Wednesday, July 09, 2014

The US Elective Monarchy and the Imperial Presidency

Live stupid and you get stupid

In 2012, after a series of high-profile journalist arrests at Occupy protests, the United States dropped 27 places in Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index, landing in 47th place. The following year, saw some progress as the U.S. climbed back up to 33rd place, but the last year has erased those gains landing us back at 46th. 


  1. We all pay the price for the leaders we elect:

    Tue Jul 01, 02:10:00 AM EDT
    Those young men were doomed when their so-called leaders and protectors flooded the occupied territories with thousands of angry young men looking for the three unfortunate boys. Now that they are dead, Netanyahu is all but guaranteeing that more young men and children will die on both sides. Is Netanjahu so foolish that he does not realize that there are killers and sociopaths that will do their best to keep up the murder-cycle and raise the ante? Netanyahu knows exactly what will happen and nothing will ever change until reasonable people get rid of such political leaders.

    One week later:

    Israeli jets and naval gunfire pounded the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing more than 20 people and injuring dozens more, as the government of Binyamin Netanyahu launched a large-scale military operation against the Islamist militant group Hamas in the coastal enclave.

    Israel announced it had authorised the call-up of up to 40,000 reservists for a possible ground operation, even as it began moving convoys of additional tanks and other armour to the Gaza border.

    1. Nonsense.

      Hamas has been shooting rockets for months and months, they have been tunneling and attempting kidnappings over and over again. they have planted IED's and shot civilian farmers…

      It didn't start with the additional war crime of kidnapping and murdering 3 teenagers as an act of political terror.

  2. Tuned to perfection. We have the leadership we deserve.

  3. ...and Rat and Bob, take it somewhere else. You are two boring fools.

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationWed Jul 09, 05:32:00 AM EDT


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Perhaps a nice letter to Hamas and some candies would do the trick. Otherwise, something will have to be done about those rockets. I am all ears for a non-kinetic solution.

    1. Withdrawal by the Israeli to the 1967 borders.
      End the Apartheid System of sectarian discrimination.
      Allow the return of the 1948 refugees.
      Create equality under the law for all residents.

    2. Iron Dome is impressive though. Figures out which rockets are going to land harmlessly and ignores those. The other ones, successful intercepts approach 100%. This is how you waste taxpayer dollars, if you must.

    3. Do these terms apply to the arab world?

      "Withdrawal by the arabs to the 1967 borders
      End the Apartheid System of sectarian discrimination.
      Allow the return of the 1948 refugees.
      Create equality under the law for all residents.

  5. Well Allen, it was hardly a stroke of genius to see the consequences and outcomes of Netanyahu’s none too subtle strategy.

    1. You hate Netasnyahu for some illogical reason.

      We get it.

      Take it somewhere else.

      Many of us are sick and tired of your prejudice.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Political and military suppression will not always trump purloined military technology. It never has. It incentivizes it. The Israeli brand has been broken by right-wing Israeli politicians. Netanyahu owns this latest debacle.

  7. Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

    Sounds like the Porky 'n' Allen show is over on FB too.

    1. Here’s a full translation of Shaked’s posting:

      This is an article by the late Uri Elitzur, which was written 12 years ago, but remained unpublished. It is as relevant today as it was at the time.

      The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with war. Not an operation, not a slow-moving one, not low-intensity, not controlled escalation, no destruction of terror infrastructure, no targeted killings. Enough with the oblique references. This is a war. Words have meanings. This is a war. It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started.

      I don’t know why it’s so hard for us to define reality with the simple words that language puts at our disposal. Why do we have to make up a new name for the war every other week, just to avoid calling it by its name. What’s so horrifying about understanding that the entire Palestinian people is the enemy? Every war is between two peoples, and in every war the people who started the war, that whole people, is the enemy. A declaration of war is not a war crime. Responding with war certainly is not. Nor is the use of the word “war”, nor a clear definition who the enemy is. Au contraire: the morality of war (yes, there is such a thing) is founded on the assumption that there are wars in this world, and that war is not the normal state of things, and that in wars the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.

      And the morality of war knows that it is not possible to refrain from hurting enemy civilians. It does not condemn the British air force, which bombed and totally destroyed the German city of Dresden, or the US planes that destroyed the cities of Poland and wrecked half of Budapest, places whose wretched residents had never done a thing to America, but which had to be destroyed in order to win the war against evil. The morals of war do not require that Russia be brought to trial, though it bombs and destroys towns and neighborhoods in Chechnya. It does not denounce the UN Peacekeeping Forces for killing hundreds of civilians in Angola, nor the NATO forces who bombed Milosevic’s Belgrade, a city with a million civilians, elderly, babies, women, and children. The morals of war accept as correct in principle, not only politically, what America has done in Afghanistan, including the massive bombing of populated places, including the creation of a refugee stream of hundreds of thousands of people who escaped the horrors of war, for thousands of whom there is no home to return to.

      And in our war this is sevenfold more correct, because the enemy soldiers hide out among the population, and it is only through its support that they can fight. Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. Actors in the war are those who incite in mosques, who write the murderous curricula for schools, who give shelter, who provide vehicles, and all those who honor and give them their moral support. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.

