arguing, by all means take the side of the Hindu -

    What China’s Himalayan warmongering reveals
    Beijing is waging psychological warfare to compel New Delhi to back down without a shot being fired


    China, the swine, ought to get its ass out of Tibet.

  35. Don't miss picture of beautiful Russian lass living lavishly in the luxurious West - Liza Peskov, daughter of Vladimir Putin’s press secretary -

    Don’t Take Russians’ Threats Seriously Until You Know Where Their Kids Live

    Children of high-profile politicians prefer posh lives in the West
    By Mikhail Klikushin • 07/24/17 9:33am

    Liza Peskov, daughter of Vladimir Putin’s press secretary. Instagram/stpellegrino

    As Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, it’s Dmitry Peskov’s job to comment on important happenings in Russia.

    Last Monday, he weighed in on Chechnya strongman Ramzan Kadyrov’s apocalyptic rant to HBO. In it, Kadyrov promised dire consequences if the U.S. attacks Russia. He said, “America is not so strong that we would consider it Russia’s adversary. We are the strong country and nuclear power. Even if they completely destroy our country, our nuclear missiles will automatically be launched. We will turn the whole world upside down and bend it over with its ass up.”.....


    1. Even if they completely destroy our country, our nuclear missiles will automatically be launched. We will turn the whole world upside down and bend it over with its ass up

      The age of disorder: why technology is the greatest threat to humankind

      Disruptive technologies might change the very nature of humanity – and no nation can fight on its own.


    2. Ramp up the budget for National Missile Defense.

  36. Just watched that whole Scaramucci / Tapper tango. Awesome. Thanks you!

  37. A spokesperson for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a statement from Scott Bray, the national intelligence manager for East Asia, that walked to the edge of acknowledging that judgments are shifting.

    “North Korea’s recent test of an intercontinental range ballistic missile — which was not a surprise to the Intelligence Community — is one of the milestones that we have expected would help refine our timeline and judgments on the threats that Kim Jong Un poses to the continental United States,” Mr. Bray wrote.


    In the Iraq case, the intelligence agencies overestimated Saddam Hussein’s ability to reconstitute what was once a healthy nuclear weapons program. In the North Korean case, one senior intelligence official noted last week, the speed and sophistication of the program have been consistently underestimated — much as it was with the Soviet Union 70 years ago, and China more than 50 years ago.

  38. Aaaahhhh HA !

    As many of us have probably guessed, it may be a Democrat Obama type traitor that is doing much of the leaking - Bennie 'Motor Mouth' Rhodes looks to be a culprit -

    House Intelligence Committee met with Ben Rhodes: Report

    by Daniel Chaitin | Jul 25, 2017, 11:25 PM

    The House Intelligence Committee met with former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes, according to a report Tuesday.

    It was already known that Jared Kushner, top adviser and son-in-law to President Trump, on Tuesday spoke with members of the panel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump campaign. CNN's Manu Raju tweeted Tuesday evening that the network's chief political analyst Gloria Borger had learned that Rhodes also spoke to the committee.

    The Intelligence Committee is investigating intelligence leaks, and Rhodes has become a person of interest for certain Republicans as someone who may be playing a role in the leaking of classified information from the Trump administration to reporters.

    Rep. Ron DeSantis, who is not a member of the intelligence panel, has accused Rhodes of being a primary source of the leaks causing harm to the Trump administration and called on Trump to remove all Obama official holdovers from his administration. The Florida Republican said in an interview on MSNBC earlier this month that Rhodes may be in contact with Obama holdovers in the National Security Council, who are behind the "selective leaking" hurting Trump's ability to conduct foreign policy.....


    1. "The heart of a Democrat is a cold, dark heart."


    2. Why in the hell are there Obama holdovers anywhere?

    3. Good question.

      All I know is the Dems in Congress have been slow in approving some appointments.

      Trump would look to be better off with none of the 'holdovers' around.

  39. Another Bush administration veteran, Douglas W. Domenech, has been tapped to lead the department's insular affairs unit, which administers policy for the United States' overseas territories. Domenech, who served as Virginia's secretary of natural resources under its last Republican governor, was most recently the director of the Fueling Freedom Project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a group that aims to "explain the forgotten moral case for fossil fuels."

    The appointments and the policies have drawn cheers from the oil industry. "You're hearing a desire to promote oil and natural gas opportunities on all lands, and on federal lands," said Erik Milito, the director of upstream issues for the American Petroleum Institute, which lobbies for oil companies.

    And doing so on federal lands is a great way to bring in more revenue."

