Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kill, Kathy Griffin

'This is vile and wrong': Kathy Griffin comes under fire after posting image of President Trump's severed head with Chelsea Clinton one of the first to lash out at comedian

  • Griffin was seen holding up the severed head for photographer Tyler Shields
  • She joked that she would have to leave the country after the shoot
  • 'This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing a president,' said Chelsea Clinton 
  • But she did spur outrage online, with many calling for her to be arrested
  • The act was interpreted by many as a threat towards the president 
  • Griffin said she 'obviously' does not condone violence
  • She was 'mocking the mocker in chief,' she claimed on Twitter 

Published: 16:13 EDT, 30 May 2017 Updated: 19:20 EDT, 30 May 2017
Donald Trump's supporters have demanded Kathy Griffin be arrested after she was seen holding up the president's 'head' in an outrageous stunt.

Outspoken comedian Griffin was seen slowly raising Trump's head during a photoshoot with infamous photographer Tyler Shields. 

'Tyler and I are not afraid to make images that make noise,' Griffin said during the shoot, videos for which appeared on Shields' official website.

That's certainly what happened when the footage and pictures hit the web. 
A former first daughter was quick to fire back at griffin, with Chelsea Clinton writing: 'This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing a president.'
Scroll down for video 
Heads up: Comedian Kathy Griffin sparked fury from Trump supporters on Tuesday after footage emerged of her holding up a fake severed Donald Trump head
Heads up: Comedian Kathy Griffin sparked fury from Trump supporters on Tuesday after footage emerged of her holding up a fake severed Donald Trump head

Kathy Griffin 'beheads' Trump for photo session with Tyler Shields

Griffin, an outspoken opponent of Trump who is best known for presenting the New Year's Eve countdown with Anderson Cooper on CNN, is seen holding the head, which is slathered in fake blood. 

The shocking images quickly set social media alight, with many calling for her to be locked up for supposedly 'threatening' the president. 

'This is discusting [sic] Kathy Griffin has never been funny,' said self-styled conservative paralegal NativeCA. 'This should be reported to the FBI & Twitter.'
Meanwhile, @nancygolliday said 'Parading beheading of POTUS makes @kathygriffing a terrorist and an enemy of the state. She needs to be treated as such.'

And Dr J wrote: 'You're disgusting. Honor our military but dishonor our President and Commander in Chief? You'd behead our President? Hypocrite.' 

Griffin had posted a video on Memorial Day in which she invited people to give a moment's silence for those who died fighting for America.

Donald Trump Jr also stepped up to the plate to bat for his dad, saying: 'Disgusting but not surprising.

'This is the left today. They consider this acceptable. Imagine a conservative did this to Obama as POTUS?'
Even some self-described liberals got in on the act.

'Big time Liberal here - and a Kathy Griffin fan - and I agree,' said Tanya Crosse. 'This is not ok and there is no excuse. She should immediately apologize.'

Meanwhile, Simar wrote: 'We can't knock the alt right for promoting hate speech & then support Kathy Griffin for promoting violence against the President.'  

In footage of the shoot, Griffin is seen joking that she and Shields will have to flee the country once it gets out.

'We have to move to Mexico today,' she said, 'because we're gonna go to prison. Federal prison. 

'Call your dad, apologize, then let's you [and me] go to Mexico because we're not surviving this.'

She's seen in the footage lifting the grisly 'head' out of a metal bowl, then rotating it towards the camera until it hits a spot that Shields likes.
Finally, at Shields' demand, she drops it to the ground. 
In the video Griffin says that 'Tyler and I are not afraid to do images that make noise. And also he often lights me to the point where I look about 15.
'But first I'm an artist. But really it's good lighting.' 

On Tuesday afternoon Griffin seemed to want to silence some of the 'noise' she'd been so proud of when she tweeted that she didn't condone violence.

However, that only came as the second part of a two-tweet message that began: '1/ I caption this "there was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his...wherever" Also @tylershields great Photog/film maker.'

