Tuesday, October 04, 2016

TIME MACHINE: 1999 - Donald Trump on How Senator Bill Bradley Wrecked US Wealth and Real Estate Values

Bill Bradley's Big, Bad Ideas

By Donald J. Trump, author of "Trump: The Art of the Comeback" (Times Books, 1997).
A l Gore has good reason to look over his shoulder. A recent Time/CNN poll shows that former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley has recently shaved 14 percentage points from Mr. Gore's once-commanding lead. That's not a good sign for an incumbent vice president 10 months before the first primary.
To date, the polls reflect Mr. Gore's weakness as a candidate, fueled by the perception that he is the quintessential Washington insider. By contrast, Mr. Bradley, who left government only three years ago after spending 18 years in the Senate, plans to supercharge his campaign by making an appeal as an outsider, one who is unafraid to tackle special interests and, above all, put forward "big ideas." There will be no pomp, no rope lines, no motorcades. Just straight talk and "big ideas."
It's a clever strategy. But it's also deeply unsettling, as Mr. Bradley's last big idea to be enacted into legislation was also one of the worst ideas in recent history.
That idea was an offense against the working man in the form of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The good parts of that legislation—it cut tax rates in half—can be attributed to Ronald Reagan. The rest must largely be attributed to Mr. Bradley, who went on to vote for major tax hikes not once but twice in the decade that followed the enactment of the act.
Among other follies, Mr. Bradley advocated the elimination of a tax shelter for real estate investments known as the "passive loss" deduction. Now, it is one thing to want to phase out tax shelters. It is quite another to do it overnight.
Businesses make billion-dollar decisions based on the tax code. When sweeping changes are abruptly enacted, as they were by Mr. Bradley, it puts those businesses in a bad spot. It's like being an unbelted passenger in a racecar in which the driver has stomped on the brakes with both feet at 150 miles an hour.
Mr. Bradley's big idea sent the real-estate markets through the windshield. People who were banking their retirement on a condominium or a house saw their dreams destroyed. It was a hard time for developers like me. Many of my competitors, as well as the contractors, builders and workers who depended on them, went under.
Even worse hit were the small savings-and-loans and banks, which had been encouraged by the tax codes to invest in real estate. With the elimination of the deduction, they suddenly found themselves saddled with unproductive assets. As a result, taxpayers were hit with a $130 billion tab, a bill almost the size of the entire Medicare budget.
And that was not all. In his zeal to destroy tax shelters, Mr. Bradley also set his sights on deductions for contributions to individual retirement accounts, eliminating deductions for those whose family income exceeded $50,000 or who were covered by an employee pension plan. The consequences were predictably disastrous. "Half of the decrease in personal savings is directly attributable to the curtailment of the IRA," William Henkel of Merrill Lynch & Co. told Bloomberg Business News in 1996. "The tax bill was an error," another financial planner added. "Now, a whole legion of retirees are marching to age 65 without a safety net."
The reform act did not even keep our taxes down. Over the past 13 years, the number of brackets—reduced to two from 15 in the original act--have crept back up, and the loopholes have proliferated. Worst of all, the tax bill precipitated the 1990-91 recession that culminated in the mass layoffs and firings that Mr. Bradley regularly deplores.
These days, Mr. Bradley spends a lot of time writing and speaking about his years as a basketball great. And no wonder. For in the years he spent in Congress he racked up a legislative record that is as embarrassing as his athletic record is impressive. It's not something he'd want the voters to dwell on.


  1. Brexit Secretary David Davis proposed that British workers should be given priority over their foreign counterparts.

    The 67-year-old mooted that businesses should have to prove they have tried to employ British staff before looking abroad to fill vacancies.

    Mr Davis said: "If they go down a route of having work permits for example, typically the way work permits work in other countries, is you try to get a British citizen first and if you haven’t you have got to do that first."

  2. TYPHOON Chaba has battered Japan’s southern islands, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to the region.


    While the typhoon has weakened, weather experts warned residents of Japan and South Korea to remain vigilant.

  3. Governor Pence, a noble man, won the debate.

    Someone said Kaine got his start in advertising and moved on to selling asbestos siding and shingles.

