Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Governments of Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Qatar Donated Multiple Millions of Dollars each to Clinton’s Charitable Foundation - Wikileaks Reveals HILLARY Clinton Knew About Saudi and Qatari Support for ISIS

UPDATE :🎩🎩🎩 Bob

UPDATE :🎩🎩🎩 Doug

Clinton says Saudi Arabia, Qatar provide ‘clandestine’ support to ISIS – WikiLeaks

Contrary to Qatar’s assurances that it does not support Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Hillary Clinton apparently believes that they are in fact providing “clandestine financial and logistic support to IS and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” according to an August 17, 2014 email released by WikiLeaks on Monday. 

“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” she wrote to Pedestal.

“This effort will be enhanced by the stepped up commitment in the KRG [Kurdish Regional Government]. The Qataris and Saudis will be put in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure,” she added.

Clinton also named Saudi Arabia as a supporter of IS, a country which has previously been accused of funding other terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The kingdom also has a policy of torture and public executions, not entirely dissimilar to the actions of IS.

What pressure the US plans to put on the Saudi government remains to be seen. However, following the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child’s scathing report on the country’s human rights abuses, if the US doesn’t put pressure on the government, others may do so instead.

Earlier this year, it seemed that Qatar and the US had at least a working relationship in the effort to fight IS. In June, American B-52 Stratofortress bombers flew to the Al Udeid Air Base, where they were to be deployed to fight IS.
Saudi Arabia has also claimed to be on the US’ side in the fight against IS. However, actions speak louder than words. In September, an Al-Nusra commander identified as “Abu Al-Ezz” claimed that both the US and its Persian Gulf allies were providing his group with weapons.

While the US categorically denied arming the terrorist organization in order to fight IS, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters, “there are those – not the US – who back various opposition groups in Syria, who might also seek to arm them,” and that would lead to escalation.

Podesta is not the first person to accuse Saudi Arabia of funding IS. In July, Britain’s Foreign Affairs Sub-committee urged Gulf states to apply pressure and legal barriers to prevent royal family members from sponsoring extremist organizations.

UK Foreign Office senior civil servant Dan Chugg said when “dealing with royal families, wealthy princes and those kind of things,” it is “difficult with some of these countries to know exactly what is government funding.
He implied that Saudi Arabia had donated money in the past, saying the Foreign Office must “work with local partners in the region to ensure they have the capacity and resolve to rigorously enforce local laws to prevent the funding of Islamic State, so that the group cannot benefit from donations in future.

IS and Al-Nusra may not be the only groups benefiting from Gulf state money. In May, the New York Times reported that Muslims in Kosovo were being indoctrinated into Wahhabism by extremist clerics who received funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and others.

Saudi charities began popping up in Kosovo following the unrest of the Balkan wars and offered to rebuild mosques and provide assistance in exchange for following stricter Islamic rules, such as requiring women to wear headscarves.
If Saudi Arabia’s funding of spreading Wahhabism in Kosovo is anything like its alleged funding of IS, then the US may be in for a bigger fight. For example, Al Waqf al Islami, one of the Saudi funded organizations, pumped in more than $11 million from 2000 through 2012.


  1. What kind of people run Washington DC?

    1. Traitors, at the current time.

      That's what my lawyer said.

      I see her in a couple of days, and will ask her to expound, and report back.

  2. ISIS could never have come into existence if the US State Department under Obama/Clinton did their job.

  3. As to Clinton, I think of it as 'the Huma Effect'.

    As to Obama, I think of it as 'the Islamic Effect'.

  4. From my exclusive 'It's News To "Q" Files' -

    Leaked emails show coordinated Obama/Clinton effort to mislead public about Iran deal
    October 10, 2016 1:49 pm By Robert Spencer

    Find out exactly how disastrous the Iran deal was in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran. The consequences will not be fully apparent for years. Eventually, they will be obvious to everyone.

    “Clinton Campaign, White House Coordinated Pro-Iran Deal Talking Points,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, October 10, 2016:

    Senior Clinton campaign officials were in direct contact with the White House to coordinate pro-Iran talking points in an effort to boost last summer’s comprehensive nuclear agreement, according to leaked emails that show the Obama administration and top figures in Clinton’s campaign played a role in promulgating information about the deal that later turned out to be factually inaccurate.

    The emails, released late on Friday in a massive document dump by the hacker website WikiLeaks, show coordination between Hillary Clinton’s team and the White House, which spearheaded a massive effort to create what senior officials described as a pro-Iran “echo chamber” to mislead Congress and Americans about the nature of the agreement.

    The director of national intelligence and Department of Homeland Security have accused “Russia’s senior-most officials” of hacking and leaking emails posted to WikiLeaks and other sites to influence and interfere with the 2016 election.

    An April 2, 2015, communication sent from top White House press liaison Eric Shultz to Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri includes several pages of pro-Iran talking points that were later discovered to contain misleading information.

    “Love it!!” Palmieri responded to Schultz’s email. She subsequently forwarded the information to leading Clinton aides, including Cheryl Mills, Brian Fallon, and Nick Merrill, among others.

    The disclosure of these emails threatens to entangle the Clinton campaign in a growing scandal surrounding secret White House efforts to mislead Congress and the public about the nuclear deal.

    Congress has been investigating these efforts for months and has uncovered evidence the Obama administration inked several secret side deals with Iran, including the rollback of key sanctions on Tehran and a $1.7 billion cash payment.

    The Clinton campaign has been criticized in recent days for doubling down on its support of the Iran deal and for making false claims about its progress....


  5. John Podesta is a UFO enthusiast -

    Hacked: Astronaut warned Clinton chairman against 'war in space'

    By Rudy Takala (@RudyTakala) • 10/11/16 12:57 AM

    Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta had dealings with two high-profile space enthusiasts seeking to get to the bottom of extraterrestrial life, according to newly-released emails, including one former astronaut who warned against a "war in space."

    The messages, sent by punk band member Tom DeLonge and the late Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, were included in a batch of more than 4,000 emails obtained from Podesta's inbox and published by WikiLeaks over the last several days.

    The emails reveal Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the moon, first writing to Podesta in January 2015, when the latter was still serving as a counselor to President Obama. "I understand you are leaving the administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss disclosure and zero point energy, at your earliest available [sic] after your departure," Mitchell wrote.

    Zero point energy is a theoretical method of reaching a practical speed during space travel by "warping" space. Mitchell added that he would bring his "Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield," who describes herself online as the director of a task force on extraterrestrial intelligence, "to bring us up to date on the Vatican's awareness of ETI."....

    ....Mitchell wrote a second time in August 2015, apparently in advance of a scheduled talk with Podesta online. "Because the war in space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.

    "Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth," Mitchell wrote. "They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.


    Well thankfully they sound peaceful enough.

    Maybe with Podesta/Clinton we will at least and at last get to the bottom of Roswell and Area 51.

