Thursday, July 02, 2015

Remember When Israel Was Ebullient About Killing Iranian and Hezbollah Forces Fighting ISIS: “Allahdadi was killed with a Hezbollah commander and the son of the group’s late military leader, Imad Moughniyeh, in Sunday’s attack on a convoy near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights”

Attacks on Egyptian checkpoints signal escalation in Isis capabilities 

Jihadi group claims to have ‘total control of many sites’ in northern Sinai after wave of attacks in which up to 40 Egyptian soldiers were killed 

Patrick Kingsley in Cairo Wednesday 1 July 2015 10.18 EDT Last modified on Wednesday 1 July 2015 19.50 EDT GUARDIAN

Islamic State appears to have made small but unprecedented advances in Egypt, killing dozens of soldiers as it attacked multiple military checkpoints and attempted for the first time to control a small pocket of territory in the Sinai desert. Last night, Egypt’s army said more than 100 militants and 17 soldiers were killed in the deadliest fighting in years in the restive province. 

 Wilayat Sinai, a jihadi group that declared allegiance to Isis last autumn, attacked the town of Sheikh Zuwaid, a few miles from Egypt’s border with Gaza and Israel, on Wednesday morning. It overran several army checkpoints and by local accounts had taken control of several buildings. By midday the group said it had surrounded Sheikh Zuwaid’s police station, a move reportedly confirmed by the station’s commander in a phonecall with a local newspaper. 

 Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the wave of attacks in Sinai: ‘We see ISIS at the gates’ Late yesterday, an army spokesman said the situation in North Sinai was “100 percent under control”. 

Security sources and witnesses later said aerial bombardments on militant targets had resumed. Officials tried to downplay the number of military casualties, admitting only that 10 soldiers had died. But several local newspapers quoted far higher numbers, with the main state news website, al-Ahram, reporting at least 20 dead, and news agencies placing the total at nearly 40. 

 Isis also claimed it had seized other parts of the town, releasing a statement that read: “We have total control of many sites, and have seized what was in them.” If true, even for a brief period, the move marks an escalation in the group’s strategy and capabilities in Sinai. 

 Isis has previously launched several bloody attacks on the Egyptian army in the north-eastern part of the peninsula – most notably this January and last October. But after those assaults, Isis quickly retreated – whereas after Wednesday’s attack the group appeared to try to advance. Asked by the Guardian about the situation in Sheikh Zuwaid, an army spokesman would not comment. A health official at a local hospital said his colleagues had treated at least 30 civilian casualties. He added that survivors had described the scene as a full-scale battle. Militants were “firing weapons from the rooftops,” the source said. “We’re hearing that it’s street warfare.” 

 To what extent Isis had succeeded in holding territory is unclear, said Zack Gold, a Sinai-focused analyst, particularly as reporters have long been prevented from entering this area of Sinai, which lies far from the peninsula’s southern tourist resorts. But any control of physical space would be significant, said Gold, a visiting fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv. “The invading of a city, taking over buildings – that is a new development, and it’s similar to the over-running of cities that we’ve seen in Iraq and Syria,” said Gold. “It would be different to the January events when there were multiple simultaneous attacks – but then [the militants] disappeared.”

 Jihadis in north-eastern Sinai have attacked Egyptian forces for years, but the scale and frequency of the violence rose markedly after the army ousted Egypt’s first elected president, the Islamist Mohamed Morsi, in July 2013. An extremist group that had been active before Morsi’s overthrow, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, began claiming responsibility for more attacks – and just over a year later it declared allegiance to Isis, and changed its name to Wilayat Sinai. 

 Apart from a string of major attacks in the winter of 2013-14 on the Egyptian mainland, the group’s activity has been largely limited to north-eastern Sinai. But on Monday unknown militants assassinated Egypt’s chief prosecutor in Cairo, and no one has yet claimed responsibility for his death. Additional reporting: Manu Abdo



  1. On Wednesday, the Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said the Islamic State was an “unauthorized organization” in Israel, a statement that links the country more directly to the international fight against ISIS, a group that has taken over large swaths of land in both Iraq and Syria. But aside from that statement, the Israeli government has remained largely silent on ISIS, while its U.S. ally works to assemble an international coalition against the extremist group whose atrocities have horrified the world.

    The statement arrives just one day after a video surfaced showing ISIS beheading U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff. The Israeli foreign ministry confirmed Wednesday that Sotloff was an Israeli citizen, as well as American. But despite Sotloff’s affiliation with Israel, senior politicians there have yet to publicly condemn the Sunni militant group for its violence.

    Israel has avoided getting involved in the fight against ISIS for two reasons, experts say: because it does not see the group as a direct threat and because it is wary of involving itself in a battle that aligns with the objectives of the Syrian regime, a longtime political rival.

    “Part of the Israeli security doctrine is not picking fights that it doesn’t want to engage in,” Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense and Democracies, a nonprofit policy research group, said. “We are not going to see blistering rhetoric out of Jerusalem in the way that we saw with Hamas during Operation Protective Edge.” For the past two months, the Israeli Defense Force has been battling Hamas militants in Gaza in a conflict, called Operation Protective Edge by the IDF, that killed more than 2,200 people.

    During the conflict, Israel consistently used rhetoric attempting to undermine Hamas' legitimacy, and denounced its militants as “terrorists.” It has yet to use similar words against ISIS. The difference, analysts say, is that unlike Hamas, ISIS has not attempted to attack Israel.

    During Operation Protective Edge, ISIS released a statement that said it was focused on fighting Muslims who “have become infidels.” “The greatest answer to this question is the Qur’an, where Allah speaks about the nearby enemy -- those Muslims who have become infidels–as they are more dangerous than those which were already infidels,” an ISIS spokesman on Twitter said.