    1. Drudge, always a reliable source in such things, has it -

      Thank you for voting!

       95.31%  (147,048 votes)

       4.69%  (7,236 votes)

      (you can only vote once on Drudge)

  4. Due to the insistent demands of my readers - proudly carried over from the last thread -

    Idaho Bob Wed Oct 05, 01:40:00 AM EDT

    From which cess pool do we pull these 'moderators' ?


    Glad to see Ash expressing his True Self tonight.

    Question: 'Are you an ignorant turd, or is it that you just don't give a shit?'

    Ash: 'I don't know, and I don't care. Hey, Toronto just pulled ahead !!'

  5. That article by The Donald seems well enough reasoned to me.

    Now on to something that might save your life -

    Here’s how likely you are to crash into a deer based on where you live

    By Karin Brulliard October 4 at 8:00 AM

    A buck leaps across Mill Road in East Aurora, N.Y. (Robert Kirkham/Buffalo News via AP)

    Deer, with their big eyes and fluffy white tails, may look innocent enough. But they kill more Americans than any other animal.

    Not that they mean to. These deaths occur when cars driven by people crash into deer that are crossing roads. And they’re especially likely to happen during the next three months, when deer are friskily roaming around in search of mates to make fawns with.

    [The surprising reason mountain lions’ killer instincts could save human lives]

    Each year, deer in the United States are involved in more than more than 1 million collisions that cause more than 200 human deaths. They also cost a lot of money, according to State Farm, the country’s top auto insurer, which says the average claim hovers around $4,000.

    The company, in its annual effort to urge people not to smash into deer, recently used its claim data to come up with rankings for where such a collision is likely to happen. The most perilous state is West Virginia, whose drivers have a 1 in 41 chance of hitting a deer. Californians can breathe easier — their chances are 1 in 1,064. Here’s a map with the findings:


    So what should you do to stay on the safe side of those probabilities? Definitely the basics: Buckle up, keep your eyes on the road and not your phone, pay attention to deer-crossing signs. High beams can help (but, please, don’t blind oncoming drivers). And if a deer darts in front of you, don’t swerve — that can cause you to run into a tree or another car.

    “Hit the damn deer,” a Wisconsin auto body shop owner who does lots of business in deer-damaged cars told Slate last year. “If you have time to stop, then stop. But don’t swerve and risk your neck over a deer — or worse yet, over a dog or a squirrel. Believe me, I’ve seen it happen.”

    You could also hope for the continued spread of cougars in the United States. As we wrote recently, researchers have determined that if the big cats repopulated the eastern United States, they could kill and feast upon enough deer to prevent about five deer-vehicle collision fatalities in the region each year.


    The very worst road I've ever been on for deer risk is US Highway 12 from Lewiston, Idaho to Missoula, Montana.

    Watch out, particularly at dawn, dusk, and night !!!!

    It follows the rivers most of the way, both over the mountains and down the other side.

    They invariably come down from those beautiful wooded hills to drink from the rivers.....

  6. Trump 'lost' a billion ?

    $$$$$$6(SIX) Billion Dollars Went Missing During Hillary's Time At The State Department



    Not even the INSPECTOR GENERAL can find it.

  7. The Republicans would probably have a better chance of winning if Trump suddenly died and Pence/Clinton were the choice.

    I was certainly impressed with his performance.

    1. Drone him and his immigrant spouse with those mean looking eyes.

  8. Jews for Nazis:


  9. Hilarious article explaining why Kaine's strategy going into the debate was SURE To Win.


  10. Kaine turned everybody off by constantly interrupting Pence. It became really irritating.

  11. First I've heard of this....wonder if it's true ? -

    Dex Ter Morgan
    Does anyone want a POTUS Kaine ?

    A vote for Hillary is a vote for POTUS Kaine, as Hillary won't be physically capable to hold office for 4yrs.

    EMS and a gurney were called for Hillary at her 10/04 rally - another loss of her legs ? A short time later Hillary emerges - another miracle injection ?

