Friday, March 06, 2015

The Republican Blow Job for Netanyahu


  1. Patrick Buchanan

    If the sadists of ISIS are seeking — with their mass executions, child rapes, immolations, and beheadings of Christians — to stampede us into a new war in the Middle East, they are succeeding.

    Repeatedly snapping the blood-red cape of terrorist atrocities in our faces has the Yankee bull snorting, pawing the ground, ready to charge again.

    “Nearly three-quarters of Republicans now favor sending ground troops into combat against the Islamic State,” says a CBS News poll. The poll was cited in a New York Times story about how the voice of the hawk is ascendant again in the GOP.

    In April or May 2015, said a Pentagon briefer last week, the Iraqi Army will march north to recapture Mosul from the Islamic State.

    On to Mosul! On to Raqqa!

    Yet, who, exactly, will be taking Mosul?

    According to Rowan Scarborough of The Washington Times, the U.S. general who trained the Iraqi army says Mosul is a mined, booby-trapped city, infested with thousands of suicide fighters.

    Any Iraqi army attack this spring would be “doomed.”

    Translation: Either U.S. troops lead, or Mosul remains in ISIS’ hands.

    Yet taking Mosul is only the beginning. Scores of thousands of troops will be needed to defeat and destroy ISIS in Syria.

    And eradicating ISIS is but the first of the wars Republicans have in mind. Tuesday, at the invitation of Speaker John Boehner, Bibi Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress.

    His message: Obama and John Kerry are bringing back a rotten deal that will ensure Iran acquires nuclear weapons and becomes an existential threat to Israel. Congress must repudiate Obama’s deal, impose new sanctions on Iran and terminate the appeasement talks.

    Should Bibi and his Republican allies succeed in closing the ramp to a diplomatic solution, we will be on the road to war.

    Which is where Bibi wants us.

    To him, Iran is the Nazi Germany of the 21st century, hell-bent on a new Holocaust. A U.S. war that does to the Ayatollah’s Iran what a U.S. war did to Hitler’s Germany would put Bibi in the history books as the Israeli Churchill.

    But if Republicans scuttle the Iranian negotiations by voting new sanctions, Iran will take back the concessions it has made, and we are indeed headed for war. Which is where Sen. Lindsey Graham, too, now toying with a presidential bid, wants us to be.

    In 2010, Sen. Graham declared: “Instead of a surgical strike on [Iran’s] nuclear infrastructure ... we’re to the point now that you have to really neuter the regime’s ability to wage war against us and our allies. ... [We must] destroy the ability of the regime to strike back.”

    If Congress scuttles the nuclear talks, look for Congress to next write an authorization for the use of military force — on Iran.

    Today, the entire Shiite Crescent — Iran, Iraq, Bashar Assad’s Syria, Hezbollah — is fighting ISIS. All these Shiites are de facto allies in any war against ISIS. But should we attack Iran, they will become enemies.

    And what would war with Iran mean for U.S. interests?


    1. {...}

      With its anti-ship missiles and hundreds of missile boats, Iran could imperil our fleet in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. The Gulf could be closed to commercial shipping by a sinking or two.

      Hezbollah could go after the U.S. embassy in Beirut. The Green Zone in Baghdad could come under attack by Shiite militia loyal to Iran.

      Would Assad’s army join Iran’s fight against America?

      It surely would if America listened to those Republicans who now say we must bring down Assad to convince Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arabs to join the fight against ISIS.

      By clashing with Iran, we would make enemies of Damascus and Baghdad and the Shiite militias in Iraq and Beirut battling ISIS today — in the hope that, tomorrow, the conscientious objectors of the Sunni world — Turks, Saudis, Gulf Arabs — might come and fight beside us.

      Listen for long to GOP foreign policy voices, and you can hear calls for war on ISIS, al-Qaida, Boko Haram, the Houthi rebels, the Assad regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to name but a few.

      Are we to fight them all? How many U.S. troops will be needed? How long will all these wars take? What will the Middle East look like after we crush them all? Who will fill the vacuum if we go? Or must we stay forever?

      Nor does this exhaust the GOP war menu.

      Enraged by Vladimir Putin’s defiance, Republicans are calling for U.S. weapons, trainers, even troops, to be sent to Ukraine and Moldova.

      Says John Bolton, himself looking at a presidential run, “Most of the Republican candidates or prospective candidates are heading in the right direction; there’s one who’s headed in the wrong direction.”

