Thursday, February 09, 2017

Muslim Immigrants, Visas And Their "Constitutional Rights"



    World Population: 5,702,000,000 (1995 estimate)

    Immigration-Related Statistics, 1995
    By CIS July 1995


    The number of legal immigrants and the number of apprehensions of illegal border crossers decreased in the past year. Yet it seems unlikely that the net increase in illegal immigration will have changed much from our previous estimate of 300,000 per year, and the overall number of immigrant newcomers still amounted to well over one million.

    Preliminary data from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) show immigrant admissions for Fiscal Year 1994 (FY-94) decreased by about 81,000 — or about nine percent — from FY-93. Not included in this calculation are asylum applicants and the continuing large number of new illegal immigrants. Altogether, the total of new residents in FY-94 is still over 1.2 million, but about 4.9 percent less than in FY-93.

    Immigration is rapidly changing the face of the United States. The 1990 census found that over the past ten years the U.S. population grew by about 22.1 million persons — about ten percent. During the same period, the foreign-born population grew by about 5.7 million — over 40 percent. Thus, the increase in the foreign-born population accounted for over one-quarter of the total population increase — not taking into consideration the high undercount of immigrants, especially those who are illegally in the country. The population increase attributable to immigrants also would be significantly higher if their children born in this country were also considered.

    1. ...and today there are 50 million and yes it makes a difference where they are from.

  2. Absolutely it makes a difference where they are from....all the difference between two mutually opposed views concerning the nature of things.

    But, not in QuirkWorld.

    QuirkWorld....where there is no difference between, say, up and down, or left and right, or odd and even....

  3. ZERO Hindus involved in 9/11.

    ZERO Hindus involved in any terrorist attacks against USA or Europe that I can recall.

    ZERO Hindus chanting 'Death To USA, Death To Israel, Death To Europe"...."Death To Everyone But US"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Meanwhile -


      NEW AXIS OF EVIL Highly-trained Hamas commandos head to Egypt to team-up with terror group ISIS
      Bomb makers are among those said to have joined Islamic State jihadis

      BY JON LOCKETT 9th February 2017, 1:35 pm

    2. White House Mulls Designating Muslim Brotherhood, Iran Revolutionary Guards As Terrorist Organizations

    An immigration policy that puts America first.
    February 9, 2017 Daniel Greenfield 25

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

    There are more Iraqis living in the United States than there are in some major cities in Iraq. 156,000 Iraqi refugees have entered this country in just the last decade. 30,000 of those have ended up in California.

    In Obama’s first year in office, the United States resettled three-quarters of Iraqi refugees.

    71% of Iraqi refugees are receiving cash assistance. 82% are on Medicaid and 87% are on food stamps. Compare those atrocious numbers to only 17% of Cubans on cash assistance and 16% on Medicaid.

    It should be obvious why Obama shut the door on Cuban refugees while holding it wide open for Syrian Muslims (but closing it tightly on Syrian Christians), Iraqis and Somalis (77.4% food stamp use).

    President Trump’s migration pause was met with lectures about how much immigrants contribute to the economy. But the immigrants that the left likes are a drain. If the left finds immigrants who actually contribute to the economy, it fights tooth and nail to keep them out of the country.

    Notable Iraqi refugees include Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi.

    Alwan and Hammadi were thoroughly vetted before they were resettled in Nevada and Kentucky. The only omission in their thorough vetting was an unfortunate failure to note that the refugees were terrorists who had spent years trying to kill American soldiers in Iraq.

    Alwan had boasted that of how he had “f___d up” Hummers using IEDs and admitted to having taken part in an attack that killed Americans.

    He had even left his fingerprints on an IED in Iraq. But the thorough vetting had failed to turn that up.

    Alwan and Hammadi tried to send grenade launchers, plastic explosives, missiles and machine guns to the branch of Al Qaeda that would become ISIS. Meanwhile the Al Qaeda in Iraq plotter had quit his job and was living in public housing and collecting public assistance. Like so many other “refugees”.

    And law enforcement was soon on the trail of dozens of terrorists who had arrived here as refugees....

  6. Lordy, Deuce's man Trump is such a twit:

    "Kellyanne Conway pitches Ivanka Trump’s products from White House

    A top aide to U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday promoted the clothing and jewelry line named after his daughter Ivanka, one day after the president’s tweet criticizing a retailer for dropping her product line drew criticism over using public office for personal business gains.
    “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told Fox News in an interview from the White House. “I’m going to get some myself today.”
    On Thursday, Ivanka’s brand was thrust again into the headlines after her father attacked department store chain Nordstrom Inc in a highly unusual move using a White House twitter platform to intervene in a commercial matter.

    “My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person - always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday.


    and Deuce, today's post, just confirms how far you have fallen - you're right down there in the gutter with Bob and Doug.

  7. Then there is Trumps man Bannon:

    "Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable.