    From comments -


  12. That Elaine Quijano was like a soccer mom supposedly reffing a heavyweight boxing match. Why didn’t they just get one of the Kardashians to so-called moderate?

    1. :)

      By the way, last I read, there seems to be no security video of Kim getting robbed in Paris.....

      News about No Video Of Kim Kardashian Getting Robbed In P…

      Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris was not caught on surveillance cameras
      New York Daily News · 13 hours ago
      The Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris apparently evaded all cameras ... Kardashian crashed at an exclusive residence, known as “No Address....

      I think she's bullshitting us to get some camera.

    2. I think Michael Savage should moderate the debates myself, with a loud steel Judge's hammer to keep order....

    3. Here's a good and optimistic article for Trump deplorables and Hillary adorables -

      Does Common Sense Plus Polling Mean A Big Trump Win ?


      Argues that as Ohio goes so goes Florida and the others....takes the polls to task.....

  13. I am claiming credit for the introduction of the terms smirk, smirky, smirking, a SMIRK, smug, smarmy, etc. into our political discourse. I am seeing it more and more lately -

    October 5, 2016
    Hey, Timmie, you really showed us deplorables...
    By Russ Vaughn

    ...what a rude jerk you are.

    If the best casting director in Hollywood went in search of the perfect actor to play a typical know-it-all, smug, smarmy liberal to represent the Democratic Party on the vice presidential debate stage Tuesday night, he could not possibly have made a better selection than Tim Kaine.  

    This was my first opportunity to see this potential president-in-waiting in action, and all I can say is that this sneering motor-mouth, who immediately began a pattern of repetitive and, I believe, intentional interruptions of his opponent and continued it as long as the moderator would let him get away with it, was woefully less than impressive.

    Kaine was a squeaky-voiced, unctuous reminder of far too many of the self-righteous liberals I've had to contend with in my long life.  You know the type: rolling the eyes, shaking the head to deliver their not so subliminal message that we're just so totally smarter than you are that you can't possibly understand what we're saying.  We've all seen it, in the past mostly within our own families, but in the last few years it has become the standard form of public liberal discourse.  

    There is only one side, and that is theirs.  They know it all, and if you disagree, you are a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal, and they're entitled to smirk snottily about it.

    That is exactly the role Tim Kaine played on his opening night on the world stage, and I must say he did it flawlessly.  Not everyone can play such an irritating jerk so convincingly, depicting to perfection the arrested adolescence that is the defining characteristic of liberalism, and do it so well before such a huge audience.

    I guess congratulations are in order: hey, Timmie, you really showed us deplorables, kid!
    ...what a rude jerk you are.

    1. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/hey_timmie_you_really_showed_us_deplorables.html

    2. A QUIRK, by the way, is a post doc SMIRK, now in the totally transcendent 'They Are All Dicks' Sphere of Being.

  14. Pence was the only adult on stage last night.

  15. And Elaine Q was born and raised in Chicago. Go figure. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

    1. Them Qs, spreading all over the Great Lakes region now....

    2. Maybe she's an acolyte of Rodrigo Duterte, and is gonna eliminate Hillary 'cause of all her drug taking.

      Never ignore the bright side.

    3. Too bad she's a Flip, not an Okie.

      She coulda been the Okie from Skokie.

    4. During the night of November 27–28, 1934, after a gunfight in nearby Barrington that left two FBI agents dead, two accomplices of notorious 25-year-old bank-robber Baby Face Nelson (Lester Gillis) dumped his bullet-riddled body in a ditch along Niles Center Road adjoining the St. Peter Catholic Cemetery.


  16. Rasmussen has it Trump +1 today.

  17. Hillary's head shakes during press conference....DRUDGE


    They're shooting Hillary up with Provigil.

    1. Provigil, aka "the eye opener"

    2. She's got better lozenges now too.

      Eventually all that numbing and stifling of the cough will lead to her death by aspirational pneumonia.

  18. Podcast I listen to carried the debate along with Trump tweets.

    ...nice of them to pick a spot for the debate that allowed Kaine to have an extensive self-congratulatory introduction featuring the history of the place.