    2. So Hamas, in it's OFFICIAL charter calls for the murder of every JEW, not Israeli, but that escapes your attention.

      Hamas TARGETS civilians, kids and women. That escapes your attention

      But you claim the article calls for genocide and your panties are in a knot….

      Please show me where he calls for genocide?

      If the palestinians SURRENDER the war ends...

  8. The Ospreys attack the Eagles, wham wham wham from above if they must.

    They are very protective of their young.

    Nearly 50% of young Eagles die trying to fly and land.

    It is tough out there around the lakes.

  9. If I get pushed by you Duece about the Jews and the 'Palestinians' I will just put up Martha Gellhorn's great article again.

    "They eat hate. They breath it. Their media is one long scream of hate. And what has it ever gotten them?"

    We used to have wonderful female writers back when our nation could still think.

  10. In the everlasting battle between the Eagles and the Osprey, I side with the Osprey.

    They are, after all, fisherfolk, and I like that.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Get some coffee, Deuce, and relax.

  13. This comment has nothing to do with the hate filled arabs, but my Niece just sent me a photo copy of her University of Idaho Masters
    Degree Certificate.


    She is the embodiment of courage, and I love her so.

    She is wonderful.

  14. Godamned fucking North Idaho racist that I am.


  15. She don't, particularly like the muzzies.

    And one can easily understand why.

    Her folk don't blow shit up.

  16. .

    I thought the subject of Deuce's initial post was a topical one. Then the next 14 are about Israel. These followed by some dreamer from Idaho who while talking about ospreys and eagles still manages to get one of his posts pulled by the blog administrator. Brilliant.

    Oh well.


    Countries that pride themselves on being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an example, far from it. Freedom of information is too often sacrificed to an overly broad and abusive interpretation of national security needs, marking a disturbing retreat from democratic practices. Investigative journalism often suffers as a result.

    This has been the case in the United States (46th), which fell 13 places, one of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest.

    US journalists were stunned by the Department of Justice’s seizure of Associated Press phone records without warning in order to identify the source of a CIA leak. It served as a reminder of the urgent need for a “shield law” to protect the confidentiality of journalists’ sources at the federal level. The revival of the legislative process is little consolation for James Risen of The New York Times, who is subject to a court order to testify against a former CIA employee accused of leaking classified information. And less still for Barrett Brown, a young freelance journalist facing 105 years in prison in connection with the posting of information that hackers obtained from Statfor, a private intelligence company with close ties to the federal government.

    The United Kingdom (33rd, -3) distinguished itself in the war on terror by the disgraceful pressure it put on The Guardian newspaper and by its detention of David Miranda, journalist Glenn Greenwald’s partner and assistant, for nine hours. Both the US and UK authorities seem obsessed with hunting down whistleblowers instead of adopting legislation to rein in abusive surveillance practices that negate privacy, a democratic value cherished in both countries.

    The “special intelligence protection bill” that the National Diet in Japan (59th, - 5) adopted in late 2013 would reduce government transparency on such key national issues as nuclear power and relations with the United States, now enshrined as taboos. Investigative journalism, public interest and the confidentiality of journalists’ sources are all being sacrificed by legislators bent on ensuring that their country’s image is spared embarrassing revelations.

    The “war on terror” is also being exploited by governments that are quick to treat journalists as “threats to national security.” Dozens of journalists have been jailed on this pretext in Turkey (154th), especially for covering the Kurdish issue. In Morocco, unchanged in 136th position, the authorities readily confused journalism with terrorism since the case of online newspaper editor Ali Anouzla. In Israel (96th, +17), freedom of information is often sacrificed to purported security requirements.

    In India’s northern Kashmir region, mobile Internet and communications are suspended in response to any unrest. In the north of Sri Lanka (165th, -2), the army reigns supreme, tolerating no challenge to the official vision of the “pacification” process in Tamil separatism’s former strongholds. Alarmed by the Arab Spring turmoil, authoritarian regimes in the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia have stepped up media censorship and surveillance to head off any “attempt at destabilization.”


    1. .

      The US ideal as published by the State Department

      Press Freedom
      May 3rd marks the annual commemoration of World Press Freedom Day. The United States values freedom of the press as a key component of democratic governance. Democratic societies are not infallible, but they are accountable, and the exchange of ideas is the foundation for accountable governance. In the U.S. and in many places around the world, the press fosters active debate, provides investigative reporting, and serves as a forum to express different points of view, particularly on behalf of those who are marginalized in society. The U.S. commends journalists around the world for the important role they play, and for their commitment to the free exchange of ideas.
      The U.S. in particular salutes those in the press who courageously do their work at great risk. The press is often a target of retaliation by those who feel threatened by freedom of expression and transparency in democratic processes. Journalists are often the first to uncover corruption, to report from the front lines of conflict zones, and to highlight missteps by governments. This work places many journalists in danger, and it is the duty of governments and citizens worldwide to speak out for their protection and for their vital role in open societies.the truth.


    2. .

      The US reality as published by the Huffington Post

      After a year of attacks on whistleblowers and digital journalists and revelations about mass surveillance, the United States plunged 13 spots in the group's global press freedom rankings to number 46.

      Reporters Without Borders writes that the U.S. faced "one of the most significant declines" in the world last year. Even the United Kingdom, whose sustained campaign to criminalize the Guardian's reporters and intimidate journalists has made headlines around the world, dropped only three spots, to number 33. The U.S. fell as many spots as Paraguay, where "the pressure on journalists to censor themselves keeps on mounting."