    Quirk tried but only ended up with his arse full of cactus thorns for his efforts.

    1. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space

      The 'nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe' don't seem to be doing so well with regard to the Middle East, however, due to the incompetence/machinations of the Obama/Clinton regime.

  6. Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane...

    Foundation accused of looting impoverished nation after quake....DRUDGE


  7. Trump Celebrates In Pennsylvania


  8. Did Hillary not notice that the Saudis were funding Islamic radicals in the country her husband bombed in former Yugoslavia? Did she miss the Saudi funding of the Mujahideen, Reagan’s founding fathers? Did she miss the consequences of her vote in Iraq? Was she oblivious to the CIA scam to take arms from Obama/Clinton destabilized Libya to send to destabilized Syria?

    Was she too focused on the children (obviously not children in the Middle East) to appreciate or care about the consequences of her and her husband’s callous disregard for human life in the Middle East?

    What kind of person would vote for such a louse?

  9. Of the people here, only Ash comes to mind, your typical smirking ultra lib know nothing.

  10. It gets worse. I knew how much she has cared about the children, but Americans don’t care if they are children from the Middle East, But this should get their attention.

    Check Drudge for Wikileaks dump 3:

    New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Pedestal that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.
    The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.
    The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.
    “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.
    “I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.

    1. Hillary is truly a twisted sister.

      She's downright scary.

      No wonder Broaddrick and the others are frightened of her.

    2. ummmm, guys, it's the phrase "everyday Americans" that is hated.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Quirk was trying valiantly the other day to make comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

      He should have been making comparison between Hillary and, say, Lenin....

      The only connection I can think of between Trump and Hitler is the desire to build big fancy buildings.....but Dolph didn't know how and Drumpf does....

      Releases Another 1,000 Emails From Podesta...
      His UFO Obsession....DRUDGE

      Wonderful !

      Prsident Bleach Bitch Average American Hater will be advised by a nitwit from Earth Proxima.

      John Podesta does look a little nuts, now that I consider it.

      An ill wind is blowing from the east, Americans are still buying guns are record paces, and there are rumblings of secession all across the West

      The Coming National Gun Ban – and How the States Can Resist
      Michael Filozof
      Conservative, pro-gun “red” states might have one final ace in the hole.  More


      Grrr....and I have, in the depths of my heart, pledged Quirk too a place of refuge on the farm....

    3. The article above talks about forming militias. I've mentioned this. We've always had a militia. It is our State Constitution. I've been in our Idaho Militia here all my life, now Militia Retired.

      There is always Montana. They have an automatic out if the Feds mess with their guns.

    4. I have noticed The Donald uses the term 'love' much more frequently than Hillary'

      "Feel the love in this room'

      "I love these people'

      "Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally.....lots of love in this room"

      And that miniature Trump kid was a great hit the other day other...


  12. The 11-point lead for Hillary in WSJ-NBC poll sure looks like psy-ops - 10/11/16
    Propaganda poll More


  13. .

    Clinton also named Saudi Arabia as a supporter of IS, a country which has previously been accused of funding other terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The kingdom also has a policy of torture and public executions, not entirely dissimilar to the actions of IS...

    Saudi Arabia aiding al Queda?

    Well, duh. Of course, they helped them. They helped create them along with the US and Pakistan. Now, I think most of the al Queda's aid is coming from Qatar though.

    Saudi Arabia and ISIS? Of course, SA is supporting ISIS, at least in Syria. However, they must realize by now that their attack dogs can turn around and bite them too what with attacks by both groups in the Kingdom itself. But that won't stop SA from funding other Islamist groups. It's what they do. And, of course, the US knows all this.

    What pressure the US plans to put on the Saudi government remains to be seen. However, following the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child’s scathing report on the country’s human rights abuses, if the US doesn’t put pressure on the government, others may do so instead.

    I'll believe it when I see it. Until the media started shining the light on the Yemen conflict the world ignored it. The US was still selling cluster bombs (a more efficient way of producing the same effects as Assad's barrel bombs)to SA until a couple of months ago when the pressure of world attention got to be too much and talk of war crime trials started scaring a few people.

    The UN? The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child were about to add SA to their list of child abusers this year for stoning, flogging, and executions of children. Then SA threatened to pull all funding from the organization so the UN said, "Never mind.'

    A perfect example of what drives this world, the Golden Rule, the cynical one not the Jesus one.


  14. .

    Saudi Arabia has also claimed to be on the US’ side in the fight against IS. However, actions speak louder than words. In September, an Al-Nusra commander identified as “Abu Al-Ezz” claimed that both the US and its Persian Gulf allies were providing his group with weapons.

    Gee, who to believe a ruthless, terrorist thug or the US government? That's a toughy.

    In this case, I'd come down with believing the ruthless, terrorist thug. IMO, since the war in Syria began, the US was more interested in taking out the Assad regime than in fighting ISIS. That's why for the first year of the war there, the US didn't do shit. There was no progress at all merely a series of perfunctory bomb runs taking down ISIS bed-down locations and 'dirt bridges'. The US was perfectly willing to allow ISIS run free as long as they were fighting Assad. It wasn't until last year when Russia entered the fray and started taking out ISIS oil convoys and facilities that the US was forced to take the fight seriously mainly out of embarrassment.

    Unlike a couple of nitwits here who can't differentiate between current threats to US interests and long term existential threats to US interests, the US realizes that ISIS is simply a relatively small group of raghead thugs who will never pose an existential threat the the US. Israel and other countries in their neighborhood realize the same. Israel has ISIS on their northern border; yet, ISIS is down around third on their list of major threats.

    I wouldn't believe a damn thing I heard coming out of the Obama administration regarding what their aims are in the US. Actions speak louder than words.


  15. .

    More genius US foreign policy...

    Saudi charities began popping up in Kosovo following the unrest of the Balkan wars and offered to rebuild mosques and provide assistance in exchange for following stricter Islamic rules, such as requiring women to wear headscarves.

    All the Balkans have seen an increase in Wahabism and radical Islamism since SA began pouring $ hundreds of billions into the area. Kosovo is now the main crossroads for radical Islamic fighters and recruits coming from North Africa and heading to the ME.

    A couple months back I saw articles indicating the US was thinking about continuing their encirclement of Russia by putting nukes into the Balkans.


    1. If the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations had simply acted on the truths depicted about Saudi Arabia in Steve Emerson's video "Jihad in America" (1994) 9-11 wouldn't have happened and we (and much of the rest of the World) would not be in this mess.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. .

    I've notice Jim Jones used the word 'love' a lot. He even equated the Divine Principle with Love.

    And it's said that his followers always had a pretty good time. Well, until they didn't.

    Kool-aid anyone?



  18. .

    It's said the MSM is in the tank for Obama and Clinton, automatically supporting everything they say whether true or not and denying or ignoring any conflicting info.

