Wednesday, July 06, 2016

It Is Time For America To Gets Off It’s Collective Well Marbled Fat Ass

Our rulers and masters in Washington may think that they are “Exceptional” motherfukas but we know that they are not and  on a good day, are a dangerous clown show
  • The US presidential election is not a coronation for the titled - It is a job interview
  • The aspirants bring their experience for review and a vote of confidence by the American people.
Hillary Clinton touts two:
  • The only in America absurd “First Lady” function, a position where the  ability to give a good blow job is as high on the list of qualifications as is any other
  • The second is that she was US Secretary of State, a position that requires: judgement,  acting in the best interest of the USA, caution, ability to maintain sensitive and secret information, to lead by example  and most importantly advise the POTUS
Hillary Clinton was a disaster in everything she touched.

Certain basics have not changed since ancient times. In my own era as a shift leader on a US Air Force Over-the-Horizon radar site, I had a security clearance, Top Secret with crypto access. Had  I or any junior officer or NCO mishandled classified information knowingly or inadvertently, by not following procedures,  we would lose the clearance and never be given an opportunity to accept any job requiring a security clearance. Nothing has changed since then.

The office of the POTUS and the staff required to support it, is no place for a lowly level clerk or maid that failed to follow security procedures. The absurdity that one, such as Hillary Rodham Clinton could  be guilty of such an egregious  infraction and be considered for the office of President shows what a ridiculous  country we have become.


  1. If Clinton had any honor or respect for anything but herself, she would gracefully withdraw her offer to serve.

  2. She doesn’t and won’t. We need to cleanse the country of another Bush, another Kennedy, and another Clinton.

  3. But none of this matters to the pro-Hillary folks. They remind me of the Stepford Wives. Walking to the beat inside their heads with thousand yard stares.

  4. Both political parties have painted themselves into a corner. There has never been a greater opportunity for a serious third party candidate. The existing power structure will resist viciously but their defensive position has never been more vulnerable.


    “It is now clear that policy on Iraq was made on the basis of flawed intelligence and assessments,” Mr. Chilcot said. “They were not challenged, and they should have been.”

    The report says: “At no stage was the hypothesis that Iraq might not have chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or programs identified and examined” by the Joint Intelligence Committee.

    “The assessed intelligence had not established beyond doubt either that Saddam Hussein had continued to produce chemical and biological weapons or that efforts to develop nuclear weapons continued,” the report said.

    “The J.I.C. should have made that clear to Mr. Blair,” who spoke of Mr. Hussein’s possessing “vast stocks” of weapons of mass destruction when there was no definitive evidence to support them, according to the report.

    “The U.K. chose to join the invasion of Iraq before the peaceful options for disarmament had been exhausted,” the report said. “Military action at that time was not a last resort.”

    In the end, the British government “failed to achieve its stated objectives,” the inquiry concluded, and said that “Mr. Blair overestimated his ability to influence U.S. decisions on Iraq.”

    Mr. Blair was said to have been advised by his diplomats and ministers of “the inadequacy of U.S. plans” and their concern “about the inability to exert significant influence on U.S. planning.” But he chose to override their objections.

    The inquiry concluded, bluntly: “Mr. Blair eventually succeeded only in the narrow goal of securing President Bush’s agreement that there should be U.N. authorization of the post-conflict role.”

  6. Might I point out that the State Dept. servers were hacked; Hillary Clinton's servers were, as far as anyone can tell, Not.

  7. That is an exogenous problem, to be expected and every administrative and technological innovation and procedure should be used to prevent it. When one is given responsibility of handling classified documents, it is expected that there will be hostile intrusions an surveillance. The art it to make it difficult to impossible for it to fall into adversarial hands, not warm it up and hand it to them on a platter.

    What is sauce for an E-4 is sauce for a CINC.

    She has demonstrated her lack of judgement, callous indifference and contempt for handling classified information. There are no second chances when it comes to national security.

    1. Furthermore, if State Department servers were hacked, then security should have been ramped up not dumbed down. She ran the place. She is guilty of severe and repetitive dereliction of duty.

