Saturday, November 07, 2015

There has also been some internet traffic suggesting that there was British involvement in the attack on the Russian airliner

British extremists linked to jet bomb: London & Birmingham voices heard cheering disaster

BRITISH extremists were behind the bombing of a Russian jet over Egypt, intelligence experts believe. 

British extremists linked to the jet bombGETTY
British extremists have been linked to the Russian jet bomb
They were overheard celebrating moments after the explosion that blew the plane apart, killing all 224 on board.
The jihadis were heard talking in Birmingham and London accents by spies at GCHQ in Cheltenham.
Trained in Syria and with an electronics background, it is believed they may have had a hand in building the bomb.
The success of the attack could inspire them to target British airports next, a former Special Branch officer warned last night.
GCHQ, the Government’s secret listening centre, picked up “chatter” from extremist groups in Egypt immediately after the Russian plane came down.
The regional accents suggest “a definite and strong link” between British extremists and the attack, according to intelligence sources.
“Jihadis in the Sinai area of Egypt could be heard celebrating,” one source said yesterday.
People stuck in EgyptGETTY
The jihadis were heard talking in Birmingham and London accents by spies at GCHQ in Cheltenham
“A closer analysis of that material has identified London and Birmingham accents among those numerous voices.
“There has also been some internet traffic suggesting that there was British involvement in the attack. This was a very sophisticated, carefully planned operation involving many moving parts.
“We know there are British jihadis in Egypt fighting with members of Islamic State. They were trained in Syria and are now hardened terrorists. Some of the Britons have an electronics background and have been developing some very sophisticated bombs.
“They have been experimenting with different-sized charges and different types of explosives but there was nothing prior to this attack to suggest that they were going after airlines.” 
The choice of a Russian airliner is thought to have been a deliberate attempt to goad President Vladmir Putin.
But the terrorists could now switch their attention back home.
Former Special Branch detective Chris Hobbs said British-born extremists who have learned bombmaking skills while fighting in Syria will have slipped under the radar to return to the UK.
“There is a growing concern that these individuals will use their newly learnt skills to try to down an airliner here,” he said.

“Airport security here in the UK is very good but it can never be 100 per cent.”

As a senior detective, Mr Hobbs spent more than a third of his 32-year service working at Heathrow, Gatwick and in the Caribbean, focusing on drug dealers who were trying to exploit weaknesses in airport security systems.
There has also been some internet traffic suggesting that there was British involvement in the attack 
An intelligence source
He said improved security was needed, including police screening of all passengers but planned cuts would make this far more difficult.
‘‘In my view counter-terrorism measures need to be stepped up but that will be difficult because a Home Office review of counter-terrorist policing at air and sea ports is believed to be looking to make £12million in cuts.
“We must be the only country in the world faced with a major terrorist threat who are actively imposing drastic cuts upon their law enforcement bodies.”
It is suspected that Sinai jihadis smuggled a bomb into Sharm El Sheikh airport in Egypt before someone else working on the inside placed the device in the hold of the Russian passenger jet. “If that is what happened it would have needed a degree of planning,” said Mr Hobbs.
“You have to assume that jubilant jihadists will attempt something similar elsewhere in the world, including Britain.
The bombed jetGETTY
The choice of a Russian airliner is thought to have been an attempt to goad President Putin
“One area we need to look at is security for those who work airside at airports. They have to go through the same rigorous scanning procedures as passengers when they go to work, but each vehicle cannot be as comprehensively checked without bringing the airport to a halt.
“It would be possible to hide a device inside a vehicle and then retrieve the device when the rogue employee is airside.
“Then it could be passed on to a security-checked passenger who could carry it on to an aircraft before becoming a martyr or possibly even placed into an unsuspecting passenger’s hold baggage if that rogue employee is involved in baggage handling.
“I think the fall-out of the Russian tragedy will be a tightening of security, which will be difficult to achieve with further cuts to policing and the UK Border Force an inevitable result of the forthcoming spending review.”
He added: “An argument will be made that even with cuts to police and the UK Border Force, improved security can be achieved with better efficiency, which frankly is nonsense.”
Britons have been stranded in Sharm El SheikhGETTY
Britons have been stranded in Sharm El Sheikh since the jet went down
Security at Heathrow and other British airports was tightened in 2006 after police foiled a plot to detonate liquid explosives on seven airliners.
Restrictions on carrying liquids on to planes are still in force today.
In December 2001, Briton Richard Reid attempted to detonate explosives packed into the shoes he was wearing on a flight between Paris and Miami.
In 2007, terrorists rammed Glasgow International Airport with a jeep loaded with propane gas canisters, the first terror attack in Scotland since the Lockerbie bombing in December 1988.
And in 2009, Umar Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian who had lived and studied in London, hid explosives in his underwear and attempted to bring down an airliner during a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.


  1. .

    We Live In a World Gone Mad, Yale Edition

    Hate to belabor the point I made yesterday regarding the pampered poofs that populate are prestigious college campuses, but if you get a chance, view the short video in the link above and tell me, if you can, .how a girl as obviously batshit crazy as the girl berating the professor can be allowed to walk around the camps unrestrained.


    1. In any discussion with college students these days, don't worry so much about the finger snapping, but when the student sheds the backpack that's when you flee.

  2. British Jihadists, Palestinian Jihadists, Syrian Jihadists, Iranian Jihadists, Pakistani Jihadists.....

    The Moslem Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Al Queda etc...

    All cut from the same sick twisted culture of Islam

    1. November 6, 2015
      Culture Matters
      By Surak

      When in the course of human events, a great civilization commits suicide, a decent respect to the welfare of ourselves and our posterity requires that we should investigate its causes. And there indeed significant differences among cultures, and what the results may imply for immigration policy?

      First, a word about the modern cult of multiculturalism, one of numerous manifestations of leftism. Multiculturalism may be defined as the following set of beliefs: 1) cultures differ from one another, but not in any meaningful way; 2) all cultures are worthy of respect and preservation, except for Western civilization, by far the worst. The contradiction of these two beliefs is no greater than their internal self-contradiction.......................

      Excellent article that could easily be made into a good thread. hint hint

    2. Oh My God!


      Those two core points that form the theses of the article are so patently wrong it is laughable that one would read more much less think it is "Excellent".

      You are, truly, a b00b!

  3. Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

    No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal

    U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

    Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.

    The admission is the latest in a series of apparent concessions made by the United States to Iran under the deal. Other portions of the agreement include a promise by the United States to help Iran combat nuclear sabotage and threats to its program.



    1. Still valid.

      America's deal with Iran?

      Amazingly impotent.

    2. Dumbest 'deal' ever.

      The Donald would not have fallen for it.

