Sunday, June 04, 2017

The West Cannot Handle Muslims in Their Society - Stop Trying

Chrissy (Christine) Archibald, the first victim named in London Bridge terror attack

Western cultures see anger as a weakness, and expression of anger is a way to lose social status. In the Muslim culture, where , “might is right”, anger is seen as strength. Some Muslim communities even declares “days of anger”, where they try to convince others by screaming, shooting in the air and hopping up and down. While we Westerners see such behaviour as embracing or even psychiatric, Muslim cultures defines our lack of aggression as weakness, that can – and should – be exploited. To avoid such invitations to exploitation, we should speak the truth, make demands, be consequent – and carry a big stick.



1) What are the differences between the Muslim and Western man?
Nicolai: Working with Muslim clients I found four important psychological differences. Understanding these differences makes us more able to understand the psychological aspects of integration problems that the West experiences when it comes to Muslim immigrants.
The first difference concerns anger. Western cultures see anger as a weakness, and expression of anger is a way to lose social status. In the Muslim culture, where , “might is right”, anger is seen as strength. Some Muslim communities even declares “days of anger”, where they try to convince others by screaming, shooting in the air and hopping up and down. While we Westerners see such behaviour as embracing or even psychiatric, Muslim cultures defines our lack of aggression as weakness, that can – and should – be exploited. To avoid such invitations to exploitation, we should speak the truth, make demands, be consequent – and carry a big stick.
The second difference concerns honor and self confidence. Inside the Western culture it is generally seen as a sign of honor and self confidence, if we are able to handle criticism either with and shrug (if we disagree) or with a “I think you are right – thanks for helping me to improve”. In Muslim culture, it is honorable to defend against criticism with aggression and exhibit the courage to risk physical confrontation – no matter if the criticism is true or not. Islam can not defend, Islam can only attack. This is why we very seldom hear Muslims defend their religion through logic or reason, but almost always with intimidation and violence: It does not matter who is right, it matters who is the strongest. From the perspective of traditional Muslim culture, the Western concept of honor is dishonorable. It makes us look pathetic and fearful, and for a religion that is basically imperialistic and aggressive, it is an invitation to attack.
The third difference concerns self responsibility, and here the psychological term “locus of control” is important to understand. Western culture leans towards an inner locus of control, meaning that we think that our lives are mainly governed by inner factors, such as our own choices, our own view and our way of handling our emotions. That is why we have countless therapists, coaches etc., and countless books and magazines, which all aim at helping us to be better at helping ourselves. Muslim culture and especially Islam is strongly characterized by outer locus of control. Everything happens “Inshallah”; almost every aspect of life is regulated by Islamic law, the brutal sharia that steals away so many human rights from the people living under it; male authorities – fathers, big brothers, uncles, imams, etc. – make the rules and have enormous power over especially the women. There is very little room for personal choices and freedoms, and this naturally creates a feeling of outer locus of control: Your life is created by outside factors, and the freedom to explore and train inner locus of control is very limited. This is also the reason for the world famous, and – from a Western perspective – embarrassing and childish victim mentality, that characterizes many Muslim communities and immigrants. When this victim mentality meets with our Western compassion and questions like “what would you like to do”, integration is doomed to fail. Only now Western authorities are beginning to learn that we need to meet Muslim immigrants with demands, consequences – “you have to do this and that and this is the consequences if you do not.” People with outer locus of control mostly have very little control and needs clear communication, a clear frame work and clear consequences if they break the rules. But even though we are starting to realize this now, it might be too late to stop the failed integration of millions of people from this very different culture from destroying our societies.
The fourth difference concerns tolerance and openness. In the West, being “tolerant and open” is considered a de facto definition of a good person. Hundred years ago, “good persons” went to church every Sunday, while today they stand with #RefugeesWelcome signs on train stations. In Islam, at good person is somebody adhering strictly to the sharia, which is very intolerant and closed – even violent – towards outsiders. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to predict how the meeting between to such different cultures will evolve: As a cultural osmosis, the “open” culture will be consumed by the intolerant culture: The cultural exchange will be a one-way street. This is what is eating up our countries these years in the form of Islamic parallel societies that develop into small Gaza Strips with extreme dense population; radical Islam going viral; poverty, low education and dependence on economic support from outside; and a hostile and violent attitude towards their non-Muslim surroundings: A constant source of aggression that needs constant containment in order not to spill over and into its context.
