Friday, July 03, 2015

“In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people here tonight.” 10,000 cheer Bernie Sanders in Michigan

Bernie Sanders’ 10,000-person crowd in Madison biggest of any Candidate so Far

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – –
The Democratic Party’s left wing is fed up and isn’t going to take it any more. Americans in opinion polling overwhelmingly favor the positions of Bernie Sanders on most political and social issues. But gerrymandering, big money in politics, and voter suppression have produced presidents who are either far right or center-right for decades. Not only have presidents been chosen by the wealthy elite, but the House of Representatives has, as well, So, too, have many state governors and legislatures. After the disappointment of the Obama administration, which is slightly to the right of Dwight Eisenhower, the left is impatient and frustrated.
And along comes Bernie Sanders. He stands for union rights, for a higher minimum wage, for women’s right to reproductive choice, for bank reform and regulation, and he is against income and wealth inequality of the sort that now characterizes the US (inequality is greater now than at any time since 1928, he says). He recognizes the power realities of today’s plutocratic America, and forthrightly says he is forming a movement to force the kind of changes that would amount to a revolution in American affairs.
He thunders that for the past 40 years the American middle class has gradually been disappearing. He points out that the average wage of the average worker is now actually lower than in those earlier years.
He points to high unemployment rates especially among youth, and wants to create jobs and educational opportunities rather than building more jails.
And, new in Madison, he added passages to his stump speech about African Americans being free to walk down the street in places like Ferguson, Mo., without any fear. He hasn’t had a big African-American constituency but clearly aims to develop one.
Since the courts and often the Obama administration have repeatedly told us there is nothing that can be done about these problems, the silent majority has been seething.
Bernie Sanders is helping them do something more useful than seethe. He is giving them political and economic goals. And they are grateful. So it is no wonder that Ten thousand of them came out in Madison.
Sanders has a Sisyphean task. We saw how Parisian taxi drivers effectively struck against what they see as unfair competition from Uber last week. But American workers seem to just let people walk all over them. Sanders wants to build a fire under them, and he may well succeed.


  1. The article is by Juan Cole, folks, one of Deuce's usual turn to muzzie loving leftie liars.

    Take it with a grain of salt.

    1. Jesus is a guy from the Middle-East with long hair and a beard. You wouldn't even dare to sit next to him on a plane, Bob.

  2. It's time for Jim Webb to enter the race. It that doesn't occur and Bernie takes the nomination it will be like nominating our young fool Ash, or our old fool, Quirk..

    We'll hear slogans from the 30's, probably have firelight parades, totally unworkable programs, insane impossible promises and a generalized lack of intellectual tension or tone in our country.

    We will be a country on the skids....

  3. At least ol' B.S. is more transparent than Hil. Even concrete is.

  4. Obama slightly right of Eisenhower? Really, Juan? :)

    1. At least on his support for Israel, which is the only criteria for the all-Israel-all-the-time crowd. When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.

  5. Bernie's job is to drag Hillary Clinton (and, the electorate) to the left. It looks like he's going to do it well.

  6. Soros hits $24 million with HillaryPac.

    More millionaires and billionaires support the Democrats than support the Republicans.

    1. Everyone that owns a Limo should be required to give it to the poor.

      All walled living compounds should be turned into DayCare Centers for the kids.

      We should have restrictions on overseas travel - one trip per year per person.

      No one allowed more than 1200 calories per day

      These are just some of the beginning things our country needs to do to even begin to get back on the right course......

      Feel free to add your own - just think of someone you dislike then take that away from them that you know they's fun, and good for the country too........

      No more walking dogs on public properties...

      No more poker clubs, this is relaxation without Deuce once said, in a fine phrase, of Puerto Rico...

  7. Know who hasn't weighed in on the same sex marriage decision yet? 2016 candidate Rand Paul. No Facebook, Twitter or email statements. It's really tough to be a libertarian candidate pandering to social conservative voters.

    1. Rand is sinking fast. He should just give it up now.

      Unbelievably, Dr. Ben is still hanging in there. No money, no experience, just a wonderful competent guy.

      Go Ben !!

      Carly is impressive.

      Fatso has now gotten in.

      The Donald is in.

      The Huckster should give it up.

      So should The Santorum.

      Never have seen anything close to this in my life.

      So many good candidates they are going to need two debate stages......

      Don't know how to account for it other than the Republicans are the party of excitement..........

      And the thing is, they are all pretty good candidates, a higher type of human than Hillary, or deluded Bernie Sanders.

    2. I like Fiorina, who can nullify Hillary's "historic" narrative and basically run on who's more transparent.

    3. Ben/Carly or Carly/Ben might make a great ticket !

  8. We need to confine those dirty rotten stinking occupiers of America, the Police, to home and station this wonderful 4th of July Weekend, so people in general, and the biker gangs in particular, can get back to having some good legitimate fun by having full blown shootouts with one another.

    Freedom is only freedom when you can shoot whom you please.

    1. O, and we must remember to celebrate the cleansing of Iraq of ISIS this weekend, as General Rufus predicted would occur by 4th of July, 2015.

    2. Remember to let off a couple dozen rounds skyward from your semi-auto on the 4th in remembrance of this wonderful event !

    3. Please, you're a pathetic old racist, and I would prefer you not to use my name.

      Leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone.

    4. Don't you ever again call me a racist then, you old, you old deluded drunken piece of southern crap.

      You are just whining cause your stupid prediction was so off the wall, General Rufus.

      Live with it.

      I like the blacks in that wonderful church in South Carolina much more than I do an old illiterate drunken racist fart like you, Rufus.

      They live the life.

      You snore.