      That would be Rand Paul, who prefers “Arab boots on the ground.”

      Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of the new book “The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority.”

      Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - GOP platform More war

  2. Congressmen of both parties have grovelled and fainted and shrieked their support for Bibi and his predecessors with more enthusiasm that the Roman hordes in the Colosseum. Last time Bibi turned up on the Hill, he received literally dozens of standing ovations from the sheep-like representatives of the American people, whose uncritical adoration of the Israeli state – and their abject fear of uttering the most faint-hearted criticism lest they be called anti-Semites – suggest that Bibi would be a far more popular US president than Barack. And Bibi’s impeccable American accent doesn’t hurt.

    And his aim – to earn votes for himself and to destroy the one foreign policy achievement within Obama’s grasp – will have absolutely no effect at all on Israeli-US relations. When Bibi made himself the laughing stock of the UN Security Council – by producing an infantile cartoon of an Iranian bomb with a red line in the middle, indicating that Iran could build nuclear weapons by the end of 2013 – his charade was treated with indulgence by the American media. These mythical deadlines have been expiring regularly for more than a decade, yet still we are supposed to take them seriously. Obama is struggling to reach an agreement with Iran which would protect the world from any nuclear weapon production by the Islamic Republic.

  3. Deuce, you're a good guy, very talented, energetic, creative.

    I admire you.

    But I must whisper this to you - if I could put it in small letters I would - you are into Daffy Duck stuff now.

    You are not making any sense.

    You have said:

    "The Iranians are fighting for civilization"

    Not the Canadians

    Not the Australians

    Not the Brits

    Not the Americans

    Not the Europeans

    "The Iranians are fighting for civilization"

    I whisper it to you is Daffy Duck stuff you are have been talking for tooooo long.

    It is Daffy Duck stuff.

    1. And certainly not Israel, your White Whale.

    2. Looey Farrakhan is a great man.

      Better than them fuckin' Jews.

      Jeeeeesus Chriiiiiiist !

    3. Better than them fuckin' working farmin' goddamned Bob..... that racist shit with his Hindu Niece....

      Yours truly,

      Daffy Duck

    4. Yep, there is a racist piece of shit, here at the Elephant Bar, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      Even he recognizes it.

      bobal said...
      ah, hell, after having thought it over, and considerging that my brother was a doctor, and my sis a med tech, who almost got roughed up by some niggers in Oakland, California, maybe the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

      Thu Nov 13, 01:29:00 AM EST

      ... the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

  4. I was telling my Niece one time how out this way the men have always called the wives:

    'their better half".

    This is not a tradition in India.

    She replied, sensibly enough:

    "That is the way it should be"


    1. She is being published in the journal "Nature".

      Her topic is information flows in the human brain.

    2. She would disagree with our Host about Iran, or any other Moslem country, "fighting for civilization".

      Her country has lost between 80 and 100 MILLION DEAD to these savages.

  5. Blow Job ?

    Deuce is starting to sound suspiciously like Rufus.

  6. You need a break, Deuce.

    I invite you out to God's Country to join the wolf hunt with Robin and I, and my son, and Wayne, and Susan my Lawyer, and her husband the realtor, and Q the Skinner, all to protect Wayne's livelihood from from the Imported Canadian Grey Wolf, and save the Elk, and save your mind, and Wayne's horses and cattle.

    You GOT to get the hell out of Philly.....

    Good Times !

    1. Wayne's count now is three and five -

      Three horses, five cattle......

  7. Rufus, a Mississippi Moron, has brought us this -

    DoJ hires imam who said Ayaan Hirsi Ali deserved death for leaving Islam

    March 5, 2015 11:02 am By Robert Spencer 19 Comments

    Fouad ElBaylyDoes the Justice Department do absolutely no vetting? No background checks? Or do they knows about this over at the DoJ and just don’t care, because after all, to care about such things would be “Islamophobic”?

    “Imam Who Said Ayaan Hirsi Ali Deserved Death Penalty Was Hired By DOJ To Teach Muslim Classes To Federal Prisoners,” by Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, March 3, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

    An Egyptian-born imam who in 2007 said that Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali should receive the death penalty for her criticism of Islam is now a Department of Justice contractor hired to teach classes to Muslims who are in federal prison.

