Friday, June 16, 2017

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A Long History of Leftist Hatred

By Patrick J. Buchanan

James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life as a mass murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and a Bernie Sanders backer.

Like many before him, Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and hard left.

His planned atrocity failed because two Capitol Hill cops were at that Alexandria baseball field, providing security for House Whip Steve Scalise. Had those cops not been there, a massacre would have ensued with many more dead than the gunman.

Recall. There were no armed citizens at that Tucson grocery in 2011, when six were murdered and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was gravely wounded along with a dozen others. The nutcase doing the shooting was only wrestled to the ground when he dropped a clip trying to reload.

The Alexandria attack brings back memories of long ago.

A day before my 12th birthday, when I was in Children’s Hospital with a broken leg, my parents brought me the news that Puerto Rican terrorists had just attempted to assassinate Harry Truman at Blair House. A heroic cop, Leslie Coffelt, died stopping them.

In my second year in high school, blocks from the Capitol, Puerto Rican nationalists entered the visitor’s gallery of the House and began firing semiautomatic pistols. Five Congressmen were wounded.

Democratic politics has often proven a dangerous calling.

Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and JFK — one in every 10 of all our presidents — were assassinated.

Attending a service for a South Carolina Congressman in the Capitol in 1835, President Jackson survived twin misfires of two pistols. Old Hickory used his cane to attack his assailant, who was collared by Congressman Davy Crockett of Tennessee.

As a third-party candidate for president in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest. “It takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose,” Teddy scoffed, and finished his speech.

In February 1933, President-elect FDR, in Miami, was the target of would-be assassin Giuseppe Zangara, whose arm was jostled at the moment of firing. The bullet killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.

Between the assassination of JFK in 1963 and near-mortal wounding of President Reagan by John Hinckley in 1981, Martin Luther King was murdered in Memphis in April 1968, and Sen. Robert Kennedy, two months later, in Los Angeles.

Presidential candidate George Wallace, campaigning in Laurel, Maryland, was shot five times in May 1972 by Arthur Bremer, who had spent weeks stalking President Nixon. President Ford was the target of two attempts on his life in 1975, the first by a Manson Family hanger-on Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, the second by radical leftist Sara Jane Moore.
What drove the assassins?

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In the early 20th century, it was anarchism. McKinley was killed by anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, New York.

In 1919, Carlo Valdinoci tried to assassinate Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer with a bomb on his porch at 2132 R Street. Valdinoci tripped on a wicket and his dynamite bomb exploded prematurely, blasting Carlo’s body parts all over the neighborhood.

Palmer’s neighbor across the street, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Roosevelt, rushed over to help.

Palmer ordered a roundup of anarchists in what came to be known as “Palmer Raids,” and put in charge of field operations a 24-year-old lawyer and D.C. law-enforcement prodigy by the name of John Edgar Hoover.

Hoover’s career flourished. But the career of America’s most famous anarchist, Emma Goldman, faded. She and ex-lover Alexander Berkman, who had tried to kill Carnegie Steel’s Henry Clay Frick during the violent Homestead Strike of 1892, were rounded up and deported in 1920 with hundreds of anarchists to the new Russia of Lenin and Trotsky in a ship the press dubbed “the Red Ark.”

A. Mitchell Palmer did not get the 1920 presidential nomination he was seeking. But neighbor FDR did make it onto the ticket.

As radical anarchists were the principal terrorists of the first quarter of the 20th century, and Puerto Rican nationalist-terrorists dominated the 1950s, the 1960s and early 1970s were marked by the seemingly endless violence of the hard left, beginning with the Communist Oswald, who had tried to shoot Gen. Edwin Walker in Dallas before killing JFK.

The campus violence and urban riots of the decade, from Harlem to Watts to Newark and Detroit, to Washington, D.C., and 100 cities after Dr. King’s death, were not the work of the Goldwater right.

Those were the days of the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, Weatherman and the Symbionese Liberation Army. It was America’s radical left shooting cops and burning down ROTC buildings. Leftist violence propelled the political careers of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

As for James Hodgkinson, he was a Trump-hating left-wing terrorist.

And those who incite sick minds with images of a bloodstained decapitated head of the president, and cheer Central Park productions of “Julius Caesar” with the assassinated Roman Consul made up to look like the president, cannot evade moral culpability.

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  1. June 17, 2017
    The Democrats' Deadly Rhetoric
    By Daniel John Sobieski

    As moving as the “Kumbaya” moments at the Congressional baseball game were on Thursday, we cannot and should not forget that it was a Bernie Sanders supporter, inspired by what Illinois Republican Congressman Rodney Davis called “political rhetorical terrorism,” that inspired the leftist loon who set out to assassinate Republicans practicing for the charity game.

    Bernie Sanders rightly and correctly disavowed the crimes of a volunteer whose actions he could not envision or control. Yet he and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have spent the time since President Trump’s election yelling fire in the political theatre we call democracy, warning endlessly that people will die because of the Trump agenda, painting apocalyptic visions of planetary doom. With them claiming the Republican agenda is dooming the sick, the elderly, and the planet itself, was it so surprising that another liberal infused with the left’s messianic complex, would try to save us all by killing Republicans trying to implement Trump’s agenda?