    Cyclical models of history are something academics kick around every now and then, said Sean Wilentz, an American history professor at Princeton University. But the idea has not caught on among historians or political actors.
    “It’s just a conceit. It’s a fiction, it’s all made up,” Wilentz said about cyclical historical models. “There’s nothing to them. They’re just inventions.”
    Michael Lind, a historian and co-founder of the New America Foundation, a liberal think tank, has called Strauss and Howe’s work “pseudoscience” and said their “predictions about the American future turn out to be as vague as those of fortune cookies.”
    But Bannon bought it.
    “This is the fourth great crisis in American history,” Bannon told an audience at the Liberty Restoration Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, in 2011. “We had the Revolution. We had the Civil War. We had the Great Depression and World War II. This is the great Fourth Turning in American history, and we’re going to be one thing on the other side.”
    Major crises “happen in about 80- or 100-year cycles,” Bannon told a conference put on by the Republican women’s group Project GoPink that same year. “And somewhere over the next 10 or 20 years, we’re going to come through this crisis, and we’re either going to be the country that was bequeathed to us or it’s going to be something that’s completely or totally different.”
    The “Judeo-Christian West is collapsing,” he went on. “It’s imploding. And it’s imploding on our watch. And the blowback of that is going to be tremendous.”
    War is coming, Bannon has warned. In fact, it’s already here. 
    “You have an expansionist Islam and you have an expansionist China,” he said during a 2016 radio appearance. “They are motivated. They’re arrogant. They’re on the march. And they think the Judeo-Christian West is on the retreat.”
    “Against radical Islam, we’re in a 100-year war,” he told Political Vindication Radio in 2011.
    “We’re going to war in the South China Seas in the next five to 10 years, aren’t we?” Bannon asked during a 2016 interview with Reagan biographer Lee Edwards.
    “We are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism,” he said in a speech to a Vatican conference in 2014. “And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.”
    In a 2015 radio appearance, Bannon described how he ran Breitbart, the far-right news site he chaired at the time. “It’s war,” he said. “It’s war. Every day, we put up: America’s at war, America’s at war. We’re at war.”
    To confront this threat, Bannon argued, the Judeo-Christian West must fight back, lest it lose as it did when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453. He called Islam a “religion of submission” in 2016 — a refutation of President George W. Bush’s post-9/11 description of Islam as a religion of peace. In 2007, Bannon wrote a draft movie treatment for a documentary depicting a “fifth column” of Muslim community groups, the media, Jewish organizations and government agencies working to overthrow the government and impose Islamic law.

    “There’s clearly a fifth column here in the United States,” Bannon warned in July 2016. “There’s rot at the center of the Judeo-Christian West,” he said in November 2015. “Secularism has sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals,” he argued at the Vatican conference. The “aristocratic Washington class” and the media, he has claimed, are in league with the entire religion of Islam and an expansionist China to undermine Judeo-Christian America.


  8. The gutter no, but I can relate to those at the bottom of the rubble on those two towers.

  9. Radical Muslim Immigrant Now In Canadian Parliament Pushing For Anti-Islamophobia Law

    The former president of a student association that handed out books which condoned wife beating is now pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws as a member of the Canadian parliament.

    Her name is Iqra Khalid. She was born in Pakistan and then moved to Canada in the 1990’s. Now she is a member of the Canadian Parliament where she is pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws.

      Member of Parliament for Mississauga—Erin Mills

      An avid believer in building strong communities and giving back to society, Iqra Khalid is a young Pakistani-Canadian woman who has lived in the riding of Mississauga-Erin Mills for the past decade. She immigrated to Canada in the late 1990’s from England, where she began her formal schooling. Iqra graduated from York University in 2007, with a double major in Criminology and Professional Writing. She later obtained her Juris Doctor.

      Throughout her life, Iqra has been a strong advocate for equality and fairness. She has proven her dedication to the community and her leadership capability time and again. Iqra has held numerous volunteer positions including President of the Pakistani Student Association, Media Relations Ambassador for the York University Student Alumni, Communications Coordinator for the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals, and a Director on the Board for Breaking Free Foundation.

      Iqra’s primary objective has always been to strengthen the ties among Canadians. She is capable and determined to bring forward solutions, offer a fresh, progressive perspective, and help bring our nation to greater heights

    2. Wife Beating Tips from her "activist" days:

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Maybe Ash is right:

      Perhaps Canada leads us in the race to the brighter future ahead.

      Trudy's The Man to do it.

    5. Video:

      The Honorables in Self-Congratulatory Mode

    6. The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy

      n The Vision of the Anointed, the distinguished economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell makes an important contribution to classical-liberal and conservative thought by scrutinizing the ways in which a self-consciously elite, or “anointed,” group uses ideas to maintain its power in American political life.

      Sowell regards American political discourse as dominated by people who are sure that they know what is good for society and who think that the good must be attained by expanded government action.

      This modern-liberal elite exerts its influence through institutions that live by words: the universities and public schools, the media, the liberal clergy, the bar and bench. Its dominance results from its command of the information that words convey and the attitudes that words inspire.

      People who live by words should live also by arguments, butas Sowell richly documentsthe modern-liberal elite is not so good at arguing as it is at finding substitutes for argument. Sowell analyzes the major substitutes.

      "...If even these methods fail to win you over, attention will be redirected from the political issue to your own failure of imagination or morality. It will be insinuated that people like you are simplistic or perversely opposed to change, lacking in compassion and allied with the “forces of greed.” (As Sowell observes, it is always the payers rather than the spenders of taxes who are considered vulnerable to the charge of greed.)"

  10. We need these immigrants to speed the evolution of our culture.

    ...or as some would say: Submit

  11. Deuce's man Trump is keeping busy:

    "In his first call as president with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump denounced a treaty that caps U.S. and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads as a bad deal for the United States, according to two U.S. officials and one former U.S. official with knowledge of the call.

    When Putin raised the possibility of extending the 2010 treaty, known as New START, Trump paused to ask his aides in an aside what the treaty was, these sources said.

    Trump then told Putin the treaty was one of several bad deals negotiated by the Obama administration, saying that New START favored Russia. Trump also talked about his own popularity, the sources said.

    “The president’s conversation with President Putin is a private call between the two of them, and I’m going to leave it at that,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer said when asked about the accounts of the call.

    It has not been previously reported that Trump had conveyed his doubt about New START to Putin in the hour-long call.