    Many claim this is intentional and is the result of liberal bias within much of the media. It's an easy assumption to make but I have to wonder if that is the whole story. Could it be that a lot of this apparent bias is predicated more on stupidity than on narrow-mindedness. Perhaps these people actually believe the pap they put out.

    The latest example was in the last debate. Now, the moderators failed to fact-check Hillary when she lied about not being SOS when Obama issued his red-line comment. I won't fault them on this since it's kind of hard to keep all the details separate (she didn't leave until 2013). However, when Trump was asked to talk about Aleppo. His answer was rather rambling and convoluted but he finally got around to accusing the US of being foolish for announcing all of their plans in advance such as the pending assault on Mosul. Raddadz jumped in with the following...

    RADDATZ: There are sometimes reasons the military does that. Psychological warfare.

    TRUMP: I can’t think of any. I can’t think of any. And I’m pretty good at it.

    RADDATZ: It might be to help get civilians out.

    At this point, had I been Trump, I would have invited Raddatz to come up on the stage if she wanted to get into the debate. She certainly wasn't moderating anymore. She wasn't even fact-checking. She was throwing out a bunch of hypotheticals. She wasn't even debating, she was arguing.

    My point though is that Raddatz is known in the media as a kind of foreign policy "expert". She couldn't help but jump in and show off her FP bona fides. The problem, of course, is that she is simply feeding back CENTCOM talking points that she is fed everyday and in doing so she shows how credulous she as become. No doubt she feels pretty damn good when a general or some high government official sits down face to face with her and 'explains' things to her directly. It's got to be a boost to her ego. But these are the people we are forced to listen to daily. Always parroting the party line. Always arrogantly displaying their credulity.

    Is it purposeful deceit or are they just that stupid?


    1. Isn't the important thing that they do it all the time not why they do it?

      And that it is one giant dishonest corrupt cabal.

      For me that is why an outsider is preferable to a super uber insider like Hillary.

    2. ...and trashing and threatening victims of Bill's rape and sexual abuse is worse than sophomoric boasts about immoral behavior.

      But NOT in CabalWorld tm

  19. .

    Hillary's late-night TV pals aren't funny

    I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among many new late-night hosts in this election cycle: They’re not funny. Instead of doing jokes about the two main presidential candidates, they are unapologetically functioning as Hillary Clinton surrogates to take out Donald Trump.
    Jay Leno used to advise comedians to check their political activism at the door: “You start out as a comedian … then you become a commentator, then you’re out of show business.” Once the agenda takes priority over the punchline, the joke’s over.

    Today’s late-night comedians would do well to heed Leno’s advice. Their role should not be to proselytize but to highlight the numerous foibles of the presidential candidates, both of whom are among the most disliked ever. Recently, Full Frontal host Samantha Bee attacked late-night colleague Jimmy Fallon for conducting a light-hearted interview with Trump during which the affable Tonight Show host messed up the billionaire’s hair.

    While Tonight is by definition an entertainment program, Bee didn’t seem to get that. On her own so-called comedy show, Bee took a vicious and direct swipe at both Fallon and NBC for going easy on Trump, “who is playing footsie with fringe hate groups.”

    Bee’s self-righteous diatribe is hardly the stuff of great comedy…


    Colbert has made no such appeal to Clinton, who last appeared on the show in April. That prerecorded interview took place over lunch in a restaurant. Colbert’s questions included these: Is Bill a vegan? What’s the worst thing you’ve had to eat at an event? You’re a grandmother? Since Colbert did not make one serious query, that would make him either a “p---y” or yet another Clinton propagandist. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it’s the latter.

    I agree with the story. The only late-night guy I can watch any more is Fallon (sometimes Kimmel). The rest of them have gone batshit crazy with this election. And as the article says, ‘they are just not funny’.

    Fallon is the only one who seems to understand his is an ‘entertainment’ show not a political soap box. Accusing Fallon of going easy on Trump is a ridiculous statement. Anyone who watches his show knows he goes easy on everybody sometimes to an annoying degree. I sometimes wonder if he doesn’t take a little blow in his dressing room prior to the show.


  20. .

    More victims of Creepy Clowns phenomenon:

    Ronald McDonald goes into hiding.

    Witnesses reported seeing him disguised as the Burger King King sneaking out of McDonald's HQ and disappearing in a limo.

    The said they recognized him despite his disguise and the dark glasses by his huge feet and the stretch clown car he left in.


    1. There was a clip on the local news down here a couple days ago where this guy driving in his car with a dashcam on pulled over in the middle of the night in front of this guy standing on the side of the road in a clown suit holding a baseball bat.

      The guy in the car got out and beat the shit out of him until the clown guy was bent over and his clown suit fell off over his head.


  21. Thought Control 2016


  22. “I don’t like the Republicans who are trying to divide the us,” said Carol Patterson, a 71-year-old retired teacher and Trump supporter from Indian Trail, N.C. “You want them to understand if they leave Trump, they’re giving it to Hillary.”

    Michael Steel, who worked as an aide to former House Speaker John Boehner as well as on Ryan’s 2012 vice presidential campaign, said members of Congress would have to weigh the political consequences of their choices at the district level, and consult their own consciences.

    “Everybody’s battening down the hatches,” he said. “It’s going to be a hell of a ride.”

  23. “You want them to understand if they leave Trump, they’re giving it to Hillary.”
    True, but many refuse to confront that simple truth, as if pothead has a chance.

    1. I'm not a pot head.

      I'm a potato.

    2. It's funny. If you don't vote for Hillary you're giving it to Trump so say my Democrats friends...


  24. Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton

    A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spend long hours responding to negative news on the internet about her. The Clinton SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign, acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter. That amount has since increased to over $6 million. The trolls create a false impression that Clinton has more support than she really does, because one supporter will frequently create multiple anonymous accounts.

    Libby Watson of The Sunlight Foundation observed that the astroturf effort goes far beyond merely defending Clinton, to targeting and intimidating those who criticize her. She told The Daily Beast, “This seems to be going after essentially random individuals online.”


    Hillary’s Anonymous Trolls First Targeted Bernie Sanders

    The Clinton Machine Has Used Anonymous Trolls at Least as Far Back as 2007

    The anonymous fake accounts come are nothing new for Clinton. In 2007, paid campaign staffers and volunteers on her campaign were caught creating anonymous accounts to artificially inflate her support. The influential Blue Hampshire blog discovered the ruse, when several anonymous accounts were all created in succession on the site from the same Clinton campaign IP address, which then bolstered pro-Clinton diaries.

    Clinton hired a campaign manager this election cycle known for his scorched earth tactics. Robby Mook started a listserv in 2009 known as “Mook’s Mafia” to share political information with associates. He says things like “smite Republicans mafia-style” and “F U Republicans. Mafia till I die.” He has also said, “First, the mafia never separates, it just continues to grow and expand and move into other states in order to destroy Republicans.” By choosing Mook, Clinton reveals the type of campaign she wants, Alinskyite tactics of do anything to win.

