Thursday, October 13, 2016

Washington Establishment Abetted By US Media is Risking War With Russia to Protect and Elect Clinton


A Government Is Seizing Control of Our Election Process, and It Is Not the Russians

There is an attempt underway for a government to take control of our election process and throw the election to Hillary Clinton. It is not the Russian government. Mark this day – it is when we came to understand that the American government decided to elect a president.

(Note: I understand in the minds of the mass media the most important issue in America today is Trump’s crude remarks, but there are indeed real things to be concerned about otherwise.)

Here’s how:
  • Two days before the second presidential debate, the government of the United States officially accused Russia of a hacking campaign aimed at interfering in the U.S. election. In a joint statement, absent any specifics or technical details, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence stated “the recent [hacked email] disclosures… are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts… based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
  • The statement goes on to detail how only Democratic servers were attacked, meaning the American government is claiming that Russia is trying to throw the election to Donald Trump, plain and simple. It is left unsaid why the Russians would risk cyberwar with the United States to do this, as many have suggested Trump is a neocon in spirit whose loose finger will be on the nuclear button from day one. Clinton is much more of a political realist, comfortable with the business-as-usual of the past eight years that has gone in Russia’s favor in the Ukraine and Syria. She in fact seems like the stable known known, always a preference.
  • Though the first “Russian” hacks were reported in July, it is only 48 hours before the second presidential debate that the statement was released. It could easily have been held until Monday, there is no national security urgency for this to come out Friday. However, with the timing, Trump, essentially tied with Clinton in the polls, will now spend much of the debate defending himself. Since the statement includes no details, only accusations, it is hard to see how anyone could defend themselves. It would be near-impossible for Trump to come out ahead Sunday night; this is a near-coup.
  • Despite the certainty with which the US government has accused Russia of trying to influence the election by hacking into secured email servers, the FBI maintains there is no evidence the Russians or anyone else accessed Clinton unsecured, unencrypted email server laden with actual classified materials, including during Clinton’s first trip to Moscow when she sent and received encrypted email over the Internet and WiFi.
  • In the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton broadly speculated that Donald Trump had paid no taxes. Days later, several pages of Trump’s tax returns, documents that had been sought unsuccessfully by the media for over a year, arrive at the New York Times, who front pages a story. In the Vice Presidential debate which followed, Trump’s running mate spent time on the defensive defending his boss’ deductions.
  • Clinton sent and received classified material on an unsecured, classified server. That violated the most basic rule of information security. She lied about it. She deleted emails and “lost” both the majority of her devices and many, many emails. The FBI and the Department of Justice, ahead of the Democratic nominating convention, found she violated no law. The Department of Justice granted broad immunity to key Clinton staffers, and allowed two of them to destroy their devices. No further investigation will thus be possible.
  • The State Department aided and abetted Clinton for over four years in hiding her private server, and avoiding her responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act. Only under court order has the Department stopped slow-walking its “review” process to release emails publicly. There has been no investigation.
  • Emails released show a tangle of interests among State Department decisions, the Clinton Foundation and access to Hillary as Secretary of State (“pay for play”). Clinton sought Pentagon and State Department contracts for Chelsea’s friend. There has been no investigation.
  • The State Department and White House coordinated to “crush” Clinton’s email coverage.
If you can add it up any other way than direct interference by the White House, the State Department, the Department of Justice, the FBI and the intelligence community, it would be interesting to hear how that works. The comments are open to make a benign case for these actions.

Peter Van Buren blew the whistle on State Department waste and mismanagement during Iraqi reconstruction in his first book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. His latest book is Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent. Reprinted from the his blog with permission.




    About one third of Afghanistan is now in Taliban hands after a decade and a half of fighting. One of the so-called hallmarks of the Bush-Cheney administration—the improvement of the lives of women in Afghanistan—remains a pipe dream, with only an infinitesimally small number of women in Afghanistan, who have money, who are able to achieve their educational or job goals, and these goals are only achievable in Kabul.

    More than $850 billion has been spent by the U.S. in Afghanistan, and of that sum, $110 billion has gone to reconstruction of that country, about as much as went toward the Marshal Plan’s rebuilding of Europe following World War II. Over 91,000 Afghans have died as a result of war, with about 2,300 American dead. Honor killings against women go on. An Afghan warlord, Goberdine Gulbuddin a.k.a. “The butcher of Kabul,” who has fought on nearly every side of the war since the Soviet invasion of the 1980s, has been given amnesty and is able to live without fear despite a curriculum vitae of endless mayhem.

  2. This Psycho General is a far greater threat to US security than any of the dictatorial regimes invaded by our great military that has pissed away trillions and destroyed tens of millions of lives in one flaming asshole war after another and the US is losing every one of them.