    2. If this had been done by an NCO, he would have seen his last stripe.

    3. Likewise any civilian contractor with a security clearance.

  8. From Newsweek:


    Chinese hackers have in recent months penetrated an untold number of FBI agents’ personnel files, Newsweek has learned, in a breach with potentially dangerous national security implications.

    The FBI, along with the Department of Homeland Security, is not only responsible for investigating the massive breach of federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) computers by suspected Chinese cyberthieves, which was reported earlier this month, but is principally responsible for detecting domestic terrorist plots and foreign spies.

    The extent of the FBI penetration, reported here for the first time, is unknown. An FBI spokesman referred an inquiry to OPM, which has said 4 million federal employee files were breached.

    James Trainor, acting assistant director for the FBI's cyber division, said at a fiery congressional hearing Wednesday that the number may be more than four times that.

    An FBI source told Newsweek he was notified by OPM in May that his personnel file had been penetrated by hackers in the same Chinese intrusion.

    “This is the second notification that I've been breached,” the veteran agent said on the condition of anonymity. “They got me through Anthem Blue Cross, now they have me through OPM. I think of the 17 million they have on file, they're only notifying . . . . .


  9. This is a striking example of the hypocrisy and arrogance of the ruling classes double standard.

  10. Yes, I'm being "serious."

    The State Dept., as well as the rest of the Government, runs on seriously old, and out-dated systems and software. And, the fault is the Repulicans, who refuse time after time to allocate the money to upgrade. If it's not "Defense," they're not interested.

    What, ezzackly, did you folks think "starve the beast" meant?

  11. One fix is not to take top secret to Kinkos for a good deal on reproduction services.

  12. .

    You only have to see the cavalier attitude towards cyber security that envelops the entire State Department top to bottom from spokesman John Kirby's statements yesterday.

    Answering questions from reporters, he refused to admit that State had a less than robust cyber security program in place giving the impression that everything was just fine there. When asked what they plan to do in light of Comey's criticisms, he answered that the Department plans to run a full analysis of its security procedures and see if there are any areas where it can be improved. When the reporters asked why that hadn't already been done, he said they were waiting for the FBI investigation (which took a year) to be done so as not to interfere with it. Asked when the study would start he indicated after the DOJ decision. When asked how soon after that decision they will complete it he indicated it would be done at an 'appropriate' time.

    The term slow-walking comes to mind.


    1. Send more money, Rufus says that'll fix it.

  13. One more time, I'd like to ask what Comey has done about securing the FBI data, or the Office of Personnel and Management files.

    1. .

      One more time, I'd like to ask what does that have to do with Clinton? The government not allocating funds for updating computers systems in no way justifies Clinton setting up and making up her own rules regarding her private system.


    2. Perhaps she was trying to keep her emails safe.

    3. yeah, safe from prying historian eyes so she can 'create' her legacy.

  14. The fact is, until the Republicans appropriate the money, Nothing will be, or can be, done.

    Hell, our ICBMs with the Nukes on top are operating off of 1970's technology.

  15. .


    Might I point out that the State Dept. servers were hacked; Hillary Clinton's servers were, as far as anyone can tell, Not.

    True. On the other hand...

    Comey admits that if her computer was hacked by an experienced hacker or a state player, it's likely they would never have proof of the hack.

    We know there were attempts to hack her computer (and that she didn't follow State Department rules and report the hack attempts).

    We know her underlings pointed out problems with security of the system but were told to never mention her private e-mail system again.

    We know that people she sent e-mails to had their systems hacked.

    We know she was a prime target for hackers (mainly state players, China, Russia, South Korea).

    We know that a convicted hacker Guccifer said that he hacked her computer and he told how he did it.

    We know that he has posted images of communications allegedly between Clinton and Blumenthal.

    We know that many security experts have said they believe the guy.


    Of course. But people get convicted of murder on circumstantial evidence.



    1. In everything I've read, the "experts" said Guccifer was full of bullshit.

      Be that as it may, we Know the State Dept. servers were hacked; all that they can say about Clinton's is "they might have been."

      I might be a mathematical genius, and a skilled composer of haiku; I'd hate to try to prove that I'm not.

    2. .

      And it really depends on what the meaning of the word is is.



