Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Assange Takes a Dive in the Sixth


  1. Julian must be either out of ammo or afraid of Hillary.

  2. Take a look at Drudge.

    Haiti is really getting clobbered.

  3. RASMUSSEN: Clinton, Trump Tied Again....DRUDGE

  4. Answer to the previous blog title question: HE LACKS THE BALLS. He is more concerned with LBGTQ issues and the Global Warming Wealth Redistribution Plan. He (and HRC) are more interested in making sure no one gets their sensitivities violated. This is a continuation of the Apology Tour he started 7.5 years ago. He will go down as the worse President in my life time. The experiment didn't work.

  5. .

    Deuce: A couple streams back, I saw your article on the British PR firm that was paid $500 million to produce propaganda films. Thought you might find the following interesting.

    Inside the Shadowy PR Firm That’s Lobbying for Regime Change in Syria

    Posing as a non-political solidarity organization, the Syria Campaign leverages local partners and media contacts to push the U.S. into toppling another Middle Eastern government.

    The article is kind of long. It discusses the various labyrinthian relationships and funding for and between the various NGO’s we see in the news daily, White Helmets, USAID, etc. and the parts they play in promoting an agenda that includes foreign intervention and regime change. It discusses the parts these various organizations play in forcing UN aid efforts out of Syria, in pushing for no-fly zones and safe areas in Syria the same way they did in Libya (which could involve the introduction of up to 75,000 US troops to implement and could lead to direct conflict with Russia, Assad, and their allies), and the exploitation of various incidents for propaganda purposes like the video that went viral of a five-year-old boy, Omran Daqneesh, who had been extracted from a building by members of the White Helmets.

    The lesson is that anytime you see USAID mentioned in a story you know that you are in the middle of a clusterfuck the US should have never gotten themselves into.


  6. Q, the deeper you look, the worse it gets. My question remains:

    Who the fuck is Barack Obama?

  7. An example of Obama and Clinton”s fine state craft:

    RUSSIA is holding a massive evacuation drill for more than 40million people to prepare for nuclear war.

    More than 200,000 emergency services personnel and soldiers will use 50,000 pieces of equipment during the massive civil defence exercise.

    Moscow claims the US is becoming more aggressive towards Russia.

    The former Soviet nation is ramping up fears over nuclear war and blaming the West for the unsettling possibility of a conflict.

    As international tension builds following attacks in Syria, Russian state officials are preparing terrified citizens for a nuclear war – which they say would be started by America.

    Today’s exercise is being run by EMERCOM, Russia’s Emergencies Ministry.

  8. We spent all those years maintaining the peace during the Cold War and we get a Clinton, Bush and Obama to take us back to the fifties.

  9. By Hans M. Kristensen

    April 18, 2016

    The Obama administration’s plan to spend an estimated $1 trillion dollars over 30 years on rebuilding the nation’s nuclear facilities and modernizing nuclear weapons was part of an effort in 2014 to control nuclear arms globally. Instead, The New York Times reports, “the United States, Russia and China are now aggressively pursuing a new generation of smaller, less destructive nuclear weapons…[which] threaten to revive a Cold War-era arms race….”

    The Fiscal Times requested and was granted permission from the Federation of American Scientists to reprint this article on Nuclear Transparency and the Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan by Hans M. Kristensen.

    I was reading the latest Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and wondering what I should pick to critique the Obama administration’s nuclear policy.

    After all, there are plenty of issues that deserve to be addressed, including:

    Why NNSA continues to overspend, over-commit, and create a spending bow wave in 2021-2026 in excess of the President’s budget in exactly the same time period that excessive Air Force and Navy modernization programs are expected to put the greatest pressure on defense spending?

    Why a smaller and smaller nuclear weapons stockpile with fewer warhead types appears to be getting more and more expensive to maintain?

    Why each warhead life-extension program is getting ever more ambitious and expensive with no apparent end in sight?

    And why a policy of reductions, no new nuclear weapons, no pursuit of new military missions or new capabilities for nuclear weapons, restraint, a pledge to “put an end to Cold War thinking,” and the goal of disarmament, instead became a blueprint for nuclear overreach with record funding, across-the-board modernizations, unprecedented warhead modifications, increasing weapons accuracy and effectiveness, reaffirmation of a Triad and non-strategic nuclear weapons, continuation of counterforce strategy, reaffirmation of the importance and salience of nuclear weapons, and an open-ended commitment to retain nuclear weapons further into the future than they have existed so far?


  10. Again, who the fuck is Barack Obama?

  11. .

    Obama and Syria reminds me of this...


    Initially, I thought Obama was clueless and had no strategy. Since October, 2015 when Russia entered the game, his earlier strategy seems clearer to me, not pretty, but clearer. One thing is certain there are no good guys in Syria.

    My fear is that Obama still has 3 months to go and he may push premature moves in Syria such as the Mosul offensive in an effort to pad his resume before he leaves office.


  12. Mosul is in northern Iraq but other than that the point is well taken.

  13. Obama Administration Secretly Facilitated Iranian Ballistic Missile Program


  14. .

    As to the other posts you put up, either last night or the night before I checked out the front pages of the NYT and the WaPO, two of the most influential papers in the US. The stories above the line were all about Trump and the election, Trump's tax return, Trump saying how brilliant he was, Juliani's sexist rant about Trump, a 'man' as brilliant businessman and a 'woman' costing the FBI, more on the Mercado story, and Trump suggesting Hillary was cheating on Bill. All the news stations were doing the same.

    This is what the masses are fed in this country.

