Tuesday, June 13, 2017

There Will Be Blood

Are We Nearing Civil War?

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot through with disloyalists plotting to bring him down.

We are approaching something of a civil war where the capital city seeks the overthrow of the sovereign and its own restoration.

Thus far, it is a nonviolent struggle, though street clashes between pro- and anti-Trump forces are increasingly marked by fistfights and brawls. Police are having difficulty keeping people apart. A few have been arrested carrying concealed weapons.

That the objective of this city is to bring Trump down via a deep state-media coup is no secret. Few deny it.

Last week, fired Director of the FBI James Comey, a successor to J. Edgar Hoover, admitted under oath that he used a cutout to leak to The New York Times an Oval Office conversation with the president.

Goal: have the Times story trigger the appointment of a special prosecutor to bring down the president.

Comey wanted a special prosecutor to target Trump, despite his knowledge, from his own FBI investigation, that Trump was innocent of the pervasive charge that he colluded with the Kremlin in the hacking of the DNC.

Comey's deceit was designed to enlist the police powers of the state to bring down his president. And it worked. For the special counsel named, with broad powers to pursue Trump, is Comey's friend and predecessor at the FBI, Robert Mueller.
As Newt Gingrich said Sunday: "Look at who Mueller's starting to hire.... (T)hese are people that ... look to me like they're ... setting up to go after Trump ... including people, by the way, who have been reprimanded for hiding from the defense information into major cases....

"This is going to be a witch hunt."

Another example. According to Daily Kos, Trump planned a swift lifting of sanctions on Russia after inauguration and a summit meeting with Vladimir Putin to prevent a second Cold War.

The State Department was tasked with working out the details.

Instead, says Daniel Fried, the coordinator for sanctions policy, he received "panicky" calls of "Please, my God, can you stop this?"

Operatives at State, disloyal to the president and hostile to the Russia policy on which he had been elected, collaborated with elements in Congress to sabotage any detente. They succeeded.

"It would have been a win-win for Moscow," said Tom Malinowski of State, who boasted last week of his role in blocking a rapprochement with Russia. State employees sabotaged one of the principal policies for which Americans had voted, and they substituted their own.

Not in memory have there been so many leaks to injure a president from within his own government, and not just political leaks, but leaks of confidential, classified and secret documents. The leaks are coming out of the supposedly secure investigative and intelligence agencies of the U.S. government.

The media, the beneficiaries of these leaks, are giving cover to those breaking the law. The real criminal "collusion" in Washington is between Big Media and the deep state, colluding to destroy a president they detest and to sink the policies they oppose.

Yet another example is the unfolding "unmasking" scandal.

While all the evidence is not yet in, it appears an abnormal number of conversations between Trump associates and Russians were intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

On orders higher up, the conversations were transcribed, and, contrary to law, the names of Trump associates unmasked.

Then those transcripts, with names revealed, were spread to all 16 agencies of the intel community at the direction of Susan Rice, and with the possible knowledge of Barack Obama, assuring some would be leaked after Trump became president.
The leak of Gen. Michael Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, after Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for the hacking of the DNC, may have been a product of the unmasking operation. The media hit on Flynn cost him the National Security Council post.

Trump has had many accomplishments since his election. Yet his enemies in the media and their deep state allies have often made a purgatory of his presidency.
What he and his White House need to understand is that this is not going to end, that this is a fight to the finish, that his enemies will not relent until they see him impeached or resigning in disgrace.

To prevail, Trump will have to campaign across this country and wage guerrilla war in this capital, using the legal and political weapons at his disposal to ferret out the enemies within his own government.

Not only is this battle essential, if Trump hopes to realize his agenda, it is winnable. For the people sense that the Beltway elites are cynically engaged in preserving their own privileges, positions and power.

If the president cannot rewrite Obamacare or achieve tax reform, he should not go around the country in 2018 wailing about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. They are not the real adversaries. They are but interchangeable parts.

