Monday, June 05, 2017

All The News That Is Fit To Fake - CNN At Its Finest

CNN reporter is caught up in 'fake news' row after being accused of 'setting up' a Muslim counter-terror protest

  • Demonstrators against extremism visited police cordon near London Bridge
  • Video was taken of the group being positioned behind TV crews yesterday
  • CNN was accused on Twitter of using the demonstrators to 'create a narrative'
  • But both the news network and demonstrators insist nobody was manipulated 
Published: 11:01 EDT, 5 June 2017 Updated: 13:29 EDT, 5 June 2017
CNN has denied online claims that it 'set up' a counter-extremism demonstration behind one of its reporters.
A group from the London Fatwa Council came to the police cordon near the London Bridge terror attacks with banners proclaiming 'ISIS will lose' yesterday afternoon.
But a video which emerged of the group apparently being positioned by TV reporters led to claims online that the channel was 'creating a narrative'.
The video shows the group being ushered past the media and positioned so that cameras can see them.
A film shot by a bystander shows a group of protesters being brought past TV crews in London
CNN has denied claims it positioned anti-extremism demonstrators behind its cameras to 'create a narrative', insisting the group arrived to be seen by TV cameras
CNN has denied claims it positioned anti-extremism demonstrators behind its cameras to 'create a narrative', insisting the group arrived to be seen by TV cameras
The footage of Ms Anderson's report filmed of the protest was later posted online
Reporter Becky Anderson mentioned the protesters' signs in her news report on the terror attack.
She said: 'Behind me you can see a sign here, hashtag 'turn to love'', hashtag 'for London', hashtag 'ISIS will lose', and flowers left in remembrance of those who left their lives.'
She called the demonstrators a 'poignant scene' and urged the camera to pause on them to viewers 'how people feel here on the streets of London'.
The man who filmed the footage, a Twitter user called @markantro, tweeted: 'CNN creating the narrative #FakeNews'
His video was shared more than 14,000 times on the social network and liked more than 16,000 times.
The man who filmed the footage, who describes himself as an 'AnarchoCapitalist', claimed white police officers left the protest scene around the time news crews were filming, leaving minority officers visible - another example, he claimed, of the footage being staged.
Former US diplomat Richard Grenell also retweeted the video, with the caption: 'This is very disturbing.' 
Both CNN and the demonstrators vehemently deny that anything was staged. 
Twitter users said the protesters had been brought into shot to manipulate the story
Twitter users said the protesters had been brought into shot to manipulate the story
But CNN's Brian Stelter hit back, insisting they had only filmed what was already happening
But CNN's Brian Stelter hit back, insisting they had only filmed what was already happening
The protesters insist they went to the site on their own initiative and were not manipulated 
The protesters insist they went to the site on their own initiative and were not manipulated 
Chairman of the London Fatwa Council, Mohammad Raza, said the protesters went to police cordon themselves to show that they opposed religious extremism
Chairman of the London Fatwa Council, Mohammad Raza, said the protesters went to police cordon themselves to show that they opposed religious extremism
The group went to the scene to lay flowers and show signs saying '#turntolove' and #forlondon'
The group went to the scene to lay flowers and show signs saying '#turntolove' and #forlondon'
Mr Raza was pictured at a number of points around the cordon yesterday afternoon
Mr Raza was pictured at a number of points around the cordon yesterday afternoon
They insisted the same scene was filmed by other broadcasters, including the BBC and ITV, who had positioned themselves at the police cordon. 
A CNN spokesman said: 'This story is nonsense. The group of demonstrators that was at the police cordon was being allowed through by officers so they could show their signs to the gathered media.

Who are the group of protesters with signs? 

According to its website, the London Fatwa Council is a charity set up to offer legal advice 'in accordance with Islamic law'. 
The website states: 'It acts as a voice for women silenced by violent, abusive and forced marriages.
The group says it is trying to build dialogue between faiths in and around Barnet. 
'The CNN crew along with other media present simply filmed them doing so.'
Mohammad Raza of the London Fatwa Council, who took part in the demonstration, told MailOnline suggestions the event was staged were 'completely false'.
He said: 'Nothing was set up. We all decided to go down there. We are members of a faith foundation which includes Jewish, Christian and Muslim members.
'We went down there on our own initiative to lay flowers at the scene.'
He insisted any actions by TV crews was their own concern and his group had not been told what to do.
The row over the news channel came as US President Donald Trump launched an online attack on Sadiq Khan.
The protesters also appeared at the side of the BBC's coverage of the terror attack aftermath
The protesters also appeared at the side of the BBC's coverage of the terror attack aftermath
The BBC panned onto the group at the same police cordon as where CNN were filming
The BBC panned onto the group at the same police cordon as where CNN were filming
Trump hit out after the London Mayor told people there was 'no reason to be alarmed' about an increased police presence in the coming days.
The US president tweeted: 'At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!".'
This prompted Mr Khan's spokesman to state the mayor has 'more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed' tweet, before Mr Khan later suggested he does not regard Mr Trump's planned state visit as welcome.
Mr Trump continued to criticise Mr Khan, tweeting on Monday: 'Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his "no reason to be alarmed" statement. MSM (mainstream media) is working hard to sell it!' 
Talking about his earlier comments, Mr Khan insisted made clear that he was advising people not to be concerned by the presence of additional armed police officers on the streets of the capital in the days to come, and not playing down anxieties about the attack itself.

