Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Dishonest and Corrupt US Media is Enabling False Flag Setups - Why?

The Chemical-Weapons Attack In Syria: Is There a Place for Skepticism?

The American media has excluded dissenting expert opinions in its rush to embrace Trump’s war on Syria.

In addition to highlighting the embarrassing degree to which the American media is seduced by displays of American military might, its rush to embrace President Trump’s decision to launch a military attack against Syria on April 6 has also crowded out dissenting voices from the administration’s claim that it was the government of Bashar al-Assad that was responsible for the chemical-weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun, which killed over 80 people and injured hundreds. 
By firing 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Shayrat air base in Syria, and killing five Syrian soldiers and nine civilians in the process, President Trump was able to transform himself in the eyes of the media from an object of derision into, in the words of erstwhile Trump critic Elliot Abrams, “Leader of the Free World.” 

Dissent from what amounts to a new party line has been noticeably absent. As the investigative journalist Robert Parry recently observed, “All the Important People who appeared on the TV shows or who were quoted in the mainstream media trusted the images provided by Al Qaeda–related propagandists and ignored documented prior cases in which the Syrian rebels staged chemical weapons incidents to implicate the Assad government.” 

Former British ambassador to Syria Peter Ford told the BBC last week that he seriously doubted that Assad was the culprit. “Assad,” said Ford, “may be cruel, brutal but he’s not mad. It defies belief that he would bring this all on his head for no military advantage.” Ford said he believes the accusations against Syria are “simply not plausible.”

And so, on what evidence and intelligence was Trump’s decision based upon?
On April 11, the White House released a declassified four-page report meant to prove its case against Assad and serve as a belated justification for the Tomahawk attack on Syria’s Shayrat air base.

The report, which was authored not by US intelligence agencies but by the White House under the supervision of national-security adviser H.R. McMaster, says that “The United States is confident that the Syrian regime conducted a chemical weapons attack, using the nerve agent sarin, against its own people in the town of Khan Shaykhun in southern Idlib Province on April 4, 2017.”

The report relies on “open source” videos for proof of its claim that a “chemical munition landed not on a facility filled with weapons,” as the Russians and Syrians have claimed, “but in the middle of a street in the northern section of Khan Shaykhun. Commercial satellite imagery of that site from April 6, after the allegation, shows a crater in the road that corresponds to the open source video.”
Yet the administration’s report has come under withering scrutiny from Dr. Theodore Postol, a professor emeritus of science, technology, and national-security policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who once served as a scientific adviser to the chief of naval operations at the Pentagon.

Postol’s exhaustive critique of the White House report notes that “The only undisputable facts stated in the White House report is the claim that a chemical attack using nerve agent occurred in Khan Shaykhun, Syria.” And yet, according to Postol, “the report contains absolutely no evidence that this attack was the result of a munition being dropped from an aircraft. In fact, the report contains absolutely no evidence that would indicate who was the perpetrator of this atrocity.” 

Postol writes that “The only source the document cites as evidence that the attack was by the Syrian government is the crater it claims to have identified on a road in the North of Khan Shaykhun.” Yet his analysis of the photographs of the crater provided by the White House “clearly indicates that the munition was almost certainly placed on the ground with an external detonating explosive on top of it that crushed the container so as to disperse the alleged load of sarin.”

And so, “In order to cover up the lack of intelligence to supporting the president’s action, the National Security Council produced a fraudulent intelligence report.” Postol concludes that the “report is completely undermined by a significant body of video evidence taken after the alleged sarin attack and before the US cruise missile attack that unambiguously shows the claims in the WHR [White House Report] could not possibly be true.”

The Nation spoke to Postol over the weekend. 

“What I think is now crystal clear,” he said, “is that the White House report was fabricated and it certainly did not follow the procedures it claimed to employ.”
“My best guess at the moment is that this was an extremely clumsy and ill-conceived attempt to cover up the fact that Trump attacked Syria without any intelligence evidence that Syria was in fact the perpetrator of the attack…. It may be,” he continued, “that the White House staff was worried that this could eventually come out—a reckless president acting without regard to the nation’s security, risking an inadvertent escalation and confrontation with Russia, and a breakdown in cooperation with Russia that would cripple our efforts to defeat the Islamic State.”

“If that is not an impeachable offense,” Postol told The Nation, “then I do not know what is.”

It is entirely possible, of course, that dissenting voices like Postol’s and Ambassador Ford’s may ultimately be proved wrong, and that Assad was indeed behind the chemical-weapons attack. 

Indeed, if it is true, as CNN reported on April 13, that the “US military and intelligence community has intercepted communications featuring Syrian military and chemical experts talking about preparations for the sarin attack in Idlib,” then that would be hard, if not impossible, to explain away. Meanwhile, US officials are not backing away from their claim that there is “no doubt” that the Syrian government ordered the attack. 

But at this early stage, questions such as those posed by Postol and Ford should be aired by the US media, not ignored. And, given that the US intelligence community has seemingly kept its distance from the administration’s claims, a serious investigation into what exactly took place is all the more necessary.
Robert Parry writes, “it remains a mystery why this intelligence assessment is not coming directly from President Trump’s intelligence chiefs as is normally the case, either with an official Intelligence Estimate or a report issued by the Director of National Intelligence.”

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA case officer and Army intelligence officer, told radio host Scott Horton on April 6 that he was “hearing from sources on the ground in the Middle East, people who are intimately familiar with the intelligence that is available, who are saying the essential narrative we are hearing about the Syrians and Russians using chemical weapons is a sham.” 

Giraldi also noted that “people in the both the agency [CIA] and in the military who are aware of the intelligence are freaking out about this because essentially Trump completely misrepresented” what had taken place in Khan Sheikhun. Giraldi reports that his sources in the military and the intelligence community “are astonished by how this is being played by the administration and by the US media.”