    5. Very impressive comment; you continue to impress.

    6. You never have impressed.

      You rambled on for months about how the operation in Iraq was 'the most perfect military operation of my lifetime' and the result is precisely nothing.

      I can't think of a single subject in which you come close to competence, other than bellyaching.

      You got the big Ph.D in that, for sure.

  9. Kill ratio in Iraq - approx. 14,000 - 0

    American Casualty Count - Zero

    1. Cost - about 1 / 500th of the cost of Bush's War.

    2. In fact;

      July 3, 2015

      WASHINGTON -- The United States and its allies have conducted 24 air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Thursday, the coalition leading the operations said in a statement today.

      In Syria, coalition forces targeted Islamic State positions with nine strikes near the cities of Hasakah, Ar Raqqah and Tal Abyad, destroying tactical units, fighting positions, vehicles and structures, it said.

      In Iraq, 15 strikes struck Islamic State targets near the cities of Al Huwayjah, Bayji, Fallujah, Haditha, Makhmur, Mosul, Rawah, Sinjar and Tal Afar. They destroyed tunnel systems, bunkers, vehicles, tactical units, buildings and an excavator.

      Another 75 Dead Men, No Longer Walking

    3. Effectiveness quotient :


      Time to go the next step, General Rufus -

      Time for......

      drum beat......drum beat.....

      The Lily Pad Strategy !

      ribbit, rrriiiiibbbbittt ribbit ribbit rrrriiibbbbiiiittttt

      You should be made to Lily Pad Sit out there in Anbar, General Rufus.

      That might sober you up.

    4. You and Quarts, two saucy frogs on a Lily Pad, Anbar Province, Iraq...

      After all Quarts, in a few contorted paragraphs, seemed to end up saying whatever was OK with O was OK with Q.

      That's the place for you two.....a Lily Pad in Anbar...........and we won't have to read your bull shit no more.

    5. What we might do to some good effect is arm up the Kurds, give them what they are asking for, but General O won't do this.

      It might piss off the Turks, you know, the Turks, who are the main supply line to ISIS in Iraq.

      So obviously, the next best move now, now that the bombing campaign has been shown to be an epic fail, is to place General Rufus out in Anbar on some Lily Pad.

      Let his silly ass sit there and take the incoming.............

  10. Jim Webb is in !!

    That's the end of Bernie, the old pervert.........

    His star didn't last long...

    1. Jim Webb has announced via the Internet.

      His program is posted over there as Jim Webb dot whatever

  11. Rufus IIFri Jul 03, 10:46:00 AM EDT
    Kill ratio in Iraq - approx. 14,000 - 0

    American Casualty Count - Zero

    How many Iraqi children have been killed?

    If you were living in Iraq and saw American bombers bomb on a dilly basis would you join Hamas?

    1. All it's doing is pissing the locals off.

      This is too tough a concept for General Rufus, though.

  12. Another day, and another salvo of incoming idiocy from the Zionist/Draft Dodger Brigade.


    1. LIAR


      I did not dodge the draft.

      I stood for the draft.

      YOU, thoughtlessly, rolled off a bar stool into the Marine Recruiting Station, and, 40 years later, wonder what the hell you did that for.............

      You are, have been, and always will be a MORON, Rufus.

    2. Nor was I advised by my father to join the Air Force rather than the Marines and fight the yellow man from the gentle confines of the green fields of England.

      I took my chances like any other honest America.

    3. You sodden scurrilous sewer.

      I was 17 and wanted into the military, marines my first choice, but paramount was my enthusiasm to join. The law was that as a seventeen year old, I needed my father’s permission. He would only sign for the air force so I took it. I still ended up in Da Nang at a time when a punk ass like you would have needed a catheter to save you from pissing your pants.

      You are the same honest American that was posting about your wife dying of cancer while you were trying to dog Melody.

    4. Rat called you out many times about it :

      desert ratThu Jul 21, 02:06:00 PM EDT
      The wife line, Q refers to one of boob past story lines. His dear wife went terminal, a sad sad day, that elicited many a kind comment.

      Only to be told later, that it was all part of the fictional tales of our Master of Literature from Idaho.

      I keep waiting for the end of that chapter to be written.

      ... no storybook ending for Borders. The 40-year-old book seller could start shutting its 399 remaining stores ...


    5. It kills you that Rat outsmarted you on every occasion that you stuck your dumb ass on the line.

  13. Rat saved your comment where you admitted that you went to Washington University "Partly to Avoid the Draft."

    And, "Honest" Americans don't defraud their bank out of $7,500.00.

    1. Many went to college to avoid the draft.

      That aint "draft dodging" in any way.

      Now fleeing to Canada to avoid your number coming up?

      That's draft dodging.

    2. It is worse than draft dodging. At least a defiant and announced draft dodger is honest, unlike the mealy mouthed flag waiving assholes that have to do a high wire act to quash their guilt.

      The entire college deferment program typified the hypocrisy of the ruling class:

      Going to college was more important than fighting for your country or if you will, working class American lives were less precious than the off spring of the elites that had the money to send their children to college.

  14. Rat was a confessed murderer.

    No longer in Mississippi ?

    Makes no difference.

    The old song is right.

    You can take Rufus out of Mississippi, but you can't take Mississippi out of Rufus.

    Ernest Hemingway might have called it, not A Moveable Feast, but a moveable dumpster dive.

    I stood for the draft.

    I did not defraud the bank. My lawyer said it was legal. They got left with a bad loan, which they deserved.

    I admit I am not of you quality, I have not save uncounted lives by selling life insurance as you have claimed to do.

    Go fuck yourself the rest of the day, Rufus.

    Wife just pulled in with the car, and we are going for a drive the rest of the day and tonight too.

