Sunday, February 19, 2017

Asshole John McCain: Attacking The Free Press Is 'How Dictators Get Started'

This from a lying fool that needed to be pardoned by Richard Nixon - McCain is more a traitor, a flak of the Deep State and never was a hero.

BUCHANAN: The ‘deep state’ targets Trump

When Gen. Michael Flynn was forced to resign as national security adviser, Bill Kristol purred his satisfaction, “If it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.”

To Kristol, the permanent regime, not the elected president and his government, is the real defender and rightful repository of our liberties.
Yet it was this regime, the deep state, that carried out what Eli Lake of Bloomberg calls “The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn.”

And what were Flynn’s offenses?

In December, when Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats, Flynn spoke to the Russian ambassador. He apparently counseled the envoy not to overreact, saying a new team would be in place in a few weeks and would review U.S.-Russian relations.

“That’s neither illegal nor improper,” writes Lake.

Vladimir Putin swiftly declared that there would be no reciprocal expulsions and U.S. diplomats and their families would be welcome at the Kremlin’s Christmas and New Year’s parties.

Diplomatic crisis averted. “Great move ... (by V. Putin),” tweeted Trump, “I always knew he was very smart.”

But apparently, this did not sit well with the deep state.

For when Vice President Pence told a TV show that Flynn told him that sanctions did not come up in conversation with the Russian ambassador, a transcript of Flynn’s call was produced from recordings by intelligence agencies, and its contents leaked to The Washington Post.

After seeing the transcript, the White House concluded that Flynn had misled Pence, mutual trust was gone, and Flynn must go. Like a good soldier, Flynn took the bullet.

The real crime here, however, is not that the incoming national security adviser spoke with a Russian diplomat seeking guidance on the future president’s thinking. The real crime is the criminal conspiracy inside the deep state to transcribe the private conversation of a U.S. citizen and leak it to press collaborators to destroy a political career.

“This is what police states do,” writes Lake.

But the deep state is after larger game than General Flynn. It is out to bring down President Trump and abort any move to effect the sort of rapprochement with Russia that Ronald Reagan achieved.

For the deep state is deeply committed to Cold War II.

Hence, suddenly, we read reports of a Russian spy ship off the Connecticut, Delaware and Virginia coasts, of Russian jets buzzing a U.S. warship in the Black Sea, and Russian violations of Reagan’s INF treaty outlawing intermediate-range missiles in Europe.

Purpose: Stampede the White House into abandoning any idea of a detente with Russia. And it appears to be working. At a White House briefing Tuesday, Sean Spicer said, “President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to ... return Crimea.” Is the White House serious?

Putin could no more survive returning Crimea to Ukraine than Bibi Netanyahu could survive giving East Jerusalem back to Jordan.

How does the deep state go about its work? We have seen a classic example with Flynn. The intelligence and investigative arms of the regime dig up dirt, and then move it to their Fourth Estate collaborators, who enjoy First Amendment immunity to get it out.

For violating their oaths and breaking the law, bureaucratic saboteurs are hailed as “whistleblowers” while the journalists who receive the fruits of their felonies put in for Pulitzers.

Now if Russians hacked into the DNC and John Podesta’s computer during the campaign, and, more seriously, if Trump aides colluded in any such scheme, it should be investigated.

But we should not stop there. Those in the FBI, Justice Department and intelligence agencies who were complicit in a conspiracy to leak the contents of Flynn’s private conversations in order to bring down the national security adviser should be exposed and prosecuted.

An independent counsel should be appointed by the attorney general and a grand jury impaneled to investigate what Trump himself rightly calls “criminal” misconduct in the security agencies.

As for interfering in elections, how clean are our hands? Our own CIA has a storied history of interfering in elections. In the late ‘40s, we shoveled cash into France and Italy after World War II to defeat the Communists who had been part of the wartime resistance to the Nazis and Fascists.

And we succeeded. But we continued these practices after the Cold War ended. In this century, our National Endowment for Democracy, which dates to the Reagan era, has backed “color revolutions” and “regime change” in nations across what Russia regards as her “near abroad.”

NED’s continued existence appears a contradiction of Trump’s inaugural declaration: “We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone.”

The president and GOP should get out front here. Let Congress investigate Russia meddling in our election. And let a special prosecutor run down, root out, expose and indict those in the investigative and intel agencies who used their custody of America’s secrets, in collusion with press collaborators, to take down Trump appointees who are on their enemies lists.

Then put NED down.

Patrick J. Buchanan is a syndicated columnist.