    Now they want to get it on with a nuclear Russia, a country that lost 20,000,000 people beating the Nazis.

  3. But the big story is that Donald Trump was a hound dog when a young man. This fine saluting military bling bejeweled raving lunatic is just itching to see Hillary Clinton become his commander in chief.

  4. Barack Obama, who was seen in somewhat positive eyes by the peace movement in the U.S. during his first campaign for the presidency, got a Monopoly “get out of jail free card” on Afghanistan and was able to wage warfare there for his entire presidency. The prospects for that policy to continue are a sure bet with a weak antiwar movement and the horror of September 11, 2001 an ever-present reality in the U.S. Even revelations of Saudi government involvement in the actions of terrorists leading up to September 11, 2001, does not seems to lessen the resolve to continue fighting an endless war

  5. Republicans and Democrats don’t differ on the war in Afghanistan after 15 years. In 2008, Barack Obama called Afghanistan “The right battlefield,” in an attempt to contrast it with another failed state, Iraq, which he must have believed at the time was the wrong battlefield. As of June 2016, 8,400 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan despite Obama’s commitment to end the war by 2016. The war has almost universal bipartisan support in Congress. Never will the concept of blowback enter into the “debate” about war and the absence of peace. It’s as if ISIS and the Taliban and al- Qaeda sprang from nowhere. It’s as if the West had no designs for fossil fuels in the Middle East for a century. Fossil fuels coupled with global power politics created the perfect storm of endless violence. It is the state of the permanent war economy.


  7. Russia Throws Down the Gauntlet: Fly at Your Own Risk

    Ray McGovern

    During the Reagan administration, I was one of the CIA analysts assigned to present to White House officials the President’s Daily Brief, which summed up the CIA’s views on the pressing national security issues of the day. If I were still in that job – and assuming CIA analysts are still able to speak truth to power – I am afraid that I would be delivering alarming news about the potential of a U.S.-Russian military clash.

    We analysts were responsible for picking up warnings from Moscow and other key capitals that the U.S. news media often missed or downplayed, much as the major news outlets today are ignoring the escalation of warnings from Russia over Syria.

    For instance, Russian defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov warned on Oct. 6 that Russia is prepared to shoot down unidentified aircraft – including any stealth aircraft – over Syria. It is a warning that I believe should be taken seriously.

    It’s true that experts differ as to whether the advanced air defense systems already in Syria can bring down stealth aircraft, but it would be a mistake to dismiss this warning out of hand. Besides, Konashenkov added, in a telling ex-ante-extenuating-circumstance vein, that Russian air defense “will not have time to identify the origin” of the aircraft.

    In other words, U.S. aircraft, which have been operating in Syrian skies without Syrian government approval, could be vulnerable to attack with the Russian government preemptively warning that such an incident won’t be Moscow’s fault.


    1. {...}

      As for the prospects of reviving the Syrian negotiation track, its demise was never clearer than in the remarks on Sunday by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a lengthy interview with Russian Channel One. He ended it with a pointed comment: “Diplomacy has several allies in this [Syria] endeavor – Russia’s Aerospace Forces, Army, and Navy.”

      Lavrov recognizes that Secretary of State John Kerry has failed in his efforts to get the U.S.-backed “moderate” rebels to separate from Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, which has been renamed from Nusra Front to the Syria Conquest Front. With that key “separation” feature of the partial cease-fire gone, Lavrov is saying that military force is the only way to drive the jihadists from their stronghold in east Aleppo and restore government control.

      President Vladimir Putin and his advisers seem willing to bear the risk of escalation in the hope that any armed confrontation can be limited to Syria. There also appears to be an important element of timing in Russia’s current behavior with the Russians considering it best to take that risk now, since they believe they are likely to face a more hawkish president on Jan. 20.


    2. {...}

      Of equal importance, there seems to be a new feeling of confidence inside the Kremlin, even though the “correlation of forces” globally and in the Middle East remains in favor of the United States. Russia has gained a key ally in China, and Chinese media have shown understanding and even sympathy for Russia’s behavior in Syria.

      Often overlooked is the fact that China played down its longstanding insistence on the inviolability of sovereign borders and avoided criticizing Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, following what was widely viewed as a U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine that removed elected President Viktor Yanukovych. The Chinese do not care for “regime change” – whether in Kiev or Damascus – and look askance at U.S. insistence that President Assad “must go.”

      More important, military cooperation between Russia and China has never been closer. If Russia finds itself in a major escalation of hostilities in the Middle East and/or Europe, the troubles may not end there. The U.S. should expect significant saber-rattling by China in the South China Sea

      All of these signs point to very dangerous days ahead, though there has been little intelligent discussion of these risks in the major U.S. news media or, seemingly, in Washington’s halls of power. There is a sense of sleepwalking toward an abyss.