The second tweet read: '2/ OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever! I'm merely mocking the Mocker in Chief.'
Shields had posted the image a few hours before with the message 'Friend text me this "I hear Tijuana is beautiful this time of year."'  
Griffin responded to the outrage with a two-part tweet, the first part of which saw her mocking the imaginary dead president
Griffin responded to the outrage with a two-part tweet, the first part of which saw her mocking the imaginary dead president
Mocker: Griffin claimed she was 'merely mocking the Mocker in Chief' in the second part of her tweet, and that she wasn't condoning violence
Mocker: Griffin claimed she was 'merely mocking the Mocker in Chief' in the second part of her tweet, and that she wasn't condoning violence

Shields has made a name for himself as a provocative photographer whose images include Lindsay Lohan as a blood-soaked vampire and a KKK member being hanged by a black man.

In 2011 he came under fire for a photo shoot with Glee star Heather Morris in which she sported a 'black eye'. Critics said that he made light of domestic abuse.
He later apologized after receiving death threats, adding: 'If you are anti-domestic abuse spread the word about it. Threatening to kill me is not going to help anything.' 
Tyler Shields is famous for taking provocative images of stars such as Lindsay Lohan, He also put this image of Griffin on his blog
Tyler Shields is famous for taking provocative images of stars such as Lindsay Lohan, He also put this image of Griffin on his blog

Griffin was emulating the beheadings seen in Game of Thrones, according to Daily Wire

The show came under fire itself in 2011, at the end of its first season, when it featured a shot of George W Bush's head on a stick.

The wax head was one of a number of severed heads placed atop a castle's wall; the producers apologized, and said that there was no political intent.

Rather, they said, they had used it because it was one of a number of pre-made heads they had lying around.

The grisly shot was edited for later airings and DVD releases.
Griffin was reportedly inspired by Game of Thrones. In 2011 the show featured the severed head of George W Bush (left); producers apologized and the shot was edited in later showings
Griffin was reportedly inspired by Game of Thrones. In 2011 the show featured the severed head of George W Bush (left); producers apologized and the shot was edited in later showings

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  1. Replies
    1. The competition to go beyond all norms is intense on the left.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's the resistance from the PC and non offending left. Rebuttals usually begin with harmless name calling and belittling. As long as you don't use the N word or castigate Muslims, you are good to go. You go, girl!

  3. 5,000 + aliens found on voter rolls in State of Virginia, so far found.

    7,000 votes were cast by just these 5,000 illegal voters in Virginia, so far found.

    See: Tucker Carlson Show today

    1. Think what the figures must be in California....

  4. Kathy Griffin has apologized, so it's all OK now.

  5. Oh My -

    Huma Abedin has invited Anthony Weiner back home
    By Rebecca Rosenberg and Kevin Fasick May 30, 2017 | 7:55pm | Updated
    Modal Trigger Huma Abedin has invited Anthony Weiner back home
    Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner William Farrington; R. Umar Abbasi

    Just when you thought Huma Abedin finally had enough, the Hillary Clinton aide has invited her admitted sex offender hubby back home again, The Post has learned.

    Huma Abedin finally files for divorce from Anthony Weiner

    But Abedin has since renewed the lease on their pricey Union Square duplex — and invited back home the man who has repeatedly heaped humiliation upon her, sources told The Post.

    The luxury three-bedroom, 1,500-square-foot pad at 1 Irving Place features an “expansive, panoramic view of Union Square Park and the midtown skyline,” according to a Corcoran listing.

    The sext-crazed pol, who had been sleeping on his mother’s couch in Park Slope, was to move out Tuesday, a source said.

    “He was supposed to move,” the building source explained. “But they just signed for another year.”

    Another source said, “She still hasn’t served him with the divorce papers.”

    Weiner, who will have to register as a sex offender as part the plea deal with the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, was spotted Tuesday at about 9 a.m. strolling out of the building with his and Abedin’s 5-year-old son....


    And to think if Hillary had been elected Hamas Huma would have been within inches of the nuclear football...

  6. .

    Griffen is a bitch.

    She is a cheap publicity whore. Her worst crime is she is a faux comedian who isn't funny.

    In Thailand or North Korea she would be in prison or worse by now.



  7. The US military has cheered a successful, first-ever missile defence test involving a simulated attack by an intercontinental ballistic missile, in a major milestone for a program meant to defend against a mounting North Korean threat.


    A 2016 assessment released by the Pentagon's weapons testing office in January said that US ground-based interceptors meant to knock out any incoming ICBM still had low reliability, giving the system a limited capability of shielding the United States.