    New START gives both countries until February 2018 to reduce their deployed strategic nuclear warheads to no more than 1,550, the lowest level in decades. It also limits deployed land- and submarine-based missiles and nuclear-capable bombers.

    During a debate in the 2016 presidential election, Trump said Russia had “outsmarted” the United States with the treaty, which he called “START-Up.” He asserted incorrectly then that it had allowed Russia to continue to produce nuclear warheads while the United States could not.


  12. Syria’s Assad tells Yahoo News some refugees are ‘definitely’ terrorists

    Asked if some of those who fled are “aligned with terrorists,” Assad quickly replied, “Definitely.”

    “You can find it on the Net,” Assad went on: “Those terrorists in Syria, holding the machine gun or killing people, they [appear as] peaceful refugees in Europe or in the West.”

    Yahoo asks "Is it a significant number"

    He said he couldn’t estimate how many there might be, but he added that “you don’t need a significant number to commit atrocities.”

    He noted that the 9/11 attacks were pulled off by fewer than 20 terrorists “out of maybe millions of immigrants in the United States.

    So it’s not about the number, it’s about the quality, it’s about the intentions.”


  13. Lt. Governor Blasts Dallas County Resolution Welcoming Undocumented Immigrants

    DALLAS (CBS11) – Lt. Governor Dan Patrick blasted Dallas County Commissioners one day after they approved a controversial ruling that welcomes undocumented immigrants.

    The Commissioners Court voted for the non-binding “Welcome Communities” resolution 4-1 along party lines.

    In an interview via Skype, the Lt. Governor said, “What is it that they don’t get about following the law and the will of the people who do not want sanctuary cities in our country and most importantly in our state.”

    The resolution calls immigrants and refugees, both documented and undocumented “integral members of our community.”

    It also says, “providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants would be a benefit to the United States.”

    Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, a Democrat, says the resolution is non-binding and is meant to make those here illegally feel comfortable enough to call police if they are crime victims. “It’s important that we don’t play politics and blow these things out of proportion because although it may play well to the political bases to do that, it creates a lot of confusion in those communities and makes those communities less safe.”

    Another provision in the resolution “calls on local law enforcement agencies to end nonessential collaborations with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

    Judge Jenkins says one example of that is when those who are here illegally become crime victims, they won’t be asked about the immigration status when they call police for help.

  14. 'Mi casa es su casa': Houston's mayor on 'sanctuary cities'

    OK: Move them all into YOUR fucking house, asshole.

    As the U.S. government and the Texas Legislature consider penalizing so-called "sanctuary cities" for undocumented immigrants, Mayor Sylvester Turner insists that Houston "will continue to be a welcoming city."

    On Tuesday, the Texas Legislature Senate approved Senate Bill 4, which would defund cities that do not comply with detention requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Gov. Greg Abbott has called the bill one of his priorities.

    1. Quirk and Ash have offered up their houses, also.

    2. Quirk has even offered up his bed to some Yemenis since he's is sleeping in the park with Chin Chin now, trying to avoid the wrath of Maria.

  15. .

    Taking the actions of a few and projecting them onto an entire population is one definition of the bigot.

    The bigot's excuse?

    So it’s not about the number, it’s about the quality, it’s about the intentions.”


    1. "...If even these methods fail to win you over, attention will be redirected from the political issue to your own failure of imagination or morality. It will be insinuated that people like you are simplistic or perversely opposed to change, lacking in compassion..."


      We're not worthy.


    2. Taking the actions of one group over 1400 years and becoming concerned about one's future is the council of wise men.

      Remembering that these insane savages killed 80 million Hindus in one 250 period alone is accepting history for the nightmare it can become. Wishing to avoid such an experience in one's own country is patriotism.

  16. .

    From Wiki...

    Reports published by the CIS have been widely deemed misleading and riddled with basic errors by scholars on immigration; think tanks from across the ideological and political spectrum; media of all stripes; several leading nonpartisan immigration-research organizations; and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists.[5][6][7][8]


  17. "- you're right down there in the gutter with Bob and Doug"


    And you and Quirk are right here, Ash, simply declining to comment on your Islamic Member of Parliament. you both do so often when facts get in the way of your "arguments"

    1. Giving away other people's money seems rather benign compared to giving away other people's country.

      ...but of course they are inextricably intertwined.

  18. A Russian warplane "accidentally" hit a building in northern Syria with Turkish soldiers inside, killing at least three troops and wounding 11, Turkey's military says.


    Meanwhile, Turkey-backed Syrian opposition fighters and Syrian Government allied troops briefly clashed on the outskirts of an Islamic State-held town in northern Syria.


    Syrian Government troops and allied militias, as well Turkish troops, the US-led international coalition, and Russia have since been going after IS in different parts of the country.

  19. I see our blootering smollygastor is recycling his old tired worn out repetitive illogical arguments once again today.

    The turn table spins, the old music plays on and on....

    1. At least his MSM Bubble is a large Bubble.

  20. .

    Quirk Publications, LLC
    Quirk International (Camden, NJ, USA)

    Fly on the Wall

    ’Whispers from the West Wing…’

    Candy Kane

    February 9, 2017

    Hello, darlings

    Another hectic day here in the nation’s capital. Let’s start with…

    Spunky sparkplug, Kellyanne Conway , former extreme cheerleader and pollster exec now acting as special counselor for President Donald J. Trump was herself ‘counselled’ today over inappropriate remarks that were considered soliciting for Trump’s daughter Ivanka’s well-known brand. This follows Kellyanne’s embarrassing admission that her previous comments regarding the “Bowling Green massacre”, a tragedy that never happened, were false.

