Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Hillary Clinton Is Finished

A Devastating Statement From The FBI On Hillary Clinton’s Handling Of Secret Documents But No Criminal Intent. No Charges Will Be Made. I Do Not See How She Can Survive This Politically.


  1. .

    I Do Not See How She Can Survive This Politically.

    Two words. Donald Trump.


  2. This is now Trump’s election to lose. The Democrats would be wise to roll the dice with Sanders.

  3. .

    More importantly, Noel Neill, the first 'Lois Lane' has died.


  4. Everything I've been reading has been saying you don't need 'intent.

    Just being incompetent and messing it all up is enough.

    I'm disappointed.

    1. 'Gross negligence' is supposed to be enough.

    2. The Donald is right - the system is rigged, fellow peasants.

  5. Some 'chance meeting on the tarmac' - my aching arse....

  6. No Charges - that's all that matters.

    1. No indictment, that is no big deal ...

      No Resignations - validates that there was no cause for indictment.

  7. 'extremely careless' = 'gross negligence'

    What a steaming pile of shit.


    1. "Avoided the Draft = "Draft Dodger"

      Glad we can all agree

    2. "doesn't pas=y a peseta for da-da-daughter" = "DEAD BEAT DAD"

      All agree on that.

      No one agrees that getting a high draft number equals dodging the draft.

      Since you never actually contribute to any conversation, why not go back to your mom's basement and leave us in peace ?, confessed killer.

    3. Jack HawkinsTue Jul 05, 03:09:00 PM EDT

      "Avoided the Draft = "Draft Dodger"

      Glad we can all agree

      Nonsense. More bullshit from the dude who can't stop lying..

  8. They won't roll the dice. Not with Sanders, not with Biden, not with Kerry. They're gonna roll with corruption, deceit, and intimidation. That's the dims way, the Clinton way, and the Chicago way. Everyone of us liberal, conservative, and inbetween alike are getting played, with the rank and file Democrats getting played the most. How does it feel to be a chump?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. .

      Now to try again...

      (from the last stream)

      Quirk's had more experience with the Law at these high levels than any of us, but he seems to have clammed up....

      Clammed up? I have been saying for months that you were nutz if you thought Clinton was going to appear in the docks over this stuff.

      Any non-English major would know there was no way.

      1. There was absolutely no way a Democratic candidate for president was going to be indicted for this by a Democratic administration especially a Democratic administration that she worked for.

      2. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that it is only the little guys who gets prosecuted for these things. Elites? Never. Not criminally.

      A couple comments on the decision,

      1. Comey is highly regarded and considered by many as above reproach; however, to assume he is not aware of and possibly swayed by the political ramifications of his decision is naive. All other things aside, just as John Roberts went out of his way to find an out so as not to be the one to destroy Obamacare, you have to assume Comey was going to lean as far as he could in giving Clinton the benefit of the doubt.

      2. Comey says that no one knew what he was going to say beforehand. That's doubtful. There was no way Obama was going to get on a plane with Hillary Clinton today if he wasn't pretty sure she wasn't going to be indicted.

      3. My knowledge of the law in these matters is nil, yet, I still find it passing strange that although he didn't use the exact words of the statute, 'gross negligence, in raking Clinton over the coals, he did say she was 'extremely careless' in handling classified and 'top secret' information which to my mind amounts to the same thing.


  10. 8 Benghazzzzzi hearings - Nothing

    A year on her server - Nothing

    ah, the heartache, the pain, the butthurt

    Comey looked like he was going to cry.

    Now, Hillary Clinton has 4 months to hammer on her side of the story - while Comey slips back into obscurity.

    I'll stick with Clinton +6, I think. :)

  11. Comey got his visit from Billy Boy too, but no one was there catch him. That reporter in AZ got lucky.

    You're getting played, dude. Enjoy it. Smiley face, smiley face, smiley face.

    1. Rufus is our house moron.

      Irritating but mostly harmless.

    2. There is evidence that repeated interaction with morons tends to reduce brain function.

  12. .

