Monday, July 07, 2014

Self-loathing Republicans

POLL: 25 Percent of Republicans Don't Like the GOP

July 7, 2014, 11:24 am

A new Associated Press poll reveals that 25 percent of Republicans and 13 percent of Democrats dislike their own party. But despite negative attitudes, most voters do align themselves with one of the two political parties.
According to the online survey of 1,354 adults, 6 out of 10 Americans pledge allegiance to either party, with that majority rising to 8 out of 10 factoring in poll-takers who say they "lean" Republican or Democrat.
"Yet both Democrats and Republicans inspire unfavorable views by a majority of Americans, including one-quarter who say they dislike both of them," writes the AP's Jennifer Agiesta. "About a third go so far as to say they distrust both parties to handle some of the most basic functions of government: 35 percent trust neither party to handle the federal budget, and 34 percent trust neither Democrats nor Republicans to manage the federal government or address the concerns of 'people like me.'"
Rather than defecting, party loyalists stay put, with about 4 out of 10 saying they like their party's policies in general and have long identified as Republicans or Democrats. Around 1/3 of Republicans and 1/4 of Democrats say they don't completely support what their parties stand for while a small percentage of poll-takers chalk up their party affiliation to distaste for the alternative.
The poll also evaluated how Democrats and Republicans view one another as the American political climate grows more polarized. Of those surveyed, 22 percent think "conservative" when they think Republican with 24 percent pinning a "liberal" label on Democrats. Moreover, 21 percent assume Republicans to be pro-business and supportive of the wealthy.
A one of the respondants, a self-professed Democrat, said she thinks her party cares "about the underdog more than those in the upper socio-economic classes."
Last month the Pew Research Center released the eye-popping results of a year-long polarization study that surveyed 10,000 Americans on their political views. It discovered a greater ideological distance between Republicans and Democrats than in years past and also found an increase in the number of people expressing partisan antipathy.

The Last One Out, Please Turn Out the Lights: How we got involved in the Middle East


  1. Replies
    1. And now the neo-cons, who hijacked the GOP long enough to get us into that muck, are lining up behind HRC. Expect the Porky and Allen show to go full Rufus on us in two years.

    2. Thanks for lowering the standard of the blog once again, Teresita, you are always there to drive the car into the gutter.

  2. The distrust is well deserved when you see, for example, what the Barbour and Cochran team did in Mississippi.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Recently, you put up a video of Gov. Long. He reminded me of Gov. Wallace, who saw not a dime's worth of difference in the two parties. A day or so ago, Rufus addressed, in passing, Feudalism. While I see no meaningful likeness in Feudalism and Libertarianism (and I may have misunderstood Rufus's meaning), the two parties do remind of Feudalism. In order to protect their fee, they were willing to play the game of Henry IV (Paris is worth a mass). But, then as now, no one is fooled.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. know me not old man. :)

    3. Si fortune me tormenta, spero contenta. :-)

  4. From the earlier thread, methane has a melting point of -180C and a boiling point of -160C. How this relates to earth, I am unsure. I am sure, however, that rivers and lakes of methane make for the solar system's largest cigarette lighter.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had hoped, Deuce, that we might have a stimulating exchange with this thread, but our little monkey isn't going to let that happen. Later.

  6. Who is calling others "Monkeys", is that like calling someone descended from "Apes and Pigs"?

    What a bigot, well, what else should we expect from a Semite, an Arabian?
    What else other than racist bigotry.

    1. Rest assured, Allen gets what he wants by doing that. I won't reply to him ever again.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. We shall hope.


      This will not explain Rufus's claim of a political link between Libertarianism and Feudalism but it may carry the propostition some distance. The distribution of wealth among the world elite strongly suggests a system along feudal lines. There need be no consolidating monarchial claims for Feudalism to thrive, although the recognition of the right of land tenure by aristocrats was essential in an early time; even if feudatories battled for the dominance of one bloodline over another. For centuries in the West, the Church served as the focal point around which lords and ladies, society in general, revolved.

      If the case for modern Feudalism can be made, what are its ranks and how does one become initiated? Furthermore, is there a single institution having sufficient moral authority to hold the system together?

  7. "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men." --Ayn Rand

    1. Ayn was an idiot.

      No transcendence.