  16. Meanwhile, some very good news, today:


    ISM's non-manufacturing sample is reporting its strongest rates of growth of the year, headlined by a big 3.2 point jump in the composite index to 56.5. New orders are even further above break-even 50 at 59.9 with new export orders up 4 points to 53.0. Employment is also up, 3 points higher at 52.7 in a reading that hints at sizable improvement for Friday's employment report.

    Deliveries are slowing which is a sign of rising demand and inventories are rising in what perhaps hints at restocking and new confidence in the outlook. Business activity, which is a measure of production, is also very strong, at 59.5 which points to strength for the June economy. To keep production up in the month, the sample worked down its backlogs which are in contraction for the first time in more than a year. But the rise in new orders should help fill backlogs back up while the strength in exports underscores global demand for the nation's technical and managerial services.

    This report is well established and historically is not volatile which makes June's gains impressive. The gains suggest that the bulk of the nation's economy, in contrast to the subdued indications from the services PMI released earlier this morning, may very well be picking up steam heading to the Brexit fallout.

  17. .

    The UK declares the 2003 Iraq War FUBAR. Tony Blair blasted.

    It took 7 years for a UK investigation to declare the 2003 Iraq War from build-up to justification to implementation to be a disaster. I would have thought they could have just watched CNN for the first 6 months to come to the same conclusion.

    Tony Blair, Bush's poodle, was heavily criticized in the final report.



  18. Additionally, Clinton's plan would eliminate college tuition for working families by saying that families with income up to $125,000 will pay no tuition at in-state public colleges and universities – which would cover more than 80 percent of all families. The plan will phase in, with families earning $85,000 a year or less immediately able to attend a four-year public college or university tuition-free upon enactment. The income threshold will increase by $10,000 a year each year over four years so that, by 2021, all students with a family income of $125,000 or less will have the opportunity to receive a college education tuition-free.
    While the loan repayment moratorium could be done under presidential power, eliminating college tuition would take legislative action, putting it in the category of “when Democrats have big majorities in the House and Senate.” But it certainly draws a sharp contrast with Donald Trump and congressional Republicans, sending a message to young voters and to the parents of college students and future college students about who will better represent them.

    “I want to take this opportunity to applaud Secretary Clinton for the very bold initiative she has just brought forth today for the financing of higher education,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. “This proposal combines some of the strongest ideas she fought for during the campaign with some of the principles that I fought for.”

    Clinton unveils new plan to attack student debt

  19. In 1996, Comey acted as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee.

  20. Now I see why Bob wants everyone to carry a gun:

    Yikes! That's a nasty cop shooting.

    1. Care to get how many police executions are conducted each year in the US?

    2. Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.

      The Guardian view on killings by US police: why we must keep counting
      The Counted has made up for the Obama administration’s failings, but the lack of oversight remains. So we will restart our count of people killed by police until the government does its job
      Read more
      Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.

      Paired with official government mortality data, this new finding indicates that about one in every 65 deaths of a young African American man in the US is a killing by police.

    3. Despite making up only 2% of the total US population?

      In addition, there were 37,144,530 non-Hispanic blacks, which comprised 12.1% of the population. This number increased to 42 million according to the 2010 United States Census, when including Multiracial African Americans, making up 14% of the total U.S. population.

      Jews are about 2%

    4. 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year

      324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

      Hmm statistics can and are bullshit.

    5. 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

    6. .

      Early in the investigation but the video looks pretty bad.


    7. Quirk, every "video" is a snuff film to you.

    8. .

      One more stupid remark from the Ohio Wanker.

      You got to consider the source, I guess.


  21. “Fucking Insane”: Conservative Journalists Criticize Trump’s Praise Of Saddam Hussein

    Fucking Insane

    1. I guess Bob Corker saw all that he wanted to see, last night.

      Asked to be taken off the Veep list, this morning.

  22. galopn2Wed Jul 06, 01:00:00 PM EDT

    Perhaps she was trying to keep her emails safe.


    She also wanted to make sure the rules for custody of the emails were followed, seeing to it herself that they were ALL Preserved.

  23. How do you take a gift like Hillary Rodham Clinton’s public shellacking from the FBI and screw that up? The Republicans have to dump Trump. They have nothing to lose.

  24. The selfie now kills more people annually than sharks.
