Friday, January 09, 2015

French police surround terrorists

Live: Siege underway as police surround Charlie Hebdo suspects

© AFP | Members of the GIPN and RAID, French police special forces, walk in Corcy, northern France, on January 8, 2015 
Text by FRANCE 24 
Latest update : 2015-01-09

The police operation to detain the two suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attack is underway Friday, with the three-day manhunt focused on a town 50 kilometres from Paris. The suspects are now surrounded and have reportedly taken at least one hostage.

  • The suspects - brothers Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34 - are thought to have taken one hostage at a small printing shop in the town of Dammartin-en-Goele in the Seine-et-Marne region, around 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from Paris' main airport Charles De Gaulle. 
  • Shots were fired earlier on Friday north-east of Paris as police chased a car believed to contain the suspects, but there were no casualties.
  • The two brothers are suspected of killing 12 people at the Paris-based satirical weekly - eight journalists, two police officers, a maintenance worker, and a visitor. 11 people were also wounded - four of them seriously.
  • Nine people have so far been detained in the search for the brothers.


  1. Why didn't they go to a Paris no-go area?

    Then they could have tried to hide out among the buds, and also perhaps have created a whole bunch of 'martyrs'.

    There are surrounded by 1500 police.

    1500 to 2.

    1. Looks to be nice rolling farm land around there.

  2. Follow all the action live on site, folks.

    Along with running commentary.

    I was trying to identify two large birds out in a field....big fellers....


    1. Follow all the action live on site, folks, on Fox News Live.


    3. "It's like trying to kill the Wehrmacht two at a time" says a former CIA terrorist guy on Fox who thinks we better wake up.

    4. Jeez, now it's 80,000 officers around the site, says a rolling headline.

      If that's right, that's about 6 Army Divisions or something, isn't it?

      Will the French lines hold?

  3. God, Fingerprints and Your Brain

    Did you know that your own set of unique fingerprints can tell you all about how your individual brain processes information?

    It’s true! Watch this week’s Brody File segment with Human Behavioral Specialist Scott Black who explains the fascinating details.

  4. Islamic terrorists.

    Murdering for Mohammed.

    Funny how this blog can't say that....

    oh well...

    1. 200,000 dead in the Mexican War, not a Muslim in sight.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Locked down French school children heard chanting "Charlie" out school windows.

    That's good.....

  6. Shooting at Kosher market in eastern Paris
    5 hostages taken at grocery store; gunman suspected of killing policewoman Thursday; one injured

    Hmmmmm... the silence....

    1. Jack HawkinsThu Jan 08, 08:36:00 AM EST
      Someone here is Juda-centric.

      It sure ain't me or mine.


    2. Who keeps reporting on Juda-centric events, but the Juda.-centric.

      Do the count.

    3. That would be you…

      thousands of posts about Jewish abortions, who isn't a jew, zionism, jews and Israel.

      All supporting the Hamas/al queda point of view.

      You are the same as them…

  7. Fox is reporting DNA found in the brother's apartment has somehow linked these two situations...?....

  8. Dueling Banjos

  9. It's really simple.

    Isis, al Queda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, The Boston Bombers, Hezbollah, Fatah, Revolutionary Guard, Moslem Brotherhood.

    ALL Support A Jew-free world, A Christian-free world, and Jihad. (that includes: Death to America, Death to Israel)

    If you stand and support these groups? You support all of them.

  10. I've noticed, from watching all these pictures from Paris, around Paris, out in the French countryside, that along the roads there are very few or zero billboards and advertising.

    Quirk might well have a tough go making a living in this environment.

    Most of the cities around my area are getting rid of the roadway billboard advertising too.

  11. All these guys were on the USA no-fly list.

  12. The economy created 2.771 Million Jobs in 2014.

    Most since 1999

    1. Meantime, the number of people working "Part-time for Economic Reasons" is down by 976,000 YOY.

    2. You are getting better.

      At least you didn't say "Obama" created 2.771 Million Jobs in 2114.

    3. About a third, or even more, of those jobs were created in the red state of Texas.

    4. I love how all "jobs" are equal….

      A career destroyed, now says "welcome to walmart" and it's counted the same.

