Sunday, February 12, 2017

Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight Trump and Trumpism

When They Win - You Lose:

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.
He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy,”it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.

“It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”

“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”

Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.

OFA, in IRS filings, says it trains young activists to develop “organizing skills.” Armed with Obama’s 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for Democratic candidates it’s grooming to win back Congress and erect a wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama’s former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP “gerrymandering” of congressional districts.

Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents
Critical to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party. Obama hopes to install his former civil-rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the Democratic National Committee.
Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing “It’s time to organize and fight . . . We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments;” while also promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grass-roots organizing force this country has ever seen.”
The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.

“You’re going to see me early next year,” he said after the election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”
Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”

Paul Sperry is the author of “The Great American Bank Robbery,” which details the link between race-based housing policies and the mortgage crisis.


  1. Obama has not completed his damage in "changing America"

  2. Look at the second video.

    They do not even pretend to be inclusive. "Inclusive" is for intimidation of Bad America, the Bad America that needs to be changed, by them, for them.

    Them is not you.

    Hear their words.

  3. They're just staying so their daughter can finish her schooling in DC.

  4. If we'd all take SuperBeets* we'd have enough energy to get up and to get out and get organized ourselves.

    We could get drunk, do drugs, go out and march around, skip class, skip work, throw bricks, chant slogans, light fires, pick up girls, have a good old time and leave trash behind.

    1. Then the world would see real change.

    2. It's all a matter of elevating our nitrate levels.


  5. The Organizing Uprising, Obama, left wing street mob, asses of anarchy, big media, transexual, transnational, trans offended and leftists judges have done Trump and the majority of us a favor.
    They tweeted their move too soon.

    We get the game. it is take no prisoners and salt the earth of traditional America. They are united to destroy Trump and reclaim control of America and finish their mission of putting it to the rest of us. They will stop at nothing.

    The Republicans have four, then maybe eight years to undo a lot of damage. They need to get rid of the McCains, The Collins and the transexual Graham Quacker.

    This should be very entertaining.

    The New York Times is whining that it is unfair that Trump personally owns all the assets to win.

    Trumps weekend in Palm Beach is killing them.

    It is getting as much attention as the weekly front page review of Saturday Night Live, the midnight mass of the progressive left.

    Stand by.


    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on Friday that he was considering issuing a “brand new order” on immigration, though he said he was confident he would ultimately win his legal fight over his existing executive order on visas and refugees.

    “We will win that battle. The unfortunate part is that it takes time statutorily,” Trump said. “We also have a lot of other options, including just filing a brand new order.”

    Trump said “it very well could be” that he signs a new executive order. He added, “We need speed for reasons of security.” Any action, he said, wouldn’t come until next week—“perhaps Monday or Tuesday”—to “honor” an appeals court’s decision Thursday evening that upheld a suspension of his current executive order.


    Jonathan Brown, a tenured Georgetown professor and holder of the Al-Waleed bin Talal Chair in Islamic Civilization at Georgetown University, has delivered a lecture defending slavery and rape non-consensual sex. Umar Lee, a Muslim who heard the lecture and was offended by it, posted about it here. He wrote:

    While the lecture was supposed to be about slavery in Islam Brown spent the majority of the lecture talking about slavery in the United States, the United Kingdom and China. When discussing slavery in these societies Brown painted slavery as brutal and violent (which it certainly was). When the conversation would briefly flip to historic slavery in the Arab and Turkish would slavery was described by Brown in glowing terms. Indeed, according to Brown, slaves in the Muslim World lived a pretty good life.

    Jonathan Brown, a tenured Georgetown professor and holder of the Al-Waleed bin Talal Chair in Islamic Civilization at Georgetown University, has delivered a lecture defending slavery and rape non-consensual sex. Umar Lee, a Muslim who heard the lecture and was offended by it, posted about it here. He wrote:

    While the lecture was supposed to be about slavery in Islam Brown spent the majority of the lecture talking about slavery in the United States, the United Kingdom and China. When discussing slavery in these societies Brown painted slavery as brutal and violent (which it certainly was). When the conversation would briefly flip to historic slavery in the Arab and Turkish would slavery was described by Brown in glowing terms. Indeed, according to Brown, slaves in the Muslim World lived a pretty good life.

    Jonathan Brown, a tenured Georgetown professor and holder of the Al-Waleed bin Talal Chair in Islamic Civilization at Georgetown University, has delivered a lecture defending slavery and rape non-consensual sex. Umar Lee, a Muslim who heard the lecture and was offended by it, posted about it here. He wrote:

    While the lecture was supposed to be about slavery in Islam Brown spent the majority of the lecture talking about slavery in the United States, the United Kingdom and China. When discussing slavery in these societies Brown painted slavery as brutal and violent (which it certainly was). When the conversation would briefly flip to historic slavery in the Arab and Turkish would slavery was described by Brown in glowing terms. Indeed, according to Brown, slaves in the Muslim World lived a pretty good life.

    1. .

      It appears the American Conservative has entered into a continuous loop. Though some would argue that has been the case for some time.


    2. The NY Times seems to have a continuous front page story on SNL. The WashingtonPost is off the rails. Google News is fixed. CNN has lost its mind,

      I keep digging.

  8. I hope the British are watching Trump.

    They should model their bilateral trade deals post Brexit after him.

    1. That's funny in light of the fact he hasn't produced any trade deals yet.

    2. Leaders playing a round of golf together does not constitute a deal.

    3. It all depends on whether or not the leaders strike a deal the links, silly goose.

    4. When Obama played golf, he was wasting government resources ...

      Now, when Trump goes golfing it is described as diplomacy.

      ... A comedy of errors ...

  9. He is just setting up the board: Mexico, China, Japan, 86 ing the TPP, Nafta, Energy trading with China, post Brexit Britain.

    I'm missing the funny part.

    1. Energy trading with Canada (not China)

    2. Britain, due to the size of their economy, has less leverage then the USA when negotiating on a country by country basis.

    3. Luxembourg - "Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn" - due to the size of its economy, has less leverage than the Britain when negotiating on a country by country basis.

    4. Britain has a 200 billion pound trade deficit. She has debtors leverage. She will have no problem getting the deals she wants.


  10. Meryl Streep Pledges to Stand Up to ‘Brownshirts’ in Tirade Against Trump

    By SOPAN DEBFEB. 12, 2017

    Meryl Streep spoke on Saturday at the Human Rights Campaign’s Greater New York Gala in New York City. Credit Rob Kim/Getty Images

    Meryl Streep, in a fiery speech criticizing President Trump on Saturday night, pledged to stand up against “brownshirts and bots” at a time when she and others are increasingly denouncing his administration’s policies and the president himself.

    Ms. Streep, in New York City accepting an award from the Human Rights Campaign, referred to the backlash she received after the Golden Globes in January, when she gave a speech denouncing Mr. Trump.

    “It’s terrifying to put the target on your forehead, and it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brownshirts and bots and worse, and the only way you can do it is to feel you have to,” Ms. Streep said. “You have to. You don’t have an option. You have to.”

    It was not immediately clear to whom Ms. Streep was referring in using the loaded term “brownshirts,” which was originally applied to a paramilitary group that assisted the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany....


    It’s terrifying to put the target on your forehead, and it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brownshirts and bots and worse

    truly does sound horrid.

    How would YOU like walking around with a target on YOUR forehead being attacks by brownshirts, bots, and WORSE ??

    1. The only one here able to stand up to armies of brownshirts, bots, and WORSE is Quirk, and he has to be dead drunk to do it.

    2. I never worry about a target on Quirk's noggin however as there's nothing in there to stop a bullet.

      It's a combat advantage he has always possessed.

    3. It enabled him to retake the Brenner Pass from jerry in Two.

    4. .

      Yet, even I had the target surgically removed some time ago.

      It was painful, but I thought necessary.


    5. Yes, that's undoubtedly best.


  11. In emotional speech, Streep renews harsh criticism of Trump

    Associated Press
    Associated PressFebruary 12, 2017

    "It's terrifying to put the target on your forehead," she said. "And it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brownshirts and bots and worse, and the only way you can do it is if you feel you have to. You have to! You don't have an option. You have to."