He should campaign against the real enemies of America First by promising to purge the deep state and flog its media collaborators.

Time to burn down the Bastille.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of a new book, Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever. To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at www.creators.com.


  1. Mueller — who, on his appointment by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, took independent control of the investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 elections — had a shadow cast on his impartiality when Comey, a one-time mentee of Mueller’s who suceeded him at the Bureau, revealed under oath that he deliberately leaked a potentially privileged memo to the press specifically to ensure the appointment of a special counsel.

    The ploy worked. Rosenstein, who was handling the investigation because Sessions had already recused himself based on his involvement in the 2016 Trump presidential campaign, came under immense political pressure to appoint a special counsel. Mueller was quickly applauded as an impartial choice by voices across the political spectrum.

    Since his appointment, he has made signals as to the criminal nature of his investigation, hiring Andrew Weissmann, the former head of the DOJ criminal division’s fraud section, and former Deputy Solicitor General Michael Dreeben.

    A more controversial pick of Mueller’s was former prosecutor and WilmerHale partner Jeannie Rhee. In 2015, according to Politico, she performed work for the Clinton Foundation, defending it from FOIA requests related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


    1. {...}

      “This is going to be a witch hunt.”

      Joining the chorus was Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning, suggesting Mueller’s role should be curtailed if not eliminated. In a prepared statement, he wrote:

      Given former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that there is no collusion between President Trump and Russia to do with the campaign, the scope of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation should be dramatically narrowed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to simply the leaks and the Obama administration unmaskings to led to this witch hunt in the first place.

      If Mueller refuses to investigate these leaks, which are one of the central reasons he was even appointed as Special Counsel, then the Special Counsel should be discontinued.


      It is not up to the Justice Department to choose who the President of the United States is. The American people already made that decision in 2016.


    Female officer & several people injured in Munich shooting, suspect detained – police

    he shooting reportedly happened at the Unterfoehring subway station in the city this morning.

    German media is saying a police officer was killed after a passenger apparently snatched her gun and shot her and point-blank range in the head.

    Four other people have reportedly been injured after being shot.

    Police helicopters are currently circling above the crime scene and officers have flooded into the area.

    1. A motive for the attack is not yet clear at this stage.

      Bavarian radio reported: “According to police information it is probably not a terrorist attack”

  3. Four top lawyers hired by Mueller have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

    One of the hires, Jeannie Rhee, also worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation and helped persuade a federal judge to block a conservative activist's attempts to force Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath about operations of the family-run charity.

    Campaign-finance reports show that Rhee gave Clinton the maximum contributions of $2,700 in 2015 and again last year to support her presidential campaign. She also donated $2,300 to Obama in 2008 and $2,500 in 2011. While still at the Justice Department, she gave $250 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp.

    Rhee also has contributed to a trio of Democratic senators: Mark Udall of New Mexico, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

    James Quarles, who worked on the Watergate investigation as a young prosecutor, has an even longer history of supporting Democratic politicians. He gave $1,300 to Obama in 2007 and $2,300 in 2008. He also gave $2,700 to Clinton last year.

  4. What is the matter with these Republicans?

  5. No one would pay for this script.

    Hollywood's standards may be low, but this would be deemed way below unbelievable.

    Anyone other than Trump would already be in the Nuthouse.

  6. According to Dennis Prager, it was Harry Reid that was behind the phony golden showers dossier:

    Here's a timeline: looks like Reid and McCain are implicated, but I don't have time right now:


    1. USA laid low by a bunch of subhuman scumballs.

      October 30, 2016: Reid demands the FBI look into "explosive information"
      Reid writes again to FBI director Comey, demanding that Trump's possible links to Russia be investigated. This time he appears to cite the existence of "explosive information" in possession of the FBI:

      "In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity ... I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public ... and yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information."