    3. Not quite as dumb as the Israeli Haj to DC for the annual shakedown.

    4. Ah, can't control yourself for a moment..

  4. I fell for that anti-IAEA nonsense, once; it won't happen again.

  5. The Errors of the Militant Atheist
    By Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry — November 6, 2015


  6. View this email in your browser
    The 11/08/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
    Pakistan’s spy service engages jihadis to vandalize Hindu sites in India
    By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 03:03 pm
    Pakistan’s spy service engages jihadis to vandalize Hindu sites in India
    “Pakistani spy agency Inter–Services Intelligence (ISI) has engaged Indian Mujahideen terrorists to carry out vandalism at religious places in India for stoking communal tension.” That is, tension between Muslims and Hindus. This is by no means the first time that this Pakistani government agency has engaged in jihad activity; it was also implicated in the […]
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    Report: UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag
    By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 02:58 pm
    Report: UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag
    If the information in this report is true, then Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke was deliberately lying when he told the media that this attack had nothing to do with Faisal Mohammad’s Islamic faith. What is the motive of these people? When it comes to Islamic jihad attacks, virtually all public officials downplay the Islamic […]
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    Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
    By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 02:45 pm
    Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
    The nation’s first, but certainly not last, majority-Muslim city council has just been elected in Hamtramck, Michigan. Immediately one of the Muslims has caused controversy by showing himself to be somewhat less than the tolerant multiculturalist that he was no doubt assumed to be. Will we see any supremacist and pro-Sharia initiatives from this city […]
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    Sharia law coming to a Michigan city near you, Quirk ?

    Please keep us informed.

    1. “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”

  7. November 07, 2015, 04:21 pm
    Carson thanks 'biased media' for $3.5M fundraising haul

    By Jordan Fabian

    Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson claims his campaign has pulled in $3.5 million in fundraising dollars this week thanks to “biased media” coverage.

    “We the People have made 10,000 donations each day this week, raising $3.5M this week alone. Thank you biased media,” Carson tweeted Saturday.

    Carson’s dig at the media comes amid heightened scrutiny of the his extraordinary life story as he has risen to the top of the GOP primary polls.

    A Politico report claimed Carson fabricated a story from his youth about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point. Another report from CNN questioned whether the candidate embellished tales of his violent upbringing in Detroit.

    Carson reacted with fury Friday, accusing the media of conducting a “witch hunt” against him.

    “Here’s my prediction: My prediction is that all of you guys piling on is actually going to help me, because when I go out to these book signings and I see these thousands of people, they say, ‘Don’t let the media get you down,’ ” he said.

    “They understand that this is a witch hunt.”

    Carson has pulled in stunning amounts of campaign cash, mostly from small-dollar donors. During the last fundraising quarter, his campaign took in $20.8 million................

    1. Ah, that's his angle - selling his book.

    2. Yes indeed, how very perceptive.

      Carson orchestrated the Politico/media witch hunt all by himself to sell his book.

    3. .


      Carson's appeal is based almost entirely on his rise from rags to riches, the all-American story. His embellishment of that story is not a mortal sin but it is there.


  8. One other quick point to make about Politico and Kyle Cheney’s piece. The original story claimed that Carson also lied by claiming he was offered a full scholarship to West Point since the service academy is entirely taxpayer funded. Or, as Politico put it: “indeed there are no ‘full scholarships,’ per se.” The only problem with this is that the academy itself describes this benefit as a “full scholarship.”

    Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson
    Politico's editorial staff on Friday conceded that entire basis of attack on Carson was invented out of whole cloth.
    November 6, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway

    Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

    In a story published early on Friday, Politico’s Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship” with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.”

    There were at least five major problems with the story:

    The headline was completely false
    The subhed was also completely false
    The opening paragraph was false false false
    The substance of the piece was missing key exonerating information
    The article demonstrated confusion about service academy admissions and benefits

    But other than that, A+++ work, Kyle Cheney and Politico..............

  9. November 8, 2015
    WSJ shows its colors
    By Paul Dvorak

    Occasionally an organization demonstrates what it stands for by a simple lack of action.

    While the Saturday, November 7 edition of the Wall Street Journal dedicated over half a page to the now defunct Politico story about how the Ben Carson campaign confirmed that he had gotten his story incorrect regarding his alleged West Point "scholarship," a complete fabrication on the part of Politico, there was no mention in the entire publication of the newly released nondisclosure agreement (NDA) signed by Hillary Clinton and dated January 22, 2009.

    On Friday, November 6, in typical Friday dump fashion, the State Department released Hillary Clinton's nondisclosure agreement, which, until this point, the State Department would not even acknowledge existed. Of course, this document had to be secured by a FOIA request from the CEI (Competitive Enterprise Institute) and was not disclosed via the "most transparent administration in history," which seems to have forgotten that we the people own the government and have a right to these documents.

    The Wall Street Journal is an extension of Wall Street itself and the establishment. Normally, people would assume that Wall Street would support the more right-leaning, pro-business Republican side, but that is not the case. More Wall Street support went to Ms. Clinton than to any other candidate. They support whoever accepts their donations and will represent their lobbying efforts when a new administration is sworn in, as demonstrated by the lack of reporting of the Clinton NDA document release.

    In a separate opinion piece at the WSJ, also dated November 7, Kimberly Strassel goes to extraordinary lengths to explain away Marco Rubio's misuse of a party credit card while speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. While Mr. Rubio's credit card use is open to interpretation, one has to ask why the extended coverage of the Ben Carson issue, a total lack of coverage of the Hillary Clinton NDA disclosure, and a Rubio defense, all on the same day.

    As with Ms. Clinton, Marco Rubio is indebted to the Wall Street establishment because of the street's never-ending campaign financing of their professional political careers. While many other Republican candidates are offering up a flat tax, filings on a postcard, and even the elimination of the IRS, the establishment candidates will continue offering the same old maneuver of lowering tax rates, extending tax credits to a particular group, and avoiding the elimination of the tax code as we know it. If the establishment candidates did offer a total retool of our tax system, they would have to eliminate the carve-outs for the establishment that are helping them secure the presidency.

    As demonstrated by Messrs. Trump and Carson, leading in the polls for an extended period of time and to the befuddlement of the establishment, the people may have finally decided to wake up and take back their country. The attacks will grow, and publications like the WSJ will increase their support for the establishment, while at the same time attacks on the others will increase.

  10. As Republican presidential front-runner Dr. Ben Carson plays defense on accounts that he was offered a full scholarship to West Point and was a youth so troubled that he once tried to stab a friend, new reports of biographical inaccuracies are coming to light.

    During the aftermath of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, for example, Carson — then, a junior at Detroit's Southwestern High — claims to have heroically protected a few white students from anger-fueled attacks by hiding them in the biology lab, where he worked part time. But The Wall Street Journal could not confirm the account through interviews with a half-dozen of Carson's classmates and his high school physics teacher. All of the students remembered the riot, but none could recall white students hiding in the biology lab.

    It's one of several biographical claims upon which Carson has relied in an effort to appeal to evangelical voters, who value the retired neurosurgeon's personal journey from troubled youth to pious doctor. As Carson has shot to the front of the Republican presidential pack, however, parts of that narrative have been called into question.

    Carson, for his part, is taking a defiant stand in hopes of portraying the scrutiny as a witch hunt by the media. During a press conference Friday evening, the usually subdued Carson appeared agitated and accused the press of not examining President Obama's past to the same extent when he was running for the White House in 2008. Carson took another swipe at the "biased media" on Twitter Saturday, announcing that his campaign had raised $3.5 million this week in spite of the negative attention.

    1. .

      Hillary plays the woman card.

      Dems play the race card.

      Carson and Trump play the MSM card.

      I suspect it will take them st so far, especially as in Carson's case, where the embellishments are so obvious.


