Sunday, November 08, 2015

Just tell Israel to “Fuck OFF”

Netanyahu taps Squatter who called Obama Muslim hate sympathizer, as he demands $5 bn./yr. from U.S.

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – –
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appointed West Bank squatter Ran Baratz to be his director of communications on the eve of his procession Monday to Washington to demand a vast increase in annual US aid to Israel, which includes civilian as well as military grants of some $3 bn. a year. Netanyahu wants $5 bn. now, or $50 billion over the next ten years.
One wouldn’t even complain about this aid if Israel weren’t using it in part to occupy the stateless Palestinians. But it is worth noting that the US doesn’t give such sums to NATO allies like France or Britain or even Turkey. Israel is a wealthy country. It already receives special access to the US market and technology. But there is no point in complaining about this tax on American households for Netanyahu’s brutal policies toward Palestinians. As long as Congress is bought and sold, this sort of thing will continue inexorably. In fact, in the terms of Washington debate, it cannot even be brought up as an issue. It is after all a minor piece of corruption, in a political system that is among the most corrupt in the world.
To underline the brazenness of Netanyahu attempting to dictate to Americans their foreign policy, e.g. toward Iran, and then putting his hand out, he is trying to bring on board Baratz. Baratz doesn’t even live in Israel. He is squatting on land he stole from a Palestinian owner.
Baratz thinks that US Secretary of State John Kerry has “the mental age of a twelve-year-old” for trying to make peace between Palestinians and Israelis.
But his remarks on President Obama take the cake. Reacting to Obama’s response to Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last March, Baratz wrote on Facebook:
“Obama’s way of speaking about Netanyahu’s speech — that is the modern face of anti-Semitism in Western and liberal countries . . . And that comes, of course, with much tolerance and understanding toward Islamic anti-Semitism.”
The press has focused on Baratz’s accusation that Obama is a racist who dislikes Jews on racial grounds. But the charge that he is tolerant and understanding toward “Muslim anti-Semitism” is what is really interesting. Is Baratz a birther, implying that Obama is a Muslim or crypto-Muslim? And that is what drives his alleged Jew-hatred? Baratz’s mental world is hardly shared by all Israelis, but it is symptomatic of the pathologies of the Israeli right wing, which is only tenuously anchored in any sort of normal reality.
Baratz has apologized, sort of (he said these were only Facebook comments ‘appropriate to an individual.’ Where I come from, baselessly calling people racists and sympathizers with other racists is never ‘appropriate.’)
Barak Ravid at Haaretz, the liberal Israeli newspaper, had some fun with Netanyahu over this debacle: “It is not clear who is the man who planted in the head of Netanyahu the idea of appointing [Dr Ran] Baratz as his personal spokesman, the face of the State of Israel and the one who runs for him from one TV studio to another. Perhaps it was the Mufti who persuaded him to do so…It is not that Netanyahu does not agree with a big part of what Baratz wrote, but between thinking something and publishing it in Facebook the difference is great…”
Observers on Twitter are saying that Baratz is actually quite moderate and respectful in his views of Obama and other US politicians as compared to other members of Netanyahu’s circle.
But don’t worry. Israeli skinheads can spit on the US commander in chief all they want from the prime minister’s office, and he’ll just get out a hanky, wipe off the spittle, and meekly ask how much he should write the check for.
Related video added by Juan Cole:


  1. Yesterday, I watched "The Fall of the Third Reich."

    This looks somewhat similar.

    1. One would think that a man not only of The Principal People, but who lives on The City on the Hill, Exceptional, being Doubly Chosen, so to speak, would have more brains than that.

  2. So Deuce, if a Jew living in the west bank, as you call it, a "squatter".

    What does that make you? Obama? All Americans?

    Are we all not "squatters" here?

    A direct question.

  3. As for your tell Israel to "fuck off", Obama already has.

    You should be happy.

    But when America NEEDS Israel, who ya going to call?


    1. There has never been and never will be a day when the USA needs Israel.

    2. Didn't answer the 1st question.

      As for the 2nd?

      you don't know jack shit...

      America needs Israel.

      And Israel needs America.

      Now you might now LIKE it, but it is a reality today.

      America? Has been cuckholded by Obama, it's armed forces are reduced to a level not seen in 60 years. It has lost intel, allies cooperation across the globe.

      israel for it's part? Still is a place, without question, America can count on in any emergency.