Given the seriousness of the questions raised by Giraldi, one can’t help but wonder if the administration’s motives for launching the missile strike were motivated by considerations other than those which they have aired thus far. What exactly was the rush? The findings of an investigation into the attack by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is expected to be released in only two weeks time. 

In the meantime, according to a report from the April 5 meeting of the UN Security Council, the UN’s high representative for disarmament affairs, Kim Won-soo, informed the Council that “the information on the reported 4 April use of chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun, in Syria’s Idlib Governorate, was still coming in.” The high representative could also not confirm who carried out the attack, though both sides of the six-year-long Syrian war have been repeatedly accused of using chemical weapons. 

Yet in spite of all this, Trump, perhaps sensing political advantage, rushed to execute a unilateral and illegal military response. The fact that he did so raises serious questions about his judgment, as well as the judgment of all the pundits who applauded him.

But perhaps the enthusiasm that greeted Trump’s missile strike was misplaced. Ambassador Ford warns that “Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations, seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media to provoke the West into intemperate reactions.”

It hardly needs saying that highlighting these dissenting voices is not tantamount to excusing Assad’s heinous human-rights record or his previous attacks, which have killed countless innocent Syrians. Rather, it is to draw attention to the failure of the US media, which has once again abdicated its responsibilities by ignoring the serious questions and allegations raised by Postol, Giraldi, and Ford about the White House’s intelligence relating to the chemical-weapons attack in Syria.


  1. The Cat Man of Allepo

  2. If Postol and The Nation and Quirk think he should be impeached, I think he should be impeached!!!

    1. .

      Should Trump be impeached? Hell, I would love to see it. Unfortunately, I don't believe gross stupidity and utter assdom rises to the level of crimes and misdemeanors necessary for that. Now, there is no doubt there are huge conflicts of interest by which he is enriching himself off his position as president not to mention the nepotism, but, though it is unbelievable to me, the media tells us that those are not things that are criminal when done by our presidents.

      So it looks like we are stuck with Trump for at least 4 years.

      Now, it Trump were to be elected for a second term, it wouldn't be Trump that should be impeached but rather the American people on the grounds that they are non compos mentis.


    2. The American People are all dicks.

      'Oh, those Americans....' as they say in Canada.

    3. Trump's gonna supply condoms for every American Dick.

      It's gonna be Huuuuge...

  3. America drops a big big bomb and kills approximately 33. The Taliban counter by attacking Afghan army base k8llong many more.

    Who came out ahead in this exchange? What were US forces doing during Taliban attack?


    "U.S. Navy Captain Bill Salvin, spokesperson for the NATO-led Resolute Support mission, said there were a small number of coalition force advisers on the base at the time of the attack.

    "They sheltered in place during the incident. The Afghan Special Forces brought the attack to an end," Salvin said."

    1. And now Trump is chirping about Iran violating "the spirit" of the Nuclear agreement.

      Great, just fucking great. If you were Kim what would you do?

    2. Time for you to enlist and put some spine in our military, Ash.

    3. I task Ash to calculate the cost-effectiveness ratio of a MOAB and a car bomb.

      ...or to really stress out his slide rule: A Tomahawk vs a car bomb.

  4. If you were Kim what would you do?

    Commit suicide and spare my country.

  5. No proof has been offered by the Trump administration on the Syrian bombing in regards to the underlying "sarin"event. None. The documents released by the White House are thinly transparent. There is nothing of substance to substantiate the claim and justify the US attack. It is simply not our problem.

    There are only two scenarios as to Trump's impetuous attack. He was played by the Neocons or he wanted a diversion against the frothing Putin/Trump meme rampant in the US media.

    Don't know which scenario I prefer. Which is worse? On balance, I think I prefer the cynical political calculation, but I have little confidence that is true.

    I do know, that the move was an impulsive misuse of the US military, the very thing I voted against by opposing Clinton.

    1. .

      I have become cynical (through experience) and automatically suspect any information being published by the government or the military. Some of the stuff we see is just a joke. Other stories are questionable. To my mind, the Syrian chemical attack falls into that latter category.

      If Assad actually used sarin in a chemical attack it was the stupidest move he could have made. It doesn't make sense on so many levels especially given the limited gains he could have hoped to achieve. The only possible reason he could have had was to spread fear among the populace. The actual damage could have been achieved by other means that are for some idiotic reason considered 'less objectionable'. Still, Assad is an amoral prick, and it's hard to figure out his thinking.

      As for the media support for Trump's saber-rattling and their automatic chauvinistic acceptance of whatever they are told in incidents like the sarin attack, the US media has a long history of chauvinism, credulity, and cupidity going back to Hearst, war hawks, and yellow journalism.

      The practice gets wide acceptance across America and tends to sell papers and/or provide clicks.

      I find you usually get a more objective view of what's going on in the US through reading foreign newspapers though you may need to search for multiple papers with opposing editorial policies such as the Guardian and the Telegraph in the UK. The most even handed paper I have found is IMO the Times of Israel. They seem to print articles giving both sides of any given story for events both in the US and in Israel.

      I expect that the same chauvinism that exist with US media probably exists with the foreign media and that people in those countries might need to look to the US for some objective reporting on their countries.


    2. .

      "I have become cynical" writes the born cynic.


  6. Most military missions go wrong and badly. Those that are successful require levels of violence and costs that would never be spent in a plan. Germany made a military mistake attacking Russia, Napoleon made a mistake attacking Russia, Viet Nam was a mistake as was Iraq and the first walk in the park in Korea. Libya and Syria went badly, as did Carter's mission in Iran. Half the time John McCain suited up ended in some calamity or another.

  7. Still we are gaga over the US military, like an eight year old seeing his older brother wearing shiny brogans marching in a 4th of July parade. The de facto purpose of the US military is to serve political careers and not the interests of US citizens.