    “There is no reason to challenge ISIS if there is no direct threat,” Schanzer said. “Israel has seen the wisdom to stay above the fray as long as humanly possible.”

  2. Asked about the death of Allahdadi Yaakov ( the Iranian General assisting Hezbollah in the fight against ISIS) Amidror, former head of Israel’s National Security Council said: “The fact that a senior Iranian is involved, who was involved in planning actions against Israel, is on the benefit side. The presence of a senior Iranian must also come up on the price side. And if his presence was known to the decision-makers, this should have been on the table as part of the problem.”

  3. Any other questions about our indispensable ally?

  4. ISIS has been in action for one year. John McCain was having his photo taken with them. The Turks and Saudis and the CIA were arming them.

    From the Washington Post, By Ernesto Londoño and Greg Miller September 11, 2013:

    The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures. The shipments began streaming into the country over the past two weeks, along with separate deliveries by the State Department of vehicles and other gear — a flow of material that marks a major escalation of the U.S. role in Syria’s civil war.

    The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked, began arriving in Syria at a moment of heightened tensions over threats by President Obama to order missile strikes to punish the regime of Bashar al-Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons in a deadly attack near Damascus last month.

    The arms are being delivered as the United States is also shipping new types of nonlethal gear to rebels. That aid includes vehicles, sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits.

    1. The GOP Likuds Force was all in:

      Same article - Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has pressed the Obama administration to do more to help the rebels, said he felt embarrassed when he met with Syrians along the Turkish border three weeks ago.

      “It was humiliating,” he said in an interview Wednesday night. “The president had announced that we would be providing lethal aid, and not a drop of it had begun. They were very short on ammunition, and the weapons had not begun to flow.”


    While the State Department is coordinating nonlethal aid, the CIA is overseeing the delivery of weaponry and other lethal equipment to the rebels. An opposition official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss covert arms transfers, said U.S. intelligence personnel have begun delivering long-promised light weapons and ammunition to rebel groups in the past couple of weeks.

    The weaponry “doesn’t solve all the needs the guys have, but it’s better than nothing,” the opposition official said. He added that Washington remains reluctant to give the rebels what they most desire: antitank and antiaircraft weapons.

    1. The stupid mother fuckers didn’t have to: IISIS used the weapons supplied by the CIA to take what they wanted from the US arsenal under control of the Iraqi army, including 2200 armed Humvees.

    2. Iran and Syria, with Hezbollah still have slaughtered 100 times the number of civilians than ISIS

      Makes you proud? Eh?

    3. I don’t support any of the ME killers including your team.


    The CIA shipments are to flow through a network of clandestine bases in Turkey and Jordan that were expanded over the past year as the agency sought to help Middle Eastern allies, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, direct weapons to moderate Syrian rebel forces.

    The CIA declined to comment.

    The distribution of vehicles and communications equipment is part of an effort to direct U.S. aid to Syrian rebels in a more assertive, targeted manner. Before Ward established a team of about two dozen diplomats and aid workers in southern Turkey, Washington was doing little more than paying for truckloads of food and medicine for Syrian rebels. U.S. officials concede that the shipments often went to the most accessible, and not necessarily the neediest, places.


    Ward’s team — working primarily out of hotel lobbies — has spent the past few months studying the demographics and dynamics of communities where extremists are making inroads. Targeted U.S. aid, he said, can be used to empower emerging local leaders who are moderate and to jump-start basic services while dimming the appeal of extremists.

    “We feel we’re able to get these local councils off to a good start,” said Ward, a veteran U.S. Agency for International Development official who has worked in Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan. “We vet individuals who are getting our assistance to make sure they are not affiliated with terror organizations.”

    The assistance to local communities includes training in municipal management as well as basic infrastructure such as garbage trucks, ambulances and firetrucks. The areas receiving this aid are carefully selected, U.S. officials said, noting that extremist groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra, are delivering services to communities newly under rebel control.

    “If you see new firetrucks and ambulances in places where al-Nusra is trying to win hearts and minds, this might not be a coincidence,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to explain details of a sensitive strategy.

    The initiatives are part of a $250 million effort to support moderate factions of the Syrian opposition. Of that, the United States has earmarked $26.6 million in aid for the Supreme Military Council. The delivery that began this week does not include items that the rebels have long identified as priorities: night-
    vision goggles and body armor.

  8. ...Ghanem said the effect of U.S. assistance is limited by the number of proxies that Washington must use to deliver it. U.S. officials in Turkey rely on a network of contractors and subcontractors to deliver the aid.

    Ward said he hopes the assistance efforts will position the United States to have strong relationships in a postwar Syria.

    “When you finally have a free Syrian government, you will know them and they will know us,” Ward said. “We will have been working with them week after week, month after month. These won’t be strangers.”

  9. Replies
    1. Maybe it's time for you to move to Iran, your 1st love?

    2. No, I want your team out of interfering with US politics.

  10. Where did all this insanity come from? Rewind the clock to 14 September 2013 Huffington Post

    WASHINGTON -- As Jews all over the world marked the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, on Friday, uncertainty loomed over both the U.S. and Israel as to what role the United States, Russia, and the international community would play in resolving the brutal civil war in Syria.

    On Tuesday night, President Obama made the case to the American public that Congress should authorize airstrikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad's military, in response to Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons. But as Obama was honing his argument Monday, Russia came forward with a surprise proposal whereby Assad would surrender his vast stockpile of non-conventional weapons, and by doing so, avert a U.S.-led military intervention.

    The outlines of the plan were welcomed by the international community, and on Friday night Secretary of State John Kerry remained in Geneva, where he and his Russian counterpart were working to hammer out the specifics of a plan to secure, and destroy, Assad's chemical arsenal.