      Now the reverse cannot be said anymore.

      Now your comment: "There has never been and never will be a day when the USA needs Israel." Is really quite filled with hubris..

      ever hear the saying "pride goeth before the fall" this applies to you personally, not the USA..

  4. Carly Fiorina, bless her, and who has something of a blessing from Quirk, has had the balls to come out and call O'bozo exactly what he is.....a moslem.

    1. Correction, it was a questioner that called O'bozo a moslem, and Carly did not correct him, implicitly agreeing.

    2. Dale, now departed, had this figured out 7 years ago, from the git-go.

  5. So Obama single handedly ends all Iranian sanctions, ignores Iranian threats to Israel (and America), unfreezes 160 BILLION, and opens up Iran to export 20 billion a year in oil, stand quiet as Iran sends troops to Syria, tests illegal weapons, purchases arms that are banned by the UNSC, sends cash to hamas, hezbollah, rebels in Yemen and other places....

    But Bibi is a shit to ask for 5 billion in aid to combat Iran & it's proxies.

    Tell you what, If I was Bibi, i'd as for nothing and end Iran's government in a nanosecond before the S300's are installed in Iran.

    American blood money is shit. Israel needs to take action now and take action that will stop Iran once and for all.

    The worst case?

    International sanction led by America against israel at the UN.

    Bring it on you bitches.

    1. So Obama single handedly ends all Iranian sanctions, ignores Iranian threats to Israel (and America), unfreezes 160 BILLION, and opens up Iran to export 20 billion a year in oil, stand quiet as Iran sends troops to Syria, tests illegal weapons, purchases arms that are banned by the UNSC, sends cash to hamas, hezbollah, rebels in Yemen and other places....

      But Bibi is a shit to ask for 5 billion in aid to combat Iran & it's proxies.

      I was just going to say something along these lines but you beat me to it.

    2. Those results tell a very clear story of how successful Bibi has been while pursuing his goals for Israel.

      He has failed - miserably.

    3. No he hasn't. He has done his best in a very hard position. I'd like to see him not show up at the White House and just wait for the next President.

      The USA elected a guy Deuce thought was born in Kenya, whose birth certificate he judged to be a computer generated fraud, and who is either a moslem or a deep moslem sympathizer, and it's been the shits for everyone ever since.

    4. AshSun Nov 08, 08:55:00 PM EST
      Those results tell a very clear story of how successful Bibi has been while pursuing his goals for Israel.

      He has failed - miserably.

      No Bob, Bibi has failed to stop Obama from appeasing the islamic nazis of Iran. And for that effort? real war is more likely.

  6. When America needs Israel....heh

    There does appear to be a tendancy for governments to 'buy off' ... err compensate, those who got the short end of the stick in broader negotiations. The recent TPP agreement has prompted th the Canadian government to offer multi year payouts to milk producers who will lose their protections and auto companies as well . Israel is exploiting this tendancy as well.

    1. Gotta muster the political will to get deals done dontcha know?

    2. Exactly why we need The Donald.

    3. Abandoning Ben for the Donald are you?

    4. The decision will have been made before I even have a chance to vote, so it matters not.

      I kinda like them both, in different ways, and Carly too.

    5. Their is a point fast approaching when Israel will have to strike Iran and all bets will be off.

      israel has been screwed over by Obama, Rice, Powers, Kerry and Clinton. Personally I think Bibi is trying to put off til he sees who is the next POTUS

      That will be in 12 months. Obama will be gone in 15 months.

      things will get interesting.

    6. I have read that same thinking in two or three good articles lately.

  7. Are we still giving the $3 billion to Egypt each year ?

    I think it's a good investment. Keeps the military in villas. They like that. Better than fighting.

    When the time came to throw out O'bozo's favorites the MB, they did so.

    1. Much of the aid to Egypt is economic aid as Obama cut off the military budget when the moslem brotherhood was tossed, Russia now gives eygpt military aid.

  8. The collaborators in the US Congress,the traitors in the Democratic Party and the vast majority of the GOP, bereft of integrity, personal dignity and national patriotism should be shamed and exposed for the treacherous corrupt bastards they are.

    No US serviceman or veteran should vote for any one of them.