    You get the last word, but here is mine

    Go fuck yourself Rufus you old drunken down clown sad fraud and bullshit artist.

    Cheers !

    Have a Happy 4th of July

    1. I have corrected you many times; I did not sell "life" insurance. I sold Health Insurance.

    2. You ran up an old woman's (your grandmother's) credit card, and then put her into a nursing home to avoid being prosecuted. You are, basically, a criminal. Unprosecuted, but a criminal, nonetheless.

    3. And, Rat has Never "confessed to murder." That's just silly.

    4. No the just threatened to kill me....

      As for his claim of wet ops in central america? Well he's just a blow hard...

    5. No, he never threatened to "kill" you. You're as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey.

    6. A total fabrication and a lie, not that dissimilar from his many other fabrications and distortions.

    7. from the archives on Old Honest Aboob:

      desert ratThu Jul 21, 02:06:00 PM EDT
      The wife line, Q refers to one of boob past story lines. His dear wife went terminal, a sad sad day, that elicited many a kind comment.

      Only to be told later, that it was all part of the fictional tales of our Master of Literature from Idaho.

      I keep waiting for the end of that chapter to be written.

      ... no storybook ending for Borders. The 40-year-old book seller could start shutting its 399 remaining stores ...


    8. It kills him that DR outsmarted him at every turn.

    9. .

      Sorry, but I have to say that is small praise for the rat. Given the opponent, it may even be a back-handed compliment.



    10. Deuce took down a couple direct death threats against WiO and myself.

      And someone took down crappers bragging about killing in Central America. I thought crapper was finally able to do that when he was given the keys to the kingdom there for a whie.

      Or, Deuce is a liar, because those are the only two candidates.

  15. The Iran nuclear deal must be getting close. Krauthammer is going into a cataleptic seizure over it.

    1. Regime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the UN Human Rights Council on Friday after it ratified a Palestinian-presented resolution on last summer’s war in Gaza, saying the body was unnecessarily harsh on Israel. Poor things.

    2. All will posture, but everyone knows the ramifications of failure. They'll ink the deal on 23:59 of the final day.

      It's not like this is our first trip to the "Movies."

    3. .

      I can't conceive of Obama letting this deal go down the tubes (no matter what the cost), not after the years he has put in trying to get it done. I expect, like fast-track, he will use every trick in the book to get it done.

      As a side note, IMO Obama is, if not the most, one of the most consequential presidents I can remember in my lifetime. It is amazing the amount of things he has gotten through already.

      (Of course, as was the case with LBJ or Nixon, you must add the caveat 'for good or evil')


  16. .

    Two Maps That Show Recent Kurdish Advances Against ISIS in Syria

    The Kurdish YPG represents a new kind of threat to ISIS in Syria. Well armed, experienced, and supported by US airstrikes, they were in a good position to push ISIS back. It helped that ISIS has also been fending off Iraqi government counteroffensives in western Iraq, stretching their forces thin.

    ISIS's defeats near Raqqa are the result of "a combination of overstretch and increased YPG capacity due [to] the air support they are getting from the US," Abbas said.

    Whether the YPG will press further towards Raqqa isn't clear: right now, it looks like they want non-Kurdish rebels to assist and perhaps take the lead in any assault on the city. If Raqqa is put under siege, it'd be a serious blow to ISIS: not a fatal one, but more evidence suggesting ISIS may have reached its military peak in Iraq in Syria — and would likely be headed toward slow, halting, but sure decline.


    1. .

      VOX provides a good description of the Kurd's recent (last month) advances against ISIS in Syria. All in all, a positive for the overall war effort. However, we also need to understand what the author means by ISIS is losing. As the author explains in the video he is discussing two things loss of territory and loss of the war, two very different things.

      Some here have downplayed the fact that ISIS controls vast swaths of empty desert. What they fail to understand is that one of the requirements for a caliphate is territory. It is why territory is more important to Baghdadi than to some general on our side where strategically it is less important. Territory and lots of it act as one significant recruiting tool. From the maps, you can see the Kurds are cutting into ISIS' previously held territory.

      When we consider winning the war against ISIS in the conventional sense things get more complicated as is explained partially in the article if one listens close enough.

      The Kurds have moved close and are threatening Raqqa. If Raqqa is taken, it will be a blow to ISIS. How serious a one is hard to say. As is noted, being constituted the way they are ISIS has the ability to quickly morph to adapt to different situations and contingencies in this war.

      Overall the progress the Kurds are making should be viewed as a positive by the Allied coalition and it is by some, the Brits for instance, probably most. But not all.

      The Kurds seek autonomy rather than an actual separate state. This has led to conflict with the authoritarian Assad regime in the past. However, in the current civil war and especially against ISIS, they have been loosely allied with Assad. Assad has provided them with a small amount of arms and there are still a limited amount of flights between Kurdistan and Damascus. However, after the current offensive, the Kurds seem to be reaching out for alliances with other militant groups for help against ISIS. The FSA is the group most often mentioned. This may presage a shift in the Kurd/Assad relationship.

      The conflict within the coalition comes mainly through Turkey. The YPG are allied with the PKK a militant Kurdish group that has been fighting Turkey for 40 years, one designated a terrorist group by the US. Erdogen's priorities are clear. He will fight the establishment of a Kurdish state or even an autonomous Kurdish region on his border. The Kurds are his main concern. Next comes Assad. Erdogan is demanding regime change in Syria. A distant third comes ISIS, maybe, after they are of no further use to him. Israel may be indifferent to the Kurds but they share Erdogan's desire for regime change in Syria over and above the ISIS threat which they see as more distant at the moment.

