Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Taking No Prisoners

France enlists Iraqi soldiers to 'KILL French militants fighting for ISIS before they return home and carry out terror attacks' as shipment of 'Jihadi drug which makes fighters fearless' is intercepted in Paris

  • France is supplying names and photos of top French jihadists in Iraq, it is claimed
  • Information 'passed to Iraqi ground troops in the hope fanatics can be killed'
  • There are fears 'high value' targets could return to France to carry out attacks
  • Comes as illegal shipments of 'Jihadi drug' Captagon worth £1.5m is intercepted in France

Published: 10:25 EDT, 30 May 2017 Updated: 11:12 EDT, 30 May 2017
France is enlisting Iraqi soldiers to hunt down and kill French jihadists fighting for ISIS before they return home and carry out terror attacks, it has been claimed.
Special forces are reportedly supplying ground forces with names and photos of up to 30 French citizens who have fled to Iraq.

High-ranking French ISIS militants have been selected as targets amid fears they will return home to carry out atrocities, it is claimed.

It comes as a shipment of a so-called 'jihadi drug' increasingly used by ISIS fanatics was intercepted in Paris.
France is enlisting Iraqi soldiers to hunt down and kill French jihadists fighting for ISIS before they return home and carry out terror attacks, it has been claimed. File picture shows a masked Iraqi counter terrorism operative
France is enlisting Iraqi soldiers to hunt down and kill French jihadists fighting for ISIS before they return home and carry out terror attacks, it has been claimed. File picture shows a masked Iraqi counter terrorism operative
Illegal shipments (pictured) of the so-called 'Jihadi drug' Captagon worth a total of almost £1.5m have been intercepted in France for the first time
Illegal shipments (pictured) of the so-called 'Jihadi drug' Captagon worth a total of almost £1.5m have been intercepted in France for the first time

According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, French special forces have been using Iraqi soldiers to hunt down the 'high-value' targets for a number of months.

Ground units have been given photographs, alibis and location coordinates taken from surveillance drones and radio intercepts, according to the newspaper, which says its information comes from Iraqi officers as well as current and former French officials.

France's Defence Ministry has not immediately responded to requests for a comment, the Independent reports.

France has been hammered by a wave of deadly terror attacks carried out by ISIS fanatics over the last three years.

In November 2015, a team of extremists slaughtered 130 in Paris when they targeted bars, restaurants, the Stade de France and the Bataclan music festival.
The following summer, a 19 tonne cargo truck was driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, killing 86.

Last year, it was estimated that some 1,700 French citizens had fled the country to join ISIS in Iraq or Syria. Hundreds of those are believed to have been killed.
Meanwhile, illegal shipments of the so-called 'Jihadi drug' Captagon worth a total of almost £1.5m have been intercepted in France for the first time.

The euphoria-generating drug is increasingly used by ISIS terrorists as they set off on their murderous missions
The euphoria-generating drug is increasingly used by ISIS terrorists as they set off on their murderous missions

It comes as the euphoria-generating drug is increasingly used by ISIS terrorists as they set off on their murderous missions.

Details of the customs haul at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport were today made public for the first time.

Some 350,000 tablets of the amphetamine-based Captagon were first found at France's busiest airport on January 4.

Then, on February 22, another 300,000 were found - making a total of 135kgs of Captagon with a street value of £1.4million.

In both cases, the drugs were hidden within industrial steel moldings destined for Saudi Arabia, via the Czech Republic, and Turkey.
Details of the customs haul at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport were today made public for the first time
Details of the customs haul at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport were today made public for the first time
The shipment originated in Lebanon, said a customs official, adding: 'This is the first time that this drug has been seized in France.'

There have been similar seizures in other European countries this year, including Holland, where the country's first known fake Captagon laboratory was found in April.

Hundreds of thousands of the pills were discovered, along with three guns, in the premises in the town of Brunssum, and there were two arrests.

Captagon, which was invented to treat sleep disorders, keeps users awake for long periods of time, and can make them feel hugely energetic and happy.

ISIS terrorists have often spoken about taking the addictive hallucinogenic pills - hence the 'Jihadi drug' tag.

It has become particularly associated with the war in Syria, where thousands of fighters take the drug before entering battlefields.

While Captagon is a brand name for the fenethylline drug, there are also plenty of fake versions stamped with the word 'Captagon' to increase their street value.

The biggest legal consumer of Captagon is Saudi Arabia, where there is also a highly lucrative cocaine market.

The seizure in France comes as the country remains under a State of Emergency following a series of ISIS attacks across Europe.  



  1. .

    Aren't we doing the same thing when we put bounties on the heads of specific terrorist suspects?