    3. Ray McGovern was an Army officer and CIA analyst for almost 30 year. He now serves on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). He can be reached at: A version of this article first appeared on

  8. In case there was still any uncertainty, Hillary Clinton banished all doubt in her second debate with Donald Trump. A vote for her is a vote not only for war, but for war on behalf of Al Qaeda.

    This is clear from her response to ABC reporter Martha Raddatz’s painfully loaded question about the Syrian conflict. With Raddatz going on about the hundreds killed by the evil twins, Bashar al-Assad and Putin and even tossing in the Holocaust for good measure, Clinton saw no reason to hold back:

    “Well, the situation in Syria is catastrophic and every day that goes by we see the results of the regime – by Assad in partnership with the Iranians on the ground, the Russians in the air – bombarding places, in particular Aleppo where there are hundreds of thousands of people, probably about 250,000 still left, and there is a determined effort by the Russian air force to destroy Aleppo in order to eliminate the last of the Syrian rebels who are really holding out against the Assad regime.

    “Russia hasn’t paid any attention to ISIS. They’re interested in keeping Assad in power. So I, when I was secretary of state, advocated, and I advocate today, a no-fly-zone and safe zones. … But I want to emphasize that what is at stake here is the ambitions and the aggressiveness of Russia. Russia has decided that it’s all in in Syria, and they’ve also decided who they want to see become president of the United States too, and it’s not me. I stood up to Russia, I’ve taken on Putin and others, and I would do that as president.”

    It was an astonishing performance, even for a presidential debate. Rarely have more lies and misstatements been crammed into a single two-minute statement.

  9. The people Clinton supports are the same forces that brought down the World Trade Center 15 years ago, killing nearly 3,000 people and triggering a global war on terror that has allowed Al Qaeda to metastasize across half the globe, including its spinoff group, the Islamic State or ISIS.


    ...Trump said it best, Syria, Iran, and Russia are fighting these terrorists, we are just providing air cover for the head-choppers, Trump, good, bad or ugly will expose Hillary’s masters, that is the reason they are doing everything possible to derail him, Trump has not killed a single fly in his life , Killary Rotten Clinton has killed thousands including Americans, wake America and smell the coffee


    British Prime Minister Teresa May when questioned in Parliament today refused to support the idea of a Syrian no-fly zone.

    Hopefully, Europe in its entirety will do the same.


    WASHINGTON — An American warship stationed off the coast of Yemen fired cruise missiles on Thursday at radar installations that the Pentagon said had been used by Yemeni insurgents to target another American warship in two missile attacks in the last four days.

    1. .

      It's a pattern we have all become used to, the US goes where it wants and does what it wants. National borders mean nothing to us. In Yemen, the US is taking heat for its part in the slaughter there. John Kirby will come up with some story about the Houthi attacking our ships and it will be used as justification for the US getting involved more visibly there. Samantha Powers will condemn the Houthis at the UN and Josh Earnest will tell the press that Obama was forced into action to protect our troops and American interests.

      We see the same thing happening in Syria. John Kerry talks of charging Russia with war crimes for their bombing of a funeral. He seems to forget about the Hospitals the US has bombed their, or the ones in Afghanistan, or the Syrian troops we bombed.

      War crimes, John? Be careful what you ask for.

      Or, the latest Wikileak hacks. The US is talking about making Russia pay for the hacks (even though there is no definitive proof Russia was involved). What kind of balls do you need to make that statement when the US has admitted to hacking into every country in the world, friend and foe alike.

      The US treats these countries worse than it treats its own citizens. One would think that statement would be obvious; however, in a country where the president can on his own order a drone to take out an American citizen without indictment, trial, or proof, one where the leading candidate for president finds (according to the tapes) the citizens of the US to be despicable with a good chunk of them being deplorable and irredeemable, or one when there is a question as to whether the government is using the Wikileaks hacks as an excuse to take control of the election process, the statement is not all that obvious.


  13. .

    I haven't followed the details of the email hacking issue. Has anyone supplied reasons why they believe the Russians were behind the hack?

    Russian Spycraft: How the Kremlin Hacked Its Way Into a Crisis

    The article discusses the latest Wikileak hacks and contends the evidence points towards the Russian state.

    While the publicly available evidence linking Russian intelligence to the hacks is inconclusive and may even suggest a false flag operation to entangle Moscow in a brawl with Washington, the U.S. Intelligence Community had a high degree of confidence in Russian involvement even in July and the fact that they publicly named Russian intelligence as perpetrators suggests that they have definitive proof.

    I personally find this statement troubling. First, it admits that the evidence is inconclusive. It also raises the possibility of a false flag. The full article goes into the Russian hacker addresses involved in the hack. However, if Russia was responsible for the hack would they be stupid enough to use those same addresses again? Wouldn't they try to cover their trail. That is, unless they wanted to get caught.