    Now, Hillary Clinton has 4 months to hammer on her side of the story - while Comey slips back into obscurity.

    If Hillary is talking about how she wasn't prosecuted for Benghazi or for the e-mail scandal for the next 4 months, Trump will love it.

    Trump: "You see the system is rigged for political insiders like Clinton."


    1. She'll spend the next 4 months reiterating that nothing on her server was "Marked" Classified.

    2. .

      And Trump will say, "You heard Comey, of course, the material was classified some of it even top-secret."

    3. Obama won by 3.9%. I expect Hillary to win by about 6%.

      Not because she's a great candidate, or because Trump is a joke of a candidate. I expect her to win by about 2% more than Obama for the simple reason that the Demographics have increased that much in the Dems' favor.

      I could be wrong, but I like my theory about as much as anyone else's.

    4. .

      Trump: "Hillary could care less about national security, she is a criminal and her only concern was in covering her tracks."


    5. .

      Trump is already out with a tweet.


      "FBI says Hillary Clinton endangered national security. No charges. Wow."


  13. Too bad; I was so looking forward to Trump running up the debt, and then defaulting.

    I always wanted my grandchildren to grow up in the Great, Great, Great, Great Depression.

  14. .

    Whether Clinton is indicted or not, the various investigations, Benghazi, the e-mails, et al simply make clear she is not fit for public office. It is obvious that she is either felony incompetent, or felony stupid, or she just doesn't give a shit about anything but herself, or possible, it's some combination of the three.


    1. But, the guy that bankrupted 4 companies, and thousands, and thousands of workers, contractors, investors, and would-be real estate students,

      that promised to deport 11 Million Workers from a work force that is already at 4.7% Unemployment,

      start a Trade War with China,

      Run up the Debt and then "Renegotiate" it (his words, not mine,)

      Increase the deficit by over a Trillion Dollars / Yr. through tax cuts to Billionaires,

      and "punish" women who have an abortion (again, His words) is okey-dokey.

      Brings us to my thesis: It's not about the candidates, it's about the demographics.

    2. Goddamn you're an idiot.

      You buy that 4.7% unemployment shit.

    3. .

      But, the guy that bankrupted 4 companies, and thousands, and thousands of workers, contractors, investors, and would-be real estate students,...

      Blah, Blah, Blah

      and "punish" women who have an abortion (again, His words) is okey-dokey.

      You are like every other political hack on this blog. What do my comments on Hillary have to do with Trump?

      The are both unfit to be president.

      The rest of the world is laughing at us. Those that aren't scared shitless.


    4. Run up the Debt, and then Default is "Blah, Blah, Blah?"


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The Clinton Foundation wasn't even mentioned.

    What a total farce.


    1. Different case, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    2. No it wasn't DEAD BEAT DAD.

      Same general case, malfeasance in office.

  16. How many here believe Comey's statement that 'they do not know what I am about to say' ?

    Anybody ?

    Rufus ?

    Maybe Rufus, yes, he really is that dumb.

  17. Let's see, we Know that the State Dept. Server was hacked. And, the Federal Personnel Files were hacked. And, numerous Congressional Accounts were hacked. Hell, Hillary might have had the only server in Washington that Wasn't hacked!


  18. Btw, Comey is a Republican, and donated to both, Romney, and McCain (never to Obama.)

  19. .

    Saw Kirby, the State Department spokesman commenting on today's FBI decision. He was asked if he shared the FBI conclusion that there is a rather loose culture at State when it comes to matters of security. Kirby responded, no! When pressed, he said State will be conducting an internal investigation to determine any shortcomings and to suggest and implement any necessary reforms. When pressed for the timing, he said they had been waiting for the FBI investigation to finish and now that it's out of the way State will need to wait until the DOJ reports. When pressed on how long after the DOJ decision, he said he couldn't say at this time. It would be at an appropriate time and cover the appropriate subjects.

    Translation: State has no plans for doing anything different and they will stall until people forget out it.