  17. This comment has nothing to do with the hate filled arabs, but my Niece just sent me a photo copy of her University of Idaho Masters
    Degree Certificate.

    We've seen the stats on Idaho on wages and education. A Masters at UI is like a high school diploma anywhere else.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Bob is a looney tuneWed Jul 09, 10:27:00 AM EDT

      Real quality contribution

    3. .

      Stupid what?

      Thus speaketh out resident member of NOW.


  18. We used to have wonderful female writers back when our nation could still think.

    I like Rita Mae Brown. Molly Bolt from Robyfruit Jungle is Huckleberry Finn in a skirt. And RMB also wrote a great novel about womenfolk serving in the Army of Northern Virginia disguised as male butternuts.

  19. Great stuff, related in some ways to my chosen occupation:

    "Hamas knows that even if all its ammunition fell on Israel in one fell swoop, it would not bring Israel to its knees. The threat of rockets from Gaza is a nuisance whose damage-causing ability is limited. In the past, the ratio of rockets to Israeli fatalities was one fatality per 100 rockets. In Operation Pillar pf Defense, this ratio already rose to 1:250. The interceptor systems have proved themselves wonderfully well, causing Hamas a great deal of frustration," Inbar declares.
    An Israeli security source said in the past that analyzing and weighing Iron Dome's performance in the previous campaigns showed that the system had averaged 90% success. The system has been undergoing regular improvements, thanks to software and hardware revisions jointly led by Rafael engineers and air defense personnel, following constant analysis of various interception events.
    Improvements and upgrading of the software system are today enabling Iron Dome to achieve very high interception rates even for the Fajr-5 rockets and their copies threatening cities in the central region. At the same time, the cost of each interception was and remains high: the estimated cost of one Tamir missile interceptor used in the Iron Dome system is $100,000.

    1. One can only hope that Israel gets tired of a pissing contest with the islamic nazis called Hamas and flattens them into nothing.

      Gaza will be re-occupied very soon and split into 3 sections.

      then the critics of Israel may say Gaza is occupied.

      Of course, with a good occupation Israel will control all news and tv broadcasts, arrest, try and lock up all hamas war criminals.

      Shooting rockets at civilians is a clear war crime.

      Once the occupation starts? The real winners? Will be the innocent men, women and kids that have been terrorized by their own brother arabs for so long.

      America did it in Japan and Germany.

      It's time to do it in the middle east.

  20. The last remaining strains of smallpox are kept in highly protected government laboratories in Russia and at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. And, apparently, in a dusty cardboard box in an old storage room in Maryland. The CDC said today that government workers had found six freeze-dried vials of the Variola virus, which causes smallpox, in a storage room at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland last week. Each test tube had a label on it that said "variola," which was a tip-off, but the agency did genetic testing to confirm that the viruses were, in fact, smallpox.


  21. .

    Speaking of transparency.

    Obama: "This is the Most Transparent Administration in History."

    Recent examples:

    1. The top administrators at the VA put out a memo to all regional directors of the veteran's administration to turtle up and refrain from responding to questions from Congress or offering commentary on the ongoing VA crisis.

    2. After much delay, the administration will, in a few days, allow members of Congress to visit some of the holding facilities were the children who have recently flooded the borders are being held. They will not only not be able to interview the children (something that is somewhat understandable) but they will also not be allowed to take pictures, make any type recordings, or even question any of the staff at these facilities. Did I mention we are talking members of the US Congress.

    Yep, now that is transparency.


    1. If Obama were running for a political office, oh, the hay we could make.
      But he is not, is he?

      Instead we will be presented with the choice of Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren vs Rick Perry, Jeb Bush or a candidate to be named later.

      Barack Obama will be no where on the ballot or to be seen in public.
      Gnashing of teeth and rending of clothing will not change that reality.

      Rather than bringing forth Articles of Impeachment, the Speaker of the House threatened a "Law Suit".
      Another media minute that has faded to black.

    2. .

      We shall see.

      I put up a study yesterday that was published in the NYT indicating that people's life long party affinity or rather whether they end up liberal or conservative seems to be affected significantly by what is happening at the the time young people become politically aware. If there is truth in the study, Obama's influence may have an effect decades into the future.

      Why Teenagers Today May Grow Up Conservative

      Here is an op-ed from CNN that describes the atmosphere young millennials are growing up in today under Obama.

      Obama Hasn't Hit Rock Bottom Yet

      When a president becomes a target of pity, a caricature and walking joke, it is not pretty.


    3. Happened to Reagan, the man that could not 'remember' Iran-Contra.
      Happened to LBJ, sunk so low he would not run for reelection
      Happened to Nixon, he resigned rather than fight to the finish
      Happened to Clinton, he was impeached
      Happened to GW Bush, becoming a caricature that just fell off the earth,

    4. No impeached President has ever been convicted by the Senate.
      The prospect of not obtaining a conviction is no reason not to bring the indictment, if the evidence is sufficient to satisfy the public.

  22. Boehner’s lawsuit gets slammed by both sides

    WASHINGTON (CNN) — Man up. Afraid. Feckless.

    Those are terms used to describe House Speaker John Boehner and his plan to sue President Barack Obama. And those are just from from critics on the right.

