Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Ongoing Coup Against Trump - Flynn is the First to Fall

I Would Not Accept His Resignation:


  1. I didn't particularly like Flynn, but this is not about Flynn. This is the first casualty of the coup against Trump. It showed a weak hand when the back of the hand was needed.

  2. The only thing that makes sense is if Mike Pence asked Flynn to resign. That would put Trump in a terrible situation, worse than the one he faces now. Obviously, Trump would have to back Pence.

    The Democrats are now going to make all of Trump's staffing choices even more difficult.

  3. Insiders Attempt To Overturn The Election With Attack On Flynn
    February 13, 2017 by Chris Buskirk

    National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is in the hot seat. But the real target is President Trump and his foreign policy. Donald Trump was elected as a change agent by Americans unhappy with the trajectory of the country and with the cozy concord that exists between political adversaries in a Washington where the politicians find more in common with each other than with the American people. Donald Trump ran on a foreign policy platform that explicitly repudiated the disastrous bipartisan consensus of moral imperialism and international “busybodyism” that has prevailed for the last quarter century and that has cost the country dearly in blood and treasure.

    Predictably, the defenders of the old regime are fighting a vicious rearguard action to undermine and discredit President Trump and the policies he represents. It is a shadow war waged with off the record leaks to media sources eager to damage the new administration and to staff the national security infrastructure with individuals hostile to Trump’s America First policies.

    The allegations against Flynn arising from his conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December amount to nothing. But for D.C. insiders, establishment media types, and Progressive Left activists (but I repeat myself) who still have not accepted the reality of a Trump presidency, Flynn’s communication with Russians—any Russians!—represent the apotheosis of the Russian hacking theory they use to explain why the unlikeable and demonstrably corrupt Hillary Clinton lost the election. The narrative goes like this: Trump won the election because of Russian hacking (unproven but accepted as a self-evident truth) therefore any communications with Trump appointees amounts either to payback for the election or an example of nefarious Russian influence on the government.

    1. This is, of course, ridiculous. But for those prone to confirmation bias—the tendency to seek out or interpret information to support one’s preconceived conclusions—the Flynn-Kislyak conversation was catnip. The obvious explanation for the communication—that the incoming National Security Advisor would have good reason to communicate with the Russian Ambassador as a part of his job—seems to have escaped anti-Trump observers. More likely the accusations an example of more Leftist projection. Recall that in 1984 Senator Ted Kennedy approached the Soviet government about aid in defeating Ronald Reagan’s reelection. He offered them diplomatic and arms control concessions if they would help install Walter Mondale in the White House. Not surprisingly, Kennedy gets a pass if not a conspiratorial wink of assent from the guardians of democracy in the press. Naturally, they assume all partisans work with foreign governments to achieve their electoral aims....

      .....n this case, representatives of the foreign policy establishment of both parties are unified against President Trump and they are focused on taking out General Flynn. The same people who brought us the failed wars for democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the implosion of Libya, the Syrian Civil War, the rise of ISIS, and the concomitant international refugee crisis want Flynn’s scalp so they can reassert some control. General Michael Flynn is a voice for change in American foreign policy—a change that the American people voted for when they elected Donald Trump. The campaign of half-baked allegations and innuendo is the latest battle in the Washington establishment’s insurgency against the President. By seeking to plunge the National Security Council into chaos for partisan political gain with false attacks on Flynn undermines our national security. Worse, it represents an attempt at a palace coup to overturn the results of the last election and that cannot be allowed to succeed.


      Flynn lied to the VP.

      Then the VP went on TV and defended Flynn.

      Then the VP got the truth and was highly embarrassed.

      Now Flynn is gone.

      Now the word is out.

      Don't lie to the VP so that he embarrasses himself on TV.

    2. I've read no one has ever been convicted under the Logan Act, so that's a dead horse.

  4. I suppose Trump could say, that he cannot tolerate government lying and in the spirit of bipartisanship, he is asking for a special prosecutor to investigate the Clintons.

  5. Fox News is saying it's a crime to leak signals intelligence to the press.

    Flynn was being spied upon.

    It was leaked to the press.

    The signals intelligence folk ought to be heading for prison.

    Fox News said there are 9 of these traitors....


  6. I'll have to ask Quirk about all this.

    He told me he had been in signals intelligence in his younger days, during the height of the Cold War, worked out of West Germany.

    Quirk will know what's up.

  7. Maybe Pam knows - (I'd trust Pam over Quirk)

    By Pamela Geller - on February 13, 2017

    This is bad. Flynn got it on Islam. There’s blood in the water.

    Trump needs to pick a stronger replacement – not a trimmer like Petraeus. The idea that Petraeus might replace him is terrible.

    There has to be more to it. Whats the big deal? Flynn had discussed sanctions with the Russian envoy.

    Suddenly the left is cold warriors when during the real Cold War all they could do was disparage people who called attention to the Soviet threat.

    And why was the WaPo “privy” to the conversations content? Let’s see heads roll there! I don’t think we should know what the NSA is saying to the ambassador. Why aren’t we routing out loose lips and prosecuting?

    AP: The people insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The Washington Post was the first to report the communication between the Justice Department, including former acting attorney general Sally Yates, and the Trump administration.

    Flynn apologized to Pence last week, following a Washington Post report asserting that the national security adviser has indeed discussed sanctions with the Russian envoy.
    UPDATE: President Trump named retired Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. as acting national security advisor following Flynn’s resignation, the White House said in a statement.

    “General Kellogg is a decorated veteran of the United States Army, having served from 1967 to 2003, including two tours during the Vietnam War, where he earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with ‘V’ device, and the Air Medal with ‘V’ device,” the White House said. “He served as the Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division from 1997 to 1998. Prior to his retirement, General Kellogg was Director of the Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Directorate under the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

    Washington Times, February 14, 2017:

    ust three weeks into the Trump administration, Michael Flynn has resigned as national security adviser.

    Mr. Flynn issued a statement Monday night announcing that he would leave the post because after several days of reporting about Mr. Flynn’s ties to Russia, including having lied to Vice President Mike Pence about having spoken to Russian officials about U.S. sanctions during the transition.

