Thursday, July 21, 2016

Newt Gingrich at GOP National Convention

And Lyin' Ted Embarrassed Texas by not Being Gracious

Texans are polite, respectful and gracious people. I doubt that they will forget how Cruz conducted himself, while representing Texas at the convention,

CLEVELAND — Longtime Donald Trump ally Roger Stone laid into Ted Cruz minutes after his refusal to endorse the GOP nominee on Wednesday, calling him a "dumb son of a bitch" and a "despicable human being."
Stone, who spoke to The Hill as he left the Quicken Loans Arena, warned that the Texas senator's public unwillingness to back Trump would come back to haunt him.
"By Ted Cruz not supporting the nominee, he's exempted himself from real conservatives," he said. "No voter gives a crap about what Ted Cruz does. The only person this hurts is Ted Cruz."
He continued to excoriate Cruz, whom delegates showered with boos as they realized he wasn't going to endorse Trump during his speech to the convention.
"Ted Cruz thinks he's Ronald Reagan. T he problem is he's not anything near Reagan in terms of being an inspiring, likable figure," Stone said. "He's a dumb son of a bitch who thinks he's smarter than everybody else."
"He's a despicable human being," he added


  1. "He's a dumb son of a bitch who thinks he's smarter than everybody else."

    Only thing worse than that is a dumb son of a bitch who thinks he's smarter than everybody else.... combined.

    Hard to get along with, either way, by definition....

    1. Huh?

      Please explain or rewrite.

    2. Think thus, Doug -

      Bob, a s.o.b., thinks he is smarter than Quirk.

      Bob, a s.o.b., thinks he is smarter than Rufus.

      Bob is even worse, he is a son of a bitch who thinks he is smarter than both of them put together.

      If Bob, a s.o.b., thought he were smarter than Doug he'd be a dumb s.o.b., but he'd still be smarter than Quirk and Rufus added together.

      Does this help ?

      If it doesn't don't ask again cause it's all I've got.

  2. Lyin' Ted, however smart he may be, is a son of a bitch because he signed the form in the debates pledging to support the Republican nominee, whomever it might be, and he has crapped out and is not doing so.

    Thus confirming his nickname as true, Lyin' Ted.

    1. Lyin' Ted, the son of a bitch, also started that false rumor that Dr. Ben Carson had dropped out of the race, costing Ben some last minute votes in an important primary.

    2. Granted, if Trump said and hinted some of the things about my or your wife and parents as he did about the parents and wife of Lyin' Ted, we'd all be pissed too.

    3. Politics seems to have a way of bringing out the worst in people.

  3. .

    Three days shot and little accomplished at the GOP Convention.

    The first day was a nothing. The 2nd day was dominated by Milania's speech only to find out that parts of it were plagiarized and then by the Trump team's efforts to stonewall on it. The third day was dominated by the revised Milania story up to around 10:00 pm when Gingrich and Pence showed up. However, though both Gingrich and Pence gave good speeches they were overshadowed by Ted Cruz' speech.

    Until Cruz showed up the convention had been a dull, disjointed affair. Even after Cruz showed up and motivated the crowd all the news, with the exception of positive comments on the Trump family, has centered on the negative, Melania's speech and Ted Cruz.

    The night should have been about Mike Pence. However, focus groups (Republicans and Independents) on both FOX and CNN, though they said they were very positively moved by Pence, said that his nomination didn't move their opinion on Trump at all.

    Three days down only one to go.

    Trump can turn it around on Day 4; however, he didn't do anything to help himself today by giving the Times a story on foreign policy. First, he said that NATO's 28 member states can't assume that the US will automatically come to their defense if they are attacked (which is basically the only reason for the alliance). Then he said that he doesn't think that the US should lecture other countries (think Turkey or Russia) on rights abuses when the US has problems of our own. Those problems? Trumps example, the two cop shootings in California and Baton Rouge.

    Why would Trump preempt his own speech tonight?

    The convention to this point has been a clusterfuck and a gift to Hillary. It's been disorganized and appears to be poorly planned both from a political and a stage crafting point of view. The optics have been bad and the only unity has been against Cruz.

    We'll see if Trump can save it tonight.


