Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WASHINGTON — The United States will provide appropriate help to the Turkish government following Friday's failed coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Obama told Erdogan in a call Tuesday

Erdogan Had It Coming: But the Turkish Coup Failed 

The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself. But it would be a grave mistake to assume two things: that the putting down of a military coup is a momentary matter after which the Turkish army will remain obedient to its sultan; and to regard at least 161 deaths and more than 2,839 detained in isolation from the collapse of the nation-states of the Middle East.

For the weekend’s events in Istanbul and Ankara are intimately related to the breakdown of frontiers and state-belief – the assumption that Middle East nations have permanent institutions and borders – that has inflicted such wounds across Iraq, Syria, Egypt and other countries in the Arab world. Instability is now as contagious as corruption in the region, especially among its potentates and dictators, a class of autocrat of which Erdogan has been a member ever since he changed the constitution for his own benefit and restarted his wicked conflict with the Kurds.

Needless to say, Washington’s first reaction was instructive. Turks must support their “democratically elected government”. The “democracy” bit was rather hard to swallow; even more painful to recall, however, was the very same government’s reaction to the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi’s “democratically elected” government in Egypt in 2013 – when Washington very definitely did not ask Egypt’s people to support Morsi and quickly gave its support to a military coup far more bloody than the attempted putsch in Turkey. Had the Turkish army been successful, be sure Erdogan would have been treated as dismissively as the unfortunate Morsi.

But what do you expect when Western nations prefer stability to freedom and dignity? That’s why they are prepared to accept Iran’s troops and loyal Iraqi militiaman joining in the battle against Isis – as well as the poor 700 missing Sunnis who “disappeared” after the recapture of Fallujah – and that’s why the “Assad must go” routine has been quietly dropped. Now that Bashar al-Assad has outlived David Cameron’s premiership – and will almost certainly outlast Obama’s presidency – the regime in Damascus will look with wondering eyes at the events in Turkey this weekend.

The victorious powers in the First World War destroyed the Ottoman Empire – which was one of the purposes of the 1914-18 conflict after the Sublime Porte made the fatal mistake of siding with Germany – and the ruins of that empire were then chopped into bits by the Allies and handed over to brutal kings, vicious colonels and dictators galore. Erdogan and the bulk of the army which has decided to maintain him in power – for now – fit into this same matrix of broken states.

The warning signs were there for Erdogan – and the West – to see, if only they had recalled the experience of Pakistan. Shamelessly used by the Americans to funnel missiles, guns and cash to the “mujahedin” who were fighting the Russians, Pakistan – another “bit” chopped off an empire (the Indian one) turned into a failed state, its cities torn apart with massive bombs, its own corrupt army and intelligence service cooperating with Russia’s enemies – including the Taliban – and then infiltrated by Islamists who would eventually threaten the state itself.
When Turkey began playing the same role for the US in Syria – sending weapons to the insurgents, its corrupt intelligence service cooperating with the Islamists, fighting the state power in Syria – it, too, took the path of a failed state, its cities torn apart by massive bombs, its countryside infiltrated by the Islamists. The only difference is that Turkey also relaunched a war on its Kurds in the south-east of the country where parts of Diyabakir are now as devastated as large areas of Homs or Aleppo. Too late did Erdogan realise the cost of the role he had chosen for his country. It’s one thing to say sorry to Putin and patch up relations with Benjamin Netanyahu; but when you can no longer trust your army, there are more serious matters to concentrate on.

Two thousand or so arrests are quite a coup for Erdogan – rather larger, in fact, than the coup the army planned for him. But they must be just a few of the thousands of men in the Turkish officer corps who believe the Sultan of Istanbul is destroying his country. It’s not just a case of reckoning the degree of horror which Nato and the EU will have felt at these events. The real question will be the degree to which his (momentary) success will embolden Erdogan to undertake more trials, imprison more journalists, close down more newspapers, kill more Kurds and, for that matter, go on denying the 1915 Armenian genocide.

For outsiders, it’s sometimes difficult to understand the degree of fear and almost racist disgust with which Turkey regards any form of Kurdish militancy; America, Russia, Europe – the West in general – has so desomaticised the word “terrorist” that we fail to comprehend the extent to which Turks call the Kurds “terrorists” and see them as a danger to the very existence of the Turkish state; which is just how they saw the Armenians in the First World War. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk may have been a good old secular autocrat admired even by Adolf Hitler, but his struggle to unify Turkey was caused by the very factions which have always haunted the Turkish heartland – along with dark (and rational) suspicions about the plotting of Western powers against the state.

All in all, then, a far more dramatic series of events have taken place in Turkey this weekend than may at first appear. From the frontier of the EU, through Turkey and Syria and Iraq and large parts of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and on to Libya and – dare one mention this after Nice? – Tunisia, there is now a trail of anarchy and failed states. Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot began the Ottoman Empire’s dismemberment – with help from Arthur Balfour — but it continues to this day.