2) What are the characteristics of Arab culture, as expressed in communication with the Western world?
Nicolai: Arab culture’s, or Muslim culture’s exchange with the Western world is mainly characterized by the Western world trying to contain – or sometime even harvest and exploit it through proxy wars – Muslim aggression. There is very little communication based on the two parties being equal. Instead, the West use appeasement, diplomacy, bribing or bombs in an attempt to tame the constant flow of violence and aggressive imperialism. From the Islamic side, they instinctively have spotted our weaknesses mentioned above, and they are convinced that through the power of their god and through patience and intimidation, they will continue and finish the work that their prophet began one and a half millenium ago and which has already emptied most of the Middle East, North Africa and great parts of Asia from non-Muslims.
3) How can a Muslim change and build a different personality that integrates in the western world?
Well, since this would mean that they would have to adopt a long list of human rights (democracy, freedom of speech, sexuality, religion, etc.) that the sharia punishes with death, it would first and foremost be based on security for those wishing to change. We can start by undermining the sources of the sharia, the imams and the mosques.
4) If they are so different, what are they looking for in Western countries?
Nicolai: Safety, freedom, money and material goods, uniting with their families, and spreading the sharia. Unfortunately, on an average, they give very little back to the countries they enter, and often their concept of freedom is not compatible with human rights and democracy. Of course there are also many Muslims who want to really integrate and embrace our values and rights, but much too often they are stopped by their Islamic surroundings or their own lack of motivation or skills.
5) One who does not integrate – what happens to him? When does he turn into a criminal and when does he run a normal life?
Nicolai: To integrate you need three things. You have to want it, you have to be allowed by you Muslim peers and family, and you have to be able to. Much too few Muslim immigrants, refugees and their descendants manages all three. Because of their intolerant culture, they many have very little or no feeling of commitment and thankfulness towards non-Islamic culture and societies. And if our Western welfare societies provides them with food, money and housing – even if they do not integrate one inch – why should they integrate? And if we let radical imams and mosques spread all over, how can we expect that any attempt on integration into our Wester values will be supported by the Muslim community? And if we do not discriminate between what immigrants we take, and therefore end up with millions of illiterate, uneducated and often inbred migrants, how can we expect that they are able to integrate into our high tech, knowledge-based civilized societies?
6) What often happens in the next generation – in both cases?
Nicolai: The first generation often has a sense of thankfulness to the country receiving them. Statistics show that the following generation are more criminal. Those who really integrates often have to live in fear from the practising Muslims. Some even need police protection.
7) What are the consequences of a failed immigration?
Nicolai: Ultimately it will lead to civil war inside our countries. The point where we could handle this challenge without blood, sweat and tears was passed decades ago. I blame our politicians and media.
8) How can the western world deal with it successfully?
Nicolai: a) Stop Muslim immigration. b) Help refugees in their own region, where they feel home with their culture, language and climate. In this way we can afford to help many more, and not just the young men that are sent here. On top, the refugees will not have to live with the extra traumatization that happens when especially disadvantaged people move to a completely other culture. c) Honorary repatriation for non-citizens who are not self-supporting, speaking the language and law abiding. d) Long prison sentences in prisons outsourced outside Europe to Muslim criminals (so they do not radicalize and intimidate non-Muslim prisoners in national prisons, cheaper). e) Close down every mosque and Islamic organisation that do not actively support democratic values and human rights and which do not openly and pro-actively reject the criminal principles and verses of the Islamic scriptures and of the example of their prophet. f) Integration should be based on demands and consequences. Not complying should lead to honorary repatriation.
9) The protesters against Islam-phobia, what leads them? Are they right and honest, or is it a cover for something deeper?
Nicolai: The greatest islamophobes are to be found among the Muslims themselves. Only fear can lead people to accept such a suppressive system. As one imam said, Islam would have been long gone, had it not been for sharia’s death penalty for apostacy. I think Western protesters against “islamophobia” are either afraid to confront an obviously criminal, sexist and fascist ideology and its intolerant and violent adherents, or they are simply being naive and a modern day version of the “good people”. The violent “anti-fascists” I consider a reincarnation, half joking, of the Inquisition.
10) After the Danish Mohammad cartoon was published in the news – what did you learn from the reactions of both sides (Islamic and western)?
Nicolai: We learned that giving into Muslims demands will just lead to more demands. That we have to find our footing, define our values and borders, and we ready to protect them by any means necessary. And Muslims got aquinted with the concept of Free Speech.
11) What reactions do you get from your writings?