    1. .

      If anyone noticed, the foreign policy part of Mike Pence's acceptance speech offered up views exactly opposite those of Trump in the Times story.


      Perhaps, to anyone except Trump.


  4. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A TV analyst for Major League Soccer’s Philadelphia Union pleaded guilty Tuesday to receiving nearly $500,000 in kickbacks for filling unneeded prescriptions for himself and recruiting others to the scheme.

    Peter Pappas, of Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit health fraud in federal court in Newark. The pharmaceutical salesman admitted he was recruited by a marketing company that was paid by pharmacies to refer people whose insurance paid for compounded medication including pain creams, scar creams and vitamins.

    Pappas admitted that he recruited others to join the scheme, including people using a health benefit program for service members and their families managed by the U.S. Department of Defense.

    He admitted that he attempted to recruit beneficiaries from TRICARE because they gave high reimbursements for compounded medication and cream, federal prosecutors said.
    Pappas could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He’s to be sentenced on October 25th. He has since deleted his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

  5. This political event has as much long term importance to the voting public at what you had for dinner on the past Thursday in June. Political conventions serve one purpose, to rally the troops, line up the money and start the race.

    The voting US public has a memory of a gnat. Trump should send Lyin' Ted the finest box of Belgian chocolates and a $500 bouquet of flowers for helping Trump unite the party. People are not voting for Trump as much as they are telling Washington to go fuck itself.

    So far, it is working in spades.

    1. .

      Political conventions serve one purpose, to rally the troops, line up the money and start the race...So far, it is working in spades.

      To me, the optics belie that.

      First, there are the people who are not there. You can say what you want about Kasich, Bush, Paul, Romney and the others who are not there but they do represent parts of the GOP.

      Second, the thing Trump has had going the whole campaign was the enthusiasm he generated among his base. Well, his base is well represented in Cleveland and it's been far from enthusiastic. The first two nights the convention center was clearing about by a little after 10:00 pm. It was reported that people were leaving even during the main speakers gig each night. Last night, the enthusiasm ramped up but only because they had Terrible Ted to boo at.

      Third, Trump may be right when he says 'any news is good news'. If he is, I am completely off base on this; however, I don't know how you can blame plagiarism charges on the Dems or the Media. Positive? I don't see how it could be.

      Fourth, there is a conspiracy theory going around that says Trump planned the chaos we see at the convention on purpose because that's the atmosphere in which he operates best. I don't see it. Mainly, because I don't think he is that smart.

      To me the convention, from the people chosen to speak to how they are scheduled on the program to the content of their message, has been for the most part a clusterf**k though it did start to improve around the 10:00 o'clock hour last night. It seems, to me, to show the lack of depth and experience in the Trump organization. I mean even the Pence speech was at odds with the very things Trump was saying to the NYT earlier in the day.

      As far as I could see, there have only been two things the media has concentrated on over the first three days and today until the main speakers get up there, Milania and Cruz.

      You can argue that the convention hasn't hurt Trump to this point, but IMO it has been a big zero in terms of helping him. As I said above,

      The night should have been about Mike Pence. However, focus groups (Republicans and Independents) on both FOX and CNN, though they said they were very positively moved by Pence, said that his nomination didn't move their opinion on Trump at all.

      I don't know what kind of a boost Trump will get in donations after the convention. But to me up until now it seems he has been wasting a great opportunity.



    Ted Cruz Dashes Hopes for Unity by Snubbing Donald Trump
    New York Times-7 hours ago
    On the third day of the Republican convention, the refusal by Senator Ted Cruz to endorse Donald J. Trump widened cracks in the party's ...

    ANALYSIS: Trump Convention Struggles to Control Forces ...
    ABC News-7 hours ago

    In a TV-Worthy Plot Twist, Ted Cruz Steals Donald Trump's Thunder ...
    Variety-4 hours ago
    Ted Cruz Didn't Endorse Trump At Trump's Own Convention

    Huffington Post-9 hours ago
    Cruz booed after refusing to endorse Trump
    In-Depth-CNN-7 hours ago


    Pence Makes The Case For Trump After Cruz Is Booed
    NPR-7 hours ago
    The crowd quickly turned on Cruz Wednesday night after he refused to endorse GOP nominee Donald Trump. The Texas senator and GOP ...