    On Capitol Hill, however, America's leading pro-Israel lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), was making a different set of calculations.

    Beginning Monday, the advocacy group had dispatched more than 200 activists to Washington, where they urged members of Congress to pass resolutions in both the House and the Senate authorizing the airstrikes on Syria. According to an AIPAC official who spoke to The Times of Israel, the group's representatives secured more than 300 meetings, which the official described as "cordial" and "challenging." A spokesman for AIPAC declined to comment for this story.

    But practically as soon as it began, AIPAC's widely publicized push for the authorization vote in Congress drew criticism from the same country it aims to support -- Israel. "In case you were wondering, AIPAC is not Israel" blared the headline of an editorial Monday in the prominent Israeli newspaper Haaretz. AIPAC "is not authorized to express Israeli policy," the editorial said. "Israelis and Israeli decision-makers should give up any pretense of intervening" in American military decisions.

  11. Jesus, Deuce, can I please, please please please, have your permission to try to book you a seat on a Middle Salmon float ?

    You desperately need a break.


    I also wish to suggest:

    You are the Ruler and Master of this blog.

    Go back then, you must know how, look up every last post by Idaho Bob, perhaps you can push a button and have them all laid out before you, and when you first see me moaning about your "Iran is fighting for civilization" comment, then go back just a little further, and you will find what you did indeed say.

  12. AIPAC

    By MANU RAJU | 9/5/13 5:46 PM EDT

    The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to push wayward lawmakers to back the resolution authorizing U.S. strikes against Syria, sources said Thursday.

    Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group.

    “History tells us that ambiguity [in U.S. actions] invites aggression,” said the AIPAC source who asked not to be named. The source added the group will now be engaged in a “major mobilization” over the issue.

    Read more:

    1. No, right on the mark. Your horse shit comments deflect because you have no rebuttal.

    2. You posted the crap about AIPAC. I posted the facts about their destructive influence on subverting US policy to the perceived benefits of a greater Israel hegemon.

  13. Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group.

  14. What did the Israeli-firsters tell us about AIPAC?

  15. Replies
    1. .

      AIPAC certainly isn't helpful but I doubt we need any in further screwing up the situation in Iraq/Syria.

      The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

      Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

      They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

      High level officials from Gulf and other states have told this newspaper that all attempts to persuade Mr Obama of the need to arm the Kurds directly as part of more vigorous plans to take on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have failed. The Senate voted down one attempt by supporters of the Kurdish cause last month.

      The officials say they are looking at new ways to take the fight to Isil without seeking US approval...

      Its been 10 months and Obama says we are still developing our strategy. That must be true. I certainly can't discern one in the the actions we take or don't take there.

      If there is an actually strategy in play in the ME it is worthy of the most paranoid conspiracy theorist.


  16. "I rest my case."

    Well thankfully, you need a rest, and all the rest of us do too.

    This , Deuce, may be her site: ( I am uncertain, but can find out fast)

    may be her site, I am not sure.

    Her name was Carol, the daughter, like all good ones, of some professor or other at U of I, I dated her very briefly, then went on to OGF who was a little more, hmmm, sexually accommodating. .........

    She is a wonderful, intelligent woman of the best American sort.

    Carol has been with her man her entire life. I don't think they ever got formally 'married'. She is one hell of a woman.

    Believe me, she knows the river.

    I will, with your permission, Deuce, try my very best, before I go to Europe, to get you a booking.

    These floats are booked up something like FIVE YEARS IN ADVANCE.


    I can't promise, but if I can't get the job done this late in the season, no one can.

    There are, also, the winter floats.

    I would rather book Quagmire on one of these.

    As, you basically, freeze your ass off.

  17. .

    The Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders touted his progressive credentials before his largest crowd to date on Wednesday night as he pushed his campaign into Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker’s backyard.

    Sanders packed the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Madison, filling its 10,000 seats to show his bid to snatch the Democratic nomination from front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t a longshot.

    “Tonight we have made a little bit of history,” the white-haired Sanders said at a podium positioned between Wisconsin and United States flags at the outset of his hourlong speech before a boisterous crowd. “Tonight we have more people at any meeting for a candidate of president of the United States than any other candidate.”


  18. Sanders is a pervert, with the good sense to knock it off after becoming elected to high office.

    He no longer says in public what he feels in private that women fantasize about being gang raped, as he truly did do in the years of his mature responsibility.

  19. Well, let's see, the year is half over, so it must be time to update the casualty figures.

    Without further ado, the numbers for the first six months are:

    Killed in Action - 0

    Wounded in Action - 0

    Missing in Action - 0

    That was easy.

    1. yep cheer on the killing....

      another dead headcutter.....

      nothing wrong with that of course...

      but let's not forget iran, syria and hexbollah are far worse..

    2. AIPAC is a greater threat to US security than Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

    3. What is “Occupation”Thu Jul 02, 08:26:00 AM EDT
      yep cheer on the killing....

      au contraire, it was your team, your fellow fat assed popcorn munchers in lawn chairs that were cheering the Israeli State killing in Gaza last summer.

    4. Truth be told, I was hitting the Good 'n' Plentys more.

    5. Palestinians handed out candy in the streets of Gaza on 911….


  20. Wow! That was a truly shitty jobs report.

    No "green shoots," there. It was All Bad.

    1. They've been quietly mumbling recession the last couple of days in Canada.

    2. The Household Survey showed a Loss of 56,000 jobs.

    3. I doubt if we're there, yet; but, this Is how recessions start.

    4. Never underestimate the damage that can be done by a "Strong" Dollar.

    5. Growth in Construction Jobs - 0

      Wage Growth - 0.0%

    6. All that being said, there could be a bounce-back in July, due to same calendar issues (schools letting out later than normal, and the survey being done earlier in the month than normal.)