    1. The 'pubs are just too stupid to do it as well...


    2. Well, well, well, look how corrupt you have become, SMIRK.

      You should be ashamed but rather you seem proud.

  25. For all the bluster and bravado, accusations and denials over tapes and emails, there was a quiet but deadly serious issue raised in the second US presidential debate: what to do about Syria and, more broadly, how to counter Russia in that blighted nation and other places.

    In the past few weeks there has been a steady deterioration in relations between the West and Russia:

    Moscow has suspended three nuclear agreements with Washington;
    Nuclear-capable missiles have been moved to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, putting them within easy reach of neighbouring Poland and even Germany;
    Three Russian warships equipped with cruise missiles have been deployed from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean; and


    The Russian leader knows his military manoeuvrings which have so alarmed NATO will probably not be met by an outgoing President Obama whose "red line" over Syria was no line at all and seen widely seen as exposing a total lack of resolve.

  26. One vote was cast in Idaho for The Donald today, that if my wife.

    "I'm tired of hearing about it", she said. "I'm gonna go get it over with."

    And, she did. Voted for Crapo and Raul Labrador too.

    1. Isn't Crapo the gay guy who got busted in the airport toilet?

    2. :)

      He gets that a lot. His name is actually pronounced Cray - po but he gets it a lot.

      The perp was Larry 'toe tappin' Graig aka 'widestance'.....

      He had been gay as a goose for a long time according Nick the Bartender (PhD- sociology, WSU) and everyone back east knew too. Nick got in an argument with the Sociology Department over job terms and said 'fuck you I'll go bartending' and he did too. First at The Elks Club then The Nobby Inn. Once the word got out about toe tapper widestance he was toast. I had met the guy twice, once he went on and on about getting AIDS from the air. Anyway I wrote him a one sentence letter -

      "Resign for the good of the Party"

      I got back

      "Thank you for being forthright"

      He was gone in a few weeks.

      Nick got a city wide city sendoff when he died.

      People used to say of Nick......look him up under aardvark in the dictionary...

      By unanimous acclaim here, he was The Greatest Bartender In USA History.

      If Larry Craig had been a Democrat back east there would have been no controversy at all.

    3. Nick The Bartender was a Democrat but everybody loved him so much nobody cared.

      Great conversationalist. World class bullshitter.

      I miss him.

    4. Nicholas P. Roberts, 80, Moscow | Obituaries | lmtribune.com

      Moscow Bartender and Sports Historian Nick Roberts died Saturday, ... Nicholas P. Roberts, 80, Moscow ... Nick attended the University of Idaho, ...
      INK: Moscow bartender, who knew 'everyone and everything ...

      Nicholas Phillip Roberts, known to all as Nick, died this past weekend. A bartender for some 50 years, Nick "knew everyone and everything, ...
      OBITUARY: Nick Roberts - Moscow-Pullman Daily News: …

      Nicholas Philip Roberts died Saturday, Oct. 21, at his Moscow ... 1926 to Lewis and Margaret Moyle Roberts, Nick ... He mentored many a young UI student and bartender ...

    5. Truth and tale sometimes intermingled in Nick's mind, a little like I observe in Quirk's mind.

      He claimed to have been in WWII in the Secret Service, and to have a son in the Army during the Iraq war....

      I do know he got a PhD from WSU cause we had an insider there look it up. But he couldn't get along with them.

      The obits don't make mention of his working at the Elks Club but he also did that a lot.

      He claimed to me privately one time that he had the whole bar 'wired' so he'd know what was really going on. Said he'd tip me off if I was in any danger.

      As one lady states, it didn't matter how your ordered your drink, when it arrived it was always done his way, to your definite benefit.....he can't be accused of ever pouring a short drink or cheating his customers...

      The Inkster is the pen name of a nice lady who used to work for the local paper.

      I wish Pete Harriman would come back. Miss him too. He went mid west somewhere.

      The old town is changing....we now have a gay bar and an 'international' restaurant.

      Finally it got so the Nobby couldn't compete with the fast food joints, and as their food service business declined.....well the time came to close.....

  27. She doesn't have to read this stuff any longer -

    Releases Another 1,000 Emails From Podesta...
    How Saudi Arabia And Qatar ARE Funding ISIS...
    UNIVISION chief urged Clinton to hit harder...
    CNBC John Harwood Advises Campaign [And he was debate moderator?!]...
    NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes!
    BOSTON GLOBE coordinated to max her 'presence' in paper...
    BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions...
    Used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal...
    State Dept Coordinated Email Release...

    Used Benghazi as Distraction from E-mail Scandal

    Like using the murder to cover up for the bank robbery...

    1. Everybody else (Everyday People) are just too stupid to do it as well...

  28. Megyn Kelly is on my shit list.

    Judge Jeanine Pirro remains a star in the high sky.

    Also Sheriff Clarke and Ben Carson.

    O'Reilly has slipped badly.

    1. For those possessing the capacity to understand him, Sebastion Gorka is always good.

    2. What's Megyn's latest infraction?

    3. She hates Trump's guts, and it is always showing.

      Judge Andrew Napolitano still going good.

      Harris Faulkner too.

    4. Is he a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers?

    5. Beats me. Do they let beautiful intelligent women in as running backs for the Pittsburgh Steelers these days ?

      How does Harris find the time ?

    6. Sorry, I got Faulkner confused with Franco.

  29. It's another haunting picture of a wounded child from Syria. This one has also gone viral on social media.


    Activists wrote sarcastic comments under the Facebook post.
    "Warplanes messed her beautiful hair up and colored her face red," it said.


    Sixteen people were killed in renewed airstrikes in rebel-held Aleppo after nearly a week of relative calm, according to activists and residents.

  30. Trump pulled his punches today but has passed the Rubicon and as the English say, “In for a penny,in for a pound” (the consequences are the same). He may as well go for broke.


  31. Cowper, William
    British, (1731-1800)

    The Love of the World Reproved:
    or, Hypocrisy Detected

    Thus says the prophet of the Turk,
    “Good Mussulman, abstain from pork;
    There is a part in every swine
    No friend of follower of mine
    May taste, whate’er his inclination,
    On pain of excommunication.”
    Such Mahomet’s mysterious charge,
    And thus he left the point at large.
    Had he the sinful part express’d,
    They might with safety eat the rest;
    But for one piece they thought it hard
    From the whole hog to be debarr’d;
    And set their wit at work to find
    What joint the prophet had in mind.
    Much controversy straight arose,
    These choose the back, the belly those;
    By some ’tis confidently said
    He meant not to forbid the head;
    While others at that doctrine rail,
    And piously prefer the tail.
    Thus, conscience freed from every clog,
    Mahometans eat up the hog.
    You laugh — ’tis well — the tale applied
    May make you laugh on t’other side.
    Renounce the world — the preacher cries.
    We do — a multitude replies.
    While one as innocent regards
    A snug and friendly game at cards;
    And one, whatever you may say,
    Can see no evil in a play;
    Some love a concert, or a race;
    And others shooting, and the chase.
    Reviled and loved, renounced and follow’d,
    Thus, bit by bit, the world is swallow’d;
    Each thinks his neighbour makes too free,
    Yet likes a slice as well as he:
    With sophistry their sauce they sweeten,
    Till quite from tail to snout ’tis eaten.