      The US is stuck in the middle. It is receiving increasing pressure from the European allies to arm the Kurds for the fight against ISIS. And even though we have said we will be supplying 'moderate' militants in Syria, we have resisted giving heavy arms to the Kurds. This is so as to not offend our NATO ally Turkey. There is also the fact that the YPG (unlike the flawed equation Hamas=ISIS) does in this war equal PKK, a group still on the US terrorist list. And thirdly, there is the US commitment to funnel arms only through the regime in Baghdad and even though we are talking Syria not Iraq because of the close confederation of the various Kurdish groups, it is likely Baghdad would object to the US providing heavy arms to any of the Kurds.

      All in all, it creates a rather unhealthy miasma wafting up out of Syria/Iraq.

      The #16 reason why the US should not be fighting in the ME.


    2. .

      Getting pressure from allies on both sides of this issue, the US will soon be forced to shit or get off the pot.



    3. Wait till ISIS hits Israel, then it will be an existential threat to earth’s orbit.

    4. Maybe not:

      Following Wednesday's deadly string of attacks launched by Islamic State terrorists in Sinai, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended his regards to the families of the victims, saying "Our hearts are with the Egyptian people. We send our condolences to the Egyptian government and the families of those who were killed in battle with the cruel terror."

      Netanyahu also remarked that "several months ago, when we said that ISIS were launching attacks on our borders, people were skeptical. But here we see before our very eyes, ISIS operating with unusual cruelty both on our northern and southern borders."

      Netanyahu reiterated the comparison between the barbaric terrorist organization and Iran, saying that “the attacks we are seeing carried out by ISIS are nothing compared to what the Iranian regime has in store.

      We can’t upset the Bulldozin Chosen.

      In response to being pelted with stones, a brigade commander in the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division shot and killed a Palestinian on Friday morning, the IDF confirmed.

      Palestinian rioters began throwing stones at Col. Israel Shomer's vehicle and in response, after firing warning shots he opened fire and killed one of them. The victim was identified as a seventeen-year-old named Muhammad al-Casba.

    5. .

      ISIS is small potatoes.

      Haven't you heard, it was Hamas hitting Egypt in the Sinai.


    6. "If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?" -- Jesus

  17. We can’t upset the Bulldozin Chosen.

    In response to being pelted with stones, a brigade commander in the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division shot and killed a Palestinian on Friday morning, the IDF confirmed.

    I hope someday you are "pelted" with stones like the ones that smashed through the windshield of the IDF jeep.

    Your continued use of "bulldozin chosen" shows your hatred of the Jews.

    1. What Deuce, do you think it's ok to try to use rocks to kill someone?

      Or is it ok if they are a Jew?

    2. Cant call you an anti-semite.

      How about Jew hater instead…

      After all, your position?

      Jews have no right to even live in Israel.

      reminds me of the Dalilects from Dr WHo, EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE

      Yep, IF it's a Jew? Stone his slimy ass...

    3. Your words, not mine. I’m not hung up on religious bigotry. That’s your gig.

    4. No your words?

      Bulldozin Chosin, Occupiers, Apartheid, Criminals, Thieves, Nazi-like....

      Your bigotry is towards Jews not on it's religion.

  18. Palestinian rioters began throwing stones at Col. Israel Shomer's vehicle and in response, after firing warning shots he opened fire and killed one of them. The victim was identified as a seventeen-year-old named Muhammad al-Casba.


    He should have shot a dozen of them….

    Thugs. Criminals. Attempted Murderers...

    1. .

      Speaking of which.

      Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the murder of Mohammad Abu Khdeir.

      Status so far...

      No convictions to date.

      No family homes destroyed.

      Khdeir family harassed by authorities.



    2. What’s the bet that the windshield on that car was broken through with a metal instrument after the IDF hero killed the kid. Laminated glass on vehicles is designed to absorb the shock and disperse the pressure and not be penetrated. That impact looks like it was cut open to cover up the killing.

  19. If you'll remember, the YPG was within hours of obliteration on that fateful Saturday Night that Obama unleashed the Kraken on IS's ass in Kobane.

    The IS are dead men walking. Their expiry date is not tomorrow, but it exists, and It's not something the next President will have to worry about.

    1. .

      Predictin' again Rufus? I would have thought you would have learned your lesson.

      End of 2016?

      Well, if you keep extending it long enough you are bound to be right. In the long run, we are all dead.



    2. Oh, for Christ's fucking sake. Okay, . . . . It seems likely to me that IS will be pretty much kaput by Jan. 20, 2017.


    3. .

      Much better.


      My work is done here.


    4. Ho ho ho

      The old greaser has not learned a thing except

      IS will be pretty much kaput

      is big enough for any fat old gator to wiggle through.....

      'pretty much kaput' being his little escape clause

      Here is my prediction:

      Rufus will be the same dumbshit on Jan 20, 2017 as he is this Forth of July, 2015

    5. Little to cheer about in June jobs report - 7/2/15 Labor force participation at 38-year low. More

      American Thinker

      Same old non existent Obama Recovery

  20. Next we'll have a blog post about how King David was a war criminal for killing a Palestinian with a rock.

    1. True, and that Palestinian kid was one huge 'kid;

      Pics of 'The Kid' as he was known -;_ylt=AwrTcdbF8pZV.KcA49InnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Goliath&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

    2. .

      T, we define threats, crimes, terrorism, etc. according to political expediency.

      A group can be defined a terrorist group one day and a resistance movement the next, take the Taliban or Cuba for instance.

      Crimes work the same way.

      Take, for instance, the rock throwing and protesting in Israel and the occupied territories. It is against military law 101 for 10 or more Palestinians to gather in a crowd thus effectively clamping down on ANY protest or dissent. In the Knesset, there is currently a law that has been proposed that would allow sentences up to 20 years for rock throwing.