    1. Video

      Vandenberg Intercept



  8. Kathy Griffin: ‘I went way too far’



    1. She has begged for your forgiveness, Quirk.

      Now you must search your Catholic heart in response.

    2. .

      For some reason, my wife likes her. I never have.

      She is an A-list wannabe who lacks either the personality, looks, or talent to pull it off.

      She aspires to be an insult comic, unfortunately she is not funny and she doesn't have anywhere near the looks or personality of Triumph and he's a hand puppet dog.

      Her New Year's Eve shows with Anderson Cooper are an embarrassment.

      She thinks things like the Trump stuff shows she's edgy. In reality, they show she's an ass.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Kathy desperately needs an intercessor but it ain't gonna be Quirk.

  9. The U.S. military said on Tuesday it had staged a successful, first-ever missile defense test involving a simulated attack by an intercontinental ballistic missile, as concerns mount over North Korea's advancing missile and nuclear program

    "The intercept of a complex, threat-representative ICBM target is an incredible accomplishment ... a critical milestone for this program," Vice Admiral Jim Syring, the director of the Missile Defense Agency, said in a statement.

  10. Quieter Than A Lava Tude

    Hear Your Blood Circulate



  11. Influential lefty journo admits 'internal sickness' of Dems - 5/30/17

    Blunt honesty from their own side.



    Just of a bunch of sick puppies....

  12. Theresa May election meltdown? Pollsters predict Tories to LOSE House of Commons majority

    THE Conservatives will lose their outright majority clinched by David Cameron in 2015 in the upcoming June 8 election, a YouGov projection has claimed.

    00:00, Wed, May 31, 2017 | UPDATED: 05:04, Wed, May 31, 2017


    She was a silly shit to have called the elections.

  13. US President Donald Trump blasted Germany anew over trade and defence, ratcheting up a dispute with Chancellor Angela Merkel that risks getting personal and undermining a trans-Atlantic bond that is the bedrock of US-European relations.

    Mr Trump's comments came in an early-morning tweet on Tuesday issued just as Mrs Merkel hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Berlin, where they held a joint cabinet meeting and signed co-operation agreements.

  14. Ms Personality


  15. Dem Portland Mayor Asks Federal Government to Shut Down Free Speech Rallies and March Against Sharia
    By Pamela Geller - on May 30, 2017


    The left is exploiting one of its big lies to impose totalitarianism. How Hitlerian. This putsch is exploiting the enemedia falsehood that a madman’s knife attack was “islamophobic,” even though he was screaming “You don’t like it? You got a problem with what I’m saying? F*** all you Christians and Muslims and f****** Jews , f****** die. Burn you at the stake… f****** die.”

    They mean to silence us. They want war? They are going to get it.

    BY: Alex Griswold, Free Beacon, May 30, 2017 (thanks to Todd):

    Portland, Oregon’s Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler has asked the federal government to revoke its permit for a pro-President Donald Trump, pro-“free speech” rally.

    A man shouting anti-Muslim slurs on Friday attacked three people with a knife on a Portland commuter train, killing two and wounding a third. The suspect, 35-year-old Jeremy Joseph Christian, has a history of making bigoted statements online and was once pictured making a Nazi salute.

    Wheeler responded by setting his sights on shutting down a “Trump Free Speech Rally” and a “March Against Sharia” scheduled in downtown Portland the next two weeks, the Washington Post reported. Both demonstrations were organized by Trump supporter Joey Gibson, leader of the group Patriot Prayer.

    “I have confirmed that the City of Portland has NOT and will not issue any permits for the alt right events scheduled on June 4th or June 10th,” Wheeler wrote in a Monday Facebook post.

    But Wheeler also noted that the free speech rally received a permit to use Portland’s Shrunk Plaza, which is owned by the federal government.

    “I am calling on the federal government to IMMEDIATELY REVOKE the permit(s) they have issued for the June 4th event and to not issue a permit for June 10th,” he wrote. “Our City is in mourning, our community’s anger is real, and the timing and subject of these events can only exacerbate an already difficult situation.”

    Gibson on Sunday denounced the murders, but also castigated those in Portland who were citing the attacks as reasons to shut down his event. “They’re using the deaths of these two people and Jeremy Christian — they’re using it to get Portland all rowdy about our June 4 rally and it’s absolutely disgusting,” he said.