    1. The Love of the World Reproved: or, Hypocrisy Detected Plenty

      The US is the Global Hypocrisy Superpower these days, from the snout to the ass.

  32. Makes it interesting.....I am getting more pleasure as an observer out this campaign than any ever before....

    1. ...Thus says the prophet of the Turk,
      “Good Mussulman, abstain from pork;
      There is a part in every swine
      No friend of follower of mine
      May taste, whate’er his inclination,
      On pain of excommunication.”

    2. William Cowper (1731-1800), English poet, hymn-writer, letter-writer and translator. He wrote Olney Hymns (1779) with the Anglican Evangelical preacher John Newton (1725-1807), and also translated Homer, Milton, Virgil, Ovid and Horace.

      Cowper is considered one of the greatest English letter-writers of his time. In his correspondence he wrote about everyday life and contemporary political and literary events.

    3. ...but more Americans fret over Kim Kardashian over anything so weighty. Your Panglossian perspective is refreshing.

  33. The ability of Hillary supporters to turn a blind eye toward manifest greed, immorality, corruption and lawlessness is astounding.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzSh4lc35I


      Please don’t mention the word “PUSSY

  34. I love this part:

    Renounce the world — the preacher cries.
    We do — a multitude replies.
    While one as innocent regards
    A snug and friendly game at cards;
    And one, whatever you may say,
    Can see no evil in a play;
    Some love a concert, or a race;
    And others shooting, and the chase.
    Reviled and loved, renounced and follow’d,
    Thus, bit by bit, the world is swallow’d;
    Each thinks his neighbour makes too free,
    Yet likes a slice as well as he:
    With sophistry their sauce they sweeten,
    Till quite from tail to snout ’tis eaten.

    ...since the press and establishment is lined up for another lick at Hillary’s ample ass.


    Clinton campaign chairman ties email hack to Russians, says Trump may have had advance notice of leak

    John Podesta said it would be "reasonable" to assume that Donald Trump’s campaign knew his email was going to be released since a longtime Trump associate said he had been in contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

  36. Couldn’t we just once have a mighty and early visit from asteroid 1950 AD to 38.9072° N, 77.0369° W?

    1. I'm guessing your numbers are those for Washington, D.C.


      OK by me.

  37. Tim Tebow Has Found His Calling

    REPORT: Tim Tebow Saves Fan From Seizure After Laying His Hands On Him And Praying

    David Hookstead

    7:47 PM 10/11/2016

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/11/report-tim-tebow-saves-fan-from-seizure-after-laying-his-hands-on-him-and-praying/#ixzz4Mqgtwqkl

    Not the first time either.

    Let's see Hillary to that.


    Aborting the Trump Revolution

    Patrick J. Buchanan | Wednesday Oct 5, 2016 8:51 AM

    In taking that $915 million loss in 1995, and carrying it forward to shelter future income, Donald Trump did nothing wrong. By both his family and his business, he did everything right.

    In a famous 1947 dissent, Judge Learned Hand wrote:
    “[T]here is nothing sinister in so arranging one’s affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. … Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere can’t.”

    This writer’s father spent his career as a tax accountant who studied tax codes and utilized every permissible deduction to keep his clients’ tax bills as low as legally possible.

    That was his business, as it is the business of every accountant, including those who prepare the returns of the politicians and journalists piling on Trump as some sort of scofflaw tax cheat who has evaded his moral obligations to the state.
    One needs a machete to cut through this hypocrisy.

    Hillary Clinton benefited from a $700,000 loss on her 2015 income taxes. In the days of poverty in Arkansas, she took a $2 deduction for a contribution to charity of Bill’s old underpants.

    Five weeks before Election Day, Trump’s taxes have displaced the former Miss Universe as the critical issue, as determined by the anti-Trump media.

    Their motivation is not difficult to discern. Their goals are two. First, make Trump unacceptable as an agent of change. Second, keep the people distracted from their determination to rid America of the incompetent and corrupt ruling class that controls this capital city.
    Consider but a few of the disasters that establishment does not want discussed or debated, or the American people thinking about, when they head for the polls in November.

    There is the great betrayal of the American working class, the deindustrialization of the country, and the loss of economic independence it took America a century to achieve.

    This disaster was produced by the trade deals enacted by Beltway politicians for the corporate contributors of their campaigns whose highest loyalty is to the bottom line of a balance sheet.

    1. {...}

      On behalf of these specials interests, U.S. politicians made the People’s Republic of China the greatest manufacturing power on earth and halted the traditional annual rise in wages of our working men and women.

      Beijing is now using the wealth compiled to build up their air, naval and missile forces to push us out of Asia and back across the Pacific.

      Then there is the illegal invasion of America and Europe by the impoverished masses of the south, who have never before been fully assimilated into any Western nation.

      Unrivaled since the last days of the Roman Empire, this invasion has Americans pleading for a security wall on their border, propelled Britain’s exit from the EU, and could yet cause a breakup of Europe.

      What is at stake here? Ultimately, Western civilization.

      We have wars going with no end in sight in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen. We have Beltway hawks howling for a “no-fly zone” and the shooting down of Syrian planes, through the chairman of the Joint Chiefs warns this could mean war with Russia.

      The War Party does not want Americans heading to the polls thinking of the thousands of dead and wounded and trillions of dollars lost in their misbegotten adventures in the Middle and Near East.

      Trump is new to national politics. Yet, with all the mistakes he has made, and all the savagery of the media attacks upon him, he is still, remarkably, very much in the race for president of the United States.

      That his crowds remain huge and his following loyal, and that he remains competitive, testifies to the depth of the detestation of our cultural, political and media elites out there in Middle America.

      ** But what happens if Hillary Clinton’s media acolytes keep the country’s focus on trivial pursuits, and she prevails?

      ** What happens to America, if the uprisings and rebellions in the two parties – Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in the GOP, the Bernie Sanders revolt in the Democratic Party — are turned back, and we get in 2017 the same old people and same old policies we repudiated in 2015 and 2016?

      ** What happens if the election, in which America demanded change in both parties, results in change in neither party?
      One wonders: Do America’s reigning elites believe the Trump movement is but a passing phase? Do they believe that the rise of populist and nationalist parties across Europe is but a seasonal epidemic of the flu that will die out, after which we can all get back to building the New World Order of Bush I and Barack Obama?

      Will history look back upon 2016 as a system failure?