    2. “The Universe knows no limitation. It will explode, dissolve, expand, push and pull every bit of matter into the form it needs to conduct its symphony. Your melody will change, and the harmony of others around you. It is inevitable. Let yourself be moved, sculpted, changed by the Universe, which knows what your best self is more than you do.” -Amy Larson,

  8. You mother fucks need to get a life.

    I just met my daughter in law to be. (I think)

    She is lovely in all ways.

    She ain't from Detroit or Philly.


    My advice to my son was:

    You treat her like the Queen of England.

    Even if you are the Prince.

    She bats last.

    She is Irish.

    Thank the Living Christ she is not Polish.

    Wow, neat lady.

    1. Roman Catholic "all the way".

      This immediately endeared her to me forever.

    2. Bob is a writer of poor fictionMon Jul 07, 11:20:00 PM EDT

      You should not speak of your mother in such terms, Bob.

    3. Bob is a writer of poor fictionMon Jul 07, 11:21:00 PM EDT

      It makes you sound like a self-loathing son of a bitch.

    4. Bob's advice: She bats last.

      My advice: Finish the lady first.

    5. ;)

      She really really nice, Miss T.

      I see rat is shitting on the good news. which is, exactly, that life goes on, whether or not he wishes to take part.

  9. Take it down Deuce.

    I was simply sharing an old old story.

    And it is wonderful to see.

    1. My voice recognition software is having a real problem with "Biden." It keeps suggesting "bite one."

  10. Sandpoint, Idaho is wonderful..

    You shit kickers back east don't know what life is...or even could be.

    1. I been there a couple times, as I mentioned recently when you mentioned Sandpoint, I think you didn't see it.

      My husband's aunt and uncle live in Columbia Falls, Montana, so we sometimes cruise on US 2 through that neat little corner of America, Newport, Sandpoint, Bonner's Ferry, Libby, Troy, Kalispell... got a picture of me at the swinging bridge at Kootenay Falls...

    2. Ruby, dear, my greedy soul mate, you need a new pair of jeans.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Pay us back: Americans want Central America to compensate taxpayers for crisis

  12. Women's magazines, 1867 verses 2012.

    I suppose in 2159 AD Harper's Bazar will be basically Hustler magazine.

    1. Nicaragua approves route for $40 billion canal linking oceans

  13. We had dinner with what passes as the local upper class.

    I listened very carefully, and what I finally got out of it was they were all deeply in dept.

    There were three refugees from California, and one from Las Vegas.

    They are always bullshitting about trading properties around.

    I didn't buy a word of it, as those that are settled don't blah blah about property.

    The spareribs were passable, but from my point of view they were all idiots, a little like desert rat, if he had some property, no matter the loan amount.

    My son got the same impression.

    I noticed the For Sale sign on the property.

    As did my son.

    1. Our home assessment just went up about 40K in one year.

    2. My wife got a little pissed when I made my standard crack about "illegal aliens from California".

      He he he

      I did have a good talk with the old boy that had cancer of the nerve leading to the ear.

      We shared experiences with radiation treatments.

      He seemed quite concerned about death.

    3. Jesus said, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” We cannot eliminate our fear of death and it is not really desirable to do so, it is a defense mechanism much like pain. But Jesus teaches us not to worry about death.

    4. Faux Noise reports fire destroyed by home. We need to protect fires from homes.

    5. When you get old enough, death seems like God's Blessing.

      Which it is.

      There is always something more......

    6. Sure there's more Bob, but you and I will be safely and cozily dead.

  14. The original meaning of baptism was not washing away sins. This is Christian bullshit.

    The immersion in water had nothing to do with 'sins' or being free of sins, by some one else's efforts. In he original old myths.

    It had everything to do with death, sparagnos, the tearing apart,, if I have spelled that right, in the old Greek myth, and rebirth.

    It is another instance of gyp by the Christians, like Easter or Christmas, or the New Year.

  15. Yet I love the Catholics those silly geese.

    1. Hubby came over from Lutheranism so mom and pop didn't have a cow. It wasn't all that much of a leap, they believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the wine.

    2. It's nothing to kill half of Germany over, that is for sure.

      When the human race gets going good on things they don't understand - a major misreading - it's damn sad..

      All this is a big literary fight among people who can't read.