  11. Rand Paul calls out Hillary for what she is - A Neocon

    on Friday night, the Democratic Presidential Candidates met in Rock Hill, South Carolina for a forum to discuss current issues. The forum was hosted by MSNBC in response to an outcry by some that the Democratic National Committee had held too few debates. However, the highlight of the evening may have perhaps occurred before the forum, when Rand Paul appeared on set in front of the Winthrop Coliseum (where the forum was being held) for an episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews.

    At a point in the race when numerous Republican candidates have spent considerate amounts of time complaining about media bias, Paul showed no fear as he interviewed on perhaps the most liberal network on television, let alone at the scene of the Democrats’ forum. This in itself shows the unique appeal that Paul has in attracting Democrats and Independents; one which is shared by no others in the Republican field. Even as some Sanders and Clinton supporters jeered, Paul appeared completely at ease.

    Paul and Matthews began their discussion on the recent allegations leveled against Ben Carson, who has been accused of lying about being offered a scholarship at West Point. Paul said he thought the story was overblown and that he has experienced similar overreactions when he has mentioned “having a degree” in biology, when he actually skipped a year of college to attend medical school.

    The conversation soon shifted to one on foreign policy, centered around recent comments by George HW Bush that George W Bush‘s foreign policy advisers (including Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld) took advantage of the younger Bush and helped lead the US into negative predicaments in the Middle East.

    Paul explained that, “Cheney’s been wrong about most foreign policy decisions for the last thirty years,” and that the war in Iraq has destabilized the region. Matthews next brought up the newly-found love affair that some Republican hawks have with Marco Rubio, but Paul used this opportunity to bring up an often-missed point: the many neoconservatives in the GOP field share a common foreign policy with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

    Paul pointed out that Clinton supported the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, and now also supports a no-fly zone in Syria. Matthews quickly asked if Paul thought Clinton is a hawk, to which Paul responded with an answer that took the dozens of Democratic spectators in attendance by surprise.

    Said Paul, “I think Hillary Clinton is a neocon.” He went on to suggest that if Clinton is elected President, the US will find itself once again embroiled in war in the Middle East.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on Twitter

    1. .

      Paul states the obvious. It would come as no surprise that the audience didn't recognize it.


  12. Rubio Anointed Neocon Choice
    Eli Clifton

    At the end of last week, third-place Republican primary candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won a major endorsement, effectively making him the neoconservative candidate of choice and the GOP establishment’s top pick. That endorsement didn’t come from a former president, a labor union, or a high-profile pastor. Instead a publicity-shy New York hedge fund billionaire, Paul Singer, gave Rubio the nod.

    With it, so the conventional wisdom says, will go millions of dollars of super PAC contributions along with his considerable fundraising prowess.

    Singer’s emergence as one of the GOP’s key donors coincides with sizeable investments in Washington’s most hawkish politicians and think tanks.

    Singer has made significant contributions to Senate hawks like Mark Kirk (R-IL), Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) as well as neoconservative and pro-Likud organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, The Israel Project, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.

    The New York Times, which broke the news of Singer’s endorsement on Friday, noted that Singer is “known for his caution and careful vetting of candidates and [being] passionately pro-Israel and a supporter of same-sex marriage,” and emphasized that Rubio’s willingness to endorse hawkish pro-Israel positions may have contributed to his ability to secure the endorsement sought by many of the GOP’s presidential primary candidates. The Times’ Maggie Haberman and Nicholas Confessore wrote:

    Mr. Rubio has aggressively embraced the cause of wealthy pro-Israel donors like Mr. Adelson, whom the senator is said to call frequently, and Mr. Singer, who both serve on the board of the Republican Jewish Coalition, an umbrella group for Republican Jewish donors and officials.

    Mr. Bush has been less attentive, in the view of some of these donors: Last spring, he refused to freeze out his longtime family friend James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, after Mr. Baker spoke at the conference of a liberal Jewish group.


    Rubio has gone out of his way to stake out hawkish foreign policy positions. Last month, he released a video in which he cryptically said that “what this president and his administration are doing in Israel is a tragic mistake” and accused Obama of betraying “the commitment this nation has made to the right of a Jewish state to exist in peace.” He went on to pledge unconditional support to Israel if elected president.

    Rubio foreign policy adviser and fundraiser Phil Rosen tweeted last spring that Obama feels “entitled to screw Israel.”

    And the Senator from Florida has said he would “absolutely” revoke the Iran nuclear deal if elected president and blasted the Obama administration for criticizing Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    This wouldn’t be the first time Singer has thrown his financial weight behind Rubio. Between 2009 and 2014, his hedge fund Elliott Management was Rubio’s second largest source of campaign contributions, providing him with $122,620, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

    In turn, the presidential hopeful has taken several steps to advance the special interests of Singer and Elliott Management.


    The Case of Argentina

    For instance, Elliott leads a group of holdout creditors who bought up Argentine debt at pennies on the dollar and then sued the country to pay up in full. If successful, Elliott could collect as much as $2 billion. Singer’s philanthropy has often gone to groups—such as the American Enterprise Institute, The Israel Project, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies—that promote the controversial work of Argentine Special Investigator Alberto Nisman. In 2006, Nisman released a report claiming that top Iranian leaders ordered the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people. But the report relied almost exclusively on the testimony of members of the Mujahedin e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition group that former members liken to a cult.

    Recipients of Singer’s funding frequently level charges of anti-Semitism against Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and accuse her of participating in a cover-up to hide Iranian involvement in the attack while never disclosing their funding from Singer and his strong financial incentives for attacking Kirchner.

    Last May, Rubio, mirroring the rhetoric of Singer-funded thinktanks, introduced a Senate resolution demanding a “swift and transparent” investigation into Nisman’s death and accused Kirchner of conspiring “to cover up Iranian involvement in the 1994 terrorist bombing.”

    Rubio’s entire presidential campaign has been marked by efforts to position himself as the neoconservative candidate of choice, even going so far as to make his campaign slogan “A New American Century,” noticeably similar to the Bill Kristol-founded Project for a New American Century, which helped lay the groundwork for the invasion of Iraq.

    Singer’s endorsement seemingly indicates that Rubio is making progress in securing the support of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and most committed foreign policy hawks. All this raises the question: how long will it be before Sheldon Adelson, the GOP’s biggest donor and advocate of launching a first-strike nuclear attack on Iran, pledges his support to Rubio’s campaign.


  15. Show your stuff, Quirk --- you have one hour --

    Ideas | Logic
    How to Solve the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
    A step-by-step guide to True, False, and Random.
    By Brian Gallagher November 5, 2015

    While a doctoral student at Princeton University in 1957, studying under a founder of theoretical computer science, Raymond Smullyan would occasionally visit New York City. On one of these visits, he met a “very charming lady musician” and, on their first date, Smullyan, an incorrigible flirt, proceeded very logically—and sneakily.

    “Would you please do me a favor?” he asked her. “I am to make a statement. If the statement is true, would you give me your autograph?”

    Content to play along, she replied, “I don’t see why not.”

    “If the statement is false,” he went on, “you don’t give me your autograph.”

    “Alright …”

    His statement was: “You’ll give me neither your autograph nor a kiss.”