    Streep did not elaborate on the type of attacks she may have been subjected to since her Globes speech, or from whom. The Associated Press reached out to her publicist for details.


  12. Quirk and Streep should get together.

    He could rewrite her gibberish in a form that resembled some reality somewhere.

    All his likeminded MSM consuming bots would eat it up.

    1. Good idea.

      If The Q-Man couldn't handle Chin Chin, Maria, and Meryl all at one time, I don't know who could.


  13. Ex-Democrat goes to Berkeley to hear a speech but witnesses a riot

    The situation was more than chaotic, she said: “It was a riot.” A friend posted a video on YouTube of what they saw from the second floor.

    After about 2 1/2 hours, an officer told them, “if you guys want to go out of the building, you need to go now.” Walsh asked if officers would escort them. “They said, ‘It’ll make things worse for you,’ ” she said.

    Walsh and her female friend made it to their car in a parking garage, where, in a surreal moment, a lurking stranger had mistaken their car as belonging to Yiannapoulos’ entourage and was hoping to see him.

    They tried to drive out of the garage but the exit was blocked by barricades and a dumpster, she said. Two maintenance workers said they could not help them but gave them the phone number to the campus police department. She called but was told officers were “a little busy” though they’d try to send someone.

    As it happened, Walsh had grabbed some anti-Yiannopoulos printed material (“propaganda literature,” she said) so she put it on the dashboard to fool the protesters – and held onto her pepper spray.

    She drove behind another car heading to the exit, where several protesters moved the obstruction aside to let them pass, which took a while.

    “They said ‘We’ll help you.’ They let us out,” she said. “That literature saved my life, I’m sure of it. It was insane.”

    Read more here:

    1. Good idea to always pack propaganda from both sides these days.

    2. .

      Ah, more of the continuous loop.

      You guys really need some new material.


    3. Here's your new loop.

      If The Q-Man couldn't handle Chin Chin, Maria, and Meryl all at one time, I don't know who could.

      Get busy.

    4. As a beaver ...

      Friday, February 6, 2015
      10:15 AM

      bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT

      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.

  14. Germany will make a deal with Britain. They must and basically have no choice. Once Britain gets what it wants from Germany, she can roll up the rest. The last thing German politicians can afford right now is a ding to their economy and their export industries.

    Ilse Aigner, the Bavarian economy minister, said that Brexit poses a "high risk" to the economy and argued that the UK is one of the "most important trading partners for Bavaria", one of Germany's most prosperous states.


    The German state of Bavaria has passed a law requiring immigrants to respect the “dominant” local culture.
    The law provides extra funding for German language classes and for schools to help migrants integrate, however left-wing politicians tried to filibuster it over a clause requiring them to respect Bavaria’s ‘Leitkultur’, or dominant culture.

    Critics said the clause would give equal weight to customs such as beer festivals and wearing lederhosen as to concepts such as gender equality.

    Markus Rindspracher, leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party, said: “We do not need a guiding culture in this integration law because all this is already covered much better in the Bavarian constitution.”

    However, Emilia Müller, the state’s social affairs minister, defending the proposal saying: “It prevents the emergence of parallel societies governed by Sharia, religious codes or tribal customs, instead of our laws and values.”

    The opposition eventually failed in filibustering the measure, with the law passing by 95 votes to 47 after a debate lasting a record 16 hours.

    Bavaria is governed by the Christian Social Union (CSU), which is in permanent coalition with Angela Merkel’s own party but has taken a much more sceptical line on mass immigration.

    Since the large influx of migrants, which saw over one million people enter Germany last year, Bavaria has led the way in cracking down on immigration, becoming the first state to call for the federal government to implement stronger border controls.

    1. .

      A feel good law with no teeth.

      Someone here argued that the influx of immigrants is diluting and in the end wiping out our historical culture. I say he is wrong.

      A country doesn't 'lose' its culture, it 'gives' it away.

      How many times have we seen, on this blog, people bemoan the loss of the good old days and how our culture is devolving. Major changes have been going on for the last 50 years and they haven't necessarily been tied to some immigrating subculture. The declining US birthrate, legal abortion, women in the workforce, globalization, the decline of the unions, stagnant wages, declining productivity, rising income inequality, the corruption of the PC process, a shrinking of the middle class and a growth of far-left/far-right politics with a shrinking of the center. These are just some of the forces that have changed our society over that time.

      Has immigration had an effect? Possibly, but given America's historical ability to absorb and assimilate foreign populations, it's likely that these other factors are, and will continue to, play a much bigger part in any change to our historical culture.

      The same applies in spades to the EU. They take and have taken the idea of PC to the extreme. They push and enforce by law a secularism that has deprived them of any moral base that can be used to fight a foreign ideology that is deeply held. Their birth rates if not reversed have declined to the point where any trace of them will disappear over time. While their PC laws are touted as glorifying individual rights the trends say different and appear to place the rights and 'convenience' of the many ahead of the few, the aged, disabled, and the unborn.

      Their immigration laws are absurd.

      The decadence we see in Europe wasn't brought there by some foreign invasion. It's been building there since the beginning of the 20th century.


  15. Germany will be delighted to make a post Brexit deal with the UK, Mach schnell!

  16. After that, please tell me which European country will not make a trade deal with the UK.

  17. As to whether a round of golf will help the Japanese to give Trump what he wants, The NORKs set off a roman candle into the Sea of Japan. That sounds like a hole in one to me for Trump getting a good deal.

    I'm sure you will agree.

    1. They'll stop shipp8ng cars to the US? I doubt it.

  18. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the former German foreign minister who was a vocal critic of Donald Trump during the U.S. campaign, was elected as the country’s 12th postwar president. You think Steinmeier is going to take on a hardline with the UK?


      MERKEL'S GERMANY: Majority now SUPPORT deporting failed asylum seekers, says poll

      ATTITUDES towards failed Afghan asylum seekers in Germany appear to be changing, after a new poll showed a massive 74 per cent of people now supported deportation.

      Too fucking bad for Frank-Walter.

  19. The Chinese don't appear to be exercising what restraining influence they may have on North Korea.

    Perhaps we should start shooting down all North Korean missile tests on liftoff ?

    Just a question.

    The Chinese are enabling all this non sense.

    1. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) System may clear their thinking.

  20. .

    As for trade deals, I hope Trump doesn't assume the same tactics he used to build up his businesses.

    From what I have seen he...

    Started out with a little cash and his fathers contacts in the industry. Check. Cash and contacts.

    The US has both.

    Then he leveraged up. No problem there. Leverage is this country's middle name.

    If the deal looks like it will work out, you tell all your creditors that the deal sucks and isn't working out and you need them to take a 30% hit on their original price. Then you declare that 'it was a great deal. Super.' And then brag that the deal came in 'significantly' under budget.

    If the deal doesn't work out, you declare bankruptcy and leave you creditors holding the bag (something Trump was questioning his advisors on during the campaign).

    Sweet way to make a buck. Well, that is, if you have no conscience.

    It would be interesting to see if other countries around the world would put up with it or whether they would just eat their losses like that piano retailer who lost the $100k to Trump.


    1. .

      ...would stop putting up with it...


    2. Michael Diehl did not lose 100,000 dollars to Trump.

    3. I know that Quirk Enterprises, LLC, working out of Detroit, Michigan, has gotten the better of The Donald in the past.

      How was that accomplished ?

    4. .

      Sorry, Diehl was one of the suckers who took the 30% haircut for dealing with Trump.

      Should have read...

      'It will be interesting to see if other countries around the world would refuse to put up with Trump's 'deals' or would be like that piano dealer who took a $30,000 haircut on a $100,000 deal that Trump had agreed to before stiffing him for a 30% cut.'


  21. Has immigration had an effect? Possibly


    1. .