    3. Of course, I think "the Real Presence of Christ in the Wine" is all a literary affair.

      I would rather watch my kids grow up, and help my Niece.

      Fuck the dispute about the Water and the Wine.

      Both are made for drinking, not killing.

  16. Weekend gun casualties:

    Chicago (0 legal places to buy a gun): 14 dead, 66 wounded

    Houston (> 500 places to buy a gun): 2 dead, 6 wounded

  17. Good News -

    We should make friendly with the Hindus.

    They are lovely people.

    1. Just a little friendly advice from the guy Swamp Rat calls a racist.

    2. hint hint hint -

      That would be the guy that thinks Clan Rufus is The Center of the Universe.


    3. Also, the Hindus have the best thought out philosophy that I have read so far.

      In my book this counts for a hell of a lot.

      Don't get by tracked by Jane Fonda's Hindu yoga workout.

      She don't know shit about nothin'.

      I have ordered from my local bookstore some good books about Hindu philosophy.

      It's a tall order, but I will try to teach Rufus the rudiments.

      This may not go well, but, then, you know, students !!

    4. Please don't use my name. It makes me feel incredibly stupid when a moron uses my name.

    5. Well, you ARE incredibly stupid, Rufus.

      But I will try to remember not to use your real name, Rufus.

      I am not an outer, like rat.

  18. Deuce,

    Re: "Henry IV". If true, then, may G-d help us all, relying as we will on dolts, dicks, morons, and monkeys - Wiki-Wacks.

    "Although the events he writes about occurred some two centuries before his own time, Shakespeare expected his audience to be familiar with the characters and events he was describing. The battles among houses and the rise and fall of kings were woven into the cultural fabric of England and formed an integral part of the country’s patriotic legends and national mythology. One might compare this knowledge to the American public’s general awareness of the events and figures surrounding the American Revolution, which occurred more than two centuries ago."

  19. Job Openings continue to surprise to the Upside.

    4.63 Million as opposed to the expected 4.40 Million.


    updated chart to follow, later.

    1. Sure there's more jobs, and inflation remains in check, but the president is still black.

    Nurse: VA Medical Staff Stole Morphine From Dying Patients

  21. " But, it’s a failure of both political parties. Presidents of both parties. Why in heaven’s name don't they know how to control the borders of their own country?"

    Do the "politcal parties" view this as a failure?

    1. "BUCHANAN: That’s what Gen. Eisenhower did in 1953. I hate to say the name of the project. It was called “Operation: Wetback.” He sent a United States general down to Texas where a million people poured into Texas in the southwest and said clean this up. And they put them on buses and ships and sent them back to Mexico."

    2. That was before ...

      Mexico already buys more U.S. products than any other nation except Canada ...
      There are 6 million U.S. jobs that depend on trade with Mexico.
      - Wilson Center

      Mexico is the third largest U.S. trading partner after Canada ...

      The NASI racist is so, shall we say 'focused' upon the 20th century. ...

      The syllabus for a similarly themed class Petraeus teaches at the City University of New York entitled “The Coming (North) American Decade(s)” includes the following course description: “This seminar will seek to answer the question, ‘Are we on the threshold of the new (North) American decade(s)?’ To do so, we will: survey the global economic situation; examine the ongoing energy, manufacturing, life sciences, and information technology ‘revolutions’ in the United Sates; assess the implications each revolution has for the U.S. and the global economy; and determine the policies, practices, regulations, and laws needed to enable the U.S. to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the revolutions and thereby to contribute to the global economic recovery from the Great Recession.”

  22. Did you know:

    1) 40% of our Bald Eagles don't survive their first flight or two - often crashing on landing

    2) Ospreys migrate south in the winter, as far as South America

    3) We have wolverines in Idaho and there is a video of one killing a GRIZZLY BEAR

    4) Eagles don't hunt fish - Ospreys, that do, can dive into the water

    5) The last herd of Mountain Caribou is in Idaho - but there are still a lot in Canada

    6) Canadians like to drink and do Casino

    7) The guy we rented the cabin from told a wonderful story about how he was on the bridge and a fat fish fell in front of Osprey had dropped it when fighting off an Eagle......made an excellent meal, he said........

    8) Rufus is an idiot

    1. Bob is a looney tuneTue Jul 08, 11:06:00 AM EDT

      b> That continues to lie about and attack other contributors to the blog.