    It takes a moment, but the cleverness of Smullyan’s ploy eventually becomes clear.

    A truthful statement gets him her autograph, as they agreed. But Smullyan’s statement, supposing it’s true, leads to contradiction: It rules out giving an autograph. That makes Smullyan’s statement false. And if Smullyan’s statement is false, then the charming lady musician will give him either an autograph or a kiss. Now you see the trap: She has already agreed not to reward a false statement with an autograph.

    With logic, Smullyan turned a false statement into a kiss. (And into a beautiful romance: The two would eventually marry.).........

    The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever goes like this:

    Three gods A, B, and C are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for “yes” and “no” are “da” and “ja,” in some order. You do not know which word means which.

  16. Can hardly wait for Netanyahu to wheel his fat ass into The White House next week with his Hanukkah List. ( I could have said Xmas shopping list but I wish t remain culturally sensitive.)

    1. I can hardly wait for Iran to help Assad murder more of your pals..

      Not calling them savages as to be "culturally sensitive" ya know.

    2. .

      Bibi will get a boost in the annual Baksheesh but there are indications coming out of the WH that he may not get what he wants.

      At least on this visit.



    Leaked emails from the Center for American Progress, a major think tank that strongly favors Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, reveal that the group has gone to great lengths to please the right-wing pro-Israel lobbying group known as AIPAC, including censoring its own writers.

    Glenn Greenwald reports at The Intercept:

    The emails, provided to The Intercept by a source authorized to receive them, are particularly illuminating about the actions of Tanden [...], a stalwart Clinton loyalist as well as a former Obama White House official. They show Tanden and key aides engaging in extensive efforts of accommodation in response to AIPAC’s and Lewis’ vehement complaints that CAP is allowing its writers to be “anti-Israel.” Other emails show Tanden arguing that Libyans should be forced to turn over large portions of their oil revenues to repay the U.S. for the costs incurred in bombing Libya, on the grounds that Americans will support future wars only if they see that the countries attacked by the U.S. pay for the invasions.

    For years, CAP has exerted massive influence in Washington through its ties to the Democratic Party and its founder, John Podesta, one of Washington’s most powerful political operatives. The group is likely to become even more influential due to its deep and countless ties to the Clintons. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent put it earlier this year: CAP “is poised to exert outsized influence over the 2016 president race and — should Hillary Clinton win it — the policies and agenda of the 45th President of the United States. CAP founder John Podesta is set to run Clinton’s presidential campaign, and current CAP president Neera Tanden is a longtime Clinton confidante and adviser.” [...]

    In 2012, a former AIPAC spokesman, Josh Block, launched a campaign to brand several young, liberal writers at CAP’s blog, ThinkProgress, as anti-Semites due to their writings on Israel, Palestine and Iran. CAP and its writers were widely vilified for what Ben Smith, then of Politico, called deviations from “the bipartisan consensus on Israel,” and for voicing “a heretical and often critical stance on Israel heretofore confined to the political margins.” Among other crimes, these CAP writers stood accused of failing to sufficiently praise the Netanyahu government: “Warm words for Israel can be hard to find on [CAP’s] blogs,” Smith noted.

    Rather than stand behind its writers, top CAP officials, led by Tanden, applied constant coercion to stifle content upsetting to AIPAC. As Gharib, one of the vilified CAP writers, recounted last week, “CAP’s positions moving forward from the attacks — including but not limited to virtually banishing criticisms of Israel and Netanyahu from our writings and, in at least one case, needlessly censoring a piece after publication — were guided by how to return to AIPAC’s good graces, often in coordination with AIPAC itself.” Most of the CAP writers accused of Israel heresy were gone from the organization within a short time thereafter, and several have publicly revealed that they had been censored on matters pertaining to Israel.

    1. .

      Other emails show Tanden arguing that Libyans should be forced to turn over large portions of their oil revenues to repay the U.S. for the costs incurred in bombing Libya, on the grounds that Americans will support future wars only if they see that the countries attacked by the U.S. pay for the invasions...

      Hey, if you want us to come in and bomb your country, to destroy your infrastructure, economy, and people, you are going to have to pay us. This reflects the bizarre thinking of these people. And yet, there are still people who defend this stuff.


    2. Hey, we can build a wall between US and Mexico and they will pay for it!

  18. Obama held hostage: How Iran’s using the nuke deal as license to go wild

    President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were convinced their one-sided nuclear deal would lead to better relations with Iran, but it’s already doing the reverse.

    Tehran has taken two more Americans hostage just this month — and followed up with a massive cyberattack on the US government, especially the State Department’s Office of Iranian Affairs.

    The kicker: Iran is holding the nuke deal hostage — threatening to junk it if Obama tries to punish the country for its fresh outrages.
    Wake up and smell the coffee, guys.

    When they seized one of the new hostages, the Iranians also grabbed his computer and forced him to unlock it. That allowed the Revolutionary Guard to launch what The Wall Street Journal reports is a massive cyberattack.

    And, of course, the new hostages — charged with spying, natch — join three other American citizens already held.

    Tehran has also cracked down on Iranians advocating better ties with Washington, while dialing up the anti-American propaganda. There’s legal action, too, including a new ban on the import of any US-made consumer goods. They even shut down a KFC in Tehran.
    (So much for the dreams of new openings in Iran for American businesses.)

    In case there was any doubt, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reiterated his commitment to “Death to America” (while telling Americans not to take it personally).................

    1. Now, Iran’s fingers are closed around five American citizens — most recently Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese-American who went to a September conference in Tehran organized by the Iranian government. There, he vanished.

      Suspicions about his fate were confirmed this week with word that Iran had arrested this vocal proponent of extending a hand to Iran, on what seem to be ludicrous espionage charges.

      Thugocracy at work in Iran
      Saturday, November 7, 2015, 4:05 AM

      Don't wander hiking into Iran, folks. Don't go to conferences there, even if invited by the Iranians. Don't visit friends/relatives in Iran......if you are USA citizens....


    2. Old news.

      Iran is evil, Deuce loves them.

  19. Nonsense. Do you even read or listen to what EVERY Republican candidate and the entire GOP Likuds force says about Iran every day? They all have their boots on the ground, all options on the table and at the end of the day, their heads up their ass.

    Of course the Iranian politicians are going to give it back. Everyone in Washington thinks they are exceptional mutherfuckers but the rest of the planet has their doubts.

    1. Iran has helped murder over 850,000 in Syria and Iraq.

      That is Iran.

    2. .

      Your numbers are bullshit as has been pointed out before, but whatever the actual numbers are, we can say

      So have Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Kurds, Russia, the US, Jordan, etc., in fact, everyone involved in the fighting there.

      It's the ME. Get used to it. It's been going on there for thousands of years. They are all dicks.


    3. .

      And of course, ISIS, philosophical child of Saudi Wahhabism and spawn of Bush's Iraq adventure.


    4. QuirkSun Nov 08, 10:40:00 AM EST

      Your numbers are bullshit as has been pointed out before, but whatever the actual numbers are, we can say

      So have Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Kurds, Russia, the US, Jordan, etc., in fact, everyone involved in the fighting there.

      It's the ME. Get used to it. It's been going on there for thousands of years. They are all dicks.

