Saturday, March 07, 2015

US Schizophrenia in the war with ISIS - four minutes of common sense from Noam Chomsky


  1. The professor hits the nail squarely.

    If the US is serious about fighting Daesh, is serious about degrading and destroying the Islamic State, well ...

    It will have to stand with Iran and its proxies in Syria and Lebanon.
    The old allies, they all support the Islamic State.

    The Saudi and Qatar fund the Islamic extremists that are the Islamic State ...
    The ISraeli are flying both close air support and strategic bombing missions that are designed to degrade and destroy those that are fighting the Islamic State.

    The only government amongst the 'old' US allies that is supporting the US mission against the Islamic State is Egypt.
    Which many here at the Elephant Bar claim Mr Obama 'lost'.

    The facts on the ground do not support that meme, they never have, but that has not stopped those that wish to denigrate the US and its President. The US is truly conflicted in this region o the world, at this point in time.

    The Iraqi, those purple fingers of freedom, do not want US ground troops in their country.
    Will the US respect their sovereignty, which cost the US tens of thousands of casualties, a trillion dollars and over 4,000 of our military Killed in Action, or will the US denigrate the sacrifices of our fighting men and women, declare the policies of GW Bush an abject failure and invade that country, again?

    That would be tragic, but not at all comedic.

    1. Jordon, they are an old'' ally that is deep into the fight against the Islamic State, but not a major one.

      Mea culpa


  2. Britain and France have rejected calls to restore ties with the Assad government. U.S. officials say there is no shift in their policy regarding Assad, even as their focus is fighting Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot which is also an enemy of Damascus.

    "We have been open for cooperation (with the U.S.)," Ja’afari said. "They don't want it."

    Some European Union countries that withdrew their ambassadors from Syria are saying privately it is time for more communication with Damascus, diplomats said in February.

    Diplomats say the calls have come from or would be supported by countries including Sweden, Denmark, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria and Spain, as well as the Czech Republic, which did not withdraw its ambassador. Norway and Switzerland, which are outside the EU, are also supportive.

    Such countries say that the threat from Islamic State has made Assad the lesser of two evils, seeing a need to re-engage with Damascus as a potential ally against the extremists, according to the diplomats.

    U.S. officials at the United Nations did not have an immediate comment on Ja'afari's latest statements.

    They noted recent comments to the Security Council by Washington's U.N. ambassador Samantha Power rejecting the argument that countries should partner with Damascus to more effectively fight extremists.

    The United States and other Western powers have condemned Assad for widespread human rights violations since the uprising against his government began in 2011.

    But Ja'afari insisted that keeping Assad, who was re-elected last year in a poll his foes regard as illegitimate, was the only path to peace and unity.


    Ja'afari said that "many European delegations" had visited Damascus to ask for strengthened anti-terrorism cooperation, without specifying which countries.

    "We are telling everyone ... if you want this cooperation to be fruitful you need to get back to Syria, to reopen your embassies."

    Indicating that Damascus wants Assad restored to international political legitimacy in exchange for security cooperation, Ja'afari said that "the benefit of such cooperation should be mutual ... not only unilateral."

    He blasted U.S. President Barack Obama's strategy of training and arming what he described as "so-called moderate" rebels, saying it had only served to deliver weapons into the hands of Islamic State.

    The training of rebels has proven difficult. The Hazzm movement was once central to a covert CIA operation to arm Syrian rebels, but the group's collapse last week underlined the failure of efforts to unify Arab and Western support for mainstream insurgents.

    "This is not a Syrian conflict," Ja'afari said.

    "It is an international terror war waged against the Syrian government and the Syrian people," he added, referring to the tens of thousands of foreign fighters who have joined Islamic State and other jihadist group in the country.

  3. Chomsky ?

    Isn't he that whack job that said there was no Cambodian holocaust ?

    Anyway, what I want to know, since Deuce has stated we must do something about Iraq:

    What exactly do you, Deuce, propose to do about Iraq ?

    You yourself have said something must be done.

    What, exactly ?

    It's a fair question.

    I have put my proposal on the table, which is, simply, to defend the Kurds and help create a Kurdish State.

    And you ?

    1. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson wants to deny the sovereignty of the purple fingers of freedom and invade Iraq.

      He rejects the very precepts of the foreign policy of the United States, vis a vie Iraq, as established by GW Bush and Dick Cheney.
      He desires to declare their policy prescriptions abject failures, the sacrifice of thousands of US military members, worthless.

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is worse than misguided, worse than wrong.
      He is promoting a policy that is traitorous to the basic precepts of the United States.

    2. I have a quilt right over there in the drawer done by a Cambodian woman who spoke no English. I bought it from her at the Fair here, where she finally found refuge..

      It shows her village being attacked by men with guns, and the villagers fleeing across the river.

      Chomsky is an asshole.

    3. It also depicts dead bodies.

      Chomsky is an asshole.

  4. I see 'jackasshawkings' has given up on his 'rat doctrine' which was supposed to have solved the problem by Memorial Day, 2015 and is now talking about going to bed with the Iranians, who, we have been told by Deuce, are "fighting for civilization".


  5. What a cartoon this place has become.

    It's DaffyLand.

    1. Bye bye, Bozo.
      Oh, wait, Bozo was not a bank fraud specialist, like Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      Bozo did not defame his family. Did not steal the honor of his aunt.

      My apologies to Bozo.