Nicolai: I think many people find that a psychological perspective on the subject helps to understand the dynamics of the situation. I have of course been accused of racism from the Left, but I am no racist. Islam is not a race. It is a weapon of mass destruction (that the CIA have been exploiting for decades) and the greatest enemy of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights. I was born into a Leftist family, and the values that I grew up with – the equality of women, a critical view on the dangerous power of religion, and the freedom for the little guy to speak freely – I consider basic values of the Left. I feel today that I am a Leftist, but somehow the world changed, and today basic Leftist values are, if applied to Islam and Muslim culture, considered “far Right”. I do not care. I am true to myself and wish happiness and freedom for everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims.”



    Nicolai: I think many people find that a psychological perspective on the subject helps to understand the dynamics of the situation. I have of course been accused of racism from the Left, but I am no racist. Islam is not a race. It is a weapon of mass destruction (that the CIA have been exploiting for decades) and the greatest enemy of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights.

    I was born into a Leftist family, and the values that I grew up with – the equality of women, a critical view on the dangerous power of religion, and the freedom for the little guy to speak freely – I consider basic values of the Left. I feel today that I am a Leftist, but somehow the world changed, and today basic Leftist values are, if applied to Islam and Muslim culture, considered “far Right”. I do not care. I am true to myself and wish happiness and freedom for everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims.”

  2. The Germans interviewed 45,000 German youth of all faiths. They were startled to find that every religious group, the more religious, the more peaceful, with one exception, Islam.

    FROM DW:

    Study finds young, devout Muslims in Germany more prone to violence

    A study conducted by the German authorities has found that the more devout young Muslims become, the more prone to violence they get. The study says the phenomenon is not due to Islam itself, but to the way it is taught.

    Violence is a growing problem among young devout Muslims

    The willingness to commit violent crimes grows among young Muslim immigrants in Germany the more religious they become, according to a joint survey by the German interior ministry and the Institute for Criminology Research of Lower Saxony (KFN).
    By comparison, the study found that just the opposite was true for Christian immigrants. The willingness to commit violent crimes, such as armed robbery or assault and battery, among young Catholics and Protestants decreases with religious fervor, the KFN study revealed.

    The study said the reason for this difference had to do with the very different image of masculinity. Muslim devotion promotes the acceptance of macho behavior, said Christian Pfeiffer, the director of the Lower Saxony research institute and one of the authors of the study.

    Muslim devotion breeds macho behavior, says Pfeiffer

    Pfeiffer said that in their religion, and in the family at home, young Muslim immigrants are frequently exposed to a more conservative world view and lay claim to a variety of male privileges.

    The problem with imams

    In an effort to explain their results, the study's authors draw on the findings of Rauf Ceylan, a religious education expert and himself of Turkish extraction, who points to the number of non-German imams, or Muslim priests, preaching and teaching in Germany.

    Ceylan maintains that these foreign imams are generally only in Germany temporarily, speak no German and have little contact with German culture. Most of them, he says, call for a return to a more conservative Islam and retreat into the practitioner's original ethnic culture. For them, male dominance is normal and their teachings demand the same from Muslim youths, Ceylan says.
    Christian Pfeiffer, from the KFN, also points out that the phenomenon is not due to Islam itself, but to the way it is taught.

    Maiziere wants to discuss the study's results with Muslim groups

    The KFN study interviewed a total of 45,000 14-16 year-olds in 61 cities across Germany between 2007 and 2008. Of these, 10,000 had an immigrant background.

    It found that the best adjusted and most integrated immigrants came from non-religious families. More than 41 percent of these were looking to get a high school diploma, nearly 63 percent had German friends and 66 percent viewed themselves as German.