    The most successful use of the US military was when we didn't use it and ended the first round of the Cold War. We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because of the Neocon ascendancy. Trump is burnishing his Neocon credentials and has erased his stated goals of keeping us out of useless wars.


    The Tomahawks in Syria and saber rattling at North Korea have Trump’s critics on the right and the left claiming he’s becoming a neoconservative — a term of abuse that is most poorly understood by the people most inclined to use it. All neocons may be hawks, but not all hawks are neocons, who are distinctive in their idealism and robust interventionism.
    He hasn’t seriously embraced regime change anywhere (even if his foreign-policy officials say Bashar Assad has to go). He shows no sign of a willingness to make a major commitment of U.S. ground troops abroad.
    Trump is a particular kind of hawk. The Jacksonian school is inclined toward realism and reluctant to use force, except when a national interest is clearly at stake. As historian Walter Russell Mead writes: “Jacksonians believe that international life is and will remain both violent and anarchic. The United States must be vigilant, strongly armed. Our diplomacy must be cunning, forceful, and no more scrupulous than any other country’s.”
    This tradition isn’t isolationist or neoconservative, and neither is Trump.

    1. .

      Our diplomacy must be cunning, forceful, and no more scrupulous than any other country’s.”

      This tradition isn’t isolationist or neoconservative, and neither is Trump.

      I've never called Trump a neocon, in fact, I have said he has no political philosophy at all except the philosophy of 'me'.

      Cunning isn't ad hoc. Forceful isn't PR stunts. As for not being scrupulous, I don't think he has any problem there.


    2. .

      Trump's strategy(?), if one exists, is bluster and boasting and then 180 degree turns based on 10 minute conversations and cake.


    3. Germany made the mistake of being German, and even now they want more Fascism in the form of Merkle and the Muzzies.

  9. It's being reported that Russia has hacked the French election !

    How Russia hacked the French election
    France built resistance to fake news and cyberattacks but three out of four candidates have pro-Kremlin views.
    By LAURA DANIELS 4/23/17, 4:00 AM CET Updated 4/23/17, 3:56 PM CET

    Let's face, Pooty rules the world.

    Meanwhile, Kim Fatso III has now threatened to incinerate Australia.


    1. Now Kim Jong-un is threatening Australia with nuclear hellfire
      POSTED AT 12:31 PM ON APRIL 23, 2017 BY JAZZ SHAW

      It feels as if a week doesn’t go by without North Korea’s diminutive dictator, Kim Jong-un, threatening to nuke somebody… usually the United States. In fact, it happens so often that it’s barely worth reporting on it any longer. But following the recent productive meetings between Australian leaders and Vice President Pence, the chubby autocrat has decided to expand the exclusive club of North Korean nuclear targets to include the Land Down Under.....

      What about Canada ? Surely they deserve a good nuking too....?

    2. Russia hacked my French Salad Dressing.

  10. Democrats continue to blow their own brains out -

    DNC Chair declares there is no place for pro-life Democrats in today’s party

    ....If the Democrats want to weed out every single candidate across the nation who opposes abortion they will be driven further into the wilderness than they are now. Pro-abortion speeches sell really well in the coastal cities where Democrats hold large majorities and raise most of their money, but there’s an awfully large swath of the country in between where that’s not going to win you an election. I get that Perez needs to appease his base during the tumultuous transition they’re currently going through, but if he’s actually interested in doing the job he fought so hard for he needs to start delivering some wins. And you don’t do that by letting the most extreme wing of your party write all of the rules.

  11. This French election is interesting.

    They actually have polling stations in other countries.....Great Britain for instance....for the Frogs to vote there right on election absentee ballots needed.....some big lines of French voters in some English cities....

    Turnout said to be somewhat higher than expected....

    Exit polls in Belgium showing that Macron is first....

    1. This is all quite civilized and impressive. Results coming in from French Guiana....

    2. The rumor that Young M.A is Jim Jones' daughter is false. Jim Jones has one child, a son named Pudie. In the past, there were rumors that Jones' longtime girlfriend, Chrissy Lampkin was pregnant but those rumors were not true.

      I bet Pudie Pie died.

  12. Kim Fatso III has detained - kidnapped - an American citizen.

    1. Actually 3, it seems....

      Third American detained in NKorea...

      Kim ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier...

      Nuke Site Buzzes With Activity....

      Time to buy gold with Rosland Capital.

    2. Stocks and bonds going to have the value of a wet golf scorecard.

  13. BREAKING NEWS: Shock waves through France as far-right Marine Le Pen makes it into the second round of nation’s presidential elections

    Marine Le Pen made it into the second round of nation’s presidential elections, according to exit polls
    She stormed into the final ballot in second place to face centrist independent Emmanuel Macron
    A polling station in Eastern France was forced to close as bomb squad was deployed to deal with a vehicle
    The worrying incident comes after a deadly ISIS gun attack on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Thursday

    By Nick Fagge In Paris and Gareth Davies and Peter Allen for MailOnline
    PUBLISHED: 11:50 BST, 23 April 2017 | UPDATED: 18:22 BST, 23 April 2017

    France’s far right National Front sent shock waves through Europe tonight after leader Marine Le Pen made it into the second round of nation’s presidential elections, according to exit polls.

    The hard-line anti-immigration candidate stormed into the final ballot to face centrist independent Emmanuel Macron.

    Le Pen, 48 came second in the national poll behind Macron with 22 per cent of the vote in the tense election which saw 11 candidates vying for the role, according to Belgian broadcaster RTBF....

    Read more:

  14. LE PEN 21.7% MACRON 23.7%

  15. .

    Big week in Trumpland

    Trump's first 100 days will be up at the end of the week and Trump is desperately seeking to get at least one major piece of legislation started through Congress. His chances? Questionable.

    This week, Trump wants...