  19. Hillary's gonna hurl.


  20. The joys of Heroin.


  21. "In addition, Quijano appeared to support Kaine during his criticism of the billionaire real estate mogul when she answered back to him saying 'right' in agreement.

    Kaine said: 'This is important, Elaine. When a guy running for president will not support the troops, not support veterans, not support teachers…'

    'Right,' Quijano, who attended the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, responded back to Kaine before he could even finish his remark."


  22. In 2002 Kaine said he thought Clinton should have resigned in disgrace.


  23. Good morning, neighbor:


    1. I blew the link:


      "Sudden Stop"

  24. Town Mayor Beaten Unconscious By Locals After Announcing Plan To Welcome Migrants


    1. The planned migrant house has caused serious tensions in the town before, leading to meetings about the issue to be closed due to bomb threats.

      In response, the local voter’s association issued a statement last month, arguing that the village was the perfect place to house migrants.

      “Oersdorf is being talked about, and not in a good sense… There is a great effort to intimidate, seemingly because the committee wants to make a decision about housing for asylum seekers,” the association stated.

      Adding: “If we could offer a new home in our village for a refugee family, we would gladly seize the opportunity, and in doing so could as a community provide people who had to flee their homeland with new prospects.

      “And where would be a better place than in the heart of our village where people live so well with one another?”

      I'm betting on the real locals, rather than the local 'Voter's Association'.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The Weather Lady said that Hurricane Matthew might hit Florida and the Carolinas, then head east and circle all the way around clockwise and hit them again.....a double whammy.

    2. Will Limbaugh leave Palm Beach?

    3. Nah. He undoubtedly gots himself a totally safe place built, and armed up.

      Double whammy is no whammy to Rushbo.

      Mr. Snerdley though may have to head north, fast.

    4. "Snerdley, run out there and give me a weather report."

  26. Kaine was the evil brother. Oh wait, I believe that was Cane.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In the Bible it's implied in good Biblical fashion that Cain was the first born. Cain done give his little bro Abel the double whammy, laid him out horizontal.

      In the Bible, the younger is Hero. Tinged with humor and sadness, it is to say, this continuing seemingly eternal romper room story doesn't really have to go this way, with the older sibs forever resenting youngling, because youngling has taken mamammommy's attention away....

      It's no fun getting thrown in a pit and left for dead like Joseph....

      'Stop this nonsense, please'

      In the Christian gospels, Jesus seems to be the exception to this old rule.

  28. Trump live in Reno -


    Hillary is 'in seclusion', said to be 'resting up' and 'preparing for the debate'....

    1. Lock Her Up
      Lock Her UP !
      Lock Her Up !!
      Lock Bleach Bitch UP !!!

  29. CNN anchor Jake Tapper acknowledged Wednesday that there's a big discrepancy in the way the press covers Donald Trump's adult children compared to how they treat Hillary Clinton's only daughter, Chelsea.

    It's an idea that's been said before, but Tapper drew new attention to it on Wednesday.

    "It's true," Tapper said on Twitter in response to a colleague who said that Chelsea is never "grilled" the way Trump's adult children have been.

    Tapper noted that Chelsea doesn't do as many media interviews as the Trump children, but said "there's no reason to treat one adult child of a nominee with kid gloves while others get tough questions."

    Media critic Jack Shafer made a similar point about Clinton's treatment by the press in February.

    "The press covers her, of course, attempting to ask her substantive questions, but mostly she exists to grace the covers of magazines — Fast Company and Elle most recently — and be treated to lighter-than-air puff pieces," he wrote.

    Trump's children, by contrast, are often asked in their own interviews to answer for their father's controversial remarks and to any criticism his campaign may be facing that day.

    In early September, Trump's daughter Ivanka was asked to answer charges that her father is a sexist, but some have noted that Chelsea Clinton is not being asked about her father's attitudes toward women.

    Also in September, Donald Trump Jr. was asked to answer for his father's tax history, but Chelsea has escaped similar questions.


  30. Immunity deals stopped FBI from investigating BleachBit use in Clinton email case


    Justice is corrupt, FBI corrupt, Media is corrupt, every GD thing in DC is corrupt.