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  1. Nice Irish an British Lads:

    The murderer in an Arsenal shirt can today be named as British extremist Khuram Butt who was filmed unfurling an ISIS flag on national TV and was reported to the police twice but still managed to launch murder on Britain's streets.

    Butt, 27, a married father of two nicknamed 'Abz' who was born in Pakistan, was so extreme he called fellow Muslims without beards non-believers, would not speak to women directly and was banned from a mosque for berating worshippers for being 'un-Islamic'.

    The football fan, who worked KFC and Transport for London, wore an Arsenal shirt under his fake suicide belt as he and two friends crashed their van into crowds on London Bridge before slashing at people with large knives murdering seven people and leaving 48 injured on Saturday night.

    One of the friends has been named as Rachid Redouane - believed to be a Moroccan pastry chef who married a Scottish wife and lived in Ireland before launching the attack in the English capital. Police say he was living in the Rathmines area of the Irish capital but he was not on their radar as a terrorist.

    Butt's involvement is hugely embarrassing for police and the security services because he appeared in a TV documentary last year about British jihadis - and was also involved in a filmed altercation with police after he unfurled an ISIS flag in Regent's Park.

    On Channel 4's The Jihadis Next Door he was caught on camera wearing a pair of Rayban sunglasses alongside two notorious preachers who were well known to police and intelligence officials because of their extremist views.

  2. The family of one of the London Bridge terrorists today pleaded to be left to 'grieve in peace' as 21 of his innocent victims continue to fight for their lives in hospital.

    A brother-in-law of the 27-year-old Muslim extremist known to friends as 'Abz' made the comment as police swooped to arrest 12 people over the atrocity in raids across east London.

    Seven people were killed and 48 injured, with a number of victims having their throats slit, before police marksmen brought the violence to an end.

  3. Good name, that Mr. Butt.

    That demo sure is massive, whether it's a fakaroo or not.

    Either way it doesn't build a lot of confidence.

    (it looks fake as hell to me)

    1. They look like sawdust moslems to me.

      And if they aren't now they will be once their fellow believers get hold of 'em.

      They'll put 'em through the old wood chipper.

  4. I think the Whahabbi is a Native American war dance.

    1. Young Ash is always good for a laugh or two.


    2. I think the Whahabbi is a Native American war dance.

      To say you are stupid, insults the stupid, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson
      Quirk Fri May 05, 07:47:00 PM EDT

      Damn, Bob, you are the stupidest ass I know.

      Quirk demeans asses with the description.

  5. Young women have to die, bodies ripped apart or dying through absolute terror while being stabbed and hacked by some crazed Islamic warrior delirious with his love for allah, the greatest motherfucker of all time, so the progressive liberals can celebrate the joys and bounty of diversity they inflicted on the young women and the rest of us.

    More must die so that our social superiors don't have to recalibrate their golden glow of self righteousness and admit they made a calamity of one city after another, one colossal culturfuck after another,

  6. Methinks they doth protest too much.

  7. Rep. Clay Higgins' fiery Facebook post on America's "war with Islamic horror" has attracted widespread attention and some criticism.

    "Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter," Higgins, the Louisiana Republican and freshman congressman, posted Saturday after an attack on unarmed people in London.


    Pearson Cross, a University of Louisiana at Lafayette political scientist, said operating an ongoing campaign website is probably common among congressmen, who, because they face re-election every two years, must raise campaign funds nonstop to be successful.

  8. Higgins is a little nuts, to be honest about it.

    I'd rather have someone else leading the war on terror.


      'Cajun John Wayne' Under Fire...

      'Hunt. ID. Kill them all'....DRUDGE

      I don't like the term 'holy war' for some reason. Never have.

    2. Butt The Butcher....DRUDGE

      That sticks.

  9. A married father-of-two and a Moroccan-Libyan 30-year-old can now be revealed as two of the London Bridge terrorists who murdered seven people in the capital city massacre.