    The figures among young Muslims were strikingly different: only 16 percent were pursuing a high school diploma, 28 percent had German friends and about 22 percent considered themselves German.

    Author: Gregg Benzow (dpa/AP/AFP)
    Editor: Andreas Illmer


  3. WE have a simple choice. We can preserve our own culture or we can succumb to theirs. Fuck them.

  4. Yesterday’s attacks closely follow­ed the preferred Islamic State playbook, using a vehicle to run down innocent civilians, then leaving it to kill people directly, taking possession of a bar, systematically slaughtering the patrons.

    The final part of the template was frustrated in London because people fought back. That police managed to shoot the attackers dead within eight minutes is a tribute to their ­effectiveness.

    Yet the damage that low-tech attacks can do is enormous. If the terrorists had used three vans in different parts of London, they could have had the whole city in chaos.

    Own Petard

  5. I would take some issue with this:

    A study conducted by the German authorities has found that the more devout young Muslims become, the more prone to violence they get. The study says the phenomenon is not due to Islam itself, but to the way it is taught.

    It's quite hard to get away from the violent, male Moslem dominance sayings in the Moslem literature.

    I suppose one can teach that those sayings don't mean what they say, some have tried, but it's a tough road to teach, sort of like trying to remove the heart out of a living beast.

    The old beast always seems to not only survive but dominate in Islam.

  6. If I had my ruthers, Ash, I'd rather be throwing some bullets than chairs, tables, and bottles.

    If you wish to sit quietly and wait for the Police that's your choice.

    'Oi, cowards!': Londoners fought back as killers rampaged

    Flowers and messages lie behind police cordon tape near Borough Market after an attack left 7 people dead and dozens injured in London, Britain, June 4, 2017. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls

    Londoners fought back with whatever came to hand, including hurling chairs and tables, when three men armed with a van and knives went on the attack in a bustling area of the British capital on Saturday night.

    The attack, in which the assailants killed at least seven people and injured almost 50 before they were shot dead by police, began with a van being driven at high speed into a crowd of pedestrians on London Bridge.

    "It looked like he was aiming for groups of people," Mark Roberts, a 53-year-old management consultant, told Reuters. He saw at least six people on the ground after the van veered on and off the pavement.

    "It was horrendous."

    The knife-wielding assailants then took their attack to nearby Borough Market, where survivors described a hellish scene in an area packed with people enjoying a night out in bars and restaurants.

    Gerard Vowles told Sky TV that he was on the street near the Southwark Tavern pub, the scene of multiple stabbings, when he heard someone say: "I've been stabbed, I've been stabbed."

    "I thought they were joking," he said.

    He said he then saw a woman and man being stabbed while the attackers shouted: "This is for Allah", and recalled how he tried to distract the men.

    "As they left I was going "Oi, oi, cowards!" Vowles said. "I was just trying to get their attention by throwing things at them ... I thought if I throw bottles or chairs they can come after me. If I can get them to come to the main road then the police can stop them, they can obviously shoot them."

    Britain's transport police chief praised the actions of one of his officers injured in the attack who took on the assailants armed only with a baton.

    "For an officer who only joined us less than two years ago, the bravery he showed was outstanding and makes me extremely proud," Chief Constable Paul Crowther said in a statement.


    'Enough is enough' PM May says after London attackers kill seven
    Putin's dinner with Michael Flynn: 'I didn't even really talk to him'
    A supervisor at Feng Sushi restaurant inside Borough Market told the Financial Times how he had come face to face with one of the attackers.

    "He was right in front of me with only the glass of the door between us. He came with a big knife, about 20 centimeters, which had blood on the blade. He was saying: ‘This is for Allah’ and tapped it on the window," 23-year old Alex Nypels said. He said the attacker then went into another nearby restaurant.

    Other witnesses reported seeing a man with a large blade, similar to a kitchen knife, and victims bleeding from stab wounds. They said people were fleeing the area in panic.

    One witness, who only gave the BBC his first name of Ben, said he saw a man dressed in red who was stabbing a man with a blade that appeared to be about 10 inches long.