      Didn't even include the comma much less the 'but'.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  22. Why the FBI Didn’t Stop 9/11

    The greatest obstacle to domestic security in the war on terror is the worldview of the liberal elites. No sooner had the Twin Towers fallen than the press and an army of advocacy groups were on the hunt for victims—not of Muslim fanaticism but of American bigotry. The liberal commentariat has denounced every commonsensical measure to protect the country the Bush administration has proposed as an eruption of racism or tyranny.
    But the elite ideology began its corrosive work long before 9/11. For three decades, the liberal establishment, fixated on preventing a highly unlikely repeat of Watergate-era abuses, has encumbered America’s intelligence and national security capacities with increasingly crippling procedural inhibitions, culminating in domestic intelligence restrictions promulgated by the Clinton administration in 1995. As long as the elites continue to act as if America’s biggest enemy is not al-Qaida but the country’s own allegedly repressive and bigoted instincts, the nation’s defense against terror at home will proceed at half throttle.

    In August 2001, mere weeks before the greatest mass murder of civilians in U.S. history, the Justice Department squelched two prescient efforts to avert the attacks. In Minneapolis, FBI agents frantically sought permission to search the possessions of one Zacarias Moussaoui, a bumbling, suspicious flight student and a colleague of Islamic fundamentalists. In New York, another FBI agent no less frantically sought clearance to throw his squad into an 11th-hour search for Khalid Almihdar, an al-Qaida operative at large in the country.

    Justice Department bureaucrats refused both requests on absurd grounds. In the case of the New York agent, for example, they argued that because he was a criminal investigator, not an intelligence investigator, his participation in the manhunt for Almihdar could violate Almihdar’s rights: the al-Qaida agent was wanted not as an ordinary felon but as a terrorist.

    The refusals may have had enormous consequences. Had the Minneapolis agents searched Moussaoui’s effects, they would have found leads to two of the 9/11 terrorists and to the Hamburg al-Qaida cell that planned the attack. Had the FBI been able to find Almihdar, it would have apprehended the pilot who crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. Instead, the plot hurtled on undisturbed to its gruesome climax.

    The media have portrayed both episodes as “intelligence failures,” “communication failures,” or the failings of individual managers to “connect the dots.” They were not. Each of these lost opportunities was the foreseeable outcome of senseless terror-fighting restrictions put into place by Attorney General Janet Reno in 1995. Good luck finding any hint of the decisive role of the Clinton Justice Department in press accounts of the Moussaoui and Almihdar affairs, however.

    The 1995 Reno guidelines, though the craziest development in intelligence law to date, are not unprecedented. They are the culmination of three decades of liberal grandstanding around intelligence-gathering and use.

    For most of the twentieth century, Congress, courts, and legal scholars agreed that the president had plenary authority to investigate and disarm threats to the national security. If the FBI suspected a Russian attacheacute; in Washington of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, for example, the Bureau could tap his phone without needing permission from a judge. Judges were not competent to make national security decisions, as an unusually self-effacing court explained in 1980, because they lacked “mastery of diplomacy and military affairs.” The Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement, legal opinion held, was intended to protect citizens against unreasonable government intrusion in domestic crime investigations, not where the survival of the nation itself was at stake.

    1. The MSM has programmed Gorelick Walls inside Quirk's brain that prevent him from connecting events obvious to others.

      Both he and the MSM deny the connections and project blame instead on the racist, xenophobic untermenchen.


      Virtue signaling complete.

    2. The 1995 Reno guidelines, though the craziest development in intelligence law to date, are not unprecedented. They are the culmination of three decades of liberal grandstanding around intelligence-gathering and use.

      That would be ... 1965 ... Surely, Ronald Reagan and the Judges he appointed were not part of "Liberal Grandstanding".

      The statement is untrue, as are the conclusions the city-journal comes to, based upon that faulty reasoning.

      Sorry, Dougo, but your continuous loop is as faulty as your alt-truths are invalid.

    3. .

      As for name calling, please note that it was Doug who called himself the xenophobic untermenchen, not me.


    4. .

      The US FISA court was established in 1978. As we have seen, it invariably bows to the will of the executive.

      From wiki...

      The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) is a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Such requests are made most often by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Congress created FISA and its court as a result of the recommendations by the U.S. Senate's Church Committee.[1] Its powers have evolved to the point that it has been called "almost a parallel Supreme Court."[2]

      If the city-journal report is true, it appears to me a case smokestacks with one agency unwilling to share responsibility with another that or the FBI not being willing to push their
      case through the FISA court.

      Perhaps, I'm missing something. Perhaps, others are.

      Comey seemed to have no problem going around Lynch.


    5. Here's a short version of Jamie Gorelick's contribution, via the "Gorelick Wall."

    6. Earl Warren, appointed by Eisenhower, did plenty of "Liberal Grandstanding"

      Ike appointed him in 1953.

  23. Project Veritas has once again uncovered voter fraud taking place. Their undercover journalists caught election officials in Nashua, New Hampshire welcoming out of state voters with open arms.

    P.V. Journalist: “Okay, how long do I have to stay in New Hampshire to vote today?”

    N.H. Election Official, Emily Croots: “Umm there’s no requirement.”

    P.V. Journalist: Another state ok..or I don’t…but I’m not living here as of right now. I’m just looking to vote here.

    N.H. Poll worker: “Do you have an intention of living here indefinitely?”

    P.V. Journalist: “Not indefinitely”

    N.H. Election worker: “If you want to vote today, you might want to tell them that you’re staying with a friend and you’re here indefinitely which sounds like it’s true.”

    P.V. Journalist: “Ok, got you. It’s not 100% true. But I understand.”

    N.H. Election worker: “Right, but you’re here indefinitely and your address is at your friends house and then you would be able to vote.”

    1. .

      A commissioner on the Federal Election Commission called on President Trump Friday to provide evidence that backs up his reported claim that a widespread voter fraud scheme was committed in New Hampshire in the 2016 election.

      In a statement, Ellen L. Weintraub alluded to reports published Friday that say Mr. Trump has alleged that a voter fraud scheme occurred and that as a result, he lost the state in the election, as did incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte.
      “The scheme the president of the United States alleges would constitute thousands of felony criminal offenses under New Hampshire law,” Weintraub said in her statement. “The president has issued an extraordinarily serious and specific charge. Allegations of this magnitude cannot be ignored,” she said.
      Weintraub then said that she calls on the president to “immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly...”


    2. Yep, fraud occurred, and nope, I've never said Trump's claims are true.

      ...but I repeat myself.

    3. .

      Sorry, to interrupt you, Doug.

      Just thought it important to make the key point.


    4. .

      And those claims of massive voter fraud just keep coming. Just yesterday...

      Stephen Miller Awarded 4 Pinocchios for Bogus Election Fraud Claims

      Did trump assign Pence the job of coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud simply to get him out of the way for the next 4 years in order to give Bannon and Miller an unimpeded free hand?


  24. Rat, did you ride in the Hashknife?


  25. Throughout the last three years, Republican legislators grew markedly less eager to write replacement bills only to see them languish, unremarked upon, in committee. Instead, they’ve become attached to rudiments ― working groups, task forces, outlines and white papers ― assuring that they will always be able to talk up all the activity in which they are engaged without having to subject any of their work to scrutiny, or a vote. The urgent need to “repeal and replace” remains their cri de coeur. But over time, it became clear that they’d rather have that urgency ― and its animating force among the Republican base ― than a resolution.

    It’s almost as if GOP legislators, knowing their congressional majorities were always going to be in decent enough shape, were planning to continue the work of useful demagoguery, with a new Democratic president as their foil.

    But there was a bit of a plot twist, if you recall! The GOP won the White House, and it was now time to put up or shut up. You’d think that this would create favorable circumstances to finally repeal and replace Obamacare. I think that for a day or two, Republican lawmakers felt the same way.

    Things haven’t gone as planned.


    February 2017:

    And so, let’s sum up where we are right now, on the matter of the Obamacare replacement, courtesy of HuffPost’s Jeff Young:

    Senate Republicans have not yet begun to work in earnest on a replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said on Tuesday.

    It was a rare public admission of what has become obvious from the outside, as Republicans find both the politics and the substance of Obamacare repeal more difficult in practice than in rhetoric.