    1. You've just called something around 70% of the American people, who elected these folks, corrupt bastards.

    2. A great majority of the American people support Israel, and always have, and, I certainly hope, always will.

    3. Deuce is pissed that America and it's people overwhelmingly support Israel and it's people.

      America does not support the Palestinians national movement, Hamas, Iranian mullahs, Hezbollah, Russia, Abbas or the Revolutionary Guards.

      America KNOWS that Obama is anti-American in his approach to the world and does not support America the LOSER attitude.

      Sorry Deuce, the US Congress are not traitors, now you as a Iranian Firster? You might be.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Humorous, let’s see sports fans; does this sound like the words of a US-firster, an American patriot?

      What is “Occupation"Sun Nov 08, 08:48:00 PM EST

      So Obama single handedly ends all Iranian sanctions, ignores Iranian threats to Israel (and America), unfreezes 160 BILLION, and opens up Iran to export 20 billion a year in oil, stand quiet as Iran sends troops to Syria, tests illegal weapons, purchases arms that are banned by the UNSC, sends cash to hamas, hezbollah, rebels in Yemen and other places....

      But Bibi is a shit to ask for 5 billion in aid to combat Iran & it's proxies.

      Tell you what, If I was Bibi, i'd as for nothing and end Iran's government in a nanosecond before the S300's are installed in Iran.

      American blood money is shit. Israel needs to take action now and take action that will stop Iran once and for all.

      The worst case?

      International sanction led by America against israel at the UN.

      Bring it on you bitches.

    6. It sounds like I am being honest. Something you are not familiar with.

    7. I like what I said...

      "American blood money is shit. Israel needs to take action now and take action that will stop Iran once and for all.

      The worst case?
      International sanction led by America against israel at the UN.=
      Bring it on you bitches.

  9. The US has paid a terrible price for its knee jerk support of Israel.

    1. The US has paid a larger price in appeasing islamic savages.

      Maybe you should let go of your hatred, naw, it's great the stress must be killing you.

    2. Deuce whether you like it or not?

      Sleep safe, Israel, the TIP of the Spear, has America's back...

    3. The IDF is the tip of the spear? Israel has America’s back? Well then, that settles it. Maybe not:

      The cease-fire announced Tuesday between Israel and Palestinian factions — if it holds — will end seven weeks of fighting that killed more than 2,200 Gazans and some 69 Israelis. But as the rival camps seek to put their spin on the outcome, one assessment of Israel’s Gaza operation that won’t be publicized is that of the U.S. military. Still, even though the Pentagon shies away from publicly expressing judgments that might fall afoul of a decidedly pro-Israel Congress, senior U.S. military sources speaking on condition of anonymity offered a scathing assessment of Israeli tactics, particularly in the battle for Shujaiya.

      One of the more curious moments in Israel’s Operation Protective Edge came on July 20, when a live microphone at FOX News caught Secretary of State John Kerry commenting sarcastically on Israel’s military action: “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Kerry said. “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation.”

      Rain of high-explosive shells

      The secretary of state’s comment followed the heaviest bombardment of the war to that point, as Israeli artillery rained thousands of high-explosive shells into the neighborhood of Shujaiya, a residential area on the eastern edge of Gaza City. A high-ranking U.S. military officer told this reporter that the source of Kerry’s apparent consternation was almost certainly a Pentagon summary report assessing the Israeli barrage, on which the Secretary had been briefed by an aide moments earlier.

      According to this senior U.S. officer, who had access to the July 21 Pentagon summary of the previous 24 hours of Israeli operations, the internal report showed that 11 Israeli artillery battalions —a minimum of 258 artillery pieces in all, according to this officer’s estimate — had pumped at least 7,000 high explosive shells into the Gaza neighborhood, which included a barrage of some 4,800 shells during the seven-hour period marking the height of the operation. Senior U.S. officers were stunned by the report.

      Twice daily throughout the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) operation, a select group of senior U.S. military and intelligence officers at the Pentagon received a lengthy written summary of Israeli military action in Gaza. The reports — compiled from information gleaned from open sources, Israeli military officers with whom U.S. officials speak and satellite images — offered a detailed assessment of Israel’s battlefield tactics and the performance of its weaponry, a considerable portion of it supplied by the United States.

