Tuesday, April 26, 2016

By registering as a Democrat, I get my first chance today to vote against Hillary Clinton today and again in November. Hopefully, I am not alone.

Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates. 

This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in the 90s on a right-wing agenda, the Clinton Foundation's revolving door with Gulf state monarchies, corporations and the world's biggest financial institutions, and the establishment of the hyper-aggressive "Hillary Doctrine" while Secretary of State. Learn the essential facts about the great danger she poses, and why she's the US Empire's choice for its next CEO.


  1. Sanders today, anyone else but Clinton in November.

    1. The system is so rigged against Sanders, it will take a political miracle for him to overcome the fix installed by our rulers and masters in Washington.

      Trump is tying the equally corrupt Republicans into knots but adding a little humor with the Cruz and Katich farce.

    2. Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and John Katich announced a joint plan to prevent Donald Trump from securing the nomination.

      The two agreed to concede some races in order to secure victories over Trump. In Indiana, Trump will only face Cruz, and in Oregon and New Mexico, Trump will only face Kasich. Donald Trump immediately fired back, calling the agreement "collusion" and a sign of "desperation." Cruz and Kasich hope that the strategy will prevent Trump from obtaining the 1,237 delegates needed to win an absolute majority before the Republican convention in Cleveland. In other campaign news, the 35 thousand-member United Electrical Workers Union says it is endorsing Sanders. Union members decided on the endorsement in an unanimous membership vote. More than 100 national and local unions, representing over 1.5 million workers, have so far endorsed Sanders. In an exclusive interview with The Real News, Bernie Sanders says that he would support a federally-funded jobs program [SOT].

  2. Enjoy some real journalism from the intelligent and beautiful Abby Martin.

    1. :)

      Well, all I can say is I completely reject Hillary's brand of 'bourgeois feminism' as well.

      That Lady can certainly tie some loaded words together.

    2. She's a little heavy on the word 'empire'.

    3. She has a small jewel on her left nostril, just like one of my doctors.

      I like that.

  3. It is too bad that every American voter does not watch this video.

  4. 83 members of the US Senate are urging President Obama to increase US military aid to Israel to over three billion dollars per year.

    The demand came in the form of a letter to Obama calling for the boost to aid for the period between 2018 and 2027. Israel is asking the Obama administration to increase military aid from the current three billion to at least four billion per year. An agreement is expected before Obama leaves office early next year. The Obama administration has suggested that it is willing to increase aid to 3.7 billion dollars per year. 32 Democrats joined all Republicans in signing the letter to Obama.

    Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was not among them.

    1. Proving, once again, the great majority of the American People through their elected representatives continue to support Israel.

    2. Bernie Sanders hates Israel, just like Deuce.

      Totally out of the mainstream.

  5. "Sanders today, anyone else but Clinton in November."

    You are forgiven much.

  6. Melisa Click - "we need a little muscle over here" - has now claimed, in a real laugher, that she got canned because she is white.



  7. The answer, of course, is to run a loud-mouth, know-nothing buffoon that has bankrupted four companies.

  8. I saw a poll, yesterday, that had Clinton beating Trump by seven points in Arizona!!

  9. .

    My fife and I both voted for Sanders here in Michigan.

    [Editorial note: Pennsylvania has a truly goofy process for electing delegates especially on the GOP side. Why would anyone bother when all the delegates end up uncommitted? Why when electing the delegates don't they have to indicate who they will vote for if elected? No matter how you vote, you are buying a pig in a poke. Or, so it seems to me.]


    1. .

      My wife and I...

      I don't have a fife anymore.


    2. Gave up playing your fife ?

  10. If I were a dim, I would vote for Sanders, or anyone besides the despicable Hillary R. Clinton.

    1. .

      The beauty of the primary process (the only one as far as I can see) is that you don't have to be a Dem to vote against Hillary.


  11. Despicable, EVIL Hillary R. Clinton.

  12. I have 3 issues:

    1) Healthcare

    2) Alternative Energy

    3) Minimum Wage

    Now, tell me how I can Not vote for Hillary.

    1. .