    According to CNN, retired Gen. David Petraeus will be “coming in” Tuesday to discuss the position.

    Retired Gen. Keith Kellogg, a national-security official with the Trump transition team, is acting as national security adviser for now and is a candidate for the permanent post, CNN reported.

    CNN reporter Gloria Borger said on the air, citing “an administration source” that “a flood of information,” including that the Justice Department had warned the White House that Mr. Flynn may be compromised, meant that “in the end, the dam burst.”



    1. Quirk doesn't get it about the muslims. Pam does.

      Quirk is stuck back in the Cold War days.

  8. February 13, 2017
    National Security Council leakers worried Trump might arrest them
    By Ed Straker

    If you're a left-leaning member of the National Security Council and you're unhappy with the duly elected president, what do you do? Why, leak details of classified discussions and pending operations to the media, of course!

    In a N.Y. Times article, which itself is based on NSC leaks, leakers try to portray the NSC in chaos, but in the process of attempting to do so, they reveal the scope of their disloyalty.

    These are chaotic and anxious days inside the National Security Council, the traditional center of management for a president’s dealings with an uncertain world. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump’s top advisers are considering an “insider threat” program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks.

    Now, why would NSC staffers talking with their colleagues, presumably about affairs of state, feel the need to encrypt their conversations from the man they work for? I think the implication is clear – that these conversations are about undermining and leaking information to harm the Trump administration.

    Nervous staff members recently met late at night at a bar a few blocks from the White House and talked about purging their social media accounts of any suggestion of anti-Trump sentiments.

    Why would they need to do that? Past anti-Trump sentiments are not against the law. But leaking classified information is....


  9. Just from glancing over available information, Flynn shouldn't have lied to Pence about the conversation. He should have resigned. There are plenty of competent folks that can do that job. IMO.

  10. February 14, 2017
    CIA broke the law to take out its critic General Flynn
    By Thomas Lifson

    Make no mistake: we have just witnessed an operation by members of the CIA to take out a high official of our own government. An agency widely believed to have brought down democratically elected governments overseas is now practicing the same dark arts in domestic American politics. Almost certainly, its new head, Mike Pompeo, was not consulted.

    Senator Chuck Schumer, of all people, laid out on January 2 what was going to happen to the Trump administration if it dared take on the deep state – the permanent bureaucracy that has contempt for the will of the voters and feels entitled to run the government for its own benefit:

    New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is "being really dumb" by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia's cyber activities.

    "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

    "So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this."

    Or, as the old rueful saying has it, "you've got to go along to get along." This means that we the people had better acknowledge that the bureaucrats have turned into our masters, and the old expression "public servant" is as ironic as anything Orwell came up with. Schumer knows this and likes it, because the deep state wants a bigger, more powerful government, just as he does.

    Note that the law was broken by whoever leaked the transcripts to the media. Not only is the crime underlying the "scandal" being ignored, but the criminals are being hailed. On Morning Joe's first hour today, the host, a former congressman (i.e., a lawmaker) himself, called the leakers "heroes."

    This interference in domestic politics by the CIA should be regarded as a major threat to our democracy, but of course our Trump-hating domestic media are reveling in a major point scored against the new president.

    1. David P. Goldman (aka Spengler), writing on PJ Media, explains the level of hatred the CIA has for Flynn for daring to take on its spectacular failures:

      … the CIA has gone out of its way to sandbag Flynn at the National Security Council. As Politico reports: "On Friday, one of Flynn's closest deputies on the NSC, senior director for Africa Robin Townley, was informed that the Central Intelligence Agency had rejected his request for an elite security clearance required for service on the NSC, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation." Townley held precisely the same security clearance at the Department of Defense for seventeen years, yet he was blackballed without explanation. At DoD, Townley had a stellar reputation as a Middle East and Africa expert, and the denial of his clearance is hard to explain except as bureaucratic backstabbing.

      ... Gen. Flynn is the hardest of hardliners with respect to Russia within the Trump camp. In his 2016 book Field of Fight (co-authored with PJ Media's Michael Ledeen), Flynn warned of "an international alliance of evil movements and countries that is working to destroy us[.] ... The war is on. We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua." The unsubstantiated allegation that he presides over a "leaky" National Security Council tilting towards Russia makes no sense. The only leaks of which we know are politically motivated reports coming from the intelligence community designed to disrupt the normal workings of a democratic government – something that raises grave constitutional issues.

      Flynn is the one senior U.S. intelligence officer with the guts to blow the whistle on a series of catastrophic intelligence and operational failures. The available facts point to the conclusion that elements of the humiliated (and perhaps soon-to-be-unemployed) intelligence community is trying to exact vengeance against a principled and patriotic officer[.] ... The present affair stinks like a dumpster full of dead rats.

      Note that the suspicions eagerly being raised by the media center on Trump being a pawn of Putin and Flynn secretly pledging fealty or some such absurd subordination. In other words, suspicions of treasonous behavior by the new president are being cultivated in the general public. We can expect the media to fan these flames at every opportunity.

      Spengler also explains why the Logan Act references are insulting:

      Senior officials speak to their counterparts in other countries all the time, and for obvious reasons do not want these conversations to become public. The intelligence community, though, was taping Flynn's discussions, and the transcripts (of whose existence we are told but whose contents we have not seen) were used to embarrass him.

      This last point is critical. The entire "scandal" is based on innuendo. Flynn tripped over his own feet by misinforming Vice President Pence on the nature of his call and allowing the veep to issue a too sweeping denial of any discussion. If Flynn had said in his conversation with the Russian ambassador that we will discuss the sanctions after Trump takes office, he might well have told Pence that they did not discuss the sanctions. And the CIA leakers could have used the appearance of the word "sanctions" in their transcript to brand Pence a liar. We don't know, and for some reason, nobody is gaining access to the actual transcripts so that we may see the content. Perhaps the congressional investigations to come will gain access. But Flynn is now gone, and media memes have been firmly planted in the public mind.