  1. Replies
    1. McCain has demanded the US invade, bomb, or destabilize are Syria, Iraq (repeatedly), Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, Nigeria, Bosnia, Iran, Georgia, Sudan, Mali, and perhaps China.

    2. Mali ?

      You mean Timbuktu Mali ?

      That Mali ?

      Why for goodness' sake ?

  2. Here is a list of the top ten holdover Obama loyalist bureaucrats President Trump can either fire immediately or remove from their current positions (civil service).

    * John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service

    * Richard Cordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director

    * John Lansing, CEO of Broadcasting Board of Governors

    * Amanda Bennett, Voice of America Director

    * Kenneth Tota, Acting Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Department of Health and Human Services (civil service)

    * Anastasia Brown, Acting Deputy Director for Refugee Programs, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Department of Health and Human Services (civil service)

    * Simon Henshaw, Acting Assistant Secretary, State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (civil service)

    * Mark C. Storella, Deputy Assistant Secretary, State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (civil service)

    * Lawrence Bartlett, career official, State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (civil service)

    * Elaine Zimmerman, Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families, Region 1, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont (civil service)


      It’s a bloodbath at the State Department
      Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report.

      Staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as well as counselor were shown the door Thursday, according to CBS News.

      Many of those let go were on the building’s seventh floor — top-floor bigs — a symbolically important sign to the rest of the diplomatic corps that their new boss has different priorities than the last one.

      The staffing changes came as Tillerson was on his first foreign trip — attending a G-20 meeting in Bonn, Germany.

    2. Tillerson and Sessions have my full confidence.

  3. Nice of Kristol to come clean about his desire for a Police State.

  4. WikiLeaks Exposed April Ryan as More Than ‘Just a Reporter’
    Correspondent acts confused by Trump meeting quip, offered to set up similar engagements for Clinton

    At his news conference, Trump encouraged her to invite the Congressional Black Caucus to meet with him.

    This was regarded as RACIST by the MSM, implying that an innocent reporter would do such a thing simply because she also happens to be black, like black folk do in the eyes of honkies.

    Regardless of skin color, she's deceitful:

    The veteran Washington journalist, however, appeared to be a bit more than a chronicler of current events during last year’s presidential campaign. Emails pilfered from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta’s email account and published in the fall by WikiLeaks suggest a rather chummy relationship between Ryan and the Clinton camp.

    At one point, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

    “FYI I also just talked with Marcia Fudge and Sheila Jackson Lee,” she wrote on April 18, 2015, referring to representatives from Ohio and Texas, respectively. “Also, Lets make the black reporters meeting happen asap.”

    The email was a followup to a request Ryan made earlier that day for Clinton to meet with black reporters. The subject line read, "Hillary Clinton needs to sit down with black reporters fast. Her efforts in the black community are not resonating."

    1. Funny how the mentally midget Trump repeatedly comes up with stuff most of the people in the room aren't aware of.

      ...and don't want to mention when they are aware.

    2. “No, no, no,” she said during the president’s news conference. “I’m just a reporter.”

      Interviewed later by CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, Ryan doubled down on the narrative.

      “I’m from the old school where we just report,” she said. “I’m not supposed to be the news.”

      And she tweeted: “I am a journalist not a convener! But thank you for answering my questions.”

  5. The McCain Malady
    Charles Goyette Posted on January 30, 2017

    You know you are in the presence of an emotional affect when there is not even the pretense of rationality to someone’s crazed outburst, not so much as a veneer or patina of sensibility.

    But then John McCain has always been like that, hotheaded and short-fused.

    Still, in his response to Trump’s executive order on refugees, McCain’s deep disturbance is plain for all to see. The Senator’s hometown newspaper headlined its account this way: “McCain calls ban good for ISIS propaganda.”


    US Senator John McCain on Sunday blasted President Donald Trump’s controversial temporary refugee ban… as ‘a confused process’ that will boost the terrorist Islamic State’s propaganda efforts.

    Later on, we learn that McCain and his bombing buddy Lindsey Graham issued a statement saying that “this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruiting than improve our security.”

    That’s funny. Nobody remembers McCain or Graham ever suggesting that bombing foreign people in their own countries would be “good for ISIS propaganda,” and that it just might “help terrorist recruiting.”

    So to put the peculiar view into perspective: We can enter our neighbors’ homes and kill their family members without provoking them. But if we refuse to invite them into our home, they might react negatively.