    2. I misspelled: HYPOCRISY, with all do respect, If it offends any of you pussies, go fuck yourselves I’ll build a wall and you will pay for it.

    3. I was thinking of Hillary when I typed it.

    4. Perfectly good explanation for a minor error. We all have done it, letting our pictorial imaginations ride ahead of our spelling.

      I did it just recently, describing old Bleach Bitch as being dressed in an elephant dress, when I suppose to be proper I should have said something like a beautiful elevating dress, or some such.

    5. .

      Don't worry about it, Deuce. The schoolmarm usually doesn't get here until later.


    6. .

      ...for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere can’t.”

      Am I missing something? Is this clever word play? A pun, perhaps? If not, Doug will likely be shitting bricks.


    7. Yes, you are missing something. There are disagreements among us though about exactly what it is you are missing.

      I should have described Hillary's dress ass an 'elegant elephant dress'.

      That would have politely made my point.

    8. .

      You can't even observe properly.

      She looked like the Penguin.


    9. She had changed out of the outsized Penguin costume she waddled around in at the debate to what looked like a flowery dress with barf marks all over it.....I have now properly named it 'the elegant elephant dress'.

      I hope to never see her in it again.

      I hope to never see her again.

  39. Ash fits the profile found in Doug's video.

    Unaware, malleable, uninformed, clay in the hands of the artist, able to be easily controlled by sound bites and new memes.....the Death of the Republic....


    The US says Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen was an act of “self-defense” against Iranian missiles on its border. While there are similarities with the Syrian conflict, Washington sees “differences” between the deaths of over 150 civilians, blamed on Riyadh, and the situation in Aleppo.
    “It is different,” the State Department’s John Kirby has told AP’s Matt Lee, when asked whether Capitol Hill sees a difference between the recent attack in Yemen and “what you accuse the Russians and the Syrians and the Iranians of doing in Syria, particularly Aleppo?”

    The question specifically referred to an airstrike that targeted a funeral service in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, killing more than 150 civilians and injuring over 525.

    Located on opposite sides of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Syria bear few similarities, but have one thing in common: a civil conflict between their governments and rebels, which later evolved into larger-scale wars, with the intervention of foreign forces. However, the rules of the game appear to be different for each case.

    For the State Department, the Saudi pledge to investigate the bombing seems to offer some reduction in the significance of its actions.

    “The Saudis publicly said that they were going to investigate this as – for the potential of it being, in fact, wrongly implemented and wrongly executed,” Kirby said. That is something, he added, he hasn’t seen the Syrian army or the Russian military do “not once.”

    When asked about Russia’s recent demand for an investigation into an attack on a humanitarian convoy in Syria, Kirby said “it’s not exactly been a clarion call.”

    Addressing the attack in Sana’a, the UN called the bombing “outrageous” and pointed out constant strikes, specifically at places of mass congregation, which lacked proper recourse.

    “Since the beginning of this conflict in Yemen, weddings, marketplaces, hospitals, schools – and now mourners at a funeral – have been hit, resulting in massive civilian casualties and zero accountability for those responsible,” the UN said in a statement Monday.

    Yet, when it comes to Saudi Arabia and its intervention in Yemen, the State Department said it is important to remember that Riyadh has a “pressing requirement for self-defense” because of threats it faces from Iranian missiles launched by Houthi rebels near the border.

    However, there is no similar judgment regarding Syria, where rebel groups along with Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists presumably hold people at gunpoint in Aleppo.

    Kirby accused Moscow and the Assad forces of “a concerted” and “very deliberate” effort to take “to subdue” the city by force.

    As RT learned from locals still living in western Aleppo, it was not Russian forces that terrified them.

    1. .

      The Obama administration's position in Syria has always been regime change first and take care of ISIS/al Nusra/et al later. If necessary. In Yemen, it was to aid Saudi Arabia and sell more arms. Now, it is to cover its ass.


  41. wretchard • 3

    The most astonishing thing is that nobody's hiding anything any more.
    The Russians are openly stealing information; Wikileaks is blatantly distributing it.
    America's enemies are opening fire, banners flying at American warships.
    The Obama administration is frankly buying the silence or quiescence of enemies with public money.

    At the same time he's got so many secret wars going on you can lose count.

    The Clintons have got a cash drop set up in the middle of Main Street.

    The press is openly rooting for Hillary.
    Heck the UN wants her to win and isn't shy about saying so.

    ISIS is taking video, video of atrocities. It's like they don't care.
    It's like nobody cares.
    All pretense, all decorum are gone.

    The only people who care are the GOP leaders who are shocked, shocked that candidates are using bad language.

    But they're like Temperance League biddies in a saloon with a fight in progress.

    The whole spectacle is taking place in plain view and the most miraculous thing is that everyone pretends not to notice and keep drinking even while they dodge flying chairs and spittoons.

    The show must go on. The show must go on.

  42. That John Podesta really has to look, the aroma, the behavior of a sleaze, doesn't he not ?

    Not even James Carville's got anything on that Podesta turd.

    They all give me the willys.

  43. YouTube is in the tank for Hillary.

    They have placed a filtering device on Trump's political ads.



    Also Hillary's 'mystery man' has returned ....


    That's the guy everyone calls BBD - Big Black Dude -aka BBBD - Big Black Bald Dude - he's Hillary's 'medicine man', the guy that packs the emergency syringe and the pills.....

    1. (in case she comes down with another bout of 'pneumonia' aka a Parkinson's/perhaps linked epileptic seizure)

      Dr. Ash has diagnosed this as 'bad luck' and I suppose, on some level, it might be.

    2. VIDEO: Mystery ‘medical’ aide back by Hillary’s side after long absence
      October 11, 2016
      By Kyle Olson

      After a weeks-long disappearance, Hillary Clinton’s mystery aide is back by her side.
      The man, who some have said is a medical aide, could be seen quickly appearing as Hillary was making her entrance into a Miami rally with Al Gore on Tuesday.

      Watch for the man in the tan suit suddenly appear behind her: VIDEO

      As she moved about 10 feet onto the stage, he did not move to follow her.

      While some have claimed he is a Secret Service agent, his behavior today — not being in position while the candidate was making her entrance — would lend credence to the idea that he serves another purpose.

      Matt Drudge pointed out today the man hasn’t been seen with Clinton since her dramatic collapse on September 11.

      “Mysterious medical/security agent has NOT been seen by Hillary’s side [or anywhere] ONCE since the 911 seizure,” Drudge tweeted today. “What did they do with him?!”

      Prior to Clinton’s collapse, he was regularly at Clinton’s side.

      On September 6th, he could be seen exiting the front seat of her motorcade van before venturing to the side — away from the awaiting cameras — then emerging with Clinton.


      Questions began after the same man was seen rushing to Hillary’s side at an early August Las Vegas rally after a small group of protesters began yelling near the stage.

      He could be seen putting his arm around her, urging her to continue talking, and waving off Secret Service agents, despite the potential security threat not being contained.