    The article also mentions that the intelligence agencies contract with cyber security companies to try to identify hackers. They base their decisions on what these companies come up with. However, we see the same conflict of interest with these companies that we see with every other government contractor. Cyber wars are how these companies make their living. The more suspicion they can gin up the more it helps their bottom line.



    1. {...}

      So we have to ask, why would Russia hack Clinton or the DNC. There doesn’t seem to be any advantage to helping either candidate. The only reasons I could see would to be to send a message to the US that ‘Hey, we can do it to.’ Or, possibly there are some rogue units in the Russian military trying to stir up trouble.

      As for other possibilities, it could just be hackers (even Russian hackers) who have no connection to the Russian state. It could be one of these cyber security companies trying to gin up business (I see their stock prices have been dropping lately). Or it could be a false flag operation by the Obama administration. Possible reasons: to embarrass the Russians; to link Trump to Putin and hurt his candidacy; to take the heat off Obama for the frosty relations we currently have with Russia. Or, something no one seems to talk about, it could be China.

      It possibility that the government might actually be using the 'hacks' as a way to physically manipulate the election to help Hillary didn't occur to me until reading Deuce's article above.

      Anyway, there are so many possible suspects I don’t know how you can definitively pin it on Russia at this point. Which brings us to the conclusion of the article.

      The operation destroyed what little trust remained between the two countries at the sensitive moment of Kerry-Lavrov negotiations on Syria. It put U.S. President Barack Obama in an awkward position when not retaliating was politically unfeasible. Publicly naming Russia is just the first step. Economic and technology sanctions appear to be the most likely U.S. retaliation at this point, as Washington wants to maintain the option of re-engaging Russia on Syria and is wary of escalation by cyber attacks. Moscow needs to find a way to defuse the crisis. Offering secret talks on permissible rules of cyber warfare and cyber intelligence collection might be one way to do it. Better managing its intelligence services would be another.

      To me, it seems the height of arrogance for the US to be complaining about and threatening sanctions on another country for hacking considering as Snowden pointed out that the US has (and is) spying (hacking) every other country in the world, friend and foe alike. This is the kind of double standard that has gotten the US to the sorry state it’s in today.


    2. The Russians did it to screw Hillary and help Putin's buddy Trump makes the most concise and easy to understand argument.

  14. He seems to forget about the Hospitals the US has bombed their (there)


    *Pure Quirkian Bullshit*

    We do seem to have hit a hospital by mistake, but it's not our policy. It has been Russian policy.

    Quirk has always had, and still has, a difficult problem with proportion.

    He always gets things out of proportion.

    This is due to his mind being highly emotional. This ends up with equating two unlike things and often ruins his own argument.

  15. I no longer support trying to create safe/no fly zones.

    With the Roosians in the skies it's too risky.

    My fallback position is we lean on the Saudis and the Egyptians and perhaps some others to create temporary refugee camps in their countries. We will pay of course, though I can't give a reason why we should. It's a habit we have. With refugee camps in the Middle East the reason for allowing 'refugees' to pour into USA vanishes.


    Vote Trump !!

    I did, and it felt good doing it !!

    It's like Hemingway said of praying in church - 'you feel better after for having done it'

    1. The Media's got him where they want him now.

    2. They got Quirk and are using him and he doesn't even realize it.


      In addition to the proportion issue, one detects basic issues concerning general awareness, of surroundings, issues, simple facts.....

    3. How could he be expected to realize it?

      He rejects all sources other than MSM.

      The rest of us are drenched in MSM, and choose other sources to get a sense of perspective.

  16. "Q"Nits of the Day: Miscellaneous Nits

    U.S. Navy destroyer again targeted by missiles from Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen
    By Robert Spencer on Oct 12, 2016 05:04 pm

    This is one of the groups to which Barack Obama has just given a massive financial boost by transferring billions of dollars to the Islamic Republic of Iran. “U.S. Navy destroyer again targeted by missiles from Yemen: U.S. officials,” Reuters, October 12, 2016: A U.S. Navy destroyer was targeted on Wednesday in a failed missile […]
    Read in browser »

    Connecticut: Jordanian Muslim student ‘intentionally’ crashes plane near major defense contractor
    By Blain Tamarin on Oct 12, 2016 12:51 pm

    Jordanian Muslim Feras M. Freitekh came to the United States on a temporary visa in 2012 to attend flight school. On Tuesday, October 12, he crashed a small aircraft into a utility pole in East Hartford, Connecticut, near Pratt & Whitney, a major defense contractor. While this story is still developing, new facts are coming […]
    Read in browser »

    "Q" made the absurd statement yesterday that the 'Iran Deal' was protecting our interests in the Gulf.