      October 31, 2016: "an extraordinary situation"
      Corn of Mother Jones publishes his article describing the result of the former British intelligence staffer's research:

      "This was, the former spy remarks, 'an extraordinary situation.' He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative — without the permission of the US company that hired him — he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates, who asked not to be identified. (He declines to identify the FBI contact.) The former spy says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was 'sufficiently serious' to share with the FBI."

      November 18, 2016: Sen. John McCain hears about the documents
      At a security meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, McCain is introduced to someone who told him about the documents, according to The Guardian: "McCain decided the implications were sufficiently alarming to dispatch a trusted emissary, a former US official, to meet the source and find out more." The former British ambassador to Moscow, Andrew Wood, was at that conference and later told The Independent he was one of the people who spoke to McCain about the issue at that conference.

      McCain sends a messenger on a transatlantic flight to collect the dossier
      The Guardian again:

      "The emissary hastily arranged a transatlantic flight and met the source at the airport as arranged. ... The meeting had a certain cold war tradecraft to it, as he was told to look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times. Having found each other, the retired counter-intelligence officer drove the emissary to his house, where they discussed the documents and their background."

      "The emissary flew back within 24 hours and showed McCain the documents, saying it was hard to impossible to verify them without a proper investigation."

      December 9, 2016: McCain gives the documents to Comey
      McCain meets Comey "with no aides present" and gives the FBI director the documents, The Guardian says.

  7. Here's an idea:


    The FBI will investigate the FBI.

    Better yet:

    The two Best Buds in Crime will be investigated by one of the Buds.

    What could go wrong?

    1. https://www.google.com/search?q=INDEPENDENT+COUNSEL&rlz=1CAACAO_enUS720US720&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwix9vTV2brUAhVI3GMKHfn1C4AQ_AUICygC&biw=1200&bih=537

  8. Google Search for:
    "it was Harry Reid that was behind the phony golden showers dossier"


  9. Trump should announce the firing of Mueller at once. Then announce his want for a new investigation on Obama, Rice, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Kerry, Kerry's wife, Powers and Jarrett.

    Topics should be: Fast and Furious, Pardons of murderers by BOTH Obama and Clinton, pardons of Marc Rich, The Iran deal, Billions for hostages, the support of hamas and the moslem brotherhood, spying on our allies, the use of taxpayer dollars in trying to over throw the Israel government, Clinton's Haiti scam, the cash for Uranium, the IRS, the illegal server of clinton, Huma's ties to the Moslem brotherhood...

  10. Idiot Paul Ryan just ran up the white flag.

  11. He has confidence in Bob Mueller.

  12. The trouble with firing Mueller now is it seems to have "I've got something to hide' written ALL over it.

    1. None of it is good. There is no good solution.

  13. If you ever get in a fight for your life with a Republican at your back, you better turn around, shoot the Republican and double your chances of survival.

  14. HANNITY 6/12/17

    Guest: SARA CARTER


    Last night's show - worth a watch

    What do you think ?

  15. Rosenstein sees no reason to fire Mueller.

  16. The COVFEFE Act Would Make It Illegal For Trump To Delete Tweets
    AIDAN QUIGLEY FROM NEWSWEEK Posted at 9:15 am on June 13, 2017


    Good Grief.

    Newsweek, always on the cutting edge of 'journalism'.

    1. What's this country coming to when a man can't even delete his own tweets ?

      Trump definitely should VETO this bill.

  17. Migrant Crime in Germany

    Thousands of young men from North Africa come to Germany every year and many of them, like Samir, fall afoul of the law. Officials would like to accelerate the deportation process, but the criminals aren't welcome back home either. By SPIEGEL Staff


    No other group of foreigners has fallen into disrepute in Germany in recent years as much as young men from Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. In 2016, only 2.4 percent of asylum seekers came from these North African countries, and yet 11 percent of immigrants suspected of committing a crime are from the Maghreb region. In Cologne, random samples showed that in 2015, more than 40 percent of migrants from the Maghreb committed robbery or theft within the first year of their arrival, says criminal division chief Thomas Schulte, who headed the investigations after the 2015/2016 New Year's Eve assaults on women in Cologne.