      The Flynn Affair is a huge scandal, all right. But the media are misdirecting our attention toward the lesser dimension while they studiously ignore the real threat to our democracy.

    2. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/02/cia_broke_the_law_to_take_out_its_critic_general_flynn.html

    3. New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is "being really dumb" by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia's cyber activities.

      "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

      "So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this."

    4. .

      And if pigs could fly...


  11. "The Ongoing Coup Against Trump - Flynn is the First to Fall"

    LOL! You Trumpettes are a funny lot. Flynn falls due to self-inflicted knife wounds and you call it a coup. hee hee.

    How many others will go out like Flynn?

    1. Who else will go Out Like Flynn? Pushed from the clown car:

      "President Donald Trump and his top aides coordinated their response to North Korea’s missile test Saturday night in full view of diners at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida — a remarkable public display of presidential activity that is almost always conducted in highly secure settings.

      The scene — of aides huddled over their computers and the president on his cellphone at his club’s terrace — was captured by a club member dining not far away and published in pictures on his Facebook account. The images also show Trump conferring with his guest at the resort, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan.

      Shortly before the club member, Richard DeAgazio, who joined Trump’s club recently, took the pictures, North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile into the sea off its eastern coast. DeAgazio posted his photographs to Facebook as the two leaders and their staff members reviewed documents and worked on their laptops, using cellphones as flashlights.

      “HOLY MOLY !!! It was fascinating to watch the flurry of activity at dinner when the news came that North Korea had launched a missile in the direction of Japan,” DeAgazio wrote later on Facebook, describing how the two leaders “conferred and then went into another room for hastily arranged press conference.”

      “Wow.....the center of the action!!!” DeAgazio wrote in the post. The scene at Mar-a-Lago was first reported by CNN. DeAgazio did not respond to a call seeking comment.


      Trump and White House aides who joined him and Abe for dinner on Saturday, including Stephen Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, did not relocate the discussion to a secure location.
      Trump appears to enjoy presenting the spectacle of his presidency to those at his privately held club, where members pay $200,000 to join. While the club is not open to the public, Trump’s dinner with Abe was in the club’s dining room, where members and their guests were likely to be.
      Individual club members can invite guests, submitting a list of names of table guests to security officials ahead of time. But none of that would give them clearance to see sensitive or classified material handled by the president or his aides.

      In addition to posting the pictures of the North Korea conversation, DeAgazio also published pictures of himself standing with a person he described as Trump’s military aide responsible for carrying the nuclear “football” — the briefcase that contains codes for launching nuclear weapons.

      After news reports were published about DeAgazio’s Facebook account, the account was deleted, along with the photographs.

      Representatives of the Mar-a-Lago resort did not respond to requests for comment about DeAgazio’s use of social media to post photographs of the president."


  12. So, we are undergoing a Judicial Coup and an Intelligence Community Coup at the same time....

    1. And The Donald hasn't a single Storm Trooper with which to fight back....they are all over there on the Left....paid by Soros....battle hardened, expert arsonists, strong armed...

    2. The Donald has no option but to hire Quirk's Internal Intelligence Service and Year Round Valentine Cards,LLC working out of Detroit, Michigan to have a fighting chance of survival.

    3. ....working out of Detroit, Michigan, America's Unhealthiest City....

  13. STUDY: Detroit America's Unhealthiest City...

    San Francisco, Salt Lake City Healthiest....DRUDGE

    San Francisco ??

  14. Marie Barf is on 'Outnumbered', left leg over right, like all the others.

  15. The Democrats are having a great old time with this, after having covered up for the Criminal Hillary all these decades.

    1. "What did the President know, and when did he know it ?" asks Rep. Cummings. "The soul of our democracy is at stake !"

      Isn't he the guy that worried Guam might tip over from too many troops ?

      Rep. Conyers:

      "What did Trump knew, and when did he know it ? What did the Russians know, and when did they knew it ?"

      And that, Ladies and Gentlemen is verbatim, word for word....from the mouth of Elijah....

    2. .

      This latest fiasco will be milked for weeks if not months.

      It's been a great month for The Donald.


    3. .

      Trump's first comments about Flynn,

      'Who's the snitch?


  16. .

    Ongoing Coup Against Trump?


    Stop it. You're killing me.

    Flynn? Candy Kane gave the straight scoop on him at the end of the last stream.

    The cover up is always worse than the 'crime'. In this case, there may not have even been a crime, at least, none that couldn't be managed which makes Flynn's actions even more stupid.

    As Candy pointed out, Flynn now has the distinction of being fired under one administration only to be hired and forced to resign under another.

    Also as was pointed out on the last stream, if there is any truth to the rumor that David Petraeus is actually being considered to replace Flynn as NSA, it would put the cherry on top of Trump's melting vanilla sundae.


    1. As Candy pointed out, Flynn now has the distinction of being fired under one administration only to be hired and forced to resign under another.

      Which inches him up into the Great Man Category.

    2. What else do you knew, Quirk, and when did you first knew it ?

      Spicer presser coming up !

  17. .

    Kim Jon-Un's Brother Reported Killed by Female Ninjas with Poison Neddles


    Kim Jong-Nam, the 45-year-old half-brother of North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un, has died in Malaysia.

    CBS News reports that the death has been classified by Malaysian police as “sudden."

    CNN reports that the Selangor State Criminal Investigations Department said that Kim Jong-Nam fell ill at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia.

    Furthermore, Fox News is reporting that Kim Jong-Nam was allegedly stabbed by two unidentified women with "poisoned needles." They cite a cable TV broadcaster TV Chosun. Officials say he may've been targeted by North Korea...


    1. .

      Note. Neddles is North Korean for what we in the US would call needles. Female ninjas often use neddles for assassinations.


    2. When did you first knew this, Quirk ?

      An Uncle, now a Half Bro....

      Surely a sister, an aunt, a lover, maybe mother herself is coming tits up soon....

    3. Female ninjas.

      Jeez, that's ruthless.

  18. "The Definitive Analysis of ‘The Handshake’ Between Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau"


    I would cut and paste parts but the whole thing is worth looking at - complete with pictures. It's pretty funny!