In this grim historical framework must we view the coup-that-wasn’t in Ankara. Stand by for another one in the months or years to come.

Robert Fisk writes for the Independent, where this column originally appeared. 



    US mulls ‘pause’ in support of Syrian rebels following beheading of Palestinian boy

    The US says it may reconsider its affiliation and support for the Syrian opposition if reports of anti-Assad rebels beheading a Palestinian boy are confirmed. The State Department has vowed “consequences” if the gruesome videos of the death are true.
    “If we [the United States] can prove indeed what happened and this group [al-Zenki] was involved in it… it would give us pause about any assistance or frankly any further involvement,” Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, Mark Toner, told reporters at a daily briefing Tuesday

    Toner refused to elaborate on what consequences the Syrian opposition would face if it turns out that they had been behind the “appalling” beheading of the Palestinian boy.

    “I can’t take what these consequences would be, but this would give certainly a pause and we’ll look at any affiliation or cooperation with this group,” he reiterated when asked for details.

  2. Obama reaffirms to The Sultan of ass stabbers and may be in a little bit in a tizzy owe a simple head hacking. No word about the mother nation of all head hackers, US Ally, Saudi Arabia.

  3. Disgusting.

    Quirk, this is a SNUFF film.

    Both sides of the shiite - sunni war are savages.

    1. .

      Better set up a viewing with your son.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. .

      As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.

      You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.


    4. Thanks Quirk,

      But you should look in the mirror.

      It might just scare the crap out of you if you had a soul...

      But wait, you don't.

    5. .

      More nonsense.

      I don't have to argue. I simply repeat your own words.

      You put up video of the IDF shooting that unarmed kid. You laughed about it and tried to justify it.

      When I suggested that it was disgusting and pushed the point that you would be ashamed to show that video to your family and give them the same justifications you were spouting here, you said you showed it to your son.

      What you haven't the capacity to understand is that that statement was more disgusting than your original position.

      Now, you admit that you actually were ashamed to show the video to your family and that you didn't share it with your son. Well, I consider it positive that there might be some hope for you. However, you admit you lied something I kind of suspected.

      The whole episode shows the quality of your character. Not that it needs to be exposed further. Your constant LOL's about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the ME. Your inability to argue facts and instead offering up comments like

      But after I fucked your daughter, we did watch it together......

      They show exactly what you are. It's hardly necessary for me to point it out. But I will.

      Yesterday, you complained about the article I put up on 'binary options' lest the rat use it in the future. Well, you don't need to worry about the rat with this one. I pulled a copy of it myself and you can count on seeing it again.

      You are too stupid to understand that the comment doesn't reflect on me or my daughter at all. but it sure as hell defines you.


    6. Yeah, I saw that WiO comment and my thought was "my, he has managed to stoop to a new low". Way to go WiO! I'm sure b00bie found it funny.

    7. Quirk, an "unarmed" kid?


      A proud Palestinian rock thrower who happened to be stone-less for a moment.

      Your bullshit continues to grow by the day.

    8. Quirk: Now, you admit that you actually were ashamed to show the video to your family and that you didn't share it with your son.

      No I don't classify it as a "snuff" film.

      At video of the palestinian BOY (an actual one) being beheaded is a snuff film

    9. Quirk's definition of what a "kid" is?


    10. Quirk: The whole episode shows the quality of your character. Not that it needs to be exposed further. Your constant LOL's about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the ME. Your inability to argue facts and instead offering up comments like

      But you don't argue facts, nor do fact mean anything to you.

      You twist and babble.

      Like a willow tree, trying (and failing) to win any argument except by yourself.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. .

      You: They show exactly what you are. It's hardly necessary for me to point it out

      I think they call this the passive aggressive behavior.

      Sorry, if you need it spelled out, you are a sorry piece of shit and one sick puppy.

      I assume everyone else knew what I was talking about.


    13. .

      QuirkWed Jul 20, 09:46:00 AM EDT
      Better set up a viewing with your son.

      Maybe you should learn not to be such an ass?

      Perhaps, you should learn how not to lie then people won't be calling you on them.


    14. .

      But you don't argue facts...

      Argue the facts?

      Are you nutz? I laid out the facts in my original post.


    15. Yeah facts? According to whom?

      Quirk, I hope those you support? Those unarmed kids? Corner your ass one day at a intersection.

  4. Ah... Iran...

    Lest we forget?

    Exclusively-obtained US court documents have exposed a link between Iran and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    The documents, published this week by pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, revealed that a New York District Court ordered Iran to pay more than $10.5 billion in damages to families of people killed in the attacks and to a group of insurers.

    According to the newspaper, “allegations were built on information collected by military men who conducted interrogations with US detainees on Iranian affiliation with al-Qaeda.”

    The evidence from six court documents obtained by the newspaper points to Iran and Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah as being involved “firsthand” in the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed thousands of US citizens.