    2. Well GOOD MORNING self confessed War Criminal, dead beat dad, self confessed professional asshole, Liar, self confessed moron and all round smelly turd -

      How art thou this day, thin prick ?

    3. You are not fit to tie WiO's shoes.

      You are an asshole, a self confessed war criminal, a self confessed dead beat dad, and proud of being a self confessed professional asshole.....

    4. You are Roethke's dirty dinky..................

      But you would not get the reference.

    5. Let's see that supposed confession, Robert "Draft dodger" Peterson.
      You have made that claim for years, now, and never have produced the evidence, never could prove your libels.
      Your statements merely another proof of your delusional state.

      But that you are a self-confessed bank fraud specialist ... Easily documented.
      That you were proud of your wife's election fraud, ... Easily documented
      That you dodged the draft ... Easily documented.

      You are a fraud, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson..

    6. :)

      You are a self confessed WAR CRIMINAL, and not fit to tie WiO's shoes.

      You didn't even take care of you own child.

      You 'wife' fled from you the first chance after 'dropping the kid' in USA.

      You haven't provided her or your own child one thin dime.

      She is a smart Lady to have fled from you........

      She did right.

    7. "Dropped the kid"

      What a lovely phrase ass hole uses for the miracle of a human birth.....the birth of his OWN a dropping of the kid.....

      You are Roethke's dirty dinky, but you will never know the reference....


  6. What I want to know is what exactly does Deuce propose to do about the situation ?

    You have said we must do something, Deuce.

    What, exactly ?

    I'm on record. You are not.

    1. There is no 1st Airborne Division, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      Your policy prescription is impossible to implement.

      Try, try again.
      But propose something that is not delusional.

    2. You abandoned you OWN child, and you ask me what ?

      What I am interested in finding out today is what Deuce proposes to actually do about the situation.

      He has said we must do something.

      What is it ?

      Cultural practices change slowly, ratasshole.

      But they can change.

      I now possess a veto - after and exam - over my adopted Niece's choice of mate.

      She insisted. I did not ask.

      She was disgusted by her uncles in India.

      You, ratasshole, will never ever be published in the journal Nature.

      She is going to be.

      She speaks five languages and works at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research in Dresden, Germany.

      You are an ape, not fit to tie her shoes.

      Her thesis is about information flows in the human brain.

      It doesn't concern you, ape.

    3. A raped girl is bad for the family: it shows that they can’t protect their women;
      that they have little social standing; and that they’re not respectable.

      It’s worse for the victim because once a woman, or a girl—or a boy—is known as the target of a rape she becomes so despised, so shamed, so worthless that she turns into public property.

      No one is raped only once.

      ― Louise Brown,
      The Dancing Girls of Lahore:
      Selling Love and Saving Dreams in Pakistan's Pleasure District

  7. Richard Cheney made this point well, in 1991. When he was a spokesman for "conservatives" and not the Federal Socialists.

    Before you commit U.S. forces, there are certain questions you need to be able to answer. You need an objective that you can define in military terms. Our military knows how to liberate a country, destroy a navy, take down an air force; those are militarily achievable objectives. But if you say, "Go in and stop the bloodshed in Bosnia," that's not sufficiently clear to build a mission around. Does that mean you're going to put a U.S. soldier between every Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Muslim?

    A second requirement is to specify rules of engagement. The soldier or marine in the trenches needs ground rules -- what we call "rules of engagement" -- about how he is to achieve his mission. Whom does he shoot? How much force can he use, and under what circumstances? That's very difficult to define in this nebulous kind of civil war that's been raging in Bosnia. Who's the enemy? And how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Is this a three-sided conflict among Serb, Muslim, and Croat, or a two-sided conflict between Muslim and Serb? That's never been very well defined.

    You also need to know what constitutes victory. How would you define it?
    How would you know when you had achieved it?
    And finally, how do you get out? What's the end game? How do you wrap it all up?
    And what's the cost in terms of American lives in that involvement?

    Truer words were never spoken, by Mr Cheney, to bad he forgot them when it was his turn at the wheel.
    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson cannot tell US how his proposed military intervention would meet the Cheney Standard


  8. Top US general optimistic about outcome of Tikrit battle

    ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT (AP) — The one-two punch of Iranian-back militias and Iraqi government troops is likely to prevail in the unfolding battle for Tikrit, but it would not have been possible if U.S. airstrikes had not tied down Islamic State fighters elsewhere in northern Iraq, the top U.S. general said.

    Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked by reporters traveling with him from Washington to Iraq whether he believes the Islamic State group will be pushed out of Tikrit.

    "Yeah, I do," he said. "The numbers are overwhelming."

    Dempsey said about 23,000 Iranian-based Shiite militiamen and Iraqi soldiers are involved in the offensive, compared to only "hundreds" of IS fighters.

    The offensive is not what the Americans would consider textbook military tactics, he said, describing a hodge-podge of Iraqi Humvees, trucks and other vehicles surging toward Tikrit like rush hour on the Washington Beltway.

    "I wouldn't describe it as a sophisticated military maneuver," he said.


  9. You are a human turd, rarasshole.

    You abandoned you own child.


    You are a War Criminal, self confessed.

    You are DISGUSTING and not fit to tie WiO's shoes.

    1. You are thin dick, Roethke's dirty dinky............

      And you will never ever get the reference.

    2. A raped girl is bad for the family: it shows that they can’t protect their women;
      that they have little social standing; and that they’re not respectable.