  17. The Truly Crazy, 3,000-Year-Old Sport of Bull-Leaping, Known As Recorte


    I got Quirk into this sport. We used to leap the bulls on the farm when I was a kid.

    I took Q to Spain once and introduced him to the fun.

    In the Video, Q is one of the ones without a cape, and without a pole.

    He was good at it. It seemed to come naturally to him, a skill he was born to do.

    Late one evening, after an event, at one of the fiestas, in a smoky wine bar, Quirk met Maria, and they did the flamenco, Quirk a little drunkenly, and that was that....they were both goners....

    1. Back in those better days no one talked about politics.

    2. They have been talking about politics the moment after the first whiff of political bullshit left the lips of the first political bullshit artist. I do not know the date.

  18. Explain to me how it is hard to understand that other human beings will retaliate against the United States when we are killing and destroying them, their friend, families and property, all over the Middle East. Watch the video again of Putin answering the question posed my that smarmy Newsweek reporter. His smile didn’t hold up so well as Putin quietly, surgically and graciously thin-sliced the ass off of him.

    Mind our own business.

  19. Oh gee, mommy, why do they hate us?

    1. "Cause their stupid book tell them to hate us, Sonny.

      Did you know, Sonny, they killed 80 millions Hindus in one 250 year period alone ? And used knives and arrows and spears to do it ?

      They are always at war with whomever the neighbor is, Sonny.

      The best we can do is keep them out of our country"

      "That sounds like a good idea, Mommy."

    2. "We should mind our own business, and keep them out of our county, Sonny"

      "I agree, Mommy. Mommy, I don't like them much."

    3. E can do both. It is ineffective if we don’t do them simultaneously

  20. White House Watch

    White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead

    The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but  that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

    Rasmussen Reports updates its White House Watch survey daily Monday through Friday at 8:30 am Eastern based on a three-day rolling average of 1,500 Likely U.S. Voters. Monday’s survey was the first following the release of an 11-year-old video showing Trump discussing women in graphic sexual detail but did not include any polling results taken after the debate. All three nights of the latest survey follow Sunday’s debate.

    Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has dropped slightly to six percent (6%) support, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein holds steady at two percent (2%). Four percent (4%) still like some other candidate in the race, and another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) ....

    1. Cheer up ! Rasmussen has The Donald back on top !

  21. Some FBI agents are beginning to talk about 'The Fix'. I hope they really let it all hang out.

    Comey made a lot of them sign a silence or non disclosure agreement.

    And Comey seemed like such a nice young man too, so well behaved, and he turned out to be such a dirty rat.

  22. October 13, 2016
    Rasmussen poll today shows Trump in the lead
    By Thomas Lifson

    To tell the truth, nobody knows who will turn out, and who will stay home. Early voting is capable of throwing a curveball, too. So I regard all polling with suspicion. But that said, Trump’s strong debate performance and the normal rhythm of campaigns and scandalous revelations suggests that after a big hit, the hot mic scandal should see a Trump rebound.  

    Rasmussen finds s big one:

    The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but  that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

    According to Rasmussen, there actually still are millions of undecideds and flexibly committeds.
    Eighty-four percent (84%) now say they are certain how they will vote in this year’s presidential election, and among these voters, Trump posts a 49% to 46% lead over Clinton. Among voters who say they still could change their minds between now and Election Day, it’s Clinton 40%, Trump 37%, Johnson 19% and Stein four percent (4%).

    Wow, 40% of Hillary’s voters could change their minds. And Wikileaks keeps leaking.
    As Yogi Berra taught us, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”


  23. Trumpsters of the world, take heart !

    Both Rasmussen and that LA Times tracking poll both have The Donald ahead.

    The LA Tracking poll uses a new methodology but it got the results right bulls eyes 4 years ago.

  24. .

    It's a pattern we have all become used to, the US goes where it wants and does what it wants. National borders mean nothing...

    This should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see and a few neurons to rub together. It has been the history of the US since its birth, intermittently at times, constant over the past 60 years. It has led to the position we are in today. In the past two decades, it has taken us from the world's sole hyper-power to a 'first-among' level as superpower.

    Despite this there are some here who just don't get it. They come up with excuses for why the US uses algorithms and drones to determine which random group of people gets turned into barbecue or bleeding mush; they offer up silly rationales for how our outrages against hospitals and wedding parties is much more benign than when the Ruskies do it; they actually buy much of the propaganda spewing daily from CENTCOM; they are fixated on Muslims to the point where they feel the actions of a few ragheads with pressure cooker bombs and assault rifles are more dangerous to US interests than the stealthy growth of China or Russia's increasing belligerence; they offer up as solution to the ME migrant problem shipping them to our 'allies', to Egypt, a country one aid check away from bankruptcy, or to Saudi Arabia, a country already concerned about internal dissent who would never allow them in, or worse, if for some reason they did accept them would likely quickly turn them into and army of raging militants and loose them upon the world; they seem to believe that the MSM (whatever that means when you have conservative papers like the Denver Post and Detroit News vying with liberal rags like the WaPo and NYT)is somehow inferior to alt-right hate-mongering sites like jihadwatch; frontpagemag; or the worldnewsweekly; and they actually think that it will make the least bit of difference to the average American which political party actually inhabits the White House. This is what passes for reality in Bobbsey Twin-World.