    Judge George Daniels found that Iran had failed to defend claims that it aided the Sept. 11 hijackers and was therefore liable for damages tied to the attacks, according to Bloomberg.

    Daniels condemned Iran for facilitating the execution of the terrorist attacks that hit both New York and Washington.

    The lawsuit detailed 274 instances of Iran's alleged role in terror-funding and its cooperation with terror organizations such as al-Qaeda.

    The more we learn?

    The more Turkey, Iran, the Palestinians, the Saudis, Hezbollah all suck.

    1. The trial revealed that bin Laden, current leader of al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri, Hezbollah’s Imad Mughniyeh - assassinated in 2008 - and other Iranian attaches had met in Sudan to establish an alliance supporting terrorism.

  5. .

    Iran Sues U.S. in International Court Over Frozen Assets

    Case follows Supreme Court decision allowing terror victims to collect some $2 billion in Iranian funds

    Iran is suing the U.S. in the International Court of Justice, accusing Washington of violating a 1955 treaty by freezing its assets.

    I suspect Iran will win.


    1. What the hell are we doing in some 'International Court' ?

      Whole idea is preposterous.

  6. L'll Marco is up to bat tonight !

    Maybe Lyin' Ted Cruz too !

    1. 'Low Energy' Jeb ! - his three delegates somebody $50 million apiece - doesn't seem to have the energy to attend.....

    2. his three delegates cost somebody

  7. As a REAL AMERICAN, I'm going to vote, and buy gold through Rosland Capital, and suggest you do the same.

    Go here -

    Rosland Capital

    When calling, Press 1, or ask for "Q"

  8. .

    Trump team identifies Meredith McIver as speechwriter responsible for Melania's speech kerfuffle.

    The whole episode represents amateur night.

    The whole convention looks like amateur night.

    At least 3 days of the 4 have been wasted. The way it's going we can assume tomorrow will be more of the same.

    IMO the whole thing has been a gift for Hillary Clinton. It's impossible to see any positives.


    1. .

      If I'm wrong it is because Trump is correct when he says 'ALL press is good press.'


    2. .

      The convention looks like a 3 ring circus from Trump's WWE entrance, the Melania's speech, to some pretty weird speeches, to denying any plagiarism, to admitting plagiarism.

      Yesterday was supposed to be about the economy but all we heard was 'Lock her up.'

      Crazy stuff.


  9. If she's locked up she won't be able to harm the economy.

    1. "At least 3 days of the 4 have been wasted"

      We've only had two days, and today, the third, is still young.


    2. "It's impossible to see any positives."

      Inevitably, for a perpetual professional pessimist like yourself.


    3. .


      And all that will be talked about today is how the Melania speech has been handled.


  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. You really are a disgusting runt, a sewer of a man.

    1. Thanks, at least I don't stand for Russia, Hamas, the PA, Iran and Hezbollah like you

      Coming from you?

      It's high praise

  12. Strikes in Syria

    Bomber and fighter aircraft conducted three strikes near Manbij in Syria, striking three separate ISIL tactical units and destroying nine ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL command-and-control node and 12 ISIL vehicles.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 13 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, a strike destroyed three ISIL weapons caches.

    -- Near Hit, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Kisik, a strike destroyed an ISIL supply cache and suppressed an ISIL sniper position.

    -- Near Mosul, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and seven ISIL media sites and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes destroyed an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL bomb factory.

    -- Near Ramadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL mortar system.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and suppressed two ISIL mortar positions and an ISIL machine gun position.

    -- Near Tal Afar, a strike struck an ISIL media site.

  13. Deuce is making WiO look better than he is. WiO should thank him.

  14. Mr. "YOUR FIRED!" Trump isn't going to fire the speech writer who included parts of Michelle Obama's speech in Melania's. Seems to be she's a "long time family friend" who scored the job of staff speech writer.

    The Trump Brain Trust remains intact.

    1. Sorry, she's an "in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization" who is also a "long time family friend and admirer of the Trump family"


    The Turkish higher board of education has prohibited all academics from traveling abroad, according to local broadcaster TRT.
    LIVE UPDATES: #TurkeyPurge: Post-coup crackdown

    The ban is a temporary measure to prevent alleged coup plotters in universities from escaping, according to a Turkish government official, cited by Reuters. Some people at the universities were communicating with military cells, the official claimed.

    Four university rectors have also been suspended as part of the crackdown, according to broadcaster NTV.

    It comes shortly after the government ordered the resignation of all university deans – namely, 1,577 people.

    Also, the authorities canceled the licenses of 21,000 private-school teachers, bringing the total number of dismissed professionals to almost 60,000, according to Bloomberg estimates.

    Academics around the world have expressed their outrage at the situation, too. Fiona de Londras, professor of Global Legal Studies at the University of Birmingham, has launched an online petition to support academic freedom in Turkey.