    In the Times of Israel, the headline was US breaks off diplomatic talks with Russia on Syria, the UN Security Council is considering demanding a truce in Aleppo, Russia is saying the US is aiding the ISIS and the militants in Syria.

    This country would rather talk about some ex-beauty queen than the fact that Pakistan is threatening to use nuclear weapons against India or that India is thinking about damning up the water flow to Pakistan.

    It's nutz.


    1. You are correct, Q. All deviant, slanted distractions from the real issues, hoping the useful idiots (sheeple) don't notice.

    2. bah! Trump would say "They don't know what they're doing but I'm a WINNER!" and Clinton would say "America is great, America is EXCEPTIONAL!".

      we get more substance out of them on the other stuff... =|

    3. I think you have that backwards, Ash.

  15. FBI agreed to destroy evidence in Clinton email investigation immunity deals - 10/4/16

    We now know that not only did James Comey and the FBI take steps to cover up their own investigation, but they took steps to make sure future investigators would not have critical evidence. More


    You got to hand it to Hillary. She's corrupted the State Department, the Justice Department, AND the FBI.

    She's good at what she does.

    1. The FBI agreed to the destruction of evidence that had been subpoenaed by Congress.

      She's also corrupted the Presidency -


      'Admin destroyed his life -- to protect her crimes'....DRUDGE

    2. Also the IRS, of course, but that goes without saying -

      Did Weaponized IRS Leak Trump's Tax Returns?
      Daniel John Sobieski
      Did Hillary know in advance that Trump’s documents would be leaked and that this story would break within days of the debate? More


  16. Trumps 900 Million Dollar Loss, EXPOSED by the NY Times, was in one of his books years ago!

  17. Bill Clinton only briefly mentioned health care in multiple appearances Tuesday in eastern Ohio, clearly stating his support for the law and arguing that more still must be done to expand access to insurance.

    It was a far cry from the former president's Monday remarks that continued to reverberate, prompting responses from Hillary Clinton, the White House and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

    "You've got this crazy system where all the sudden 25 million more people have health care," Bill Clinton said in Flint, Michigan, "and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.

    It's the craziest thing in the world."


  18. Pence is cleaning Kaine’s clock.

    1. .

      I disagree.

      Pence seems like a nice guy. I was hoping he would do well as I have never liked Kaine.

      However, all he has done all night is try to defend the stupid comments Trump has made and you can tell his heart is not in it.

      Occasionally, he gets in a good point but then he is forced back on the defensive.

      I turned it off 15 minutes ago.


  19. As usual, the Republican, Pence gets cut off and motor mouth Kaine is given free reign

  20. On the economy, Kaine asks if Americans want a "You're hired" president in Hillary Clinton or a "You're fired" president in Donald Trump. He says Trump has said wages are too high and that the minimum wage should be abolished.

    Kaine calls Pence a "one man bulwark" against the minimum wage in Indiana.

  21. These US media “moderators” can’t control themselves.

  22. Is any one watching? Does anyone care? Certainly not me.

  23. That is one of the joys and benefits of being an ex-patriot, you can be in a pleasant state of cozy detachment. I miss it.

    1. Never was patriot in Ashe's case. :-)

    2. Naw, what happens in America happens to the world, unfortunately.

      Baltimore vs. Toronto tied in the 7th much more interesting.

    3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ct8brqmWYAAWuH9.jpg

      Two insane smiles.

    4. Bottom of the ninth and what was that you were talking about?

      Too bad only the NFL is considered the American sport these days.

  24. Pence is “winning” the debate for no other reason than Kaine is incapable of keeping his flapper shut.

  25. Would you buy vinyl siding from Kaine?

    1. He rode to fame selling asbestos shingles.

    2. Green

  26. Pence has reassured some voters towards Trump.

  27. Mike Pence was the recipient of the largest growth in followers on Twitter tonight.

    Trump is very clear about who he thought won tonight's debate.

    Mike Pence won big. We should all be proud of Mike!

  28. “Kaine came off as a jerk. I actually like that guy and I was really disappointed in him,” one person in the focus group said.

    “Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson called Tuesday night’s debate a “bickerfest.”

    “Tim Kaine, from the word go, was interrupting and kept interrupting all night. He seemed insistent on getting across the bad news about Donald Trump. He repeatedly tried to get Mike Pence to defend Donald Trump, and often Gov. Pence resisted that temptation,” Dickerson said.

    He continued, “Unlike Donald Trump in the last debate, Mike Pence was well prepared and he didn’t take the bait and in many instances he just let Tim Kaine keep interrupting.”

  29. Evidently the WORST Moderator yet.


  30. Haitian authorities called on the peacekeepers of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti to assist in the response to the hurricane, said Ariane Quentier, a spokeswoman for the mission. But with the storm still raging, there was little they could do.


    "We're seeing enormous amounts of flooding, enormous amounts of wind damage," said John Hasse, national director for the aid organization World Vision in Haiti. Before Matthew made landfall, staffers had been trying to persuade people to get to safe structures, he said.

    "Yet right up until the storm hit, we still heard many people saying, 'We're waiting on God' and not making preparations," Hasse said. He said the charity has warehouses stocked with blankets, tarps, water cans and hygiene kits to assist nearly 100,000 people, but "we expect it to go well over a million to even millions of people affected by this."

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. From which cess pool do we pull these 'moderators' ?


      Glad to see Ash expressing his True Self tonight.

      Question: 'Are you an ignorant turd, or is it that you just don't give a shit?'

      Ash: 'I don't know, and I don't care. Hey, Toronto just pulled ahead !!'