  7. Cruz has the popularity of a political assassin from Texas, second only behind Lee Harvey Oswald.

  8. The US Treasury Department said Wednesday that Washington had imposed economic sanctions on three senior members of Al Qaeda living in Iran. The step froze any financial assets of Faisal Al-Amri Al-Khalidi, Yisra Ibrahim Bayumi and Abu Bakr Ghumayn in the US. The three are accused of helping transfer funds from South Asian countries to the Middle East, financing terror, and trade and shipping of arms to Middle Eastern countries.

    What Iran you say?


  9. Ah it continues.

    The National Union of Students has voted to remove the right of Jewish students to choose their representative on the union’s Anti-Racism and Anti-Fascism Committee. In previous years, the Jewish student representative bodies (representing around 8,500 registered Jewish students) were consulted and had a say in choosing the Jewish representative on the committee. That is no longer the case, and now the decision will be solely that of NUS’s National Executive Committee and its President Malia Bouattia. Indeed it was Bouattia who approved the amendment, using her casting vote.

    Malia Bouattia has called Birmingham University a “Zionist outpost in higher education” because it has “the largest Jsoc [Jewish student society] in the country.” She has railed against “Zionist-led media outlets”, defended Palestinian terrorism as “resistance” and voted against condemning ISIS. When CAA and others called on her to retract her comments, condemn terrorism and endorse the NUS policy on antisemitism she counterclaimed instead.

    Given Malia Bouattia’s track record on Jewish matters, it may not come as a surprise that it was her casting vote that condemned the Jewish student body to lose the right to choose its representative in the NUS campaign against racism and fascism.

    The Union of Jewish Students has condemned the decision, saying that this just another example of “Jews being pushed out of university life”.

    This is another instance of the welfare of Jewish students being deliberately ignored, and voices of Jewish students being shunned. Furthermore, by replacing the Jewish students’ representative with an unendorsed committee member, there is a clear risk that the perpetrators of antisemitism will feel protected.

    Sorta like this blog's POV about who should be allowed to represent the Jewish POV.

    Deuce, Rufus and Rat all have made accusations that I am not a "real" Jew, Deuce even said he never met in real life a "jew" like me and questioned if I was one....

    Maybe the collective here will be happy if Jews across the world were appointed official Kapos to represent them.

  10. This is not The Jewish News Network. Isn’t that the point to your blog? What are they saying about it over there? Why don’t you go check and report in?

    1. And yet you promise another israel trashing post next?


      Why do you focus on one tiny people and nation, repeatedly?

    2. Maybe you should view your own record of being the JNN and get back to us?

  11. Police search Turkish air base used by US military that houses NATO's largest nuclear weapons storage facility after commander was arrested by Erdogan over coup

    Turkish police have started a search of the Incirlik air base following coup

    Base is used by US military and is largest store of NATO nuclear weapons

    Commander of the base General Bekir Ercan Van has been arrested

    Reports suggest fighter jets carrying out the coup used the base to refuel

    Read more:

  12. Trump on the prompter for an hour tonight.

    Can he stay on prompter for that long ?

  13. Hillary set to announce VP pick on Florida trip in next couple of days. One Castro fellow is out for having violated the Hatch Act.

    Looking like Kaine.

  14. In an effort to keep Quirk up to speed on all the confusing goings-on.....

    Quirk, this is Day Four of the Republican National Convention.

    It is the final day of the RNC.

    Put in your terms, Quirk, it is the THE DAY THE BALLOONS FALL FROM THE CEILING, the day you like best.

    1. This will get Quirk's attention, always a sucker for a pretty skirt as he is -


    2. Balloons, pretty skirts, it's gonna be high clover for Quirk-O tonight !!

      toot toooooot !

    3. .

      The English major for Idaho once again proves he lacks the ability to understand a point within the context in which it is made. Instead, he requires monosyllable words in short sentences that do not require you to think or formulate associations. Unfortunately, most people have progressed beyond that stage by the time they leave kindergarden leaving him with a small audience for the drivel he spouts.