    1. .

      There have been videos of all of Trump's handshakes. It's quite a show.

      He seem to take them as some sort of contest.

      Perhaps, it's because of the 'small' hands charge.


    2. I have undercover up close video of Quirk's handshakes.

      That ring finger.....

      Now that's something to see.....

      Q's ring finger often grasps all the way round the other person's wrist....

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "It is free-form arm wrestling. It is an attempt to demonstrate The Donald's hyperpotence over and against all the effeminate detritus of the world's elite politicians. All these soft men from soft countries with their soft hands and their soft feelings and their soft policies on Radical Islam.

      Donald Trump is a real man. He's a hard man with hard bodied women and a hardnosed drive for success. The Donald crushes the hands of lesser men in his extremely powerful and definitely not-small mitts. He pulls them into his orbit like a magnificent star, pulling their arm out of their sockets, breathing an ancient silent message down their necks: I am the boss. I am your boss. You will bend to me as all men must bend to me, one of the giants whose blood alone turns the wheel of history to crush lesser creatures beneath us.

      This is a handshake buried under the weight of its own meaninglessness, a black hole of metacommentary in a world where sense sloshes chaotically across a flat surface of signifiers unmoored from any attachment to truth or reason or even an orderly presentation of images. Donald Trump's handshake is a signed statement on the failure of language here at the end of the world."

    5. What non sense, Ash.

      Totally worthy of you.

    6. "Inside the Oval Office, Trudeau basks in his own self-satisfied glow. Trump, hunched and scowling, flits his eyes across the room. He refuses to be cucked by this Disney prince in his own goddamned house. "I think they might want a handshake," he leers at Trudeau. This will be the one for the sizzle reel. He's going to break this French Fuck's hand.

      Trudeau is ready. He's high on the heady hormonal cocktail of adrenaline and endorphins that only comes when you absolutely slay your #brand in the full glare of an international media spectacle. This is the most powerful he has ever felt in his life. It takes all of his power not to scream and rip his shirt off and fuck something. But he clenches his anus and comes back to reality. Focus. Focus. "

  19. .

    Quirk doesn't get it about the muslims. Pam does.

    Idaho BobMon Feb 13, 08:10:00 PM EST
    National Heath Service prescribes Islam for mentally-ill Muslims
    By Pamela Geller - on February 12, 2017

    "...In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases
    Treatment for jinns in Islam here and here..."

    As opposed to the Jewish and Christian Bibles that only talk about devils and angels, the Nephilim (children of god marrying the daughters of men), demons, burning bushes, pillars of fire, magic horns that crumble walls, etc., etc., etc.

    Perhaps, Pam's problems are devils and demons rather than djinns.

    You go Pam.

    and another of Bob's favorites, Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch...

    Idaho BobMon Feb 13, 08:15:00 PM EST
    Egypt: Sisi calls for restrictions on verbal divorce, al-Azhar says no


    In Islamic law, all a man need do in order to divorce his wife is say to her, “Taaleq,” that is “(You are) divorced.” If he says it once or twice, he can take her back simply if he decides to do so. But if he says it three times, he cannot take her back until she marries another man, consummates that marriage, and is divorced in turn by her new husband.

    This is all based on the Qur’an...

    Funny ol'Bob never posts things like this,

    From the Times of Israel,

    href="http://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-rabbinical-court-says-spousal-abuse-not-grounds-for-divorce/Jerusalem rabbinical court says spousal abuse not grounds for divorce

    Jerusalem Court Says Spousal Abuse Not Grounds For Divorce

    Woman makes unusual appeal to attorney general after rabbis deny her motion to leave husband, blaming her divorce request itself for violent episode

    ...In Israel, religious tribunals function as family courts. According to Orthodox Jewish law, divorce is only possible if the husband consents to it. Rabbinical judges in most cases cannot force husbands to give their wives a divorce, though they can impose punishments...

    ...Denouncing any violence against women, the judges said this applied “especially to such serious violence as described in the charge sheet.” However, “there is also no doubt that the husband’s outburst followed on the difficult conditions he is in as a result of the divorce suit his wife filed against him; and there is no doubt that if the wife accepted the husband’s request to attempt to return normal life together, this occurrence would not have happened,” the ruling by the three-judge panel read.

    Mavoi Satum accused the court of “paying lip service” to the fight against domestic violence...

    To 'get' a divorce takes on a whole new meaning in Israel yet we get no comment from Bob. One wonders which is worse being the victim of a divorce you didn't want or being locked into an abusive marriage you don't want.

    And Bob's favorite new incident, the Muslim who was charged with sexual abuse of children in Canada.

    Obviously worthy of attention to Bob since he has brought it up a couple times.

    What not's worthy of mentioning is the fact that if you do a search on

    'Man accused of child sex abuse'

    in Bing you get a couple million hits and

    in Google you get about 17,000,000 hits.

    I put up the first pages of that search up here the other day and didn't notice what appeared to be a 'Muslim' name in the lot.

    Now, I'm not calling Bob a dummy, or a nut, or a race-baiter, but...


  20. Is it possible 'Mad Dog' Mattis lurks behind The Fall of Flynn ?

    After all, one of his best buds looks to rise from the affair....

    Naw, Mad Dog's a straight shooter.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Flynn should have knewn he was being listened to....even if it was illegal....it's good he's gone....

  22. 9 Overrated Classic Novels — And Which Books To Read Instead


    With the exception of Heart of Darkness there's not much with which to disagree.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Deuce could do without beastiality references at The Bar.

  24. The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn Eli Lake, Bloomberg
    The Flynn Crisis Isn't Over, It's Just Beginning Frida Ghitis, CNN
    What Flynn's Resignation Really Means Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest

  25. India to launch 104 satellites in record mission
    February 14, 2017

    India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle would be carrying a 714 kilogram main satellite for earth observation and 103 smaller &qu

    India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle would be carrying a 714 kilogram main satellite for earth observation and 103 smaller "nano satellites" which would weigh a combined 664 kilograms

    India hopes to make history by launching a record 104 satellites from a single rocket Wednesday as its famously frugal space agency looks to zoom ahead in the commercial space race.