      1. No problem with your speaking of healthcare.

      2. On alternative energy, the ball is rolling and won't be reversed regardless of who is elected especially given that we are likely to have another split government. However, the biggest reason: I am no fan of Koch, however, regardless of his reasons for saying it, he spoke truth when he said he favors Hillary because he doesn't trust either Trump OR Hillary to actually do what they are saying now. In other words, the only reason she moved left is because of Sanders, every stance she is taking at the moment is politically motivated, she is a pathological liar.

      3. The book is still out on the minimum wage. California should tell the tale.


    2. You weren't listening to his interview, were you? :)

      He said, "If she acts differently than she Talks, she might be better than Trump or Cruz."

      He was just "ratfucking." There's no way on God's Green Earth that he would support Hillary. :)

    3. As for the minimum wage: It's not that the republicans want to raise it a lesser amount - say, $9.00 or so; they don't want to raise it Any amount.

    4. .

      Regarding Koch, I did hear his comment (actually saw him saying it). As I said in my comment, regardless of his reasons, he spoke the truth.


  13. NONE of those are my issues.

  14. A lot of people seem to agree with me,

    Hillary Clinton 48

    Donald Trump 38

    Huffpost Poll Aggregator

    1. 450,000 dead syrians by Iran, Assad and Hezbollah is not "a lot" to you

      2,200 dead gazans is "a lot" to you....


    2. 22 airstrikes a day by America bombing ISIS is "a lot" to you......

      10,000 Hamas rockets into Israel is NOT "a lot" to you....

    3. Israel controlling a couple hundred acres of disputed lands is "a lot" to you...

      Russia invading Crimea, Ukraine, Turkey invading Cyrus is NOT "a lot" to you....

    4. Huffington poll?

      From the gal who turned a guy GAY?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. By the way, Rufus. I respect your list, but I don't see how Clinton is your answer. Sanders talks more about the need for your list more than Her. As a matter of fact, the only time she touches on them is after Sanders has. I just think she's phony and a fake, saying what ever is needed to get elected. The trail behind her is littered with misdeeds, cover ups, lies, and questions. So why won't you vote for Sanders instead?

    1. He can't get the nomination. He's toast.

    2. Thanks for stating the obvious. If that is truly your reason for voting for Clinton, then your list doesn't mean squat.

    3. Look, it's either Hillary or Trump.

      For my list, it's a no-brainer.

  17. .

    From the previous stream...

    Idaho BobTue Apr 26, 04:31:00 AM EDT
    I wonder what Quirk, the experienced advertising man and marketeer, would think of this -

    It’s a mixed bag.

    A psychological warfare principle that was once equated with magic says that the power to name a thing is the power to control or destroy it.

    I believe this applies only to those who lack the ability to see through the bullshit. We see it applied every day in the news and DOD reports where euphemisms and dysphemisms abound, kinetic engagement, extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation, the use of ‘element’ to describe a person, and it goes on and on. There are even more used in politics such as calling a reduction in deficit spending as a ‘savings’.

    The ‘nine second’ rule?

    Hogshead stresses that while you can't find true romance, land a job, or by implication sell an idea in nine seconds, you have roughly this long to earn the chance to make your case.

    Not sure. No doubt first impressions are important but nine seconds? I kind of doubt it.

    This brings us to a second principle of effective propaganda. The propaganda must first fascinate the viewer, but it must also assure the Propaganda Man of its honesty.

    The instant we lie to the Propaganda Man, we deserve to lose his trust and his respect, and I personally resent dishonest memes that attack even political figures I dislike. The memes seek to get me to make myself look foolish by forwarding them, and thus making myself a party to the falsehoods.

    I agree with this 100%.

    This is why I disagree with you and yours so often. Example…

    I actually agree with you that we currently have a clash of civilizations in the world, that it goes back millennia but for the past 1400 years is most clearly seen in the clash between Islam and Christianity.

    However, it is not only religion that is the reason for the clash. It is also a clash between cultures, mores, and values that have developed over the centuries, a clash of ideas and ideals, east versus west.

    Also, there is a third factor, secularism, something that has grown in importance over the last 300 years.

    The clash of civilizations we speak of now includes not only Christianity and Islam but also Secularism.

    [Secularism’s effect on the Western world is an interesting subject that probably would turn a bit heated if explored further here.]