    According to federal spending records, Fouad ElBayly, the imam at Islamic Center of Johnstown in Pennsylvania, was contracted by the DOJ’s Bureau of Prisons beginning last year to teach the classes to Muslim inmates at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution in Cumberland, Md.

    The records show that ElBayly has two contracts worth $12,900 to teach the classes and to provide the inmates “leadership and guidance.” One of the contracts is dated Feb. 20, 2014, and the other is dated Dec. 8, 2014.

    It was April 2007 when ElBayly, the imam at the Islamic Center of Johnston, protested Ali’s scheduled appearance at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown.

    Ali, a former Dutch parliamentarian who fled Somalia with her family at a young age, has been vocal in her critique of Islam, claiming that women suffer greatly under the religion..........

    1. Idiot Rufus actually voted FOR Obama, a Moslem.....

    2. Brought to YOU by Iman Rufus and Iman Deuce.

      "Iran is fighting for civilization."


      Cheers !

  8. >>“Allah Akbar [God is great]” … “Khamenei is the leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.”<<

    Continuing my:

    Iran Is Fighting For Civilization Series --

    arch 6, 2015
    Iran general and 10,000 troops, within six miles of Israeli border
    By James Lewis

    Last week we reported a potential Iranian armored blitzkrieg through Syria to the Golan Heights, on the northern border of Israel. Today’s news may confirm that report.

    Israeli General Israel Ziv (res.) reported in Jerusalem that Iranian general officers have taken command of the Syrian front within six miles of the north-east border of Israel, along with 10,000 “volunteers” from Iran, Iraq and Afganistan.

    From the Israel newspaper Yedioth Achronoth, as translated by the Washington Free Beacon:

    “Iran is taking over the reins in Syria,” said Ziv … “In fact, no military decision [in Syria] is made without [the Iranianian Revolutionary Guard].” He described (Syrian President) Assad as “a puppet looking out at his lost land.”

    This dangerous development may lead to a fast-spreading regional war in the Middle East. An Iranian blitzkrieg against the Golan Heights would trigger Israeli defenses in depth in Syria. Iran could potentially bring more than 100,000 Basiji into the battle, as well as IRGC troops. If Israel is directly threatened, it may well resort to unconventional weapons, and even launch a counter-attack against Iran itself. In previous wars Israel has counter-attacked into Syria and Egypt.

    This news comes amid signs of further American concessions in nuclear negotiations with Iran. However, Iran’s aggression in Syria may torpedo the nuclear talks. Nobody could possibly believe in Iranian good faith in the face of an attack against Israel, more than 1,000 miles from the Iranian border.

    In a separate report, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei published a February 8 statement on his website that “Iran has enriched uranium to the 20-percent level” --- after promising the United States that it would not do so.

    Iranian Air Force officers in Khamenei’s audience were reported to have responded to his statement with a chant,

    “Allah Akbar [God is great]” … “Khamenei is the leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.”

    Iranians have been made to chant those words every day since 1979, when Jimmy Carter permitted the modernizing Shah of Iran to be overthrown by martyrdom-preacher Ayatollah Khomeini, leading to more than a million dead in the following Iran-Iraq War.

    >>“Allah Akbar [God is great]” … “Khamenei is the leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.”<<

  9. Remember Neda -;_ylt=AwrTcYHbm_lU350ARGqJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIybjZqNmt2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM5MjgzMTAyZTJhM2Y2YjBjNWU3YjViMDExYjY0MTc2NwRncG9zAzgEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&

    1. What a beautiful young woman -

      She was somebody's Niece

    2. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson would have US invade Iraq to 'protect' the Muslim Kurds ...

      The discovery of widespread FGM in Iraqi Kurdistan suggests the assumption to be incorrect that FGM is primarily an African phenomenon with only marginal occurrence in the eastern Islamic world. FGM is practiced at a rate of nearly 60 percent by Iraqi Kurds, then how prevalent is the practice in neighboring Syria where living conditions and cultural and religious practices are comparable?

      Why should a single US soldier die to protect this horrid cultural practice,

      Answer US that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

    3. Th Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson tells US why the US should put US boots on the ground, to fight and die to protect the Kurdish Muslims ...

      Bob Oreille Thu Aug 07, 01:07:00 PM EDT
      If you can't see it any other way, think about all those clits, Quirk, think about all those coming clipped clits.

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson thinks that US troops should be protecting those clit clippers ...
      But will not tell US why.

    4. I hate the Iranian leadership.

      Neda could as well have been my Niece.