    5. Job quality did not fare well either, with wages actually declining for the month by 5 cents an hour, pulling the annualized gain down to 1.7 percent. The average work week held steady at 34.6 hours. However, the amount of full-time workers surged by 427,000 while part-time positions dropped by 269,000.

    6. I guess you can spin stats to say anything.

      I often heard that a recession is what's going around, but if you lose your job? It's a depression.

  13. REPORT: Trocadero Square Evacuated Near EIFFEL TOWER – Reports of Armed Incident
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, January 9, 2015, 8:26 AM

    A third situation is being reported in Paris this afternoon.
    ** The Kouachi brothers are held up in a building holding a hostage in a small industrial town northeast of Paris.
    ** Another hostage situation at an East Paris deli – two people are dead.

    ** And now there are reports of an incident at the Eiffel Tower.
    eiffel tower
    The Eiffel Tower went dark last night in honor of the Islamic terror attack victims.

    Police are swarming in the area near the Eiffel Tower.

  14. Some asshole, here, spent the last several years wailing and gnashing his teeth over "The Obama Economy;"

    Now, Obama has "nothing to do with it."

    Stick with your racist, right-wing hate sites, bozo, and let the adults discuss economics.

  15. I've wailed and gnashed my teeth over O'bozo's foreign policy, you racist blame whitey first bozo and Hamas supporter.

    You just don't like the idea most of your jobs have been created in red states, you Mississhitti drunk descendent of slavers.


    1. You, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, are truly a racist, truly a bigot and beyond or because of those two truths, a fool.

    2. Wow, when you can't argue the facts you call people names…

    3. Just search "Obama Economy/Bob Oreille"

    4. Wrong again, "O"rdure.
      Just follow the instructions posted above.

      They will let you do that at the Madoff School of Business in Tel Aviv, won't they?

    5. Jack, why?

      Are you on the WIO is an Israeli again? But Jack, even though you stalked the WRONG Jew for a decade at the Chocolate Emporium, doesn't mean I still aint in Ohio….

      all that Parve Chocolate ya know…


      Jack, we have lost count of the times you have been exposed as a fraud, liar and a misdirection specialist.

      You now are simply a vocal supporter of al queda.

    6. Rufus, I've mocked O'bozo all I can because I think he is truly terrible for the country. I probably mocked the Obama Economy too.

      But I've always said Presidents have very little control over the economy.

      Herbert Hoover didn't and neither did FDR.

      Congress has more control, and they obviously haven't mastered the art.

      Too many changed circumstances, too much new innovation, too many things happening around the world.

      Your view of things is always so damned Budweiser simplistic.

  16. Jack HawkinsFri Jan 09, 10:56:00 AM EST
    200,000 dead in the Mexican War, not a Muslim in sight.

    Oh my bad, I didn't understand this thread was about Mexico…

    1. 300,000 dead in the syria "un-civil" war murdered by Syria, Iran and Hezbollah…

      all muslims all the time.

    2. It is about violence, the death of innocents and bringing the miscreants to justice in foreign lands.
      Not about Muslims and Jews, "O"rdure

    3. As for Syria, there are Christians, Alawites and Muslims involved in that spate of violence.
      The Zionist self proclaimed Jews in Israel, supporting the Muslims in the conflict.

    4. So when are you going to turn yourself in for all the civilians you killed in Central America?

    5. The "self proclaimed Jews"

      Sorry Jack, From Hitler to the UN, they all agree, we are the Jews.

      Now you?

      No one KNOWS for sure what you are, other than a Jew hating, Israel bashing, Zionist trashing, Hamas loving troll.

      BTW, please let us know where you have purchased your grave as I do wish to visit it and pee on it… :)

  17. Great news….

    Jack will be happy to know that two more Jews are dead!!!!

    Reports: 2 dead, standoff in Paris kosher supermarket hostage crisis

    Read more:

    Tell me Jack, does it warm your heart?

    1. It saddens me that you re telling the world that the murder of Jews is Great new
      But then, again, Zionists do murder Jews and celebrate it.