      When he was told, that the GOP had wasted the first three days of the convention he noted that the third day wasn't over yet, a simplistic observation that misses the point that the big story of the previous day is what holds the attention of the media for the entire next day up until about the 10:00 o'clock hour when the main speaker of the day is usually introduced

      On Tuesday, Milania Trump gave her speech. Shortly after, the plagiarism charges arose. Those charges and those about the Trump campaign cover up sucked the wind out of any positives coming out of the convention for all of Wednesday up until the main speeches in the evening. And what were they replaced with? Pence? Gingrich? No. Cruz. That and the fact that Trump gave a major and controversial foreign policy speech to the NYT that was 180 degrees from what the new VP nominee was saying. Yet, despite the new wrinkle the panel on CNN at 2:00 am today was still talking about the plagiarism kerfuffle.

      Farmer Bob just hasn't been able to keep up over the last few days. Perhaps, we should chip in and buy him some crayons to keep him busy during this convention. At least, until the balloons drop.


    4. .

      Ol Bob does seem to be fascinated by balloons and pretty legs.

      Perhaps, he should work for FOX news one of the few places where he could meet the intelligence requirement.


  15. "You're on fire ! You're on fire, stupid!"

    Police save stupid ass who lights USA flag, AND HIMSELF, on fire during protest....

  16. After 30 years, New Zealand to welcome US warship - 7/21/16
    China's military expansion is having a ripple affect across Asia. More

    Daddy is needed.

  17. No "civilians" here... Just the government...

    1MDB: Malaysian PM under pressure over $1bn US fraud case

    Malaysian PM Najib Razak is facing pressure internationally and at home amid US allegations of massive fraud at state investment fund 1MDB.
    The fund was set up by Mr Najib in 2009 with the stated aim of boosting the Malaysian economy.
    But US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said evidence showed it had defrauded Malaysians "on an enormous scale".
    On Wednesday, US authorities moved to seize more than $1bn (£761m) in assets related to the fund.
    Mr Najib is not named in the papers and has consistently denied wrongdoing.
    But he is identifiable as "Malaysian Official 1", whose account allegedly received millions in funds originating from 1MDB.
    The $1bn the US hopes to seize would make up only a proportion of the more than $3.5bn (£2.6bn) allegedly diverted.


  18. A New Record?

    Has any candidate ever received Fewer Endorsements at this own Convention?

    1. .

      It appears you and I are the only ones here who view this convention as an opportunity lost, at least up to this point.

      I am having trouble finding any positives that have come out of it to this point.


    2. On the other hand, it's slowly becoming obvious to me in my old age that any streak in which the world agrees with me more than 50% is strictly an anomaly, statistics wise. :)

    3. .

      Well, it's not like the conventions will make much difference. The fact that the GOP convention is so bizarre was predictable.

      The only saving grace for Trump (hate to use the phrase when referring to Trump) is that next Monday the Dems start theirs.


    4. One good thing about the convention is that folk in the event zone haven't shot things up.

    5. True.

      All so far is urine thrown about between BLM, KKK, and Westboro Baptist.

      And this is high humour !

  19. .

    The [fill in the blank] are accused of helping transfer funds from South Asian countries to the Middle East, financing terror, and trade and shipping of arms to Middle Eastern countries.

    You could easily plug the USA into this sentence.


    1. Better be careful.

      The Lord may strike you dead for such dissing.

    2. .

      Which lord is that, snowflake?


    3. QuirkThu Jul 21, 01:18:00 PM EDT

      Lord, you are stupid.

      And yet you are still making relative excuses for Iran.


    4. .

      What the hell is a relative excuse?


    5. .

      Well, gee, I guess I'll have to apologize for asking you to translate your WiOisms into standard English.


  20. I am having trouble finding any positives that have come out of it to this point.

    As usual, the day continues....

    Our Resident PPP - 'perpetually pessimistic prick' - is having trouble seeing the positive side of anything at all once again....


    1. One of Quirk's most optimistic ads from back in his advertising days -

      What's in YOUR safe ?

    2. (life is soggy scorecard - without Rosland Capital)

  21. .