    Since Boehner announced his intention nearly two weeks ago, reaction has been mixed — at best.

    Republican anger over the President’s sidestepping of a stalemated Congress to use his “pen and phone” on issues of immigration, minimum wage, LGBT rights and energy production is for real and far reaching.

    Boehner’s attempt to answer what he considers a rogue presidency is to sue.

    “The President has circumvented the American people and their elected representatives through executive action, changing and creating his own laws, and excusing himself from enforcing statutes he is sworn to uphold,” Boehner wrote in an op-ed on over the weekend.

    But sharp critics say taking Obama to court isn’t the right one.

    Naysayers on the right …

    Chief among them is Erick Erickson, editor of the conservative blog Red State.

    “John Boehner’s lawsuit is nothing more than political theater and a further Republican waste of taxpayer dollars,” he wrote Monday.

    He also said Boehner needs to “man up” in more ways than one.

    “John Boehner and the House Republicans may lack the testicular fortitude to fight President Obama,” Erickson wrote.

    Another conservative naysayer, columnist and author Andrew McCarthy, called Boehner’s actions “feckless.”

    “Boehner and Beltway Republicans are essentially saying, ‘We can’t use our power because Obama and his media friends would say mean things about us. But our lunatic conservative base is demanding action. So let us file a lawsuit so we can say we did something,’ ” McCarthy wrote (sarcastically), dissecting Boehner’s suit threat.

    “Now that’s leadership!” McCarthy added.

    For those two, anything short of impeachment is weak and chalked up to political drama in an election year.

    Proof that political foes do see eye to eye, the White House gleefully seized the opportunity to promote Erickson.

    Spokesman Eric Schultz tweeted, “I had a bunch of reporters ask me for response to Boehner op-ed this weekend. Guess I should have sent them here,” which is a link to Erickson’s column.

    1. .

      Naturally, Boehner's lawsuit would get slammed by the Dems. What would you expect?

      As for the the Republicans quoted, they merely 'slam' it because they think it doesn't go far enough. They want nothing short of impeachment.

      Here is a definition for 'feckless'.

      [fek-lis] Show IPA
      ineffective; incompetent; futile: feckless attempts to repair the plumbing.
      having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy.

      While I would like the House to push impeachment merely for the catharsis it would provide, given that Harry Reid and the Dems control the Senate, at this time I can only describe any effort at impeachment as being rather 'feckless'.


    2. Then any of the "Legal" remedies are feckless, because what Obama is doing is neither illegal, nor feckless.
      But eminently politically expedient.

    3. The truth, Q, it that it is all 'political'.
      The Boehner program will be ineffective, because of that they are incompetent and are the lazy way forward.

      To bring forth Articles of Impeachment would be more difficult, would focus the nation on the issues and in that way not be futile It is the way that the Constitution, a political document presents as the responsible way for the Congress to challenge the President..

    4. .

      Then any of the "Legal" remedies are feckless, because what Obama is doing is neither illegal, nor feckless.
      But eminently politically expedient.

      Good lord, rat, have you been too busy going through your 'famous quotes' postings to see what has been going on for the past year or so. Of course what he is doing illegal. SCOTUS has said so. Numerous times.

      It is expedient only in the sense that it promotes a desired effect, his desired effect. It fits the secondary meaning of feckless, they are actions brought about because of his laziness and arrogance. Rather than accept the separation of powers laid out in the Constitution, he says "I will not accept No." The result of his arrogance can be seen at the borders today. And when things hit the fan his solution is always the same, give me more money.


    5. .

      Why in the world would the GOP want to bring impeachment hearings now when if the president was impeached the results in the Senate are a forgone conclusion? Even if the GOP was to take over the Senate by a slight margin, the result would probably be the same given the required number of votes.

      A lawsuit would also be hard since SCOTUS is usually reluctant to arbitrate between government branches. However, if Boenher is granted standing, which I think he should be given that Obama's misadventures are so egregious, longstanding, and continuing, the recent string of smackdowns Obama has received at the hands of this Court should give Boehner some hope of winning.


    6. .

      Of course, you do have the ultimate appeal to authority on your side.

      Sarah Palin agrees with you.


  23. .

    The Pentagon's $399 Billion Plane to Nowhere

    The Pentagon once again grounds the F-35. The next-generation F-35, the most expensive plane ever built, may be too dangerous to fly. Why is Congress keeping it alive?

    Effectively saying that the most expensive warplane in American history is too dangerous to fly is a huge public relations blow for the Pentagon, which has been under fire for years for allowing the plane's costs to increase even as its delivery time continued to slide right...

    One thing the grounding won't do, however, is derail the F-35, a juggernaut of a program that apparently has enough political top cover to withstand any storm.

    Part of that protection comes from the jaw-dropping amounts of money at stake. The Pentagon intends to spend roughly $399 billion to develop and buy 2,443 of the planes. However, over the course of the aircrafts' lifetimes, operating costs are expected to exceed $1 trillion. Lockheed has carefully hired suppliers and subcontractors in almost every state to ensure that virtually all senators and members of Congress have a stake in keeping the program -- and the jobs it has created -- in place.

    "An upfront question with any program now is: How many congressional districts is it in?" said Thomas Christie, a former senior Pentagon acquisitions official.

    In the case of the F-35, the short answer is: a lot.



