Monday, June 12, 2017

General Sessions

A few days before the November election, Jeff Sessions did an interview with Lou Dobbs, commenting about the shenanigans by Lynch, Clinton, Obama and guess who? 

Jumping Jim (Big Bird) Comey.

Jeff Sessions, now Attorney General has now agreed to testify publicly  in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Wouldn't it be great for General Sessions to make an interesting announcement about who's  next in the barrel.

Take no prisoners General.


  1. Replies
    1. You have to watch the video and hear Sessions.

  2. Sessions was Trump's biggest mistake.

    So far.



    Give me a break!

    1. Byron York: Is Robert Mueller conflicted in Trump probe?

      Fired FBI Director James Comey has emerged as the main figure in what some Democrats believe will be an obstruction of justice case against President Trump in the Trump-Russia matter. Comey's stories of conversations with the president, plus the fact that he was fired, ostensibly as a result of the Russia probe, make him potentially the star witness in the case.

      Which brings up an intriguing legal question. Comey is a good friend of special counsel Robert Mueller — such a good friend, for about 15 years now, that the two men have been described as "brothers in arms." Their work together during the controversies over Bush-era terrorist surveillance has been characterized as "deepening a friendship forged in the crucible of the highest levels of the national security apparatus after the 9/11 attacks," after which the men became "close partners and close allies throughout the years ahead."

      Now Mueller is investigating the Trump-Russia affair, in which, if the increasing buzz in the case is correct, allegations of obstruction against the president will be central. And central to those allegations — the key witness — will be the prosecutor's good friend, the now-aggrieved former FBI director.

      Is that a conflict? Should a prosecutor pursue a case in which the star witness is a close friend? And when the friend is not only a witness but also arguably a victim — of firing — by the target of the investigation? And when the prosecutor might also be called on to investigate some of his friend's actions? The case would be difficult enough even without the complicating friendship.

    2. Gingrich:

      Mueller's first hires all Democrat donors.

    3. The NY Times were read the Memo.

      Mueller has seen the Memos.

      Comey based his testimony on the Memos.

      ...but Comey won't give Congress the Memos!

  3. Comey appointed his friend, Chicago Lawyer Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate Plamegate.

    Fitzgerald told the actual leaker to shutup, and proceeded with his prosecutorial "responsibilities."

  4. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sparked a mini-meltdown in the media Monday with a tweet challenging the fairness of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

    Gingrich, who also appeared on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” pointed to the early hires special counsel Robert Mueller has made.

    “Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair,” he tweeted. “Look who he is hiring.check fec [sic] reports. Time to rethink.”

    1. CNN anchor John King on Monday asked the network's chief congressional correspondent, Manu Raju, if it should be a concern.

      "No, because Bob Mueller is the one who's in charge of this investigation and will ultimately decide how to proceed, and there is some oversight over him by [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein, even though there is a special counsel," he said.

    2. The fact that Rosenstein is a Democrat is of no consequence.

      We're talking Washington PROFESSIONALS here.

      Honest as the day is long.

  5. A friend of the president says Donald Trump is considering "terminating" special counsel Robert Mueller.

    Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy tells Judy Woodruff of "PBS NewsHour": "I think he's considering perhaps terminating the special counsel. I think he's weighing that option."


    Under current Justice Department regulations, such a firing would have to be done by Attorney General Jeff Sessions' deputy, Rod Rosenstein, not the president— though those regulations could theoretically be set aside.

  6. Hillary is guilty as hell and free as a bird, what a great country, as one of O'bozo's good buds used to say concerning himself.

    Some monster without feet from some dark lagoon has left footprints all over D.C. is all I can come up with as an explanation for all this absurdity.

    1. Our tax money is paying for all this horse shit !

    2. Congress needs term limits.

    3. If we could dump Puerto Rico on Canada in exchange for British Columbia then my dreamed of Nation of B.C., Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming might come into being !

      It's the only hope I can think of.....

    4. Didn't the Supreme Court rule term limits unconstitutional at one time ? Or am I misremembering ?

      I think maybe that was one reason I joined up for the Convention of States, but my memory dims.

    5. Eastern Washington is hereby invited to join the new Nation.

    6. Powered by the mighty Columbia and fed by the mighty apple.

    7. Salmon rich seas steel head rich rivers elk deer bear wolves moose women good lookin' brave free men kids all above average......

  7. The attorney general for Washington, D.C. who filed a lawsuit against President Trump on Monday is a major Democratic donor and gave thousands of dollars to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as recently as last year.

    D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine and Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh filed a lawsuit against the president on Monday, accusing him of violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by receiving payments from foreign leaders through his businesses.

    1. I have it from Judge Napolitano on Fox that the lawsuit is going nowhere. Trump doesn't own the hotel in question. It is a independent corporate entity and he only owns some stock in it, which makes that Okey Dokey according to my one trusted Judge.

    2. A lot of feriners do hang out in that particular location, though, because it is so well located right in the middle of The Swamp.

  8. You wouldn't expect a Hollywood star like Kevin Spacey to do a joke at Hillary Clinton's expense, and you certainly wouldn't expect him to do it at Broadway's Tony Awards ceremony. But that's exactly what Spacey did.

    Playing Bill Clinton on stage, he joked about her creating fake email accounts, and said, "I just wanted to do a joke nobody would ever think I'd do." Well, if that was indeed his goal, he certainly accomplished it!

  9. I am now a fan of Hannity again.

    His show tonight is a must watch.

  10. Hillary Clinton keeps barking like a junkyard dog to anyone who will listen that it was everyone’s fault but her own that she blew the election, again. Everyone that I know who voted for Donald Trump, myself included, did so based on the issues.


    I seriously doubt the blamer in chief would ever stoop so low as to read a small town newspaper like the BND. But on the off chance that miracle happens ... Hillary: you’re a pathetic embarrassment, your sleazeball husband is worse than you are, and you’re party is worse than the two of you put together.

    Hillary Clinton

  11. $1 billion startup Automattic is closing its San Francisco office and having everyone work from home

    Automattic, the company behind the popular WordPress blogging website, is making the unusual decision to get rid of its San Francisco office. Its employees in the Bay Area will simply work full time from their homes, coffee shops, or wherever else they choose.
    The truth is, employees were doing that anyway, Quart's Oliver Staley reports. So CEO Matt Mullenweg looked at the incredibly beautiful but mostly unused office and decided there were better ways to spend the company's money.

    "Automattic has been a fully distributed company since the very beginning, so the SF office was always an optional coworking and event space," company spokesperson Mark Armstrong tells Business Insider.
    Of the company's roughly 550+ employees, only about 30 of them live in the Bay Area anyway, Armstrong confirmed. The rest of them are scattered across more than 50 countries, the WSJ's Christopher Mims reports.