    Not sure how many Americans have travelled to Syria to join up or if we consider it worth paying a bounty for them. But surely with Trump's enhanced vetting (if he ever gets around to it) we won't have to worry about these guys anyway.


  2. .


    Superhero Drug?

    ISIS fighters are using an illegal drug known as Captagon, according to news reports.
    But what is the drug and how does it work? Live Science reached out to drug experts for information on the tablet that is rumored to be turning ordinary men into "supersoldiers."

    Captagon is actually a combination of two drugs, theophylline and amphetamine, said Nicolas Rasmussen, a professor of history and philosophy of science at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

    The combination itself is inactive in the body, but when the body breaks it down into the two component parts, each part becomes active, Rasmussen told Live Science. [

    Theophylline is similar to caffeine, but it also opens up a person's airways, and is sometimes used to treat people with asthma. Amphetamine, on the other hand, is the main psychoactive ingredient in Captagon, he said.

    "Amphetamines speed everything up," said Richard Rawson, the co-director of UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs. They produce feelings of pleasure and increased alertness, and they reduce the need for sleep and food, he said.

    But Captagon — also known by its generic name fenethylline — is actually relatively mild in the world of amphetamines and amphetaminelike drugs, Rawson told Live Science.
    Carl Hart, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University, agreed.

    It's an "inferior amphetamine," Hart told Live Science. In fact, Captagon is milder than Adderall, he said.

    Like Adderall, Captagon was once used to treat behavioral problems.

    It was used in the 1960s and 1970s to treat people with attention deficit disorder, Rawson said. It didn't seem to have some of the side effects of other stimulants, he said. But it also didn't have many advantages either, and was eventually phased out, he said.

    Despite fizzling out in the United States, the drug has been popular in the Middle East for some time.
    Abuse of it has "been a problem in Saudi Arabia now for well over a decade," Rawson said.

    Superhuman strength?

    One purported effect of Captagon is that it makes users feel no pain, but Rawson dismissed this claim.
    "We've heard that with stimulants for years," he said. "It's not a magical painkiller."
    Instead, the perceived inability to feel pain is a byproduct of a strong stimulant effect, Rawson said. "When you're hyperstimulated and very focused, you tend not to react to pain as much," he said.

    As for Captagon turning fighters into supersoldiers, in reality, its effects are "nowhere near what the media reports have been talking about," Hart said. "Trust me, if this drug produced a supersolider, U.S. soldiers would be using it," he said. (The U.S. military has given other stimulants to soldiers since World War II, Hart added.)

    Still, there's a chance that people using the drug feel it gives them superior abilities.
    It's possible that the fighters taking Captagon truly find the effects to be "spectacular," Rawson said. But he attributed this to a general lack of experience with drugs among the users. If someone with more experience with drugs, or even experience with alcohol, took Captagon, they would likely say that it was much weaker than would someone with little drug experience.

    It sounds like for someone who has lived through the 60's Caotagon would be like taking a cup or two of Turkish coffee or Moroccan expresso.


    1. So you don't recommend it then on the grounds it isn't very effective.

      When you go to battle, Quirk, what is it you take to give you your superhuman preternatural bravery and strength ?

      I have observed this many times, have often commented on it, and have often wondered concerning the remarkable behavior.

    2. .

      Mountain Dew.

      Maybe 2 cans for an extended mission.


  3. The 1st thing that has to be clear is that we are at war.

    It's not a 'criminal activity", it's war.

    It's ugly, it's hell and it's not very friendly for women, babies, dogs and even men.

    But it's war.

    What the video shows is a snapshot of what syria is today. Quirk doesn't like my numbers of 660,000 dead and 12 million homeless...

    He says that ONLY 400,000 or have been killed, not to quibble, give it a few more years and my numbers will be small....

    If you look at the dead in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Sudan (for starters) and understand that the murdering is Umah wide... From Indonesia to Morocco, from the moslem no go zones of Paris to Manchester, Jerusalem, Stockholm, Nice and such? It's a global virus reeling out of control...

    Jihadists from Minnesota, Dearborn are traveling to the war zones, jihadists in FL, CA and Ohio are creating war zones here...

    Maybe it's time to stop unvetted moslems from coming into the USA, there are over 1 million empty hotel rooms in Mecca alone..

    1. .

      I've places to go and people to see at the moment, Wio.

      I will respond sometime after 9:00 pm tonight.


    2. .

      Responding to the wished of my fan base (Doug) the answer will be an extended one, and in the manner of a special prosecutor, I may touch on a few tangential subjects.


    3. .


      I've been doing that all day. It may be the Mountain Dew, possibly the Captagon, less likely the Big Red chewing gum.


  4. The drugs are far more cynical. They do not make super soldiers. They do create drug crazed fanatics that think they are super soldiers in their own head. There is no negotiating with these psychotics,.