      I will not quibble with you about the numbers, I have shown credible sources that show 360,000 syrians are dead and that 550,000 iraqi sunnis have been butchered SINCE America left by the Shiite supported militias by Iran.

      Who cares about 100,000 + or - arabs after all, you don't, and I don't...

      But my point stands.


      (your point about ISIS is correct about arabia and the wrong about bush, obama OWNS ISIS by allowing the Shiits unfettered access to Iraq and Syria, remember obamas redlines? LOL)

      Dont blame bush, it started much earlier... You could blame Carter or even the president of the USA in 1956.

    5. .

      I will not quibble with you about the numbers, I have shown credible sources that show 360,000 syrians are dead and that 550,000 iraqi sunnis have been butchered SINCE America left by the Shiite supported militias by Iran.

      No, you haven't. You repeat the same numbers but with no attribution at all.


    6. He does this all the time. It has gotten to the point where anything he posts is not to be taken seriously. Heck, it isn't even worth reading his post as they are chock full of Bullshit, lies, and misdirection. At least Bob provides some mirth with his inanitys.

  20. .

    From the Idaho Spud...

    Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
    By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 02:45 pm
    Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
    The nation’s first, but certainly not last, majority-Muslim city council has just been elected in Hamtramck, Michigan. Immediately one of the Muslims has caused controversy by showing himself to be somewhat less than the tolerant multiculturalist that he was no doubt assumed to be. Will we see any supremacist and pro-Sharia initiatives from this city […]
    Read in browser »

    Sharia law coming to a Michigan city near you, Quirk ?

    Robert Spencer and his minions in the bowels of Idaho and other dark places on the face of the earth represent one side of the PC Prick Coin. The other is populated by the Progressive PC Poofs like pampered morons in that video I put up about the Yale protests about Halloween costumes. A couple examples are seen in the right-wing's hysteria about sharia law in the US and in thought control laws like those against holocaust denial. On the left, the perfect example of this same thought control are the hate-crime laws being passed around the world including the West. All of these are an assault not only on free speech but also an individual's right to 'think'. They are disgusting in all their manifestations.

    Sharia law taking over in the US? Bullshit. The US has a long history of religious freedom and of granting religious tribunals the right to adjudicate certain issues that fall under the religious purview IF

    1. The people involved willingly agree to arbitration by these courts, and
    2. The decisions of these courts are not contrary to US statutes or the Constitution.

    For many years Catholic canon law tribunals, Jewish Haredi courts, Sharia courts and others have been granted discretion within certain areas. There are always exceptions where these courts overstep their bounds but those decisions are quickly reversed by the civil court system. An example of the opposite approach is in the PC Paradise to our north where when someone complained about a sharia court, the Great White North instinctively outlawed all religious tribunals.

    You will always find people whose beliefs you disagree with. Trying to outlaw peoples' thoughts is a slippery slope and you can quickly find your thoughts the victim of the Thought Police.


    1. .

      And from the Progressive Poofs on the Left...

      ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Or so we were told as children. Of late, alas, this maxim has come under sustained fire, as the conflation of physical violence and verbal criticism has become de rigueur. Hate-speech laws, which are now ten a penny outside of the United States, rely heavily on the preposterous presumption that opprobrium and disdain are equal in severity to battery and bloodshed, and that the state is capable of sensitively superintending their use. Once, it was accepted as a staple of the Enlightenment that any government that attempted to closely supervise speech was destined for disaster, if not for tyranny. Now, even the home of John Stuart Mill has slid backwards into the mire. In Britain each year, as across Europe, tens of thousands of people are investigated by the police for nothing more than being awful in public. And the voters applaud like seals.

      By way of sobering example, take the news that an E-list British celebrity named Ursula Presgrave was this week found guilty in London of “malicious communication.” Her crimes? To have written on Facebook that “anyone born with down [sic] syndrome should be put down” before they are subjected to the “pointless life of a vegetable,” and to have saved onto her smartphone a series of memes that mocked the disabled. When asked by prosecutors whether she accepted that she had committed a crime, Presgrave confirmed her liability without so much as a fight. Within the month she will be sentenced, and, depending on the judge’s mood, required to spend half a year in prison or to pay a £5,000 fine.

      Another hammer has been used to crack another nut. By prosecuting Presgrave for what amounts to nothing more than thoughtcrime, Britain has erred badly. That a putatively free person so readily accepted the prospect of being jailed for holding ugly opinions should provide some insight into the contemporary state of intellectual liberty in Britain. Presgrave is without doubt a fool, and her views are morally repugnant. But that is the business neither of Her Majesty’s government nor of those under who operate beneath its carapace. There were no threats made here; there was no imminent danger or incitement to law-breaking; no conspiracies were uncovered. Instead, a person of below-average intellect and questionable ethical calibration issued an abstract opinion that both the majority and the chattering classes found abhorrent. In a country whose people are at liberty, this cannot be a crime. To the contrary: Toleration of precisely this sort of culturally egregious expression is what distinguishes free nations from tyrannies.


    2. {...}

      By prosecuting Presgrave for what amounts to nothing more than thoughtcrime, Britain has erred badly.

      Bad as they are in and of themselves, the charges leveled against Presgrave are rendered all the more grievous when one observes that the opinion for which she was disciplined is both culturally normal and legally protected in Britain. Under that country’s laws, mothers who are expecting children with Down’s syndrome and other disabilities are permitted to abort right up to the moment of birth — months after the statutory limitation on termination have kicked in elsewhere. There is no reasonable way to comprehend this legal distinction other than as a reflection of the belief that disabled children are often better off dead — the very contention, in other words, that landed Presgrave in court. Judging by its behavior, we have no choice but to conclude that the British government considers not only that words can hurt as much as sticks and stones, but that they can hurt more. Under the current rules, the doctor who kills an unborn child a week before his due date is worthy of praise and legal immunity, while the minor celebrity who exalts the use of euthanasia a few days later in the cycle is deserving of incarceration. How’s that for a rabbit hole?

      To read of a free-speech outrage in England is invariably to read of a group of vexed civilians willfully “shopping” to the authorities somebody they dislike. When lambasting the state’s inexorable temptation toward suppression, it is typical to cast the censors as the villains and the people at large as their innocent victims. In a dictatorship or a monarchy or when the government is at a remove, this habit makes perfect sense. But in Britain, a representative democracy, it does not. As the Daily Mirror confirms, Presgrave’s arrest came after a number of her fellow citizens lodged formal complaints with the police. It is a regrettable fact that to read of a free-speech outrage in England in 2015 is invariably to read of a group of vexed civilians willfully “shopping” to the authorities somebody they dislike. Nobody, it seems, is safe from the informants: not celebrities, not journalists, not university administrators, not drunken social-media users, not faithful Muslims, not unfaithful atheists — nobody. If you step out of line, somebody, somewhere will call the cops. Is there nobody left in Britain who will hang up with a chuckle?

      Torres January 22, 2014

      Read more at:


    3. “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”

      They gonna get you in the cross hairs, Quart.

      You can always come out and live on the farm in a camper or something.

      "An example of the opposite approach is in the PC Paradise to our north where when someone complained about a sharia court, the Great White North instinctively outlawed all religious tribunals."