    The rocket is set to blast off from the southern spaceport of Sriharikota, India's Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said in a statement on Tuesday.

    The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle would be carrying a 714 kilogram main satellite for earth observation and 103 smaller "nano satellites" which would weigh a combined 664 kilograms.

    Nearly all of the nano satellites are from other countries, including Israel, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and 96 from United States, said the state-run ISRO.

    If successful, India will set a world record as the first country to launch the most satellites in one go, surpassing Russia which launched 39 satellites in a single mission in June 2014.

    The business of putting commercial satellites into space for a fee is growing as phone, Internet and other companies, as well as countries, seek greater and more high-tech communications.

    India is competing with other international players for a greater share of that launch market, and is known for its low-cost space programme.

    Last June, India set a national record after it successfully launched a rocket carrying 20 satellites, including 13 from the US.

    It sent an unmanned rocket to orbit Mars in 2013 at a cost of just $73 million, compared with NASA's Maven Mars mission which had a $671 million price tag.

    ISRO is also mulling the idea of missions to Jupiter and Venus.

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has often hailed India's budget space technology, quipping in 2014 that a rocket that launched four foreign satellites into orbit had cost less to make than Hollywood film "Gravity".

    Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-02-india-satellites-mission.html#jCp

    1. Nearly all of the nano satellites are from other countries, including Israel, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and 96 from United States, said the state-run ISRO.

    2. What about space junk collision problems?

    3. .

      They would simply be like bugs on a windshield.


    4. 17,000 miles per hour metallic bugs.

  26. .


    The Fly On The Wall

    Whispers from the West Wing...

    Candy Kane
    February 14, 2017

    Just in from our colleagues at the Denver Post.

    Massive eBay scam involving sale of famous 'Harambe Cheeto Snack'.

    Russian crime boss, Vlad ‘Pelmeni” Arconovic, has been arrested in his villa in Camden, New Jersey and charged with falsifying a report on the authenticity of the famous (now infamous) Harambe Cheeto snack. Experts at the Guiness Book of World Records have confirmed that the Harambe gorilla figure was not in fact a 'single, uniquely formed Cheeto snack' but was instead an expertly constructed forgery made up of two separate Cheeto snacks, one with a striking resemblance to Congressman James Brown which formed the upper half and the other that offered a perfect representation of J-Lo's butt that was used for the lower half.

    Guiness has now retracted the record given to the Harambe snack (that sold for a whopping $99,900) as the largest sale price for a 'personage/animal shaped snack or piece of bread/toast'. However, they indicate it is still eligible (pending review) to be considered for the largest sale price for a 'fake personage/animal shaped snack or piece of bread/toast'.

    Police are currently searching for career criminal Alexis Provonovic who was released from federal prison only two weeks ago and is considered the only man capable of manufacturing this amazing forgery. Mr. Provonovic is known in criminal circles as 'The Artiste'. Prison officials say he was 'really good'. He was paroled 27 years after he had been convicted of forging and selling fake Faberge Imperial Eggs by the dozen. Mr. Provonovic is Mr. Arconovic's uncle and godfather.


    1. {...}

      Meanwhile crack investigator, Quirk Smith, working for this office has reported he has a lead on celebrity faux farmer Mr. Bob who authorities have been searching for over the past week. After failing to secure a loan to pay for the Harambe gorilla he purchased, Mr. B. allegedly began receiving death threats from Mr. Arconovic's associate, Sal ‘Lips’ Pontucci, a man who law enforcement officials say takes pride in never having failed to complete a contract even in those cases were the contracts were reportedly canceled before they were completed. Sal is described as a single-minded, dedicated individual.

      Mr. Smith reports he has located Mr. Bob's wife who is demanding anonymity and only wants to be referred to as Mrs. Bob. We will respect her request and plan on limiting our visits to their double-wide located just inside the Moscow, Idaho city limits. Here is Mr. Smith’s story as best we can reconstruct it…

      [Mrs. Bob indicates she is fit to be tied and 'can't wait til I can get my hands on that sorry SOB'. When asked why she thought her husband would do such a crazy thing she responded, 'I blame it all on Monsanto. Bob's been poppin GMO's for years. And him and Wayne sit over there at Wayne's place all day long killin weeds with their soaker guns and Round Up. His brain is fried. He's coocoo for cocoapuffs.'

      Mr. Smith indicates after he was able to get Mrs' Bob calmed down a bit and was able to get a clue as to where Mr. B might be. Mrs. B indicated that Mr. B didn't head north and west once he hit US 90 as was believed but instead went east. In interviews with other Moscow residents, Mr. Smith had learned that Bob always headed over to Missoula to see their world famous cow chip throwing contest. On a hunch, he also headed east.



    2. {...}

      Having learned much about Mr. Bob's propensities and seeing a sign when he first entered Missoula that read Annual Scissoring Contest, Mr. Smith decided to investigate.

      The contest was being held at Pandora's Box, a rough and tumble lesbian bar off route 15. Smith got there before the contest had started but when he entered, all conversation stopped. It slowly resumed as Smith warily made his way to the bar. The bartender was a 6'6" dyke with a 'what the fuck are you doing in here' look on her face. "What do you want" she growled.

      'I'm looking for a man, thought he might have come in here,' Smith said as he handed her a picture of Mr. Bob.

      'Oh, that asshole. Go see those two ladies at the far table.'

      Smith peered into the darkness and then moved to the table where two transvestites sat nursing Tom Collins.

      “Hello, ladies. Wonder if you could help me.”

      The blond with a full day’s growth of beard smiled and said, “I’m sure we can, darling.” The thin brunette said, “Why don’t you order us some more drinks and we can talk for a while and then see what happens.”

      Smith ordered the drinks and then put the Picture of Mr. Bob on the table and asked, “Do you know this man?”

      Both women (?) stiffened, and the blonde said, “That asshole. Are you a friend of his?”
      “No, not a friend, but I’ve been hired to try to find him. You’ve obviously seen him. Can you tell me about it?”