    The Anonymous hacktivist group has also condemned the crackdown on education and media, urging to pay attention to the upcoming publications on the WikiLeaks whistleblowing website. On Wednesday, access to WikiLeaks was blocked in Turkey after a cache of some 300,000 government emails went online.


      WASHINGTON — The United States will provide appropriate help to the Turkish government following Friday's failed coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Obama told Erdogan in a call Tuesday.

    2. .

      Bye. Bye. EU. Hello Uncle Sam?


    3. .

      I would be surprised if the US provides any material aid to Erdogan.

      But who knows?


  16. That ole Trump brain trust is at it again:

    "The plagiarism allegation also came up after his son, Donald Trump Jr., electrified the audience in his convention speech on Tuesday night.

    His references to schools as “elevators stuck on the ground floor” and “Soviet-era department stores” operating for the benefit of sales staff and not the customers were strikingly similar to lines in an article in The American Conservative magazine this May.

    The author, Frank Buckley, said it was not “stealing” because he was one of the speechwriters.

    Frank Buckley ‏@fbuckley · 6h6 hours ago
    Such a silly kerfufle about the speech. Ironically, the lines I used I didn't invent. I borrowed them from someone else. I forget whom."

    These guys are brilliant, just brilliant!

  17. Erdogan is the Democratically elected President of a NATO ally, that just happens to be strategically located vis a vis ISIS.

    What would you expect from an adult man that just happens to be the President of The United States?

    1. hitler was democratically elected, as too was Hamas.

  18. Quirk is now Rat and is obsessed that there is a crime committed by Jews..

    " Well, you don't need to worry about the rat with this one. I pulled a copy of it myself and you can count on seeing it again."


    I am impressed.

    1. They will both get theirs.

      Quirk may get his soon:

      "First we show the Poles, then everybody else"

      Newly elected muzzie councilman in Hamtramckt, Michigan, just down the road from Quirk's hidey hole....

  19. I blame it all Quirk's lack of imagination.

    He watches a great painter and see paint drying.

    Others see a Rembrandt beginning to form.

    WiO was probably pointing out something along this line and gets tagged.

    Judgement: Quirk


  20. Democracy is way over rated.

    My Swedish grandfather want 'a goot king'!

    That makes him almost Platonic, though he wouldn't have known it.

    Our Republic is an effort to limit and guide a democracy.

    And it is fraying around the edges.....

    What to do, what to do ?

    Vote against Criminals running for office, mind one's own business, hope for the best, be humble and kind to others of good character, walk slowly, but with CC or open carry and a CWP if rod the streams.....and keep reading the great books and love those whom one

  21. Mock and betray the Quirk's of the world, the shameless ad men of the world, mercilessly, and relentlessly !

    That too is important.

    Call the smirks of the world SMIRK

    Be accurate and honest in all things....

  22. Do not eat sausage followed by chocolate and peanut butter ice cream.

  23. Is Incirlik Air Base being held hostage by Turkey?
    July 20, 2016

    Is Incirlik Air Base being held hostage by Turkey?
    Vero Beach, FL - (TRUNEWS) For a fifth consecutive day, Turkey has intentionally withheld power and vital supplies from the U.S.-NATO joint installation Incirlik Air Base.

    According to our sources, verified by TRUNEWS as parents and spouses of U.S. airmen currently stationed at Incirlik Air Base, no supplies have been flown or driven into the installation since Saturday, food and water are being strictly rationed, and only one week of fuel reserves remain to power their electric generators.

    A wife of a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) trapped in Incirlik Air Base told TRUNEWS correspondent Edward Szall that her husband ate only one meal Saturday at the bases dining facilities, and has since been sustaining himself on junk food and snacks.

    “He told me that everyone is getting irritable, lots of amenities being taken away it’s starting to get to people,” the spouse said Tuesday night.

    A mother of an airmen sequestered inside Incirlik told TRUNEWS that her son informed her early Wednesday that Turkish police are still blockading the base entrance, and that the electric generators — powering flight operations and the underground bunkers housing B-61 nuclear bombs — would remain on until fuel rations were extinguished. Her son also claimed that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter vetoed a plan to transfer all personnel and equipment from the base after the military coup began Friday night, citing that the move was “too expensive”.

    On the July 19th edition of TRUNEWS, host Rick Wiles interviewed Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, regarding the nuclear armaments housed at Incirlik Air Base. During the interview Mr. Kristensen noted the B-61 warheads would take approximately three weeks to transfer from the underground bunkers in the event of an emergency, even with a full military contingency facilitating the move.

  24. .

    What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 04:55:00 PM EDT

    Quirk is now Rat and is obsessed that there is a crime committed by Jews..

    " Well, you don't need to worry about the rat with this one. I pulled a copy of it myself and you can count on seeing it again."


    Now you seem to be saying you represents all Jews, WiO. What chutzpah.