    1. Revised AHCA. Chances: Slim to none.

    2. Tax reform. Chances: Slim to none.

    3. Spending bill (to keep the government running). Chances: Good.

    Trump has demanded that $1.4 billing for the new wall be included in the spending bill. Unlikely that will happen. Also, unlikely Trump will veto the spending bill if it has no money for wall in it. No one wants a shut down.

    Will Trump count this spending bill as an accomplishment for his first 100 days. Sure. However, if that's it it's pretty thin gruel.

    Despite the fact that Trump has accomplished nothing on the legislation front and that he has accomplished far less than many other presidency's at this point, he will no doubt claim that his first 100 days the most greatest best 100 days in American presidential history. Also there is little doubt that hose type of claims will play a large part in the various comedic routines at Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner.

    Wall Street will be watching.



    1. Still panhandling that lame line of crap, eh, Quirk ?

      Switch your attention over to the French election, it's more interesting.

      France's 'rust belt' is slow to check in so Marine may gain somewhat.

    2. The Democrat Party is playing stall, and the Republicans are in self induced disarray.

      I blame my Rep. Raul Labrador for much of the latter.

      I am really ticked off at him right now.

      You should add this chaos into your formula when judging how The Donald is doing.

  16. .

    Shock Waves in French Election?

    Not to anyone who has been following the polls. Macron and Le Pen have been very close at the top of the polls for some time.

    Chances of Le Pen winning in the 2nd round? Pretty small.


    1. That's the conventional wisdom.

    2. And you expected ANYTHING ELSE?

    3. .

      You two are something else, ignore conventional wisdom and go for the outre and bizaare even if it makes no sense. As the faux farmer/land developer says 'it's more interesting. Whoohoo.



  17. SWAMPING SOCIAL MEDIA Sick trolls claim Syria gas massacre was a ‘deep state’ false flag operation designed to trick Donald Trump into war with Assad

    The suspected chemical attack in northern Syria killed more than 70 people including children and babies
    By Mark Hodge
    6th April 2017, 2:13 pm Updated: 6th April 2017, 3:27 pm

    TWISTED online trolls are claiming the horrific Syria gas massacre was a ‘false flag’ operation carried out by a shadow government.

    The chemical weapons assault hit rebel-held Khan Sheikhun in northwestern Syria on Tuesday, killing more than 70 civilians including children and babies.

    One of the dozens of victims of the suspected chemical attack in northern Syria pictured wearing an oxygen mask to help her breath AP:ASSOCIATED PRESS
    One of the dozens of victims of the suspected chemical attack in northern Syria pictured wearing an oxygen mask to help her breath

    Writer and conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson is one of the social media users claiming the attack was a false flag operation
    Writer and conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson is one of the social media users claiming the attack was a false flag operation

    While the international community, including President Donald Trump, has condemned President Assad over the depraved attack – conspiracy nuts claim the atrocity was orchestrated by the ‘deep state’.

    The term ‘false flag’ refers to a covert operation usually orchestrated by a government designed to appear as if it was carried out by another group or country.

    British far-right conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson is one of the ‘truthers’ peddling the vile claims online.

    He believes the so-called ‘deep state’ or shadow government wants to trick President Trump into invading Syria to force regime change.

    Tweeting directly at Trump, Watson wrote: “Dear @realDonaldTrump – you are being manipulated by the same scam they pulled in 2013. No regime change in Syria.”

    American documentary filmmaker Mike Cernovich also tweeted at the former Apprentice host warning him about the crackpot theory.

    He posted: “President @realDonaldTrump, we will not support a war with Syria. You are being played by war mongers.”

    Replying to Cernovich, another user said: “So true…… this entire attack stinks of false flags. So sad.”

    Filmmaker Mike Cernovich is another who believes the gas attack was carried out to contrive regime change in Syria
    Filmmaker Mike Cernovich is another who believes the gas attack was carried out to contrive regime change in Syria
    A Syrian father holds his two dead twin babies killed in the depraved gas attack
    A Syrian father holds his two dead twin babies killed in the depraved gas attack

    World shock as scores killed in suspected chemical gas attack in Idlib, Syria
    Some users also retweeted a post allegedly from an anti-Assad reporter which mistakenly referred to the chemical weapons attack the day before it happened.

    1. The post reads: “Tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of CW.”

      In a reply to one of Watson’s post, a Twitter user appears to stick up for President Assad who is suspected of carrying out another chemical attack in 2013.

      The user wrote: “Let Russia help Assad to end the terrorists. Assad is not to blame here. He got framed by the media for a long time...”

      Syrian dad Abdel Hameed al-Youssef buries baby twins - killed in a suspected chemical attack
      View image on Twitter
      View image on Twitter
      Within Syria @WithinSyriaBlog
      Orient TV reporter :
      "tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of CW"
      5:42 AM - 4 Apr 2017
      257 257 Retweets 189 189 likes

      Shocking video shows aftermath footage of suspected chemical gas attack in Idlib, Syria
      Former Presidential hopeful Ron Paul also said there was “zero chance” Assad would have carried out the attack deliberately.

      Speaking on his YouTube show ‘The Liberty Report’, far-right politician Paul said he believed the atrocity in Syria was carried out to force regime change in the country.

      He said: "It makes no sense, even if you were totally separate from this and take no sides of this and you were just an analyst, it doesn’t make sense for Assad under these conditions to all of the sudden use poison gasses.

      “I think it’s zero chance that he would have done this deliberately.”

      Ex presidential hopeful Ron Paul suggests Syria gas attack was a false flag
      Richard Spencer, the so-called leader of the Alt-Right movement on the fringes of US politics, has also retweeted posts which claim anti-Assad reporters knew about the attack beforehand.

      He also tweeted out his own video blog which poses the question: "Will Trump Gas His Presidency Over Syria?"

      Spencer, who has been branded a white supremacist by his critics, also retweeted a post which supported the theory that Assad was not behind the atrocity.