      Zionists murder civilians, Jewish refugees in a False Flag operation

      On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe,
      exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

      The Zionist “Haganah” claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land.
      Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius, it blew up the vessel for its propaganda value.

      “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,”
      Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958.

    2. It saddens me that you re telling the world that the murder of Jews is Great news

    3. I aint.

      Learn to read.

      "Great news….

      Jack will be happy to know that two more Jews are dead!!!!

      Reports: 2 dead, standoff in Paris kosher supermarket hostage crisis

      Read more:

      Tell me Jack, does it warm your heart?"

      Clearly I am referring to YOU and your happiness of Jew deaths. Not mine, nor am I telling the world that.

      If anything I am telling the world that you, Jack Hawkins, HATER of jews, will be happy…

      Once can only draw that conclusion after reading your thousands of posts of joy about the deaths of Jews…

    4. Jack, will you be passing out candy AGAIN to celebrate the death of Jews?

    5. Jack, our readers KNOW your hatred of all things Jewish, including the people….

    6. Jack, is there a SPECIAL candy you pass out at shootings verses let's say suicide bombers?

    7. Jack, we all KNOW you support Hamas and their genocide against the "self names Jews", funny if Hamas thinks they are Jews, should you not as well, after all you are a member of Hamas.

    8. Babble on "O"rdure, but now and for the duration we have you telling u what Great news the murder of Jews is, for you.

      No, I do not agree with you. That you would think that the murder of Jews would warm the hearts of others, as it does you Zionists, just another brick in the wall.

    9. Babble on "O"rdure, but now and for the duration we have you telling us

    10. Jack, Jack, Jack, still playing with yourself?

      It's you that seeks the destruction of the jewish state….

      Not I

      I stand for Jews and Israel.

      I stand for America.

      You stand for Jew haters and Hamas

      Simple truth..

      Be honest…

      Nothing worse than a cowardly Jew hater

  18. Meet the three American families bank-rolling Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu

    More than 90 per cent of the recent campaign contributions collected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came from the US, official records show. In previous campaigns, around half of his campaign funding has come from just three American families.

  19. To our readers Jack got shit on his face again, so he changes the subject…


  20. Enough for now, I have to fly to Tel Aviv to make PARVE Dark Chocolate….


    1. not to worry, private jet ya know… shaves hours off the flight…

      I love my Net Jet leased plane…

    2. Not the best value in private jets, "O"rdure ...

      Do you like their Hawkers?

    3. Are you getting any hours, because usually the Net Jet does not allow clients to pilot their planes.

    4. That's why they have PILOTS…


      Sometimes you are so lame.

    5. I guess even you can't use those private planes to easily now can you?

      TSA showing up and all sorts of small airports…


      Trapped in AZ….


    6. How he gets to his new off shore job in Panama is what I can't figure out.

    7. Bob, he set up a shell corp in panama to hold his drug money from his black op days...

      he don't work, he sells guns to the mexicans and drugs to the americans...

    8. And here he told us all he had a BIG stock and bond Portfolio, was a cattle rancher, and ran a publishing house.

      Jeez, ya can't believe a word he says, truly.

      Whatever he does, I feel sure he lives in his mom's basement though.

    9. .

      How he gets to his new off shore job in Panama is what I can't figure out.

      In the rat-copter?


  21. 4 hostages, 3 terrorists dead.

    1. 4 hostages at the kosher deli

    2. PARIS — The French police on Friday killed the two brothers suspected of massacring 12 people at a Paris newspaper on Wednesday and freed a hostage they had been holding unharmed, the authorities said. But at least three hostages were killed when the police staged a separate assault on a kosher supermarket in Paris.

      Five hostages at the supermarket, on the eastern edge of Paris, were injured, and five were reported to have been freed. The hostage taker, described as an associate of the brothers, was also killed, according to a senior French police official.

      French Police Storm Hostage Sites, Killing Gunmen
      Charlie Hebdo Suspects Dead in Raid; Hostage Taker in Paris Is Also Killed

      Well, that's that, unless something is going on at the Eiffel Tower.

      Happily some of the hostages survived.