    Place oughta be run and cleaned up by Pence in Toledo.

  31. In his first year in office Pence established a reputation as one with strong convictions willing to go his own way.
    He opposed President George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind Act in 2001,[25] as well as President Bush's Medicare prescription drug expansion the following year.[26]

    Pence was re-elected four more times by comfortable margins. In the 2006 and 2008 House elections, he defeated Democrat Barry Welsh.


    No child's behind left alone.


  32. Caribbean – Rainbow Loop


  33. If you voted for Governor Romney for president and believe Hillary’s emails disqualify her, you are a hypocrite. End of story.


    In regards to Hillary’s emails, here are some key facts to combat misleading talking points and political propaganda.

    1. Hillary originally deleted 33,000 emails but half were recovered by the FBI. What did the FBI find? Exactly what the Hillary camp stated.


    2. The alleged smoking gun IS Hillary’s emails. There has not been one accusation about wrongdoing connected to the deleted emails. This is a critical fact forgotten with today’s media and Republican Party.


    3. It’s not about government transparency, it’s about Hillary. I find it ironic that the GOP Congressman charged with investigating Hillary, Representative Jason Chaffetz, still openly uses his own private email. Chaffetz.com is registered and run by Congressman Chaffetz, the appointed Chairman of the Oversight Committee.

    A Hypocrite

    1. 2. The alleged smoking gun IS Hillary’s emails. There has not been one accusation about wrongdoing connected to the deleted emails. This is a critical fact forgotten with today’s media and Republican Party.


    2. Bleach Bitch is most certainly totally innocent of all charges and never ever sold favors through the State Department, either !

      She's the most honest transparent person on the face of the earth.


    3. And her aides were hammering computers to bits just for the fun of it. too.

      Judge Jeanine tried it and says one must have at least a five pound hammer to properly do the job.

      Hillary's aides were just 'working out', building up arm strength.

  34. FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

    MEDDLING Brussels has said the British press should not report when terrorists are Muslims in a slew of demands to the Government to crack down on the media.


    1. Hmmm....

      Brussels seems a little slow on the uptake....

      Haven't they heard about Brexit yet ?

  35. Here, though, is the most inconvenient fact of all. The rise of actual bigotry in Europe is being exacerbated by two EU policies: the euro, which has caused needless poverty and unemployment, especially among southern European nations who have found themselves growing ever closer to the breadline; and the Schengen agreement on open borders, which has left countries unable to regulate migratory flows.

    This has meant that the hundreds of thousands arriving in Europe from Africa and the Middle East have to a large degree been able to travel northwards and westwards unhindered.
    So, far from soothing national antagonisms, it is Brussels that is stoking them. When we leave, we shall be a more global, more outward-looking and, yes, more tolerant country.

    Own Backyard

    1. I thought Schengen was so people in the EU could travel around freely, not that people from the Middle East and Africa could.....

      The EU isn't working out as well as some had hoped....a brand new powerful Bureaucracy hard to tame.

  36. Giuliani says he got bigger crowds in Cleveland than Hillary.

    I believe him.

    1. Al Gore is 'hitting the road for Hillary'.

      That should draw them in.

  37. Hillary finds Benghazi to be hilarious:


    1. What difference does it make now ?

      Besides, she explained to the grieving relatives it was all over a video.....

    2. And she had he guy that made the video busted too, sent back to the can for violating parole or probation, so the whole thing is over and it's time to move on.

  38. The Department of Justice moved to drop charges against arms dealer Marc Turi because federal prosecutors are convinced his defense would expose then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s secret arms running to the radical al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya in 2011, contended Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano in an interview with WND.


    Kristi Clemens Rogers, the wife of then-House intel chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., was an intermediary on the ground who received the weapons and transferred them to militias in Libya opposing Gadhafi, Napolitano said.


    WND first reported in June 2015 Napolitano’s concerns that Turi was being set up for prosecution to continue a cover-up of the secret war on Libya the U.S. decided to wage despite well-documented offers by Gadhafi to abdicate peacefully.