      For more serious crimes, the punishments are even heavier. Take the case of the three thugs from a Hamas fringe group that killed three Israeli youths last summer. Within a few days after discovering the bodies of the youths, Israeli officials had arrested the supposed mastermind of the operation and he had given up the names of his two accomplices. Within a week the Israelis had located the other two and took them out in a hail of bullets. The perp in custody was given a military trial and within a few months convicted and sentenced to three life sentences.

      Also, the murders of the youths was used as the excuse for rounding up 350-400 members of Hamas in the West Bank including most of the leadership and resulting in minor collateral damage (read death). Some would call this collective punishment.

      The family homes of all three perps were destroyed to 'teach a lesson', a practice that had been discontinued in 2005 after being found to be counterproductive. They were burned prior to any of them being convicted of a crime.

      Compare this to the handling of the death of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. In revenge for the death of the three Israeli youths, three fringe players from the settlers murdered the Palestinian youth by first kidnapping him then beating him with a wrench and setting him on fire.

      These three perps were also arrested, the ringleader first who then gave up the other two. The difference in how the two cases are handled are interesting.

      First, it was the Khdeir family that was actually interrogated and had to convince authorities that the victim in the case wasn't the actual criminal. The police insinuated that Mohammed was gay, a charge that spread through social media rapidly, and questioned how much money he had and where he got it. Palestinian protests over the death lead to their numerous arrests and even death. Mohammed's relatives were beaten and arrested during this period. Some of them are still being held as I recall. On the first day of the trial the parents were spat upon and jeered at by the angry crowd outside the court house.

      The trial itself was a criminal one not a military tribunal. It continues today a year later. The ringleader is claiming insanity. The other two go unnamed as they are considered minors. None of the homes of the families of the three have been burned.

      If the proposed law on rock throwing passes in the Knesset, it is very easy to conceive of none of the murderers of Mohammad Abu Khdeir spending as much time in jail as some kid throwing a rock while protesting his murder.


    3. Good luck if you are looking for a sensible debate instead of some sophist comment about a post similar to the one on King Davis and a Palestinian.

    4. Quirk: Also, the murders of the youths was used as the excuse for rounding up 350-400 members of Hamas in the West Bank including most of the leadership and resulting in minor collateral damage (read death). Some would call this collective punishment.

      Some would say arresting islamic nazis is a good thing...

      But not you quirk...

      A blessing on you Quirk, may hamas and ISIS do that to you and your family what you find excuses for when they do to Jews...


  21. And Rufus once threatened Quirk with death.

    Funny things you find when you pull the sheets all the way back...

    1. You are a lying motherfucker.

    2. Bob,

      You are a low life lying little sad old man.

      No one here has any respect for you. Not even WiO I would guess.

    3. If you recall Wio and Allen had Honest Aboob pegged for the cracker he is until he jumped up on the CAT D9.

    4. You are a lying motherfucker, Rufus, and you are a low life lying sad young man, Ash, with a very poor memory.

  22. Go look it up. Rufus threatened Quirk with death.

    The smart money here is not beating against ISIS at all.

    And the Rufus money should stay off the table, he doesn't pay his debts when he loses.......

    Obama Administration blocks attempts to fly heavy weapons to Kurds to fight the Islamic State

    July 2, 2015 4:43 pm By Robert Spencer 141 Comments

    obama-finger-“There is simply no strategic approach. There is a lack of coordination in selecting targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.” Indeed. The President keeps forcing people to ask the question, Which side is he on?

    “US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State,” by Con Coughlin, Telegraph, July 2, 2015:

    The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

    Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

    They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

    High level officials from Gulf and other states have told this newspaper that all attempts to persuade Mr Obama of the need to arm the Kurds directly as part of more vigorous plans to take on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have failed. The Senate voted down one attempt by supporters of the Kurdish cause last month.

    The officials say they are looking at new ways to take the fight to Isil without seeking US approval.

    “If the Americans and the West are not prepared to do anything serious about defeating Isil, then we will have to find new ways of dealing with the threat,” said a senior Arab government official. “With Isil making ground all the time we simply cannot afford to wait for Washington to wake up to the enormity of the threat we face.”…

    The US has also infuriated its allies, particularly Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf states, by what they perceive to be a lack of clear purpose and vacillation in how they conduct the bombing campaign. Other members of the coalition say they have identified clear Isil targets but then been blocked by US veto from firing at them.

    “There is simply no strategic approach,” one senior Gulf official said. “There is a lack of coordination in selecting targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.”

    Rufus threatened poor old Quirk with death three or more years ago. Deuce took it down covering for his buds as he always does.

    Deuce took the death threats from crapper to Wio and myselfdown too, and more than once.

    1. betting against not beating agains

    2. You just make shit up. Nobody believes you. I doubt anybody actually reads half of what you post. There is some entertainment value in laughing at you so please carry on.

  23. I remember when Quirk got death threated by Rufus, Quirk went


    1. I think the threatened method of death for poor Quirk by Rufus was by 'wringing your neck until dead' but can't quite recall, and won't swear to that.

      I swear Rufus threatened Quirk with death and Deuce took it down.

    2. Rufus was very silent on the subject of death threats for some time thereafter, he was lying low on the subject...........

    3. You swear to a lot of crap that is pure fantasy. You are a real life study, an example, of the decent into dementia.

    4. You have never been able to substantiate any of these allegations. You simply say "you remember". Find and link to these things you remember - for our sake as well as yours.

    5. Go look it up. It would all be there unless Deuce has taken it down, as might well be the case.

      He took all of rat's threats down. Ask WiO.

      He took rat's threats against me down. Ask me.