    “To be honest, there’s not any real discussion taking place right now,” Corker told reporters in the Capitol.

    The story of the continuing lies the Republicans, to include Mr Trump, have been telling US.

  26. Pilot goes berserk, passengers evacuate.

    "Clinton and Trump are assholes"

    At least she got that right.

  27. North Korea said on Monday it had successfully test-fired a new type of medium-to-long-range ballistic missile on Sunday, claiming further advancement in a weapons program it is pursuing in violation of United Nations resolutions.


    The latest test comes a day after Trump held a summit meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and also follows Trump's phone call last week with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

  28. The Technology Race to Build — or Stop — North Korea’s Nuclear Missiles

    ....Counter Strategies

    So how do you make sure the test “won’t happen?” On the one hand, you could launch a coordinated airstrike, sending jets or bombers over North Korea to destroy the missile on the launch pad as it is about to take off. But that carries risks of triggering a rocket retaliation against South Korea, risking massive casualties.

    “The reason why the U.S. didn’t do what Carter and Perry had suggested [in 2006] of course, was we were concerned that if we did that, North Korea would probably shell Seoul with artillery. That was an unacceptable escalation,” said RAND Corporation’s Bruce Bennett.

    Once an ICBM is launched, here are the options to stop it. To protect the continental U.S., the United States has 30 ground-based interceptor missiles in Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

    The United States is working to deploy other anti-missile systems, such as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD system, but those are designed to intercept shorter-ranged missiles.

    The “THAAD battery is designed to intercept their medium-range missiles like the No-dong missile and the Musudan missile, if fired at South Korea. The THAAD missiles have a range of only 200 kilometers, and that battery would be put close to Busan, so they can’t even really cover Seoul with that battery, let alone something flying out over the Pacific,” said Bennett. South Korea long has expressed interest in an anti-rocket defense system similar to Israel’s Iron Dome, but has not bought that system or fielded such protection.

    The United States also has Aegis BMD-equipped ships in the Pacific armed with Standard missiles capable of intercepting medium-range ballistic missiles. But “these aren’t designed for intercontinental-range missiles,” said one Defense Department official. The Aegis system is designed primarily to protect ships, not shoot down ICBMs.

    “Some of these ships are based in Europe as part of a NATO missile defense system. Some of them are based in the Pacific as part of a defense system for our allies. There’s also a terminal defense system in Guam that’s designed to defend Guam. These things exist; there are capabilities. But for an ICBM, obviously the major concern of an ICBM is defending against a sufficiently long-range threat, which would be the homeland, right? You wouldn’t use an ICBM if you were North Korea trying to attack Japan, it’s too close, doesn’t make any sense,” said the official.

    It may make sense from a resource perspective, but does show Trump’s red line to be difficult to enforce.

    1. Kill It With Lasers

      The military has shown that it can take down ballistic missiles with laser-armed planes, going back to 1983. Today, the Missile Defense Agency is researching new methods for stopping an ICBM before it hits the air. Lasers are still the most attractive option. “One of the options available to us that we are going to start testing here in the next couple years is a laser aboard a unmanned vehicle, [or drone] something that has some level of persistence that can be in the area and could engage when the missile is at its most easily targetable, but that’s some ways off,” said the official, referring to the low power laser demonstrator program.

      The program follows the airborne laser program, or ABL. “We have proven that capability, so now the idea is if we can make it small enough and powerful enough and have a UAV with sufficient dwell capability, we would be able to keep them in some numbers over an area,” said the official.

      Unlike ABL, the low-power demonstrator would use a safer, more energy-saving solid state laser rather than a chemical laser.

      A laser-armed drone flying over North Korea could easier to deploy than an airstrike, and damage could be limited to the missile itself. And it still risks North Korean retaliation against U.S. allies in the region. Until then, the United States has a number of non-violent policy responses.

      “There is still much that can be done against North Korea and, through third-party sanctions, foreign entities that facilitate North Korea’s prohibited programs,” said Klinger. “Rather than initiating an attack on North Korea for crossing yet another technological threshold, it would be more prudent to reserve a preemptive attack for when the Intelligence Community has strong evidence of imminent strategic nuclear attack on the U.S. or its allies. Similarly, a lone North Korean missile on a test flight aimed only at open water does not pose an imminent or existential threat to the United States. Intercepting such a flight, as some have advocated, would redirect international focus and anger away from another North Korean violation of UN resolutions and instead to the U.S. military action.”

  29. For Ash: There's A Lot Of $$$Money$$$ In Global Warming

    PauseBuster Paper

    DAVID ROSE: How can we trust global warming scientists if they keep twisting the truth

    By David Rose for The Mail on Sunday
    PUBLISHED: 02:21 GMT, 12 February 2017 | UPDATED: 09:59 GMT, 12 February 2017

    They were duped – and so were we. That was the conclusion of last week’s damning revelation that world leaders signed the Paris Agreement on climate change under the sway of unverified and questionable data.

    A landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed. And thanks to the bravery of a whistleblower, we now know that for a fact.

    The response has been extraordinary, with The Mail on Sunday’s disclosures reverberating around the world. There have been nearly 150,000 Facebook ‘shares’ since last Sunday, an astonishing number for a technically detailed piece, and extensive coverage in media at home and abroad.

    The Paris Agreement, a landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed

    The Paris Agreement, a landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed

    It has even triggered an inquiry by Congress. Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican who chairs the House of Representatives’ science committee, is renewing demands for documents about the controversial paper, which was produced by America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the world’s leading source of climate data.

    In his view, the whistleblower had shown that ‘NOAA cheated and got caught’. No wonder Smith and many others are concerned: the revelations go to the very heart of the climate change industry and the scientific claims we are told we can trust.

    Remember, the 2015 Paris Agreement imposes gigantic burdens and its effects are felt on every household in the country. Emissions pledges made by David Cameron will cost British consumers a staggering £319 billion by 2030 – almost three times the annual budget for the NHS in England.

    That is not the end of it. Taxpayers also face an additional hefty contribution to an annual £80 billion in ‘climate aid’ from advanced countries to the developing world. That is on top of our already gargantuan aid budget. Green levies and taxes already cost the average household more than £150 a year.

    The contentious paper at the heart of this furore – with the less than accessible title of Possible Artifacts Of Data Biases In The Recent Global Surface Warming Hiatus – was published just six months before the Paris conference by the influential journal Science.

    It made a sensational claim: that contrary to what scientists have been saying for years, there was no ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the early 21st Century.

    Indeed, this ‘Pausebuster’ paper as it has become known, claimed the rate of warming was even higher than before, making ‘urgent action’ imperative....

    Read more:

  30. .

    Quirk Publications, LLC
    Quirk International (Camden, NJ, USA)

    Fly on the Wall

    ’Whispers from the West Wing…’

    [Evening Edition]

    Candy Kane
    February 12, 2017

    More news, kiddies…

    You will recall that this column was the first to point out the growing tension between the Tangerine Don and his Press Secretary/Communications Director, Sean Spicer. Sean who was not Trump’s first choice for the position but was hired in deference to Reince Priebus has been suffering as the result of a number of unforced errors that he has been trying to correct. These include his initial choice of dumpy suits, the fact that his mannerisms and gum chewing were mocked on SNL by a ‘female’, and his list of Islamist terrorist attacks including the one in Atlanta.

    Sean appeared to counter punch effectively. He addressed the Trump dress code issue with Brioni knock-offs and hiring Julio Squato famed tie selector and celebrity dresser at Pansexual Mercado. When journalists continued to ask him about the non-existent Atlanta attack, he fell back on the standard Trump regime tactic and blamed the journalists, insisting they knew he was talking about Orlando and were just trying to be combative. On the other issue, while Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation of him continues and threatens to become a standard SNL skit, it is already showing signs of losing its edge as are most of the other SNL attacks on Trump.

    However, my flies on the wall tell me things are still shaky for Sean. The latest comes from this tweet put out Friday by Carl Higbie…

    “FOR THE RECORD: in last few weeks I spoke to some in admin regarding communications or spox positions, NO formal interviews.”