  24. When asked Wednesday by NBC News what he thought about the failed vice presidential nominee and half-term Alaska governor’s demand that Congress remove Obama from office, the Ohio Republican said, “I disagree.”

    "Winners never quit and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi

    Sarah Palin, fits the definition of feckless, perfectly


  25. Bob: "Hey Jim, did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?,
    Jim: "You mean releasing 5 dangerous terrorists for a Army deserter?”
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean corruption and terrible conditions at the VA?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean outing the CIA station chief in Afghanistan?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean the Mexican gun running?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean SEAL Team 6?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Obama saying the avg family would save $2,500 on their health insurance premiums?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: “Obama saying you can keep your insurance?”
    Bob: “No, the other one."

    Jim: "Obama having NSA spy on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Obama intentionally ignoring our immigration laws?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Bailing out Detroit after decades of corrupt Democratic management?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean the State Dept. lying about Benghazi?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean voter fraud?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "The NSA monitoring foreign diplomats?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean the use of drones in our own country without the benefit of the law?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million and right after it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean the president arming the Muslim Brotherhood?"
    Bob: "No the other one:.

    Jim: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "You mean Obama spending $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Giving SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Millions of Americans losing their health care coverage?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "Forcing Americans to include coverage in their insurance policies of items they do not want?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "The president's ordering the release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons, and falsely blaming the sequester?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”

    Jim: "The president's threat to impose gun control by Executive Order in order to bypass Congress?"
    Bob: "No, the other one.”


    1. Jim: "Providing weapons to Syrian rebels many of whom apparently are Al Qaeda?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "The 2012 vote where 115% of all registered voters in some counties voted 100% for Obama?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "The president's unconstitutional recess appointments in an attempt to circumvent the Senate's advise-and-consent role?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "The President using nearly $1 trillion dollars of stimulus money to fund his cronies?"
      Bob: "No, the other one”

      Jim: "You mean Fast & Furious?"
      Bob: "No, the other one.”

      Jim: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I got it!
      "You mean that 65 mi"llion low-information voters who don't pay taxes and get free stuff from taxpayers and stuck us again with the most pandering, corrupt administration in American history?"
      Bob: "THAT'S THE ONE!

    2. Bob is a writer of poor fictionWed Jul 09, 12:41:00 PM EDT

      Not well written, lacking focus and jut plain to long.
      Couldn't even read beyond the first three lines.

      hee, hee, haw.

    3. Sorry it's to long.

      From OGF.

      She at least can read.

  26. By the way, rat, drop Sarah now.

    I have told you many times how she got run out of office.

    The Eagles and the Osprey are better than you.

    At least they engage in a free fight.

    You are the blog's asshole, the blog's Professional Asshole.

    Everyone agrees with your self description.

    1. Michael Ben ZehabeWed Jul 09, 12:44:00 PM EDT

      'Things can always get worse, but only quitters quit!'

  27. What's up with you today, Deuce?

    I am hardly even on politics.

    You got some kind of gut ache from drinking too much last night, or what?

    1. In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for 'finding himself.'
      If he persists in shifting his responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence.

    Iraq PM says Kurdish Arbil becoming a base for 'Islamic State' militants

    Right...The zilly baztard haz to have someone to blame for lozing hiz country - if not the Kurds then the Israelis. Zo far Deuce's lengthy excerpted article iz the bezt analyziz I have zeen on the fool, Maliki and hiz Zhia militiaz. While the attention of the Condum Coalition waz diztracted by the harrowing battle of Tikrit, IZ captured tonz of potential WMD and a baze within 30 milez of Baghdad.

    1. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsWed Jul 09, 12:57:00 PM EDT

      Send in the NASI - the Princes of Judea...

      150,000 of them fought for Uncle Adolf, they'll fight for anyone that has a shekel to spend.

    2. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsWed Jul 09, 01:02:00 PM EDT

      It was the NASI, the Princes of Judea that orchestrated the greatest mass murder of the 20th century.

      Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest mass murderer of the 20th Century, was a Jew

      Hey, Alan Dershowitz, when are you going to start decrying this fiendish bastard and his murderous ways?

      And how Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in his book, "Gulag Archipelago," wrote that in 1934 and 1935, Yagoda's thugs would go out an kidnap innocent people off the streets, and torture them till they died.

      You know, just like your Shin Bet buds in Israel do now, in the 21st Century, to the Palestinians.

      What's that?

      You say that talk is VERBOTEN because it points out that the greatest mass murderers of the 20th Century were Jews?

      And it gets in the way of telling more and more fabrications about the Holocaust™?

      And that if people would learn that most of the mass murderers in the 20th Century were Jewish, then the Holocaust™ schtick wouldn't work?

      And that people wouldn't be so cowed and intimidated by someone saying the word Holocaust™, since they would realize that the Holocaust™ is used to cover up Israel's crimes of ethnic cleansing and murder of the indigenous Palestinians?

      And for asking questions about Jewish Mass Murderers, then I am an "Anti-Semite?"

      Thanks, Alan, for clearing that up.

  29. I think Deuce must have gotten dropped by his muzzie girl friend.

    He is in one hell of a bad mood.

    1. Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.

    2. That is the only explanation for taking down a post about Eagles and Ospreys.

      Prolly got dumped for a real arab.