    However, back to the point, propaganda. While I can accept the macro argument of a clash of civilizations, I can’t accept the faulty arguments and creative history you present here. For the most part it is bullshit and bubblegum.

    I reject your arguments on the basis of…

    1. You fail to recognize the difference between the European and the American experience.
    2. Your fears are exaggerated.
    3. The history you present is verifiably false.
    4. The solutions you offer are goofy and impractical.

    Which gets us back to…

    This brings us to a second principle of effective propaganda. The propaganda must first fascinate the viewer, but it must also assure the Propaganda Man of its honesty.


  18. .

    Trump breaks 50 percent mark in national poll

    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is above the 50-percent mark nationally for in an online tracking poll.

    The billionaire businessman added 4 points to reach 50 percent in the latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey weekly poll, released Tuesday morning.


    Utterly unbelievable if it weren't for the 2 dolts he is running against.


    1. .

      I thought he topped out when he hit forty percent.


    2. I will only vote for Trump if he swears to resign if he becomes more than 10% PC.

  19. We're all old enough to have lived through a lot of minimum wage increases. I'm not particularly against it but I do know enough now to know in the long run it's not going to make much difference.

    Burgers will go up, prices at the retail outlets will go up, rents will go up, only gas is unaffected.

    It's be a wash in the long run, the more minimum wage increased will be proposed.

    I think the price of wheat ought to be pegged to the minimum wage.


    I demand it !

    That, and keeping foreign workers (Mexicans) out as they take American jobs.

    1. then more minimum wage increases will be proposed

    2. Minimum wages for all without jobs.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  21. Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg

    Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg Play! 00:35
    By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
    26 April 2016 • 11:49am

    Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

    An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

    Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans....


    And those who have read their Idaho Bob know that light attends us at death as well, our birth into the light of the next world.

    1. I have not yet received my complimentary edition of "Idahoe Bob"

  22. I'm thinking of calling Rufus "Bluffington Rufus" until the election is over.

  23. Family has first girl after 101 years of boys....DRUDGE

    That's a hell of a run.

    1. Doing their level best to avoid giving birth to a Hillary, perhaps, in the best interests of the people of planet Earth.

  24. Lena Dunham may have just locked up the nomination for Donald Trump

    posted at 4:01 pm on April 26, 2016 by Jazz Shaw

    Since politics as we used to know it is apparently dead and gone, what the heck? We may as well dive into this story. You’re probably already at least somewhat familiar with actress Lena Dunham of Girls fame and her unabashed lurch into the world of politics. She’s a major Hillary Clinton supporter and has done her level best to raise money for her and push the young folks toward electing the historic First Female President. But now she may be inadvertently influencing conservatives around the nation and giving GOP frontrunner Donald Trump one last push toward the finish line. How? Well… she’s offering a very tasty reward if you agree to support the Manhattan business mogul. (The Hill)

    Lena Dunham promises to move to Canada if Trump wins

    “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will,” Dunham told Andy Cohen at the Matrix Awards on Monday.

    “I know a lovely place in Vancouver and I can get my work done from there.”

    Never one to miss a cue on social media, Trump jumped on that bandwagon with lightning speed.

    Not only would Donald Trump not mind if certain celebrities flee the United States upon his election, the Republican front-runner said Tuesday that their opposition to his candidacy only increases his will to win.

    During a telephone interview with “Fox & Friends,” Trump was asked about a tweet from Lena Dunham on Monday in which she vowed to leave the U.S. for Vancouver if he is elected president.

    Trump’s response: “Well, she’s a B-actor. You know, she has no — you know, no mojo.”

    “I heard Whoopi Goldberg too. That would be a great thing for our country,” Trump said, as the show flashed a graphic of celebrities who it said would leave the U.S. for Canada, including Dunham, Jon Stewart, and Rosie O’Donnell, with whom the Manhattan real-estate mogul has feuded for years.

    1. Trump went on to refer to it as a “great service to our country” if he managed to drive Dunham to the Great White North. Perhaps she’ll share a moving van with Whoopi, Rosie and Jon Stewart. But is she serious? More to the point, are any of the people who threaten such a move every single election actually serious? Just last month NPR published a rather informal study on the subject and concluded that it actually does happen, but pinning down how widespread the phenomenon is turns out to be essentially impossible.