    Mr Higbie, who describes himself as a "Red white and blue blooded, flag loving American" on Twitter, said he had not had a formal interview, but had offered his services and spoken to government staff about working in a communications role.

    Mr. Higbie a former Navy SEAL and FOX News contributor appeared on the Fox and Friends panel program this morning and indicated he would be interesting in serving the president and this great American nation in any way he could, be that press secretary, Secretary of Defense, Vice-president, Ambassador to France, or any other position the president might choose for him

    Though Higbie insists he hasn’t been asked to interview for the job, the White House has gone out of its way in indicating that Sean Spicer’s job is not in jeopardy a sure sign that Sean’s job is in jeopardy.

    Hang in there Sean. We here at Fly on the Wall are all pulling for you.



    1. {...}

      Speaking of the press secretary job, someone else who was considered for that job early on before taking herself out of consideration is also in the news this week.

      Kellyanne Conway, special advisor to the president found herself in trouble this week when first spoke of a non-existent terrorist event, the Bowling Green Massacre, and later got into hot soup over casually hawking Ivanka Trump’s products on Fox and Friends.

      White House spokesmen have indicated that Kellyanne ‘has been counselled’ on the latter issue.

      Kellyanne has now hired a Chief of Staff to ‘counsel’ her in the future. It’s rumored that the ad for the job called for an experienced Chief of Staff/counsellor/baby sitter.

      You go girl.


      The Dominican newspaper El Nacional apologized for mistakenly substituting a picture of Alec Baldwin in his SNL persona for one of the real Donald Trump.

      Oh my.




    2. {...}

      The brouhaha over the faulty rollout of the Trump immigration plan continues as does the fault-finding and scapegoating.

      Trump has denied any responsibility and blames it on the law-enforcement agencies that forced the precipitant implementation of the plan. Others argue that the decision was a back room deal concocted by eminence grises (or enfants terribles depending on your political affiliation) Bannon and Miller and that appropriate Congressional leaders, Department Secretaries, and implementing departments were left in the dark until the final hours before release.

      Now, we have ‘conclusive’ proof from DHS Secretary John Kelly that it was not Trump’s fault. In fact, that it was not anyone’s fault but his own. Mr. Kelly has been accused of falling on his sword to protect Mr. Trump. He has always denied this and to back it up has sent out this tweet, issued from the White House at 3:00 am this morning…

      "Please immediately stop all speculating that the Immigration Bill was put out by our legitimately elected president, Donald J. Trump who was elected by a huge and overwhelming margin when legal votes are counted. The fault for implementing the order early was mine. Mine alone. I am such a loser. I regret any embarrassment my actions may have caused the president, a truly great guy who is really smart and knows a lot more about these things than the so-called experts. I also want to complain about the unfair MSN coverage especially ‘Fake News’ CNN which hindered the implementation effort by reporting on the problems we were having. It was truly unfair and dishonest. I would talk about judges but I only have 140 chara

      Well, that should clear up that matter.


      Talk to you tomorrow.



  31. Squato once worked for Quirk's Used Clothing Made New, LLC, dressing society out of Detroit, Michigan.

    QUCMN was shut down by the Detroit Sanitation Department for selling lice ridden clothing.

    "Quirk" pawned the blame off on "Squato" and said:

    "You FIRED, Squato"

    QUCMN, LLC is still under a Court ban and cannot obtain a Merchant's License.

    "Quirk" is trying to appeal his case to the 9th Circuit Court of Schamiels in California even though they do not have jurisdiction in his area


  32. Butte County sheriff: “This in NOT A Drill.”

    5 p.m.

    The Butte County Sheriff’ Office released the following statement on Facebook:

    This is an evacuation order.

    Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream is ordered.

    A hazardous situation is developing with the Oroville Dam auxiliary spillway. Operation of the auxiliary spillway has lead to severe erosion that could lead to a failure of the structure. Failure of the auxiliary spillway structure will result in an uncontrolled release of flood waters from Lake Oroville. In response to this developing situation, DWR is increasing water releases to 100,000 cubic feet per second.

    Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream is ordered.

    This in NOT A Drill. This in NOT A Drill. This in NOT A Drill.

    Chris Orrock, a spokesman for the Department of Water Resources, told The Bee the failure happened as the bottom of the emergency spillway began to erode.

    “It happened quickly,” he said.

    Sutter County also put out an alert on Facebook:

    We have received information about the potential for increased flows in the Feather River of as much as 100,000 cubic feet per second. We are gathering as much information as possible and will be providing additional information as soon as it is verified.

    Officials warn of “imminent failure” at Oroville Dam’s emergency spillway

    4:45 p.m.

    Officials are warning those living downstream of Lake Oroville’s dam to evacuate because of a risk that the dam’s emergency spillway could collapse.

    “They have what they expect to be an imminent failure of the axillary spillway,” said Mike Smith, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

    “What they’re expecting is as much as 30 vertical feet of the top of the spillway could fail and could fail within one to two hours. We don’t know how much water that means, but we do know that’s potentially 30 feet of depth of Lake Oroville.”

    The Department of Water Resources, which operates the dam, said in a 4:42 p.m. Twitter post that the emergency spillway could fail within the next hour.

    “Oroville residents evacuate northward,” the Tweet said.

    1. 30 feet of a giant lake?

      Sounds like a horror movie.

  33. California Oroville Dam expected to fail. Mandatory evacuations, could have downstream effects in Sacramento... Developing...DRUDGE

    Question of the Day:

    If Sacramento gets washed away, has anything really been lost ?

    1. Always good to look for the positive.

    2. This is the first time Oroville Dam has been put to the real test, isn't it ?

    3. It's just a 700 foot tall earth fill dam.

      No big deal.

    4. No big deal to a real storm.


  34. Drone Flyover

  35. “It’s uncontrolled. It’s uncontrolled.”

    5:30 p.m.

    Fearing a gush from Lake Oroville if the emergency spillway collapses, officials are releasing as much as 100,000 cubic feet per second from the main, heavily damaged spillway in a frantic effort to drain the lake below where it spills out the emergency structure when the lake reaches maximum capacity, said Kevin Dossey, an engineer and Department of Water Resources spokesman.

    The levee-line downstream channels in the Feather River could hold more than 150,000 cubic feet per second, said Maury Roos, a DWR hydrologist, but he said there’s a possibility that a levee could breach from the pressure.

    Roos said that below where the Feather River merges with the Yuba River, levees are rated for a capacity of around 300,000 cfs.

    When asked how much water could be released should the spillway collapse, DWR spokesman Chris Orrock said, “It’s uncontrolled. It’s uncontrolled.”

    Dossey said the emergency spillway was rated to handle 250,000 cubic feet per second, but it began to show weakness Sunday at a small fraction of that. Flows through the spillway peaked at 12,600 cfs at 1 a.m. Sunday and were down to 8,000 cfs by midday.

    Read more here:

  36. It's all due to global warming evaporating water in the Pacific, leading to ultro heavy moisture in the clouds.

    This is just the beginning.

    1. Ultro heavy moisture is when the clouds are super saturated with evaporated water from the Pacific.

      It is a term of art in global warming circles.

    2. Deniers are worse than racists!

    3. Curse of the earth.

      They want to deny folks the right to make a pretty penny off what really is a great world class scam, the swine.

    4. None of them should be allowed to exhale and further pollute the Earth.

  37. Really really poor coverage up there:

    That drone didn't show this view, which appears to show a whole lot of bad stuff going on away from the concrete auxiliary spillway.

  38. ALERT-ALERT-ALERT -- Yes, an evacuation has been ordered. All Yuba County on the valley floor. The auxiliary spillway is close to failing. Please travel safely. Contact family and friends. Help the elderly.
    Take only routes to the east, south, or west. DO NOT TRAVEL NORTH TOWARD OROVILLE!!!!!

    1. Incompetence on display.

      "Press Conference"

    2. .

      I've been told by Rufus and some hick from Idaho that the US does not have and aging infrastructure problem, no need to waste big bucks on it.