  40. For Sam -

    July 25, 2017
    The Necessity of Missile Defense
    By Chet Richards



  41. Intelligence officials believe North Korea will have a reliable, intercontinental missile capable of carrying a nuclear weapon as early as next year, according to a report published Tuesday amid a warning from a top Republican lawmaker who says he has grown increasingly alarmed about Pyongyang's weapons program.


    The interceptors are designed to destroy an ICBM outside the earth's atmosphere by slamming into it during flight. They are the only element of U.S. missile defenses that are designed specifically to stop ICBMs from reaching U.S. territory.

  42. This all seems a little quirky to me but who really knows ?

    Ancient humans had sex with non humans
    25 Jul, 2017 9:02am

    Ancient humans had sex with other species, research shows. Photo / Getty
    NZ Herald
    New research shows that ancient humans had sex with non human species.

    According to a study conducted by Omer Gokcumen, an assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Buffalo, ancient humans had intercourse with a "ghost species" of "proto human".

    Gokcumen explains that humans are only one member of a broader species named "hominins".

    The research found that humans had sex with other members of the hominins group.

    Gokcumen found "wildly different" genes in DNA of humans living in Sub-Saharan Africa. He believes these genes can be traced back to about 150,000 years ago when ancient humans were breeding with this mysterious "ghost species".

    This other species is referred to by the scientific community as a "ghost species" as there are no known fossils that can be analysed.

    "It seems that interbreeding between different early hominin species is not the exception - it's the norm," Gokcumen said, quoted by the Sun.

    "Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression - the introduction of genetic material from a 'ghost' species of ancient hominins."


    1. I dreamt I got fucked by a Ghost.

    2. .

      Wouldn't that make Sally Palms and her five friends jealous?


    3. .

      Has anyone else taken note of the fact that the English major makes the obvious punctuation mistake of leaving white space before his question marks?

      Perhaps, he fancies himself French (which would explain a lot). Or, his fixation with India has pushed him over the edge. Or maybe, it was something he learned in his English major training at Trump University.


    4. Good Grief, what are you, an old one room country schoolmarm ?

      You must do better.

    5. .

      Sorry, old boy, but you must realize you are a walking insult to English majors everywhere.


  43. John Boehner: I Used To 'Sneak Into' White House To See Obama


    Somebody can read it and tell me what it says about the Putz.

    1. Proof of Putzhood:

      He has to brag about it.

      Still haven't read it.

    2. .

      Well, we'll all be waiting here on the edge of our seats waiting for updates.


  44. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Discharged From The Hospital...


    Woulda been dead 100% of the time a couple of decades ago.

  45. Harry Truman's staff car bought for $1,600.


  46. Viagra much pricier for military than trans care would be


    1. Let me guess:

      It costs more for drugs for millions than a few thousand.

    2. The trans expense is going to go down -


    3. Guy avoids controversy like the plague.

    4. .

      It costs more for drugs for millions than a few thousand.

      Right, we've got millions of 18 year olds in the military that need Viagra.

      Sounds like a bigger problem than trans but you guys would know.


    5. Viagra is old world.

      There is a new and much better product on the market now.

      You will be able to service DaDa, Felony, Miss Demenoir, That Gal Sal, and all the others in one long evening, Quirk-O !

    6. You will be like the young bull elk out at the farm, Quirk-O !!

      Think of it !!!

      The whole herd !!!!!

    7. .

      What do you mean 'will be able'?


    8. Yes, yes, that wasn't well put.

      You will be more enabled than you already are, Sir, if that is possible.

    9. Quirk at Work:


    10. Good Lord, Doug, where do you come up with that stuff ?

      No, don't answer.

  47. Anti-Trump dossier firm did work for corrupt regimes, rights group says....DRUDGE

    Anti-Trump dossier firm did work for corrupt regimes, rights group claims

    Christopher Steele’s dossier, financed by Democratic money and containing unverified accusations from a bevy of Russian sources, says Russians were providing dirt on Hillary Clinton to the Trump campaign operation. (Associated Press/File) more >

    By Dan Boylan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 26, 2017

    Corrupt Russian and Venezuelan officials benefited from the work of the Washington-based firm that also commissioned the largely unsubstantiated anti-Trump campaign research dossier, according to testimony from a leading South American human rights campaigner submitted to a congressional panel probing the 2016 Russian election-meddling scandal.
    Thor Halvorssen, head of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation, said in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Fusion GPS operated a smear campaign against journalists who threatened to expose a multibillion dollar fraud involving faulty South American electric power plants, the laundering of its proceeds in U.S. banks, and a kickback scheme to pay off Venezuelan officials.