    3. And that would hurt, for sure.

    4. Bob,

      Read this carefully and give it a good think:

      You are a twit!

      Really, no kidding.

  30. Deuce ☂Wed Jul 09, 03:32:00 AM EDT
    We all pay the price for the leaders we elect:

    Tue Jul 01, 02:10:00 AM EDT
    Those young men were doomed when their so-called leaders and protectors flooded the occupied territories with thousands of angry young men looking for the three unfortunate boys.


    Hamas was launching missiles into Israel long before the murders. I frankly see no correlation. Even if there were, that would not lessen the need for Israel to take action before some serious damage is done. Whether you and I dislike Mr. Netanyahu does not change the reality faced by Israel: a) absorb attacks or b) respond to attacks. The worry is that Netanyahu will manage to screw up a response for which there is enormous Israeli public support.

  31. "Deuce ☂Wed Jul 09, 03:32:00 AM EDT
    We all pay the price for the leaders we elect:

    Tue Jul 01, 02:10:00 AM EDT
    Those young men were doomed when their so-called leaders and protectors flooded the occupied territories with thousands of angry young men looking for the three unfortunate boys. Now that they are dead, Netanyahu is all but guaranteeing that more young men and children will die on both sides."

    I took the first comment, Deuce's as a signal.

    Oh, well...

  32. Deuce you can shut down the EB again for all I care, I'm tired of being called a monkey and a cunt. Eight years, and entropy wins in the end as it always does.

    1. .

      You have to remember who you are dealing with, T.

      Bob, has proven himself non compos mentis numerous times before.


    2. Teresita used a bad word… Tsk tsk…

      I guess her skin is thin…

      she can call us genocidal murderers but she has issues when we get pissed...

  33. Don't blame me.

    I'm in a hell of a great mood.

    All is well.

    1. My son's girlfriend is "Roman Catholic all the way!"

      Though I hardly buy into it myself, I liked her answer.

      I was telling her how we Swedes founded Dublin, Ireland.

      Suggesting she may have a little Swede in her genes herself.

      She is great. A lovely young woman.

  34. My son and his girl bought us gifts.

    I got an Australian cowboy hat, and my wife got two lovely pottery items.

    Fuck politics.

    It ain't life.

  35. Teresita RedingerWed Jul 09, 01:09:00 PM EDT
    Deuce you can shut down the EB again for all I care doubt...

    Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah...

    "...The photographs of the destroyed churches and mosques that emerged last week were posted on a website which frequently carries official statements from ISIS.
    'The elements of ISIS [have] controlled the mosque of the Prophet Younis in Mosul since they invaded the city. It is still held by them now'
    Ninevah official Zuhair Al-Chalab
    Some of them showed bulldozers plowing through walls, while others featured buildings being demolished by explosives in a cloud of smoke and rubble..."


    1. Israeli army confiscates $3.5 million worth of Palestinian property
      Submitted by Charlotte Silver on Tue, 07/08/2014 - 09:58

      The Israeli army confiscated nearly $3.5 million worth of property and cash from Palestinians during its recent three-weeks long military incursion into the West Bank, under the pretense of searching for three Israeli teens who went missing on 12 June and whose bodies were found 30 June.

      Since the beginning of the military assault, 830 Palestinians have been arrested and seven killed in the occupied West Bank. Nine have been killed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Two more died from heart attacks suffered during an army raid or while being held at a checkpoint, and many dozens more have been injured. Israel is still bombarding Gaza with heavy airstrikes, and injuries and casualties are mounting.

      On 7 July, the Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights published a report compiling all incidents of confiscated private property and money. In addition to taking the equivalent of $370,000 in cash, the Israeli army seized 93 computers, as well as telephones, cars and buses worth a total value of $2.9 million.


    2. In photos: Israeli bulldozers raze Bedouin community

      The village of al-Araqib, a Bedouin community in the Naqab (Negev) desert in the south of present-day Israel, was razed to the ground by state authorities for the sixty-ninth time since July 2010 last week. This demolition marked the first time police destroyed homes erected within the cemetery area of the village.

      At 9:30am on Thursday, 12 June, approximately 350 police officers and special forces encircled the village and rounded up inhabitants in the makeshift mosque. Homes were bulldozed to the ground in about three hours and the rubble cleared away by 4:30pm.

      Police then forcibly entered the makeshift mosque, arresting seven Bedouin and Jewish Israeli activists, amongst them two minors. Authorities demolished the mosque’s minaret and then left.

    3. cool…same tent bulldozed 70 times in 3 years?


    4. Israeli army confiscates $3.5 million worth of Palestinian property

      cool that pays for 35 Iron Dome anti-rocket missiles...

      Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah...

      "...The photographs of the destroyed churches and mosques that emerged last week were posted on a website which frequently carries official statements from ISIS.
      'The elements of ISIS [have] controlled the mosque of the Prophet Younis in Mosul since they invaded the city. It is still held by them now'
      Ninevah official Zuhair Al-Chalab
      Some of them showed bulldozers plowing through walls, while others featured buildings being demolished by explosives in a cloud of smoke and rubble..."