      They are not 'fighting for civilization'.

      They are savages.

    5. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has talked about Iraqi Law, how it is illegal to clip those Kurdish clits, but refuses to acknowledge that the law is ignored.

      It is not surprising that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson does not acknowledge reality, on the ground in Iraq.
      He does not acknowledge it in Idaho, either
      He does not obey the law, himself.

      bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

      Just like a meth head, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, denies he committed a crime by saying that the loot was owed him, by the people ripped off.

    6. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has claimed that the Kurds are the 'best' of the Muslims, but he refuses to acknowledge that those same Kurds have been allied with the Iranians, for decades.

      Ever since the Mullahs took over Iran.

  10. If there are 10,000 Iranian Troops in Syria I will go fight for Israel

    (and, trust me, I'm not going anywhere.)

    There will never be peace in the world as long as we have lizard-brained people following lizard-brained leaders.

    1. :)


      Not long ago, you were going to fight for Hamas -- :)

      Please make up your 'mind'


  11. rat crapper is back from the shores of Panama...........

    rat crapper is a hater

    I'm going back to bed

    1. bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT

      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.

  12. Productivity growth has been flat in the United States because our idiot tax, and trade laws have driven all investment to China, and the Pacific Rim.

    1. Personally, I'd like to get rid of the capital gains tax.

      My wife would too.

      Our economy is saddled by a tax on the passage of time........


    2. You're a fucking asshole.

      You promised you would go to bed.

    3. Society is saddled by people that defraud banks...
      People that dodge their responsibility to society ...
      People that leave social responsibility to their betters ...

      People that want something for nothing ...

      People like Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    4. Old lizard-brain has done something awfully horrible to some woman (women) sometime in the past.

      The guilt just comes screaming off the page.

  13. A top al-Qeada commander is killed by the Syrian Army ...

    They weep in ISrael

    Israel prefers Daesh (al-Qeada) in Syria, over the Alawites, Christians and their Kurdish allies

    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

    “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

    Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.


  14. Syrian army 'kills top Nusra Front leader'

    Al-Qaeda-linked group says military commander died at militant meeting, but there is no word on Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, its overall leader

    1. Al-Qaeda's Syrian wing, the Nusra Front, announced on Thursday the death of its top military commander, whom insurgent sources said died in an air strike that targeted senior militant leaders.

      General Military Commander Abu Humam al-Shami, a veteran of wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, was the most senior member of the group to die in the Syria war, according to an insurgent source.

      The jihadist group used social media to announce that three other leaders were also killed.

  15. Benjamin Netanyahu in 2002 –
    “If You Take Out Saddam, I Guarantee, It Will Have Enormous Positive Reverberations on the Region”


    1. Bibi lied to US, then, he is lying to US now.

    2. I spent my childhood and at least 1/2 of my adult life being told that the Communist Soviet Union was evil and wanted to annihilate the U.S. in order to obtain world dominance. We were constantly reminded that 'they' had nukes so we had to have more.
      When Israel invaded Egypt, attempting to overthrow Nassar and along with France and Britain gain control of the Suez Canal, Eisenhower was forced into chosing between protecting Israel and helping Hungary. The Iron Curtain rose as a result.
      The Cuban Missile Crisis reminded us that the commies were right at our back door waiting to strike. The same excuse was used to install the Shah of Iran, fight in Korea, Vietnam, and invade Grenada. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, a coalition of U.S., Arab, and Iranian backed fighters joined forces to fight. Yes, at one time the Islamic Republic was a frenemy of an enemy. Bin Laden was no friend of the Tehran 8 however, and the Taliban was strictly Sunni.
      When the Soviet bloc fell it felt like the entire world was upside down. We were now supposed to be friends with the Russians. It took a long time, and of course Putin is now straining that relationship, but even with our sanctions against Russia they are still supporting us in negotiating against a nuclear weaponized Iran. Sometimes you have to work with those you don't trust.
      Israel is going to have to wake up to the idea that world alliances are changing and can not be forged solely based on the past. It is better to negotiate a deal than to walk away, condemning the world to another lifetime of fear and mistrust.

  16. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition led by the U.S. military targeted Islamic State militants with 16 air strikes since early Thursday, its Combined Joint Task Force said.

    A dozen strikes in Iraq - near Mosul, Falluja and Haditha, among other cities - hit seven units of Islamic State fighters and destroyed two buildings, among other targets, the U.S.-led group said in statement on Friday.