    At his daily press conference, Trump press secretary, Sean Spicer, indicated that Kellyanne ‘had been counselled’ over her suggestion that people “…go buy Ivanka’s stuff…”; and informed the words were not only ‘bad form’ but also illegal under current laws. Conway made the comment in response to questions on the FOX and Friends TV show today, referring to the president’s comments that Nordstrom’s was being unfair in cancelling his daughters line of goods.

    [As a side note, Nordstrom stock price has rocketed up following Trump’s comments.]


    Just in, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the Washington District Court stay on Donald Trump Immigration Order temporarily banning immigration from 7 ME countries.

    To comment on the decision, we went to our chief political analyst, John Quirk, located in a secret bunker location outside of D.....t, Mi. We will accede Mr. Quirk's request to keep his name and location secret. Mr. Quirk offered the following analysis:

    "This is, in a sense, a surprising decision by the 9th Circuit given the wide deference usually granted to presidents in cases involving immigration or national security. We will need to wait and analyze the full court decision; however, we can confidently say that the following likely went into their decision:

    - The president’s order by all accounts was precipitously drawn with the decisions being made by his inner circle over dinner rather than being broadly reviewed by key players like HSH, Justice, and military and intelligence heads

    - They should have provided more tangible proof of the ineffectiveness of the current vetting system as it applies to the seven countries involved.

    - The language of the order itself in conjunction with previous comments by the administration leaves open the question of intent ad whether the order was design for a particular religion.

    - And finally, let’s be realistic, there is the political factor. There is no question that Trump’s comments disparaging the judiciary all through this process as not helped his case.

    And there you have the analysis of our man from somewhere around Detroit.

    It's tinkle time. We will return to discuss these and other issues later today after a brief potty break.


    See you kiddies…

    This is


    signing off.


    1. Don't count on it lasting, Candy dear.

      With Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, don't count on it lasting.

      Even with Gorsuch not on the Supreme Court, don't count on it lasting.


    2. Candy:

      Does you have any tips on Wife Beating?

    3. ...or does you not.

      Per usual.

    4. Nor should you count on it lasting, Q Blooter.

    5. Nor if you had a brain in your head would you wish it to continue.

    6. .

      Does you have any tips on Wife Beating?

      Don't do it.


      [Note: This opinion is confirmed by the Magic 8 Ball which responded "Don't do it".]



    7. Should Ash vote for IQRA KHALID?

    8. .

      Don't count on it lasting, Candy dear.

      I am an impartial observer. As a journalist, I must remain impartial in reporting on a story.
      Were I not, I would suggest to Mr. Trump that he dump Mr. Giuliani, gather ALL the key players in his administration together and rewrite the order so that t passes legal muster.


    9. The Shamiels would just muster against it, Blooter.

      Confirm Gorsuch, by nuclear option if necessary, right now, and let the Supreme Court decide.

      And if the Supreme Court should decide against The Donald, then rewrite it.

    10. In the meantime we look forward to hearing weekly reports from you on how your Somali refugees are thriving in your care.

    11. And your Syrians, too.

      And your....

    12. .

      Confirm Gorsuch, by nuclear option if necessary, right now, and let the Supreme Court decide.

      And if the Supreme Court should decide against The Donald, then rewrite it.

      You obviously have me confused with someone who gives a shit about what he actually does, old timer.

      You know what I think of the order.

      Chin Chin reflects my thoughts on what he should do.

      Beyond that, I could give a shit.


    13. Sorry to hear you don't give a shit, Grumpy.

      Have you tried kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut ?

      3 Ways to Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally - wikiHow › ... › Intestinal and Digestive Health
      Rating: 89% - ‎964 votes
      Other fermented and cultured foods such as kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut also contain beneficial bacteria that may aid in digestion and relieve constipation.

  21. 90% of the rulings of the 9th Court of Shamiels appealed to the Supreme Court were overturned by the Supreme Court last year.

    Quoting what I just heard on America's Station - Fox News.

  22. "Were it not for quirks of birth and circumstance," Joanna Slater said, "this could have been any of us."

    Slater, an award winning journalist who writes for Toronto newspaper The Globe and Mail, traveled with Syrian refugees from Hungary to Germany in 2015. She told their stories and shared her views on the European refugee crisis, American politics, and her work as a journalist to a crowd of over 100 at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in North Adams on Thursday as part of the college's annual Conflict Prevention and Resolution Speaker Series.


    As far as the specifics of the order, Slater sounded a note of extreme disappointment. In forty years of data of attacks in the US, "if you want to use [the president's] terms," not one has been perpetrated by a Syrian.

  23. You actually do give a shit, Mr Quirk or you wouldn't be drowning us in your daily anti Trump drivel. You and Ash should pace yourselves. It's going to be a long 8 years. Smiley face smiley face.

    1. Quirk's got to get some relief from The Constipation.

      That's what I find most concerning....

    2. .

      Gee, sorry Mr. Mome.

      I wouldn't want to interfere with the echo chamber you boys have constructed here.

      I'll try to restrict it a bit so you boys can continue with you little circle jerk.


    3. .

      ...your little circle jerk...



    4. Gee wilickers and good heavens. If there were a circle jerk you would certainly be the pivot man, Q baby. Holy smokes and my goodness gracious. Do you really talk like that?

    5. You are a funny dude, Mr q

    6. .

      I try to put things in simple terms so that this group can understand, Mr. m.


    7. You can keep it more complex. I'll struggle to keep up.

  24. Trump could withdraw the order, break it up into four or five orders, and see what happens.

    from Fox News

    He won't do that though. He will go to the Supreme Court.

    We are witnessing an attempted Judicial coup.

  25. Bigotry? Strange, that if the passengers and crew on those planes had practiced so-called "bigotry", they would be alive.