  20. I don’t think it is a coincidence that this report came in after the Democratic primaries.

  21. Sanders must be killing himself saying he was sick of talking about Hillary’s emails during the first debate.

  22. This is a lose-lose for Clinton. She loses if indicted and if not, most everyone will see the fix. It is still Trump’s to lose.

  23. BREAKING NEWS: Leaders of ISIS terror cell linked to Paris and Brussels attacks and broken up in deadly police raid are jailed for up to 16 years each in Belgium

    The leaders of an ISIS terror cell linked to the Paris and Brussels attacks and broken up in a deadly police raid last year have been jailed for up to 16 years each in Belgium.

    The extremists were sentenced for their role in leading an ISIS unit in the Belgian town of Verviers under the orders of the leader of the Paris Jihadist attacks Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

    Prosecutors say the men were in constant contact with fanatics in Syria through Abaaoud and were plotting an attack in Belgium before their cell was dramatically dismantled in a bloody raid last January in which two of their members were killed.

    Up to 16 years? That will shake ISIS to their bones.


  24. The folks that thought Hillery was all right yesterday, will not be swayed by the lack of an indictment and NO RESIGNATIONS from the FBI.

    Folks who did not like her yesterday, still will not

  25. The Most Frightening Political Fix

    The most breathtaking fix in American history.

    July 5, 2016

    David Horowitz 

    Today we have witnessed a most frightening manifestation of the corruption of our political system. Doubly frightening because of what it augurs for all our futures if Hillary Clinton should prevail in the November elections. At the center of this corruption – but hardly alone - are the criminal Clintons – the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics - and their Democratic Party allies; but we should not fail to mention also the Republican enablers who would rather fight each other and appease their adversaries than win the political wars.

    We knew they could fix the Department of Justice; we suspected they could fix the FBI. What we didn’t know was that the fixes would be this transparent: the secret meeting with a chief culprit and the DOJ head; the next day announcement by Justice that the Clinton bribery investigations would be postponed until well after the election; the suspiciously brief FBI interrogation of the former Secretary of State who during her entire tenure had recklessly breached national security protocols, deleted 30,000 emails; burned her government schedules; put top secret information onto a hackable server in violation of federal law; and topping it all the failure of the FBI director after enumerating her reckless acts to recommend a prosecution - all within a single week, and just in time for the Democrats’ nominating convention. It was, all in all, the most breathtaking fix in American history.

    And it wasn’t ordinary criminal corruption. It was corruption affecting the nation’s security by individuals and a regime that have turned the Middle East over to the Islamic terrorists; that have enabled America’s chief enemy in the region, Iran, to become its dominant power; that allowed the Saudis, deeply implicated in the attacks of 9/11, to cover their crimes and spread Islamic hate doctrines into the United States; it was about selling our foreign policy to the high bidders at home and abroad, and about making America vulnerable to our enemies.

    What can be done? First of all it’s a matter of deciding who you believe - the political elites who are telling you everything is normal, or your lying eyes? The political system is corrupt and cannot clean its own house. What is needed is an outside political force that will begin the job by putting the interests of our country first again. Call it what you will – nationalism or common sense – it is the most pressing need for the country now. Such a force would have to find its support outside Washington. Call that what you will – populism or democracy – no reforming leader can be elected without it. No political leader can begin to accomplish this task, without the support of ordinary Americans registered at the ballot box.


    1. If Comey is said to be America's 'straight shooter' we got no 'straight shooters'.

      He could have suggested a grand jury here the cases.

  26. Comey looked like a drug mule going thru customs. He, too, didn't want to go the way of Vince Foster, apparently. Our government just set a new bar for corruption. Future political crooks will all be gauged by this HRC heist. Lying and gross negligence is now equivalent to owing on an over due library book. Smiley face smiley face smiley face.

  27. MaryAlice Parks ✔@maryaliceparks
    Sanders spokesperson says FBI announcement re Clinton emails will not impact the senator's decision to stay in the race

  28. After interviewing with the FBI over the Fourth of July weekend, Clinton told Chuck Todd, the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” that “I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified.

    1. "that was marked classified"

    2. Comer addressed that detail in his press conference and he said for someone in her position that would be no excuse.

    3. .