      Overall, though, it was a pretty shitty report.

    7. As for the calendar issues, you have to keep in mind that all of these numbers are Seasonally Adjusted.

    8. They've been quietly mumbling recession the last couple of days in Canada.


    9. Ya, and other resources as well.

  21. Quirk: Its been 10 months and Obama says we are still developing our strategy.

    I like that. No strategery means no flag-draped coffins flying home from that shithole.

    1. No just coffins scattered around the globe by so called lone wolves…

      That Shithole is coming to America to the tune of 100,000 islamic syrian refugees a year….

    2. America is a country built on huddled masses yearning to be free.

    3. .

      No strategery means no flag-draped coffins flying home from that shithole.

      What are we doing there in the first place?

      Reason #19 on why the US should not be in the ME at all.

      (Reason #1 Is that over the past 15 years we have proved ourselves completely incompetent in all efforts there.)


    4. What are we doing there in the first place?

      Learn history.


      The Philadelphia and The Betsy.

      The Barbary Pirates (moslems)


      What are we doing there in the first place?

      Great question.

  22. Bob: He no longer says in public what he feels in private that women fantasize about being gang raped, as he truly did do in the years of his mature responsibility.

    Why would anyone listen to that git expound on the interior fantasy life of women?


  23. Thursday, July 02, 2015
    Remember When Israel Was Ebullient About Killing Iranian and Hezbollah Forces Fighting ISIS: “Allahdadi was killed with a Hezbollah commander and the son of the group’s late military leader, Imad Moughniyeh, in Sunday’s attack on a convoy near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights”

    Actually The Iranian and Hezbollah folks were scouting a new base to attack Israel.

    Glad to see they are now dead.

    Why lie and misstate the mission of these goons?

    Oh right, anything Israel does MUST be spun to prove how bad she is…

    I get it…

    1. Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group.

    2. Yeah, "storm" the halls….


      Face the facts Deuce, no need for Jews to "storm" the halls, a simple call and request for an appointment will suffice…

      Like ALL AMERICANS Jews also have the right to petition their government for their causes.

      I KNOW it must piss you off that Jews are allowed to have their voices heard on the Hill, but the truth? Even folks like you that support Iran and Hamas are allowed to voice your opinions to Congress…

    3. A lesson in Democracy in action….


    4. Deuce has told us the Jews control all of Congress, don't forget that.

      I was surprised when I learned Raul Labrador was a Jewish puppet, but I'm told he is, and that Iran is fighting for civilization.

      Under the circumstances what can I do other than fold my arms, sit quietly at my desk, and watch ?

    5. Well if we already CONTROL it?

      Why storm it?

    6. Oh that's right, must make the Jews sound evil….

      STORM the HALLS!!!!

      More like "Hey Congressman Smith, we like to discuss with you the recent Iranian proposals and how we feel this is bad for America, bad for the world and bad for Israel"


      Sinister tactics...

  24. They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

    My idea of air support over Syria is to fly a Cessna dragging a banner that says, in big, bold letters, "YOU CAN DO IT!"

  25. Never underestimate the damage that can be done by a "Strong" Dollar.

    A strong dollar means low prices for dollar-denominated oil, which does untold damage to the Peak Oil Narrative.

  26. Yes, if you keep the entire fucking world in Recession long enough, oil will get cheap. That's a fact.

  27. Deuce ☂Thu Jul 02, 11:06:00 AM EDT
    What is “Occupation”Thu Jul 02, 08:26:00 AM EDT
    yep cheer on the killing....

    au contraire, it was your team, your fellow fat assed popcorn munchers in lawn chairs that were cheering the Israeli State killing in Gaza last summer.

    Yeah after 10,000 rockets fired at their kids the Jews celebrated the ass kicking of Hamas…

    How pathetic.



    1. tell ya what?

      Every time a head cutter gets it? Rufus cheers…

      Every decent American cheered when Bin Laden got it…

      And YES Israelis cheered when Israel struck back against Hamas, a islamic nazi group committed to the genocide of the Jews, world wide..

      Why should they NOT cheer?

      10,000 rockets aimed at civilians on purpose? It that aint a reason to strike back? Nothing is…

      Oh yeah, America is bombing the shit out of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, what have they ever directly done to you Deuce?

  28. Many of those rockets came from Iran who we have been told by Deuce is fighting for civilization.

    1. You are a lying sack of shit Bob.

    2. Ash, please tell us where these miracle missiles came from if not Iran?

      Karine A? Anyone?

      Ash, it's a proven, self admitted fact that Iran supplies both hezbollah and hamas with training, funds, weapons and missiles/rockets.

      Why deny the truth?

    3. Bob is a lying sack of shit because he regularly asserts that deuce said that "Iran is fighting for civilization" and he can't back up his claim. He is as dumb as a bag of rocks and he lives in a fantasy world that has no bearing with reality.


  29. Saudi Prince to give away $32B fortune

    Quirk, your chance is now.

    You MUST apply for and get some of this $$$$$$ now.

  30. Just had a brief e mail exchange with a banker lady.

    Nice young woman.

    Banking business is on hold until after the 4th.

    "Even with all the bitching about everything, the USA is still a great country, Bob", she writes.

    She got 'the level head'.

    She is unlikey to go wooooo over Ayn Rand, then switch due to some Persian perfume over to Bernie Sanders, and the Iran is fighting for civilization/Jews are devils syndrome....or some other goofy shit......

    You never know what may be coming next around here.............

    1. 'Sounds perfect! Let me know what you find out after you call. Have a safe fun 4th!" she says.

      German sounding last name, may be a front, she does seem quite happy with her place in the 'scheme of things'.