      Some have never consulted a map. The wanton destruction by IS crews has nothing to do with Jews or the Holy Land. It has nothing to do with Tamerlane or the Mongols; it is Muslims v other Muslims and Christians. In a delusional sort of way, Israel is the center of the universe to some. Nothing newsworthy can happen outside that stunted, sick view of the cosmos. Consequently, anti-Semitic entropy is the cause of all the world’s woes. Simply killing that butterfly off the Brazilian coast will prevent a hurricane somewhere – who knows where, who cares, just kill the Jew.

      To a man of even rudimentary esthetic appreciation, an attack of the Louvre would be an attack on the patrimony of the West, held in trust by the French. Even the SS refused Hitler's order to raze Paris. Only a savage would fail to see the horrific unnaturalness of such a crime against humanity, while trying to find some reason to blame Jews for his unmitigatable savagery.

    6. Farmer RobWed Jul 09, 02:47:00 PM EDT
      Spoken like a true looter.

      Hardly, it's poetic justice.

      Israel taking money from Hamas that will pay for the DEFENSIVE Iron Dome against Hamas's war crimes?

      Sounds like some funny shit...

      Fuck Hamas...

      And while we are at it?

      Fuck you too.. :)

  37. Quirk: You have to remember who you are dealing with, T.

    Bob, has proven himself non compos mentis numerous times before.

    I'm getting out, Quirk, while the gettin's good. When it's nothing but allen, WiO, and Bob here, and no monkey cunts, Deuce'll probably pull the plug.

    1. Henry David ThoreauWed Jul 09, 02:43:00 PM EDT

      “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

  38. .

    Kerry suggested that if peace talks failed violence would return. He was lambasted by all sides, some saying he was threatening and others that he was inviting the violence. Pure bullshit. The violence was inevitable no matter what happened with the talks.

    There will be no peace between the two sides. Any peace the Palestinians could hope for would require a reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. The current Israeli government won't accept talks with a government that includes Hamas. Nuff said.

    Whereas, in the past there have been moderate Israeli governments that replaced the hardliners at times, that appears to be clearly in the past in the absence of some future extreme event. Demographic, political, and religious trends seem to point to right wing, hard line dominance for the foreseeable future.

    Today's events in Israel are as predictable as that major storms will occasionally wash our east coast.


    1. you are blind to the obvious.

      peace possible with the complete destruction of the enemy.

      They need to surrender.

      Just like the germans and japanese.

    2. .

      I am blind to nothing.

      Your statement merely proves my point.


    3. I misread your statement.

      here's to the complete destruction of the palestinians national movement and hamas….


    Islamist plot to blow up Eiffel Tower, Louvre and nuclear power plant foiled, say French police

    "...Failing that, he suggested launching terror attacks on “the modest and poor French population” in markets or nightclubs, as well as police patrols.

    In an apparent reference to the famed Avignon theatre festival, he also singled out 'cultural events that take place in the south of France in which thousands of Christians gather for a month. The main walkways become black with people and a simple grenade can injure dozens of people, not to mention a booby trapped device,' he said..."

    That will teach those dirty Jews a lesson!


      Iron Dome intercepted three of the 7 rockets aimed by Hamas at the Dimona nuclear reactor, 43 km from the Gaza Strip, Wednesday. The other four landed on empty ground. Two more were blown up by Iron Dome over Rehovot and Yavneh in central Israel. A rocket aimed at Ashkelon fell short and broke up over the Gaza Strip.

      Which way does the wind blow?

    2. Our Muslim friends are blatant: Kill Christians. How that plays into the Palestinian problem is a question begging an answer. Possibly, our Muslim friends have a far greater agenda than Jerusalem. I seem to recall that the taking of Rome was an objective. Rome is not Palestine or Jerusalem. The Pope is not the Chief Rabbi. It takes a fool of extraordinary talent to fail to see the game plan.

  40. What is "Occupation"Wed Jul 09, 02:51:00 PM EDT

    Iron Dome intercepted three of the 7 rockets aimed by Hamas at the Dimona nuclear reactor

    Where they land may be of consequence at some point. Today, the point is that they are being fired at all. For this years' long violation of sovereignty, I blame successive Israeli governments. The very first incident should have brought the house down. Failure to act gave the impression to the world that Israel could be had, again. That was a mistake that will now cost dearly. Hamas must be stopped and it must be stopped now. No matter the mindless chatter of critics, Hamas must be rendered incapable of ever launching again.

    1. yep, i concur.

      I think we will see in the end, gaza split into 3 sections again....

      the red lines are crossed, time to cleanse gaza (and other areas) of the islamic nazis once and for all

  41. heh, heh, heh.

    Then the "War" would be over, and the NASI Princes of Judea will not allow that to happen.
    The "War" wil be extended into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

    That is the "Plan", it has been written, Time and again.

    You could take off the blinders, or not.
    Since your employer are those NASI Princes of Judea.

    Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

    The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" ...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),
      more than 100 tons of explosives were dropped in the first 9 hours of 'Operation Cast Lead'.

      And that was not nearly enough to even put a dent in Hamas.
      All Bibi is trying to do, halt the political unification of the Palestinians.

    3. Farmer

      You and your childish comments...

      I wonder if those that swallowed those 100 tons feel the same way you do...


    4. They're still there, unbowed.

      The NASI Princes of Judea discussing the need for yet another military adventure, to 'eliminate' them.