    "He was being stabbed quite coldly and he slumped to the ground," he said of the victim. The attacker then walked towards Southwark Tavern where a chair was thrown towards him, shortly before gunshots rang out.

    1. The Police in this case did show up fast, but that's not always the case.

      It's been speculated that they were wearing those fake bomb vests so that if they were able to corral some people in a bar or restaurant the Police would be hesitant to rush the place for fear of a suicide blast.

      This would have allowed the jihadis to calmly kill some more folks.

    2. Yeah, the reason they went through more than forty rounds is 'cause they had the chance, and only wounded one civilian.

      Stupid Police Commish was quite concerned about all that gunfire, and promised a full investigation.

    3. A supervisor at Feng Sushi restaurant inside Borough Market told the Financial Times how he had come face to face with one of the attackers.

      That's some bad Feng Shui.

    4. No shit ?

      I can hardly believe that, but it is England.

  7. One writer called the Islamic movement "Sacred Rage." Rage is common among Arabs, and it was brought along by Mohammed into his new religion long ago. We need to learn to slap down Muslims lies and assumptions at once, and stand them down loudly. When a Muslin tells us that Allah and the God of the Bible are the same, we need to at once tell them that Allah was the name of a pagan god from Babylon and had no association with El or Elohim of the Bible. I have a book online on this which I researched for six years: We must be bold in contradicting Muslims when they make statements. If they say American woman are whores, ask them if they watch American woman because they like to look at whores. Tell them they are sex perverts for watching whores. If they tell us that Sharia Law will rule America, we must tell them that Americans will wage war on them if they try it. State things as facts, and do not debate. We must declare the truth, not debate it. Read the Hidith and find sites online which expose the filthy sex life of Mohammed. Learn to quote the Hadith in matters of the perversions of Mohammed. It is not enough to deal only with the Quran.

  8. These people are smart, and are out competing us, too -

    CNN host makes 'racist' comment to 12-year-old Spelling Bee Champion

    Ananya Vinay of Fresno, California is the 2017 Spelling Bee Champion
    Mythili Sampathkumar New York @MythiliSk 5 hours ago 40 comments
    The Independent US

    Ananya Vinay, 12, of Fresno, California wins the 2017 Scripps Spelling Bee Mark Wilson/Getty Images

    A CNN host is accused of making what some are saying is a "racist" remark to 12-year-old Scripps Spelling Bee Champion Ananya Vinay who the host said likely misspelled a word on air because "its root is not in Sanskrit, which is what you're probably used to using."

    / 0:04

    Hosts Alisyn Camerota, who made the comment, and Chris Cuomo jokingly asked her to spell 'covfefe,' what Ms Camerota called a "nonsense word."

    Ananya, who is of Indian origin, was born and raised in Fresno, California and had just been named the 2017 champion the previous evening. An Indian-American child has won the competition every year since 2008, and Ananya is the 13th overall to do so.

  9. One Love Concert raised 2.6 million $ for the victims of the previous jihadi attack.

    Great on them.

  10. Islamic and Judeo/Christian modes of prayer are very different.

    In the latter one can dialogue with the Lord.

    In the Sistine Chapel painting The Creation of Adam

    man and God are face to face, fingers almost touching.

    In Islamic prayer the face, the site of individuality, is slammed to the floor, erased, with the hinder parts raised high.

    This is opposite of the usual Judeo/Christian way in which prayer is often conducted standing.

    One can converse with the Lord in the Judeo/Christian way, argue with the Lord even.

    In Islam the inscrutable divinity is simply accepted and is thought of more as a fate.


    We've been following the latest news from London, and we also just heard a discussion about whether the news reporting on attacks like the recent ones in the U.K. and elsewhere is in line with what analysts and scholars are saying about terrorism. We wanted to talk more about that, so we called Charles Kurzman.

    He's a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


    Professor Kurzman, thank you so much for speaking with us.

    CHARLES KURZMAN: Thanks for having me on.

    MARTIN: So recognizing that we don't know all the details about this latest attack, you know, who the attackers are, what their personal stories are, how do you think we should be thinking about these incidents?


    KURZMAN: Yeah. My research suggests that it's some sort of combination that you have a variety of linked revolutionary movements. They want to make an Islamic revolution, and they're trying to recruit anybody they can.