      They did ?

      Good on 'em.

    4. .

      There is no other way than to say it, you have the closed mind of a fascist. If there is a thought you dislike, you would have it outlawed. PC isn't a right or left thing. It purports to have its basis in a search for tolerance but it is merely an elitist excuse for intolerance.


    5. Shoot one of them elk up there on the ridge for your food.

    6. .

      Orwell's though police come to Idaho.


    7. No.

      I just want our civil laws supreme here, thank you.

      You have really just called all the Canadians 'fascists'.

    8. .

      Your huffing and puffing and hysteria define you. You are one of the frightened sheeple.

      Beware the real wolves who eat their own.


    9. I don't like the idea of some poor sucker or suckerette who is brain washed into some fanatic cult agreeing thoughtlessly or through threat of violence to being adjudicated by that cult's 'court', Quart.

    10. .

      I just want our civil laws supreme here, thank you.

      Civil laws are supreme here. Why don't you try reading something other than the myths of Campbell or Jihad Watch?


    11. This sheeple finds you somewhat frightening at times, for sure.

    12. The offer of a free airline ticket to Gaza remains open.

      You can agree to their sharia court there.

      Here, I am duty bound to try and protect you from yourself.

    13. .

      I don't like the idea of some poor sucker or suckerette who is brain washed into some fanatic cult agreeing thoughtlessly or through threat of violence to being adjudicated by that cult's 'court', Quart.

      You have just described yourself, you moron.

      You buy everything you read without question printed in Jihad Watch, American Thinker, or WiO's Alternate History of the World, the Universe, and Every Other Place. You suck it in uncritically and spit it out again. You are an intellectual zombie. A cipher.



    14. 'I just want our civil laws supreme here, thank you.

      Civil laws are supreme here.'

      I repeat:

      I don't like the idea of some poor sucker or suckerette who is brain washed into some fanatic cult agreeing thoughtlessly or through threat of violence to being adjudicated by that cult's 'court', Quart.

    15. .

      The offer of a free airline ticket to Gaza remains open.

      Once, again you prove my point. This is too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. It's becoming boring.


    16. .

      I repeat:

      Refer to Einstein's definition of insanity.


    17. What's that cult, can't think of the name right now, where they get your mind, your money, hard to get out know the one, the pretty rich boy actor guy is in it......they got big fancy buildings, and secrecy and shit....

      So they have a 'court' - and some fool or foolette agrees to be adjudicated under it - I don't like the idea.

      No one sane would, and that is why I sometimes you frightening.

    18. Islam is such a cult.

      I wish American civil law to apply, always.

    19. Scientology I think it is. Is that the one with the pretty boy actor fellow, the cult you need to be deprogrammed from to re enter sane society?

      People need to be protected from such situations.

      Therefore the wisdom of always using our American civil law.

    20. .

      People need to be protected from such situations.

      I rest my case.

      That is the excuse every elitist PC prick uses to justify everything from men using women's showers to Bloomberg's outlawing of soft drinks in NY.

      But before you come back with your whining, "But this is different (sniffle)", my answer




    21. Headline:

      Justice Quart, in a frightening decision today, has ruled that Scientology Courts may adjudicate cases if the brainwashed agree.....

      Scientology Courts are infamous for their extreme civil and other penalties.....

    22. I rest my case, and aim to take a nap.

    23. .

      Scientology Courts are infamous for their extreme civil and other penalties.....

      Examples, please.

      Seriously, examples, please.


    24. Quirk and his "examples"....

      Do some research on your own.

    25. .

      Why should I waste my time if there are no examples. Spud is making the assertion, it's up to him to provide the evidence of that assertion. Otherwise, he is just like you.


    26. You are like a 4 year old.

      Sitting on your potty waiting for your mommy to wipe your ass...

      Grow up old man...

    27. .

      Like many of your posts here, that doesn't even make sense.

      It's like the 6 year old's response, 'Oh yeh, well so's your old man'.



    28. The fact that you cannot reason and understand shows your dementia is setting in.

    29. .

      You guys pull stuff out of you ass (Iran killing 850,000 Sunnis in Iraq/Syria since 2011) and you expect people to just accept it without question.



  21. Martha Gellhorn had it figured out in 1961 that the 'Arabs of Palestine', the 'Palestinians', were all dicks.

  22. QuirkSun Nov 08, 12:05:00 PM EST

    The offer of a free airline ticket to Gaza remains open.

    Once, again you prove my point. This is too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. It's becoming boring.


    No really Quirk, do some travel INVESTIGATE...

    Go to Gaza, GO to Israel.

    Report back...

    bob's offered to pay your airfare...

    Dont be a coward.

    1. .

      Don't be an asshole. I have explained more than once why I wouldn't go anywhere in the ME.

      Actually, a number of years back, my wife and I had put down a deposit on a trip for a river cruise in Egypt. A few months before we were to go attacks on tourists there were being pumped in the papers. We ended up going to Cozumel.

      Why would I want to go to any shit hole in the ME?

      You go to Israel or Gaza. For that matter, I don't see Spud vacationing in Israel or you making aliyeh. What's up?


    2. Well MOVING to Israel is something that I'd love to do, but my business and family is here so I am here.

      But I do VISIT there...

      I have seen with my own eyes how the arabs of Israel live, spoken to them, discussed politics with them...

      I mentioned a vacation? You change the topic to me MOVING there.

      But since you bring it up?

      It could happen still...

      One thing is for sure, I have better gun rights here in the states than I would there.

  23. Americans With Government Health Plans Most Satisfied

    by Rebecca Riffkin

    Uninsured Americans least satisfied with health system

    Those with veterans or military insurance most satisfied

    Self-insured less satisfied than others who have insurance

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' satisfaction with the way the healthcare system works for them varies by the type of insurance they have. Satisfaction is highest among those with veterans or military health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, and is lower among those with employer-paid and self-paid insurance. Americans with no health insurance are least satisfied of all.

    1. In 2015 to date, 67% of Americans are satisfied, compared with 66% in November 2014. Gallup began tracking Americans' satisfaction with the healthcare system in March 2014, at the end of the first Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment period. So while it is not possible to compare Americans' satisfaction levels before and after the law took effect, satisfaction has been largely stable since Gallup first measured it.

      Americans' satisfaction appears to be influenced by the nature of their health plans, particularly how much they have to contribute to the cost. As a result, those whose plans are subsidized by the government -- including military/veteran health plans, Medicare and Medicaid -- are the most likely to be satisfied.

      Those who receive health insurance through a union are slightly more likely to be satisfied than those who receive it through an employer, while those who pay for their own plan are the least satisfied of those who have some type of insurance. This last group includes Americans who purchased their own health insurance through the exchanges set up as part of the ACA. Their lower satisfaction may result from higher deductibles and co-pays for the most common "Silver" ACA insurance plans than for employer-sponsored insurance plans.

      But even with these differences, no less than 65% in any of these groups are satisfied. Only among the uninsured are a majority not satisfied.

      The higher satisfaction of military/veterans and Medicare recipients could also be explained by . . . . .


    2. .

      Americans' satisfaction appears to be influenced by the nature of their health plans, particularly how much they have to contribute to the cost. As a result, those whose plans are subsidized by the government -- including military/veteran health plans, Medicare and Medicaid -- are the most likely to be satisfied.