    In Syria, four strikes near Dayr az Zawr, Kobani and Tal Hamis hit two groups of fighters as well as several fighting positions, the task force said.

    50 More Dead Men - No Longer Walking

  17. The number of people working "part-time for Economic Reasons" fell by 175,000.

    1. Participation Rate ticked down 0.1%

      Unemployment Rate fell by 0.2% to 5.5%

    2. Wages continue to limp. 1.45% annualized

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The true unemployment rate is now, as it has been for years, somewhere in the teens.

      The Rufus actually knows this.

      It's taken him some time to learn how to lie like son bitch, but he has finally caught on, and is doing it now.

    5. You're an ignorant motherfucker. There are Six "unemployment rates." The most commonly used, no matter who is the president is the U-3 number. That number is 5.5%

      If you are referring to the U-6 number, that number dropped 0.3%, this month, and is now somewhere in the vicinity of 11.3%.

      It includes discouraged workers, and those working "part-time for Economic reasons." It got as high as 17%, or so, at the bottom.


    A large crowd of around 3,000 Orthodox Jews rallied in New York to protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and his speech before the US Congress.

    The demonstrators stood behind police barricades that stretched for five city blocks.

    Haaretz reports:
    Some 3,000 followers of the Satmar Rebbe in Williamsburg took it to the streets of Manhattan Tuesday evening to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his speech to Congress and his claim that he’s an emissary on behalf of world Jewry to warn of a nuclear Iran.

    - See more at:


  19. “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks [Jews] who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

    More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

    It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

    The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”

    – Nobel Prize Winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,“200 Years Together”

    "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
    Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.,7340,L-3342999,00.html

  20. Gentle Reader -

    Many of us here, as I know many of you, were hoping against hope that the ratasshole had finally gotten his, had gotten flattened by a Greyhound Bus, and was 'out of here' for good, but, no such luck, yet.


    But remember, where there is hope, and faith, there is life.....

    1. Thank you, God, for a day and a half of peace.

    2. Speaking of God, it is time, Brothers and Sisters, to bend the knees, and, with folded clasped hands, quietly join together in fervent group prayer for our lost Brother Deuce, to recall him to his better senses, and bring him to distinguish between those who hate and those who do not.....O God of Light and Life, we beseech thee....

    3. Says the most racist asshole on the internet.

    4. I am not mocking.

      A good number of studies have shown, raising as many questions as they answer, that fervent group prayer actually works to a statistically significant extent.......there have been many opinions offered up as to what is going on here......and there have also been a few studies claiming no effect whatsoever....the state of this discussion at this time seems to be that there is a slight effect, but no one can explain it...

      Let us therefore err, if we must, on the happier side, and pray fervently, fervently for our lost Brother Deuce.

      If the devil has you by the balls to such an extent that you are claiming Iran is fighting for civilization, you obviously need all prayer help you can get.

    5. Got as high as 17.1%

      Is currently 11.0%

      Down 35.7% from its high.

    6. Rufus, and ratasshole, are obviously 'beyond help, beyond prayer', having no antennae left to 'get the message' from the Lord.

      ratasshole was born without antennae, Rufus has drunk his to dissolution.

  21. Yea, put me on the side of the god fearing mother fuckers like Bush, the Republicans, The Christian Right and Netanyahu.

    1. It's funny how the assholes that supposedly do all that praying are the ones that are always wanting to "carpet bomb" someone.

  22. I’ll take my chances doing it my way.

  23. War is going to get a whole lot more "surgical."

    Defense and aerospace company Lockheed Martin announced this week that its new fiber-optic laser weapon system, dubbed ATHENA (Advanced Test High Energy Asset), successfully took out a small truck “from more than a mile away” during a recent field test.

    The ATHENA system uses a technique called "spectral beam combining," which involves merging multiple laser modules to create a single and super-powerful 30-kilowatt laser beam. The system is described as having the “highest power ever documented by a laser weapon of its type."

    “To put that in perspective, the laser in an everyday pointer might be about 1 milliwatt, or 3 million times less,” said Motherboard.

    The truck had been resting on props for the field test, but its engine and drivetrain were reportedly running to simulate a real vehicle threat. The laser is said to have disabled the truck’s engine in a “matter of seconds.”