    MARTIN: You know, to that point, I mean, there was a horrific bomb attack in Kabul, you know, last week and another one yesterday. And a number of people, you know, people tweeting us, people responding on social media, you know, have made the point that those tend to not get as much attention in the West as the things that happen, you know, in the West.


    KURZMAN: Some of them say that they're linked with one another in some sort of global revolutionary movement, and others are more focused on the national or even a very local situation. If you look globally at the data on terrorism around the world, a large bulk of it is in a handful of civil war zones.


    MARTIN: Well, indeed, in one of your monographs, you wrote that in 2016 Americans were less likely to be killed by Muslim extremists than for being Muslim. How would you wish us to respond to another event like this which will surely come?

    KURZMAN: I think our response needs to be to put this in perspective, that this is relatively rare. It's totally unfortunate, and I'm not excusing this violence in any sense, but our resilience requires us not to overreact.

    Relatively Rare

  12. Big stir in the Gulf -

    Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain break diplomatic ties with Qatar over 'terrorism'Saudi Arabia said the move was necessary to protect the kingdom from what it described as extremism, reasoning that was echoed by Bahrain

    King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia at the Gulf Cooperation Council summit, attended by the leaders of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, deputy Prime Minister of Oman, and the US President.

    King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia at the Gulf Cooperation Council summit, attended by the leaders of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, deputy Prime Minister of Oman, and the US President. Photograph: Saudi Press Agency Handout/EPA

    Guardian staff and agencies

    Sunday 4 June 2017 23.01 EDT Last modified on Monday 5 June 2017 00.44 EDT

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain have broken off diplomatic relations and all land sea and air contacts with fellow Gulf Arab state Qatar, in the region’s most serious diplomatic crisis in years.

    Saudi Arabia on Monday said the move was necessary to protect the kingdom from what it described as terrorism and extremism. The kingdom also pulled all Qatari troops from the coalition fighting the ongoing war in Yemen.

    Saudi Arabia and UAE block Qatari media over incendiary statements

    The official state news agency, citing an official source, said Saudi Arabia had decided to sever diplomatic and consular relations with Qatar “proceeding from the exercise of its sovereign right guaranteed by international law and the protection of national security from the dangers of terrorism and extremism”.

    Saudi Arabia cut all land air and sea contacts with Qatar “and urges all brotherly countries and companies to do the same.”....



    Looks like Sec. State T Rex Tillerson gets in on the act too !

    1. And Melania looks delicious in Roman purple !

  13. That's an excellent video of that interview between Robert Spencer and the Danish psychologist.

    Robert Spencer is sure a workaholic on his subject.

    1. A damn hard nut to crack, Islam.

    2. Moslem integration isn't ever going to work, our psychologist concludes.

      QUIRK you ought to listen to this discussion.

      I hope you storm back in like you stormed out.

    3. Aramaic Broadcasting Network

  14. Trump reacts by stoking fears, renewing a personal feud

    Before offering condolences to the British people, the U.S. president referred to his travel ban and made other statements on his preferred platform of Twitter.
    On Sunday, he derided the London mayor, who had sought to reassure the city.


    1. Front page of the Washington Post "News"paper

    2. The Compost

      June 4, 2017
      Washington Post telegraphs the coming targets of the Left
      By Thomas Lifson

  15. In the Short Version I notice The Lady (love her blouse and necklace) attributes to Dr. Sennels at 4:03 the sensible suggestion that the answer to this problem of Islam is to ban Islam.

    I like this Dr. Sennels fellow.

    1. Dr. Sennels at about 5:30 -5:40 more than hints at closing down the mosques, a very sensible suggestion given that the mosques are the incubators of this violence.

    2. Really excellent post, Deuce.

    3. All this brings to my mind the quote that slipped out of the mouth of a newly elected City Councilman on the first Moslem majority City Council in the USA, Hamtramck, Michigan:

      First we show the Poles, then everybody else

    4. Dr. Sennels also observed that importing people is importing their culture.

    5. Our Strength is our Diversity.

    6. Indians and Asians in Silicon Valley bad, Muslims good. how do we de-brainwash Silicon Valley?

  16. I love this Suicidal Fucking Piece of Shit "News" that blurs out the faces of the next round of terrorist Islamic Murderers.