      But is there ever a mass movement? Kind of. Maybe. It depends on what you mean by “mass,” really.

      We know. It’s a crappy answer. But it’s a tough question to answer because the Canadian government has data on how many people move there, but not on why they move. When asked the “I’m moving after this election” question, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada sent NPR data on Americans who gain permanent residency status in Canada (gaining permanent residency is a necessary step toward gaining Canadian citizenship).

      So there were spikes in Canadian immigration in the 24 to 32 month period following both the 2000 and 2008 elections. (It takes that long for most applications to be processed.) Does that mean people were fleeing the new administration and the impending implosion of America? Some of them, but we’ll never know how many. And the odds of liberals actually doing it seems to be considerably higher because Canada is a more liberal country than the United States to begin with. Conservatives moving there won’t find much relief.

      There’s also the economic factor to be considered. Somebody like Dunham or the other celebrities on the anti-Trump list can afford to drop everything and move their studio productions to Vancouver. For the average worker it’s not quite so simple. Still… you stick by your guns, Lena Dunham. We’ll all admire you for your principles and wish you the best in your new home country.


      Rumor has it we'll be rid of Whoopie Goldberg too....and even better, perhaps Susan Sarandon.

      SMUG can give 'em all a champagne and marijuana Welcome Wagon Party.

    2. If Dunham would promise to commit suicide if Hillary were elected, I would vote for Hillary.

    3. That's almost like selling your vote, Doug !

      Why don't any of these people choose Mexico ?

      They all want to go to Canada.

    4. Rosie O'Donnell is on the list !

      (according to my fife)

      Go Trump !!

    5. "That's almost like selling your vote, Doug !"

      But, you'd be getting a good price.

  25. Little-known LA police/fire retirement plan pays pension, salary at same time

    "DROP" stands for Deferred Retirement Option Plan. LAPD and L.A. Fire Department personnel who've worked for at least 25 years and are at least 50 years old can "retire," then go back to work immediately. When they return to work, pension payments are held while they continue collecting a salary, and after five years, they can leave and collect that money in a lump-sum payment.

    By postponing their retirement for five years, they accumulate pension payments (which are also collecting interest) and wages simultaneously.
    One fire chief collected a $900,000 lump sump through this program. Deputy police chief Mark Leap participated in the program and, after five years, received a lump sum of $700,000 while also collecting his police salary during that five years.

    Leap said it allowed him to continue to make contributions, while also giving him a nest egg for his retirement. Leap described it as a win-win for both himself and the city.

    Since the program began, there's been no serious audit done of cost benefits and whether the program as a whole is cost neutral.
    Many current city officials haven't taken a stance on the program yet, but they're likely to support it due to the strength of the police and fire unions. No politician who wants to get voted into anything else is likely to go up against the unions on such a popular program.


    1. Does that top this ? -

      VA agrees workers can engage in armed robberies if it’s on their own time

      Apr 26, 2016 3:01 PM by Jazz Shaw

      Gives “side jobs” a whole new meaning


      How about salary, pension, and armed robbery too ?!?

    2. .

      I don't think the LA deal is anything unusual. I knew a lot of guys who would retire and then hire back in on the same job as a contract employee.

      What is unusual, IMO, is that the fire chief is collecting $225,000 a year in pension benefits. The last I heard, LA is a public municipality, not a Goldman Sachs.


  26. Hillary says Trump has too much money.

    Didn't bring up the subject of whether it was ill gotten, or not.

    1. .

      Saw that section on TV.

      Said Trump comes on, insults people, talks about the plight of the little guy, then hops back on a private plane, and heads home to his mansion.

      Sounds like a typical day at the Clintons'. I mean, all except for the talking about the plight of the little guy.


    2. Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. ...

  27. Toby Mac is singing "This Is The Real Thing" on Fox right now.

    Music all day, interspersed on Fox, on this election day....

    1. Correction:

      "This Is Not A Test"

  28. Why haven’t hackers taken down the power grid?

    The answer, it turns out, is nearly as complicated as the systems themselves. Geopolitical tensions, limitations and redundancies in critical infrastructure hardware, and network vulnerabilities actually make it hard to take down the power grid.

    Hacker motivations are another factor.