      Controlling a tiny branch of a mega bank in the local Mall, she is, undoubtedly, working for the Jews, who probably own the Mall, and who control the entire US Congress, and the world's banks, too.

      Wishing her and you all a Happy Fourth !

  31. Proof Deuce Is Nuts Contest

    Deuce ☂Thu Jul 02, 09:30:00 AM EDT

    AIPAC is a greater threat to US security than Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

    That is my entry.

    Contest to run all through the patriotic American month of July.

    Publish entries at your leisure until August 1, 2015.

    Winner will be announced at that time.

    1. More than one entry allowed per person.

      No more than two per day.

    2. .

      Pity you have restricted it to Deuce: otherwise, here would be my entry (and clear cut winner) for the day,

      Idaho BobThu Jul 02, 02:56:00 PM EDT

      I say again, Deuce is looking for meaning where it cannot be found.

      It can only be found in the interior, not 'out there'....not in mob action....

      It can only be found in some marvelous opening to some 'other'....or to the wonder of the sanctity of the human heart and spirit..

      The 'other' helps, as an aide up the staircase......this is why love is so celebrated in poetry loving countries...

      See: Dante

      See: Whitman, Roethke, Shakespeare, Hinduism....the first and still best written exposition of the perennial philosophy.......

      There is no poetry that I recognize as true poetry that is 'political'..............

      It is 'neti,neti'....not that at all..............

      Grow up Deuce..


    3. .

      I would put up a cartoon to go with the entry, a rather bulbous bull lounging in an alfalfa field sniffing flowers.

      I would title it "Rustic Rube Spouting Nonsense"


    4. Good on you., Quagmire.

      Welcome to my contest.

      Looking forward to your entries from the jail cell there in Detroit.

      And, once again, no, the answer is no, I will not bail you out once again.

      I told you before, I will help you with a lot of stuff, but I don't bail for DUI.

      You sober up and drive right, and don't endanger your fellow citizens.

      (Q once bragged how he 'drove better drunk than sober' and that his pass time was driving aimless around Detroit with a Lager between his legs)

      You face the music now.

      No bail from Bobbo this time around.

  32. Deuce ☂Thu Jul 02, 09:30:00 AM EDT

    AIPAC is a greater threat to US security than Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

    Someone put that concentrated little masterpiece of utter nonsense on file somewhere so it don't vanish.

    1. Strike that. I've done so.

      It is safely in my newly created Deuce Quote File.....

    2. I wish I had the quotes from back in his Ayn Rand days.....not that long ago.............only one rotation of the Merry Go Round ago....

    3. I have now created a Deuce File.

      I email myself the offending comment, and into The Deuce File it goes !

      I will hold back, then one fine day, whammmooo!

      I will open The Deuce File for all to see.............

    4. AIPAC is a greater threat to US security than Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

      Good thing the Commander in Chief doesn't listen to AIPAC, eh?

    5. Obama has the Moslem Brotherhood's back, not AIPAC...

      Deuce should have a "thrill" up his leg

    6. I can't wait until Obama is gone.....

      I am counting the months.....

      What a slim bucket he has been...........

    7. I hope someone at least moderately sane, like Jim Webb, gets into the race.

      Not that I would ever vote for him.....

      As it is now all the Democrats have up are hardened criminals and old sexual perverts....

      The whole thing is extremely embarrassing........

  33. I say again, Deuce is looking for meaning where it cannot be found.

    It can only be found in the interior, not 'out there'....not in mob action....

    It can only be found in some marvelous opening to some 'other'....or to the wonder of the sanctity of the human heart and spirit..

    The 'other' helps, as an aide up the staircase......this is why love is so celebrated in poetry loving countries...

    See: Dante

    See: Whitman, Roethke, Shakespeare, Hinduism....the first and still best written exposition of the perennial philosophy.......

    There is no poetry that I recognize as true poetry that is 'political'..............

    It is 'neti,neti'....not that at all..............

    Grow up Deuce..

    FILLS 10,000-SEAT STADIUM...
    Soros Urgently Helps Clinton Raise $20M...
    Donors lining up for Biden...


    All from Drudge............

    What an absolute HOOT the whole Democratic thing is...............

    My Niece asked me "Explain to me Democrat USA politics, Uncle Bob"

    I replied, 'Can't do Teeks, it's like trying to explain the behavior of buffoons in a cat house'


    Not Possible

    1. What do you bring to a B.S. rally?


  35. My Niece, reasonably enough, has never expressed fear of Jewish people.

    She has on occasion expressed fear of the moslems there in Germany.

  36. Democrats are favored over Republicans 46 - 41 in Party Affiliation.

    46 - 41

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Iranian officials say they have armed Hamas for fight with Israel

    Two senior Iranian officials told an Arabic-language television channel Monday that Tehran has supplied missile technology to Hamas for its fight against Israel.

    lRelated Three-day truce between Israel, Hamas takes effect
    Three-day truce between Israel, Hamas takes effect

    Revolutionary Guard commander Mohammad Ali Jafari warned in an interview with the Arabic channel of Iran's state Al-Alam television that Palestinian resistance to Israeli aggression is "endless and growing."

    Fatah protesting against Israel in support of Gaza
    West Bank Palestinians in Nablus protest Monday in support of Gazans under fire in the four-week-old fight with Israel. (Alaa Badarneh / European Pressphoto Agency)
    Iran is prepared to support the Palestinian resistance with weapons and technology transfers, Jafari said, and makes no distinction between Shiite and Sunni factions of the embattled populations under Israeli blockade.

    "The Zionist regime [of Israel] will collapse soon as a result of the unity among Shia and Sunni Muslims and we are ready for that day," Jafari said.