    1. The terrorist, who MailOnline are not naming, appeared in this documentary which aired on Channel 4 last year focusing on jihadis in Britain

    2. ...and WHY are they not naming?

      If only Quirk were here to "explain."

      ...I mean that, SOMETIMES he was right.

    3. I love it:

      The cops and the victims are shown, the Jihadis are blurred.

      Self hate rules.

    4. Sadly, like today's America, (although less so) a majority of Brits in this piece range from overweight to obese.

      ...more commentary on decadence and suicide.

  17. Civilian shot by police was American

    1. Canadian Christine Archibald Is 1st Victim Identified

      LONDON — The family of the first London Bridge attack victim who has been publicly identified urged those touched by her death to help the homeless.

      Image: Christine Archibald
      Christine Archibald Courtesy of the Archibald family via Reuters
      Canadian national Christine Archibald, 30, moved to London to be with her fiance.

      "We grieve the loss of our beautiful, loving daughter and sister," a spokesperson for the Archibald family said Sunday. "She would have had no understanding of the callous cruelty that caused her death. Please honor her by making your community a better place. Volunteer your time and labor or donate to a homeless shelter. Tell them Chrissy sent you."

      Archibald was one of seven people killed in a van-and-stabbing rampage in London Bridge and nearby Borough Market late Saturday. More than 21 others remain in critical condition in hospital, officials said.

      The native of Castlegar, British Columbia, had previously worked in a shelter for the homeless.

      "She had room in her heart for everyone and believed strongly that every person was to be valued and respected," the family spokesperson added.

    2. Yep, we done been brainwashed.

      People are intrinsically good. least if they are Muzzies.

      According to Quirk.

    3. The rest of us are racist xenophobes.

      Fuck you, Quirk!

  18. "A word to the wise isn't necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice."

    - Bill Cosby

  19. Caitlyn, Donald no longer popular baby names.

  20. There is nothing xenophobic about expressing alarm over a definable group of people that are outwardly hostile to our culture and conduct themselves in an alarming violent sociopathic manner to people that they do not know, but consider them as inferior to them.

    We owe such people nothing and we need and have every right to protect our own. We have no obligation to understand them, convert them or reason with them. It would be xenophobic if our reaction was hostile to all foreign people. That is not the case.

    Indians, Koreans and Japanese do not share our religion or cultural heritage, but they respect us and are welcome as a group in our society. Clearly, most Europeans fit into the same category as do legal immigrants from the Americas.

    They are not killing, maiming and destroying based on blind hatred and contempt. To not recognize that is not only foolish' it is dangerously irresponsible.

    Cultures do not begin at insemination, they span generations, centuries and millenniums. People are not all the same. Lying eyes put aside, that is nonsense.

    Aberrant hostile cultures develop. If one culture attacks another culture for no other reason than they are not them, the offending culture is the problem.

    Islam is a problem. It is neither lovely or benign. Islam is an anachronistic corrosive and inherently evil institution, a cult of death, that refuses to address the evil let alone correct it. This is not a racial problem. It is not hypothetical. It exists and to date, none of the Western European cultures has safely integrate them into their societies, but it was not for lack of trying and lying to themselves.

    They don't even have the courage to face what they have done to themselves. They cover it up as if it will go away. It won't.

    It is late but not too late. There is a difference between tolerance and servitude, between good and evil, right and wrong, between being understanding or being stupid.

    Compounding bad ideas, good but failed intentions, social experiments that didn't go as planned, by doubling down on the risks is not goodness. Judging those as xenophobic racists because they have 20/20 vision not occluded by rose colored social designer glass is naive and worse.

    One thousand Muslims attacking women outside the great Kölner Dom because they consider them whores and the multiple slashing and murder of the innocent and unfortunate Chrissy (Christine) Archibald are representative of a people dedicated to an evil murderous cult is evidence enough for me to say get them out. They had their chance, they fucked up and they have to go.

    1. I agree completely.
      The difference between you and I is where to go from there.
      A debate for a time in the future.