      I forget the term that was used but 7 of the e-mail strings carried information that is rated above top-secret. There is no way she didn't know the info was highly classified.

      Hillary's 'not marked classified' is equivalent to Bills 'it depends on what the meaning of the word is is'.

      The 'Clinton Dodge'.



    4. "bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,”

      How could any reasonable person be expected to know that was classified?

    5. It depends on the meaning of "markings" "presence" "classified" and "information"

  29. Replies
    1. Miller also tweeted the presser was symptomatic of
      Clinton yet again getting "worse treatment than anyone else would."


  30. FBI director: Clinton emails were marked as classified at the time


    Rufus intentionally sticks his head up his ass.

    As usual.

    1. FBI director: Clinton emails were marked as classified at the time

    2. But rufie insists his girlfriend is not lying.


    3. "The twin revelations torpedo a key claim of the former secretary of State, who has pleaded ignorance about the presence of classified information on her email setup."

      But not in Truth and Morality Free RufusWorld.

    4. "Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."

      - Orwell

  31. You guys are too funny - your panties are all in a twist over Clinton running her own email server where, gasp, classified material may have passed and the FBI, OHMYGOD, didn't lay criminal charges. Give your head a shake. Go after her for Quid Pro Quo on Clinton foundation donations or , heck, war crimes for her actions as Secretary of State in Somalia but, email servers? Pitiful!

    1. Heh, Doug all up 8n arms about the morality turpitude involved in a private email server.

    2. I was commenting on Rufus's Condition.

      Little People regularly are prosecuted for the same crime.

      Our son would loose his job and possibly go to jail if he sent me information about his workplace.

    3. .

      You miss the point, Ash. This is the bullshit event of the day. Of course, it doesn't rise to the level of refusing to allow an increase in Libyan security levels for embassy staff due to political considerations. And it certainly doesn't rise to the level of talking up the Libyan invasion with Obama and at the UN. However, it touches on all the memes in this election, Hillary's defensiveness and lack of transparency, her lying, her privilege and sense of entitlement, either her stupidity or her corruption whichever you like, her insider status, you name it, and the apparent self-serving rationale for Comey's justification for not recommending prosecution doesn't help.

      The optics are just bad, in fact, terrible. And whether he deserves it or not, Comey's independence is being questioned. Most of it is his own fault.

      First, there is his rushed decision. He has gone for a year without talking to Clinton and then just three days after meeting with her (one of which was a Sunday and the other the 4th of July) he comes with a detailed speech that starts out with his statement that no one knows what he was going to say which is likely bullshit. It is hard to believe that Obama would get on a plane or a stage with Clinton if he didn't already know she wasn't going to be prosecuted.

      A few days ago Bill Clinton 'accidentally' and unannounced meets up with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac. Then she is 'forced' to say she will take whatever the FBI recommends. Then today, Comey offers up the circular argument that even though there is evidence that Hillary committed crimes he is going to recommend that she not be prosecuted 'because this is the type of case that prosecutors typically won't prosecute' even though Lynch has already gone on record saying that she will go along with whatever the FBI recommends.

      So we have the FBI and the DOJ conveniently covering each other ass.

      Comey won't even 'recommend' prosecution because DOJ wouldn't prosecute.

      Lynch says all she is doing is following the FBI's recommendation.

      Neat. But to the conspiracy minded a little too pat.

      There will be plenty of time to talk about Clinton's other sins. Today, let us enjoy talking about this one.


    4. Good ol' smirkin' SMIRK, again wins The Dunce of the Day Award.

      Hands down.

    5. You can add that this finale all occurred on the July 4 weekend when most everyone is not paying attention and off on holiday - it's prime time for trying to slide something by the sheeple.

  32. Besides no one in America ever get charged for war crimes. Now, twittering a six pointed star. That is some real serious shit.

  33. And we did throw Jim Traficant in jail for six years for using campaign funds to fix his driveway.

    1. !

      (Actually it was for exercising his freedom of speech on the house floor.)