    “Taking down major infrastructure on a national or regional level harms the bad guys as much as the good guys,” says Richard Forno, director of the Graduate Cybersecurity Program at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County. “The Russians [could] shut down the power grid. But if they shut it down, they won’t be able to track us.” (Please explain, I don't get it.)

    “If you don’t want to be eaten by lions,” Forno says, “don’t walk into the lion’s den with steaks taped over your body.”


  29. Don't cook your fruits or vegetables over 200 degrees.

    That way the nutrients don't have a chance to break down.

    Doctor Manny

  30. Hahne Estates Winery

    Gary proudly told of his Opa and parents with many stories of how they would hold parties at LBJ Ranch for the President including barbecues for 850 people and five Presidents. As a child he even stirred the peach ice cream for a week to prepare for one party. Gary will show you photos of his parents boarding Air Force One with President Johnson for a trip to the White House in Washington, D.C. and letters from the First Lady, “Lady Bird” Johnson, sent to the Hahne family. It is definitely an incredible collection that Gary has collected and you could spend a long time just listening to the stories.

    Unfair Advantage:
    Back to the wine, Gary explained how his Opa taught him at five years old how to make wine including some tips that he still uses today in the Hahne Estates wine. The logo for the winery is a rooster because the last name of Hahne (pronounced Hah-knee) means rooster in German.


  31. “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others... We are different from all the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we're doing... Power is not a means, it is an end… The object of power is power... Always there will be the intoxication of power... We are the priests of power… Power is power over human beings, over the body; but above all over the mind... The real power; the power we have to fight for night and day is not power over things but over men."

    "We shall crush you down to the point from which there is no coming back... Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling; everything will be dead inside you... You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves… The more the party is powerful the less it will be tolerant; the weaker the opposition the tighter the despotism... Always we shall have the heretic at our mercy, screaming with pain, broken up, contemptible; and in the end utterly penitent, saved from himself, crawling to our feet of his own accord. That is the world that we are preparing… If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.”

    George Orwell – 1984

    Quirk ("George Orwell") does have a way with words.


  32. dlsada •
    If you gave Bernie Sanders a fully-stocked hot dog cart, a prime location in Manhattan, a valid permit and $1,000 in operating capital, he would be broke before noon and have not a clue as to why. So few people are engaged in entrepreneurship, that they simply don't have a clue how it works. That however, never stops them from imposing their rules and regulations on the producers. They don't know the answers or even the questions.

    1. Bernie couldn't run a neighborhood lemonade stand on a hot day.

    2. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson could not make it in the US system without "Ripping of a bank", when he was on his knees, financially.

      Without socialist medicine, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson would not have had his hip transplanted or his colon cleansed of cancer...

    3. The blog's turd has returned.

      And it was prostate cancer, and most of it was paid for by my own insurance.

      How is that super secret critical USA defense project you are working on with the CIA, NSA and Defense going, Dead Beat Dad ?

      Why have you snuck back in here ?

      Why aren't you working on that, Psychorat ?

      Why not be a good guy now and let the rest of us discuss the election returns tonight in peace ?

      Why not go upstairs and ask your mom if she will take you out bowling tonight ?


    4. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, admit it, you are truly a "Welfare King".

      Your business skills are nonexistent, your success a product of bank fraud.

    5. Give us all a break for just one day, sperm donor.



    6. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, I am allowing plenty of days for your bile to go unchallenged, but when I read your inane and hateful comments it becomes a patriotic duty to let the readers know your history.

    7. Please notice that Jack Hawkins lacks the civility address another member of the bar without SLANDER.

    8. Jack HawkinsTue Apr 26, 07:55:00 PM EDT
      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson could not make it in the US system without "Ripping of a bank", when he was on his knees, financially.

      Without socialist medicine, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson would not have had his hip transplanted or his colon cleansed of cancer...

      Now now Jack, as the ONLY bar patron to actually be turned in to the AZ FBI for making threats you are what they call someone who lives in a "glass house"

      Your crimes, self confessed are lengthy, your slander and libel, no one touches you....

      So really do you have the ability to actually stick to issues?


    9. The issue "O"rdure is Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's use of the socialist model, while demeaning the candidate the would expand socialized medicine to all of our citizens, not just the old ones.