      Rufus claimed that the money should be spent on ethanol subsidies and clean energy instead.

      The hick argued that our roads are just fine. The one in front of his house is treated twice a year by having a grader prepare the road surface before they lay down an asphalt solution to hold down the dust. Works just fine. No problem.


    3. Good to know.

      Ethanol should be our highest priority.

      Some asphalt could be saved if the Farmer spread his grey water and urine on the road.

    4. Expert says spillway failure could be catastrophic
      6:26 p.m.

      Nicholas Sitar, the Edward G. Cahill and John R. Cahill Professor of Civil Engineering at UC Berkeley, said losing 30 feet from the top of the emergency spillway could be catastrophic.

      "You look at 30 feet times the area of the reservoir," he said. "That is how much water is going to come out. That is a huge volume of water."

      He said the Department of Water Resources is "dumping as much water as the river could handle."

      He said, "All that you do is watch it – whatever expert you talk to, all you can do is hope for the best."

      Read more here:

    5. "You look at 30 feet times the area of the reservoir," he said. "That is how much water is going to come out.

      I tried to make that point in my down home, non expert way.

      Visualize people!

      Sadly, reminds me of the horror flicks of my youth. (and more recent dalliances)

    6. This hick said the roads out this way were just fine.

      Back in Shitville aka Detroit, Michigan I have little idea.

      Everything else is the shits though, so the roads and bridges are probably the shits as well.

    7. By the way, pissing on the gravel doesn't keep the dust down for very long.

      Need some kind of petroleum product for that.

      The pissing on the road idea came out of Detroit, Michigan.

    8. Just don't piss in the river.

  39. That North Korea has launched a missile is no longer particularly surprising news.

    If this turns out to be a medium-range Rodong missile, as is currently thought, then this is not a startling advance in itself - we've seen numerous such launches before.


    Added to which there is the current political turmoil in South Korea, where the president has been impeached, and the planned US-South Korea missile shield, which China hates and sees as a threat to its security, and North Korea says is pushing the peninsula 'to the brink of a nuclear war'.

  40. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sheriff's Office near Oroville Dam dealing with evacuation orders says they are dealing with "a fluid situation."


    1. The fluid is once again going through the main spillway.

      Unless and until that fails, they're possibly good until the next rains.

  42. Water now below emergency spillway.

    Erosion was predicted:

    Three environmental groups — the Friends of the River, the Sierra Club and the South Yuba Citizens League — filed a motion with the federal government on Oct. 17, 2005, as part of Oroville Dam’s relicensing process, urging federal officials to require that the dam’s emergency spillway be armored with concrete, rather than remain as an earthen hillside.

    The groups filed the motion with FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. They said that the dam, built and owned by the state of California, and finished in 1968, did not meet modern safety standards because in the event of extreme rain and flooding, fast-rising water would overwhelm the main concrete spillway, then flow down the emergency spillway, and that could cause heavy erosion that would create flooding for communities downstream, but also could cause a failure, known as “loss of crest control.”

  43. "If the water wants to go Mombasa the water is going to go to Mombasa"


    from OUT OF AFRICA

    Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke

  44. Deuce's man Trump:

    "Two people with direct access to the White House leadership said Mr. Flynn was surprised to learn that the State Department and Congress play a pivotal role in foreign arms sales and technology transfers. So it was a rude discovery that Mr. Trump could not simply order the Pentagon to send more weapons to Saudi Arabia — which is clamoring to have an Obama administration ban on the sale of cluster bombs and precision-guided weapons lifted — or to deliver bigger weapons packages to the United Arab Emirates."

  45. My sources in the West Wing report that Gen. Flynn retains the confidence of the President at this time, but the grip of Prince Riebus is slipping.

  46. Did you see this, Ash ? -

    Report: Government agency refuses to discipline scientists caught cooking the books - 2/13/17
    The corruption of the government grant process.

    Frankly, there is no incentive in government to punish cheating, largely because of the cliquish nature of the scientific community that milks the government for research money. Review panels are made up of scientists who may very well be applying for a grant themselves. Today's cheater might be tomorrow's judge of who gets grant money.

    "There's a lot of $$$money$$$ in global warming"

  47. It's called "The Global Warming Industry." Or BIG GLOBE

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. .

    Canada is our most important ally.

    Trudeau probably should have been the first one invited in.


  50. France is our most important ally.

    Le Pen probably should have been the first one invited in.

  51. The U.S. Is everyone's most important ally.

  52. Canada is not our most important ally.

    1. USA is Canada's most important ally.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. .

      Bob, I won't call you a dolt.

      However, any normal person would know that the statements...

      'Canada is our most important ally.'


      'USA is Canada's most important ally.'

      are not exclusionary, at least, in the sense that if one is true the other is automatically false.

      Canada is our most important trading partner.
      Canada is the greatest (by a long shot) exporter of oil to the US.
      In some areas, especially the northeast, the US and Canadian grids are integrated.
      Strategically, the US/Canadian collaboration on NORAD is the most integrated defense system in the world.
      Canada shares the same culture and language as the US.
      Canada has spilled blood with us in many wars.
      There may be countries that voice support for us louder but few if any that provide the tangible support Canada does.


    5. At least he didn't call you a dolt.

    6. Canada is the largest export market for the US.

  53. Metal Foam Turns Armor-Piercing Bullets to Dust

    (Paul Ramos/Flickr)

    This is the most promising tech you’ve never heard of: A lightweight metal foam that can destroy armor-piercing bullets on impact. Researchers at North Carolina State University adapted metal foam to form shields to block various forms of radiation. Now, that same team is working to create high-strength armor.

    “We could stop the bullet at a total thickness of less than an inch, while the indentation on the back was less than 8 mm,” Afsaneh Rabiei, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering leading the team’s research, told New Atlas. “To put that in context, the NIJ standard allows up to 44 mm (1.73 in) indentation in the back of an armor.”

    Afsaneh Rabiei examines a sample of metal foam. A new study by Rabiei finds that novel light-weight composite metal foams are significantly more effective at insulating against high heat than the conventional base metals and alloys that they're made of, such as steel. The finding means the CMF is especially promising for use in storing and transporting nuclear material, hazardous materials, explosives and other heat-sensitive materials, as well as for space exploration. (North Carolina State University)

    Afsaneh Rabiei examines a sample of metal foam. (North Carolina State University)

    The public might not be familiar with foam metals, but they have a history stretching back more than 100 years. Created by bubbling gas through molten metal, simple foam metals are formed out of the froth left over from this process. The froth cools into a lightweight matrix that is lighter than other metals, but still as strong. It also has a multitude of potential uses. Rabiei hopes her work will expand the applications of the substance to other areas of tech development, including protection against heat in space exploration and radiation in the transportation of nuclear waste.

    Check out incredible footage of a bullet being destroyed in the video below, and learn more about the evolving tech here.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You MUST watch that video.


    3. .

      I heard Ford has a new Mustang made of metal foam.


    4. I want one of those, with bullet proof glass too.

  54. Trump and the gang are too stupid to ask the servants to turn on the lights.

    Dim Bulbs.

    Ash's sources say it is so, so it must be.

    Real News.

  55. .



    Fly On The Wall

    Whispers from the West Wing

    Special Edition

    This is Candy Kane reporting from the patio of the Red Fox restaurant in Canterville, Ohio a suburb of Cincinnati. I just stepped outside to try to pick up another bar on my cell phone so I can report on this breaking news story.

    Anyone who has followed my nationally syndicated Fly On The Wall column is aware of the hubbub surrounding Sean Spicer, President Trump's press secretary. You are also aware of the rumors that have been flying regarding him being on the outs with the Tangerine Don and that he is likely to be given the boot by the current Bannon/Miller/Trump troika that is currently running the country.

    Well, we have been informed by a usually reliable WH official that a new candidate for the press secretary job has surfaced. More importantly, the name was mentioned by one of the key members of the ruling troika, Stephen Miller.