    Most of those suspected of having molested and robbed women were North Africans, or "Nafris," a slang term the police use to refer to habitual offenders from North Africa. That term, too, became controversial after police stopped hundreds of young foreigners they suspected of being "Nafris" during the most recent New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne.


    In Cologne and Düsseldorf, in particular, law enforcement has been struggling with criminals from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia for years, with police having investigated 400 suspects from the Maghreb region in 2016 alone.


    In Saxony, most migrant repeat offenders are from one of the Maghreb countries and North Africans dominate the drug trade in the neighborhood surrounding the Frankfurt train station. In the southwestern city of Karlsruhe, a group of migrants committed so many robberies in such a short amount of time that local authorities formed a task force focusing on migrant repeat offenders, with many of the suspects having come from the North African coast.


    Many of the criminal migrants are repeat offenders. A 34-year-old Moroccan who allegedly raped a woman in a bathroom in Hamburg's Reeperbahn entertainment district in December had a criminal record, and yet the local authorities felt they were not in a position to deport him. In fact, only 660 Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians were deported in 2016, even though deportation orders had been issued for close to 9,000 of them.


    Germany's police officers and authorities have been, in many respects, overwhelmed by the criminals from the lower classes of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.


    Many are drug addicts, say investigators. They are often so high on alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs that they become insensitive to pain and adopt a "devil-may-care attitude," says criminal investigator Schulte, who headed the "Nafri" police project in 2013, an extensive analysis of offenders from the Maghreb countries. He characterizes these offenders as being "highly likely to commit violent acts," ruthlessly using knives during their robberies, injuring victims or police officers.


    1. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/migrant-crime-in-germany-focus-on-north-africa-a-1151228-2.html

  18. More than 1.2 million refugees came to Germany in 2015 and 2016.

  19. 78 percent of Germans are“very concerned” about Donald Trump's policies.

    Germans are better at everything, including denial.

    1. They brew really great beer, but that's about it.

      Sure beats our watered down swill.

  20. A cynic might say send the muzzies entering Germany to the Detroit/Toronto area.

    But I'm not a cynic so I say:


  21. Switch Ryan for Trump in the Assassination Masterpiece.

    Better yet, mini mass murder with Hillary, Ryan, McCain, Reid, Pelosi...

    Don't count on an American feminist march.
    June 13, 2017 Joseph Klein

    ISIS is Sharia-compliant in the most literal sense. Its fighters are following the example of Muhammad himself, the warrior prophet of Islam who captured slaves in battle and had sex with them. As the prophet was entitled to take advantage of such fruits of battle according to the Koran, so ISIS believes its fighters are entitled as well. Thus, these savages thought nothing of burning 19 Yazidi girls to death in iron cages after the girls had the temerity to resist having sex with their captors. This atrocity was said by local activists to have taken place recently in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which has currently become a battlefield between ISIS fighters and anti-ISIS coalition forces. An eyewitness reported that the burnings took place in front of hundreds of people.....


    I maintain that, metaphorically speaking, these young brave girls have ascended into Heaven.

    A metaphor is not a deception, but an attempt to express something otherwise inexpressible.

  23. My wife is now truly and forever pissed off at the Democrats.

    Her beloved The Young and The Restless, the one program she has watched faithfully when she can my entire married life, has been preempted by this attempted lynching of Sessions and Trump.

    "Why can't they hold this shit at night?" she asks.

    An excellent question.

    By the way, did you know the guy that plays Viktor Newman went to the University of Montana ?

    You didn't, did you.....now you do.

    1. The character Viktor Newman was originally modeled after some real life character from the Detroit area.

    2. Viktor may also be spelled Victor but I've always liked Viktor better as it sound more Viking like and Viktor started into business in Genoa City, Wisconsin where there are a lot of Nordics.