    <<<>>>SNOWFLAKE ALERT<<<>>>

    Fancypants College In Cleveland Offers SAFE SPACE For Students Traumatized By Republican Convention

    Case Western Reserve University is providing a “safe space” for students who are upset about this week’s Republican National Convention.

    The fancypants private school in Cleveland — where tuition, fees and room and board cost $60,304 per year — is located just over 4 miles from Quicken Loans Arena, where the GOP convention is occurring.

    A July 11 statement in The Daily, Case Western’s internal e-newsletter, informs students — and professors, and administrators — that the private school’s Social Justice Institute “will host a ‘safe space'” in the basement of concrete-laden Crawford Hall for the duration of the convention, which runs from July 18 to July 21.

    “After extensive consultation among our leadership team and discussions in last week’s open forums, we have decided that the university will reduce its on-campus operations significantly from Monday, July 18, through the close of the convention Thursday, July 21,” the statement explains.

    Classes have been either cancelled or moved off campus. Faculty members, students and most staffers are supposed to take virtually the entire week off. “Deans and unit leaders have been asked to work with their teams to determine how to maintain essential services with the fewest number of staff physically on the campus.”

    “University Counseling Services will continue to offer walk-in services for students who want to talk with someone about their concerns related to recent events and/or the upcoming convention,” the Case Western statement says...

    These are the snowflakes we will be turning the country over to. Is there any question as to why we are so screwed up as a nation?


    1. It's enough to make any sane person join The Republican Party.

    2. .


      You merely offer up a binary choice between the Eloi and the Morlocks.


    3. .

      You offer up a prognostication of dystopia.


    4. CNN: RNC spokesman: Sure, I’d describe Cruz as an A-hole

      Maybe a choice between A-holes and B-holes ?

    5. "You offer up a prognostication of dystopia."

      Now, that's real fancy, and meaningless, City Disco Slicker.

      You're a nattering nabob of negativism.

      Take that !


  22. Krauthammer: "Cruz Delivered The Longest Suicide Note In American Political History"

    Posted By Ian Schwartz
    On Date July 21, 2016


    Cheers !


    Black therapist shot by Florida police while helping autistic man

    Terry Spencer

    MIAMI — The Associated Press

    Published Thursday, Jul. 21, 2016 8:01AM EDT"

    1. Does that say more about cops or Florida?

    2. South Miami Police shoot Black fireman rescuing kitten from powerpole.

    3. The chief said officers responded following reports of a man with a vendetta against cats posing as a fireman, and the officers arrived “with that threat in mind.”

    4. ...and it was a fluffy white kitten so they knew it was a hate crime.

    5. Police ordered Kinsey and the patient, who was sitting in the street playing with a toy truck, to lie on the ground.
      How were they to know that truck was not filled with explosives?

    6. Video:
      Clearly, his hands are only half way up?

      Why can't these people simply do as they are told?

    7. He asked the cop:
      "Why did you shoot me?"

      "I don't know."

    8. Some dumb fuck called in that someone was carrying a gun.

      In the video, the patient appears to be pretending the truck is a gun, pointing it at the cops.

      ...begging the question: Why didn't they shoot the guy with the "gun?"

      Filed under: Cops/Florida

    9. ...then they put him in three pairs of cuffs, apparently leaving the (white) Truck Terrorist sitting in the road!

  24. Claire McCaskill ‏@clairecmc

    Second question,how can you claim to be great negotiator if you can't negotiate endorsement from a speaker YOU invite to YOUR convention?

    1. Profound.

      ...and hilarious.

    2. What was the first question?

      Why is George Steponallofus a "Newsanchor" when he gives money to Hillary and was in the Clinton War room?

  25. Anyone else here on the Kill List?

  26. Video:

    "You're on fire! You're on fire, stupid,"

    Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, converged on the scene, confronting a small group of demonstrators in what quickly escalated into the most heated clash in a mostly subdued week of protests.
    "You're on fire! You're on fire, stupid," an officer could be heard yelling when the man who tried to start the blaze had his leg briefly catch fire. He was then arrested for assaulting an officer, Williams said during an evening news conference, after trying to bat away police seeking to douse the flames.