  25. It's a pattern we have all become used to, the US goes where it wants and does what it wants. National borders mean nothing...

    This should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see and a few neurons to rub together. It has been the history of the US since its birth, intermittently at times, constant over the past 60 years. It has led to the position we are in today. In the past two decades, it has taken us from the world's sole hyper-power to a 'first-among' level as superpower.

    Mostly nonsense.

    We weren't looking to do WWI for instance. We were practically disarmed at the time. Same for WWII. We did wonderfully well protecting Western Europe. Recall for me that when given the chance they one and all came rushing to the freedom of the west and away from the Russian Bear.

    There are prison islands in our own hemisphere where wonderful argument can be made that we should go in and liberate, but we always hold back.

    People from these areas often wish to come here so badly that they risk shark infested water on inner tubes to get here....

    alt-right hate-mongering sites like jihadwatch; frontpagemag

    What a crock.

    You would do well to read them on a regular basis, if anything would do you well.

    Again you manifest a total lack of proportion and a lack of historical reading as well, and a very very selective memory.

    1. oops...forgot my closing:


    2. .

      You ass. Go back and re-read my words. Try to read them slowly and carefully. Try to parse the meaning as best you can. You are an embarrassment to all English majors.


      Our combat operations in WWII lasted 4 years. We were fighting in Vietnam full bore for almost a decade. We were heavily involved there before that going back to 1950 when we were supporting the French with military aid. Iraq 8 years and now we are back. Afghanistan 15 years with no end in sight. Libya. Bosnia. Syria. Yemen. Try thinking. Heck, try reading. And no, I don't consider jihadwatch reading. It's the perverse adult version of a teenager going behind the barn to read Hustler in order to jack off.

      There are prison islands in our own hemisphere where wonderful argument can be made that we should go in and liberate, but we always hold back.

      Wonderful argument. You confirm my opinion with every word that comes out of your mouth.
      Here, you argue that we haven't fucked up enough countries but at least there are enough out there to keep us busy meddling for the foreseeable future.

      People from these areas often wish to come here so badly that they risk shark infested water on inner tubes to get here....

      True. But your paleo-mind can't quite rise to the level were it can encompass the fact that the vast majority (and way beyond the 99% level) of people looking to leave the ME are looking to either get a better life here or get away from the life we have helped deliver upon them with our insane actions in the ME.

      You, sir, are hopeless.


    3. You, Sir, are an embarrassment to all ad men everywhere. Your goods are sparkle shoddy, all with 'lifetime' warranties, you appeal to the most base instincts in human life, your casting come from D Street, and your credits are often misspelled.

      You, Sir, have no hope, nor has anyone any hope for you.

      You need a break. You need to go to Spain and jump bulls for three months, drink wine and smoke cigars in the evenings, and after that, Maia....

      It's your only, and last, chance to pull out of it.

  26. The list of women accusing Trump of sexual assault is getting pretty long:

    1. The list of women intimidated by Bill and Hill has been censored.

      With your approval.

    2. Trump trotted them out on stage just recently. What was censored?

    3. 30 years ago, and paid for by the Democrat National Committee.

      Grow up, Ash.

  27. .

    From the Times of Israel...

    Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn endorses Trump

    You can't make it up.



    1. (-)

      Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia, the IRS Public Workers Union, The FBI Public Workers Union, etc etc, endorse Hillary.

      You can't make it up.

      You can't make it up.