      “You’re okay,” he could be heard saying on the hot mic. “Keep talking,” he said as she stood in silence.


      “We’ll handle it. We’re not going anywhere,” he said. “Keep talking.”

      “Okay, we’ll keep talking,” Clinton told the audience.


    3. I posted it above at 05:18 AM- ET

      Let’s see how long it lasts

    4. There are only 9,570 views
      at this time.

    5. .

      Will history look back upon 2016 as a system failure?

      Of course. All the stars were aligned for a major shift in US foreign and domestic policy. The people and the country were ready. Clinton is so establishment, so personally flawed, so disliked. She has the temperament of a harpy on PMS and a cackle that curdles the blood. She is a congenital liar and is recognized as such. She is wedded to the same neocon/liberal interventionist foreign policy that has brought this country low. Her disapprovals are through the roof. She would probably lose to a personable skunk. No way she could win. And yet, it looks like she will.

      The American people attached their hopes to two alternatives, Sanders and Trump. Bernie proved the establishment and its allies are still powerful and willing to do anything to hold onto that power. Trump is a blustering buffoon with serious pathological defects who appeals to the worst in the American character. He is likely the only candidate who could have possibly trumped Hillary when it comes to disapproval ratings. Given the, IMO, decadent cheapening of American culture perhaps it's only appropriate that this clown would be the one appear to try to reverse America's declining place in the world.

      The only good thing that came out of the Sanders and Trump candidacies is that they have shown that it is actually possible to challenge the status quo. That leaves hope that some day we may actually see some change.


    6. .

      While it's hard to predict Trump's long term effect on American politics, in the short term it's a little easier.

      In the absence of some blockbuster October surprise, it appears Clinton will win. Then the question becomes, 'how much power will she wield?' This is where the 'Trump effect' may be most obvious. While Americans have a high opinion of Obama, a huge majority (2/3) say the country is on the wrong track.

      While the GOP will likely still hold onto the House the 'Trump effect' could result in the GOP margin there being cut by half or more. It's a toss up right now whether the GOP can hold onto the Senate.


    7. .

      If the GOP does hold onto the Senate it will be because of their decoupling the Senate races from the Trump campaign.


    8. GOP wins at least Nevada, Florida, New Hampshire, and Missouri. That puts them at 50.

      They will probably win North Carolina and Pennsylvania.


      They are not going to lose much in the House.

      Idaho Portent Prognostics LLC


    CNN, in the tank for Hillary, orders a 'blackout'.

    Don't they see how racist this is ?

    There is really no safe place anywhere for any of us.

    Hillary campaign losing patience with Bill rape protesters...




    Bill was down south campaigning.

    Said he was the same old 'redneck' he's always been.

    What a grovel, what a crawl on the knees....out there for the uneducated white boy vote....

  45. .

    Looking for dual-citizenship? Shoot for the stars.

    Proposals for the “first nation state in space” have been unveiled by a team of scientists and legal experts, who say the move will foster peace, open up access to space technologies and offer protection for citizens of planet Earth.

    Dubbed “Asgardia” after one of the mythical worlds inhabited by the Norse gods, the team say the “new nation” will eventually become a member of the United Nations, with its own flag and anthem devised by members of the public through a series of competitions.

    According to the project website, Asgardia “will offer an independent platform
    free from the constraint of a land-based country’s laws. It will become a place it in orbit which is truly ‘no man’s land’”.

    Initially, it would seem, this new nation will consist of a single satellite, scheduled to be launched next year, with its citizens residing firmly on terra firma.

    Speaking to the Guardian through an interpreter, the project lead Igor Ashurbeyli, said: “Physically the citizens of that nation state will be on Earth; they will be living in different countries on Earth, so they will be a citizen of their own country and at the same time they will be citizens of Asgardia.”

    “When the number of those applications goes above 100,000 we can officially apply to the UN for the status of state,” he added...


    1. It's all the work and influence of the 'nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe'.

      They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.

      I reported on it earlier at:

      Idaho Bob Tue Oct 11, 04:54:00 AM EDT


      You need to crank up the ol' warp drive and keep up on things.

      Or, probably easier for you, just read me.

      Off to do big errand day


      Glad you are back, Quirk.

  46. Wretchard:

    Because the traditional information targets of enemy hackers are SCADA-like systems, classified databases and command and control, Hillary and Obama may have been truly blindsided by Putin's decision to attack the relatively soft information infrastructure of the Democratic Party.

    In retrospect you could see Putin setting the admin up as Russia laid the foundation with Wikileaks. Putin understood that Obama's center of gravity was the digital backroom where all the dirt was, and consequently the political vulnerability.
    Hillary made it easy for the Kremlin by pushing her dirty laundry into an unprotected server.

    Obama was looking the other way when Putin hit him with a right to the jaw. Putin outflanked the defenses which were all in the wrong place. The administration was probably uncertain at first how badly compromised things were. Now they have seen some of the cards and fear the worst.
    The astonishing thing is that Putin, like Alexander at Gaugamela, went straight for the king.

    This is a very high risk strategy because now the king must fight for his political life. Obama famously said America could "absorb" terror attacks. Benghazi didn't get a rise out of him. The attack on the Mason didn't even raise a stir.

    Obama believed there were hundreds of layers Putin had to penetrate before they got to him. He never thought they would come directly at the forge of his power. The one thing he does care about is his political position and he is visibly stung.
    He's been had and is, for perhaps the first time since he took office, genuinely angry and perhaps frightened.

    The unresolved question for Obama is what Putin's ultimate intentions are. Is Vladimir playing the blackmail game? If so how much does he want? Or is Putin actually out to politically destroy Obama? Playing for keeps in other words.
    That's why Obama is making vague but threatening noises. He's not sure how far to go.




    1. Classic Wretchard and, as usual, a big stinking load of crap.

      "Obama believed..." riiiight, Wretchard; reader of minds, mystic, and grand historian - not!

    2. Do you ever address what a corrupt, lawless, evil load of crap Obama and Hillary represent, Ash?

      ...or do you really think electing this ultimate outlaw is a good thing for this country?

  47. Podesta Hacks Shows Clinton Staffers Discussing Which Emails To Release

    Newly leaked emails from the account of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta reveal Clinton campaign staffers discussing which material to turn over in response to a subpoena of Hillary Clinton’s emails.


    1. If the MSM gave half the coverage to this extreme lawlessness they gave to GWB rolling off the couch, we would never have possibly been saddled to the most corrupt bunch of crooks assembled in our lifetimes.

    2. ...but of course, the MSM is part of the bunch, so here we are.

  48. Tom Brady abruptly ends press conference after reporter asks him a question about his friend Donald Trump's 'locker room talk'


    1. There goes Joe Montana as the all time greatest.

      These people will do anything to keep their Maximum Crooks in power, whatever the cost.

      ...and there are those here who claim Trump is the greater risk.