      Unable to reference the charges he makes against the other contributors, unable to cut and paste the proof.

    2. Only cowards post with out a real login...

      There is no reason to listen to them as the owner of the blog has made clear.....

      anonymous posts will not be tolerated....

      (see jack/rat/ass even deuce has a limit on your crap... LOL)


    3. "‘When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone,
      ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.'

      ‘The question is,' said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things."

      ‘The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that's all.'"

    4. ah... the coward put up a bogus sign on...

      how quaint..

      how transparent..

      The stoner from AZ....


    5. Bogus?

      Not at all, it goes with a viable and legitimate G-mail address.

      "O" is bogus, a fraud.

      “In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans.”

      ― Theodore Roosevelt

  23. FOR FARMER BOB ( :

    His Sherpa shook his hand and congratulated him.

    Nothing left to achieve. No more goals to reach. He had done it all. Every mountain worth mentioning had now been scaled by him.

    It had taken him just a year to do so. It was a folly, they had said when he’d laid out his plans. It could not be accomplished, they had warned. Yet he had proven them wrong, here, on top of the world.

    There’s a storm coming in, his Sherpa said. If we want to make it to base camp we have little time to waste.

    There was something to be said about that. Achieve your goal and then walk away. But why then was he not moving? Why was he staring at the brewing storm approaching?

    He had not known about the particulars of clouds before he started his endeavour. But now he was a bit of an expert. You’d have to be, when you’re all alone, 20,000 feet high, your survival depending on how well you read the signs of impending weather.

    Sir, we have to go, his Sherpa warned.

    He wasn’t joking. The clouds were aligning for one massive storm. The kind you read about in adventure stories. The kind they write epic poems about if you dare to face it and come out alive.

    They’ll call him mad if he does this. They’ll say it can’t be accomplished. But it is comforting to know that even when you’re on top of the world, there are always new goals on the horizon.

    Sir, his Sherpa implored again.

    No, he said, removing his backpack and facing the incoming storm head-on.

    It doesn’t end here.

    This is just the beginning.

    1. I like that.

      "I turn to go
      Like a man facing oncoming snow"

      Ted Roetke

    2. BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A U.S. Navy veteran filed a civil rights lawsuit Monday after the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery refused to allow her to be buried with the ashes of her late wife.

    3. Ashes should be scattered, not buried.

      What were they thinking of?

  24. I will hereinafter try to remember to refer to RUFUS as R-Fus, in imitation of the way the Jews don't speak of G-d.


    But I will stoutly continue to maintain that R-Fus is an illiterate, ignorant half Cherokee SWAMP RAT, as he was so aptly nicked named by our contributor Doug.

    1. I will try to do this as a simple human courtesy to R-Fus.

    2. My God, R-Fus can really let loose with the curses, like Caliban, when he is "the mood".


  25. No one ever said the Swedes (who host the damn thing) were Nobel Prize material:

    Ikea Tells Cop “Leave Gun In Car”

  26. WE never said so.....that is why we HOST the event.

    Besides and most important of all, it brings in the bucks.

  27. I am leading a movement, even now, the R-Fus for Nobel Prize in Economics Movement.

    You may send your contributions to

    Box 00000000000010
    Detroit, Michigan

    Nobel Prizes cost big bucks these days.

    Quirk is in this fraud with me. He thinks we can recoup the costs through the speaking fees after.

  28. Maybe Arf-Us is more appropriate than R-Fus.

    I am considering the matter.

  29. .

    New research suggests that despite urban legends such as people are liberal in their youth and grow more conservative as they age or urban truths such as Hispanics currently favor the Dems, there may be a more telling stat moving people to become either liberal or conservative and that is who is running the country when they become most politically aware.

    This could mean the Obama Effect (i.e. how he is viewed by millennials) could affect politics well into the future.

    Academic research has found that generations do indeed have ideological identities. People are particularly shaped by events as they first become aware of the world, starting as young as 10 years old, as a new analysis by the political scientists Yair Ghitza and Andrew Gelman notes. (My colleague Amanda Cox has created an online interactive graphic, based on the analysis, that lets you track the political views of every birth year since 1937. Because race adds a variable, it applies most reliably to whites.)