      The post read: "Assad whatever else he might be is smart enough to be a MD,why would he do the ONE thing guaranteed to get him in trouble with the Empire?"

      Richard Spence is NOT Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch.

    2. I don't have an opinion on what happened yet.

    3. I heard the people giving "aid" were part of a sham, and no life saving techniques were observed.

    4. You must join Quirk and have an opinion presented as a certainty.

      Helps the rest of us feel secure that someone out there's got the straight dope.

    5. I don't live in QuirkWorld, thank goodness.

      And we know he's got the straight dope on what exactly to do about N. Korea, Iran, ISIS etc but is keeping it close inside his vest, to torment us, I guess.

      He probably thinks to do the opposite of whatever Trump does, since Trump is always wrong....but won't commit.

      If I knew for sure, I'd let ya all know.

  18. Trump should Tomahawk Tokyo (TTT) for killing whales.

    1. I agree with that.

      They don't need whale oil.

      They got to get away from their past.

      A few MOABs here and there as a wake up call on the docks.

    2. Whale Songs


  20. Funny points of view.

    The Syrian airforce should be eliminated.

    Trump's hit on it? Took out 25% of it's operational ability.

    Did Assad do this latest crime against his own citizens? Well some here think not... I don't really care. It is a fact that Assad and Iran (and Hezbollah) offed the better part of 700,000 civilians of Syria, so who's splitting hairs about 100?

    Fact is ISIS sucks, Assad sucks, Hezbollah sucks, Iran sucks, Sadr sucks... Why should they have modern airplanes?

    1. They should all be in prison, or dead.

    2. .

      Geez, WiO, where do you get your info?

      700,000? That's 100,000 more than the 600,000 you gave us last week and 250,000 more than I have seen reported anywhere else. And if Assad and his boys have killed that many then it means Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISIS, Turkey, al Nusra, the FSA, the Kurds, about 1000 other militant groups, and for that matter the US have killed no one? Interesting.

      As for the airplanes, what is it you don't get about the arms trade? Why should they have modern airplanes? Why should Saudi Arabia? Why should the UAE? Why should anyone in the ME?
      Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there.



    3. They're all dicks, except the Israelis, and if you hang around with dicks you're gonna get screwed.

    4. All dicks are not created equal.

      American dicks are superior to Muslim dicks.

    5. Israel, and so "O"rdure" support ISIS in Syria.
      Their one time ambassador to the US told the JPost just that.

      "O"rdure is providing us fake news about his, and Israel's position.

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

      Truth from the JPost vs Fake News from "O"rdure.

      Gotta go with the JPost, they at least admit they're Israelis.

  21. We need a ruling from Quirk on Goguryeo.

    1. "It's highly possible that China will try to solve the problems surrounding the Korean Peninsula based on a hegemonic stance that likens the Koreas to Chinese vassal states," said the Munhwa Ilbo newspaper on Thursday.

      "If Trump has agreed with this view, you will never know what kind of a deal the two global powers will make over the fate of the Korean Peninsula."


      Hysterical much?

      Trump's a threat to all mankind, even South Koreans.

  22. Keep watching for Slo Mo:

    Magnolia Neu

    California teen skier inadvertently cartwheels down slope: 'It was hella fun'
    By Alyssa Pereira, SFGATE Updated 11:25 am, Friday, April 21, 2017


    Instagram/Magnolia.Neu Photo: Instagram/Magnolia.Neu
    Photo: Instagram/Magnolia.Neu
    IMAGE 1 OF 74 Instagram/Magnolia.Neu
    A 16-year-old California teenager and serious daredevil was presumably attempting to make a ski jump in the Balls mountain range in the Sierra Nevadas over the Easter weekend when the situation took a turn.
    Or actually, she took a turn. Specifically, seven turns, in an accidental cartwheel combo.
    In an Instagram post she posted to her account, she joked that she "qualified for the Olympics today... In gymnastics."
    Luckily, the teen, Magnolia Neu, was not seriously injured in the accident.

    She told a news site she's "pretty sore" but had no broken bones, and actually enjoyed herself in taking the tumble.

    "I'm fine," she added. "It was hella fun."

  23. DOH !

  24. If one looks at the photos of the 'victims' of the supposed sarin strike in Syria, one would see ample evidence that sarin was not the cause of the casualties.

    If it had been, the first responders, those people seen tending to the children, would ALL have been effected by the nerve agent... That's what happens when unprotected personnel touch contaminated casualties. The particles of nerve agent on the clothing and skin of the victim spread to the unprotected that come in contact with it.

    Every time.

    Easy peasy stuff that anyone in the intelligence community that had ever trained in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare would have noticed, right off.

    That they did not, just more evidence that Mr Trump was played, by the Intelligence Community.
    The same folks that 'bugged' his tower, spied upon US citizens in Mr Trump's campaign ...

    Could Donald Trump really be that stupid, or so easily manipulated?

    Or did he just want to "Wag the Dog" ...

  25. I believe it was just a day or two ago that some ignoramus posted, here at the EB, that that the 'enemies' of the US were no longer 'emboldened', reality makes that particular claim a lie, or as Mr Trump's people would say, "Fake News".

    The reality of the world ...

    Pentagon Warns Ships as Pirates Again Prowl Waters Off Somalia

    CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti — Commercial ships must once again shore up their defenses against forced boardings at sea, United States Defense Department officials said on Sunday, warning that Somali pirates are returning to waters off East Africa after five years of calm.

    Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that while he was not calling for a response yet from the United States Navy, a half-dozen pirate attacks on commercial ships off the coast of Somalia in the past eight weeks meant that civilian mariners and shipping companies must again be on high alert. ...

    Defense Department officials warned that Somali pirates are returning to waters off East Africa after five years of calm.

    1. "Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that while he was not calling for a response yet from the United States Navy"

      We bomb Syria, but we don't shoot Pirates?

