Thursday, January 08, 2015

President Barack Obama on Thursday proposed making community college free "for everybody who is willing to work for it."

Obama to propose two free years of community college for students

President Barack Obama on Friday will propose making two years of community college free for students.

In a White House video posted Thursday evening, Obama said he wanted to offer “a little preview” of his plans for the Jan. 20 State of the Union address.

“What I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said. “It’s something we can accomplish, and it’s something that will train our workforce so that we can compete with anybody in the world.”

The proposal would make two years of community college free for students with a C+ average who attend school at least half-time and who are making “steady progress” toward their degree.

Obama will visit Pellissippi Community College in Tennessee on Friday. Beginning this year, any state high school graduate is eligible for two years of free community college tuition under the Tennessee Promise.

Federal funding would cover three-quarters of the average cost of community college, and Obama is asking states to pick up the rest of the tab — assuming Congress agrees to the plan in the first place.

“I hope we’ve got the chance to make sure that Congress gets behind these kinds of efforts to make sure that even as we rebound and grow in 2015, that it benefits everybody and not just some,” the president said in the video.
To be eligible, community colleges would have to offer academic programs that fully transfer credits to local public four-year colleges and universities or training programs with high graduation rates that lead to in-demand degrees and certificates. Community colleges must also adopt “promising and evidence-based institutional reforms” to improve student outcomes.

If all 50 states participate, the proposal could benefit 9 million students each year and save students an average of $3,800 in tuition, the White House said.
Nirvi Shah contributed to this report.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can he get it through Congress?

    Nah, not a chance in the world.

    Is it great "politics?"

    You betcha. :)

  3. It looks like it would be about $12 Billion / yr. - or, 6/100 of 1% of GDP.

    I can think of money worse spent. :)

  4. An intense manhunt for two brothers wanted in the Charlie Hebdo magazine massacre focused Thursday on northern France's Picardy region, where sources close to the investigation said a police helicopter might have spotted the suspects.


    The head of Britain's MI5 security service told an audience in London that his agency was offering French intelligence officials its "full support" as France responds to Wednesday's terror attack in Paris.


    While its business is satire, Charlie Hebdo has been the subject of serious venom.

    That includes its publication of cartoons lampooning the Muslim prophet, Mohammed, which some found very offensive.

  5. .

    Finally, something I can definitely applaud Obama over. I have been suggesting this for years.

    Love to see it happen.

    As Rufus points out, it probably won't happen. After all, you could get a few more F-35's for the money.


    1. Would it be available to all?

      Or would there be quotas and set asides?

    2. .

      Well, that's what I get for just responding to a headline.

      I guess I would have to wait to see what this means,

      Community colleges must also adopt “promising and evidence-based institutional reforms” to improve student outcomes.

      Don't want to be Gruberized again.


    3. .

      Would it be available to all?

      Or would there be quotas and set asides?

      I responded to the general idea itself. I think it's great.

      There is no doubt that with a program this big everyone in DC will be trying to dip their beak.


    4. .

      I should have said

      HOWEVER, there is no doubt that with a program this big everyone in DC will be trying to dip their beak.


    5. the devil will be in the details.

      however, a large % of kids going to college should do 2 years at a community college 1st.

      I'd say 40% of kids going to college should be going to trade schools instead.

  6. "Community colleges must also adopt “promising and evidence-based institutional reforms” to improve student outcomes."

    That means they will drop the grading system altogether and just print diplomas.

    But I'm for it too.

    If all the dummies are sitting in the classrooms they aren't out on the streets.

    Make it mandatory.

    With mandatory attendance or jail time, their choice.

    Make it 4 years.....

    1. Free meals and co-ed dorms with mandatory free birth control, too.

      And no off campus passes.

    2. And no off campus cops on campus.

      They can provide their own security, as guns allowed on campus.

    3. Guaranteed $15/hour job digging and refilling ditches upon graduation, with early retirement and benefits, if no other jobs available.

      This is nearly identical to what a high school teacher of mine suggested decades ago. She meant it, too.

      Anything was better for the country than people sitting on their arses, she said.

  7. .

    U.S. tries to teach Iraq ‘the will to fight’

    American trainers return to help rebuild the army, but with ammo in short supply, soldiers are left shouting “bang bang” in drills.

    Saw this story in the WaPo.

    It made me wonder why they don't just try to borrow some extra ammo from the Post Office, or the Agriculture Department, or NOAA, or...


    1. Excellent idea.

      Or buy it off the streets of Detroit.

      "Arm A Soldier Program"

    2. It just goes to show you the inefficiency of our big government.

      America is armed to the teeth and we can't get ammo to those in need.

      Perhaps it's a good thing though. The ammo for the trainees would probably end up in the hands of ISIS in the end anyway.

  8. This year's Wolf Derby failed to net a single wolf.

    A two day event, most folks go down there to drink in the bars in Riggins and talk about shooting wolves.

    1. .

      This year's Wolf Derby failed to net a single wolf.

      However, three pets lost, four yahoos winged.


  9. $1.95/gal here today.

    Time for a gas tax rise, Republicans and Democrats agree.

    Only 95% of the American people are against the idea.