    You have to love an absolutist.


    Trump must break judicial power

    Pat Buchanan: 'A clipping of the court's wings is long overdue'

    Published: 4 hours ago

    “Disheartening and demoralizing,” wailed Judge Neil Gorsuch of President Trump’s comments about the judges seeking to overturn his 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from the Greater Middle East war zones.

    What a wimp. Did our future justice break down crying like Sen. Chuck Schumer? Sorry, this is not Antonin Scalia. And just what horrible thing had our president said?

    A “so-called judge” blocked the travel ban, said Trump. And the arguments in court, where 9th Circuit appellate judges were hearing the government’s appeal, were “disgraceful.” “A bad student in high school would have understood the arguments better.”

    Did the president disparage a couple of judges? Yep.

    Yet compare his remarks to the tweeted screeds of Elizabeth Warren after her Senate colleague, Jeff Sessions, was confirmed as attorney general.

    Sessions, said Warren, represents “radical hatred.” And if he makes “the tiniest attempt to bring his racism, sexism & bigotry” into the Department of Justice, “all of us” will pile on.

    Now this is hate speech. And it validates Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s decision to use Senate rules to shut her down.

    These episodes reveal much about America 2017.

    They reflect, first, the poisoned character of our politics. The language of Warren – that Sessions is steeped in “racism, sexism & bigotry” – echoes the ugliest slander of the Hillary Clinton campaign, where she used similar words to describe Trump’s “deplorables.


    1. {...}

      Such language, reflecting as it does the beliefs of one-half of America about the other, rules out any rapprochement in America’s social or political life. This is pre-civil war language.

      For how do you sit down and work alongside people you believe to be crypto-Nazis, Klansmen and fascists? Apparently, you don’t. Rather, you vilify them, riot against them, deny them the right to speak or to be heard.

      And such conduct is becoming common on campuses today.

      As for Trump’s disparagement of the judges, only someone ignorant of history can view that as frightening.

      Thomas Jefferson not only refused to enforce the Alien & Sedition Acts of President John Adams, his party impeached Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, who had presided over one of the trials.

      Jackson defied Chief Justice John Marshall’s prohibition against moving the Cherokees out of Georgia to west of the Mississippi, where, according to the Harvard resume of Sen. Warren, one of them bundled fruitfully with one of her ancestors, making her part Cherokee.

      When Chief Justice Roger Taney declared that President Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of the writ of habeas corpus violated the Constitution, Lincoln considered sending U.S. troops to arrest the chief justice.

      FDR proposed adding six justices to emasculate a Supreme Court of the “nine old men” he reviled for having declared some New Deal schemes unconstitutional.


    2. {...}

      President Eisenhower called his Supreme Court choices Earl Warren and William Brennan two of the “worst mistakes” he made as president. History bears Ike out. And here we come to the heart of the matter.

      Whether the roll-out of the president’s temporary travel ban was ill-prepared or not, and whether one agrees or not about which nations or people should be subjected to extreme vetting, the president’s authority in the matter of protecting the borders and keeping out those he sees as potentially dangerous is universally conceded.

      That a district judge would overrule the president of the United States on a matter of border security in wartime is absurd.


    3. {...}

      When politicians don black robes and seize powers they do not have, they should be called out for what they are – usurpers and petty tyrants. And if there is a cause upon which the populist right should unite, it is that elected representatives and executives make the laws and rule the nation. Not judges, and not justices.


  27. {...}

    Indeed, one of the mightiest forces that has birthed the new populism that imperils the establishment is that unelected justices like Warren and Brennan, and their progeny on the bench, have remade our country without the consent of the governed – and with never having been smacked down by Congress or the president.

    Consider. Secularist justices de-Christianized our country. They invented new rights for vicious criminals as though criminal justice were a game. They tore our country apart with idiotic busing orders to achieve racial balance in public schools. They turned over centuries of tradition and hundreds of state, local and federal laws to discover that the rights to an abortion and same-sex marriage were there in Madison’s Constitution all along. We just couldn’t see them.

    Trump has warned the judges that if they block his travel ban, and this results in preventable acts of terror on American soil, they will be held accountable. As rightly they should.

    Meanwhile, Trump’s White House should use the arrogant and incompetent conduct of these federal judges to make the case not only for creating a new Supreme Court, but for Congress to start using Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution – to restrict the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and to reclaim its stolen powers.

    A clipping of the court’s wings is long overdue.


    1. .

      The Congress should FIRST start reclaiming the authority it has abrogated by peeling back the authority it has willingly abrogated to the Executive. A good start would be withdrawing the AUMF they precipitously issued in 2001 and as amended. Half the patriot act should also be clawed back.


  28. A nation of fools:

    the state of Washington is suffering terrible "harm" because of the temporary ban on the people from 7 nations,

    BOO elfin HOO

  29. .

    Should Ash vote for IQRA KHALID?

    A simple man asking a simplistic question. Who da thunk?

    First, you make me waste my time going upstream to find your post and find out who the hell Khalid is.

    Then, you ask me to comment on who Ash should vote for. I don't do that. As you should be aware, I simply mock people once I find out who they voted for.

    Also, how am I supposed to comment on Ash's voting options when not knowing where Ash lives in Canada I don't if he even could vote for Khalid?

    However, knowing that you eschew being constraint by the nicities of logic, I offer the following general comments.

    - As should be clear through comments I have offered here over the years, I am not a fan of PC bullshit.

    I do not favor hate laws. I view them as having potential value but also having potential for abuse. In the end, for the same reason I am against the death penalty, I am against double jeopardy even if it means punishing to a lesser extent a guilty person if it assures we are not punishing an innocent person.