  24. Anyone that doesn't see a congenital problem in the religion and doctrine of Islam knows nothing about how it is taught, monitored, disciplined and practiced or is simply not paying attention to facts or is an apologist for the unforgivable and the undeniable.

    1. Or they simply want to see themselves as better than us.

      Like Quirk

  25. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is one lisping asshole.

  26. Democrats love the grating term, "troubling" especially when they are trying to make trouble..

    1. :)

      deeply troubling and problematic

      It is time to erase 'problematic' from the language, IMHO

    2. I agree with my pissed off wife - I'd rather be watching The Young and The Restless too.

    3. It makes me mildly nauseous.

  27. I am trying to estimate the depth of my detestation for the Democrats. It is like dropping a stone down a well hole, expecting an answer that never comes and you run out of rocks to drop.

  28. Traitor Nut Case McCain on deck.

  29. James Comey, FBI, and Others Sued by Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and His Counsel Larry Klayman for Illegal Surveillance and Cover-Up

    Comey Also Alleged to Have Obstructed Justice!

    (Washington, D.C., June 6, 2017). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice has announced that he and his client have filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against former FBI Director James Comey, the FBI itself, the CIA, NSA and other intelligence agencies, as well as their former and current heads, for illegal and unconstitutional surveillance of Klayman and his whistleblower client Dennis Montgomery, a former NSA, CIA and DIA contractor who came forward to Comey, under grant of immunity, with 47 hard drives and 600 plus million pages of information, as well as testified under oath, showing that SCOTUS justices, judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump and others have been spied upon.

    In the case of Comey, he is alleged to have obstructed justice by covering up the FBI's investigation of the information and testimony, much of which was classified, which Montgomery provided to him and his Special Agents, Walter Giardina and William Barnett, as well as over 3 hours of his video-taped sworn testimony. The case is styled Montgomery and Klayman v. Comey et. al, (17-cv-01074) and was assigned as related to a prior case, Klayman et. al v. Obama et al. (13-cv-00851) in which Klayman successfully preliminary enjoined the NSA and others from constitutional spying. The judge on that case was the Honorable Richard J. Leon, who found the defendants' illegal actions "almost Orwellian" and a violation of the Fourth Amendment. Thus, Judge Leon will preside over this case against Comey.

    A copy of the complaint can be found at www.freedomwatchusa.org and is self-explanatory.

    Klayman had this to say upon filing the complaint:

    "Former FBI Director Comey and his agency have not only illegally spied on Mr. Montgomery and me, but have covered up and thus engaged in an obstruction of justice of the FBI's and the other intelligence agencies' illegal and unconstitutional mass surveillance. In the process of this illegal behavior, they have seriously damaged Montgomery and me, and they will be held fully accountable under the rule of law, for this and other tortious acts which should also now be included in the on-going grand jury investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller."


  30. Megyn Kelly's portrayal of FBI "Career rofessionals" in her interview with Putin indicated either a sub sixth grade level of understanding, or an extremely well developed ability to lie like Hell.

    1. Not necessarily mutually exclusive personality characteristics.

  31. Chris Ruddy: 'I Have NOT Spoken to President Trump About Firing Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller; The Communication Is Like Amateur Hour In The WH'



    Poor Boo Boo Can't Do Pee Pee With the Girls

    America’s favorite transexual Bruce Caitlyn Jenner finds recent decisions made by President Donald Trump regarding the LGBTQ community deeply disturbing.

    The 1976 Olympic decathlon gold medal winner voted for Trump and feels more empathy for the GOP political philosophy than he does with the Democrat party, but Jenner considers the president’s decision to allow the states to determine rules for the use of student bathrooms and locker rooms by transgendered students a step backward.