  42. A 115gr shot to the head will suffice and will simultaneously nullify collateral damage. As John K. Galbraith proved after WWII, bombing is of little/to none strategic value; hence, the fact that Germany's greatest productive year was 1944. Tactical successes win wars as Wellington proved in Spain and at Waterloo.

    Israel has hard choices to make that will not endear it to the usual suspects. Interestingly, success has a thousand fathers, as Israel proved in Iraq and Syria. When you win, no matter how down and dirty, you can always say, "Sorry". See atomic warfare and Japan. Israel need not fear the French aircraft carrier. It also has no cause to fear Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, or Jordan.

  43. Let us face it.

    Out host, talented as he is with art, is really quite bezarre.

    A lapser of little mind. he provides great entertainment.

    1. .

      And yet he is our host while you are are merely some ill-mannered yokel who uninvited arrives at the party late, dirties the carpet, and complains about the fare.

      If it is so bad here why don't you take your bitching and leave. You have driven off your share of the other guests with your foul mouth already.


  44. Bizarre, for heavens' s sakes.

    1. .

      Bizarre? Good, lord man look in the mirror.

      You prance around here like a buffoon talking about how much you admire the god mother, and how concerned you are about women's rights, and how we should all be considerate of and elevate the distaff side; yet, when one cracks light about your buffoonery you insult her with the most disgusting names you can conjure up. You hypocrisy is like NOW attacking the Little Sisters of the Poor. You are a crude rube.


  45. One can only conclude, if the truth be finally out, that our dear host is bonkers.


    1. .

      Hmmm. Not really very convincing given that the 'one' is a certified whack-job.


  46. Being alone is the worst there is.

    We have all been alone.

    That is the worst there is in our human life.

    We scream, we cry out, to get out of that situation.

    God Bless those who love on another.


    1. Spengler's Universal Law #9:
      A country isn't beaten until it sells its women, but it's damned when its women sell themselves.

    2. God Bless those who love one another.

    3. Latest estimates place the number of individuals who regularly work as prostitutes in Israel at approximately 15,000, of which 98% are female. ...

      The sex industry in Israel reportedly generates 2.4 billion NIS every year, ...

      How does a woman become a prostitute?

      Nobody wants to see their sister, wife or daughter selling her body in exchange for money. So how does it happen?

      The answer to that difficult question lies in first realizing that there is very little choice involved in the process.
      Young women do not consciously choose a career that will involve repeated abuse. To understand the reality of these women's lives we must first recognize them for what they are - victims.

      The sad truth is that the stories of these women often begin with sexual abuse at a young age.
      Many develop an unhealthy pattern of relationships involving exploitation whereby they use their sexuality to gain favor.
      Most enter into a line of work at a young age (14 is the national average) that provides them with a sense of self-value in the only way they know, selling their bodies.

      Although the majority of prostitutes are Israeli citizens ...

      Are these 14 year old girls sold into the sex trade, or do they sell themselves?

      If it is the former, Israel is beaten, if it is the later, it is damned.
      Six of one, half dozen of the other

    4. .

      Being alone is the worst there is.

      Get used to it.

      God Bless those who love on another.

      No doubt a Freudian slip.


  47. You are dirty dinkey of the POEM.

    You are disgusting beyond belief.

    1. Babbling Bob is bonified bonkersWed Jul 09, 05:40:00 PM EDT

      Look into the mirror, face reality.

  48. This is the sort of stuff the Israeli government must ignore. At the moment, 22 are confirmed killed. That would not be dozens. If it were dozens, it should be ignored; this is war.

    Despite the wails of Mr. Abu Mazan, no genocide has occurred. Had Israel wished, thousands would now be dead and it would still not be genocide.

    Stay the course and hit the bastards at every opportunity.

  49. I thought the rat-bob stuff was going to end, today.

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationWed Jul 09, 06:15:00 PM EDT

      Rat hasn't made a single post, not in months and months.

    2. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationWed Jul 09, 06:19:00 PM EDT

      Seems to a rather one sided exchange
      Bob vs his imagination, yours too.

  50. BobWed Jul 09, 05:19:00 PM EDT
    You are disgusting beyond belief.

    ...not really...

  51. .

    Files on UK role in CIA rendition accidentally destroyed, says minister

    Rights groups say FCO claim records of flights in and out of Diego Garcia missing due to water damage 'smacks of cover-up'

    The US provides obedience training to its poodle.

    Watching Koskinen's testimony during the IRS hearings speaking of lost e-mails, Blair turns to Milliband and says, "Damn, why didn't we think of that". Milliband replies, "It's never too late to learn."



  52. Young love is all there is.

    THAT is the meaning of life.


    1. “Life has no meaning.
      Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”

    2. Christopher HitchensWed Jul 09, 08:43:00 PM EDT

      "The clear awareness of having been born into a losing struggle need not lead one into despair.
      I do not especially like the idea that one day I shall be tapped on the shoulder and informed, not that the party is over but that it is most assuredly going on—only henceforth in my absence."

    3. Since you are no longer young, Bob, you have no reason to live.
      With or without love, so die, already.

    4. Wrongo............I have my kids, and my Niece, and I must do well for them.

      You are so wrong.

    5. I am not to let them go starving, like deserter rat and his daughter.

      I will provide for them all, my loved ones.

  53. Bob,

    Hang in there, pal. Hereabouts, crazy and cruelty are the norms.

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