  49. Clinton Camp Discussed Deleting Emails Despite Knowing It Was Against the Law

    A new Wikileaks email revealed Hillary Clinton confidant Phillipe Reines discussed deleting emails despite knowing it was against the law.
    Clinton later deleted over 33,000 subpoenaed emails.

    HRC confidant P. Reines discusses strategies they can "use…as the excuse" for not turning over all her emails despite receiving a subpoena


  50. So you think electing this ultimate outlaw is a good thing for this country, Ash?

    1. Are you asking me if I think electing Hillary would be a good thing for the USA? If so, no. In addition, I think it would be even worse for the USA if Trump were elected.

      I would not vote for either of those two.

    2. Trump would be worse, even though Hillary has the rest of DC, including the FBI, IRS, MSM, etc etc backing up her lies and lawlessness, and Trump doesn't.

      I congratulate you for your active imagination.

      ...although it IS likely Donald probably wants to see Ivanka and her children annihilated in a Nuclear Holocaust.

    3. Hillary certainly has most of the establishment backing her, I don't dispute that but I am not sure why that is important in your view. Trump is a douche bag. Trump has demonstrated that he can't manage himself or his campaign and there is no way I'd want him trying to manage the US military.

    4. You're in Canada, having forsaken your native land.

      Stay out of out business !


    5. Stay out of OUR business.

      You make me nervous just being around.....

    6. Hillary was grabbing pussy with Yoko Ono in the 70's, and who knows who else, and Huma ever since.

      And you call Trump a douche bag ?

      Hillary stalked and threatened BillyGoat's many sexual assault victims.

      And you call Trump the douche bag ?

  51. GREENSBORO, N.C. — President Obama is weighing a “proportional” response to Russia’s efforts to interfere with this fall’s election campaign through hacking, the White House announced Tuesday.

    “The president has talked before about the significant capabilities that the U.S. government has to both defend our systems in the United States but also carry out offensive operations in other countries,” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, told reporters traveling with Mr. Obama on Air Force One to Greensboro, where he was holding a town hall-style meeting with students and campaigning for Hillary Clinton.

    “There are a range of responses that are available to the president, and he will consider a response that is proportional,” Mr. Earnest said.

    Whatever the president opts to do would probably not be announced in advance and may never be acknowledged or disclosed if it is carried out, Mr. Earnest said.


    1. Who really are the EVIL FORCES influencing this election by trying to tell the TRUTH?

  52. “Only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” said a statement from the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., and the Department of Homeland Security. The statement did not name President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but that appeared to be the intention.
    Much of the Russian efforts in the election appear directed at undermining the campaigns of Mrs. Clinton and other Democrats.

    The Truth is getting out.
    The Truth is bad for Hillary and Obama.
    The Truth is bad.

    The Russians are Evil.

    It must be the Russians!


    1. I haven't followed the details of the email hacking issue. Has anyone supplied reasons why they believe the Russians were behind the hack?

    2. The Dems figure that's the best way to deflect attention from the truth.

      ...with this "media" IT's WORKING!

    3. RELATED COVERAGE by our friends at the New York Times:

      John Podesta Says Russian Spies Hacked His Emails to Sway Election OCT. 11, 2016

      U.S. Says Russia Directed Hacks to Influence Elections OCT. 7, 2016

      What Options Does the U.S. Have After Accusing Russia of Hacks? OCT. 8, 2016

      Spy Agency Consensus Grows That Russia Hacked D.N.C. JULY 26, 2016

  53. She had all the questions in advance of the debate:


  54. Hillary blames everything on the Russians and Climate change.

  55. For the next debate:

    ...they will transfuse her with the blood of 12 virgins and she will be good to go for another 75 minutes.

  56. Fearing backlash, some Republicans fall back in line behind Trump


    Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan and the relationship that could shape Washington


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Republicans Who Spurned Trump After Tape Turn Back

    Republicans were fleeing Donald J. Trump after a video of him demeaning women was made public last Friday, but less than a week later some are already starting to come back to the Republican presidential nominee.


  59. HRC is blaming the Ruskies because Trump made a positive comment about Putin once. Listening to her FL speech yesterday, along with the farcical and very plump Gore, every issue known to man presently is because of Climate change and those "coal people."

    1. Climate change makes men, and women too, grab pussy.

  60. Northern Idaho secured for Trump, Boss !

    And for Crapo and Raul Labrador too.

    There was actually a lot of early voting going on at the Courthouse, more than I've ever seen before.

  61. Wednesday, October 12, 2016

    The race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton continues to tighten as the results following Sunday’s night debate keep coming in.

    Clinton still holds a four-point lead over Trump - 43% to 39% - among Likely U.S. Voters in Rasmussen Reports’ latest White House Watch national telephone and online survey. But that’s down from five points yesterday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.


  62. Ash:
    Hillary certainly has most of the establishment backing her, I don't dispute that but I am not sure why that is important in your view.

    A crook with the entire crooked DC establishment including Justice, FBI, IRS, etc backing her is a danger imo.

    You're entitled to yours, and your vote in Canada.

    You have yet to deny the logic of my assertion.

  63. Obama Flaunts Erection to Female Reporters...


    Someone else will have to read the article and view the video and report....

    I don't have the internal fortitude for that one.

    I do recall O'bozo flipping the bird many times to the American People....

    1. Ash, you're still young enough to take this shit.

      Is Obama really flaunting an erection to female reporters ?

    2. OK, I watched it.

      Little grainy but one of the women does say "Take it out !"

      Guilty ! of flaunting his erect dick around.

  64. Fox News
    Source: FBI agents, DOJ lawyers unanimously agreed Clinton should have been charged

    FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider

    By Malia Zimmerman, Adam Housley


  65. The whole world is asking themselves, what did they do to deserve this?

  66. What an absurd, dangerous, vulgar and corrupt monster it is that sits on the Potomac.

    1. Really? Obama's dick is so big that Trumps pales in comparison?

  67. I was commenting about the real estate and the entire circus collectively.

  68. Remember Trumps hastily recorded video apology where he said: "I’ve said and done things I regret,..."?

    Well now, it appears, we are going to be blessed with the things he's done.

    1. But we won't be blessed by an EQUAL TREATMENT of Bill and Hill's transgressions against women, will we, Ash?

    2. Just like ANY REPUBLICAN would have been prosecuted for deleting evidence AFTER it had been subpoenaed.

      That is the point of my saying that a crook with the entire crooked DC establishment including Justice, FBI, IRS, etc backing her is a danger.

      Which is to say, she will be able to continue her lawless ways with impunity, in ways that no Republican could.

      But you pretend you are too dense to understand that simple point.

  69. As ugly as it is or isn’t, it is nothing compared to the Clintons. It is sleazy but irrelevant.

  70. Ash thinks it's a good thing that Trump's abuses are publicized.

    Ash thinks it's a good thing that that the Clinton's abuses are not publicized.

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