    1. Did DoJ drop charges against arms dealer who could sink Clinton? - 10/5/16

      The cover-up is ongoing.  More


    2. But what difference does any of it make now ?

      Q-Ducky is dead, hardeharhar, and Libya is all broken up into civil wars.

      Time to move on....


    3. Q-Ducky gave up his nuclear weapons program, renounced terrorism, and where is he ?

  39. Hillary came, he saw, he died.

    So would you.

    ...probably laughed hysterically throuhout her orgasm.

    A spell from Hell.

    1. A true She-Devil.

      Our very own Livia Drusilla.

      Bleach Bitch, USA.

      Made in America, born here, educated here, our national shame....

  40. For QUIRK-

    Tim Kaine Was Wrong: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Squandered Victory In Iraq


  41. U.S. and allied officials say the final training for Iraqi forces will be done by the middle of the month, clearing the way for the long-anticipated campaign to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city and a key stronghold of Islamic State.


    The end of mission training for Iraqi forces heading into Mosul is the latest indicator the highly anticipated operation is imminent. The White House in September approved an additional 615-troop deployment into Iraq to support the Mosul operation.


    Separately, The Associated Press reported that a tribal leader said Wednesday that an airstrike killed 19 pro-government tribal Sunni fighters south of the town of Mosul, which is held by the Islamic State group.

  42. Submicrominimachines:


    Nobel was a Dynomite Inventor.

  43. Boo hoo hoo, Kung Fu.

    Activists blast 'O'Reilly Factor' Chinatown segment as racist


  44. October 6, 2016
    So that's who Tim Kaine remind me of

    By Stu Tarlowe

    Watching the V.P. debate, I kept thinking: Those eyes, that mouth – who is it that Tim Kaine reminds me of?

    Finally it hit me.

    His face reminds me of Teller, of Penn & Teller.


    With the obvious difference that Teller knows how to keep his mouth shut!

    1. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/so_emthatsem_who_tim_kaine_remind_me_of.html

    2. But Kaine shares demonic aspects with Hillary that are lacking in Teller's countenance.

      ...it's an energy, and it ain't good.

    3. The proper place for Hillary and Timmy:


    4. 'But Kaine shares demonic aspects with Hillary that are lacking in Teller's countenance.

      ...it's an energy, and it ain't good.'


      In Hillary's case the energy is coming from Provigil, mediated through the Devil.

      Kaine is a more minor sold out imp in comparison.


    5. DougThu Oct 06, 04:22:00 AM EDT


      Perfectly appropriate housing.

      They can cackle, gaggle 'n' babble, and whoop it up together there.

  45. notwar • 20 hours ago

    Kaine and Disable make a great Democrat ticket.

    Johnny Tremain notwar • 20 hours ago

    I'm voting for Dollars and Pence !

  46. Adverse reaction to Provigil:


    1. OHH !-ooo


      Modafinil (INN,[6] USAN, BAN, JAN) is a wakefulness-promoting agent (or eugeroic) used for treatment of disorders such as narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea.[7] It has also seen widespread off-label use as a purported cognition-enhancing agent. In English-speaking countries it is sold under the brand names Alertec, Modavigil, and ((((Provigil)))). In the United States modafinil is classified as a schedule IV controlled substance and restricted in availability and usage, due to concerns about possible addiction potential. In most other countries it is a prescription drug but not otherwise legally restricted.


      Hillary is in 'Seclusion' at this time.

      If she comes down with Johnson Syndrome from use of Provigil she'll need to go into 'Occultation'.

    2. She is not mentally, physically or morally fit to be President.

  47. "Q"Nit of the Day: Islamic Child Sex Trafficking In USA

    President of ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) Arrested for CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING

    By Pamela Geller on October 5, 2016

    Islamic law in America - Sex Slavery in Islam - Women and children in Islam

    If you recall, the Florida youth leader of the terror-linked CAIR was arrested  for child sex crimes. Now another major Muslim terror-tied group — ICNA. And while widely lauded in the press, this particular ICNA story garnered no American press. Shane Yoder was heavily involved in dawah (proselytizing for Islam) with the ICNA, and often appeared in the media.  Yoder attempted to engage in sexual criminal activity with a 9-year-old girl — the same age as Muhammad’s favorite wife Aisha when he had sex with her. Yoder agreed to pay for sex with multiple girls 8 to 12 years of age. Yoder also boasted of having sexually abused a 2-year-old girl in the past.