      It’s worse for the victim because once a woman, or a girl—or a boy—is known as the target of a rape she becomes so despised, so shamed, so worthless that she turns into public property.

      No one is raped only once.

      ― Louise Brown,
      The Dancing Girls of Lahore:
      Selling Love and Saving Dreams in Pakistan's Pleasure District


    3. 34.2% of attackers were family members.
      58.7% were acquaintances.
      Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.

      No police report - the reason is not hard to fathom, is it?

  10. Your own wife FLED from you, that wise woman,directly after giving birth in USA, back to Central America.

    She knew what you are.

    She got the hell out.

    You do not even care for you own child.

    You are not fit to tie WiO's shoes.........

    1. Bank fraudster, vote fraudster ...
      Blogging fraudster ...

      Fraud, that is your modus operandi, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    2. Rape, the numbers tell the tale of Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      34.2% of attackers were family members.
      58.7% were acquaintances.
      Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.

      No police report - the reason is not hard to fathom, is it?

    3. Take it down, Deuce.

      Or you are an asshole too.

    4. Take what down, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, the national statistics as to who rapes women?

      Does that reality hit a little close to home?

      You were warned, and the heavy guns are still in the arsenal.

  11. What I want to know is what, exactly, Deuce proposes to do about the situation in Iraq, and the middle east.

    He has said we must do something.

    What ?

    It is a perfectly fair question.

    I have given my answer.

    Help the Kurds, stand by that great country Israel, look to our own interests....I think it is too late to prevent Iran from getting the bomb.....we blew will come back to bite......

    What does Deuce propose to do ?

    Fair question.

  12. Deuce bans WiO, but not ratasshole, a self confessed war criminal.

    It's Daffy Duck Land.

    The Iranians are 'fighting for civilization' WiO is banned and ratasshole is given free range to slander at will.

    It's become that worst of all thing....STUPID

  13. When are you going to be published in the journal Nature, ratasshole ?

    What about you, Rufus, the alligator eater ?

    Deuce ?

    I am blessed to know this wonderful, brave Hindu woman.

    1. She is my Niece now and always, I am her American Uncle.

      Wonderful things can happen, even as one crawls towards death....

      She makes me smile....

  14. It's hard to imagine how any strategy would be better than Obama's.

    To wit: Give the locals enough Air Support to allow them to do it, themselves.

    8,600 + to Zero

    How do you improve on that?

  15. The answer to that is exceedingly simple.

    You do not take the troops out way too soon.

    O'bozo, Our Napoleon of the Potomac, has got it all fucked up.

    I want to know what Deuce says we should do.

    I've said my outlook.

    What does Deuce say we should actually DO ?

    1. It is one thing to criticize, it is another to actually offer up a plan.

      What does Deuce think we should actually DO ?

      Simple question.

    2. There is that wonderful line in "Deliverance" -- about Lewis actually DOING something.....

      What should we actually DO, Deuce?

    3. And no crap from that cretin Chomsky...

    4. Why do you feel there is an imperative or a need for the US "to do something"

      What is wrong with the Ash and Legionnaire proposal ... to do nothing?
      Or is doing nothing to be considered doing something, too?

    5. I don't. Except do what we can to help the Kurds....

      Other than that, and supporting Israel, let them kill on another.

      Perhaps we should support whoever is the losing side at the moment ?

      Just asking.

      It is DEUCE who has said we must do something.

      I am just asking what that something might be ???


  16. If is so simple, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, why don't you answer it, to the satisfaction of the Cheney Standard?

    1. You propose to invade Iraq, but do not meet any of the Cheney Standard
      You have no plan for success, not even a definition of mission success, only a plan for perpetual occupation of Arabia.

      Like John McCain, a hundred years of war, paid for with US blood and treasure ...
      When the people of the region can do that, themselves.

  17. I have given my answer, War Criminal, and Dead Beat Dad

    Support the Kurds, and always support Israel, and for Christ's sake, get along with the new Egyptian Government....

    1. The US is supporting the Kurds, in both Syria and Iraq.
      Yet you denigrate the policy.

      The US does support ISrael, yet you denigrate the policy.

      You are a fraud, a racist that denigrates the United States, continually.

  18. Sisi seem to me like a damned fine far....

    1. It was always the US proxy, that controlled Egypt.
      Morsai was installed by the Egyptian Army, he was removed by the Egyptian Army.
      The US has been supporting the Egyptian Army the entire time, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      Only the shortsighted bigots refuse to see the reality of that relationship, as it was unfolding, in Egypt.
      You a fraud, always have been.

      In your own words, quotable.
      Which, in your world of delusion, you cannot provide for any of us that you denigrate.


      You should go take a piss, then a nap.
      Then, when you wake up, take your welfare money and go to the casino, like all the other Welfare Queens.

  19. Dear Reader:

    ratasshole' s wife 'dropped the kid' in USA, a good move, and then fled immediately to her homeland and relatives in Central America, another good move.

    This Lady does have some real points in her favor.....

  20. One thing is for certain. The overall strategy of ISIS is clear: They want the same thing the Zionists want, that being to goad the US into another war in the ME, with ground troops.

    Destabilization and the wrecking of the old regimes in Iraq, Libya and Syria all under the US military wrecking ball, spawned the growth of ISIS.

    ISIS has come to the conclusion, that the Israeli model used in Gaza and Palestine creates more militancy than is destroys. That is good for ISIS business. It builds recruits and expands they spread.