      September 27, 2014, Poland, OH

      The sole vote against expulsion was Rep. Gary Condit, who at the time was in the midst of a scandal of his own and had been defeated in his reelection primary.

      Now there was a California Democrat that got Royally Fucked.

    2. In March 2009, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Ingmar Guandique, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who had already been convicted and imprisoned for two other attacks on women in Rock Creek Park. He was subsequently indicted for Levy's murder.[15][16] On November 22, 2010, Guandique was found guilty of first-degree murder,[17] and was sentenced in February 2011 to 60 years in prison.[18] Condit's lawyer Bert Fields said, "It's a complete vindication but that comes a little late. Who gives him his career back?

  34. Well, at least David Duke is still on board.

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump received even more high-profile support from noted anti-Semite and white supremacist leader David Duke on Tuesday.

    Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and Louisiana state representative who supports Trump, enthusiastically praised the business mogul’s controversial tweet on Saturday about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling it “Absolutely True!”

    Trump’s tweet featured a Jewish holy symbol, the six-pointed Star of David, superimposed over a pile of money — playing to centuries-old stereotypes about the Jewish faith. The text in the star claimed that . . . . .

    Huffington Post

    1. Here's the Star of David, Doofus -


      Both you and your butt buddy Duke have yours heads firmly up your asses, as usual.

      You old disgusting racist.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Strikes in Syria

    Attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 11 strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed six ISIL oil wellheads.

    -- Near Ayn Isa, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Manbij, eight strikes struck seven separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed eight ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Washiyah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Fighter, attack, ground-attack and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 11 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb factory.

    -- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL trench.

    -- Near Mosul, a strike struck an ISIL bomb factory.

    -- Near Qayyarah, three strikes destroyed an ISIL excavator, an ISIL aircraft hangar, two ISIL vehicles, 18 ISIL rocket rails, 11 ISIL rockets, an ISIL boat and an ISIL checkpoint.

    -- Near Ramadi, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Sinjar, a strike suppressed ISIL rocket fire.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL weapons caches, two ISIL tunnels and four ISIL assembly areas.

    Additionally, a strike near Manbij in Syria on July 3 was not included in the July 4 strike release. That strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

  36. "Q":Nit:USA -

    Former MUSLIM NATIONAL GUARDSMAN ARRESTED FOR plotting ISIS attacks in America

    ByPamela Geller on July 5, 2016
    Jihad in America 9 Comments

    geller fawstin garland

    The National Guard, no less.

    Mohamad Bailor Jalloh later said he would like to carry out an attack in the style of Fort Hood mass murdering Muslim Nidal Hasan. He also praised Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who killed five U.S. service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., last year. And Jalloh wanted to assassinate “someone known for organizing contests for cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.”

    “Former National Guardsman accused of plotting attack to support ISIS,” By Joe Heim, Washington Post, July 5:

    national guardsman muslim

    A former member of the Army National Guard living in Sterling, Va., is accused of trying to plan a domestic terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic State.Mohamad Bailor Jalloh was arrested Sunday and charged with attempting to provide material support to the terrorist organization, according to papers filed in federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia.

    Jalloh, a native of Sierra Leone, is a U.S. citizen. He quit the National Guard after listening to the lectures of deceased radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, according to court documents, and became involved in planning a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.Moved to look up al-Awlaki’s lectures online after hearing the cleric referred to in the news media as a “hate preacher,” Jalloh found himself persuaded to take violent action, according to court papers.Jalloh later said he would like to carry out an attack in the style of Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 people in a 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Tex., according to the affidavit filed in federal court. He also praised Mohammad Youssef Abdulazee, who killed five U.S. service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., last year. And Jalloh at one point suggested that someone known for organizing contests for cartoons of the prophet Muhammad would make a good target.
    Fort Hood Jihad

    “You have to pick a action and take it cuz time is not on your side,” he wrote to an ally, according to the affidavit.

    [The Islamic State’s suspected inroads into America]

    Jalloh purchased a Glock handgun in February but was unsuccessful in trying to buy an assault rifle in Charlotte, N.C., last month, according to the documents.