      Gee, Americans like free things. Who da thunk?


    3. Some Americans are to stupid to know that there never is something as a free lunch.

  24. Health care in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli citizens are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. Based on legislation passed in 1995, all citizens resident in the country must join one of four official health insurance funds which cover basic medical treatment, but can increase medical coverage and improve their options by purchasing private health insurance.[1] In a survey of 48 countries in 2013, Israel's health system was ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency, and in 2014 it ranked . . . . . .

    1. In 1995, the National Health Insurance Law came into effect, which made membership in one of the four existing Health Maintenance Organizations compulsory for all Israeli citizens. The law determined a uniform benefits package (סל בריאות) for all citizens - a list of medical services and treatments which each of the Health Maintenance Organizations is required to fund for its members. Additionally, certain services were brought under the direct administration of the State, usually by means of the Health Ministry. In addition, the law set out a system of public funding for health care services by means of a progressive health tax, administered by Bituah Leumi, or the National Insurance Institute, Israel's social security organization, which transfers funding to the Health Maintenance Organizations according to a certain formula based on the number of members in each fund, the age distribution of members, and a number of other indices. The Health Maintenance Organizations also receive direct government funding.

    2. Oh so now you are calling all Israeli's the "chosen" you racist piece of shit?

      But since you mentioned it, Israelis, Jews and Gentiles, Arabs and Druze, non-religious and religious Israeli citizens of all stripes are treated equal..

      Shove that up your jew hating ass...

  25. In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. chosen to be in a covenant with God. The idea of the Israelites being chosen by God is found most directly in the Book of Deuteronomy[1][citation needed] as the verb bahar (בָּחַ֣ר (Hebrew)), and is alluded to elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible using other terms such as "holy people".[2][citation needed] Much is written about these topics in rabbinic literature. The three largest Jewish denominations— Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism—maintain the belief that the Jews have been chosen by God for a purpose. Sometimes this choice is seen as charging the Jewish people with a specific mission — to be a light unto the nations, and to exemplify the covenant with God as described in the Torah.

    1. I didn't write your stinking, fucking "bible."

    2. By all means, let's kick all Americans off of their Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits, and send the money to Israel, so they can provide Healthcare to the Chosen.

    3. By all means continue to be a racist ignorant asshole.

      But EVEN someone of your low position on the genetic pool should understand that the cost of Israel providing healthcare to ALL of their citizens in no way effects what america does with its..

      Rufus the drunk Indian says: By all means, let's kick all Americans off of their Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits, and send the money to Israel, so they can provide Healthcare to the Chosen.

      America provides 3 billion in military aid a year to Israel, most of it is spent in the USA for over priced equipment (that would be quite a bit less on the open market)

      If all aid were suspended to Israel tomorrow?

      It would pay for almost nothing

      : In 2012, the US spent an average of $8,915 per person on health care, reaching a total of $2.8 trillion.

      That's 2,800 Billion...... I doubt Israel's aid reduction would do much to change the American healthcare system.

      But you are too much off a Jew hating asshole prick to be able to understand facts..

    4. the 1st line of rufus's acme book of definitions?

      In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. chosen to be in a covenant with God.

      Is oxymoronic.

      I doubt that rufus has the ability to understand how stupid the quote is.

  26. Rufus says:

    galopn2Sun Nov 08, 03:59:00 PM EST
    I didn't write your stinking, fucking "bible."

    We don't call it a bible.

    It doesn't stink nor fuck.

    But I bet you cannot read it or understand it since you really don't even KNOW what it is...

  27. Now for another interesting fact...

    Israel saves millions of dollars and countless American lives with their gifts to healthcare in the USA

    Israeli ingenuity is responsible for some of the world’s most amazing medical advances.

    Whether they’re futuristic, such as Given Imaging’s PillCam capsule endoscopy or Itamar Medical’s fingertip monitors for sleep disorders and cardiac issues — or cleverly simple, such as First Care Products’ Emergency Bandage – blue-and-white inventions are changing the face of healthcare in hospitals, doctors’ offices, homes and even battlefields worldwide.

    “It’s almost a cliché to say Israel is an excellent place for medical innovation,” says Eran Perry, managing director at Israel Health Care Ventures (IHCV), one of the largest venture capital funds in the country.

    “But if you look at [global] statistics, it’s evident — from total expenditure on civilian R&D, where we are ranked first; to human infrastructure and entrepreneurship, where we rank in the top five. You can see the results in patents. We are first in the world for medical device patents per capita, and second in Europe for bio-pharma.”

    About 1,000 Israeli companies are in healthcare or life-science products, including 700 in medical devices. Approximately half are already generating revenue.

    “There has been an ecosystem created for life sciences, so these 1,000 companies don’t exist in a vacuum but in an environment where they have access to everything they need — engineering, labs, regulatory consultants, manufacturing consultants,” Perry tells ISRAEL21c. “Many young companies can be a one-man show until they get to the clinical trial stage, relying on this excellent ecosystem around them. You can see Israeli companies reaching the same stage as American ones with a fraction of the capital investment.”

    IHCV reviews 200 to 300 new opportunities per year. Perry estimates that 60 to 70 Israeli healthcare companies are founded annually. Proceeds from mergers and acquisitions involving Israeli healthcare companies totalled around $1 billion in the past year.

    That’s why ISRAEL21c had a hard time narrowing the field to this top 12 list of the most significant recent Israeli contributions to the medical field.

    We have chosen products already on, or very near, the market. If you’ve got other companies you think also deserve a mention please don’t hesitate to add them to the comments section below.

    And watch for a future top 10 list of the most exciting Israeli medical-device and pharmaceutical developments just around the corner.

    And now … ISRAEL21c’s top 12 Israeli medical innovations, in alphabetical order.

  28. 1. ApiFix system to correct severe curvature of the spine (scoliosis) minimizes risks, scar size, complications, recovery time and cost. The miniature ratchet mechanism has successfully been implanted in 15 patients so far. Limited sales of the product have begun while clinical trials are in the last stages.

    ApiFix implant

    2. Argo Medical Technologies’ Rewalk robotic exoskeleton from was featured on the hit TV show “Glee” and enabled paraplegic runners in London and Tel Aviv to complete marathons. The ReWalk Rehabilitation model currently is used by patients in rehab centers from New York to Dusseldorf. ReWalk Personal, for everyday home use, is available throughout Europe and awaiting FDA clearance in the United States.

  29. 3. Gamida Cell is developing stem-cell therapy products to treat blood cancers, solid tumors, non-malignant blood diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, autoimmune diseases and genetic metabolic diseases. On Sept. 9, the first patient was successfully transplanted at Duke University Medical Center (North Carolina) in the second Phase I/II study of NiCord, Gamida’s experimental treatment for blood cancers.

    4. GI View Aer-O-Scope disposable colorectal cancer screening device, now in US trials, will make lifesaving colonoscopy screenings cheaper, safer and more accessible worldwide. The self-navigating, flexible Aer-O-Scope removes the risk of perforating the colon, provides superior imaging and can be used by a trained nurse or technician so a gastroenterologist does not have to be present.