    Engadget writes:

    Rather than causing the engine to explode, as per Hollywood, the truck was simply rendered unable to move. Reading between the lines, perhaps Lockheed believes that the gear will be a useful, potentially non-lethal precaution against explosive vehicles being driven, at speed, towards infrastructure points, guard towers or military bases.

    Keoki Jackson, chief technology officer of Lockheed Martin, said in a statement that the ATHENA test “represents the next step to providing lightweight and rugged laser weapon systems for military aircraft, helicopters, ships and trucks.”

    A few thousand drones with these babies could ruin your whole fucking week

  24. Don't interrupt me.

    I am in holy sacred prayer.

    And Rufus, you fuck hole, since the only people left in Mosul are supporters of ISIS, why NOT carpet bomb the god awful place?

    You count Daid Men No Longer Walking every day, like it is your milk and sugar.

    Just askin'.

    As everyone knows, I am for helping the Kurds and that's it.

    We will just have to let the shots be called by our Napoleon on the Potomac for another two years.

    What else can we do ?

    Our Napoleon has successfully turned the entire mid east into a shit fest, except for Egypt, and he did his best there too but failed thanks to that good feller Sisi.

    1. All those old people, and women with children (as well as the children, themselves) trapped in Mosul are ISIS supporters?

      I rest my case.

      You really do epitomize the ignorant, selfish asshole.

    2. Trapped ?????

      One MILLION of them left, you ignorant, selfish asshole.

    3. I wish you would, finally, 'rest your case', you ignorant selfish racist thoughtless Mississippi asshole.

      This place would be the better for it.

    4. Aren't you heading out any time now bobbo?

  25. "...

    The mainstream opposition in Israel argues that while the prospect of Iran armed with nuclear weapons is totally unacceptable, an agreement could roll back Iran’s nuclear capacity, achieving that very end. They worry that the continued defiance, if not outright sabotage, directed at the White House will affect the tone and tenor of the U.S. relationship, the only ally Israel can ultimately rely upon. They shudder that the Prime Minister compared Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain at Munich.

    Yet the Israeli Prime Minister persists, such is his need, recognizing the enmity he has earned from the U.S. President while trying so obviously (and successfully) to derail his efforts on peace with the Palestinians – and now on disarmament with Tehran. Why?

    A general election will be held March 17, and Mr. Netanyahu’s future is in doubt. The campaign has been caustic, with the Prime Minister’s survival in office by no means assured. The “Zionist Union” (at its heart the Labor party) is according to the current polls likely to emerge as the largest Knesset parliamentary party with 24 of 120 seats, with Mr. Netanyhu’s Likud one or two seats behind. The nuclear issue is the Prime Minister’s attempt to define the electoral debate where he stands and Labor leader Issac Herzog is portrayed as weak and indecisive. Mr. Herzog opposes any headlong rush toward Iran and wants to preserve and make positive Israel’s relations with its only real ally, the United States.

    The Netanyahu record on domestic issues – social and economic; housing and employment – has been lackluster. He has been criticized by the State Comptroller for expenditures at his official residences and his spending habits. Likud operatives are concerned that their leader’s personal popularity is suffering, confirmed by a channel 10 poll last week. A report on the housing crisis, again by the State Comptroller, was published last Wednesday.

    The one factor the Prime Minister believes voters will respond to, given their history and experience is fear: specifically fear of annihilation. Few can envy Israelis, immersed in a region characterized by violence and intolerance. It takes little imagination for many to bypass analytical realities and embrace someone who offers strength now and vengeance, if necessary, later. On existential issues many Israelis admire an iron fist, whatever its consequences. Here the Prime Minister hopes also to outflank the parties of the ultra-nationalist right, stealing their thunder.

    Mr. Netanyahu knows well the Israeli sense of isolation, of facing a hostile Middle East alone. He knows the insecurity this breeds. He is counting on it. He is willing to pay a high price to get it."

  26. A B-2 loaded with that laser could cruise around over Tikrit taking out the headcutters with pinpoint precision.

    Zero collateral damage.

    1. Well, actually, you would want to "dial it back" about 90%, or so, I guess.

    2. Whoa, Dude Bubba, that is sounding a lot like 'carpet bombing'.

      Zero collateral damage.

      You've been drinking, heavily.

      Why is it, Bubba, you like to count the dead so ?

      You spend half the day doing it.

      Death wish ?

    3. NO, you idiot. It's sounding like a perfectly accurate sniper rifle from 30,000 ft.

      No collateral damage from a sniper rifle.