    There sat House Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a pregame interview making nice and channeling Rodney King’s mantra of can’t we all just get along. As The Hill reported:

    Republican and Democratic leaders stressed unity Thursday night as members of both parties gathered for the annual congressional baseball game a day after a gunman opened fire at a practice, injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and three others.

    House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared together in their first-ever joint interview on CNN, where they offered well wishes for Scalise, who remained in critical condition Thursday evening.

    "Tonight we're all Team Scalise," Pelosi told CNN's Jake Tapper, as she and Ryan sported LSU apparel in a nod to the Louisiana lawmaker's alma mater. Mentioning their shared heritage, Pelosi joked, "We have an Italian connection."…

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) also appeared together in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper to stress unity.

    “There’s a lot of heated rhetoric from all different directions. It doesn’t excuse this. It doesn’t condone it," Schumer said.

    "It’s a good reminder that maybe we can bring the temperature down across the country and the congress and everywhere else.”

    But as former Arkansas Governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has pointed out, in order to dial down the rhetoric, one must have a working moral thermostat. That the Democrats do not have. What they have is venomous anger stemming from Donald Trump’s theft of their inheritance, his cessation of their fundamental transformation of America. Donald Trump denied them the power to control every facet of our lives....

  2. I just learned that 12 years or so ago the DA at the time declined to prosecute Bill Cosby on this case.

    It is a new DA that decided all this time later to take a swing at it.

    Further, the lady in question continued to have all sorts of contact with Cosby after the alleged incident.

    The Judge has declared a mistrial but the Prosecution may retry the case.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In another controversial case -

      The Michelle Carter Verdict Was A Total Miscarriage Of Justice
      JAZZ SHAWPosted at 10:01 am on June 17, 2017

      Having had the night to sleep on it, I wanted to take a moment today to offer a different perspective on the Michelle Carter verdict than the sentiments expressed by Allahpundit yesterday. While he’s clearly aware of the dubious nature of the conviction in legal terms, I can sympathize with the concept of viewing a person who clearly acted in a reprehensible fashion which ended up involving the death of a loved one and really wanting to find some way for society to punish her. But this verdict seems to lack a lot of the elements of other laws involving indirect action in a criminal enterprise which were brought up.

      SEE ALSO: Seattle gun tax update: Sales way down, shootings way up

      Allahpundit floated the following points from the purely legal side of things.

      The Michelle Carter verdict was a total miscarriage of justice

      There are examples under the law where mere words are criminally actionable — the mob boss who orders a hit, the cult leader who encourages his disciples to kill, the nut who utters a “true threat” against his target — but the law worries about those cases because the speaker himself is reasonably presumed to be capable of violence. No one thinks Carter was going to try to kill Roy if he hadn’t done it himself. What she’s guilty of, essentially, is a form of insidious psychological bullying.

      As AP goes on to note, most of these alternate scenarios are markedly different from what happened the night Roy died. A mob boss ordering a murder has agency in a plan to take the life of another. The cult leader argument is even weaker since it’s rather dubious (in my mind) that he or she has the same level of agency over their followers. He also suggests other possibilities such as conspiracy charges or possibly a case of being an accessory before the fact. All of these rely on our willingness to treat a suicide as a murder… in this case, the murder of one’s self.

      To deflate that argument I would point to David French’s excellent column at National Review which AP also linked to. In it, French makes this part of the argument better than I did when I was originally urging the judge to toss this case. What the judge ignored here was the fact that Conrad Roy was the sole arbiter in whether he lived or died and no amount of external prodding changed that fact.

      Conrad Roy is responsible for his death. To argue that Carter committed manslaughter is to diminish Roy’s moral agency. It denies his free will. It’s wrong to deny compassion to someone so troubled that they’d attempt suicide, but we can’t move so far in the other direction that we race to find who’s “really” to blame when a person voluntarily takes their own life. It’s still an act of self-murder, and while Carter undoubtedly played a persuasive role, I can’t imagine where we will draw the line. Will we prosecute mean people for manslaughter when troubled teens kill themselves?

    3. That’s the bottom line. This is, in essence, a thought crime which Michelle Carter has been convicted of. It’s something that liberals tend to drool over when they are falsely claiming that the First Amendment doesn’t cover “hate speech” and that you should be held responsible if your own opinions hurt someone else’s feelings. Granted, far more than feelings wound up being hurt in the case of Conrad Roy, but the principle stands.

      If someone on Twitter tells you to DIAF (“die in a fire” which I’ve been guilty of tweeting a couple of times) they might be accused of being a shockingly rude or offensive boor. But if you are actually unstable or self-destructive enough to turn around and self-immolate then you had some serious, unresolved issues long before the offensive tweeter came up on your radar.

      I generally try to steer clear of most slippery slope arguments, but this case is one of the exceptions where it’s a frighteningly tangible prospect. If we allow the courts to begin absolving individuals of their personal responsibility for their own actions and lay the blame at the feet of others based solely on their thoughts, words or (in this case) text messages, the First Amendment has taken a massive broadside. From there it’s a short stroll to jailing people for expressing opinions on a host of subjects which others may find so offensive that it disconnects them from reality entirely.

      I hate being the one who comes off looking as if they are defending the monster. And to be clear, Michelle Carter’s text messages were monstrous. But she still needs to be set free.

    4. Michelle Carter Didn't Kill With A Text