      As to the supposed FBI report, please provide the case number, if you can.
      But we both know you cannot.

    10. and without a case or file number, "O"rdure there is no evidence that you ever filed such a report.

      If you had, the evidence of wrong doing must not exist, as I am still here, after all these years.

      Try some new lies, "O"rdure, your old ones are thread bare.

  33. Hey guys guys remember when the bar's resident Israel bashers were making fun of the Israel Roof Knockers when they bombed the savages in Gaza?

    Remember the ridicule? The arrogant pompous judgmental nature of them?


    US military used Israeli 'roof knock' tactic in Iraq to warn civilians before bombing

    WASHINGTON - The United States borrowed an Israeli military tactic known as "roof knocking" to try to warn civilians before it dropped a bomb targeting Islamic State fighters in Iraq this month

    The Israeli military used such "roof knocks" in the 2014 operation in Gaza

    Ah yes. The world's most MORAL army teaches America once again...

    1. .

      Did it say how much time they gave the public?

      As I recall, the Gazans were given just enough time to worry about it.



    2. I'd think this 'roof knocking' would warn the bad guys to scurry away too.

      Not convinced about the military utility of this tactic....

      I can't recall any muzz giving warning, before, say, the San Bernardino "Q"Nit.

      I just hope the muzz around Detroit give Q a little warning though, before they nit him.

      And, he's first on the list:

      "First we show Poles then everybody else"

      The offer of refuge in Idaho remains open, despite all....

    3. quirk you are SUCH a troll

      After the Israeli disengagement from Gaza, when making arrests on the ground were close to impossible, IDF started using destruction of military infrastructure as deterrent to not attack Israeli targets. The IDF sought a method to minimize harm to Gaza civilians.[9] As early as 2006 the IDF had the practice of warning the inhabitants of a building that was about to be attacked.[10] Roof knocking was used during the 2008–2009 Gaza War, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014. In the six months prior to its use, Israel collected data on Hamas members, which they used to issue warnings.[4] Typically, Israeli intelligence officers and Shin Bet security servicemen contacted residents of a building in which they suspected storage of military assets and told them that they had 10–15 minutes to flee the attack,[2][8][11][12][13] although in some cases the delay has been as little as five minutes.[14]

      In November 2014 the most senior US military official, General Martin Dempsey, said Israel "did some extraordinary things to limit civilian casualties" during Operation Protective Edge. He gave Roof Knocking as an example to efforts by Israel to minimize Civilian casualties in Gaza.[15]


      so at a minimum 5 minutes... at a maximum 10-15...

      Quirk, maybe you should grow up? Gain a measure of reasonableness? Be insightful?

      Naw, that's not possible.

    4. .

      Think about it.

      You've seen Ramada, Kobane, Gaza... You've seen the neighborhoods and how close the houses are together.

      So these guys are sitting in their house. They hear a knock on the rook. You've been told the average time before the jdam hits is 10 minutes. What do you do?

      You know if they take your house out most of the stuff around it will be taken out too. If you decide to run how far do you have to run? In what direction? Is it likely they have just picked your house to bomb? If, in fact, they think there are actually militants in the house, do they have a drone outside ready to pick off anyone who comes out and is running? Are they waiting for a double tab, the same game they played in Afghanistan.

      Do you take you chances, try and get the kids and the baby and grandma and grandpa and try to start running or do you simply bend over, spread your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye?

      This is a cynical PR move and nothing more.


    5. .

      I put up a post yesterday referencing the new ROEs.

      Rufus put out a post saying DOD says There have been only 20 civilians killed in the last 6 months.

      Do you really believe the shit you are being fed?


    6. Just read Seymour M. Hersh's new book ...
      The Killing of Osama bin Laden"

      He does make the case that Mr Obama's administration is no more honest than was Bush/Cheney in regards to the "War on Terror".

      It is an interesting read ...

    7. An excerpt can be read at ...


    8. Even more interesting is his take on the Turkish support of the Islamic State, guess you gotta buy the book to get that ...

    9. My favorite move so far was flying the Saudis/bin Ladens home after 9-11.

  34. .

    The Trump/Clinton debates would be worth the cost of admission. In fact, if the odds at the end are as large as the numbers Rufus has been putting up, I might be tempted to take a flyer and put a few large down on Trump.