    ISIS has also learned that the strategy will exhaust the West.

    Following the Israeli strategy, more military territorial holdings will ultimately result in a greater ISIS state when their first phase ends.

    That said: they hold the better strategy.

    1. Daesh are dying.
      The US is not losing any men or women in the effort, save for the occasional tourist.

      There are inherent risks in travel.

  21. What should the US do?

    Stop the nonsense of regime change. That was a TOTAL disaster.

    Come to the conclusion that the US has an ally in the ME. It doesn’t.

    Support the sustainable at the least possible cost.

    Hezbollah, The Kurds, Shiites and Iranians, that are fighting for their own ethnic turf are the best candidates for support. They don’t want the ISIS nightmare.

    The Sunnis have a choice, fight ISIS or not.

  22. Obama has negated their strategy with a better strategy - kill the murderers without pissing off the locals.

    Effective, and cheap. A hard combination to beat.

  23. "One thing is for certain. The overall strategy of ISIS is clear: They want the same thing the Zionists want, that being to goad the US into another war in the ME, with ground troops."

    This is an insane statement.

    1. ISIS wants the USA to fight them with ground troops.

      This is an insane statement.

      Try again, Deuce.

    2. No. You're the insane one. That is exactly what they want. If all else fails, listen to what they say.

    3. ISIS wants to fight USA ground troops?

      Really ?


      I love ya Rufus, but you are absolutely bat shit insane.

      And you are a General.

    4. Go read the Atlantic article, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      The Islamic State even know what town in Syria they want the fight to take place in.
      The plan on losing 90% of the fighters, when Jesus will arrive and save the day.
      What III Really Wants

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has never let reality nor knowledge change his mind.

    5. The Islamic State has attached great importance to the Syrian city of Dabiq, near Aleppo. It named its propaganda magazine after the town, and celebrated madly when (at great cost) it conquered Dabiq’s strategically unimportant plains. It is here, the Prophet reportedly said, that the armies of Rome will set up their camp. The armies of Islam will meet them, and Dabiq will be Rome’s Waterloo or its Antietam.

      “Dabiq is basically all farmland,” one Islamic State supporter recently tweeted. “You could imagine large battles taking place there.” The Islamic State’s propagandists drool with anticipation of this event, and constantly imply that it will come soon. The state’s magazine quotes Zarqawi as saying, “The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify … until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq.” A recent propaganda video shows clips from Hollywood war movies set in medieval times—perhaps because many of the prophecies specify that the armies will be on horseback or carrying ancient weapons.

      Now that it has taken Dabiq, the Islamic State awaits the arrival of an enemy army there, whose defeat will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse. Western media frequently miss references to Dabiq in the Islamic State’s videos, and focus instead on lurid scenes of beheading.

      “Here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,”

  24. Quirk is on the ground there in eastern Mosul beyond the river at the Five Horns Bordello and Bar.

    Let's ask him.

    What is going on,Quirk ?

  25. Our Generals here have laid it down that the ISIS strategy is to fight USA ground troops.

    Welcome to The Elephant Bar.

    1. The Islamic State has attached great importance to the Syrian city of Dabiq, near Aleppo. It named its propaganda magazine after the town, and celebrated madly when (at great cost) it conquered Dabiq’s strategically unimportant plains. It is here, the Prophet reportedly said, that the armies of Rome will set up their camp. The armies of Islam will meet them, and Dabiq will be Rome’s Waterloo or its Antietam.

      “Dabiq is basically all farmland,” one Islamic State supporter recently tweeted. “You could imagine large battles taking place there.” The Islamic State’s propagandists drool with anticipation of this event, and constantly imply that it will come soon. The state’s magazine quotes Zarqawi as saying, “The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify … until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq.” A recent propaganda video shows clips from Hollywood war movies set in medieval times—perhaps because many of the prophecies specify that the armies will be on horseback or carrying ancient weapons.

      Now that it has taken Dabiq, the Islamic State awaits the arrival of an enemy army there, whose defeat will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse. Western media frequently miss references to Dabiq in the Islamic State’s videos, and focus instead on lurid scenes of beheading.
      “Here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,”

      Nothing like listening to the folks you want to fight. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

  26. Quit the dream of regime change in Syria. All that will do is make things worse.

    Learn from our mistakes. Turkey and Syria will be making a separate deal with Russia. There is nothing we can doubt that. Turkey has been useless for the past twenty years.

    Learn from the Chinese. Leave the armies at home, focus on our own backyard, The Americas, and think in terms of commercial greatness and forget the military machine that is mostly loved by those that were not part of it, other than the vendors of course.

    Declare victory and come home, back winners like Microsoft and Apple and a marvelous education, science, medical and educational system, all supporting an entrepreneurial juggernaut.

    1. I am certainly not opposed to that.

      If my highly educated Niece wishes to become an American citizen, I will back her with whatever I can do to help.

      She is thinking of it, and I've a lawyer that will help her.

  27. The Jews are, of course,controlling events 'behind the scene'.

    My Representative, Raul Labrador, is a simple puppet of the Jews.

    That is R A U L

    As are all the other 535 Members of USA Congress.

    Now I understand.

    1. Ra ---oooool

      Another Jewish puppet...

    2. Worse yet, he was a practicing Christian Missionary.

    3. Ra-ooool was?

      I didn't know that.

      What a sinner....