    “When (Trump) pulled back on the Title IX (guidelines), it kind of killed—It destroyed me,” said the former world’s most versatile athlete. “This of all cases is when we need (the government) to step in. The bottom line is bullying in schools is going to be worse, and then there’s already bullying online where there’s no protection, no escape.

    1. It's all very troubling, and problematical and dismaying, even disconcerting and unsettling.

    2. I've heard people describe it as appalling, detestable and deplorable.

    3. I heard one teenage girl say "Shit, that's really fucked up."

    4. A fifty state K-12 curriculum administered by the Department of Education is called for.

      Universities will know what to do on their own.

    5. Cait needs to take voice lessons from Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.

    6. Can you imagine a poor woman sitting in a stall hearing Brucelyn bark:

      "SHIT!" when he splashes water on her dress?

      Probly sit their 'til she thinks the guy's left.

    7. Johnny Are You Queer - Josie Cotton

      Johnny what's the deal boy
      Is your love for real boy
      When the lights are low
      You never hold me close

      And I saw you today boy
      Walking with them gay boys
      Now that hurt me so
      Now I gotta know
      Johnny are you queer?

      'Cause when I see you
      Dancing with your friends
      I can't help wondering
      Where I stand

      I'm so afraid I'll lose you
      If I can't seduce you
      Is there something wrong?
      Johnny come on strong

      Why are you so weird, boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      When I make a play
      You're pushing me away
      Johnny are you queer?

      'Cause when I see you
      Dancing with your friends
      I can't help wondering
      Where I stand

      Oh, Johnny you've forsaken
      A love you could be takin'
      I want to give it to you
      But you never come through

      Oh, why are you so weird, boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      When you asked for a date
      I thought that you were straight
      But Johnny are you queer?

      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?

      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?
      Johnny are you queer boy?

      Johnny are you queer boy?


  33. If any other dumps in London are built like that the Jihadis ought to be investing in matches.


    Jury Leaning Towards Acquittal? No Verdict But Lots Of Questions...

    Struggling Over 'Without Her Knowledge' Language....DRUDGE

    Hung Jury ?

  35. If you like fires go to Sky News, there's a big one in London.

    1. The mayor says not to be upset:

      This is what's supposed to happen to Infidels.

    2. "Many of those evacuated said they were woken by screams, intense heat and the smell of burning plastic, thought to be white cladding that was installed on the building last year as part of a £10million refurbishment.


      That's brilliant: Cover a 27 story building with flammable plastic!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "It was given a £10million refurbishment a year ago, with the installation of insulated exterior cladding, double-glazed windows and a communal heating system."


      Well they saved some energy for a year.

      No doubt got a higher Global Warming Prevention Rating.

      Until it didn't.

      Combustible insulation covering the exterior.

      Simply Brilliant.

  36. Earlier in the day, the jury had asked to rehear the testimony of a police officer who was present in 2005 when Andrea Constand first reported the 2004 incident and reviewed portions of sworn depositions that Cosby gave more than a decade ago.


    Also on Tuesday, Cosby’s spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt, released a statement from a woman, Marguerite Jackson, who was barred from testifying as a defence witness.

    Jackson said she worked with Constand at Temple University and shared a hotel room with her during occasional trips. On an unspecified date, she said, the women saw a news story about a famous man accused of drugging and sexually assaulting women.

    Constand told Jackson a high-profile man had done something similar to her, according to the statement. After Jackson pressed her, Constand admitted it had not happened but said she could easily use the story to make money off the man, Jackson said.

  37. The woman making the accusation against the Cos in this case did NOT immediately break off contact with the man. This happens a lot and when the expected career benefits don't accrue, the charges fly.

    I do think the Cos is guilty here though as simply too many women over the years have claimed similar behavior on his part

    1. It is probable the jury is racially divided and that is causing some difficulties..

  38. The firefighters have lost the battle in London.

    It's blazing away like a torch.