    3. That is not that.

      It is being reported there were two jihadis in the kosher deli and one has gotten away.

      The manhunt continues...

      Also the girlfriend seems to be missing......(?)

  22. Bob…

    The issue is simple.

    Deuce, Jack and others view Israel as a illegal colony, to be removed by any means. Killing of Jews by any method to achieve this goal is just fine with them.

    They apply one standard to Israel and no standards to any other nation on the planet, in terms of warfare, law fare and standards of behavior.

    To keep it simple goes the following: Would you live under Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah or Iran's Mullahs?

    A simple yes or no will do.


    1. Yeah, I know.

      Beyond my comprehension, their attitude, but, yeah, I know.

    2. Let them all go and live with Rufus in Gaza.


  23. MI5 in Britain seems quite serious in their warnings that more, and worse, is soon to come. To Europe, the West, North America, Israel.....

    It seems to be the first time they have gone so strongly so far out on the warning/prediction limb.

    If so, the Islamics will be doing their part to elect a Republican President...

    Maybe they are thinking to get some blows in before O'bozo leaves office. Who the hell can read their 'minds'?

    They are strengthening the European anti immigration parties as we speak....

  24. 14 STATES COLDER THAN MARS......Drudge

    Now that puts it in perspective.

    1. On the other hand -

      WASH POST: Arctic blast helps burn fat......Drudge

      Nice and mild here.

  25. Here you go Bob and WiO:

    "What separates ISIS from other terrorist groups in the Middle East?

    Reader Rob Dent in Abbotsford, B.C. asks, “What are the main differences between ISIS and other Middle East terrorist groups?” Patrick Martin, The Globe’s Middle East correspondent says, “That’s a good question, Rob. On the surface many of the Middle East groups appear similar – most subscribe to a radical Islamist agenda and use violence against civilian non-combatants,” he writes. “But they vary in political goals, structure, religious doctrine and techniques.” Martin explains:

    Islamic State, as the group calls itself, was formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) as well as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). It began as a spinoff from al-Qaeda in Iraq, becoming known only as Islamic State in Iraq.

    As the name suggests, Islamic State has defined territorial goals, seeking to establish an Islamic caliphate in Iraq, Syria and other countries in the Levant (Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine). Al Qaeda, on the other hand seeks a worldwide caliphate and controls numerous affiliates or franchises in several countries.

    It should be noted, however, that Islamic State’s recent name change suggests its goals may now encompass a wider area too. Indeed, a number of radical Islamist groups – in Sinai, Libya and the Maghreb — have recently pledged allegiance to IS.

    Islamic State has gone so far as to appoint its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as “caliph” in the territory it controls in Syria and Iraq. This is one of the things that distinguishes al-Qaeda from Islamic State. The former has not appointed a “caliph” and does not control any defined territory, preferring to operate clandestinely. As well, al-Qaeda or its affiliates frequently engage in attacks on targets outside the Middle East – in Europe, Asia and the Americas, whereas Islamic State operations are limited to consolidating or expanding the territory it now controls.

    There is a concern that IS fighters, many of whom are drawn from Islamic communities in Western countries, may return to these countries and engage in acts of terrorism in order to raise the group’s profile even further.

    These two major Islamist movements differ also in their techniques of terror – al Qaeda favours larger bombing or firearm assaults, the scale of which speaks to the organization of the operation and strikes fear by the power displayed.

    1. Islamic State terrorizes people by the brutality of its acts – sometimes just the beheading of a single person, done before a camera and shown to the world in all its gory detail, and sometimes by the execution of large numbers of captives including women and children. Al-Qaeda itself has denounced such treatment of people, suggesting it gives Islamist terror a bad name.

      Other groups in the Middle East also use terror to achieve objectives but are quite unlike Islamic State. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have carried out violent attacks against civilian non-combatants in Israel. Unlike Islamic State, however, neither of these Palestinian Islamic movements seeks to create a caliphate, nor a completely religious state. Their goals are more national and their attacks have been part of a broader campaign to expel Israelis from Palestine in which they seek to have a Palestinian state.