    They should never leave the battlefield.

    The Europeans should not have any angst about how they are to deal with the returnees. There should be none.

  5. There ought to be a good market for that Captagon crap among the drug gangs in Chicago I'd think.

    Maybe they already use it.

    I noticed a lot of those fighters unnecessarily exposing themselves.....with a good number taking a bullet for doing so.

    1. That's where the super-man kicks in with the adrenalin.

  6. Damn, we have been a long time at this game. We knocked down a test ICBM and my alma mater is looking for help. I had a chance to go here, but I decided to get out of that game.



    Calibrations Laboratory Leader (Kwajalein) 09/06/2016 Marshall Islands

    Range Safety Manager 09/06/2016 Marshall Islands

    Extended Areas of Support Leader 10/22/2016 Marshall Islands

    Range Communications Leader (Kwajalein) 09/06/2016 Marshall Islands

    SATCOM Unit Engineering Technical Lead 09/06/2016 Marshall Islands

    Range Instrumentation Site Manager (Kwajalein Atoll) 09/06/2016

    Guess I missed my chance:


    1. .

      It's never too late for a few good men.



    2. Actually, the job of an engineer should be a cakewalk today. We had to use test equipment to analyze a system unit, identify the problem in the system, identify the circuit and then search that down to a discreet component, then fix it.

      Today the computer tells you the problem and you swap out the unit and return the defective unit to a repair depot.

  7. .

    Talking Point Memo, May 30, 2017

    Trump says the Russian investigation looking at collusion between the Trump team and Russia is a ploy used by the Democrats to explain away their election loss.

    Putin says the Russian investigation looking at collusion between the Trump team and Russia is a ploy used by the Democrats to explain away their election loss.



  8. https://medgrocer.com/shop/cns/fluoxetine/


  9. Ash was asking about Hillary's health just the other day -



    BillyGoat looks to be just on the verge of drooling....

    1. I do hope she runs. It will be the death of the Democrat Party.

    2. Might be the death of her too which would also be an excellent outcome.

    3. Hillary was on Captagon and Mountain Dew when she dodged that incoming on the airport tarmac in where ever is was, Bosnia or some such...after dodging the incoming she handed out flowers to little girls....she amazing when on drugs and all fucked up.

    4. Imagine Hillary running with the runs:

      Waiting for the AbuloLimo, when she's suddenly surrounded by a brown pool of poo.

  10. Alleged gang rape of disabled man in Sacramento park...

    The alleged victim, Steven Greyeyes-Clouse, said he was filling in an adult coloring book at Tahoe Park on Friday afternoon when four men approached and exposed themselves to him. Greyeyes-Clouse said he tried to get away by fleeing into the bathroom, but an older man followed him in and threatened him with a knife. All five men then joined in and forced themselves on him, choking and beating him until he blacked out, Greyeyes-Clouse said.


    1. Nice way to kick off the weekend.

    2. Mary Kay Letourneau separates from the former student she was convicted of raping

      Mary Kay Letourneau’s husband has filed for separation from his former elementary school teacher, who served a prison term for their affair that started when he was 12.

      Vili Fualaau, now 33, filed for legal separation earlier this month, according to TMZ and other media outlets.

      The Seattle couple jumped into the national spotlight in 1997 after Letourneau was jailed for raping Fualaau, who was her student at Burien’s Shorewood Elementary School. She was pregnant with Fualaau’s first child at the time. She gave birth to their second daughter while serving time.

      But Fualaau told RadarOnline.com that the separation was for business reasons. “Everything is fine between us,” he said.


    3. Letourneau, now 55, was a married mother of four when she began a sexual relationship with Fualaau. The two met when Fualaau was in the second grade.

  11. I'm contemplating Transitioning back into 4th grade.

  12. I'm looking to shave 40 years off.

  13. Floating Lanterns


    1. Dorothy Villafuerte and her boyfriend, Clark Cuadro, both Army veterans from Kapolei, arrived too late to get a float, but they decided to honor their memories in their own way.

      Villafuerte, a former Army captain and nurse, said she was honoring a former ROTC buddy, Army 1st Lt. Robert Bennedsen, who died in Afghanistan while trying to save convoy comrades injured by an improvised explosive. He saved one soldier but stepped on another explosive as he returned to the road, dying instantly.

      “I thought he would return a hero, but I didn’t think he would have to make the ultimate sacrifice,” Villafuerte said. “I always think about him on this day.”

      Cuadro said he was honoring a buddy, Pvt. Jauce Pauley, who died next to him during his tour of Iraq.

      “He took bullet wounds to his head,” remembered Cuadro, a former sergeant who is now disabled.


  14. Video

    Vandenberg Intercept