    Mr. Miller, senior policy adviser to the president, mentioned here in a recent ABC News story,

    Stephen Miller Doubles Down on Bogus Voting Fraud Claims in New Hampshire.

    has indicated in private conversations (overheard by one of our 'flies on the wall') that he would prefer to have Sean Spicer replaced by one of his good friends and long time business partners, Mr. Nathan Thurm seen here in a recent investigative journalism piece...

    On The Run With Nathan Thurm

    When approached by ABC News on this subject, Mr. Miller said, "No Comment. Question asked. Question answered." Mr. Miller then ordered his entourage consisting of six bikers wearing leathers with colors reading "Make America Great Again Dammit" to clear the path to his the waiting limousine.

    We will continue to follow this story for you and provide updates in our daily Fly On The Wall column.

    Good night and good luck.

    Candy Kane


    1. I need my little plastic fly swatter shooter thingy...can bust flies on the wall from about 20 feet away.

    2. .

      The video that followed the Wastebuster video shows Mr. Thurm when he was lawyers for Big Oil, Inc.


    3. Mr Thurm was multiple lawyers ?

      That guy might be worth his fee.

    4. Candy Kane used to be a hooker working out of the Detroit, Michigan area under the nom de amour of name Candy Cain.

    5. At one time I was lovers for a few girls.

  56. An explosion near the Punjab provincial assembly in the Pakistani city of Lahore has killed at least 13 people and injured 83 others, a senior police official said.


    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the attacks would not weaken Pakistan's resolve in the fight against militancy.

  57. The greatest geo-political thinkers around this Bar all agree and recommend USA ought to pivot towards and begin waltzing with India.

  58. "...

    To be sure, the obstacles faced by women in the workplace are not one of our more pressing bilateral issues. But they are a pet cause of Ivanka Trump, who was prominently featured at the meeting sitting next to Mr. Trudeau. Not coincidentally, Ivanka has been named chair of the new Joint Initiative for Female Businesses and Entrepreneurs. This ensures that we have a reliable connection in the White House who actually returns our calls.
    The businesswomen’s summit also gave the two men an excuse to find common ground, without having to make excruciating small talk with each other. Never mind their deep-down differences on NATO, border taxes, security, immigration, refugees and all the other big steaming messes that Mr. Trump has dumped on our head. Here, at last, was something the two sides could totally agree on! Perhaps it was Ivanka who persuaded Donald to be on his best behaviour. Or maybe he realized it’s good to show he can actually get along with his closest ally, even if Mr. Trudeau did say nice things about Fidel Castro.
    Many, many Canadians wish Mr. Trudeau would put his foot down when dealing with Mr. Trump. These people need to realize that he’d get it cut off. Others, in the United States and elsewhere, dreamily hope that Mr. Trudeau will lead a band of liberal countries to oppose him. Last week a Washington Post story wishfully said that he was “emerging as a leader of the liberal global resistance.” Hours later – perhaps after a suggestion from Ottawa? – the story was amended to omit any such unfortunate perception.
    It was Justin’s father who first talked about the perils of sleeping with the elephant. But no prime minister in history has faced a president like this one – a rogue elephant who could trample the crops and kill the villagers at the faintest provocation. Mr. Trudeau’s responsibility is to reflect our values while making sure that never happens. He had a very good day. Let’s just pray no bad guys slip across the border from our side and detonate a bomb. In that case, all bets are off."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "Let’s just pray no bad guys slip across the border from our side and detonate a bomb.

      I thought you didn't have any bad guys in wonderful multicultural Canada.

      What's up with that ?

    3. Certainly not any muzzie bad guys....a few crackers, maybe.

  59. Conservative MPs and leadership hopefuls are coming out against a motion set to go before the House of Commons Wednesday condemning Islamophobia.


    The motion, M-103, from Liberal MP Iqra Khalid calls on the government to recognize the need to quell a increasing climate of hate and fear, request the heritage committee develop a government-wide approach to reducing racism, including Islamophobia and collect data on hate crime reports.

    Canadian Islamophobia Motion


    1. The motion, M-103, from Liberal MP Iqra Khalid

      Hoot hoot hoot

      She's scary.

  60. New Feature

    SMIRK Nit of the Day:Canada

    Canada: Muslim leader calls for migrant sex assaults to be covered up


    The insertion of 2 words — Syrian refugee — completely changed the dimension of the story.

    What is CBC really trying to say and/or imply in its coverage of “a Syrian refugee” who has been “accused of sexual assaults on six Edmonton teenage girls”?

    The best defense against and prevention of any actual “anti-Muslim backlash” would be for Muslims to unite with society at large and demand the screening of refugees; but instead, Mohamed Huque, the executive director of the Islamic Family and Social Services Association, is stating that Muslim refugee sex attacks on women should be covered up, because he thinks the race or religion of the perpetrator is irrelevant. But it is very relevant when large numbers of people from one single group are choosing to practice what is a religious mandate in Islam, that women be covered up or invite sex attacks:

    (Quran 24:31) And tell the believing women to reduce of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which appears thereof and to wrap their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.

    If a woman does not cover up, she is fair game to be assaulted:

    (Quran 33:59) O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused.

    Muslim leaders pretending that Muslims are the victims when Muslims commit crimes on a large scale must be exposed and opposed. Their verbal reprisals against those who resist jihadists and Islamic supremacists are getting more aggressive and hostile as their incursion into the West continues. The leftist media, meanwhile, is aiding and abetting this blame-shifting.

    Of course, “white people” and other non-Muslims commit sex crimes, too, but not on an the epidemic scale that we are seeing from Muslim migrants across Europe. It has been amply reported that the attacks are specifically against infidel women who need to cover up themselves to avoid such attacks, in accord with sharia norms.

    Contrary to the claims in the biased report below that racism is a factor in attitudes toward Syrian refugees, exacerbated by the “alt-right,” the opponents of the refugee influx are concerned not about race, but about the lack of screening that has resulted in chaos across Europe, as well as about the failure to protect Western citizens from being victimized by those Muslim migrants who are unwilling to assimilate.

    David Tait, a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, who has taught ethics courses of all subjects at the journalism school, asks:

    My question would be, would we have run additional background details about this person if they were a gay man? A gun owner? If they were Jewish? If they were a fundamentalist Christian? If they were a recent arrival from the United States? If they were any number of other identifiers?

    The answer to Tait’s question is no; neither would such checks be needed if the alleged perpetrator were Chinese, Japanese or Hindu. Tait makes the Syrian migrant crisis out to be about “white people” versus visible minorities, which it is not. Canadians and Americans have every right to concern themselves with security in light of what is happening in Europe....

  61. National Heath Service prescribes Islam for mentally-ill Muslims
    By Pamela Geller - on February 12, 2017

    This is tricky. Don’t most of the “mentally-ill” jihadis visit mosques shortly before committing atrocities? Islamic supremacists, Islamic apologists, law enforcement, government officials and enemedia elites insist Muslims who engage in jihad are “mentally ill” (the replacement narrative for “lone wolves”). That said, why would Islam be the prescription for mentally ill, psychotic Muslims? That sounds like a recipe for …. murder.

    “Traditionally, therapists have shied away from talking about religion as part of treatment – and can often see it as part of the illness….”

    Despite this, the UK’s National Health Service’s (NHS) prescription for mentally ill Muslim patients is Islam is part of its transmogrification into an Islamic state.

    Islam as a prescription for mental illness is the worst possible medicine. In Islam, mental illness, hallucinations or other symptoms are attributed to to “jinn,” the invisible, devilish creatures in Islamic mythology.

    In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases
    Treatment for jinns in Islam here and here.

    Psychiatry in the 21st century hurling back seven centuries....

    1. .

      In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases

      As opposed to the Jewish and Christian Bibles that only talk about devils and angels, the Nephilim (children of god marrying the daughters of men, demons, burning bushes, pillars of fire, magic horns that crumble walls, etc., etc., etc.

      You go Pam.


    2. .

      National Heath Service

      Is that the candy bar's marketing group?


  62. Egypt: Sisi calls for restrictions on verbal divorce, al-Azhar says no


    In Islamic law, all a man need do in order to divorce his wife is say to her, “Taaleq,” that is “(You are) divorced.” If he says it once or twice, he can take her back simply if he decides to do so. But if he says it three times, he cannot take her back until she marries another man, consummates that marriage, and is divorced in turn by her new husband.