    What a pitiful attempt at diversion. I guess your comment above is true but only in the sense that you are Jewish.

    My comments weren't directed at Jews. They were directed at you.

    I didn't say the Jews were disgusting for applauding and excusing the killing of that unarmed kid in the video. I said you were disgusting for doing it.

    I didn't say the Jews were laughing about the hundreds of thousands of deaths now going on in the ME. I said you were.

    I didn't call the Jews liars for saying they watched that snuff video with their kids. I said you were a liar.

    I didn't call the Jews out as sorry pieces of shit and sick puppies for saying

    But after I fucked your daughter, we did watch it together...

    I said it to you.

    But maybe it's just my lack of imagination. Idaho Bob compares your comment about fucking my daughter a work of art, comparable to a Rembrandt.

    No doubt he is laughing about the growing dead in the ME too.

    I can only suggest that maybe it is simply you guys who lack the imagination especially when you have no idea why some here view you as slimy shits.


    1. "Now you seem to be saying you represents all Jews, WiO."

      Do you represents, or don't you, WiO?

    2. And yet you said:

      QuirkWed Jul 20, 10:36:00 AM EDT

      As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.

      You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.


      Case closed.

      You are a prick

    3. Quirk loves to wiggle and backtrack when caught like an insect in a trap..

      read his statement, no out of context snippet..

      Simple and too the heart...

      "QuirkWed Jul 20, 10:36:00 AM EDT

      As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.
      You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.

      Quirk's bias is clear.

      His protestations are quite vigorous.

      Brings to ming the old saying:

      Doth protest too much...

    4. .

      I don't protest at all.

      Of course, you would fit in with the ME culture. You certainly don't reflect Western culture.

      What do you think would happen in the US (or Canada or any Western country) if police where shooting demonstrators on a daily basis. We already see the protests raised here from isolated cases of police overreaction or outright brutality occur. In Israel, doesn't cause the least stir. You find it amusing. There.


    5. .

      read his statement, no out of context snippet..

      Simple and too the heart...

      "QuirkWed Jul 20, 10:36:00 AM EDT

      As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.
      You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.


      Kind of hard to do since it was posted in response to one of your comments that was disgusting enough that Deuce took it down.

      What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 10:30:00 AM EDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    6. Kind of hard to do since it was posted in response to one of your comments that was disgusting enough that Deuce took it down.

      What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 10:30:00 AM EDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

      Baloney, you posted my words several times.


      Hey Quirk, should be now cal you the Quirkrat?

    7. .

      In fact, going back and looking at the posts that was the one where you offered up this gem...

      But after I fucked your daughter, we did watch it together...

      As I said, the comment says it all. Other than Bob and Doug, I would imagine most people here know what a slimeball you are.


  25. Professor Farquharson attempts to save a three legged dog named "Tubby."

  26. quirk pontificates:

    I said: What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 04:55:00 PM EDT
    Quirk is now Rat and is obsessed that there is a crime committed by Jews..

    Quirks comment I was commenting on: " Well, you don't need to worry about the rat with this one. I pulled a copy of it myself and you can count on seeing it again."

    Now where did I say I was representing ALL Jews, but in fact commenting on Quirk's threat to continue to beat the dead horse and "repost" an article talking about an Israel crime ring involving thousands of Jews...

    "QuirkWed Jul 20, 10:36:00 AM EDT
    As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.
    You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.

    1. .

      You dumb shit. My threat wasn't about reposting the article on binary options it was about posting the comment you made about my daughter.


  27. Pure Brilliance:

    “As a black guy in Silicon Valley, I just find it very hard to support a candidate who has been called racist,” Mr. Johnson said.

    As a poo poo head, I'm not voting for anyone who is called a poo poo head hater.

  28. Quirk complains about deuce.

    QuirkWed Jul 20, 01:05:00 PM EDT
    (my words) But after I fucked your daughter, we did watch it together......

    See quirk, not hard at all, you did it at least 2 times on this thread

    1. .

      Exactly asshole. The comment doesn't reflect on me or my daughter in any way. The only one it reflects on is the slimy shit that posted it.


  29. Now here is the context of the WiO/Quirk Exchange.

    "What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 09:26:00 AM EDT
    Quirk, this is a SNUFF film.
    Both sides of the shiite - sunni war are savages.

    To which quirk passively/aggressively lobes a grenade

    QuirkWed Jul 20, 09:46:00 AM EDT.
    Better set up a viewing with your son.

    To WHICH I RESPONDED: What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 20, 10:30:00 AM EDT
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    Then quirk, ever the man of wit said:

    QuirkWed Jul 20, 10:36:00 AM EDT
    As I said, culture and upbringing will tell.
    You should really consider the aliyah. You would fit in seamlessly.

    A comment not just at my boorish, crude remark but a comment aimed at the Jewish state...