    Gibson also asked supporters not to resort to violence at the rallies. “You throw one punch, you’re going to jail,” Gibson said.

    The Oregon American Civil Liberties Union has taken Gibson’s side, posting a tweetstorm on Monday denouncing Wheeler’s actions.


  16. May 31, 2017
    Frau Merkel and European Defense
    By Peter Skurkiss

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has come out and said that " Europe can no longer count on the U.S. and the U.K. as reliable allies and that the days that Europe could completely rely on others are over ... to a certain extent."

    Frau Merkel is in a snit mainly because President Trump scolded the Europeans to their face about their habitual underfunding of NATO. It's worth unraveling what the German chancellor said in the light of common sense.

    Firstly, President Trump is completely correct in noting that American contributes a lion's share to NATO. Germany, the powerhouse of Europe, spends a meager $40 billion (1.2 percent of its GNP) on defense. That comes to less money in absolute terms then what the UK ($60 billion) or France ($44 billion) contribute.

    What is most ironic here is that NATO is intended to defend Europe, not the U.S. In a rational world after the collapse of the USSR, the roles would be reversed, with the U.S. pitching in at the margins to help wealthy Europe defend itself, instead of being the dominant partner in this alliance.

    Donald Trump was too much of a gentleman to say to the Europeans that their years of freeloading off America on defense is what has enabled many of those countries to construct the comfortable welfare state they have.

    By any rational measure, the current status quo is grossly unfair to the America taxpayers. However, many in the U.S. establishment whose income stream and/or prestige depend on NATO, like things just as they are. Oh, they might add a caveat here and there that Europe really should pay more for its defense, but as history shows, the establishment types will never push the issue to the point of having the Europeans ever take them seriously. It's a charade for them.

    And there is something fundamentally misunderstood regarding NATO even if the Europeans did miraculously rise to the occasion contributed their two percent.

    Defense implies that war might be a possibility. In any such event, Europe can never be expected to carry its weight. That's because of the demographics of the European countries. The overall fertility rate for the EU is 1.58 while for Germany, it's a mere 1.47. (For a steady state population, a fertility rate of 2.1 is required.)

    Since few children are produced in Europe, those that exist are precious to European society, too precious to lose in battle. In the event of war in Europe, expect the Europeans to hold the coats of our men and women as the U.S. military goes into battle and does the bulk of the actual fighting.

    Why is Merkel reluctant to spend a measly two percent on defense while at the same time implying that Europe might have to go it alone, which would mean German defense spending would greatly increase? Maybe Germany actually wants the U.S. out of Europe so it can complete its domination of the continent. Remember what Hastings Ismay, the first Secretary General of NATO, said: "The purpose of NATO is to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

    Maybe the Germans are tired about being kept down. And it is likely that the Germans view the Russian threat as nonexistent, at least as far as Western Europe goes. After all, Russia is in a demographic collapse greater than Europe's, and its GDP is only $1.33 trillion compared to $3.36 trillion for German and $16.3 trillion for the EU as a whole. Russia can make noise in the East but not in the West.

    On the world stage, it can be hard if not impossible to know the intentions of others. The right path for the U.S. to follow is to keep an America First policy at the forefront of all our decision-making. If Frau Merkel and Europe want to go it alone, let them. They will no doubt find what a heavy burden responsibility is.


    1. Not that I agree with all this.

    2. .

      Let me guess, this is the part you disagree with...

      Trump is too much of a gentleman...


  17. Ay, caramba!

    Hill is the fourth district employee this year to be accused of sexual misconduct with a student.

    In February, 35-year-old Juan Gonzalez, a well-liked interim vice principal at James Lick High, was arrested on suspicion of having an “inappropriate relationship” with a 17-year-old female student.

    Enoch Garcia, a 21-year-old assistant track coach at Mt. Pleasant High, was arrested in March on suspicion of having sexual relationships with two students, ages 14 and 17.

    In June, 33-year-old Marc Alquiza, a wrestling coach at Independence High, was arrested on suspicion of lewd and lascivious acts with a 14-year-old girl in a summer wrestling program at the school.


    1. Trudy Hill should have been playing around with Gonzalez, Garcia, and Alquiza then none of them might have been in any trouble.

    2. She took the school's name seriously and licked James.

      Got her James Lick on.