    Mohsen Rezaei, another former guard commander who is now a senior advisor to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Tehran had already provided Hamas with missile-building technology being used in fighting against Israel Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip.

    @Westi K Iranian people are terrorized by the Islamofascist regime occupying Iran against the will of the Iranian people. Shame on you for supporting such a regime. It speaks volumes about you and the lack of character that you have as a human.
    AT 1:20 AM AUGUST 06, 2014

    "Palestinian resistance missiles are the blessings of Iran's transfer of technology," Rezaei was quoted as telling the broadcaster.

    More than 3,000 rockets have been launched by Hamas in recent weeks from the blockaded seaside Palestinian enclave, spurring an Israeli air offensive July 8 and a ground operation nine days later aimed at ridding Gaza of its tunnels and missile-firing sites.

    Palestinian resistance missiles are the blessings of Iran's transfer of technology.
    - Mohsen Rezaei, advisor to Iran's supreme religious leader
    Rezaei said he had asked Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to provide air defense systems to Gaza to protect Palestinians from Israeli war planes, which have carried out more than 4,600 air strikes on the tiny coastal strip since the latest Hamas-Israel battle began four weeks ago.

    Yep good old Iran is in the business of genocide of the Jews... Again...

    Let's hope the story turns out the same way it did 2,200 ago when some in Persia got real stupid

    1. .

      The story is from last summer and refers to the war Bibi instigated.


    2. Sorry Quirk, Hamas started it by the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israelis. Then started rocketing Israel

      Get your facts straight.

  39. News Flash...

    this just in!

    Hamas aiding ISIS-affiliated group that carried out terror attack in Egypt

    Members of the armed wing of Hamas are actively aiding the Sinai Province, the Islamic State-affiliated group that carried out Wednesday's massive terror attack against multiple Egyptian army positions in north Sinai

    Over 200 dead.....

    How cool is this!!!

    Hamas is now supporting and helping ISIS attack Egypt in the Sinai!


    Can we say Moslem Brotherhood?????


    Oh it's going to get interesting.....

    I can see some Egyptian retaliation in Gaza and it will not be nice....


    I do have the popcorn after all...

    1. .

      Hamas aiding ISIS?

      Got a link?

      The reason I ask.

      Fight against IS draws Hamas, Egypt closer

      Relations between Hamas and Egypt have taken an unexpected gradual turn for the better, with Cairo expressing satisfaction with Hamas’ security approach toward Egypt, especially in the border areas. On June 25, Egyptian military officials praised Hamas for its role in Gaza, its policing of the smuggling tunnels at the border and preventing Salafi jihadists from infiltrating from and into Sinai.
      Relations between Hamas and Egypt, strained since the 2013 ouster of President Mohammed Morsi, appear to be improving with Saudi mediation.
      This unexpected expression of gratitude followed a June 6 ruling by Egypt's Court of Urgent Matters overturning the Feb. 28 ruling designating Hamas a terrorist organization, a move that had exacerbated already heightened tensions between the two sides. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zahri welcomed the court’s decision, calling it the rectification of a mistake and confirmation of Cairo's regional role in the Palestinian issue. He said the ruling will have positive repercussions for relations between the two parties.

      Hamas' foreign relations chief, Osama Hamdan, told Al-Monitor, “This decision is a step in the right direction toward the Palestinians and the beginning of a new relationship with Hamas. This is about strategic relations with regard to Egypt’s role in the Palestinian cause in light of Hamas’ nonintervention policy in Cairo’s affairs...”

      Read more:


    2. Who gives a shit, Muzzie on Muzzie, pass the candy around.

    3. .

      Who gives a shit?

      WiO and I do.

      Enjoy your candy.



  40. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant moved ominously close to Israel’s borders Wednesday, July 1 – not as predicted in the north, but in the south, from the Sinai Peninsula. There, ISIS followed up on its Ramadan terror outrages in France, Tunisia, Kuwait and Kobani, with a massive assault on Egyptian forces and reportedly capturing the northern Sinai town of Sheikh Zuwaid close to the Israeli and Gaza Strip borders. Confirmation of this would mean that the MFO facility at Gora is under ISIS siege. It would also mean that the Islamists had captured their first Egyptian town, a victory comparable to seizure of the Iraqi city of Ramadi. In the fierce 10-hour battle for the town, at least 200 Egyptian soldiers, terrorists and civilians were killed.
    Not just a terrorist attack, ISIS launched a full-scale military offensive, starting with mortar fire and suicide bombings against five Egyptian military checkpoints.
    Using a tactic similar to that employed in the capture of the Iraqi town of Ramadi last month, ISIS gunmen followed this initial assault by riding in on minivans, backed by heavy mortar fire, to storm the positions held by stunned Egyptian troops. Altogether some 20 Egyptian army positions were attacked in and around Sheikh Zuwaid.
    Egyptian troop reinforcements setting out from El Arish to the northeast to aid the beleaguered force, went up on mine and bomb traps secretly planted around their camps and police stations. Egyptian Apache assault helicopters striking the ISIS force themselves faced ground fire from shoulder-borne anti-air missiles.
    The Islamists are additionally said to have taken Egyptian prisoners as hostages.
    As the fighting grew fierce during Wednesday, Israel shut its border crossings with Egypt and the Gaza Strip, and sent reinforcements south in case the jihadis launched an attack on Israel from northern Sinai.
    Miilitary sources also report that US Middle East forces located in Jordan and at Sharm el-Sheikh are on the ready in case the Islamic State decides to attack the US officers and men at the Multinational Force (MFO) facility in Sinai, which is located near the Sheikh Zuwaid battlefield.
    The ISIS Sinai offensive is part and parcel of the reign of terror launched last Friday by Yassin Sahli when he beheaded his French boss, and Seifeddine Rezgui, who murdered 39 holidaymakers on a Tunisian beach. Standing ready for the Islamist offensive in Sinai were the jihadis of the Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which recently declared Sinai a province of the Islamic State and took an oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
    ISIS draws on two additional major sources for its fighting manpower: the infrastructure it established in turbulent Libya for training and arming jihadis to cross the Egyptian border into Sinai; and the fatal attraction its radicalizing ideology holds for young Muslims who are taught that the brutal murder of Islam’s foes is a cleansing and purifying act.