    Take this a step further to the types of PC laws rampant in Canada at one time but now rejected by their Supreme Court that punish free speech. Based on that, I would likely be opposed to the anti-Islamophobia laws the article seems to be ascribing to Khalid. A crime is a crime. A rape is a rape. A murder is a murder. They don't need to be nor should they be defined by who the victim is, man, woman, LGBSJTHEKFHDIGJFODJFOG, none of the above, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Swede, or Pole

    As for how this applies to Khalid, that is another matter. I would need more information to make an informed decision. You supply none.

    You offer up an article by The Daily Mail, an English tabloid along the same lines as The Sun or The National Enquirer.

    from Wiki...

    The Daily Mail has been accused of racism, and printing sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research.[15][16][17][18] In 2017, a discussion panel of contributors to the English-language version of the Wikipedia website concluded that it could not generally be used as a reliable source due to its "reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication."[19]

    The following would be things I would need to know before making an informed opinion on Kalid. What was her general worldview while she was in university? Was she aware of the comments about wife-beatings in that book? Did she agree with them? There are a lot of snowflakes on the college campuses these days. I wouldn't condemn them years later if their views had changed.

    What are her views today? What is her voting record on the whole rage of issues that come under her purview? Did she, now or ever, hold the view that wife beating is acceptable?

    I realize this goes way beyond your decision making process.

    I'm sorry.

    Now, I understand Chin Chin is on the line and I have to go.


    1. I have to go

      The kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut working so soon ?

      What a relief, to you and to me.

      I have been so concerned that your impacted intestines have been leaking poisons into your blood stream and hence to your noggin, where your information flows have obviously been badly detoured in so many ways.


    2. Would have been better to remain silent than demonstrate how full of shit you are.

      Nice that you used to get paid for writing same.

    3. Quirk's written more b.s. in his life than even your average ad man.

      And that's a lot.

      A real toilet bowl full.

  30. Should we have been allowing Jews from the Soviet Union to enter our country, as we did, because they were suffering persecution because they were Jews ?

    We await the opinion of Chin Chin and her paramour The "Q"-Man on this question.

    1. Or was that some kind of religious profiling in violation of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution ?

    2. .

      Bob, by this question, you show how ignorant you are on the subject of US immigration policy.

      Of course, they should have been admitted to this country. They have contributed immensely to the economic and cultural growth of this country.

      There has been less discrimination against Jewish immigrants to the US than in many other countries but they still suffered. There was a huge migration of Jews from Eastern Europe to the US at the beginning of the 20th Century. By the 1920's it reached about 50% of total immigration. This in turn let to a tightening of quotas around 1924 and further tightening through the depression and the 1930's. That led to the S.S. St. Louis incident in 1939(?) where 900 Jewish refugees trying to escape Germany and get into the US where turned back and left to their fate.

      What do you think?


    3. .

      The same applies to the Soviet Jews.

      I'm even against the decision by US authorities to keep some those Jews out in deference to Israel which was trying to get as many as possible of them to go there.


    4. Of course, they should have been admitted to this country.

      I of course whole heartedly agree.

      But you didn't answer the question....

      Does it violate the 1st Amendment ?

      Does it favor one group over others ?

      Can it be read as trying to establish a religion ?

    5. If we were allowing Christians from the Middle East to the head of the line, who are suffering what really amounts to a genocide in some areas, would this be in violation of the 1st Amendment ?

    6. I favor putting those who present no threat to the USA, our Constitution, and our way of life, to the head of the line, like Jews, Christians, Hindus....

      Those that do, like dedicated Marxists, for instance, or moslems, now or later, should not be at the head of the line.

      We cannot take them all.

      Choices must be made.

    7. Bob, you're just ignorant. Face it. You too, Doug!

    8. I really don't know how you two feed yourselves.

    9. We put on our bibs, and spoon feed on another.

    10. .

      Of course, they should have been admitted to this country.

      I of course whole heartedly agree.

      But you didn't answer the question....

      Does it violate the 1st Amendment ?

      Does it favor one group over others ?

      Can it be read as trying to establish a religion ?

      Of course, I answered your question.

      The reason, you 'think' I didn't answer you question is that you are operating from a faulty base. You take the definition of 'refugee'...



      a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

      synonyms: émigré · fugitive · exile · displaced person · asylum seeker · [more]

      and truncate it, limiting it to those who are primarily being persecuted because of their religion, and in particular, one religion.

      In all the countries mentioned in Trump's order, people are dying daily. They are being killed because of war, sectarian and ethnic violence, and because of their religion. Now, you may very well believe that a group that is being persecuted because of their religion is more deserving than the other categories of refugees in the same country who are suffering because of war or even between sects in the same religion, but that belief is de facto discriminatory.



      making or showing an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex:

      "discriminatory employment practices"

      synonyms: prejudicial · biased · prejudiced · preferential · unfair · unjust · invidious · [more]

      Now, you may still argue that your belief isn't unfair but it doesn't change the fact that you are making a 'prejudicial' distinction.



      harmful to someone or something; detrimental:

      "the behavior is prejudicial to good order and discipline"

      synonyms: detrimental · damaging · injurious · harmful · disadvantageous · hurtful · [more]

      harmful in the sense that you are denying them the same rights as someone else.

      This seems like easy stuff.

      Evidently not.


  31. We are no longer what we thought we were. We do not have to put up with it. The rules have changed. They have been usurped. Counter punch.

  32. A few weeks ago, I attended a very interesting event at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. It was sponsored by Zócalo Public Square, a journalism and public discussion organization, and was entitled: “What Does the Japanese American Experience Tell Us About the Proposed Muslim Registry?”