    Tsk tsk

    Quirk you are not a good arguer

    case closed..


    1. .

      A comment not just at my boorish, crude remark but a comment aimed at the Jewish state...

      No, my comments were primarily about you as a human being. But you know my views of the current government of Israel and the right wing direction the state is moving. And as I say, you would fit right in.



    2. Better than your fitting in with the Hamas, and the apes in the west bank, who want an apartheid, racist, misogynist, genocidal state, which you support creating there.

    3. .

      ...and the apes in the west bank...


      You too would fit in well over there.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry Quirk, your feeling are well too known.

      That's why I have NO respect for you.

      You support evil.

  30. Milo

    Twitter is a private company entitled to do what it likes. The problem is it’s lying to users. Jack Dorsey says it’s the free speech platform of the free speech wing of the free speech party, that he wants it to be a utility like water. Twitter is a place you go if you want to express yourself. That’s a lie. There is a systemic campaign against conservative and libertarian points of view on Twitter. How do we know this? Not from the company’s own notoriously opaque statements but the fact they apply their own rules so capriciously and inconsistently. There’s only one possible explanation. Twitter is perfectly happy to host ISIS, to host death threats from Donald Trump supporters and they do not take any of it down.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: They try to take those down. They try.

    YIANNOPOULOS: Not hard enough. You make a joke about a feminist or dislike the new “Ghostbusters” movie or have the audacity to dislike the work, in Hollywood of somebody’s movie who happens to be black or happens to be a woman and then you get suspended That is absurd.

  31. I head into the Casino for a little money losing experience and I come back to this:

    But maybe it's just my lack of imagination. Idaho Bob compares your comment about fucking my daughter a work of art, comparable to a Rembrandt.

    I most certainly did not.

    I have NOT concerned myself with the details of your arguments with WiO.

    He can easily handle you himself.

    I was comparing your woeful lack of imagination, often on full display here, to watching the painting of a Rembrandt, and seeing it as paint drying. And that is all the comparisons I was making.

    It was an observation concerning your proclaiming there was not anything interesting at all going on at the Republican National Convention. And that is all.

    I will now make a direct statement:

    Quirk is rattled.

    I might even add addled....

    1. I am watching now the third night of the Republican National Convention.

      Quirk the Addled and Rattled may be watching the fourth, but I, and the rest of the world, are watching the third.


      'My mother wore the same winter coat for 40 years.....'

    2. Quirk was more intelligent. He quickly got in the ad business made out like a gangsta.

    3. (this is exciting, and entertaining, only someone lacking totally in imagination would not think so)

    4. (everybody's got the head sets on is De Rigueur)

    5. .

      I have NOT concerned myself with the details of your arguments with WiO.

      Yet. You comment on them. Constantly.

      Doug offered up the same argument the other night.

      How can anyone take anything you say seriously?


    6. Here is more proof, if any is needed, that it is Day Three of the RNC, and not Day Four, as Quirk hallucinates -


      ((((DAY 3...))))


      Protester Lights Himself On Fire While Trying To Burn American Flag...

      Anti-Trump Groups Bummed About Low Turnout....DRUDGE

    7. Everyone with good sense takes what Doug says seriously.

      If Doug is so taken, why not Bob too, at least when he and I agree ?

      Answer me that, Mr Addled.

    8. This -

      Protester Lights Himself On Fire While Trying To Burn American Flag...

      is nearly as good as the BLM, KKK, and the Westboro Baptist Church group throwing urine on each other the other night....

      I find it both interesting AND entertaining....

    9. It has been two years since Israel launched one of its most brutal attacks on the Palestinian people of Gaza.

      For 51 days, Israel waged a ground and aerial attack on a besieged population and killed nearly 2,200 Palestinians, including 1462 civilians, of whom 551 were children; orphaned 1,500 children; left 370,000 children in need of psychosocial treatment; completely destroyed 18,000 homes; and, at the height of the onslaught, displaced half a million Palestinians.

      During the onslaught, 67 Israeli soldiers and six civilians were killed.

    10. Despite overwhelming evidence of the disparity of power between Israel and Palestinians of Gaza, mainstream American media have repeatedly framed Israel as the victim, and critical pedagogical approaches continue to be policed, as demonstrated by the incendiary campaigns targeting Joseph Massad, Nadia Abu El-Haj, and others.

      For decades, the mainstream narrative has cast Gaza as the problem, even as Israel has engaged in excessive and brutal force and collective punishment in the form of occupation, siege, and frequent military assaults. This conversation has led to the treatment of Israel’s assaults on the coastal enclave as a national security issue, exceptional and distinct from the broader question of Palestine.

    11. There is a lesson about Gaza but it belongs within the larger narrative of Israeli settler-colonialism. Its lesson: Israel does not have a Hamas problem; it does not have a Gaza problem; it has a Palestine problem.