      “Well, we were camped outside of town. We’d just got into town for the annual scissoring contest. We were sitting around the campfire and up walks this crazy old coot calling us Maria and Chin Chin. He’s obviously high on something, booze, or drugs, or GMO’s and he wouldn’t quit, just kept pestering us talking about someone named Quirk. We finally called the camp’s security guard, Marco. And as soon as he came up, this fool, I think he said his name was Bob, starts calling the security guard Julio, Julio Squato or something like that.

      Anyway Marco and a couple of dykes dressed in leathers from a couple campsites over who looked like they were looking for a little rough action wrestled him out of the camp, all the while him screaming “Quirk, I will get my revenge…well, if Sal doesn’t get me first.”
      Marco said he was heading west the last time he saw him.

      Smith, thanked the transvestites and offered to buy them another round. Since the scissoring contest was about to start, he also ordered a drink for himself. That was the last he remembers until he woke up the next morning in a ditch outside of Missoula with his wallet and car keys gone.

      Quirk Smith is still on the case and heading west in an Uber Honda Civic. We will let you know as more develops.

      Candy Kane


    3. Quirk Smith, not knowing the lay of the land, being a dumb shit easterner, headed west on US Highway 12, which is closed at his time from Kooskia to all points east..

      Chief Looking Glass lived in a village a short distance above what is now Kooskia with his band of Nez Perce.

      Looking Glass had the good sense to never leave his tepee in the winter due to 14 feet snowfalls and blizzards.

      If anything is ever seen of Quirk Smith again I will post that news.

      But don't stay up for it.

      They are not called the Bitterroot Mountains just for fun.

    4. I've called the Idaho State Police....hoping to save Quirk, for whom I always look out....

      "He's what ??"

      "Heading west on 12"

      "It's closed"

      "He'll go right by the barriers"

      "What's he driving"

      "Uber Honda Civic....he doesn't even have chains"

      "Moron....Where's he from ?"

      "The east....Detroit, Michigan, Unhealthiest City in the USA"

      "Sounds like he might be brain damaged goods. His only chance is to quick-freeze then thaw out slowly in May..we're sure not going up that way looking for some idiot from the east"

      more later....

      Mr. Bob had taken I-90 west, and is holed up now, warm and comfy, in The Coeur d'Alene Casino.

    5. And worried that Quirk might try to take a leak up there in the Bitters, and find himself ground froze, and hoping he's got his Red Rubber Heated Catheter along.

  27. .

    AshTue Feb 14, 01:24:00 PM EST

    "The Definitive Analysis of ‘The Handshake’ Between Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau"


    Excellent, Ash. Truly excellent.

    It's description of 'the handshake' capture's the power of The Donald's tao, the eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of being, non-being, and change, the whole of Trump triumphalism captured in one exaggerated gesture locked in mortal combat with the brash insouciance of an untested up-and-comer confident but unaware of what's coming with the only question being how long can he last before he is left shaken and humbled by Trump's signature rip-your-arm-out signature move.

    What a battle.



  28. And The Trump Shake ain't dirty feathers compared to Quirk's.

  29. It's ok guys, I understand. A firm hand shake must be traumatizing after seeing 8 years of bowing and apologizing, right? Trudy seemed visibly shaken in the presence of Trump, especially after his embarrassing bromance with Obama.

    1. I was embarrassed for him. I heard They were grabbing each other's asses off camera.

    2. Naw. Check out his father's rep with beautiful blondes. Those pics with Trumps Ivanka- priceless.

  30. PRESIDENT Putin appears displeased at losing his man in the Trump administration: Russian warplanes have buzzed a US navy destroyer and a spy ship has appeared off the US coast.


    In one instance two Su-24 attack jets buzzed the destroyer while flying fast and low, while another incident involved a low-flying Il-38 ‘Dolphin’ surveillance aircraft (Russia’s equivalent to the P-3 Orion). A third such ‘incident’ involved a single Su-24.


    Fox News in the US reports defence officials have confirmed a Russian electronic surveillance ship — packed full of sensors and computers designed to sift through communications traffic — was spotted off the US East Coast near Washington DC yesterday.

  31. Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Just Miles from White House

    When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

    In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

    He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

    Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.


    1. .


      a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system.

      Sometimes the paranoia is justified.


  32. Spicer: There was a lot more wrong with Flynn than lying about Russia


    1. .


      I say this without even reading the link yet.


    2. .


      This one was for after I read the link.

      “The irony of the situation is that the president has been incredibly tough on Russia,” Spicer said.



  33. .

    Text to Candy Kane...

    Smith here. Got into a little trouble heading through the Bitterroots on my way to Coeur d'Alene. Massive snow storm. The Honda Civic was stuck and not going anywhere. The Uber driver panicked and tried making it back to Missoula on foot. I hold little hope for him.

    What's with these hicks out here in the boonies that they can't even keep a friggin road open? Damn, I'll be glad to get back to civilization.

    Anyway, I pulled out a flask and sat sipping 12 year old Glenfiddich as I pondered my predicament. After an hour or so, my attitude had brightened considerably even though I hadn't thought of one damn way out of the mess I was in. Then I heard a horn beeping behind me.

    The next thing I know there is this huge ethnic looking chap rapping his knuckles on my window. I roll down the window and he says, "What the f*** are you doing? You're blocking the road. Move it."

    I point to the wall of snow in front of us, shrug, and say, "No go, amigo."

    The guy, who I later learned was named Sal, looked like he wanted to rip my throat out but instead went back to a big, black four-wheel drive SUV with snow tires and chains. It had a sign on the door that read Lips Pontucci - Rat Elimination and Disposal. He opened the lift gate and pulled out a snow shovel, one of those light weight ones with the ergonomically designed handle to help protect your back. The label read "Sears'.

    I was feeling pretty good from the Glinfiddich at this point, and as he was passing I smiled and said, "Hey man, nice ride."