      Although these reports shy away from offering political judgments on the operation, a number of senior U.S. military officers who spoke about the contents of those daily reports with this reporter were highly critical of some of the IDF’s tactics, particularly in the Israeli ground invasion of Shujaiya. An official spokesman at the Pentagon declined to comment on the contents of this article.


  10. Israel provided intelligence, including intercepted chatter from Islamic State fighters in Sinai to the United States and Britain in order to help with the investigation into why a Russian passenger plane broke apart in mid-air, CNN reported Sunday.

    While Israeli officials would not comment on the claims, Egyptian investigators said that they are "90 percent sure" that the noise they heard in the final second of the cockpit recording was the sound of an explosion caused by a bomb.

    "The indications and analysis so far of the sound on the black box indicate it was a bomb," Reuters quoted a member of the Egyptian investigation team as saying.

    "We are 90 percent sure it was a bomb."

    Your welcome Deuce...

    Of course when will you BLAME israel for it?

  11. Deuce ☂Sun Nov 08, 09:23:00 PM EST
    Humorous, let’s see sports fans; does this sound like the words of a US-firster, an American patriot?


    Lookie here sports fans..

    Deuce the Iranian Firster doesn't like what I said...


  12. So, what, Ash, if ISIS were to get some nuclear materials to make a dirty bomb, or even a nuke from N. Korea, and are plotting to blow up New York City, and the Israelis, whose Intelligence services are regarded as pretty darn good, know about it, you don't care whether they help us know about it or not ?

    Really ?

    I can think of several types of scenarios where we might well need the Israelis.

  13. My Grandmother had a big chunk of Cherokee DNA. If her parents, or grandparents called themselves "the principal people," whatever.

    I, personally, don't subscribe to any "special folks" type religion.

    You see, you dumb turd-kicking hick, only a racist, and bigot, of the first order refuses to understand that we are primarily individuals, not members of some long-forgotten great-grandparent's familial cult.

    1. So go ahead and say it...
      Mohammed and the moslems hold no claim to lands the Jews CONTROL

  14. But you see, you gator tail eating piece of old shit, I was simply responding to your concern about Jews having considered themselves a
    'chosen people'.

    What I said was all peoples have done that in the past, your Cherokee people too, and Americans now, and do so today. It is understandable. It is a kind of Nietzchean imperative, a necessary affirmation of life, a saying 'yes' to life, and if we do not do that, we die.

    We just should not take it so far that we unnecessarily begin exterminating others, as the Cherokee often did.

    You numb dumbfuck, I am a Republican type precisely because I like individualism and don't want the State to take all I've got.

    The people that have this Idea of Specialness most firmly embedded in their souls today, I think, are the moslems, who are, as usual, out to conquer the world.

    Most other people have more or less gotten over that idea.

    1. I have no idea if somewhere back in the mists of history some ancient ancestors considered themselves to be better than the members of some other tribe, or clan, or whatever. I DO know that a fair proportion of those people that live in Israel DO go to church on Saturday, and worship a religion that tells them that THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONES,

      and, that those self-same pricks, and their AIPAC Lobbyists work the rest of the week lobbying against My and My Family's Healthcare, and trying to get MY tax money sent to their country and used for Their Welfare.

    2. Dear Rufus...

      Jews don't go to church.

      Nor do they worship a religion that tells them that they are the chosen ones.

      Once again you are ignorant of what you speak

    3. rufus continues to show us the depth of his stupidity:

      and, that those self-same pricks, and their AIPAC Lobbyists work the rest of the week lobbying against My and My Family's Healthcare, and trying to get MY tax money sent to their country and used for Their Welfare.

      are you really this stupid or are you drunk?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. LOL The power of censor... they do that in Iran too.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. “I used to be a guy who burned Israeli flags – live forever Israel!” proclaimed Afshin Javid, the leader of exiles visiting from Canada, in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.

    He said he did not know a single Jew before fleeing Iran. “I must say that most of the population in Iran loves Israel.”

    “For thousands of years, the Persian people stood by Israel,” but during the reign of the current regime, a small group of people took control of the government and decided to act against Israel, he said.

    Javid, like most of the others in the group, are Muslim converts to Christianity.