    While under FBI surveillance on July 1, Jalloh visited Blue Ridge Arsenal, a gun store and indoor target range in Chantilly, Va. He looked around for about 10 minutes and left.


    “As soon as he walked out the door, the FBI came in,” said Earl Curtis, the store’s owner, in an interview Tuesday. The FBI collected security camera footage and asked about Jalloh.

    1. The next day Jalloh returned and attempted to purchase a Bushmaster AR-15 but did not have the required three forms of identification and left to get them, according to the documents. FBI agents informed the store’s manager that when Jalloh returned, the store should sell the gun to him but make it inoperable before he took ownership, said Curtis.

      “They wanted to catch him in the act, so they said to go through with the purchase,” Curtis said. The store’s owner said Jalloh returned that evening and bought a different assault rifle for about $1,200. He test-fired the weapon at the range, after which an employee took the gun in the back and disabled it before returning it to Jalloh.

      Curtis said that he does not believe that Jalloh had visited his store prior to last weekend and that none of his employees recognized him. Jalloh did not buy any ammunition at the store.

      He also gave $500 to a federal agent he believed was working with the Islamic State, the affidavit said.

      Jalloh served as a specialist in the Virginia National Guard from April, 2009 to April, 2015. He was a combat engineer in the 276th Engineer Battalion, 91st Troop Command. The battalion deployed overseas during Jalloh’s tenure, but there are no records showing that he deployed with the battalion, said Virginia National Guard spokesman A.A. “Cotton” Puryear.

      According to the documents, federal authorities were alerted to Jalloh’s plans by a confidential source who was working with a now-deceased overseas co-conspirator. He was scheduled to appear in court for the first time Tuesday afternoon.

      Al-Awlaki’s rhetoric has been linked to several terrorist attacks and plots even after he was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen in 2011. Hasan developed a relationship with the cleric after hearing him lecture at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Northern Virginia. Al-Awlaki is also believed to have inspired a Nigerian student accused of attempting to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas in 2009 and a Pakistani American man who tried to set off a car bomb in New York City in May 2010. Abdulazee had downloaded recordings of al-Awlaki’s speeches. Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in a nightclub in Orlando last month, had watched videos of al-Awlaki

      - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2016/07/former-muslim-national-guardsman-arrested-for-plotting-isis-attacks-in-america.html/#sthash.WgDIKGxz.dpuf

  37. Anbar Operations: 76 ISIS fighters killed in Zankoura

    (IraqiNews.com) Anbar – Anbar Operations Command informed that 76 ISIS members have been killed in the liberation battles of Zankoura northwest of Ramadi.

    The commander of Anbar Operations Major General Ismail al-Mahalawi, in a statement issued to the media, said, “76 ISIS members have been killed during the liberation battles of Zankoura, northwest of Ramadi. The terrorists were killed by the security forces backed by the international coalition aviation, Iraqi Air Force and Army Aviation.”


  38. .

    Idaho BobWed Jul 06, 01:28:00 AM EDT

    Here's the Star of David, Doofus -


    Both you and your butt buddy Duke have yours heads firmly up your asses, as usual.

    You old disgusting racist.

    The IMA strikes again.

    You dumb hick. The third image in on that link you put up looks exactly like the image in Trump's ad. There are four or five more scattered through the other images.

    Too funny.

    People can talk about the Millennial vote, or the woman vote, or the Latino vote all they want but the truth is you can never wholly write Trump off. Not when he has the illiterate and uninformed vote wrapped up. Not in this country.


  39. To understand where the race stands at this time, one only has to look at where Hillary decided to bring out her big gun (Obama.) Did she take him to Pennsylvania, or Ohio, or Wisconsin - where she had originally planned to use him? Nope, all those states that Obama won are deemed "safe," at present.

    She carried him down to North Freakin' Carolina, a state Romney won by 2 points.

    And, evidently, the Trump campaign sees the race similarly, because that's where he was yesterday, also.

    In other words, the campaign kicked off playing in Republican territory. Not good news for a campaign that starts off with a 332 to 206 deficit.