    So here are the reasons I’m opposed to banning or registering Muslims:

    1) Religious liberty is too important

    The First Amendment, indeed the very first sentence in the Bill of Rights, reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The Framers of our Constitution did not remotely figure that presidents would be usurping Congress with all these executive orders, so I strongly believe that we must apply this constitutional provision to executive actions as well.


    2) It probably won’t do any good

    Christian Caryl wrote for Foreign Policy: “The war on jihadi terrorists, like the Cold War, isn’t just about guns and bombs. It’s also a war of hearts and minds.”


    3) It sets a horrible precedent

    Remember when conservative groups feared being targeted by the Obama administration? Remember when then-Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano published a report likening mainstream right-wing groups to terrorists?

    Registry or Ban


    Why do we have a Ninth Circuit Court? Why do we have any Circuit Courts? They are a creation of Congress.
    Last I checked, the Republicans control all arms of government. Dissolve them.

    Close it down as an institution and replace it with something else. Term them out. Make them subject to a review by the individual 50 state houses.

    1. It's surely possible.

      The only Court Congress can't dissolve without a Constitutional Amendment is the Supreme Court, in my understanding of things.

    2. And the Supreme Court usurped power in Marbury v Madison, one of its earliest decisions, where they granted to themselves out of whole cloth the power to say what the law is....the power of judicial review, the power to void acts of Congress....and the President too....

    3. FDR didn't like some of the Court's decisions, so he decided to put a number of more amenable Justices on the Court....which of course the sitting Court did not like....

      Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 - Wikipedia

      ... The bill came to be known as Roosevelt's "court-packing plan". In November 1936, ... "Public Opinion and The U.S. Supreme Court: FDR's Court-Packing Plan".
      Background · The New Deal in court · Black Monday · Further New Deal setbacks
      FDR's Losing Battle To Pack The Supreme Court -

      Apr 13, 2010 · ... Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court. ... FDR's Losing Battle To Pack The Supreme Court. Listen · 37:37 37:37. Toggle more options. Download; …

    4. Think of it this way....Doug and I constitute the Supreme Court....and are following the law....then some President comes along and tries to add Quirk, Ash, and Chin Chin to the Court to outvote us....

  34. THE WORLD; Why the U.S. Closed the Door Halfway on Soviet Jews
    Published: September 24, 1989

    WASHINGTON— FOR 20 years, the United States and Israel have denounced the Soviet Union for severely restricting the right to emigrate. Now that Moscow is allowing record numbers of Soviet Jews and Pentacostals to leave, it is not clear where they will go.

    The Bush Administration announced a momentous change in United States refugee policy this month without fully explaining the reasons. On the advice of State Department and immigration officials, President Bush ordered that all decisions on Soviet refugee claims be made at the American Embassy in Moscow. Beginning next month, Soviet citizens will not be allowed to apply for refugee status in Rome or Vienna, as they have been able to since the early 1970's. The Administration also set a ceiling of 50,000 on the number of Soviet refugees in the coming year.

  35. The order Trump signed uses arbitrary criteria which violates constitutionally guaranteed due process. Trump will lose at the Supreme Court, probably by unanimous decision as he lost at the appellate level.

    1. Due process to who? Afghanis?

    2. Non citizens, non green card holders, non visa holders, non passport in a foreign land that sneak in here are not granted due process, nor should they be. They are not citizens, nor invited guests. They are law breakers.

      And you are unduly pessimistic about Trump's chances in the Supreme Court.

      Try again.

    3. The order affected people who have constitutionally protect rights such as permanent residents. It was poorly written. It is just another example of your man's acumen. What a clown show.

    4. Well actually they are often granted some due process nowadays in the form of an immigration hearing, which the vast majority from Mexico do not even show up for....

    5. Trump is clearly incompetent, not having the executive experience like George Bush or Barack Obama.

  36. Thursday, February 09, 2017

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

    The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. (see trends).

  37. Are six billion people entitled to due process in the US? When did that happen?

    1. .

      An absurd question.

      No one is saying Trump can't restrict immigration. They are objecting to the way he did it.


    2. Then he should rewrite the order, cleaning it up, and sign it anew.

      The 9th Circuit will again find fault....hopefully then to be appealed to a 9 member Supreme Court.

    3. Sort of like Groucho Marx, say the wrong word and you get the bird.

  38. We went from transgender to transnational.

  39. I think I'll go to Krakow for a few days.

  40. let's get something straight. Trump did not lose. We did.

  41. February 10, 2017
    Time to revisit Marbury?
    By Jay Valentine

    Is it time for America to revisit Marbury v. Madison?

    The appeals court just gave President Trump a huge, although hidden, victory.  For the first time on over 200 years, we are about to nationally ask the question: just who determines what is constitutional and what is not?

    Until now, it was the "grandeur" (yesterday's N.Y. Times comment) of the courts.  Of course it was, because the courts will enact for liberals what the legislature will not.  How grand!  But trees do not grow to the sky, and today, an appeals court, backing up a liberal Seattle judge, clearly usurped the singularly most distinct executive prerogative: national security.  This was the step too far.
    Certainly, it will play out over the months ahead in a way that will work out best for the country.  Somehow, unknown today, the executive will again be able to make all national security decisions unfettered by liberal courts.

    But there is a much bigger story here.  For the first time in our history, not just in a generation, America will learn Civics 101.  Americans, long taught nothing about the Constitution, will start to learn not just what the separation of powers is, but why it is important.
    And Donald Trump is going to teach that lesson. 

    There is no way anyone can read the statutes surrounding the president's power to limit the entry of any alien group into the country and come to the tortured conclusion a Seattle judge and the "9th Circus" found.  All the better, as this will make this fight one the left cannot win.