    Javid said he had been a member of the hardline paramilitary Basij voluntary militia for three years and that at 14 he had planned to be one of the children who blew up minefields, but wound up disqualified from that task for being under 15.

    During the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) the regime sanctioned self-martyrdom attacks and Iran’s leader, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, sent members of his Basij militia, as young as 12, in human waves toward Saddam Hussein’s forces. They would blow up minefields to open the way for Iranian tanks to pass through. The children wore plastic keys around their necks, which Khomeini issued them to symbolize their entry to paradise.

    Javid said he wound up as “a member of the hanging [execution] squad,” in Iran.

    He converted to Christianity in Malaysia where, ironically, the Iranian regime had sent him to spread Shi’ite Islam.

    Javid would enter mosques in Malaysia and later Bangladesh to speak out against the ideas of Islam.

    “They wanted to kill me,” he said.

    The Iranians were interrogated for about five hours upon landing at Ben-Gurion Airport. Israeli security officials “knew everything about me, my family,” said Javid, who is on his fourth visit to the country.

    On Wednesday, he said he will present a $20,000 check to promote aliya at an event in Jerusalem, which he sees as a step to rebuild the Holy Temple.

    At a meeting between the Iranians and Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, in Barkan, Dagan told the Iranians he greatly appreciated their visit and said he saw the Barkan industrial zone as a symbol of coexistence between Jews and Arabs as they work together. The Samaria Regional Council promotes Israel’s image and that of Judea and Samaria.

    “We feel we are on the front lines between descent people and those who are evil. [A terrorist attack] could be here, in Europe or in the US,” Dagan said.

    “Those who want to attack Israel attack this place,” he added.

    Another Iranian exile, who called himself Matthew, said he grew up in a very religious family in Iran.

    He said he abandoned Islam during his second year of university after discovering what he described as “problems in the Koran.”

    Matthew wrote a fictional book that criticized Islam and the publisher sent it to the authorities, landing him in the “religious section” of the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.

    “I spent five months in solitary confinement and was tortured,” Matthew said.

    “The security forces accused me of being a Zionist. At the time, I didn’t even understand what that meant,” he said.

    A copy of his book was sent to three religious Ayatollahs to decide his fate according to Sharia law, he said. Luckily, however, before they issued a verdict Matthew escaped from Iran with the help of a doctor friend who had treated him in prison.

    The doctor referred him to a kidney specialist who, during the ultrasound examination, replaced the results with one he pulled from his bag, showing he had kidney stones, a condition that permitted him to get out of jail on bail.

    Matthew’s brother, who was a police officer, mortgaged his house to raise bail money and helped him flee the country over a border checkpoint to Turkey in 2004. He ended up in Canada as a refugee. His brother lost his house.


  17. Hello, I feel compelled to tell you, Godless Pagan,and Drunken Cherokee that you are, that I am one God's Chosen People, and, as such, I will become irate, and call you an anti-semite, and a Jew hater if you don't give me a large amount of your money.

    Now, is That a sales pitch, or what?

    1. Naw you suck.

      And you still don't have a CLUE as to what you speak about.

      try drinking the firewater less...

  18. Those are remarkable narratives, WiO. Thank you.

    Well, I gotta get up early, I'm tired of Rufus and his non sense, so


    Cheers !

  19. It must be embarrassing to be one of the "Chosen Ones," and be reduced to bullying some poor old half-breed Cherokee out of his firewater money.

    1. Actually the "chosen ones" of America out earn your sorry pathetic drunk ass and pay millions of times more in our own taxes than you could.ever dream of...

      No need to bully you out of your firewater.

      3 billion a year in aid to israel is mostly spent in the USA on union jobs....

      America spends more on Lays potato chips than aid to Israel.

      You have an exaggerated sense of proportion

  20. Judaism 101: Synagogues, Shuls and Temples
    The synagogue is the Jewish equivalent of a church, more or less. It is the center of the Jewish religious community: a place of prayer, study and education, ...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. galopn2Sun Nov 08, 11:04:00 PM EST
      I have no idea if somewhere back in the mists of history some ancient ancestors considered themselves to be better than the members of some other tribe, or clan, or whatever. I DO know that a fair proportion of those people that live in Israel DO go to church on Saturday, and worship a religion that tells them that THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONES,

      Rufus, one dumb retard, getting dumber by the hour.