    “Corrupt government officials in dictatorships would be powerless if they didn’t have cronies in the business world, and these cronies, in turn, would be useless allies without enablers like Fusion GPS, who are eager to whitewash and profit from their crimes,” Mr. Halvorssen wrote in testimony that he also published on Facebook.

    Fusion GPS’s co-founder, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, has been a key figure in the Russian election meddling saga ever since the Anti-Trump dossier, which alleged a years-long Kremlin conspiracy to elect Donald Trump and included colorful sex stories, was leaked to the press after the Republican’s November victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

    Mr. Simpson hired former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele in 20015 to compile opposition research on then-candidate Trump. The dossier — which was reportedly sourced from the Kremlin — received initial financial support from anti-Trump Republicans before being taken over and distributed by Democrats. It contained a lurid and largely discredited tale of a years.....


  48. How to live longer: Brain cells that control AGEING have been discovered

    THE brain cells that control ageing have been discovered offering the hope of people living longer.

    17:01, Wed, Jul 26, 2017 | UPDATED: 19:28, Wed, Jul 26, 2017
    Professor Dongsheng Cai explains his work in ageing research
    Current Time 0:03
    Duration Time 0:51
    Loaded: 0%Progress: 0%

    Scientists have found that stem cells in the brain's hypothalamus govern how fast ageing occurs in the body.

    The discovery, made in mice, could lead to new strategies for warding off age-related diseases and extending lifespan, they claim.

    The hypothalamus was known to regulate important processes including growth, development, reproduction and metabolism.

    In 2013, researchers made the surprising finding that it also regulates ageing throughout the body......


    I have requested my niece to stop my aging. It is her area of expertise. My real immediate goal is to become 40 years younger, for right now.

    1. Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint....DRUDGE

      Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint
      July 26, 2017 by Malcolm Ritter
      Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint

      In this Tuesday, April 25, 2017 photo, assistant research technician Henri Berger, talks about live yeast cultures at a New York University lab in the Alexandria Center for Life Sciences in New York, where researchers are attempting to …more

      At Jef Boeke's lab, you can whiff an odor that seems out of place, as if they were baking bread here.

      But he and his colleagues are cooking up something else altogether: yeast that works with chunks of man-made DNA.
      Scientists have long been able to make specific changes in the DNA code. Now, they're taking the more radical step of starting over, and building redesigned life forms from scratch. Boeke, a researcher at New York University, directs an international team of 11 labs on four continents working to "rewrite" the yeast genome, following a detailed plan they published in March.

      Their work is part of a bold and controversial pursuit aimed at creating custom-made DNA codes to be inserted into living cells to change how they function, or even provide a treatment for diseases. It could also someday help give scientists the profound and unsettling ability to create entirely new organisms....

      Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-07-scientists-dna-life-blueprint.html#jCp

      Ir is hard to believe all this stuff, and who in creation knows where it is going ?

      100 years ago we didn't know nothin'.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. .

    A Big Get for Trump

    Apple supplier Foxconn announced $10 billion investment in Wisconsin, up to 13,000 jobs

    MADISON, Wisc. — Foxconn Technology Group announced at the White House Wednesday its plans to invest $10 billion to build a massive display panel plant in Wisconsin that could employ up to 13,000 workers but would require up to $3 billion in subsidies from state taxpayers. 

    “America does not have a single LCD plant to produce a complicated system. We are going to change that," Foxconn chairman Terry Gou said at a news conference. "It starts today with this investment in Wisconsin."

    The deal represents a huge opportunity for Wisconsin as well as a significant risk — one that state lawmakers will have to weigh quickly as they consider whether to allow a subsidy package nearly 50 times bigger than any previous one.


    1. Glad to hear it.

      That, I think I heard, is a Taiwanese firm.

      I do not like the idea of Taiwan being swallowed up by China.

      I hope it never happens, but their are some there that seem not dead set against the idea.

    2. The Nips have created a sea skimming missile that goes 3X the speed of sound. Launched from boat, air or from the home islands, it creates real problems for the Chinese navy.

      Report was that even with the best radar the target ship has about 30 seconds to respond.

      That will slow the Chinese down.

  51. If the trans wish to serve in the military maybe we should form TransBrigades.

    1. One could put all the XXers in one group, their periods would all co-ordinate, and they'd be fierce, unstopped.

  52. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has left a debris field larger than the Hindenburg, it is being said on Fox News.

  53. US President Donald Trump has announced he will not allow transgender individuals to serve in the United States military in any capacity.