    They've both got massive disapproval ratings and I've seen Hillary blow up when she's pushed. And if nothing else, I think Trump could be counted on to push.

    How many debates will there be for the general election?


    1. Probably none if Hillary had her way.

      She wanted to debate Sanders on the night of the NCAA finals, for instance.

  35. Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland already called for Trump...



    2. Add Rhode Island to Trump's list...

    3. Add Delaware.....

      This is hardly even fun...

      I thought Kasich was said to be a powerhouse in these parts...


      Damn, I hope Bernie wins SOMETHING....

    5. I'm going to Wal-Mart for my daughter.....she needs dog treats for her mutt...puppyroni and no substitutes....most of the 'excitement' in tonight's returns seems to be over.


  36. Washington Post-

    The flow of foreign fighters into Iraq and Syria has dropped from roughly 2,000 a month down to 200 within the past year, ...


  37. Just checked, again, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    Still no reports of the Islamic State expanding its presence in Iraq or Syria.
    They have made no gains.

    You wrote, a few days ago, that you thought they had, you were wrong, again.

    1. ISIS makes gains in north Syria from regime, rebels


      AFP, BeirutSaturday, 16 April 2016 Text size A A A

      ISIS made gains in northern Syria on Saturday from both government forces and their rebel opponents, a monitoring group said.

      The northern province of Aleppo borders Turkey and is criss-crossed with supply routes that are strategic for practically all of Syria's warring sides.

      On Saturday, ISIS fighters seized another border village in their offensive against non-extremist rebel groups in the province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

      The ISIS counterattack has rolled back rebel gains in the border area, which had seen advance them from Azaz, a town eight kilometers (five miles) south of the Turkish border, towards ISIS bastions further east.

      “The ISIS gains have cut off opposition territory around Azaz from rebels in the town of Dudyan further east,” Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.

      “Now the rebels in Dudyan are practically surrounded by ISIS.”

    2. The ground around Aleppo has been in flux for weeks, the Islamic State has not taken a town or village.

      Villages without names are just that, nameless and nonexistent except for the propaganda value the Sunni media can extrapolate from the misinformation they get fools to believe.

    3. Jack "Memorial Day" HawkinsTue Apr 26, 10:19:00 PM EDT

      So, I've been shown to be a fool and liar again, so what ?

      I am a fool, and liar.

      I make stuff up and attribute it to other people.

      We all know that.

      It's fun, I think.

      I predicted that ISIS would be totally gone from Iraq by Memorial Day of last year.

      I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground.

      So what ?

      So I claimed to be an expert on military affairs.

      So what ?

      I'm just here to show my backside.

      Somebody asked me to predict when Mosul will fall.

      I'm just smart enough to not make a total fool out of myself twice in a row.

      My 'rat doctrine' turned out to be a farce too. That's why I know now to get my pie hole shut about predictions.

    4. Jack "Memorial Day" HawkinsTue Apr 26, 10:23:00 PM EDT

      I lied about that project off the coasts of Panama, too.

      I like to make stuff up, and try to make myself into something.

      I'm shameless.

      Even when everybody wants me to leave, I stay.

  38. General Jack "Memorial Day" HawkinsTue Apr 26, 08:43:00 PM EDT

    I'm an idiot, a liar, and a pest, and all hung up and psychotic, if you hadn't noticed.


    1. Funny stuff, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      Why don't you provide some quotes to make your case ...

      Oh, that's right, they do not exist.


    2. But that the writer at your IP is an idiot, a liar, and a pest, and all hung up and psychotic, is beyond dispute

  39. As was mentioned, above ...

    Arizona poll: Clinton beats Trump

    Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton tops Trump by 7 points, 42 percent to 35 percent, in Arizona, according to the poll from Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center released Monday.
    Clinton would lose to either of Trump's Republican rivals: According to the poll, she trails Ted Cruz by 5 points, 43 to 38 percent, and John Kasich by 12 points, 44 to 32 percent.

    Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders tops all three GOP candidates in Arizona: The Vermont senator leads Trump by 21 points, Cruz by 15 points and Kasich by 14 points.
    The poll of 564 registered voters in Arizona was conducted April 4–11 via landlines and cellphones with a margin of error of 4.2 points.