      He took down the Rufus threat against Quirk down.

      You might ask Quirk

      I recall Quirk going


      Go search the blog yourself, shit head, it will give you something to do.

      Old Rufus got so derned frustrated with smarter city boy he threatened to wring smart boy's neck like a chicken......

      It's either there, or been taken down.

      Both Rufus and Quirk remember the incident, whether they want to talk about it or no.

      Whether it's still there or not is up to Deuce.

      And, yeas, Deuce did indeed say

      Iran is fighting for civilization

      I have used it against him since he first put it up.

      If he has taken it down, he's turned real slimmey on us all.

      I would not be able to make up a quote like that.

      I might well say

      Israel is fighting for civilization, but it would never enter my mind to say

      Iran is fighting for civilization.

    6. Bob, you are the one making the claims so it is up to you to support the claims. There is no sense in my looking for something that never existed. You say it exists so prove it. Your memory (and reading comprehension) is faulty. You are demented.

    7. When Rufus was mus-quoting me I was able to go back and find the original. It is your turn now.

  24. On to more interesting topics - The Idaho State Legislature has raised our state gas tax 7 cents effective immediately then gotten immediately the hell out of Boise, the scum.

    1. What, Bob, you want the roads to deteriorate to some post-apocalyptic state? Take what you want, and pay as you go.

    2. I want roads that only Ford F- 250 4x4's can pass, Miss T.

    3. Rufus proof roads, Deuce proof roads, Quirk proof roads, Ash proof roads, roads where only the honest free upstanding folks shall pass, folks like WiO, Bob, Sam and our new dog Raul Duke, and my Niece, and you too Miss T, you too shall pass.

      (Quirk can come on probation, but must certain sworn papers first concerning certain blogging events in the past)

    4. Bobal I've taken a Pontiac Grand Am up one of those roads behind Vancouver, Washington, and someone wanted to take a picture of it, parked cliff-side because it looked like a magazine picture for selling people on what a Pontiac can do.

  25. Deuce ☂Fri Jul 03, 02:24:00 PM EDT
    Wait till ISIS hits Israel, then it will be an existential threat to earth’s orbit.

    Already has, it's called Hamas. Oh wait, Fatah, oh wait, Force 17, Oh wait, PA, oh wait, Islamic Jihad, oh wait, PLO...

    All the same savages, just different ball caps.

    1. The islamic savages have been at Israel's door for 60 years...
      The only difference now?

      They have a taste for gentile blood....

  26. always an excuse as to WHY people should be allowed to try to kill jews...

    But no sadness here, i have come to expect it from this crowd...

    But please, as I celebrate the survival of another Jew from the hands of stone wielding savages? i will rest easy knowing that one of the will never pick up a rock and try to murder a jew again...

    Life lesson, if you try to murder a Jew? Don't be surprised when you are killed....

  27. AshFri Jul 03, 05:55:00 PM EDT

    You swear to a lot of crap that is pure fantasy. You are a real life study, an example, of the decent into dementia.
    AshFri Jul 03, 05:58:00 PM EDT

    You have never been able to substantiate any of these allegations. You simply say "you remember". Find and link to these things you remember - for our sake as well as yours.


    1. All any one need do is read your posts on this thread to substantiate my claims.

    2. It is impossible to prove a negative bob. I haven't seen the posts you claim exist how can I substantiate that?

  28. Here is something, Ash, that I put up TWICE, only to have it vanished twice +

    June 1, 2015
    Meet the Canary Mission
    By Thomas Lifson

    It is no secret that Jew-hatred and Islamic supremacism are growing and
    well-organized phenomena, and that efforts to fight back are scattered.
    An organized response, however, is growing.

    The Canary Mission ( is a database that has been created
    “to expose individuals and organizations that are anti-Freedom,
    anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our
    democratic values.” Its pages on individuals and organizations cite
    specifics, often quoting, and pull no punches.

    Naturally, the left is unhappy, with articles in Haaretz, The Forward, and
    the Guardian attacking it as “McCarthyite.” The organizers and backers of
    the Canary Mission are staying private:

    Another criticism levelled at Canary Mission is that we are outing
    radicals but not owning up to who we are and who supports us. However,
    from ISIS, to Hamas to domestic American radicals, there is a true
    physical danger. See the comments on our Twitter feed and Youtube
    video and get an idea of why we are not particularly forthcoming for

    There is no question that Canary Mission is edgy; perhaps it even
    makes us feel a little awkward, but when the storm passes we will
    reflect and be glad that a new organization has entered the fray. An
    organization that provides vital knowledge about who are the radicals
    and what they are doing.

    Take a look at the profiles of the individuals and groups on offer there,
    and remember the URL whenever you see troubling things
    and activities underway regarding Islam, Jews, and freedom.

    Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    It was not just 'deleted' it was vanished, TWICE by our Deuce the Deceiver

    I have reported this site to Canary Mission.

    1. A lying demented old fool who is also paranoid.


    2. You have reported this site have you? Why doesn't it come up when a search is done at that site? Maybe they've figured out you are nuts too?

  29. Warning to all;

    I am now making a file on you all, to put an end to the bullshit, and perhaps clean the place up a bit.

    You cross the line, you are going to get NAILED.

  30. I will itemize every deletion, every vanishing, all I can get my hands on, and make if available to all.

    Every threat, every racial slur, every redundant idiocy by Rufus, all will be remembered.

    All is retained, said Walt Whitman, all, words and deeds......even your thoughts are said our Great Poet who knew what and whereof he spoke...................

    You all best begin to mind your manners.