    5. IceCure Medical’s IceSense3 has been used by US doctors since 2011 to remove benign breast lumps in a 10-minute ultrasound-guided procedure that penetrates the tumor and engulfs it with ice. The system is being clinically tested over the next few years against small malignant breast tumors as well. The procedure is done in a doctor’s office, clinic or breast center, and the patient can get up and leave afterward with no recovery period or post-care.

    IceCure IceSense3

    6. InSightec’s ExAblate OR uses MRI-guided focused ultrasound to destroy tumors and uterine fibroid cysts without surgery. The company has begun a Phase III trial of its next product, ExAblate Neuro, to cure essential tremor — a common movement disorder – using the same non-invasive technology to significantly lower risk of infection, hemorrhage and brain damage.

    Insightec ExAblate

    7. IonMed’s BioWeld1 bonds surgical incisions using cold plasma — instead of painful stitches, staples or glue – within minutes, sealing and disinfecting the wound with minimal scarring and recovery time. The CE Mark is expected in October, with European sales and US FDA approval process starting in early 2014.


    8. Nano Retina’s Bio-Retina, a tiny implantable device inserted into the retina in a 30-minute procedure, turns into an artificial retina that melds to the neurons in the eye. Activated by special eyeglasses, the device transforms natural light into an electrical impulse that stimulates neurons to send images to the brain. The prototype is advancing quickly through clinical trials.

  30. 9. NanoPass Technologies’ MicronJet is a unique, FDA-approved single-use needle for painless delivery of vaccines into the skin using semiconductor technology. The product has been proven to generate superior immune response with less vaccine, because it does not go past the skin level. Licensed last year to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, MicronJet is being used by the US Center of Disease Control (CDC) in a large trial of polio vaccine for infants in Southeast Asia.

    10. OrSense’s NBM-200 non-invasive monitor is relied upon by blood donation centers in 40 countries for continuous and spot measuring of potential donors’ hemoglobin level (to check for anemia) and other blood parameters. This device eliminates the need for finger pricking as well as biologically hazardous equipment and waste. Studies show that donors screened this way are more likely to become repeat blood donors. OrSense recently completed successful trials using its technology to detect hemorrhage and anemia in pregnant women.

    11. Surpass Medical’s NeuroEndoGraft flow diverters redirect blood flow from a brain aneurysm (a bulge in a weak artery wall), so that a stable clot can form and the potentially fatal aneurysm no longer is in danger of rupturing. The family of devices has the CE Mark and has been used successfully in dozens of patients. US medical device manufacturer Stryker acquired Surpass for $100 million in October 2012.

    12. VitalGo Systems’ Total Lift bed is the world’s only hospital-grade bed that can elevate a patient from a lying to a fully standing position — and all points in between — for treatment and transfer with no lifting required of the caregiver. Two major companies are distributing Total Lift in the acute-care and home-care markets in the United States.

    Please rufus, when you go to the hospital make sure that none of the devices or medicines were developed or invented by the Chosen Ones..

    Please go to Cuba.

  31. I have a Better idea.

    Let's make sure ALL Americans have Healthcare,

    and then, if we have any money left over, we'll talk about some "free lunch" for Israel.

  32. As I said, I didn't write this:

    The three largest Jewish denominations— Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism—maintain the belief that the Jews have been chosen by God


    1. We've gone around this before, and I pointed out, via Joseph Campbell, that every people on the face of the earth has affirmed in some manner that it a chosen people.

      We are 'the real people' is the actual meaning of many USA tribal names for themselves.

      We here in USA are the City on the Hill, with our American exceptionalism.

      Let the Jews understand their own scriptures in their own way.

      They have chosen life.

      The moslems have chosen death - "We love death more than you do life"

    2. The Cherokee's name for themselves is Ani-Yunwiya (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ), which means "Principal People."
      Cherokee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Out here the 'Nez Perce' so called nowadays, called themselves the nimiipuu --

      Salmon and the Adaptive Capacity of Nimiipuu (Nez … › … › Volume 36, Number 1, Winter 2012

      2. The name “Nimiipuu,” which means “we the people” or the “real people,” is what the Nez Perce people call themselves.

      They are going back these days to calling themselves Nimiipuu, the old Nez Perce (Fr. pierced nose) logos are being replaced.

      See how simple it is, Rufus ?

      You too are of 'the chosen people'.

  33. Here's the deal, Quart, you Used To Amount To Something - but for trillions of years, because you fucked up, and continually fuck up, you've been on a downward evolutionary spiral and this is your Last Chance and Scientology is here to help you. Now get with the program or we will put you in our Scientology RPF Centers for you own last good.

    Look, you moron, how do I know if Scientology has a court's a secret organization.....they probably do....

    Here is the deal with Sharia. Women are treated like shit. Let's say some poor illiterate muslima is having a hard time from the men and doesn't know what to do. She seeks outside help, but the men convince her to go to Sharia court, or they will totally kick out of her home, belongings, what little society she has, if she doesn't agree to Sharia court, so she, being basically brainwashed, signs the papers waiving her right to US courts, and off to Sharia court she goes, where, of course, she gets treated like shit, and is right back where she was in first place, totally fucked.

    Can you understand this simple example ?

    I told my wife someone here was speaking well of alternative Sharia courts and shit like that in the interests of diversity or some goddamned thing and she almost threw up and almost threw a fit.

    Why why why do you waste your time with those IDIOTS, she said, and went downstairs.

    1. And I'm not wasting any more time with your non sense on this important topic.

      The Canadians have it right, if what you said is the case.

      The End

    2. .

      Here is the deal with Sharia. Women are treated like shit. Let's say some poor illiterate muslima is having a hard time from the men and doesn't know what to do. She seeks outside help, but the men convince her to go to Sharia court, or they will totally kick out of her home, belongings, what little society she has, if she doesn't agree to Sharia court, so she, being basically brainwashed, signs the papers waiving her right to US courts, and off to Sharia court she goes, where, of course, she gets treated like shit, and is right back where she was in first place, totally fucked.

      Can you understand this simple example ?

      I do agree your response is simple.

      What don't you understand about the fact that they might fuck over her on religious matters but that has nothing to do with her civil rights. If she wants a marriage or divorce and they object, she can get the marriage or divorce. Although it might not be recognized by the Sharia court, it will be binding in US law. You see the same thing is Haredi courts and in Israel. They are not going to walk off with her home or belongings? US civil or federal courts wouldn't allow it.


    3. .

      Why why why do you waste your time with those IDIOTS, she said, and went downstairs.

      Perhaps, she was just looking for an excuse to get away from you.


  34. We're at number 41 on the Sunday rundown of the top 50 Country/Western.

    I love this station.

  35. Wio - Please rufus, when you go to the hospital make sure that none of the devices or medicines were developed or invented by the Chosen Ones..

    Please go to Cuba.

    Which of those 12 wonderful (no sarcasm) products and innovations is “free” as oppossed to “for sales and profit” and given away for the greater good of humanity?

  36. Wio:

    Rufus the drunk Indian says: By all means, let’s kick all Americans off of their Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits, and send the money to Israel, so they can provide Healthcare to the Chosen.

    Not only are you a racist, you are a hypocrite, you would be in total conniption if someone said :

    Wio the drunk Jew says...