    The killer in an Arsenal shirt can today be named as British extremist Khuram Butt who was filmed unfurling an ISIS flag on national TV and was reported to the police twice but still managed to launch murder on Britain's streets.


    After police raided Butt’s home Barking, East London at 7am yesterday, it emerged he:

    Once appeared on a Channel 4 documentary last year about jihadis in Britain and had links to two notorious preachers of hate

    Had previously tried to go to Syria to fight jihad but had been talked out of it by his family


    Thirty-six people remain in hospital, including 21 in critical condition, following the attack on Saturday night.

    A bystander was shot in the head after they were caught in the police crossfire and the incident is being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the Metropolitan Police revealed yesterday.


    1. Khuram Shahzad Butt, a 27-year-old British national ...


    2. More than 130 imams from Britain are refusing to offer Islamic burials to the three men who launched attacks Saturday night in London, ...

  10. Real News ...

    Acting US ambassador to China David Rank resigned from his post in Beijing over President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate ..


  11. The President who emasculates himself ...

    George Conway, a prominent lawyer who recently took himself out of the running to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Division and the husband of top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, posted on Twitter that the remarks might hurt the legal case.

    “These tweets may make some ppl feel better, but they certainly won’t help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters. Sad,” he wrote, using abbreviations for Office of Solicitor General and the Supreme Court.

  12. Given that no one seems to know what President Trump thinks about the reality of human-caused climate change, perhaps we can agree that it's about time that he received a briefing on the subject.


    So, here's the President's Daily Brief on climate change, presented in the way that Trump prefers it: bullets and charts, and a few references to DJT himself:

    CLIMATE CHANGE PDB/June 5, 2017


    1. Global warming is real.

    It has not stopped or significantly slowed. It's not an artifact of bad data, either, and it's not part of a continually changing, natural climate cycle.

    Anyone who says, "the climate is always changing," without making clear that current developments are new, concerning, and very real, is not being honest.


    2. It's our fault.

    Global warming is mainly caused by the burning fossil fuels like coal and oil for energy. Land use change like cutting down forests also plays a role.

    There are natural causes of climate change, but they're not the main reason why the Earth is warming right now.

    1. Australia heats up -

      Police label shootout in Melbourne, Australia a terror attack

      Monday night there was a shootout at an apartment building in Melbourne, Australia. Police are now saying they are treating the incident as a terror attack. From the Associated Press:

      Australian police said on Tuesday that a shootout in which two men died, three police officers were wounded and a female hostage was freed was being treated as a terror attack.

      Police were called to an apartment building in the Melbourne suburb of Brighton on Monday in response to reports of an explosion and discovered the body of a man in the lobby. Police tried to negotiate with a gunman in one of the apartments, an official said.

      The gunman later left the building and shot three officers before police killed him. Two of the wounded police officers were taken to a hospital, and the other was treated at the scene.
      According to the Guardian, a woman was “lured” to the site and was then taken hostage by the gunman. The Australian reports that a woman claiming to be a hostage called a local news station during the standoff with police:

      The first caller, an apparently distraught woman, told a station staff member at 5.41pm: “This is the Brighton hostage.’’

      The Seven Network said that a man then declared: “This is for IS. This is for al-Qa’ida.’’
      ISIS has since claimed responsibility for the attack, though police say they don’t believe that proves the attack was planned in advance. The Herald Sun has identified the attacker as Yacqub Khayre:

      View image on Twitter
      Paul Tatnell ✔ @PaulTatnell
      Exclusive: The #brighton gunman was Yacqub Khayre, once accused of taking part in an Islamic terror plot to attack an Australian army base
      7:36 AM - 5 Jun 2017
      297 297 Retweets 173 173 likes

      In 2009, Khayre was involved in a suicide bombing plot targeting an army base. The plot was foiled and the Guardian reports Khayre was convicted and later acquitted of involvement in that plot. However, Khayre was later convicted of armed robbery and was on parole at the time of the attack last night.

    2. The US Ambassador to the United Nations disputes EVERY POINT made in Sam's post.

      “President Trump believes the climate is changing,” she said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” which airs Sunday. “And he does know that pollutants are a part of that equation.”

      Do you think Nikki Haley, our Ambassador to the UN, is lying?


  13. One of his closer allies there, British Prime Minister Theresa May, responded uncomfortably Monday to Trump’s outbursts about Khan, who is Muslim ...

    “I think Sadiq Khan is doing a good job, and it’s wrong to say anything else,”
    May tersely told reporters.

    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson thinks President Trump is a fool...
    British Prime Minister Theresa May just thinks he is wrong.