    The move has apparently caught the Pentagon and some US politicians off guard, and seemingly unwound landmark Pentagon policy which lifted a transgender ban 12 months ago.


    Mr Trump announced his decision on Twitter in a series of tweets.

    But it took another nine minutes before he followed it up with some detail.

    The President argued the military "cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail," he wrote.

    ABC Washington Bureau chief Zoe Daniel says the decision was also based on consultation with his national security team.

    1. .

      The tweet, a hell of a way to announce national policy decisions.

      I guess I am going to have to invest in a Twitter account so that I can hear that the Russian or NORK missiles are coming before they actually hit.


    2. .

      All of Trump's national security team?

      Both FOX and CNN were reporting earlier that Trump top military brass was caught as much by surprise as the rest of us by the tweets.


  54. Spooky is one word that comes to mind. Awesome is another.....

    Rewriting Life


    First Human Embryos Edited in U.S.

    Researchers have demonstrated they can efficiently improve the DNA of human embryos.

    by Steve Connor July 26, 2017

    A video shows the injection of gene-editing chemicals into a human egg near the moment of fertilization. The technique is designed to correct a genetic disorder from the father.

    The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon, Technology Review has learned.

    The effort, led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University, involved changing the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos with the gene-editing technique CRISPR, according to people familiar with the scientific results.

    Until now, American scientists have watched with a combination of awe, envy, and some alarm as scientists elsewhere were first to explore the controversial practice. To date, three previous reports of editing human embryos were all published by scientists in China.

    Now Mitalipov is believed to have broken new ground both in the number of embryos experimented upon and by demonstrating that it is possible to safely and efficiently correct defective genes that cause inherited diseases.

    Although none of the embryos were allowed to develop for more than a few days—and there was never any intention of implanting them into a womb—the experiments are a milestone on what may prove to be an inevitable journey toward the birth of the first genetically modified humans.

    In altering the DNA code of human embryos, the objective of scientists is to show that they can eradicate or correct genes that cause inherited disease, like the blood condition beta-thalassemia. The process is termed “germline engineering” because any genetically modified child would then pass the changes on to subsequent generations via their own germ cells—the egg and sperm.

    Some critics say germline experiments could open the floodgates to a brave new world of “designer babies” engineered with genetic enhancements—a prospect bitterly opposed by a range of religious organizations, civil society groups, and biotech companies.

    The U.S. intelligence community last year called CRISPR a potential "weapon of mass destruction.”.......

    Someday, and soon too, we may all be Quirks.

  55. .

    A passive aggressive Trump continues his attacks on Sessions

    Trump was attacked as weak today by a GOP senator for his ongoing passive aggressive attacks on AG Sessions. The point was made that Trump lacks the balls to just come right out and fire Sessions so he is instead indulging in a campaign of humiliation hoping Sessions will eventually resign leaving the field open for Trump to hire some compliant butt-boy like Rudy Guiliani who would willingly fire Mueller and put an end to the Russian investigation.

    Sessions is so far holding firm and refusing to quit. It remains to be see who will hold out longer, Sessions or Trump, a president who is facing mounting criticism from inside his own party for his attacks on Sessions. There was a steady stream of GOP legislators paraded on both FOX and CNN today who criticized Trump for his recent tweets. Some indicated that if Sessions goes, Trump will play hell trying to get some compliant yes-man approved through the Senate.

    Trump might be considered more of a wheeler-dealer if his moves weren't so blatantly obvious.


    1. Maybe we should take heart that he's only a passive aggressive type ?

    2. He had the balls to fire Comey.

    3. .

      Who was going to complain about Trump when both Dems and the GOP were complaining about Comey for months?



    Trump Is A Virus

    It is America’s faith in these institutions that the Trump virus has most worringly infected.

    Behind the furious denunciation in public speeches and tweets is a consistent, implicit message on the part of the president: Those who claim to speak for the public good are lying. They’re just concealing their political agenda, their angle. It’s a pose, a ruse, a cover for their lust for power, a strategy that they deploy to give themselves a political advantage over those (like Trump himself) whose political ambitions are obvious and undeniable.

    The president’s most passionate defenders back him up by highlighting and hyping every example, however trivial, of an ostensibly nonpartisan actor displaying signs of anti-Trump bias, double standards, or exaggeration. See, this supposedly nonpolitical person is actually just a liberal Democrat out to bring down the president! It’s nothing less than a coup!....


    Good source of propaganda tips, attack Trump avenues....

    1. .

      Coup. Where have we seen that word used before?


    2. Use words like virus, malignant cancer, unreliable, mentally unstable, even insane, corporate, economically imperialistic, money man blood sucker, Quirk.