  41. Chickens are coming home to roost.

    1. Canada is already in a recession, says Bank of America, and the loonie is set to get hammered. Thank your buddies the Saudis.

    2. yep deuce, expect the jihadists to hit your city of brotherly love soon..

  42. America is bombing the shit out of ISIS in Syria and Iraq...

    What good is that doing, WiO? They're not being rolled back.

    1. It's not doing any "good"

      The point was that Rufus cheers, as does the press because Obama is killing "headcutters", but some how it's unseemly for Israel to have the same privilege of killing genocidal islamic nazis..

    2. Fuck 'em all, put the whole Dar al Islam on the No Fly List, and done.

    3. Expect the sounds of gunfire mixed in with the fireworks during the displays across America.

      Will the Mall of America be hit ?

      Freedom Hall ?

      Disney World ?

      Your local Police Station?

      The Deuce Bunker should fare well enough....

  43. July 2, 2015
    Report: U.S. blocking shipments of heavy arms to the Kurds fighting ISIS
    By Thomas Lifson

    Does President Obama even want to defeat ISIS? If so, why is the United States blocking shipments of heavy armaments to the Kurds? They should be our best friends in the Muslim world and have demonstrated their capacity as excellent fighters with boots on the ground in fighting ISIS. Which, not so incidentally, wants to kill their men and make sex slaves of their women.

    Con Coughlin of the U.K. Telegraph reports:

    The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

    Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

    They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

    High level officials from Gulf and other states have told this newspaper that all attempts to persuade Mr Obama of the need to arm the Kurds directly as part of more vigorous plans to take on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have failed. The Senate voted down one attempt by supporters of the Kurdish cause last month.

    The officials say they are looking at new ways to take the fight to Isil without seeking US approval.

    I am expecting that Hillary will have nothing to say about this, and in fact won't even be asked. But it is insane, unless Obama's plan is something other than what he claims.

    1. Just one disgusting news item after another about the Obama Administration.

      What a shameful, pathetic display he has made out of his Presidency.....

  44. .–-Egyptian-troops-Islamists-civilians---in-major-ISIS-Egyptian-battle-in-North-Sinai-


    I wasn't asking for a link to the article speaking of ISIS attacking Egyptian forces in the Sinai. I was asking for a link to this,

    News Flash...

    this just in!

    Hamas aiding ISIS-affiliated group that carried out terror attack in Egypt

    Members of the armed wing of Hamas are actively aiding the Sinai Province, the Islamic State-affiliated group that carried out Wednesday's massive terror attack against multiple Egyptian army positions in north Sinai...

    It's the first I've heard of it, was wondering where you saw it.


  45. WiO has only been saying ISIS = Hamas for, oh, maybe a year of more now..................

    1. .

      Don't be stupid.

      Go upstream and see the post he put up. It is very specific with regard to attacks in Egypt.


  46. .

    Sorry Quirk, Hamas started it by the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israelis.


    The Gaza operation was Bibi's baby. I've laid out the chronology for you before with links. One of the best was from Forward, here

    but I can get you more detail as I anticipated this coming up again and bookmarked it.

    No, determined to torpedo the reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah, Bibi took the tragic death of three kids and milked them for three weeks which allowed him time to round up hundreds of Hamas members in the West Bank along with their leaders and whip the Israeli public into a frenzy of hate through anti-Palestinian agitprop.

    The resulting death on both sides was tragic but perhaps the most pitiful aspect of the whole affair was the hell he put the families of the three Jewish boys though needlessly. After the first day, the authorities knew that the boys were dead and where to look for them; yet Bibi kept the families on tenterhooks for three weeks, wondering whether they were alive or dead, while he played his games.



    1. You refuse to answer a simple question, slime ball :

      For you Daughter's best interest, would you rather have her raised in and live in Israel -


      Iran ?

      Until you answer, without slither, without evasion, this simple question, with one single word - Israel - Iran - you are on my Slither Shit List, Quartmire.

    2. Just another endless bullshitter without the backbone to even roll over, much less think cogently, stand up and take the proper side.

      Just one of those 'rolling' stones out in the desert that gets pushed along by the wind a few meters a year.

      No internal monitor nor decision center came with the package. And the return/expiration date has passed........

    3. .

      Go piss up a rope you dumb shit.

      You are the not so artful dodger. If you lack the facts or the intelligence to offer an argument to a specific post you come up with bullshit like this. I have answered your stupid ass question and you lack the initiative to go back up upstream and find it. Either that or you are just too damn stupid.

      Get out my face, asshole.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Got old Quagmire hooked now

      He's pissed.

      All he has to do to settle the matter is type the single word :


      Then he can be accepted back into polite society.

      If I missed your answer, you smelly butthole, I am surely sorry.

      I have been on some wine this evening and yesterday.

      So let's see you type the six letters

      I S R A E L

      That all I ask, you old decaying fish of a fraud.

      You have ZERO cogent ideas what to do about anything at all..........which is the case with most of us.

      Get off your goddamneduberurbanbullshithighhorsecraparoo and admit it.......

      I, Quirk, don't really have a clue, about......anything at all................I just love to mouth off....

      Your mind is likened unto a tossed salad without any dressing... .....