      Madd Dog Indeed


    2. Mr Trump is "Waggin' that Dog" ....

  26. As for Mr Trump 'savig' US jobs ...

    Rhetoric and eyewash does compete with reality.
    The reality o a "Trump Triumph"

    During Mr. Trump’s campaign, the fate of more than 2,000 Carrier jobs that the company wanted to move to Mexico from Indiana, including those in Huntington, were Exhibit A in his attacks on the free-trade policies of his predecessors, both Democratic and Republican.

    So when President-elect Trump announced on Thanksgiving that he was near a deal with Carrier’s corporate parent, United Technologies, to save them, Mr. Sholle and Ms. Saylors thought they were among the lucky ones.

    It was not to be. Thanks to public pressure from Mr. Trump and a generous package of tax breaks negotiated by Gov. Mike Pence, now the vice president, Carrier did agree to keep making some of its furnaces in Indianapolis, preserving roughly 800 of 1,400 jobs there.

    But the plant in Huntington operated by United Technologies Electronic Controls, or UTEC, was not part of that deal — nor would it be helped by the “buy American” mandate for federal infrastructure projects that Mr. Trump promised in Wisconsin last week. And by early next year, the components used for furnaces still assembled in Indianapolis will come instead from Monterrey, Mexico, where it takes a day to earn what workers here make in about an hour.

    So, even when Mr Trump claims a 'win' it is, at best, hollow.

    That's "Real News".

  27. QuirkSun Apr 23, 05:21:00 PM EDT

    Geez, WiO, where do you get your info?

    700,000? That's 100,000 more than the 600,000 you gave us last week and 250,000 more than I have seen reported anywhere else. And if Assad and his boys have killed that many then it means Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISIS, Turkey, al Nusra, the FSA, the Kurds, about 1000 other militant groups, and for that matter the US have killed no one? Interesting.

    As for the airplanes, what is it you don't get about the arms trade? Why should they have modern airplanes? Why should Saudi Arabia? Why should the UAE? Why should anyone in the ME?
    Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there.

    Quirk I am over getting to nonsensical arguments with you.....

    600,000 dead? 700? 500?

    really get over yourself.

    Does the phrase work better?

    "A SHIT TON OF PEOPLE, More than 500,000 and less than a million are dead at the hands of Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and their allies.

    Is that better Mr Quirk?

    1. Quirk: then it means Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISIS, Turkey, al Nusra, the FSA, the Kurds, about 1000 other militant groups, and for that matter the US have killed no one? Interesting.

      Again, saying that Iran, Assad, Hezbollah and others have killed a shit-ton doesn't say how many others were killed by others...

    2. Dear Mr Quirk, once again you jump the shark

      As for the airplanes, what is it you don't get about the arms trade? Why should they have modern airplanes? Why should Saudi Arabia? Why should the UAE? Why should anyone in the ME?
      Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there.

      I am specifically talking about syria, at last glance ISIS doesn't have an air force.

      Now if you wish to expand and include others? Help yourself. But then you again, jump the shark and say "Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there."

      Cant you stay on a specific topic?

  28. Jack HawkinsSun Apr 23, 08:10:00 PM EDT
    Israel, and so "O"rdure" support ISIS in Syria.
    Their one time ambassador to the US told the JPost just that.

    "O"rdure is providing us fake news about his, and Israel's position.

    Ah the convicted criminal Jack speaks...

    Hey Jack, question, did they every get those charges to stick in Central America for doing hit jobs? You remember the ones you used to brag about?

    Jack, your support of Hamas is the real question, you support terrorists.

    You sell drugs and guns.

    You admitted here. MULTIPLE TIMES.

    I notice you can't comment on a thought but rather slander folks, you have been schooled by every person here and just keep coming back for more..

    Like an abused puppy.....

    So sad

    1. You notice NOTHING I said was fake about mine or Israel's position.

      ISIS sucks, Hamas sucks, Iran sucks, Assad sucks, Hezbollah sucks, Sadr Militia sucks

      And all of the have murdered a shit ton of syrians.

      Jack, you are a supporter of Hamas. That tells us all we need to really know about you..

    2. Israel supports ISIS in Syria

      Israel bought ISIS oil, refined it and sold it on the world market,,

      Israel FINANCES Islamic Fascists in Syria.
      That's a FACT, "O"rdure

      Be proud of Israel's support of ISIS, "O"rdure, it's your "birthright"

  29. Notice how the resident criminal, Arabic speaker says something:

    Jack HawkinsSun Apr 23, 08:20:00 PM EDT
    As for Mr Trump 'savig' US jobs ...

  30. Jack aka the Rat, our self confessed drug and gun seller says:

    So, even when Mr Trump claims a 'win' it is, at best, hollow.

    Maybe he's concerned that his financial ties to the Mexican cartels will be more difficult in a Trump Administration?


    1. Please, "O"rdure, provide us all with a copy of that alleged confession ...

      We all know that you cannot do so, because there never were crimes to confess to.

      Check with Mr Flynn, "O"rdure, he banked his foreign income in Belize.
      Do not know if he incorporated in Panama, no one ever could.

    2. Those Trump Associates, the Generals ...

      They're bordering on criminal.

      Real News, that.

      Not what our little piece of "O"rdure propagates.

    3. Jack you seem to be getting worried that the Trump administration is going to kill your illegal guns and pot business. I wonder, is TRUMP getting to you?


  31. Jack states:

    Truth from the JPost vs Fake News from "O"rdure.

    Gotta go with the JPost, they at least admit they're Israelis.

    I'd LOVE to say I am an Israeli, but I am just an American.

    Maybe someday I'll get that dual citizenship.

    tell you what Jack, you let us know when your felony conviction incarceration starts? then I'll apply for dual citizenship.

    you and your twisted conspiracies. you claimed I was not who I said I was, you who stalked the wrong jew at chocolate emporium..