    2. Actually, you can make it up, if you want to.

    3. Golden Dawn -'far-right, neo-nazi' - those words come so easily off the lips of leftists.....

      The party is hard eurosceptic.[6][7][8][9] It is also anti-globalist.[10]
      National Plan[edit]
      In 2015, Golden Dawn outlined their 'National Plan' for Greece's recovery from the financial crisis as follows:[35]
      Increase agricultural production and manufacturing.
      Reward hard work and implement a meritocracy.
      Exploit Greece's oil, gas, and precious metal reserves.
      Audit and erase part of the national debt which they deem illegal.
      Demand that the German government repay a loan that was forced upon Greece during the Axis occupation.
      Form free trade agreements with Russia, Iran, and China; and remove the red tape blocking trade.
      Proclaim Greece's exclusive economic zone.
      Expand Greece's territorial waters to 12 nautical miles as agreed by the UNCLOS.
      Repeal Members of Parliament's immunity to criminal prosecution, arrest, and detention while in office.
      Remove party funding obtained from taxes and rely instead on donations.
      Reduce the size of the Hellenic Parliament to 180 members.
      Dissolve any existing plutocracy.
      Provide tax relief for investors, businessmen, and shipowners who employ only Greek workers and move their capital into national banks.
      Dismiss those recruited illegally into the public sector as a result of cronyism.
      Expulsion of all illegal immigrants who have entered Greece.
      Subsidize those in maternity, and offer tax breaks to young parents and those with large families.
      Nationalization of banks that received state loans.
      Nationalization of natural resources.


  28. .

    After holding out and embarrassing himself at the Congressional hearings on the Wells Fargo fraud investigation, John Strumpf finally resigned as CEO. Rather than being criminally charged in the case, he will walk away with $134 million for his incompetence.


  29. Doug Wed Oct 12, 11:12:00 PM EDT

    Ash thinks it's a good thing that Trump's abuses are publicized.

    Ash thinks it's a good thing that that the Clinton's abuses are not publicized.


    Quirk Thu Oct 13, 02:10:00 AM EDT

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Quirk Thu Oct 13, 02:13:00 AM EDT

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. "clifford orwin

    "Admit it, you’re going to miss The Donald

    Special to The Globe and Mail

    Clifford Orwin is a professor of political science and senior fellow of Massey College at the University of Toronto.

    The appallingly addictive contest for the American presidency is over, and has been for more than a week now. Even before the leak of the Billy Bush repartee tape, Hillary Clinton had consolidated her lead and a Donald Trump comeback was highly unlikely. Now that the tape and Mr. Trump’s brawling response have blown the lid off his campaign, the odds against him are Trump Tower steep. Nothing remains to be decided but the undercard.

    So let’s seize this early opportunity to pronounce Mr. Trump’s eulogy. On Nov. 9, millions of Americans and their Canadian well-wishers will awaken to a sense of loss. They will find to their surprise that they miss Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has grown on us even as we have despised him. Our relationship with him has evolved into co-dependency.

    Mr. Trump’s need of us has been only too clear. Our loathing for him has proved his foremost political asset. His credibility as a populist has depended not just on his hatred of us elites, but on our returning it. Our loathing for Mr. Trump has empowered his supporters and strengthened their bond with him. Good jobs may have abandoned them, and both major parties shafted them, but they still count for something. They remain a force for latte sippers to reckon with, and the face on that force is Mr. Trump.

    You can condemn Mr. Trump as an ignoramus, but he knows how to push his supporters’ buttons – and ours. So what if that has meant going daily where no candidate has gone before – not even himself? Our outrage has been music to his ears; our crucial contribution to his campaign. Even Canadians have had our role to play, since populists bask in the disapproval of foreigners.

    True, Mr. Trump briefly flirted with a more measured approach. That phase lasted only days, however – or was it minutes? Perhaps it sputtered because he lacked the temperament to sustain it. Or perhaps he decided, correctly, that there was no longer enough middle ground left to seize to win him the election. Lines having hardened, his prospects for victory (however dim) now depended entirely on turnout. Yet there was never any reason to think that lacking a ground game he was in any position to win the turnout battle. It was thus clear even before the release of the Access Hollywood tape that doubling down was getting him nowhere.

    Let’s give Trump his due, however. Just as we have proved indispensable to Mr. Trump, so has he proved to us. He vindicates our most cherished caricatures. In every elevator at my university, if the first topic raised is the Blue Jays, the second is The Donald. Liberals, and especially the younger among them, should cherish the moment. Even should they live to 120 (as science promises them) they won’t know another opponent as bleatworthy.

    There is even a sacral aspect to this repulsive drama. In his odious larger-than-lifeness, Mr. Trump has risen out of the ranks of the merely profane. He serves his opponents as a scapegoat. Like the original, he will soon disappear, driven into the political wilderness (in his case by his own imprudence). So, too, he will bear with him all the supposed sins of the American republic. From Black Lives Matter to climate change zealots, the left finds its Satan in Mr. Trump. Like any scapegoat, he has become more symbol than reality.

    I should make clear my sympathy for the grievances of Trump supporters toward Ms. Clinton and other establishment politicians. She has described these supporters as deplorable, and she at least has good reason to deplore them. They see through her spurious claim to represent them.


    1. Mr. Trump has been right to complain that the election should have been about Ms. Clinton. She is the quasi-incumbent and her record cries out for scrutiny. Yet, that it has largely escaped it is partly the fault of Mr. Trump. How could the election be about her when he so clearly craved that it be about him, The Donald, who was the greatest at this, The Donald who was the greatest at that. He would stop at nothing to be the story. (It has proved his only principle.) At this at least he has succeeded magnificently; he should have been careful what he wished for."