    4. I did not see his name on the list of dual citizens, in the US Congress.
      Maybe I missed it, but if you insist that your Congressman is a hyphenated citizen, guess we'll go with that.

  28. "It's not an ending if it's not a happy yet....."

    My Hindu Niece

    I love her.

    1. Delusional disorder is characterized by the presence of either bizarre or non-bizarre delusions which have persisted for at least one month.

      Non-bizarre delusions typically are beliefs of something occurring in a person’s life which is not out of the realm of possibility. For example, the person may believe their significant other is cheating on them, that someone close to them is about to die, a friend is really a government agent, etc.

      All of these situations could be true or possible, but the person suffering from this disorder knows them not to be

  29. GAZA, March 7 (Reuters) - The Israeli navy opened fire on boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing one Palestinian fisherman

    1. That should be good to go for the Jahadi recruitment allotment for March

    2. Egyptian air strikes kill 25 Islamist terrorists in northern Sinai
      Egyptian security sources reported Friday that air raids hit two houses south of the northern Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid killing 10 members of Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, which has called itself Sinai Province after joining ISIS. Thursday, Egyptian air strikes killed 15 terrorists in the same town.

    3. A Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a group of women waiting for a train in east Jerusalem Friday morning injuring seven people. Police said the man then got out of his car with a knife and stabbed a pedestrian before he was shot.

      GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas Movement declared its support for the Jerusalem attack on Friday in which a Palestinian man used his car to run over a group of Israeli women, wounding seven of them while he was shot and seriously injured.

      Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, described the attack in a press release as “heroic”.

  30. 17 More Coalition Airstrikes - 50 More Dead Daesh

    Daid Men No Longer Walking

    1. That should be good to go for the Jahadi recruitment allotment for March

  31. >>Delusional disorder is characterized by the presence of either bizarre or non-bizarre delusions <<

    This certainly clarifies the situation, ratasshole.


  32. >>Delusional disorder is characterized by the presence of either bizarre or non-bizarre delusions <<

    Why of course Dr. Freud, why had not our Quirk thought of that?

    If ratasshole can think of it............

    If the shoe fits, wear it................

  33. Bwabwabeahahahahahahahahahaha...

    It's The Elephant Bar folks.....

    Bwabwabwa har de har har......

  34. >>Delusional disorder is characterized by the presence of either bizarre or non-bizarre delusions <<

    This is D E E P and meaningless

    And is brought to us of course by our ratasshole

    Bwa ha ha.

  35. You are a turd, Deuce, for banning WiO.

    Just sayin'


  36. And your opinions about Lincoln are insane.

    As is your statement:

    "Iran is fighting for civilization"

    And the Jews control all of the USA Congress.


  37. Lincoln got his rocks off by imaging dead young men.

    R I G H T

  38. Deuce has said:

    Iran is fighting for civilization

    Lincoln got his rocks off by dreaming of dead young men

    The Republicans are worse than Farrakhan

    The "Jews" control all of the USA Congress

    Welcome to the Elephant Bar, folks.....

    1. If ISIS is the opposite of civilization and it is> and Iran, the US and Hezbollah are fighting to destroy ISIS and they are> and Israel and the Saudis are helping ISIS and they have> thus: Iran is fighting for civilization. Israel and Saudi Arabia are not. The US receives some benefits from Saudi Arabia at a terrible cost. The US receives no benefit from Israel at a terrible cost.

      All the rest is myth, propaganda and self-serving bullshit, religious and otherwise.

    2. Welcome to The Elephant Bar where you will get unvarnished unsentimental truth.

    3. Now try some elementary reading comprehension:

      Lincoln was a depressed closet fairy that liked to take young handsome officers into his bed when the cat was away.He sent them love notes.

      I speculated that in his inner conflict, he needed to show what a bad ass he was. A vicious macho tough guy that liked dick where it didn’t belong in one orifice or another. You can take your pick.

      I also said that every other political leader in the Americas ended slavery without causing the deaths of 700,000 of his countrymen, causing a depression and wrecking the lives of millions.

      Lincoln did this after taking an oath to his god, (Lincoln being a big time god-fearing mother fucker) to protect those under his charge, not kill them. He is one of the great killers of a long list of great killers. There is not a list of the real men, the real leaders, the real human beings of sound mind and body that didn’t get their betters killed. He was a sewer of a human being and a maggot maker.

      Fuck him.

  39. .

    Deuce seems to be the only one here who has a realistic estimate of what to do in this war.

    The rest of it is all bullshit and bubblegum.

    When we ‘declare victory and go home’ we will leave behind the same mess that was there before we got there. There may be less ISIS running around blowing people up but there will be plenty of militias and other terrorist groups around to take their place. The divisions will remain. In Iraq II, I said that after we left Iraq civil war would be inevitable. I didn’t count on ISIS but in the absence of ISIS there would have eventually been another precipitating event. It was already starting between Kurdistan and Baghdad before ISIS came.

    I called Biden’s plan to divide the country three ways silly because we didn’t have the right to divide the country but, more importantly, we didn’t have the ability to divide the country. IF Iraq ever is divided three ways, it will likely only be done after a lot of bloodshed. The sectarian divide and the economics are just to big for it to be otherwise. Baghdad has the oil and the power and is unwilling to give either up. Kurdistan is sitting on a lot of oil but they pay tribute to Baghdad for the autonomy they have. The oil revenue is all they have. Forming a state even if they wanted to would be a challenge. They are divided into clans and parties that really don’t like each other. Both Baghdad and the Kurds want Kirkuk and that is a tinderbox. The Sunnis have jack shit except for the crumbs they are thrown by Baghdad. In any division of the country, they will demand a hell of a lot more.