    Yeah Jack, we all KNOW how little credibility you have...


    Glad that Trump is making your life hell...

  32. Jack HawkinsSun Apr 23, 09:13:00 PM EDT

    Please, "O"rdure, provide us all with a copy of that alleged confession ...

    IT's been done by all here, posting your own words to show your lies, then you just disappear for a few months and reappear like we don't remember what a shit of a person you are...

    No Jack, we don't jump to your whistle.

    You are the creep here...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. More lies from our little piece of "O"rdure.
      It is the Zionists' "Stock and Trade", to deal in lies.
      It's all they know, they were raised on lies, fed them from infancy.

  33. Emboldened, that's what Mr Trump's rhetoric has done to North Korea

    SEOUL - North Korea has detained a US citizen, the Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang and a university chancellor said Sunday, raising the number of Americans thought to be held by the secretive nation to three.


    1. "O"rdure told us that Mr Trump's rhetoric and actions have dissuaded US enemies from continuing their anti-US actions.

      "O"rdure was wrong about that, as he is wrong about most everything he writes.

      He thinks it is his birthright, to lie.

  34. rat's ass aka The Dead Beat Dad, bragged about running a hit squad in Central America, tens and tens of times. It's common knowledge. That he is lying about it now just the usual....jack's shit.

    Nearly all here gave their own psychological evaluation of Dead Beat Dad/rat's ass and his mental condition. All thought he needed intervention, and help. Some thought he needed restraint and to be taken in to a security hospital....

    Quirk's diagnosis was best, the most complete.

    Among other things he is a pathological liar.

    And a world class anti-semite.

    And WiO is the wider scheme of things it is best that he abandoned his daughter....she is better off for it.

    He also made a TOTAL FOOL of himself by predicting ISIS would be wiped out of Iraq a Memorial Day or so ago....after saying he was a military strategic and tactical expert....

    Everyone just laughs at him now, with perhaps a little sadness mixed in....

    I never hang around long when rat's ass shows up, it never leads to anything constructive, so

    Cheers to all you others !


    Ciao !


    1. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson always leaves the debate, his lack of character is well known.

      Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

      Robert is an admitted thief, quoted and referenced.
      As all such claims should be.

  35. The Israeli's have proved their loyalty to ISIS, again, just today.

    The Israel Defense Forces struck a base controlled by a pro-Syrian government militia on Sunday killing three and wounding two others,

    Reality, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, not more of your fantasies written in the ether.

  36. Now, to the question of the thread ...

    Why does the MSM support the "Fake News" of the Assad regime using sarin gas?

    Easy peasy ....

    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

    “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
    Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    The MSM is showing where their true loyalty resides.

  37. .

    Quirk I am over getting to nonsensical arguments with you.....

    600,000 dead? 700? 500?

    really get over yourself.

    Does the phrase work better?

    "A SHIT TON OF PEOPLE, More than 500,000 and less than a million are dead at the hands of Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and their allies.

    Is that better Mr Quirk?

    No, Mr. WiO, it’s not.

    Had you simply said ‘Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and their allies have killed a ‘shit ton’ of people it would have sounded a little goofy but it would have been acceptable in that I could have at least riddled your meaning. But that’s not what you said. After dropping the ‘shit ton’ bomb, you went on to quantify the number killed by those people at between 500,000 and a million.

    Which gets me back to my original question, Geez, WiO, where do you get your info?

    How can anyone take you seriously when you pull these numbers out of your ass and they vary by 100,000 deaths in a week.

    You better stick to ‘shit ton’, son. I don’t think anyone could argue with that (though they might snicker a little).


    1. .

      What is "Occupation"Sun Apr 23, 08:38:00 PM EDT

      Quirk: then it means Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISIS, Turkey, al Nusra, the FSA, the Kurds, about 1000 other militant groups, and for that matter the US have killed no one? Interesting.

      Again, saying that Iran, Assad, Hezbollah and others have killed a shit-ton doesn't say how many others were killed by others...

      I hate to belabor this, WiO, but you didn't say 'Iran, Assad, Hezbollah and others have killed a shit-ton'. What you said was they had killed 700,000 a number that is far higher than any other estimate I have seen given, well, that is until you took the upper range to a million in the last post. That would seem to indicate all the killing was done by one side.

      I'm sure you can see where this might cause a little confusion.


    2. C'mon, Quirkie, hon, don't make a fool of yourself again.

      If you hate to belabor don't belabor.

      Everybody's sick of it your belabor.

      I love ya Quirkie but you always belabor on an on.

    3. Felicity and Miss DemeanorSun Apr 23, 11:26:00 PM EDT

      Ya Quirk Felony's right.

      Knock if off.

    4. I agree with the girls

    5. .

      1. What is "Occupation"Sun Apr 23, 08:40:00 PM EDT

      Dear Mr Quirk, once again you jump the shark


      Quirk: As for the airplanes, what is it you don't get about the arms trade? Why should they have modern airplanes? Why should Saudi Arabia? Why should the UAE? Why should anyone in the ME?
      Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there.

      WiO: I am specifically talking about syria, at last glance ISIS doesn't have an air force.

      Damn, Wio, where to start? I've added the names to show who said what.

      You are following in the footsteps of your mentor the famous English major from Idaho. You prove yourself incapable of reading a simple blog stream from beginning to end and keeping track of who said what and why. My comment about airplanes above followed and was in response to this comment from you...

      WiO: The Syrian airforce should be eliminated

      You will notice there is nothing in my comment about ISIS having an air force. On the other hand, in your initial post, you followed up with this...

      WiO: Fact is ISIS sucks, Assad sucks, Hezbollah sucks, Iran sucks, Sadr sucks... Why should they have modern airplanes?

      You gotta try and keep this shit strait, WiO. I know it's hard but...