    Child sex trafficking, and the sharia-complaint American media doesn’t even report on it. The Daily Mail, UK is the only media outlet to report the story.

    There are thousands of Muslim sex trafficking gangs of infidel little girls in the UK. This is systemic in the Muslim world.

    ICNA is an Islamic organization that has been probed by the FBI for ties to terrorism.

    Daily Mail: SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Federal authorities in Puerto Rico have arrested a California man who allegedly traveled to Puerto Rico to have sex with a minor.

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Wednesday that 38-year-old Shane Yoder of Fairfield told an undercover agent he was going to the U.S. territory to have sex with a 9-year-old girl. He has been charged with attempted sexual trafficking of minors. It was not immediately clear if he had an attorney.

    Yoder was the president of the Islamic Circle of North America chapter in Sacramento, California.

    ICE arrests California man for attempted sex trafficking of children

    1. http://pamelageller.com/2016/10/president-of-icna-islamic-circle-of-north-america-arrested-for-child-sex-trafficking.html/


    2. I have been able to put up only half the article, the rest is affected by 'disappearance syndrome'.

    3. Go to link to read the whole thing.

    4. When is it time for bed at MJ's house?

      When the big hand touches the little hand.

    5. You're like a box with a rock in it.

      If Pam Geller were there, it'd be a box with two rocks.

    6. Pretty hot rock, for an old Jew.

  48. Muslim prisoners in Michigan Sue Pam Geller and her Poke a Dot Bikini

    Muslim prisoners in Michigan filed a lawsuit against Pamela Geller for “wearing a Poke a Dot Bikini In Front of our eyes. We are offended.” They demanded their freedom claiming their civil rights were violated. This Islamic supremacism is one and the same shared by the Muslim shooters at our free speech event in Garland, at the Christmas party in San Bernardino, the Paris concert hall, the jihad against Israel, the 9/11 terror attacks, and on and on. Same motive, same piety.

    David Yerushalmi told me that I had been sued by one or possibly two Muslims apparently who appear to be guests of the Michigan Correctional Hotel and Spa. “They sued you because, inter alia, you wear a bikini to distract them…


    1. Poke a Dots and Hot Rocks.

    2. Was MJ Muslim?

      If so, he woulda been a black Muslim that got bleached bit.

  49. Jeeze, it says Ibuprofen can cause the bad Johnson Disease too:

    Hope I don't wake up tommorrow "lookin" like this:


    ...or worse, with a bad Johnson.

  50. Islamic Circle Jerk of North America

  51. The eye is scheduled to make landfall just about over el Rushbo's Casa.

  52. El Rushbo should broadcast continually until the storm passes...

  53. Trump ahead now by 2% in newest Rasmussen Poll...also ahead in the LA Poll, which nailed it last time....

  54. "On Thursday – as pressure mounted for the international community to do something to ease the al-Assad regime’s devastating siege of eastern Aleppo – Russian President Vladimir Putin drew his own red line: Russia’s military warned that any U.S. air strikes in the country would be considered a threat to the Russian servicemen based there, and that sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons would be used in response.

    In other words, the Kremlin owns Syria’s airspace and won’t let U.S. and allied planes stray from their United Nations-approved mission of targeting the so-called Islamic State. It’s a threat backed by S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems deployed around Russia’s military base in the northwest of the country, as well as Russian warplanes that control Syria’s airspace, carrying out daily sorties in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s army."


    I wonder what Rufus would think of that? What says Trump? Hillary?

    1. He'd say Obama and Kerry are kicking ass.

    2. .

      I wouldn't try to speak for Rufus.

      As for Trump and Hillary, the answer is simple. Nothing. To expand, nada, zip, diddly, zilch, goose egg.