  40. Hersh's new book, The Killing of Osama Bin Laden, is a corrective to the official account of the war on terror. Drawing from accounts of a number of high-level military officials, Hersh challenges a number of commonly accepted narratives: that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the Sarin gas attack in Ghouta; that the Pakistani government didn’t know Bin Laden was in the country; that the late ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in a solely diplomatic capacity; and that Assad did not want to give up his chemical weapons until the U.S. called on him to do so.


    Ken Klippenstein: In the book you describe Saudi financial support for the compound in which Osama Bin Laden was being kept in Pakistan. Was that Saudi government officials, private individuals or both?

    Seymour Hersh: The Saudis bribed the Pakistanis not to tell us [that the Pakistani government had Bin Laden] because they didn’t want us interrogating Bin Laden (that’s my best guess), because he would’ve talked to us, probably. My guess is, we don’t know anything really about 9/11. We just don’t know. We don’t know what role was played by whom.

    KK: So you don’t know if the hush money was from the Saudi government or private individuals?

    SH: The money was from the government … what the Saudis were doing, so I’ve been told, by reasonable people (I haven’t written this) is that they were also passing along tankers of oil for the Pakistanis to resell. That’s really a lot of money.

    KK: For the Bin Laden compound?

    SH: Yeah, in exchange for being quiet. The Paks traditionally have done security for both Saudi Arabia and UAE.

    1. http://www.alternet.org/world/exclusive-interview-seymour-hersh-dishes-saudi-oil-money-bribes-and-killing-osama-bin-laden


    2. KK: You write that Obama authorized a ratline wherein CIA funneled arms from Libya into Syria and they ended up in jihadi hands. [According to Hersh, this operation was coordinated via the Benghazi consulate where U.S. ambassador Stevens was killed.] What was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s role in this given her significant role in Libya?

      SH: The only thing we know is that she was very close to Petraeus who was the CIA director at the time ... she’s not out of the loop, she knows when there’s covert ops. ... That ambassador who was killed, he was known as a guy, from what I understand, as somebody who would not get in the way of the CIA. As I wrote, on the day of the mission he was meeting with the CIA base chief and the shipping company. He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on. And there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel.

    3. So Bush gave the Saudis the bin Ladens after 9-11, and Obama takes Osama off their hands a decade later.
      The Royals have done quite well.

  41. There's Chris Christie grinning and smiling in the background as The Donald gives his victory talk.

    Christie chose well.

    1. SANDERS: RI....Drudge

      Well, good, Sanders has put in the effort.

      And he's more or less honest, so most say.

      Glad he won something tonight.

    2. There are still some counties out in Pennsylvania, according to Fox, but Trump has won ALL the countries in ALL five states that have been counted to this point tonight.


    3. How are any delegates from Pennsylvania not going to vote for Trump if he wins every last county in the entire State ?

      If that that turns out to be the case, and some don't vote Trump, all hell should break loose.....

    4. .

      I missed out this time but I may run for delegate next time. Saw a guy who was running in Pennsylvania. He was one of three people running for three seats in his district. For Bob, that means he is running unopposed. I understand that happens a lot.

      Interesting factoid, though it is illegal for candidates or national parties to offer monetary inducements to sway delegates, it's legal for wealthy individuals or PACs to offer delegates gifts, tickets to shows, dinner at a fancy restaurants, golf weekends in Florida or maybe the Bahamas, gift bags, etc.


    5. And that is exactly why you may run for delegate next time.....gifts, tickets to shows, dinner at fancy restaurants, golf weekends in Florida or maybe the Bahamas, gift bags....

      Yup, you will be a super delegate one day....in fact, knowing you, you may figger some way to swindle a run for all three positions....unopposed....maybe as a man, a woman, a transgender....a 3Q....

  42. Most predictions had Trump bringing home between 85 and 90 of Tuesday's 118 'bound' delegates – the number that does not include Pennsylvania's grab bag of 54.

    He will end up crushing those expectations, winning at least 105.
    When polls opened Tuesday morning, Trump had 845 delegates in his column, compared with 559 for Cruz and 148 for Kasich.

  43. TrustTED to be EliminaTED