      You should also attack his hair, sloppy dressing, and his 'brain dead' wife/'consort' and all the damned tweeting.

    3. .

      Dems, GOP, the Establishment, Hollywood, the Media, political opponents, 'The Swamp', commies, progressives, the judiciary, the spooks in the intelligence community, the little old lady from Pasadena, the...well...ad infinatum, enemies to the left of him, enemies to the right of him, enemies in front of him, they're all out to get him because they are so damn jealous. OR, it could just be that the guy is a COMPLETE a-hole who no one can stand.


  57. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would ban transgender people from the US military, a move appealing to some in his conservative political base but sowing confusion about the fate of thousands of transgender service members.


    Trump's tweet caught some White House officials by surprise.

    A senior administration official said Trump had been determined to act for a while but the question was the timing, with advisers split on whether to conduct reviews before announcing the move.


    American Civil Liberties Union attorney Joshua Block said Trump had rejected the "basic humanity" of transgender service members.

    "There are no cost or military readiness drawbacks associated with allowing trans people to fight for their country," Block said. "The president is trying to score cheap political points on the backs of military personnel who have put their lives on the line for their country."

  58. At this point the Venezuelan people might welcome a little gun boat diplomacy, accompanied by by air dropped food and medicine -

    This Is How Venezuela Might Become The Next Cuba
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 12:31 pm on July 26, 2017

    There was an important essay published at The Hill yesterday by Venezuelan-American attorney Antonio Mora which carries some vital information and dire warnings concerning the unfolding crisis in his home country. What he’s warning of is the possibility that the already failing socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro could wind up collapsing, but not disappearing, leaving us with a new version of Cuba under the Castro family. This is the crux of his argument:

    Maduro is trying to cement his power by holding a rigged constituent assembly election. The assembly’s mission would be to adopt a new constitution that would eliminate the opposition-controlled National Assembly, perpetuate Maduro’s hold on power, eliminate any vestiges of democracy and establish a Cuba-style, one-party communist dictatorship.

    With the constituent assembly “election” scheduled for July 30, no time is left for waffling from the international community. Anarchy in Venezuela, a possible civil war, or the consolidation of a “new Cuba” pose serious risks for the national security of the Unites States and the whole hemisphere.

    1. In order to understand the threat you need to know the players involved. Mora provides the following list of factoids about the ruling party and Maduro’s family which may prove shocking to even those who have been following the story closely. He describes the situation as being like a storyline from the TV series “Narcos,” but actually much worse in some ways.

      The country’s Supreme Court president is a convicted murderer.

      A U.S. federal court indicted its minister of the interior for drug trafficking.

      The U.S. Treasury Department named its vice president a drug kingpin.

      Two nephews of the nation’s first lady are behind bars, convicted of attempting to transport 800 kilograms of cocaine into the U.S.

      The country’s president faces a lawsuit before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, filed by 100 Latin American politicians, which accuses him of committing human rights abuses.

      If Maduro succeeds in destroying the constitution and dismissing the legislature without losing control of the nation, Mora argues that Venezuela will complete the transition from socialist tyranny to full on communist dictatorship, in much the same style as Cuba under Fidel Castro in the early years. It will also, the author argues, trigger a massive exodus of refugees, many of whom will wish to come to the United States. We could be talking numbers upwards of five million or more.

      Mora’s advice is for the United States to lead the way with other western partners in decisive action. Rather than a unilateral set of sanctions which could further endanger the starving populace, he suggests we freeze the assets of Maduro government officials and family members. We should also cancel their visas and expel their family members and associates from the U.S. and our allied nations. (We could simultaneously promulgate the information about how rich those people are, living high on the hog, to the starving Venezuelan citizens.) That might finally force Maduro to schedule free, open elections and leave the place quietly.

      I don’t disagree with Mora’s solutions, nor really much of his analysis. The Maduro regime is a crime syndicate to be sure and the people of that nation are in desperate need of relief. But I’m not so sure that the complete collapse of the current socialist government would see Maduro still in charge. At this point it seems as if the people are so unified against him (including some of the former Chavistas) that he’s more likely to wind up hanging from a meat hook in the center of Caracas in the manner of ll Duce in Italy, circa 1945.

      But that’s not a sure thing and I agree we should be taking action. I’ve argued here before that military intervention would be a foolish invitation to disaster (not to mention our having plenty of other irons in the fire at the moment) but normal sanctions probably aren’t enough. I like Mora’s suggestions I listed above, as they take a much firmer hand in the situation without starting an actual war. Hopefully the Trump administration will consider some of these tactics.


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