  27. Entry: Iran Fighting For Civilization files -

    March 6, 2015
    Dealing With the Iranian Death Cult
    By Warren Adler

    While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel laid out a strong case for mistrusting Iranian intentions, he did not define the bedrock reason why Iran cannot be trusted. To do that, one must understand the captive mentality of the cult phenomena and how it distorts reason, brainwashes its adherents, and creates unquestioning followers.

    For those of us with strong cognizant memories of the events before, during and after the stunning Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, the current negotiations with Iran to prevent this terror-sponsoring cultist state from developing a nuclear weapon seems chillingly similar.

    Prior to that “day of infamy” as then President Franklin Roosevelt so aptly characterized it, the United States was locked in tense and complicated negotiations with Japan to settle conflicts that divided our two countries. They were many, involving a clash of perceived power divisions in the Pacific with underlying territorial and psychological issues leaving both countries at loggerheads.

    The United States, satisfied that it had broken the Japanese military codes, felt secure enough that it could divine the Japanese positions on its statecraft and military plans. The Japanese, who had entered into a tripartite agreement with Hitler and Mussolini, felt secure in their military might and those of their Axis allies in the face of a largely militarily unprepared America to extract whatever concessions they were seeking from the United States.

    It is true that America is not negotiating alone with Iran, but its position in the discussion and eventual outcome, by virtue of its historical leadership role, makes the comparison worth noting.........

  28. Ruf is an ignorant fuck.

    Napoleon on the Potomac isn't going to do a thing, really.

    'The Situation' is going to be passed on to the Shillary, or some Republican, some Republican whom Deuce has compared a moment of unguarded insanity.... Farrakhan.....

    1. He pulled your Kurds' asses out of the fire.

      Now, he's steadily destroying the rest of ISIS.

      And, not a soldier, Marine, or Airman lost.

      8,600 to Zero, asshole.


  29. (Reuters) - Iraqi government forces and Iran-backed militiamen entered a town on the southern outskirts of Saddam Hussein's home city Tikrit on Friday, pressing on with the biggest offensive yet against Islamic State militants that seized the north last year.

    Military commanders said the army and mostly Shi'ite militia forces had retaken the town of al-Dour on Tikrit's outskirts, known outside Iraq as the area where executed former dictator Saddam was found hiding in a pit near a farm house in 2003.

    It was not immediately clear if the town had entirely fallen. Some officials said the troops were still only in the south and east of the town, which had been rigged with bombs by retreating Islamic State fighters.

    But Hadi al-Amiri, leader of the largest Shi'ite militia group taking part in the operation, said al-Dour had been "totally liberated" and that the advance on another key town north of Tikrit, al-Alam, would take place on Saturday.

    The army, joined by thousands of Shi'ite militiamen backed and advised by Iran, is five days into an advance on Saddam's home city of Tikrit, by far the biggest target yet in a campaign to roll back last year's advance by Islamic State fighters.

    The assault by the Shi'ite-led army and its militia allies on Tikrit in Iraq's Sunni heartland has symbolic importance for both sides. Officials said on Friday they had captured a farm to the east of Tikrit that belonged to Saddam's deputy Ezzat Ibrahim al-Douri, now a prominent ally of the jihadist fighters.

    Douri, King of Clubs in the U.S. army's deck of cards depicting Saddam-era officials wanted after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, is the only member of Saddam's inner circle still at large. Recordings purportedly of him pledging allegiance to Islamic State last year were one of the factors that helped the militants portray themselves as liberators of Sunni territory.

    Tikrit is the first major city that Iraq's forces have attempted to recapture from Islamic State in northern Iraq, and the government hopes the campaign will reverse . . . . .

    Dead Men about to Die

    1. Bob has done gone and bet on a bunch of daid men.

  30. I'm not 'betting' on anything, you ignorant Caliban.

    I am saying your Napoleon of the Potomac has made things a lot worse by taking the troops out way too soon.

    I am saying 'God Bless Sisi'.

    Deal with it.

    You VOTED for that asshole.

    Your asshole, your Napoleon of the Potomac, who supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

    I am saying Deuce is into Daffy Duck World.

    With his comparison of the Republicans to Lewey Farrakhan.

    And his "Iran is fighting for civilization".

    And his monomania regarding the Jews.

    That's all I'm saying.