    He stopped, gave me another of those 'F***, I want so much to rip your g**d****d throat out and shove your dick up it until you stop breathing' looks, grabbed my flask, chugged what was left of my Glenfiddich, and moved to the snow wall and started digging.

    I can only say that he was probably the most single-minded, dedicated individual I have ever met. To describe him as driven can only be considered an understatement. I quickly jumped in the Civic and started slowly following him up the mountain and then down the other side.

    I expect to be in Coeur d'Alene later tonight.



    1. Shouldn't Smith turn around and quickly rescue the Uber driver first? After all, you never know, he may come in handy at some stage later.

      You know, Smith and the Uber driver working as a team and what-not. The Uber driver may just be in the right place at the right time to have Smith's back.

    2. Just could wind up being Smith's undo-ing, this fateful decision of his.

    3. .

      Uber drivers are a dime a dozen.

      Besides Smith is on a case and he is still pissed about having his expense account audited over a claim for reimbursement for the car ( a vintage Cord) and the $79,828.75 he was carrying in the wallet he lost in Missoula.


    4. Text to Kandy Cane -

      You best control your Quirk feller, lest he end up nailed to the Spin Wheel at the Coeur d'Alene Casino with the patrons all throwing the darts at his belly button.

      Yours, sweety, all yours anytime -

      More later, honey bunches....

      Mr. Bob

  34. She was pressed repeatedly on why Flynn was left in his post — and continued to retain the president's trust — even after the Justice Department sounded an alarm.

    "That's one characterization," Conway said. "But the fact is that General Flynn continued in that position and was in the presidential daily briefings, was part of the leader calls as recently as [Monday] … and as time wore on, obviously the situation had become unsustainable."

    Flynn has been replaced by retired Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as acting national security adviser.

    1. .

      Lt Gen. Kellogg, whose father is Walt Kelly a bar buddy of Steve Bannon from his Breithbart days, has been on a fast track since graduating from West Point last December.


    2. He graduated from West Point last Dec and he is already a Lt. Gen?

      I like Steve Bannon, so being a bar buddy is a plus.

    3. .

      Thus the term 'fast track'.


  35. Smith's wallet is probably at Pandora's Box. Does Smith have the Uber driver's cell?

    Maybe Smith can get the Uber driver to pick up Smith's wallet if / when he makes it back to Missoula. Pandora's Box most likely has a lost-and-found box.

    Those establishments usually do and I would be most surprised indeed if they didn't. But then again, lesbians are not normally known for their honesty but hey, you never know.

    Smith may just get lucky. Probably worth a cell call.

    1. Smith's never going back to Missoula.

      He's crossed over into Idaho now.

      He ain't never goin' back to Missoula....

    2. Yeah, but the Uber driver is.

    3. If he had any brains, which he don't, he'd hole up in Kellogg, Idaho, pop 2,083 and spend his time at the whore houses in Wallace, Idaho, pop 784.


    4. If the Uber driver had any brains, he head for the whore houses in Wallace, too.

    5. Partners in crime.

      Bonnie and Clyde
      Frank and Jesse James
      Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
      Quirk Smith and The Uber Driver

    6. .

      Smith text to secretary, Felicity Drake...

      Sweetheart, put in a call to Pandora's Box in Missoula, Mt. Ask if anyone has turned in a Kimoto Dragon-skin wallet lately. If so, arrange to get it back for me.

      Also, call the Montana state police and ask if Uber driver 139782 has turned up on their radar, either alive or frozen. Probably a waste of time. The crazy guy wasn't even carrying snow shoes in his trunk but I've got one of his relatives hassling me about this.

      Let me know.


    7. "Around The World" for $5 bucks....

      You can't beat those kind of prices back east.

    8. I remember dad telling me a story of when they built I-90. The very last traffic light to come down of the entire stretch of I-90 was in Wallace.

    9. :)

      No relation, just looking out for the poor soul.

    10. Smith text to secretary, Felicity Drake...

      Work on my Kimoto Dragon-skin wallet first.

      When successful, turn to the Uber driver matter, which is probably a waste of time.


    11. Actually, there's always been something a bit fishy and not quite sitting right with me concerning the timing of ol' Sal turning up not long after the Uber driver decided to go for his little winter wonderland hike.

    12. I feel the same way. Sounded kinda like some deus-ess from the machina or somethin.

      But at this point I'm just going with the flow of events, and trying to manipulate them to a profit for myself out of the Kimoto Dragon-skin wallet.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Lips = Uber

      Master of disguise.

    15. I'm confused about the characters and so am concentrating on the overarching plot, which at this point seems of the fall then rise variety.

      But who falls, and who rises ?

    16. .

      Text to Idaho State Police...

      Dear Sirs,

      Please see the following text from Mr. Bob, a person of interest in the expanding federal investigation of the fake 'Harambe Gorilla' Cheeto snack case currently being carried on the national news.

      Text to Kandy Cane (sic)-

      You best control your Quirk feller, lest he end up nailed to the Spin Wheel at the Coeur d'Alene Casino with the patrons all throwing the darts at his belly button.

      Yours, sweety, all yours anytime -

      More later, honey bunches....

      Mr. Bob

      This threatening and egregiously sexist note was sent to one of our clients, Ms. Candy Kane of The Fly On The Wall column at the Cincinnati Enquirer.

      Ms. Kane forwarded it to our office, and I have been instructed by my boss, Quirk Smith, CEO of the Quirk Smith Investigative Services and Skip-Trace Company, to forward it on to your office so that Mr. Bob can be detained and held until charges can be filed based on his note to Ms. Kane and also so that his role in the Harambe Gorilla case can be determined.

      To our knowledge, Mr. Bob was last seen shuffling towards the casino in Coeur d'Alene. He is a known GMO addict and can likely be found in his usual spot at the slots waiting for some older woman to go to the rest room so he can steal her spot at a 'prime' machine, that or he will be out back in the alley popping GMO seeds.

      Your help with this matter will be appreciated. Mr. Smith should be arriving in Coeur d'Alene later this evening and will be heading directly to the casino.