    1. .

      Rat cites Cheney’s views on war.

      You also need to know what constitutes victory. How would you define it?
      How would you know when you had achieved it?
      And finally, how do you get out? What’s the end game? How do you wrap it all up?
      And what’s the cost in terms of American lives in that involvement?

      To date, we are doing great on the last one. I’m still waiting for answers on the first three.

      Some argue we are doing great because we are killing a lot of ISIS and not pissing off the locals which is of course absurd. They were pissed off before we got there and for the most part that hasn’t changed. Oh, in every action where the US supports you get the mandatory ‘we appreciate the US support’ but to think that they like us is ridiculous. For those who read more than the head count reports its not hard to read between the lines in the comments we see from the locals. In Kurdistan, they look on the the US deferring all decisions and aid to Baghdad and feel they are just being used. They see the US strategy as inconsistent and spotty. Even in Kobane, the Kurds kept saying the CAS is helping but what we really need are heavy weapons. In Iraq, they have been promised the weapons but somehow they never get there and you have to think that Baghdad is thinking that one day, after Isis is neutralized, they may be facing those same weapons when fighting the Kurds. In Anbar, some Sunni tribes are supporting the fight against ISIS because it’s in their own self-interest to do so but anyone who is looking for a new Sunni ‘Awakening’ is likely to be waiting for a long time. Baghdad has refused to allow US troops in depending on the Shia militias and Iran for support.

      Any who believe Kurds, and Sunnis, and the Shia militias are all part of an impressive Iraqi Security Force are sadly mistaken. They may fight together occasionally but they all have their own agenda. Actually, if the militias are the tail and Baghdad is the dog, we have a clear case of the tail wagging the dog. And while everyone on the Shia side may mouth their appreciation to America for the support and money, none of them like us. For a view of the Shia militias and their allegiances read this,

      Bibi was spreading a lot of BS the other day but one thing he said was particularly true. To paraphrase, the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.


    2. .

      Rat talks about Israel helping ISIS by fighting it’s enemies in Syria but they merely choose to fight what they consider their biggest enemy. On the other hand, heck, we created ISIS. The rat says,

      The only government amongst the ‘old’ US allies that is supporting the US mission against the Islamic State is Egypt.

      Bull titty. Our friends the Egyptians,

      Egypt: The country struck ISIS targets in Libya on Monday after the group reportedly executed 21 Egyptian Christians, and called on anti-ISIS coalition partners to do the same, saying the group poses a threat to international safety and security. Egypt had previously agreed to join the anti-ISIS coalition, but details about its role, if any, have been scarce. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said Egypt has a critical role to play in countering ISIS ideology, and Egypt’s grand mufti condemned the terror group, saying that its actions are not in line with Islam, Al-Arabiya reported.

      Rather sparse for an ‘old’ ally, IMO, especially given Egypt’s military resources. Egypt attacked ISIS in Libya in response to the ISIS attack on Egyptian Christians (and likely because with the turmoil in Libya it is probably trying to figure out how to get some of that Libyan oil.) The UAE has been involved likely for that last reason.

      Egypt will accept the annual baksheesh we give them for not going to war with Israel but they have pretty much done their own thing since the Sisi took over.

      Oh, we have people helping in the coalition, the Jordanians because they are a US client state and because they are pissed off about the pilot, some of our western allies, the Aussies just because they like to brawl, occasionally and rarely some of our ME partners in the coalition, but let’s not fool ourselves, the US is still flying 87% of the missions there.

      The vast majority of people that are fighting in Syria/Iraq are doing so for their own parochial interests not because they are our friends and when (if?) we declare victory and go home, the place will still be as fucked up as its ever been.


  40. Q, USA troops, in or not, yes or no....

    That's a hell of a lot of words but your 'position' kinda gets lost.

    USA troops



    just check one box

  41. "Q" For President

    Doesn't have a great ring but does attract the attention.

  42. Platform ?

    Anybody's guess.

    The folks will fall for that....

  43. Senator Lindsey Graham may be throwing his hat into the political ring......

    He seems a decent fellow......

    1. the Presidential political ring...

      He's out in Iowa, shaking hands...

  44. Fear and loathing in the pussy department but one tough guy in getting young men killed and maimed.

  45. "Q" is a Man For All Seasons, every woman's heart throb, an economic genius, a military expert of the First Order.

    "Q" For President.


    1. No one is more adroit at moving a jury or staying out of jail than "Q".

      These are "Presidential Qualities".

      We can trust "Q".

  46. .

    USA troops



    just check one box

    Can't do it until someone answers the first three items in Cheney's list. At this point, I haven't a clue as to what our current plan is and how you measure success. Until that is explained to me, I would go with the current policy of minimal troops. Why not? It's low risk. If they ever come up with a clear objective I would have to revisit the question.

    Right now, we are deferring to Baghdad and Baghdad says they don't want US troops there. Baghdad welcomes the air support, the weapons, and the aid but in terms of the fight they are depending more on the Shia militias and Iran than on the US. This may change as US training of the Security Force continues but I doubt it. Will our policy change? I'm sure Obama doesn't want to but attitudes seem to be shifting in the US and there are those in Congress pushing for more troops.