    Thankfully I have a wonderful Niece, who disregards all this shit, even though her people lost between 80 and 100 MILLION to the muzz over the years.

    She simply says "The ones in the mid east are the worst" and goes about her life at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research.

    She is sane.

    Rufus, Deuce, and ratasshole are not.

    Deuce and Rufus use to be.

    What can I 'do' about it?

    Not a damn thing.

    1. Sane, and lovely too, and young, and humorous, and beautiful, being described as gorgeous, stunning, by those to whom I have sent her picture, and finally, through her own efforts 'on top of the world, Uncle Bob' as she said one day......

      A HINDU who DOESN'T eats cats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      She says "It's not an ending unless it's a happy yet....."


      I am blessed in my old age.

    2. She is 'on top of the world', there in her one room flat in Dresden, Germany.

      And, the truth is, she really is....


    3. She was so excited when she told me she was going to be published in the journal Nature.

      She is my Niece, forever...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I guess you didn't tell your 'niece' about your disdain for peer reviewed science!

    6. Thank the Hindu gods she doesn't know I hang around here....(Hinduism is actually a monotheism, they just like their gods, those spiritual 'incarnations' or projections of human tendencies - what they really think is Tat Tvam Asi)

      She'd think I'M crazy...............and with her degrees she'd probably be right !

    7. Thou Art That

      This puts them at odds with the muzzies who insist, like idiots, Thou Art Not That.

      Christians, as evidenced in Matthew 4- 1-17 agree with the Hindus, though many don't realize it.

      The monomyth.

      And Rufus, an anti- Christian, doesn't even know what I am talking about, the old ignorant alligator eater....

    8. You ARE leaving though, right? Or are you not a man of your word?

    9. I am thinking about it.

      I plead with WiO, come back.

      It's like digging a grave to leave this place to morons like you, Noble Ash.

    10. So, you are thinking of throwing your bud WiO under the bus and keep on keeping on even though you said you were outta here. Typical of you.

  31. Only when it comes to fraudulent global warming peer reviews, Noble Ash.

  32. Her thesis was not philosophical.

    It was brain science, how the information flows......

    1. Or doesn't flow, as is usually the case in this our mutually fucked up 'world'.

    2. Which is, according to the Hindus, just another bus stop.

      The higher type of Christians realize this truth too.

      See: the deeper translation of the 'the other world', 'paradise' the best Christian thought.

      It's a bus stop, and your ticket is where you deserve to go, depending...

      Thankfully God is merciful, and, as Walt Whitman, our National Poet, said, 'the gentle finger of the Lord brings up the laggards'.

  33. Yeah, "god" is merciful - unless you're a little black baby in Africa, starving to death.

    Or, getting blown up by some mad Christian's "carpet bombing" campaign.

    1. And, btw, wasn't the Muslim Brotherhood an Elected Government?

  34. .

    I guess you didn't tell your 'niece' about your disdain for peer reviewed science!

    Peer review is merely one aspect used in building a claim to scientific consensus. Heck, if you had a buddy working in the same field as you and after reading your paper he judged that it met certain scientific standards, you could argue your paper had been peer reviewed.


    1. That is true Quirk, it is just one aspect. Peer review is, I would argue, more effective than, say, review by the corporation funding the research.

    2. .

      It's my understanding that peer review merely speaks to the scientific rigor that goes into the development and techniques of the study. If you are talking the politics that might impact on the data that is used in the study and what is left out you are no doubt right. On the other hand, when you have a paper, that is reviewed by group of people who are in general agreement with the results of the paper (or, even for that matter, whose scientific standing is dependent upon those results) you run into a different set of politics and interests.

      You can't prove a theory. All you can hope for is scientific consensus. If you hope to achieve that scientific consensus, you must at a minimum use accepted scientific tools and techniques in developing your arguments for that theory. Thus peer review.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. welllll, it is all politics in the end but generally peer review does focus on the methodology as opposed to the results. For example, a bunch of academics sit on the editorial board of Nature (I believe they have published methodology for getting on the board of Nature). They review all the papers submitted and determine which ones meet the criteria for Nature to publish. Simply getting published in Nature doesn't mean you study is 'right'. It isn't easy to get into Nature and getting in conveys prestige Nature does have its 'market'.

      True you can't prove a theory but you can disprove one and until it is disproved you can only hope for confirming evidence to pile up thus leading to a consensus amongst your....errrrr peers.