      Hamas, in particular, has declared its willingness to settle for a state within the pre-1967 borders that separated Israel from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Such a compromise notion would be unthinkable for Islamic State.

      The Lebanese movement Hezbollah also confines its goals to one national state, Lebanon, in which it seeks political power. The group is primarily distinguished from Islamic State by religious beliefs – Hezbollah is a Shia movement, closely linked to Iran, while Islamic State is Sunni and views Hezbollah members as apostates. The two are on opposing sides in the Syrian Civil War, with Hezbollah forces helping the regime of Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite, a sect related to Shiism, while IS forces are fighting against the regime."

    2. Sorry Ash, your article is crap.

      Hamas does not seek a state. They seek a base to continue attacks.

      Let the announce tomorrow that Israel has a right to be the Jewish Nation State of Israel and all they seek are peace and borders, til then?

      You're blowing smoke up our ass...

    3. The Lebanese movement Hezbollah also confines its goals to one national state, Lebanon

      More crap ash...

      But I expect nothing less...

    4. AshFri Jan 09, 05:16:00 PM EST
      Here you go Bob and WiO:


      No matter how you slice it?

      Jews end up DEAD

    5. A Wise Man believes that all the Islamic terrorists waging Jihad war on the western world are ultra-extremist Sunni Muslims, [and it still has to be proven], that any Shia Muslim groups are any of the Islamic terrorist groups waging Jihad war on the US and Europeans?...... [and now?].... the US is still arming and training ultra-extremist foreign Sunni Muslims in Turkey and Jordan to wage Jihad war against the Shia Muslim led government of Syria?]..... [WHY?]..... because they're Shia Muslim?].

      SOME say Hezbollah is a Shia Muslim terrorist group, [but they have never declared Jihad war on the US or Europeans], and nobody can prove they have made war on them?..... The Shia Muslim Hezbollah was formed in 1982 to combat the Israeli invasion of Shia Muslim Lebanon, and they and Israel have been waging sporadic war against each other ever since, [and then], the US had Hezbollah labeled a terrorist group, even though they only defended Shia Muslim Lebanon, and help the Shia Muslim led government of Syria fight against the foreign ultra-extremist foreign Sunni Muslims the US armed and trained in Turkey and Jordan to oust the Shia Muslim led government of Syria, [and that], and still being the enemy of Israel made the US label them terrorists?...... [think about it?].

  26. Ash?

    I hope your grandkids marry Hamas and Hezbollah members

  27. What is "Occupation"Fri Jan 09, 05:47:00 PM EST

    I hope your grandkids marry Hamas and Hezbollah members


    That about wraps up the title for “Most Vile”. You attack a man’s grandchildren? That comment defines “vile”.

    To the subject on the article:

    The Viet Cong were nationalists opposed to foreign occupation. We were on their turf. We were invaders. Israel has spawned nationalistic groups opposed to occupation by another recent colonial power. The Greek partisan fought the Nazi occupation and the Kurds have been fighting foreign occupation of their lands as did the Apaches and the Iroquois. It is the oldest human source of conflict and every occupying power called all of them terrorist and rebels.

    Israel compounded the problem by making it a religious war. The Zionists claim of a religious entitlement and been argued ad nauseam on this site.

    Israel practices an exclusion policy that permits any person from anywhere to settle on Israeli occupied lands based on Judaism. The offended religion is Islam, a religion that composed many nationalities most of them at war with each other at one time or another. Events of the past 70 years created a symbol and branded Judaism with Zionist and Israel. The actions and reaction of the branding gave impetus to both nationalistic groups opposed to foreign occupation and religious fanatics that focused on the religious component.

    Israel Inc furthered the process by claiming that Israel was the canary in the coal mine and that Israel is the West. Israel represents Western Values. Israeli propaganda did everything it could to blur the differences and in the minds of those offended, has succeeded in dragging European and US interests into their continued disruption. The settlements, the walls, the continuous wars, the killing with US and European supplied weapons and political support has taken its toll.

  28. Who were the two killers in the Paris slaughter?

    1. Juan Cole makes a very sensible assessment of the context and their history.