    2. Ash thinks it's a good thing that Trump's abuses are publicized.

      Ash thinks it's a good thing that that the Clinton's abuses are not publicized.

    3. If Mr. Rogers were alive and running against Hillary, the MSM would make it all about how fucked Mr. Rogers was, especially in comparison to Saint Hillary.

      Ash would give his approval from Canada, where they love to congratulate themselves on how much better they are than Americans, in all things.

    4. Lordy, do you somehow think that repeating your fantasy will make it true?

    5. Lordy, do you think avoiding the truth refutes it?

    6. I heard Mr Rogers was really running a child prostitution ring, the TV program was just a cover.

      I heard this from somebody, some time ago.

      But I can't remember where.

      It's true though, I did hear that.

      Who could make that up ?

  31. Long before we had the TSA, (Thanks Democrats, and GWB.) Canada had border Nazis that loved to harass and intimidate Americans.

  32. Clifford Orwin is a professor of political science, is 57 years old, and has never had a real job.

  33. This November it's really simple...

    If you want a country where the media reports on what the President is doing, vote Trump.

    If you want a shadow government infected with corruption that the media turns a blind eye to, vote for Hillary.


    1. WikiLeaks Exposes Workings of an American 'Nomenklatura'

  34. .

    It would be helpful to the rest of us if those who like to criticize the MSM could define it for us. I mean when hearing the term, I think most of us would think of the WaPo and NYT included in it. Does it also include FOX news. USA Today? The Weekly Standard? The Wall Street Journal? The Denver Post? National Review?

    I suspect we will find that the MSM is usually whatever media group that's editorial policy is different from what we believe.


    1. There is no MSM bias for Hillary.

    2. Washington Post is Fucked.

      (As in "American Thinker is Fucked")


    3. I've thought for a long time Quirk needs to lose weight, particularly if he takes my advice and goes bull jumping for a few months, to 'chill' as the kids say. I want him to come back with his package intact, of course.

    4. Quirk's Qwik Glance At The News At Home and Abroad, easy terms subscription required*,, is MSM, in my view.

      "Understandable News For Those Without Understanding"

  35. Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

    Besting Obama, Hillary Wins Peace Prize Prior to Election

    1. Who won this year's Nobel Bull shitter Prize ?

  36. Washington (AFP) - The Washington Post on Thursday became the latest US newspaper to emphatically endorse Hillary Clinton for the White House, saying it was swayed as much by her competence as by the alarming specter of a Donald Trump presidency.

    "Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation," the influential US daily wrote, adding, "no, we are not making this endorsement simply because Ms Clinton's chief opponent is dreadful."

    1. The Compost

      Quirk's paper is more interesting, and accurate too.

    2. Though its horse racing tip page, The Jockey's Corner's Tipster Picks of the Day, is obviously influenced by the highest bidder.

  37. Trump is in the lead 43% to Clinton's 41%

    The Democrats sleazy sex attacks are not working.

    People are tired of Dems being weasels.

    Hey, did you see the article I put up showing Obama showing off his 'clothed' erection ?

    The girls seemed to like the show.

    One said "Take it out"


    So with Hillary people are chanting:

    "Lock her up !"

    And with Obama they are chanting:

    "Take it out"

    Overseas, the Iranians are still lookin' out for us, and our interests, by having their surrogates shoot missiles at our Navy ships.

    What a revoltin' situation the whole thing is from top to bottom.

    I'm glad I don't have to worry any longer about my vote.

    Vote early, and relax.

  38. Ivana Trump raped me.

    I told Bob about it when she did it.

    1. Yup, that's what you said, got your eyeballs fucked out by Ivanka, or Ivana.

      I said 'try to get some hush money out it' and you said hell no I don't want to scare her away I want her to do it again....

  39. Bob was so distressed about it, he watched that Obama video again to flush it out of his mind.

  40. Most evident from the Wikileaks downloads is the unremitting, almost incestual, alliance between elites (read: Democratic Party leadership) and the press, those who are informing us of what we are supposed to think. The myriad emails between New York Times reporter and CNBC anchor John Harwood and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta would approach the risible were they not so disturbing by implication. Presidential debate moderator Harwood, putatively a journalist, actually acts as an advisor to Podesta in them, warning the campaign manager of the dangers of a potential Ben Carson candidacy and even bragging to him about having tripped up Donald Trump at a debate.

    But the presidential debate moderator is far from alone in his fealty to the ways and means of the nomenklatura. The New York Times and the Boston Globe—the emails show, as if we hadn't guessed already—colluded with the Clinton campaign.

  41. Trump delivered the speech of the century:

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