    1. At least until Bob goes to the Casino again, insh'Allah.

  31. Starting here

    Deuce ☂Thu Jul 02, 09:30:00 AM EDT

    AIPAC is a greater threat to US security than Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

    1. And here -

      Jack HawkinsThu May 14, 01:12:00 PM EDT
      How much cash I got from the cartels is hard to say, but they were happy
      with the body count I gave them…

      I was desperate to raise money for my 350 acres of bottom lands in AZ

    2. Linking to an anonymous post (written by you I would suggest) is evidence of a bald face lie by you Bob. The fact that you have done it more than once and been called out on it evidence of your feeble mental capacity.

    3. And this is real slim ball stuff, normal for Deuce -

      subject: quote El Al


      Deuce has taken down my recommendation to fly El Al.

      Here I am trying to perhaps save the lives of readers, and he takes down
      my recommendation to fly El Al.

      He is flying lower than Quirk in his 'Low and Slow'.

      Jesus, Deuce, lighten up.

      I emailed this to myself, to save it.

      Deuce immediately vanished it.

      I was saying I was thinking of fly El Al to Europe for comfort, safety and convenience

      Deuce etal have caught a break here, as I am, once again, on a new computer, but hope I can find the most egregious from the past for your consideration.....the one where rat calls all the Jews 'the scum of the earth'...for example.

      I hope to be able to do so.

      Anyone else that captured that quote of pure hate please put it up.

      Nap time for Bob.

      Take about a horror house.

      You can't even discuss safety in overseas travel around here if it involves El Al.

    4. Go back there, and get the quote you phony old son of a bitch.

  32. Poor, demented old asshole.

    I guess we ought to feel sorry for him. But I've never liked lying, racist pricks, and I don't guess I'm going to start now.

    1. Poor demented old Rufus.

      I know I should, but I can't feel sorry for him. He has wasted his life in drink and entertainment, is a lying racist old prick, a smelly old scum, and I guess he's so far gone now all he has to live with is his laughable predictions and his pretensions to Generalship.

      Rufus is illiterate in the full American sense of the term. The ultimate American Failure.



      Grubberable with the best of them

      Biblically illiterate, theologically illiterate, philosophically illiterate

      In short, a real dumb kid from the swamps

      "There was no light.....

      There was no light at all"

  33. .

    I've had my issues with the rat before but I hope I have never stooped (even unintentionally) to lying about what he has said and I know I wouldn't be such a slimy prick as to put up a phony post under his screen name.

    All one has to do is go to the actual post as referenced above to see it wasn't put up by the rat. The screen name is in black. It doesn't link to rat's avatar or Google page. In fact, the avatar is blank.

    It's hard to determine if Obumble put up the post himself, knows someone did it and just doesn't care, or is just too stupid to notice the forgery..

    Regardless, it is another example of something and whatever that something is it stinks.


    1. Evidence that Bob lies. It has been pointed out to him before it wasn't rat but he keeps putting it up. He knows he is lying but he seems to think we won't notice.

    2. I don't know how to do such thing, O'Mumble.

      I do know you were threatened by Rufus at one time.

      o) member ?

      I do know both WiO an I were threatened by rats ass on multiple occasions. I do know he said what he said about his behavior in Central America, and this seems to have gone missing..... I do note the rat's change in attitude and that he had , briefly access to the files.

      I am starting to make and keep files now.

      It's the only way to fight back.

    3. Just search the archives old man. It isn't hard to do.

    4. The best revenge is to not be like the one who committed the offense.

    5. .

      The Canary Mission post he put up above is another example of how far gone he is and proof that he hasn't a clue as to how bad it is.

      He is right in saying it isn't the first Canary Mission post he has put up. If Deuce did take down the previous one (which I kinda doubt), he would have been perfectly justified. It seems to be written by some right-wing, skin-head punk tapping away on a keyboard in his mother's basement pushing out race-baiting garbage and conspiracy theories. I says seems because it actually could be some well-financed group pumping out race-baiting agitprop under the cover of anonymity. One can only smile at the self-serving justification offered for that anonymity.

      That the site is lauded by the is only to be expected.

      That the nature of the site is beyond the kin of Obumble says it all.


    6. To search the archives is futile, young stupid shitfool, if the archives have been monkeyed with, as they have been, mark my words.

      Rat's ass was sooo cock sure finally when the monkeying had been accomplished,,,,,,,find it now, find it now, hahahaha

      And if Deuce's quote about "Iran is fighting for civilization" is not back in the archives, then he deleted it, as I was right on it from the first, from the very beginning.

      So if it is gone, and Deuce won't fess up to the act, then I say for the first time

      Deuce is a liar and deceiver.

    7. Time to turn over to Fox News, catch a break....

  34. I have never created anything in rat's name. It would nauseate me to try to do so. I wouldn't know how to begin, nor would I wish to do so.

    What I've sent to my email box from here are posting right from here. No monkeying with it.

    If I had my old email box working I could post rats comment about the Jews being the 'scum of the earth'.

    I had some great ones from Deuce too, for a while, along the same line.

    I invite everyone to help me in this effort, except dumb fuck mental blank Rufus, who is in the finals of alcoholic dementia, and young Ash, who is too young to be exposed to such things.

  35. Deuce hates Jews to such an extent that he vanished my El Al post, where I was considering how best an old fart might travel in most safety to visit his adopted Niece over at Max Planck in Germany, where she is going to be able to get her Ph.D.

    She is going to use her publications in the journal Nature and some others as the basis for the Ph.D.

    I want to take her to Portugal and watch some bull friendly bull fights.

    I tell you this, yes I am bragging, but this gal ain't 'Rufus' material, nor EB material, as a whole.

    She actually amounts to something, all by her own effort.

    We Americans are being out competed in the world intellectual market right now, and it is no one's fault but our very own.