  39. HIZBALLAH in the US: Dearborn Muslim got bomb-making training, New York Muslim plotted jihad attacks on NYC
    By Pamela Geller - on June 13, 2017

    The jihad has stepped up in the UK, and devout warriors for Allah are doing their best to step it up in the United States as well.

    “Feds: Dearborn man was a trained bomb maker for terror group,” by Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press, June 8, 2017:

    One week after the FBI raided a Dearborn home in the middle of the night, a new terrorism case surfaced in New York on Thursday involving two men: a Dearborn man who allegedly received bomb-making training from a terror group and another man who allegedly plotted attacks on New York.

    Samer el Debek, 37, of Dearborn and Ali Kourani, 32, of the Bronx were arrested a week ago and charged with training and working on behalf of Hizballah, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization based in Lebanon.

    “FBI bomb technicians have assessed that el Debek received extensive training as a bomb-maker,” the Justice Department stated.

    The charges were unsealed in Manhattan federal court on Thursday, one week after federal agents raided a Dearborn home in what they described as an operation involving national security. Sources familiar with the case tell the Free Press the raid involved el Debek, who was arrested in Livonia that same day and subsequently charged with numerous crimes — though none involved plotting attacks in New York.

    In December, another Dearborn man was sentenced to five years in prison for seeking to join Hizballah in Lebanon. Also, in 2014 in a separate case, a former Dearborn resident was killed in Syria while fighting for Hizballah.

    According to criminal complaints unsealed Thursday in Manhattan’s U.S. District Court, el Debek and Kourani were recruited as Hizballah operatives and received military-style training, including in the use of rocket-propelled grenade launchers and machine guns, in support of the group’s terrorist mission.

    Kourani allegedly conducted surveillance of potential targets in the U.S., including military and law enforcement facilities in New York, authorities said….

    El Debek, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was first recruited by Hizballah in late 2007 or early 2008. Shortly before being recruited, he expressed his support for the terror group’s leader in an e-mail and eventually received a salary from Hizballah through 2015.

    For years, authorities said, el Debek received military training from Hizballah in Lebanon. From 2008 through 2104, the terror group taught him how to make bombs, handle weapons and conduct surveillance and countersurveillance.

    According to the government, el Debek was trained in techniques and methods similar to those used to build the bomb that in 2012 blew up a bus in Bulgaria that was transporting Israeli tourists, killing six and injuring 32. That terror attack, the government said, was carried out by one of el Debek’s relatives.

    While working for Hizballah, el Debek conducted missions in Thailand and Panama. One of his missions was to clean up explosive materials in a house in Bangkok that others had left because they were under surveillance, the government said. At the direction of Hizballah, el Debek used his U.S. passport to enter and leave Thailand so that he could travel from Malaysia to Thailand without obtaining a visa.

    El Debek’s missions in Panama included locating U.S. and Israeli Embassies, casing security procedures at the Panama Canal and the Israeli Embassy and locating hardware stores where explosive materials could be purchased. After returning from a 2012 trip to Panama, el Debek’s handlers asked him for photographs of the U.S. Embassy and details about its security procedures….


  40. Fire in London - set by jihadis ? - no proof yet....cause currently unknown, according to Fire Marshals....seems to have started on 2nd floor and spread very rapidly upward.....many dead.....it is a charred hulk at this point.....

    1. Many jumpers from upper stories....

    2. See:
      Doug Wed Jun 14, 02:14:00 AM EDT


      Doug Wed Jun 14, 03:39:00 AM EDT

  41. I copied the wrong number.
    This is the post I was referring to:

    "It was given a £10million refurbishment a year ago, with the installation of insulated exterior cladding, double-glazed windows and a communal heating system."


    Well they saved some energy for a year.

    No doubt got a higher Global Warming Prevention Rating.

    Until it didn't.

    Combustible insulation covering the exterior.

    Simply Brilliant.

  42. This is the shocking moment a man is spotted walking his 'girlfriend' on a leash, wearing a dog muzzle, around a grocery store.