    12. The next post will be about the true History of Israel-Palestine.

    13. The next post promises to be truly controversial.

    14. Any chance we could just stick with the Convention ?

      It only happens once every four years.

    15. Really, I don’t have to go back more than a few comments and lo and behold:

      Idaho BobWed Jul 20, 08:03:00 PM EDT
      Better than your fitting in with the Hamas, and the apes in the west bank, who want an apartheid, racist, misogynist, genocidal state, which you support creating there.

      I think you have long hit the intellectual wall where your idea of knowledge and learning is to confirm your prejudices.

    16. Ah, but genocide is written into the Hamas Charter, they throw gays off of tall buildings, the west bank areas are almost totally clean of Christians, on and on.....

  32. 6 Figures Speaking At The DNC Who Will Make You Sick

    On Monday night, the media went apoplectic over Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, who was murdered in the Benghazi terror attack of September 11, 2012. Smith blasted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, stating, “He was murdered by radical Islamic terrorists. I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son…She lied to me and then called me a liar…she looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible.” She concluded, “How could she do this to me? How could she do this to any American family?”

    The media lost what was left of its collective mind. Chris Matthews, the Man Who Brushes His Hair With A Shoe™ says that this was a “gross accusation” that ruined the night.” Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post said that the accusation was “extraordinary.” Rachel Maddow said that Smith was “playing with a very specific kind of fire that almost is impossible for me to watch, I have to say.”

    These are the same people who cheered wildly when the Democrats trotted out the “Jersey Girls” widows of 9/11 during the 2004 convention.

    These are the same people who will cheer wildly when the Democrats unveil their latest round of absurd pseudo-victims in order to target police at the DNC in Philadelphia. Here are just some of the speakers slated for the DNC:

    Sybrina Fulton, Mother Of Trayvon Martin. The Democrats have attempted to play the Martin’s killing as a case-in-point of white police racism. There are just three problems: first, the man who shot him, George Zimmerman, was not white; second, George Zimmerman was not a cop; third, Trayvon Martin was by all available evidence sitting atop Zimmerman’s prone body and slamming his head into the concrete when Zimmerman shot him. Zimmerman was not only acquitted of a murder charge, the Department of Justice couldn’t find anything to charge him for either.

    Lezley McSpadden, Mother Of Michael Brown. Michael Brown was a thug who strong-arm robbed a convenience store, then punched Officer Darren Wilson, tried to grab his gun and shoot him, and finally tried to charge him before being shot. This is true according to witness testimony; even Eric Holder’s DOJ could not find something wrong with the shooting. That didn’t stop the left from manufacturing from whole cloth a narrative of evil white police officers shooting black men surrendering by shouting “Hands up, don’t shoot!”

    Gwen Carr, Mother Of Eric Garner. Eric Garner was not murdered by police. He resisted arrest and was placed in a submission hold by the cops; he then died of a heart attack because he was dramatically overweight. Garner had a long history of health issues ranging from diabetes to sleep apnea to asthma so bad that he had to quit a city job. Garner shouldn’t have died over selling “loosies,” but blaming his death on cop racism is asinine.

    Maria Hamilton, Mother Of Dontre Hamilton: This case isn’t a household name because Hamilton grabbed an officer’s baton and hit him in the neck with it before the officer shot him. The officer was fired because Hamilton was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.

    Lucia McBath, Mother Of Jordan Davis: Jordan Davis was murdered by Michael David Dunn at a gas station in Florida. Davis was playing his music loudly in his car; Dunn confronted him, then got a gun and shot 10 rounds into the car. Davis was convicted of first degree murder. So what exactly is the problem with the criminal justice system or police, then?

    Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother Of Sandra Bland. Sandra Bland committed suicide while in police custody. Rumors of an evil police murder and coverup circulated on the internet, but there was no evidence to back any of them.

    These women are all deemed “Mothers of the Movement,” although what “The Movement” is remains unclear.

    1. There is one member who should speak: Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, mother of Hadiya Pendleton. Pendelton was a 15-year-old girl who performed at events surrounding Obama’s second inauguration, then was murdered by gang members in Chicago weeks later. But undoubtedly she won’t target Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, for his failure to crack down on crime in the city; she won’t blame the culture of gang violence fostered by the Democratic Party, which ignores single motherhood and cultural deprivation as rationales for violence. Instead, she’ll likely talk gun control.

      Next time Democrats complain about Pat Smith, everyone should remind them that she’s telling the truth: her son died, Hillary did nothing to stop it, and then Hillary lied about it. But Democrats drag out grieving mothers to push nasty smears about the cops, the criminal justice system, and gun control.

  33. For Quirk -


    She's Polish too.

    Which should make her attractive to Q, even though he's found out he's a little watered down.