    Life is, finally, serious, said Joe Campbell, and civilizations come and go. ................

    His advice was to smart up, arm up, and LOOK OUT !!!

    He was basically for the Western Attempt.

    1. Parting Gift

      Jack HawkinsThu May 14, 01:12:00 PM EDT
      How much cash I got from the cartels is hard to say, but they were happy
      with the body count I gave them…

      I was desperate to raise money for my 350 acres of bottom lands in AZ

    2. Does this one cut your mustard, this 4th of July, all you patriots ?

      Here -

      "Quarts" is playing second hot dog.....this was made at his Detroit Ad Agency.

      out once again

  36. Breaking News from Fox News-

    Kimberley Guilfoy has outed as an assistent to the uber queer Gavin Newsome in San Fran of old !

    As to your question, Ashole, yes I reported Deuce to Canary, which tracks anti semitic sites. The EB is an obvious anti semitic site. I did not do until Deuce took two of of references to Canary down, and on reference to El Al the Jewish airline company.

    He 'vanished' these posts of mine.

    Ash, the USA is losing badly now. I got a call from my Niece Teeks, on her bike, her only means of transportation, saying 'Huff huu Uncle Bob : huff huff I am doing well.....huff huff huff 'work work work work' (she is going to get her Ph.D now from Max Planck, she grew up in a concrete floored apartment in India)

    We are losing, ignoble Ash, the COMPETITION.

    It is right and just that we do.

    The Judgements of the Lord are True and Righteous

    We can no longer compete.

    They have the strong hearts.

    The idea that our inner youth in Detroit or Philly can compete with world winners like my Niece is so sad it is not even a joke.

    And I see Deuce blaming the Jews...

    So yes, I mock Deuce.

    From Ayn Rand to Bernie Sanders with a sniff of Persian perfume.

    Deuce is out of it. Totally bonkers.

    So light up a dooby, Ash, and relax.

    The Judgements of the Lord are Righteous Altogether

    (I have copied this less it is vanished)

  37. Teeks and I are thinking bullfights in Portugal in September/October

    (I can only take so many days, Uncle Bob)

    An eight hour day ?

    You are shitting me - 14 at least.

    Not your Rufus Union Scale either, where nitwits get paid for doing Zero, then bitching about it.

    But we are both really looking forward to it.

    1. Huffing on her bike, she said "I stink, Uncle Bob. I haven't showered in two days"


      I said : "I can smell you from here on the Trade Winds, you smell like old bear meat and onions --- you smell WONDERFUL"

      She broke out laughing....

  38. History is written by the winners. That's why we think of Menachem Begin as a leader of a nation instead of a terrorist who blew up the King David Hotel.

    1. No, but why take the time to explain that to a lame brain like you.

      Heh, Jindal is IN !!

      Second generation Hindu American who doesn't like the term Hindu/American

      Do the Republicans have the over whelming squad of GREAT CANDIDATES this year, or what !!!!!!!!!!!!

      Wow, just WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. The Dems have:

      Hillary the Criminal

      Bernie the has been socialist/communtist to lead us to Greece, Venezuela, which is where Deuce seems to wish to go

      In a breathe of something resembling fresh air

      Jim Webb

  39. Our Hindu/American

    Miss America

    1. Hindus, I can tell you, know how to put on proper wedding.

    2. Did you know that the entire iconography of ancient Egypt came to them 'from the East' in the form of a "white bull" ?

      That is to say, from India ?

      Egypt would do well to return to that ever giving fountain of life.

  40. I went back to investigate this quoted comment:

    This was not posted from a blogger account. It was not from the same ip address used by Desert Rat. It was a forgery and put up from an IP account from the Northwestern US. I deleted other similar fraudulent posts.

    1. The fraudulent post:

      Jack HawkinsThu May 14, 01:12:00 PM EDT
      How much cash I got from the cartels is hard to say, but they were happy with the body count I gave them…

      I was desperate to raise money for my 350 acres of bottom lands in AZ


    2. .

      Will need to check with WiO. I've seen what looks like the same thing happening with him a few times. The last time, a couple streams back. The reason I noticed was that he had commented earlier using his usual sign-in.


    3. Maybe he posted it from a library or a bar somewhere?

    4. Why didn't crapper disown it ?

      Q, can you answer that ?

  41. Now go about your business Deuce and track down your

    The Iranians are fight for civilization comment.

    You have shown that you can do it.

    I did not put it up.

    I don't know how to do that stuff.

    So, either you did, or somebody else did.

    Clear the air for us all.

    I guess I believe you on this.

    crapper put up so much other hateful stuff in the past though

    And yes you did take some of his deaths threats down....

  42. And yes, Rufus did issue a death threat to Quirk

    I'm gone to the Casino for the duration


    God Bless America of the U S

  43. O well, before I go

    Since you are covering for your double here, and playing Detective Deuce, why not track down his comment where he calls the Jews the 'scum of the earth'.

    This was directed at WiO as I recall.

    "You are an Israeli, a Jew, the scum of the earth"

    I quoted it a few times.

    Lets see where that one takes you.

    Fourth of July - ISIS Free Iraq Day - calls

    Cheers !

    1. "A man would have to be a sadist to run a blog"



    2. Cheers !

      And I do wish our nation good fortune and future.

      And I'm glad we have such a large nation, and can live sooooooo far apart from one another !

  44. Hey wait just a damned minute here -

    Has Deuce actually declared whether he would wish his daughter to grow up in




    looking to her best interests?

    I don't see that anyone but myself has been anxious to jump in and answer this question honestly.

    The HONEST answer is of course:

    Israel, for the long term best interests of you beloved daughter.

    You all a bunch of lying fuckers, perverse, and disgusting.