    The president takes an oath to uphold the United States Constitution.  How can he uphold it if the courts, due to a liberal, not constitutional test, stop him?

    Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson both took on the courts and prevailed.  When you see Trump in the Oval Office, the picture over his left shoulder is of Jackson.

    In any other area than national security, this argument would be academic and hard to understand.  But in national security, there is no room for any interpretation other than that the courts have vastly overstepped their bounds.  Thus, perhaps, an opening exists for Congress and the executive to question Marbury, because the liberals have just gone too far.

    And The Donald is the person to stand up to them.


      Knowing the information flows in Quirk's noggin as I do so well, I've always been of the opinion that if Quirk were a Judge, rather than a perpetual Defendant, as he is, Marbury v Madison is exactly the kind of self aggrandizing opinion Quirk would write if given the opportunity.

    2. (heh heh that was good Bobbo)

  42. Backlash Against Trudeau's Syrian Refugee Policy After Multiple Young Girls Sexually Assaulted In Edmonton Water Park

    1. Send them to Washington State, preferably in a resettlement house as close as possible to the homes of the three judges.

    2. Give them a scholarship to the private schools where the judges children attend.

    3. Make the Judges walk the walk, rather than just talk the talk like SMIRK'n'QUIRK.

  43. February 10, 2017
    A legal analysis of the Ninth Circuit's dangerous usurpation of presidential power
    By Ed Straker

    Federal District Judge James Robart violated the Constitution in issuing a TRO (temporary restraining order) against President Trump's temporary entry ban for citizens of seven countries. Now a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed that stay.

    What we have here is a creeping constitutional coup.

    As long as President Obama was in charge and had a massive open door policy at our borders and at our airports, in violation of statutory law, the judiciary was content to be silent. But when Donald Trump became president and tried to use the powers of the Presidency to put some national security safeguards into place, the judiciary sprung into action. The judiciary has usurped the executive branch's powers and has created a parallel constitution, one that bears no relation to the founding document of our nation. The courts have now cited this parallel constitution to justify taking away the ultimate decision making authority concerning national security from the Presidency, to rest in their hands. The constitutional crisis and injury to our national security caused by this illegitimate decision cannot be overstated.

    What follows is an analysis of this travesty and the damage done to our system of jurisprudence and national security.

    1) The legal concept of standing has been totally eviscerated....

    2) "Irreparable harm" has been turned upside down....

    3) National security policy has been wrested from the presidency and placed in the hands of the judiciary....

    4) The Due Process clause has been expanded to add seven billion people....

    5) The Court maliciously avoided a narrowly tailored legal remedy....

    6) The Court disingenuously employed false religious protection claims....

    7) False consideration of "public interest."....

    8) Conclusion: the false choices: where do we go from here?....


  44. February 10, 2017
    Trump Will Win This One
    By Ronald C. Tinnell

    Liberals are making a big deal out of the temporary travel ban controversy. Why? Somehow I doubt that they really care about the "rights" of several hundred or thousand foreigners to enter the U.S. The real reason is that it is the only place where they are winning against the President. The President has the Constitution and the Law on his side, while the liberals have a judge in Washington, a bunch of liberal judges on the Ninth Circuit, and four steadfast liberals on the Supreme Court. Liberals are thinking: "Great! We'll win on this one."

    Not so fast. In a fairly adjudicated case, it's an open and shut case for the President. A decision to uphold the Ninth Circuit, places a big question mark on the competence of any judge that rules in favor of it. He or she would be going against the Constitution and the Law and endangering national security all at the same time. Decisions like this are common as dirt in the Ninth Circuit, but the Supremes are usually a little more careful. Ninth Circuit decisions are overturned in the Supreme Court so often that lawyers say that if you lose in the Ninth Circuit, you are guaranteed a win in the Supreme Court.

    Due to the stupidity of the Liberals, the President is now in a no lose situation. If he gets the injunction lifted at the Supreme Court, he wins. If he does not, he has this case to use as an example of the Judiciary's bias. He can say: "Look, they ignored the Constitution and the Law, invented rights for foreigners, and put the whole American public at risk." Even if he loses in court, he will win in the court of public opinion. If there is a terrorist incident attributable to the judicial actions, he will win big time. Even without such an incident, his hand will be strengthened in all future dealings with the courts.

    I hereby issue a challenge to liberal minded legal authorities: "Speak up! Tell us what you really think about this decision. Explain how it is a fair interpretation of legal statutes, applicable case law and the provisions of the Constitution." I doubt very many will accept this challenge. It places their legal credentials in conflict with their liberal credentials.


  45. Insider rumor has it that the Trump Administration is rewriting the executive order with plans to issue it soon.

    1. Moot & reboot: White House working on replacement travel-pause EO?


      Has the White House decided to start over on its executive order on the “pause” involving visas and refugees from seven high-risk nations? After last night’s setback at the Ninth Circuit, some wondered whether the Trump administration should keep fighting to defend its original version, or moot the lawsuits under consideration by withdrawing the first EO and replacing it with a more defensible version that accounts for the judicial criticisms received by the first. Joe Scarborough reported on Morning Joe earlier that the White House has begun to work on that strategy.

      Let’s call it moot & reboot:

      Morning Joe ✔ @Morning_Joe
      .@JoeNBC reports: Sources say WH is working on redrafting an executive order on travel ban suspension
      6:32 AM - 10 Feb 2017
      74 74 Retweets 82 82 likes

      In the previous hour, Alan Dershowitz laid out why the original order should prevail … but that the legal fight would take far too long to fight. “National security has to trump ego,” Dershowitz said, pun intended, and advised the White House to either write a completely new order or issue a supplemental order dealing with the legal challenges:....