    You also need to know what constitutes victory. How would you define it?

    Obama says the goal is to 'degrade and destroy' ISIS. What does that mean? Obviously, they can't literally do the latter especially if they don't take away the safe haven in Syria. Their plans for doing that appear iffy. We have said we won't cooperate or attack Assad. The opposition in Syria is marginal at best. How do we define victory?

    How would you know when you had achieved it?

    What is the plan? What are the measurables? Is it just taking back territory in Iraq? How much? All of Anbar?

    And finally, how do you get out? What’s the end game? How do you wrap it all up?

    At what point do you declare victory and go home?

    We already have about 3,000 troops in country. From what we have heard, I expect that number will go up. If we expect to take back all of Anbar, I expect it will go up substantially.

    But who knows what the heck we are doing there?


    1. .

      While I supported aid to Iraq, both weapons and humanitarian aid, I said we should not get directly involved militarily. But that option no longer exists. We are there and we got 60 other countries to pretend they are part of a coalition.

      The US air support has definitely had positive effect in stopping ISIS' progress into Iraq. Probably just as important as the military side is our degrading of ISIS leadership and financial assets. That being said, it is unlikely ISIS would have been able to take Baghdad and the east in the face of the Shia militias and support from Iran. If military aid was provided to the Kurds, ISIS would likely not have been able to advance too much further into Kurdistan since they were operating on a two front war and the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds were cooperating. Anbar was already lost.

      My hope is that we make enough progress quickly that we can 'declare victory' without losing face and go home. No matter what we accomplish in Iraq, once we leave it will quickly return to miasma that was the status quo ante.


  47. >>>At this point, I haven't a clue<<<


    Just as I thought.

    1. Vote "No Clue Q"

      Let the gods decide.


    2. .

      >>>At this point, I haven't a clue<<<

      Truncated quotes. I see you are learning from the rat.


    3. Yes, you are correct on that.

      I thought of it, hesitated, and went the dark side.

      I apologize.

  48. >>>But who knows what the heck we are doing there?<<<

    >>>While I supported aid to Iraq, both weapons and humanitarian aid<<<

    When I even mentioned a humanitarian intervention in Syria I was taken to the woodshed.

    Being more serious, I surely don't know what to do, other than support the Kurds.

    Iran, "fighting for civilization", seems to be coming out a winner.

    I would not like being a woman in Sunni or Shia Iraq, I do know that.

    1. I would not like being a woman in Iran.

      Remember Neda.

    2. The Death of Neda

      No one is ever going to treat my Niece like that if I can prevent it.

      I swear to God I will kill if I must to protect my Niece.

    3. You didn't 'kill" to protect your daughter. You didn't even call the cops.

      You're deranged.

  49. Our Deuce on Lincoln -

    >>>He was a sewer of a human being and a maggot maker<<<

    Deuce, politely, I whisper it, slowly and quietly....






    And Iran is not fighting for civilization.

  50. Nor do the 'Jews' control the 535 Members of Congress.

    I say it again, very slowly, and politely -






  51. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 07, 01:41:00 PM EST
    Lincoln qualities.


    Deuce ☂Sat Mar 07, 01:43:00 PM EST
    Fear and loathing in the pussy department but one tough guy in getting young men killed and maimed.

    Talking about the leader of Hamas? Khaled Mashal?

  52. We are killing Daesh.

    Our mission is accomplished when they are no longer a danger. (this could be fairly soon.)

    1. You guys (some of you) are trying to make this way too complicated. This bunch almost reached critical mass. We stepped in and stopped that from happening. Now, we'll kill a few more, and call it a day. It doesn't matter that Iraq won't look much like Iowa after we've left. It didn't look like Iowa before we got there.

      I repeat, we'll kill a bunch of Daesh, push them back into their corner, and give it a rest. What's so complicated?

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Never mind; I just noticed that you're not Deuce.

    2. Killing HeadCutters CREATES Jahadis

      Are you proud of the THOUSANDS of USA Airstrikes that have created 10's of thousands of new recruits?

    3. Ah, fuck, it's wio. Couldn't stay away, could you?

      Why don't you take a hike, again, and take bob with you this time.

    4. All part and parcel of the genius of the Rat Doctrine.

  54. Thanks to Dr. Wakina for giving me the opportunity to test from his Power. I was wondering why most successful people talk more about him even in my neighborhood on how he has been bringing back ex-lovers and making them achieve their lost opportunities and being successful. I doubted some enough until when I tried his power last month via his email.
    Dr. Wakina cast a reunion spell and bring back my “JARK” after three months of our separation within 3days that he promised. Everything he did was like a movie in my eyes; it was so fast and effective. I felt a strong power in me when he was casting the spell which made me stronger in spirit to invite Frank’s spirit back to me.
    I don’t have much to say, but to keep thanking him and telling people how I got the love of my life back and how I also go my dream job through his power which he promised. Please stop doubting and give him a try and see for yourself, open up your heart and focus on all the instructions from him and you will see results on your door post. Contact him today and see the miracle of his spell via or his website

    1. .

      I have no doubt that this visitation from the spam goddess is the result of the rat visiting all of those outre websites where he gathers his 'facts and evidence'.


    2. Atlantic Magazine, an outlier in the world of the Legionnaire.


    3. Haaretz and the JPost, way beyond the mainstream, you betcha, Legionnaire.

    4. .