      WiO: Now if you wish to expand and include others? Help yourself. But then you again, jump the shark and say "Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there."

      Cant you stay on a specific topic?

      Once again, you screw up by removing the context of my initial post. This was the entire post...

      Quirk: Geez, WiO, where do you get your info?

      700,000? That's 100,000 more than the 600,000 you gave us last week and 250,000 more than I have seen reported anywhere else. And if Assad and his boys have killed that many then it means Saudi Arabia, UAE, ISIS, Turkey, al Nusra, the FSA, the Kurds, about 1000 other militant groups, and for that matter the US have killed no one? Interesting.

      As for the airplanes, what is it you don't get about the arms trade? Why should they have modern airplanes? Why should Saudi Arabia? Why should the UAE? Why should anyone in the ME?
      Every government there sucks. That's the reason we shouldn't be involved there.

      Now, I can see why you would want to stay on a specific topic. You can't follow a simple blog stream. Hell, you can't even remember what you said a couple posts back. You confuse what you said with what others said. You, might want to get to bed early tonight. Rest up.


    6. Quirk !!

      Quit the blaboring !!

    7. .


      You've got to love it.

      I point out that WiO seems to be having trouble following a blog stream and is confusing who said what and then Moron #2 chimes in to defend(?), divert(?), at any rate, to complete the farce.


  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Sean Hannity Accused of Sexually Harassing Fox News Contributor
    4 / 17

    The Daily Beast
    Kelly Weill

    © Provided by The Daily Beast - NICHOLAS KAMM/Getty

    Sean Hannity is the latest Fox News personality facing allegations of sexual harassment.
    During a Friday interview with Tulsa, Oklahoma-based radio host Pat Campbell, former Fox News contributor Debbie Schlussel accused Hannity of inviting her to his hotel room before and after a debate with a pro-Palestinian guest in Detroit. Schlussel said she rejected Hannity’s alleged advances and that she was never invited on his show again.

    Schlussel and Hannity were scheduled to speak together at the Detroit show, Schlussel said. But before the show, Hannity allegedly invited her to an event at a nearby bookstore.

    “He had some event at a bookstore where he signed his book for people standing in line. He asked me to come meet him at this book signing,” Schlussel said on Campbell’s show. “So I met him there and it was very awkward. He had me up there with him while he signed books and I felt very weird. These people don’t know me and they didn’t come for me to sign their books. Then I left to get ready for the show, and he said, ‘Why don’t you come back with me to my hotel?’ and I said no, I have to get ready for the show.”

    Shortly before the show, Hannity allegedly told Schlussel they would team up against another panelist. But Schlussel told Campbell that the move was a “head-fake” against her.

    “Sean came up to me and said we’re gonna double-team (which was a weird phrase to use) this Palestinian guy that I was up against on the show,” Schlussel said. “And then every time I tried to open my mouth and say something, they yelled at me and said obey your host, you can’t say anything or else we’re gonna shut off your microphone.”
    After the show, Schlussel claims Hannity made another advance on her. “My dad and my brother were there in the green room,” Schlussel said, claiming that Hannity “tried to get me to go back with him to the hotel after the show.”

    Schlussel claimed she rejected the offer a second time, and was not invited on any future Hannity programs.
    “After that, I wasn’t booked on his show again. And he called me and yelled at me,” Schlussel said. “I got a very weird feeling about the whole thing, and I kind of knew I wouldn’t be back on his show.”

    1. In a statement to The Daily Beast, Hannity denied Schlussel’s allegations and accused her of seeking attention.
      “LET ME BE CLEAR THE COMMENTS ABOUT ME ON A RADIO SHOW THIS WEEK by this individual ARE 100 percent false and a complete fabrication,” Hannity wrote. “This individual is a serial harasser who has been lying about me for well over a decade. The individual has a history of making provably false statements against me in an effort to slander, smear and besmirch my reputation.”

      “The individual has not just slandered me over the years but many people who this individual disagrees with,” Hannity wrote. “This individual desperately seeks attention by any means necessary, including making unfounded personal attacks and using indefensible and outrageous political rhetoric.”

      He went on to threaten legal action against Schlussel.

      “My patience with this individual is over. I have retained a team of some of the finest and toughest lawyers in the country who are now in the process of laying out the legal course of action we will be taking against this individual. In this fiercely divided and vindictive political climate I will no longer allow slander and lies about me to go unchallenged, as I see a coordinated effort afoot to now silence those with conservative views. I will fight every single lie about me by all legal means available to me as an American.”

      Hannity and Schlussel have a history of clashing, after she wrote a 2010 blog post accusing him of running a scam charity for military families. Schlussel alleged that less than 4 percent of the revenue from Hannity’s “Freedom Concerts” went to U.S. troops and their families, and that most of the concerts’ earnings went to lavish expenses. Hannity and his colleagues denied the allegations....

      I'm not buying it.

      There's a lot of money in sexual allegations these days.


    2. Anther of Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's Fox Babes comes clean ...

      Alisyn Camerota Accuses Roger Ailes of Harassment at Fox News

      He liked her legs ....

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. .

    1. DougSun Apr 23, 06:43:00 PM EDT
    We need a ruling from Quirk on Goguryeo.

    Quirk's ruling: The Chinese claim is bullshit. It's in the same league as the Israeli claim of a lost homeland from two millennia ago. Irrelevant in today's world.


    1. Passing, but low grade due to the editorializing: Grade



    2. Sorry, "Draft Dodger", but you are not qualified to give anyone a 'grade'.
      You were not even a serious student, Robert Peterson, University was not about erudition, it was nothing but a draft dodger deferment according to you.

      Bob Sun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

  42. Ah shit, the blog's ass hole is back.

    You need mental health help, rat's ass.

    Everyone has told you so.

    Get it.


    1. bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT
      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.


    2. So there you go, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, to proofs that your statement, made above, is a lie.