    This is all based on the Qur’an: “Divorce is twice. Then, either keep her in an acceptable manner or release her with good treatment….And if he has divorced her for the third time, then she is not lawful to him afterward until she marries a husband other than him. And if the latter husband divorces her, there is no blame upon the woman and her former husband for returning to each other if they think that they can keep the limits of Allah. These are the limits of Allah, which He makes clear to a people who know.” (2:229-230)

    Several years ago, al-Sisi called for reform in Islam in a speech that was widely publicized internationally. Many hailed it as the dawning of a genuine Islamic reformation. This, however, is the real outcome.

    “Al-Azhar decision on verbal divorce came after ‘in-depth study’: senior scholar,” Egypt Independent, February 12, 2017:

    The statement from Al-Azhar senior scholars on verbal divorce came after a in-depth study, said advisor to the grand imam Mohamed Abdel Salam. He denied any disagreement or clash between Al-Azhar and the presidency over the matter.

    Abdel Salam added in a statement on Facebook: “Meetings over the past few days comprised scientifically profound debates among senior Egyptian scholars of different Islamic schools and jurisprudence regarding the issue of [verbal divorce]”.

    Scholars, headed by Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, unanimously agreed that verbal divorce in Islam is valid and divorce comes into effect once the husband verbally divorces his wife, without need to document it or have witnesses to the divorce, Abdel Salam said.

    He accused the media of attempting to draw a rift between the president and Al-Azhar through incorrect interpretations of the former’s statements.

    He also accused some media outlets of truncating parts of Al-Azhar scholars’ statement on verbal divorce, thus harming the overall meaning.

    In a statement, the Council of Senior Scholars, the top body of Al-Azhar Institution, said this is what Muslims settled upon since the time of Prophet Mohamed if it meets the set conditions of divorce in Islam.

    The decision comes against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s call for restrictions against verbal divorce and for a new law tightening divorce procedures for Muslims last month. He directed this request to al-Tayyeb in a speech at a ceremony marking National Police Day.

    In clarifying its position, the council called upon the man who divorces his wife to document this divorce once it happens, in order to preserve the rights of the woman and the children.

    1. The council also said, however, that the government has the right to take the necessary steps to enact legislation to ensure the imposition of deterrent punishment against those who abstain from documenting the divorce or are remiss in it.

      The statement said the phenomenon of increasing divorce cases cannot be wiped out by conditioning the documenting or authentication, because the husband who belittles divorce will not be dissuaded by any conditions requiring him to stand before a Ma’azoun (public notary, marriage official) for divorce to take place.

      The statement read: “the correct treatment for this phenomenon is through the care of young people and their protection from all kinds of drugs, and in educating them through different media, art, culture and general knowledge.”

      Egyptian law currently grants a Muslim husband the right to divorce his wife in her absence and without her knowledge. He may initiate and conclude all the legal procedures himself, only informing her of the divorce at the final stage….

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    4. .

      From the Times of Israel,

      href=" rabbinical court says spousal abuse not grounds for divorce

      Jerusalem Court Says Spousal Abuse Not Grounds For Divorce

      Woman makes unusual appeal to attorney general after rabbis deny her motion to leave husband, blaming her divorce request itself for violent episode

      The woman’s lawyers made the unusual appeal Thursday following the Jerusalem Rabbinic Court’s rejection of her divorce motion. Her husband had been convicted and imprisoned for 75 days for assaulting his wife last year.

      In Israel, religious tribunals function as family courts. According to Orthodox Jewish law, divorce is only possible if the husband consents to it. Rabbinical judges in most cases cannot force husbands to give their wives a divorce, though they can impose punishments – including imprisonment and dispossession – on those deemed to be abusing their wives but not granting them a divorce. Such women are called agunot in Hebrew, meaning chained.

      In this case, the husband admitted to the domestic violence before the rabbinical court and expressed regret for his actions. The assault took place after the woman filed for divorce for the first time – an unsuccessful bid that the court rejected because the husband objected.
      The woman refiled citing the assault conviction, but in dismissing the request, the court ascribed the violence to the woman’s desire to divorce her husband rather than any inherent will on his part to harm her, according to Mavoi Satum, a Jewish Orthodox organization working for so-called chained women.

      Denouncing any violence against women, the judges said this applied “especially to such serious violence as described in the charge sheet.” However, “there is also no doubt that the husband’s outburst followed on the difficult conditions he is in as a result of the divorce suit his wife filed against him; and there is no doubt that if the wife accepted the husband’s request to attempt to return normal life together, this occurrence would not have happened,” the ruling by the three-judge panel read.

      Mavoi Satum accused the court of “paying lip service” to the fight against domestic violence…


  63. Greece could ditch EU currency for US DOLLAR....DRUDGE

  64. U.S. hits Venezuela VP for drug dealing in latest move against Maduro inner circle

    1. Nailed the turds Miami properties and his airplane.

    2. Whatever one may think of his politics I doubt Vice President Pence deals drugs.

  65. The UN Security Council has strongly condemned North Korea's ballistic missile launches and warned of "further significant measures" if Pyongyang does not stop nuclear and missile testing.


    The firing of the latest missile was also a major challenge for the Trump administration, said George Lopez, an expert in economic sanctions and nuclear disarmament and a professor emeritus of peace studies at the University of Notre Dame.

  66. .


    The Fly on the Wall

    [Special Edition]

    Mike Flynn 'Resigns'

    Yesterday Keelyanne Conway indicated that, "Gen. Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president.”

    As has been pointed out countless times before, this type statement is always a kiss of death.

    What we know,

    during the transition period Mike Flynn, the then designated NSA for Donald Trump discussed the issue of the Russian sanctions with the Russian ambassador. This was not necessarily a fatal mistake. No one has ever been tried or convicted under the 1799 Logan Act which forbids unauthorized persons from negotiating with a foreign power. There could have been any number of ways for explaining this indiscretion. Instead...

    However, Mr. Flynn when questioned about his conversations with the ambassador, denied that they included any talks about the sanctions. He went further and lied to Vice President Mike Pence on this issue leading Pence to publicly defend Mike Flynn.

    As questioning continued, Flynn continued to deny he had talked to the Russians about the sanctions during the transition period. However, a few days ago his story changed, and he then said, 'he may have misremembered the conversation and may have mentioned sanctions in his conversation with the ambassador.'

    Now, less that a month on the job, Mike Flynn has resigned. This puts him in the unique position of having been fired under one president's administration and forced to resign under another's. Flynn's future is cloudy. Most expect he will eventually end up in a conservative think tank where he can lie with impunity.

    We also know that the Trump administration knew about Flynn's problem at least two weeks ago when they were notified by former AG Yates, as well as, former intelligence heads like James Clapper.

    Questions remain...

    - Did the Trump administration know about this issue before being informed by AG Yates?

    - Given the unusual non-moves from the Russians when Obama instituted the latest sanctions, where there additional talks being held between the in incoming Trump administration and the Russians?

    As new calls for additional investigations continue and grow, we can be certain this story won't be going away any time soon.

    The Truism lives: The Cover-up is always worse than the Crime.


    1. .

      Donald Trump's first reaction in talking of Mike Flynn's resignation:

      "The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?" he tweeted.


    2. .

      Much of the focus today was on news reports,

      "I want to hear from the FBI as to how this got out," Rep. Devin Nunes, the California Republican who chairs the Intelligence Committee, told reporters. "We don't even know if this is true. We just know this from press reports."

      This raises a whole new set of questions, how intelligent are our intelligence committees, how much intelligence are they actually provided, do these committees serve any purpose at all except as yes men and enablers for the intelligence agencies.

      These same questions were raised during the hearings on the Snowden revelations. It's obvious they are not really a check on the activities of the intelligence agencies or the military.


  67. .

    The comedy continues...

    There are rumors that David Petraeus' is being bandied about as a possible replacement for Mike Flynn.

    You can't make this stuff up.