    1. Laura Ingraham Podcast:

    2. Gingrich: 'I feel sad for Gov. Kasich, you don't want to live life wondering around doing goofy things'

  34. Darrel Scott just stripped the bark off it with one hell of a speech.

    1. Cleveland Pastor Darrell Scott is one hell of a preacher!

    2. Cleveland-area pastor Darrell Scott gives a sneak peak at his upcoming RNC speech

  35. Trump as

  36. Deuce and his warped history of the middle east next@!!!

  37. Deuce ☂Wed Jul 20, 08:39:00 PM EDT
    There is a lesson about Gaza but it belongs within the larger narrative of Israeli settler-colonialism. Its lesson: Israel does not have a Hamas problem; it does not have a Gaza problem; it has a Palestine problem.

    Make sure you frame it as the settler you are.... Sitting in Philadelphia...

  38. Replies
    1. Doing the American Dream deal right now....big family, corn field in the back.....hard a combat veteran.....ran a small gas station.....

    2. Wait ! There is Mother Pense - blowing a kiss to sonny boy.....

  39. Lyin' Ted made a complete asshole out of himself, no other way to describe it.

    He would have retained some dignity had he just stayed home....

  40. .

    Best comment on Cruz...

    Q. Why does everyone take such an instant dislike to Ted Cruz?

    A. It saves so much time that way.


  41. .

    Have to admit Newt Gingrich is an accomplished speaker.

    If only he would stick to scripted comments he would probably do a lot better.





    Heidi Cruz escorted out by security as crowd roars....DRUDGE

  43. Trump made a selection of genius in Mike Pence. Brilliant politics. Holy Shit!

    1. Yeah, and Pence was clear, Islamic terrorists are our enemy, and they stand with Israel.


    2. Everyone agrees the Islamic terrorists are our enemy, except for some Israeli politicians that support ISIS.

    3. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to a military field hospital in the Golan Heights.
      Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon earlier admitted Israeli support for ISIS and other takfiri terrorists, deceptively calling them Syrian rebels – failing to explain they’re imported from scores of countries, used as imperial foot soldiers to oust Assad, no so-called “moderates” among them.

      Since Obama waged war on Syria in March 2011, Israel bombed government targets multiple times, naked aggression against its northern neighbor. It continues supplying terrorist elements with weapons, munitions and other support.

      Over 1,000 of their wounded fighters were treated in Israeli hospitals, helping them recover to resume waging terror on Syria.

    4. So, it looks as if there are some, in Israel no less, that don’t support the notion that , “ Islamic terrorists are our enemy,”

    5. what a bigot you are....

      there are moslem fighters that are not terrorists, fighting to free Syria from Assad and Iran.

      Sorry deuce, can't have it both ways.

    6. Deuce ☂Wed Jul 20, 11:55:00 PM EDT
      Everyone agrees the Islamic terrorists are our enemy, except for some Israeli politicians that support ISIS.

      Not all who fight Assad are ISIS.

      But you couldn't know that since you have never visited the region and get your news from RT and such..

    7. .


      The same man who tells us all Islamic militants are the same now makes a distinction between ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.


  44. Out Fucking standing (I mean it this time.)

  45. Who gives a crap what Ted Cruze thinks.

  46. Cruz showed himself to be who is what everyone who knows him says he is.

    1. Trump was pleased:

    2. He lived up to his moniker:

      Lyin Ted took the pledge and shit on it.

  47. I'd rather be sentenced to watching 20 minutes of Hillary Clinton than 10 minutes of Rachel Maddow.

    (more than my lifetime total, so far)

    1. Close call.

      Each to his own poison.

      Are you certain you could last twenty minutes and come out sane ?

    2. Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty', with full beard, head band, and RNC Convention Officially Approved Commentator Headgear and Speaker is on the Hannity this a great country, or what ?

      We don't have to make it great again, it's great right now....

      Name another country where you could see such a marvel of a sight....

    3. By God looking closer at that headgear that's the very headgear Quirk wore when he tried to penetrate Area 51 in his ultra-light '"Q's" Super Low Snooper'.....

      Wonder where you get those.....Army Surplus maybe, knowing Quirk....

    4. I still remember his last words before his being cut off...."Bobbo....Boooo...."

    5. Was the wind back draft from an F-16 that knocked Q to the ground, only 8 ft. below....

  48. Megyn Kelly Ripped as Flesh-Baring ‘Escort’ During Convention Coverage

    Fox News anchor “looks like she’s working for an escort agency,” one Twitter user writes

  49. Up to eight Chinese ships will offer cruises to the South China Sea over the next five years, a state-run newspaper said on Thursday, as Beijing continues to promote tourism to the disputed waters.


    Beijing has also said it wants to build Maldives-style resorts around the South China Sea.

  50. Jackman, herself, didn’t seem to believe much in political correctness. She wore a button being sold by vendors at the convention:

    “KFC Hillary Special. Two fat thighs. Two small breasts. Left wing.”

    1. :)

      heh, that ain't bad

      Way overpriced for what you get too, and past its expiration date.