      And your understanding of the movements of culture and thought simply don't exist.




      Choose one right now you DICK

  47. By the way all of the usual suspects here declined to take part in the Thought Experiment, as I anticipated.

    Deuce, Quagmire, Ash, Rufus all slithered off when the light of truth was turned on.

    Bunch of twisted Brothers, for sure.

    Nevertheless the point was totally made......

    Deep down I knew there wasn't an honest man in the above mention quartet. Just a bunch of prejudiced turds.

    And there is one so far gone these days that needs true psychological counseling. Too much violent imagery, too many twitching fingers have been mentioned and noticed in the writings of late.

  48. Bought some fireworks from the Nimiipuu. Oddly enough it was a white family running the stand. Hot day, and the Nimiipuu were mostly at the Casino, or inside their air conditioned homes.............

    1. Once in a while they sell salmon and steelhead caught by the Tribe. If you buy that, buy it early, buy it super fresh. You can also purchase Tribal Fishing Licenses, becoming a Nimiipuu for a day or two, and have at it yourself. Never have done this yet.

      Big Celebration at the Casino on the Fourth. They are extremely patriotic and many have served in the wars. The name Nez Perce is a misnomer. It is French and means pierced nose. One of the very early French trappers made a mis identification....the Nimiipuu didn't scare or paint their bodies.......he may have been thinking of the Blackfeet in Montana......or the Shoshone to the south..........

      I have an offer in out there for a double pearl necklace made by a tribal to give to my Niece. I work through Elias (Elijah) - many Nimiipuu have biblical names, the influence of the Presbyterian missionaries....I grew up among these wonderful good pious people and farmers too, and have loved my life between the Nimiipuu, the Presbyterians, the farmers, the lawyers...............I am happy to have been here where and when I did......I have seen the much talked about transition from the Paleolithic hunter/gather/fisherfolk to the farmers and settled life.

      I have truly lived some history....................

      If you go into the University Inn Best Western for a drink, check the display case out at the end of the hall leading to the Bar.

      Lola Clyde's picture is still there, handing up a summer pie to the combine crew.

      It was her father that was true missionary to the Nimiipuu......I recall them still, sitting stone silent, dignified, in her living room, as she cooked meal for them..............

      O my lost world, O my lost world of so long ago...............................

      But, then, there's my Niece........................and all she can be !! The wind in her face, the shine in her eyes........................

  49. The Nimiipuu Elders here are debating the proposition to allow the tribals to grow marijuana on the res.

    They are unanimous in thinking this is a poor idea.

    They have it exactly right.

    While some money might - would - be made, the general tone of the members of the Tribe would go down.

    The Institution of Tribal Elders has an important place in the nature of things....

    I wish I could vote on this, I would side with The Elders.

  50. Pics of Nez Perce Tribal Elders;_ylt=A86.J3ZcDZZVehYA.dMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Nez+Perce+Tribal+Elders&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

    I know Horace Axtell and his group. He always say 'hi'.

    Otis Halfmoon
    Elmer P Crow, Jr, dead of drowning recently
    Kevin Peters, artist;_ylt=AwrTcXh4DpZVPnwAWUgunIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIzbnVkb2F1BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM1ZWY3Mjg1ZDQ4MzRiNjNjMDBmOWQ5MTg5MDc1ZGVkNgRncG9zAzE5BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

    Nez Perce Tribal Elders and Honor Guard, all US military veterans ...

    ((all US Military Veterans))

    Nez Perce Tribal Elders and Honor Guard, all US military veterans ...

    Good People, all

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. One of their most beautiful young maidens ran the early morning Hello Show.

    She met and married a Native American from another tribe in the Astronaut program, so she is gone from here now.

    I finally was able to fulfull and old long of mine, just before she left.

    It happened at Albertsons.

    Ahead of me in line I said in booming voice 'I have always wanted to tell you you run the best early show on the tube !!

    After a good chat, well, that was that.....

  52. She married one of these, Quartmire -;_ylt=A86.JyXbGJZVfFkA7iInnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Famous+Native+American+Astronauts&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

    I do not know which one. She was extremely happy when she left the area, promising to come back and see us all as soon as she could.

    He grandmothers used to dig camus roots with paleolithic digging sticks on the high Camus Prairie.

    You should not morn the inevitable Quirkmire, and try to call it a disaster.

    With the coming of the farmers, the cities, the universities, the law, now we have Native American flying to the moon, and beyond, based simply on their skill level in the tests given to all.

    The changeover from the Paleolithic to settled life has been a blessing to billions.....

    It has actually created something of a need for your 'skill' Quirt, that of bilking the unwary out of their money.

    So, kindly, take your perpetual moaning and groaning and the "they are all dicks" craparooo into you own mythology, but leave it out of here.

    You got a mentally, with slim pickings there, and are as boring as hell.

    You are an oaf, an eastern big city dumb shit oaf, ill read, ill mannered, no thought, just as I originally thought, a Detroit fraud, a doofus.....

  53. When Quirk first presented his noble self here, he said how he loved to drive around Detroit, Michigan, with a 16er between his legs.

    "I drive better drunk than sober" he claimed.

    He liked to drive round and round and round Detroit with the suace on.

    It's fun, I see things, he says.

    Over the years I've gotten to know Quart.

    He has zero knowledge of history, nor of philosophy, nor of mythology, nor of politics.

    He is a blank, whose constant refrain is:

    'They are all dicks'

    He used to display some decent humor but that has evaporated, and at this point, since he has zero to say, a far a way pasture is needed, where he can munch grass, fart, and whinny "They are all dicks"

    All right, I will say it:

    Quirk has outlived his usefulness.

    A compassionate plan to deal with him is now needed.