    McCain has distinguished himself for his bellicosity, constantly calling for US interventions around the globe. Among the countries that McCain has demanded the US invade, bomb, or destabilize are Syria, Iraq (repeatedly), Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, Nigeria, Bosnia, Iran, Georgia, Sudan, Mali, and perhaps China. McCain is so identified with a happy trigger-finger that he has become an easy target for satire. The satirical newspaper The Daily Currant was spot on when it “reported on” McCain calling for the invasion and bombing of Belgium because of its defeat of the United States at the World Cup:

    “Belgium is a rogue state whose outrageous behavior at the World Cup was a show of aggression toward the United States, for which President Obama must respond immediately with military force,” McCain told Fox News this morning. “In fact, I believe that anything less than a swift invasion and regime change in Belgium would show weakness to our enemies.”

    We will all be better off when destructive psychological deficits and personal complexes, those of presidents, senators, news anchors and other public figures, can no longer play out on the world stage.

    It’s a compelling reason to disempower the State.

    Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Reprinted with permission from

  6. I voted Cockroach/Sarah.

    It was better than voting Cockroach/Cockroach.

  7. .

    The Fly on the Wall

    Whispers from the West Wing...

    Candy Kane

    February 19, 2017

    The fly on the wall brings us this...

    Why would Trump pick a fight with Australia? Perhaps, now we know.

    Per the,

    Scientists Claim They've Found a Massive Lost Continent

    Scientists say they have identified an underwater continent two-thirds the size of Australia, and they are calling it Zealandia.

    This newly proposed continent is about 1.74 million square miles in size and 94 percent submerged. But at its highest points, it protrudes above the ocean surface in the form of New Zealand and New Caledonia, according to a paper published in GSA Today, the journal of the Geological Society of America.

    The proposed recognition of the continent of Zealandia does not represent the discovery of a new land mass. Rather,the paper argues that the geological evidence suggests the land mass should be classified not as a collection of islands and fragments but as a bona fide continent…

    What does this story have to do with the Tangerine Don's conversation with PM Malcolm Turnball?

    Leaks coming from the White House suggest that in his telcon with Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull last week, Trump told Turnbull…

    “Look, about this new under water continent they're calling Zoolander, I’m claiming it for the US. As of now, you and the other commie nations (commie, a term Trump uses for all British Commonwealth nations) including New Zealand better keep your paws off it; otherwise, you will pay a price, and I’m not kidding.”

    Turnbull started to respond, “What the fu…”

    But at that point people in the room indicate Trump gave a gesture pulling his hand with the fingers extended sharply across his throat and the line was quickly cut.

    Speculation is that Trump heard about Zealandia on the Discovery Channel, one of the few media outlets he does not consider 'fake news'.

    We are attempting to get the White House to confirm this story.


    Until next time,



  8. .

    But the deep state is after larger game than General Flynn. It is out to bring down President Trump and abort any move to effect the sort of rapprochement with Russia that Ronald Reagan achieved.

    For the deep state is deeply committed to Cold War II.

    Hence, suddenly, we read reports of a Russian spy ship off the Connecticut, Delaware and Virginia coasts, of Russian jets buzzing a U.S. warship in the Black Sea, and Russian violations of Reagan’s INF treaty outlawing intermediate-range missiles in Europe.

    Purpose: Stampede the White House into abandoning any idea of a detente with Russia. And it appears to be working. At a White House briefing Tuesday, Sean Spicer said, “President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to ... return Crimea.” Is the White House serious?

    Get this man a job.

    The forced isolation seems to be driving him nutz.

    Come on, Pat, do you think it takes the 'Deep State' to 'leak' something like a Russian Spy ship 30 miles off our coast? Heck, there's probably a few thousand people cruising on the Norwegian Gem who have cell phone videos of it by now.

    Russians buzzing a US ship? Who the hell doesn't these days?

    And don't you think the American people have right to know that Russia is violating the missile treaty we have with them?

    Or is the real problem that you fear if this kind of stuff is publicized, Trump might actually learn about it and do something stupid. It's hard to tell from your comments which has you more worried.

    The only comfort I can offer you, Pat, is that the comment about Crimea came from Sean Spicer and we all know what his word is worth.


    1. Is the White House serious?

      No, but what do you expect them to say ?

      That the USA and the West accept the results of Russian aggression ?

    2. Quirk, Red Eye was just saying there is a cookie fortune writer opening back east somewhere.

    3. Wait, wait....I was going to suggest you apply, but now they say it's been filled by a guy named Wang.

      Sorry....but you're shit out of luck again.

    4. All I can do is try to help.

      He refuses to do farm work.

    5. Not because it's beneath him, but because it's work.

    6. Quirk's never gonna be one of Trump's "hard working American patriots".

      He might be an American patriot however.

      This aversion to work comes from being lifelong in the advertising business.

  9. Once again, Mr. Buchanan is spot on.

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