    2. "Express Alarm"? You stated you wanted to send them out of the US. Ethnic cleansing.

      The basic problem with your stated views is year you condemn all Muslims for the actions of a few. There are, what?, a billion or so Muslims on the planet And, as you should know, there are many different beliefs that make a Muslim - there are Shia, Sunni, sawdust, Whahabbi ect. Yet you condemn them all as being the same and a threat. You are simply wrong. Yes, Duece, you are a nativist xenophobe.

    3. I'll accept the observations of the objective and learned Dane, Nicolae, who has been working and studying the behavioral habits of Muslims in Europe, my own experience and observations and would even consider your well developed argument when I see it.

      Is this it?

      " You are simply wrong. Yes, Duece, you are a nativist xenophobe."

    4. there are Shia, Sunni, sawdust, Whahabbi ect.

      What's a 'sawdust moslem' ?

      And what's a Whahabbi ?

      Ash, if there are a billion moslems on this suffering earth, that means there are one half billion repressed females among them.

      Since you don't seem to give a shit I'll call you a sexist male dominance misogynist. And Quirk too.

    5. Ethnic cleansing ?

      Nah, charge them with treason for advocating the overthrow of the Constitution, give 'em a fair trial, and then it's hanging or exile.

      Because if you really are a moslem you really do accept sharia and sharia demands the overthrow of 'man-made' law.

      First we'll show the Poles, then everybody else

    6. Make that a sexist male dominance misogynist pig.

  21. You want a view of the distortion and lies, the deception by the media, watch this:

  22. I heard on Fox one of the jihadis had made an attack video and put it on You Tube.

    Also held a going away bar-b-que.

    Some of the neighbors said he was a fine fellow.

    Though a couple got pissed about him trying to indoctrinate their little kids in the park.

    He had been reported to the Police at least twice.

    1. I may have that You Tube thing a little wrong -

      Police uncover YouTube link to London terror attack

      Police raided a block of flats in Barking
      Police raided a block of flats in Barking CREDIT: HANNAH MCKAY/REUTERS
      Gordon Rayner, political editor Ben Farmer, defence correspondent Martin Evans Robert Mendick, chief reporter
      5 JUNE 2017 • 10:11AM
      Counter-terrorism officers secretly recorded an alleged Isil-inspired terror cell in Barking last month discussing how to use YouTube to plot a van and knife attack in London, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

      The investigators were monitoring the alleged extremist cell in the east London borough weeks before Saturday night’s attack in the capital, which left seven dead and 48 injured. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

      On Sunday police arrested 12 people, among them seven women – all of them in Barking and other parts of east London, where at least one of Saturday’s killers was believed to have lived. Those arrested were aged from 19 to 60.

      Three terrorists shouting “This is for Allah” as they stabbed at their victims were killed by police just eight minutes after the alarm was raised shortly after 10pm on Saturday.

      Officers revealed that they fired an “unprecedented” 50 bullets at the attackers, who wore fake suicide belts to maximise panic and fear. Now The Daily Telegraph has learnt that police had been monitoring an extremist cell in that area since March.

      Theresa May declared “enough is enough” as she set out her plan to tackle terrorism.

      “We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are,” she said.

      Addressing the nation from outside Downing Street after the second terrorist attack during the election campaign, the Prime Minister said that internet companies had allowed terror to thrive by creating a “safe space” for extremism and called for international agreements to “regulate cyberspace”.

      Theresa May said that internet companies had allowed terror to thrive
      Theresa May said that internet companies had allowed terror to thrive CREDIT: KEVIN COOMBS/REUTERS
      Mrs May said Britain had been too tolerant of Islamist extremism, 
allowing copycat killers to repeat atrocities in the wake of the Westminster and Manchester attacks.

      An unnamed friend of one of the terrorists claimed he had reported the man to the police anti-terrorist hotline after he became radicalised by watching extremist videos on YouTube. He said the attacker had listened to hate speeches by the infamous American Islamist Ahmad Musa Jibril.

      A neighbour of one of the suspected attackers claimed she had reported him to Barking police two years ago, after he began “brainwashing” her children at a local park. She said she had confronted him after her two children came home and said “Mummy I want to become a Muslim.”

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