      Felicity Drake

      Executive Assistant and Confident to
      President and CEO


    17. (heh heh heh Mr. Smith should be arriving in Coeur d'Alene later this evening and will be heading directly to the casino. I've got the smee now, folks. Just a matter of time....HEH HEH HEH)

    18. (Human Spin Wheel Time....ho Ho HO !)

  36. Report: Former Obama officials leaked to take down Flynn because he wanted to expose the Iran deal

    I get the first part of this story, not so much the second. The bit about Obama alumni targeting Flynn? Highly plausible if not likely. Flynn was a harsh Obama critic ever since O fired him from his position as DIA, and Flynn more than anyone else in the administration seemed prepared to guide Trump towards detente with the same Putin regime that had tried to sink Democrats’ chances during the campaign with the DNC and Podesta hackings. Flynn is also famously an Iran hawk, something which the Obama administration was, er, not. Did Team O have the means and motives to take down a man they despised? You betcha....


  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. How Trump’s ‘disarray’ may be merely strategy


    1. This has a certain Quirkian feel to it.

    2. .

      ...slit, that is North Korean for skit...

      I was texting on the other phone trying to track down those 2 female ninjas with their poisoned needles over in the Far East.


    3. Slit, sounds like something in a Mr. Bob text to Ms. Candy Kane.

    4. .

      I would comment but expect I would at minimum be put in the penalty box by google.

      I have grown cautious in my old age.


  39. The State Department concluded in a July 2014 arms control report that “the Russian Federation is in violation of its obligations under the INF Treaty not to possess, produce, or flight-test a ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM) with a range capability of 500 km to 5,500 km (310 miles to 3,420 miles), or
    to possess or produce launchers of such missiles.”


    Russia now has two battalions of the cruise missile, the newspaper quoted administration officials as saying. One is located at Russia’s missile test site at Kapustin Yar in the country’s southeast.

    The other battalion has been located at an operational base elsewhere in Russia, the Times quoted one unidentified official as saying.

  40. Friend of San Bernardino shooter to plead guilty to supplying weapons

    The man believed to have bought rifles for San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to provide materials for terrorists, the Department of Justice announced on Tuesday.

    Enrique Marquez Jr., a longtime friend of Farook’s, will plead guilty to providing material support and resources to terrorists, including weapons, explosives and personnel. As part of the plea agreement, he admitted that he conspired with Farook to carry out two attacks that never happened. Marquez also will plead guilty to making false statements to investigators.

    Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire at a holiday party for health inspectors at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2, 2015. Fourteen people were killed in the attack and 24 people were wounded. Farook and Malik were killed in a shootout with police shortly afterward. The pair declared their allegiance on Facebook to the Islamic State (ISIS) shortly before the attack.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Article didn't say what the sentence was but I imagine the fix is in for life in prison.

  41. Former Obama officials, loyalists waged secret campaign to oust Flynn to preserve Iran deal


    The swamp, in so dire need of draining, has struck back and scored a victory.

    “Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 14, 2017:

    The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.

    The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

    The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration’s efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

    Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump’s inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump’s national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.

    Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon requested anonymity in order to speak freely about the situation and avoid interfering with the White House’s official narrative about Flynn, which centers on his failure to adequately inform the president about a series of phone calls with Russian officials.

    Flynn took credit for his missteps regarding these phone calls in a brief statement released late Monday evening. Trump administration officials subsequently stated that Flynn’s efforts to mislead the president and vice president about his contacts with Russia could not be tolerated.

    1. However, multiple sources closely involved in the situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump White House.

      “It’s undeniable that the campaign to discredit Flynn was well underway before Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine him,” said one veteran national security adviser with close ties to the White House team. “This pattern reminds me of the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably features the same cast of characters.”

      The Free Beacon first reported in January that, until its final days in office, the Obama administration hosted several pro-Iran voices who were critical in helping to mislead the American public about the terms of the nuclear agreement. This included a former Iranian government official and the head of the National Iranian American Council, or NIAC, which has been accused of serving as Iran’s mouthpiece in Washington, D.C.

      Since then, top members of the Obama administration’s national security team have launched a communications infrastructure after they left the White House, and have told reporters they are using that infrastructure to undermine Trump’s foreign policy.

      “It’s actually Ben Rhodes, NIAC, and the Iranian mullahs who are celebrating today,” said one veteran foreign policy insider who is close to Flynn and the White House. “They know that the number one target is Iran … [and] they all knew their little sacred agreement with Iran was going to go off the books. So they got rid of Flynn before any of the [secret] agreements even surfaced.”

      Flynn had been preparing to publicize many of the details about the nuclear deal that had been intentionally hidden by the Obama administration as part of its effort to garner support for the deal, these sources said.

      Flynn is now “gone before anybody can see what happened” with these secret agreements, said the second insider close to Flynn and the White House….


    2. .

      Idiotic and I didn't even bother to read it. It is Robert Spencer after all.


  42. Quirk has been hired on The Human Spin Wheel at the Coeur d'Alene Casino !

    More details tomorrow....

  43. February 15, 2017
    President Trump and the Runaway Judiciary: The Founders Have Provided the Remedy
    By Steve McCann

    ....Among them are:

    Limit the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court per Article III, Section2, Clause 2 of the Constitution, which explicitly grants Congress the authority to regulate and limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Even the first Chief Justice, John Marshall, acknowledged that the court has no jurisdiction other than what Congress grants it (except for a few spheres of original jurisdiction per Article III).

    Abolish or severely curtail judicial review for the lower courts as the Congress created and can break, divide, or regulate them at will. Per Article 1, Section 8 and the judicial vesting clause of Article III, Section1, the legislative branch has full authority over the creation of all courts below the Supreme Court.

    Defund enforcement of unconstitutional court decisions. As noted above in Federalist 78, Hamilton was unconcerned that the Courts would become all-powerful as they had no means of enforcing their decisions. Therefore, the executive branch could simply refuse to enforce their edicts and the Congress could cut off funding for enforcement in reaction to the court’s absurd behavior.

    Congress can redraw and change the boundaries of the circuit courts or even eliminate them entirely if they care to and create new ones with new judges.....