      Naw, rat, I wasn't talking about your light reading. I was talking your heavy stuff from the likes of the N.Y. Post gossip column and The Venus Project and the American Patriot Friends Network. You know stuff like that.


  55. Rufus, what is the situation around Tikrit?

    There is not much on the News, and Q has 'gone silent'.

    1. As best I can figure, the "good" guys are stumbling around outside the city limits, bumping into each other, shooting their rifles into the air, yelling "God Willing," and completely at a loss as to what they're doing.

      Eventually, one of the might get lost, end up downtown, and declare victory. (maybe.)

    2. .

      If you are really interested in these questions why don't you visit Dr. Wakina and test his Power. (See website above)


    3. Ol' Doc Wakina is a hell of a good guy.

      I had an appointment with him once.

      Came out smelling like a rose.

  56. By the way, Rufus is moron.

    A racist, he hates Jews.

    He is an illiterate drunken old fool from Mississippi.

    But he is supposed to be following the news from Tikrit, as he has predicted all of Iraq will be ISIS free by July 4th, 2015.

    That is why I ask him.

    He has sources in the Dubai, UAE.

  57. He is also an asshole as he supports the banning of WiO by oour Host, Deuce, who is on record as saying:

    "Iran is fighting for civilization"

    Then there is all that Lincoln crap, and, the Jews theJews the Jews.

    Rufus is part Cherokee, and eats this shit up.

  58. Replies
    1. Yeah, ask me another question you worthless piece of shit, and see what you get.

    2. Was your mother married when she gave birth to you, you big gutted drunken worthless piece of mostly white crap ?

    3. .

      Bob, you and the rat deserve each other. Two of a kind.


    4. Legionnaire, I quote Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      He tells the truth about the only subject he knows, himself.

      The rest of what he writes, it' libelous.
      What I write, is hi own words, and those of others.

      I let him denigrate himself
      I am a gentleman, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has said so, himself, based upon what 'rat' has written.
      Now those who claim Jack is the 'rat', well ...
      Jack must be a gentleman, as well, then.


    5. .

      Good heavens, rat, you are using Bob as a reference. My. My.

      I've noticed you have been posting a lot of positive reviews of yourself here lately, rat. Trish had something good to say about you once. There was another one, can't remember who it was. And now, Bob.

      What type of a person does that, I mean post positive reviews about himself? Seems to me you would need to either very proud of them or just basically a little insecure. I mean to go back through years of posts here at the Bar and then to specifically pick out and save those bouquets.

      And now that I think about it that also brings up a broader question, what type of fellow goes to the trouble of of trolling through years of posts here at the bar? I mean there must be tens of thousands of them. I know you said you enjoy doing it and all but I just find that strange. I remember going through a year of the stuff here for the old "Bosco Awards" and it quickly turned into a pain. But you enjoy it you say. Got to be pretty time consuming. Makes me wonder what kind of a life you lead.

      Well anyway, those bouquets would attest to the fact that you were appreciated here at times. Good on you. Of course, a more recent one I saw would seem to indicate there has been some change over the years.

      AshSun Oct 19, 10:39:00 AM EDT
      Right on cue old parrot Jack Hawkins cuts and pastes his meaningless drivel.

      You have become a mere shell if what the rat once was. When I went back in the way back machine Desert Rat made some pretty decent arguments and observations. Jack Hawkins mere produces crap. Scroll by material akin to boobies droppings. Sad but true.

      Gee, hadn't noticed. Another post noting the similarity between you and Bob.


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Here is the latest report from our General Rufus Doofus -

    Rufus IISat Mar 07, 06:34:00 PM EST

    As best I can figure, the "good" guys are stumbling around outside the city limits, bumping into each other, shooting their rifles into the air, yelling "God Willing," and completely at a loss as to what they're doing.

    Eventually, one of the might get lost, end up downtown, and declare victory. (maybe.)


    And that is 'as best as I can figure'

    In other words, it don't look good for cleansing Iraq of ISIS by July 4th, 2015 as our General Rufus has promised us.

    This lying sack of wine and beer should be banned from the Blog for making such predictions.

    He is a Dumbo.

  61. 25 civilians killed by aerial bombardment targeted a school and civilians grouping
    March 5, 2015 Comments Off

    Aleppo province: 18 civilians were killed by barrels bombardment on civilians grouping in Qadi Askar neighborhood, the number of the dead is likely to rise according to the serious injuries. Clashes taking place between regime forces backed by Hezbollah and Non Syrian militiamen against rebel and Islamic battalions backed by Jabhat al-Nusra around al-Rasul al-A’zam mosque in Mam’ia al-Zahraa neighborhood amid mutual bombardment from both sides on areas in the neighborhood. Clashes also took place between the two sides in al-Rashdin neighborhood. Helicopters dropped explosive barrels on the transportation area in al-Sha’ar neighborhood.

    How many Jihadists with this create this month?


    2. ratasshole is actually on to something.

      This happens once in a while.

      This bombing around the edges may just be pissing people off.

      It is irritating.

      I'd be pissed too.

      It may well be doing more harm to 'the cause' than good.

  62. Judge Jeanine is on.

    She is good.

    1. Boko Haram (no books) has pledged allegiance to al Qaeda.

      Makes no difference.

      Hamas, Boko, Qaeda, all the others, all the same bunch of shit.

    2. So says our beautiful intelligent American Judge.