      Oh, you would get an expanded cloud of nothingness from both of them, Trump in a blustering, incoherent, Joycean mishmash involving 'you will see solutions that are the best you have ever seen or heard of by any president ever' and ending in 'I will keep all of my options open', and Hillary offering up and endless stream of platitudes, cliches, and non-sequiturs all punctuated with words like 'strong' and 'working with our friends and allies' but offering no specifics.

      It's my opinion that the recent plague of clown sightings can be attributed to the clown archetypes embodied in Trump and Clinton.

      Any responsible government should pass a law that this year's election should require that signs be posted at each election site reading: If you plan on voting for either Trump or Clinton, please check your dignity at the door beforehand!


    3. I thought you, Quirk, at one time, before it turned violent, intimated that your presence was lurking behind the nation's clown phenomena somewhere.

      I recall your statement signed off with your internationally famous clown symbol.....<:0)

      Have you franchised, and copyrighted, the clown costumes ?

      How much for a costume ? Or do you rent them out ?

    4. "If you plan on voting for either Trump or Clinton, please check your dignity at the door beforehand!"


      SCOTUS under Trump or Hillary, samo samo.


  55. Obama Shifts Blame From Assad To Global Warming As The Cause Of The Syrian Civil War

    President Barack Obama said global warming “contributed” to the Syrian civil war, shifting at least some of the blame for the deadly conflict from the repressive Assad regime to people driving gas-guzzling SUVs.

    “There’s already some really interesting work — not definitive, but powerful — showing that the droughts that happened in Syria contributed to the unrest and the Syrian civil war,” Obama said during the South By South Lawn event at the White House Monday.


    Evil fucking moron.

    1. The same evil fuck that chose to deploy TWO Presidential 747 etc convoys for his and her personal pleasure.


    2. Obama Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases...

      Surge in border crossing...
      8-Year-Old Refugee Dies After Falling Ill On Flight To Chicago...

      CDC Downplays Disease Threat Fears...

    3. For her vital journey to a something called a “clean energy roundtable” at an environmental conference in Asheville, N.C. Chelsea Clinton ensured she arrived on time and in-style by taking a private jet. She also compromised something that is more sacred and deeply personal to a left-wing Democrat than any birthright: her carbon footprint.

      Just think of all those injurious greenhouse gasses.

      She’s just taking her lead from any celebrity environmentalist who has no difficulty enforcing a Spartan existence upon the rest of us in their quest to arrest climate change but eschew such inconveniences for their own lush lives.


    4. Quirt lives in that rarified high air of perfectness when he can't be lowered to vote for a 'dick' even if the fate of The United States Supreme Court depends on it.

      Quirk has opted to scurry, and blah blah from the shadows.

      He doesn't give a damn what happens to our Republic.

    5. Dealt himself out of serious discourse, he has.

    6. Maybe we should start calling Quirk 'Quit' from now on.

  56. Machado Update


  57. The Donald Trump campaign in Minnesota responded to the visit by the Democratic nominee’s daughter by saying that she was brought in to help “manufacture enthusiasm” among young people in the state.

    As for the polls, Hillary Clinton is ahead but it’s still within the margin of error, and a recent conservative poll said the race is tied in Minnesota.

    The Clinton campaign doesn’t plan on easing up on courting Minnesota voters. Chelsea Clinton will be back here on Tuesday to campaign in Rochester.

  58. Web Hubbells daughter on the campaign trail!

  59. There's intense speculation over who the candidates are for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.


    Melbourne University academic Dr Tilman Ruff was part of an Australian delegation from the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War that won the Nobel Peace Prize at the height of the Cold War in 1985.


    Dr Ruff is the co-president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, which has been pushing for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

  60. I wonder what ole Rufus would think about his lord and savior Bill Clinton saying Obamacare sucks and is crazy?

  61. That would make Billy a racist, in Rufus' think.

  62. I hope Rufus is well, and just licking his wounds.

    He's a tough old gator. He'll be back, odds are.

    1. If Rufus isn't back when the fighting gets going good around Mosul then we can begin to worry.

  63. Billy, our first black president.

  64. His usual response to me would be to ask me to have sex with him or suggest I have sex with myself. Quite shallow.

    1. You're not alone.

      I haven't been propositioned anywhere since he left.