    Foolishly wrong ? ... Perhaps.


    1. I don't recall calling President Trump a fool, General Jack "ASS" Daughter Abandonment Dead Beat Dad Hawkins.

      If I did it was only about this issue or that.

      A fool doesn't become President of the United States, nor build massive buildings all over the world.

      You are a fool, and proved it by saying you were a military expert and then making stupid predictions about the wars in Iraq, as we all know.

      Further than a fool, you are a self confessed war criminal, a LIAR and a Jew hater.

      In addition you never had cattle, nor even a hat, much less a ranch on river bottom land.

      Nearly everyone here has advised you that you need psychological help.

      Get help, Jack "Ass".

  14. Trump will never finish one term. He is incapable of prioritizing, has no discipline and his defenders and supporting are averting their eyes. Long live President Pence.

  15. Fielding questions from a raucous town hall crowd of 350 or more on Monday, U.S. Rep. Brian Mast, R-Palm City, defended his vote for a Republican health care bill and told critics of President Donald Trump it would be “completely irresponsible” to speculate on impeaching him.


    Another woman said her adult son has leukemia and requires $11,000 a month in medications.

    “I see people roll their eyes about Medicaid. I’ve never taken a cent.

    I’ve worked since I was 13 mowing lawns. I don’t take a handout,” the woman said.

  16. Trump opens with an audacious and smart plan on infrastructure and can't stay on message long enough for one of his advisors to run to the bathroom, without tweeting. He had his chance. He blew it. No one fears him. They are laughing at him.

    1. As many of us are laughing at you. He is indeed your man and you continue to carry his water.


    WASHINGTON — An intelligence contractor was charged with sending a classified report about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election to the news media, the Justice Department announced Monday, the first criminal leak case under President Trump.

    The case showed the department’s willingness to crack down on leaks, as Mr. Trump has called for in complaining that they are undermining his administration. His grievances have contributed to a sometimes tense relationship with the intelligence agencies he now oversees.

    The Justice Department announced the case against the contractor, Reality Leigh Winner, 25, about an hour after the national-security news outlet The Intercept published the apparent document, a May 5 intelligence report from the National Security Agency.

  18. (CNN)The Justice Department announced charges Monday against a federal contractor with Top Secret security clearance, after she allegedly leaked classified information to an online media outlet.

    Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation in Georgia, is accused of "removing classified material from a government facility and mailing it to a news outlet," according to a federal complaint.

    CNN is told by sources that the document Winner allegedly leaked is the same one used as the basis for the article published Monday by The Intercept, detailing a classified National Security Agency memo. The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

    A US official confirmed to CNN that The Intercept's document is a genuine, classified NSA document.


  19. No Article of Impeachment will be tendered prior to the Dems taking the House on 20JAN2019.

    Procedures will take up about 30 days.
    Then it heads to the Senate ...

    Months will tick by ...

    President Pence, a lame duck without a single accomplishment to point to, worse if he has to "pardon" Trump after he is out of office...

    Trump, the liberal New York elitist, contributor to Chuck Schumer in 2010, has wrecked the "Conservative" movement as well as the Grand Old Party.

    Jerry Ford redux, at best.

  20. President Donald Trump’s tweetstorm Monday about his travel-ban executive order has an unlikely opponent: Kellyanne Conway’s husband.

    Trump took to Twitter on Monday morning to tweet about how an executive order earlier this year that suspended travel to the U.S. from six predominantly Muslim countries was, in fact, “a TRAVEL BAN.”

    He followed that tweet up with more posts to state that revisions to the travel ban are “watered down” and “politically correct.”

    Trump was still at it Monday night, saying “That’s right, we need a TRAVEL BAN”:

    But George Conway, husband of presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway, doesn’t appear to agree. In a tweet posted to George Conway’s account, which was verified by the Washington Post, he said that while Trump supporters may be pleased by Trump’s tweets, the tweets could make it harder for him to get five votes from the U.S. Supreme Court.

  21. Considering their checkered past, these agencies can’t afford to be embarrassed or discredited further. As they well know, most of their power comes from Congress, and Congress can take it away.


    Not surprisingly, when the House Intelligence Committee reviewed the (classified) basis for Rice’s unmasking request, it found no evidence of wrongdoing. As the committee further presses the intelligence agencies for other unmasking requests, they will only uncover more reasons these requests were made in the first place.

    Given that these reasons are, by the system’s design, almost guaranteed to be legitimate, the committee’s inquiry will most likely reveal even more questionable contacts between the Trump transition team and Russian intelligence — something the president might prefer to keep under lock and key.

    Ties to Russia