    The generation that came of age during the five presidential terms of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman leaned Democratic for its entire life. So have those young liberals of the 1960s, who learned American politics through the glamour of John F. Kennedy. The babies of the late 1960s and early 1970s, who entered political consciousness during the Reagan years, lean Republican. Think Alex P. Keaton, the conservative child of hippies from the 1980s sitcom “Family Ties.”

    The interactive chart in the article offers an informative view of the basis for study results.

    Is Obama the 'worst president ever' or just so in generational terms? Will Obama become the Dems worst nightmare 20 or 30 years down the road?

    Well, let's not get carried away with optimism.



    1. Politics is non sense to those who still are kicking, and have a little life left in them.

      But the coming of Cupid and Eros is eternal, and eternally interesting.

  30. Perhaps Bar-Fus, since he drinks all the time.

    Maybe Barf-Us?

  31. Quirk, you really must get out of Detroit, and see some country.

  32. Consider the latest leak sourced to Edward Snowden from the perspective of his detractors. The National Security Agency's defenders would have us believe that Snowden is a thief and a criminal at best, and perhaps a traitorous Russian spy. In their telling, the NSA carries out its mission lawfully, honorably, and without unduly compromising the privacy of innocents. For that reason, they regard Snowden's actions as a wrongheaded slur campaign premised on lies and exaggerations.

    But their narrative now contradicts itself. The Washington Post's latest article drawing on Snowden's leaked cache of documents includes files "described as useless by the analysts but nonetheless retained" that "tell stories of love and heartbreak, illicit sexual liaisons, mental-health crises, political and religious conversions, financial anxieties and disappointed hopes. The daily lives of more than 10,000 account holders who were not targeted are catalogued and recorded nevertheless."

    The article goes on to describe how exactly the privacy of these innocents was violated. The NSA collected "medical records sent from one family member to another, résumés from job hunters and academic transcripts of schoolchildren. In one photo, a young girl in religious dress beams at a camera outside a mosque. Scores of pictures show infants and toddlers in bathtubs, on swings, sprawled on their backs and kissed by their mothers. In some photos, men show off their physiques. In others, women model lingerie, leaning suggestively into a webcam ..."

    Have you ever emailed a photograph of your child in the bathtub, or yourself flexing for the camera or modeling lingerie? If so, it could be your photo in the Washington Post newsroom right now, where it may or may not be secure going forward. In one case, a woman whose private communications were collected by the NSA found herself contacted by a reporter who'd read her correspondence.

  33. Behind the Protests in Caracas: Venezuela Rising

    Earlier this year, VICE News headed to Venezuela's capital of Caracas to cover protests that started in the provinces before engulfing the city. What began as a student movement inspired by the scarcity of basic goods and an exploding crime rate — the UN has classified Venezuela as the world's murder capital, war zones excluded — had snowballed into mass anti-government riots.

    Angry at the perceived shortcomings of President Nicolás Maduro, who replaced the charismatic Hugo Chavez a year before, thousands of mostly middle-class protesters took to the streets, tearing the city apart during pitched battles with Caracas's brutal semi-militarized police force. Protesters also had to contend with collectivos, quasi-governmental biker gangs accused of spreading insecurity and discontent to keep Venezuela's population frightened and indoors.

    VICE News released six dispatches from the ground and live streamed from Altamira Square, the heart of the city's unrest. In Venezuela Rising, we explain the story behind the protests, linking up with rioters, government supporters, activists, and victims of Caracas's intolerable crime wave. In an exclusive interview, we also speak to Henrique Capriles, the leader of the political opposition.

    At least 43 people have died since the protests in Caracas began, and thousands more have been injured and arrested. In Venezuela Rising, VICE News finds out why.

    1. It's all because the Veneies adopted the Spanish Imperial Napoleonic Code or some shit.

      I read about it all here.

      It was posted by out resident dumb shit.

      It is all Napoleon's fault.

      It has nothing to do with the character of the people there.

      You can't blame them that they are all illiterate and slothful.

    2. Bob needs to expand his information sourcesTue Jul 08, 04:54:00 PM EDT

      It's all because the Veneies adopted the Spanish Imperial Napoleonic Code or some shit.

      If you don't know what you are speaking of, Bob, you should be quiet

      Mexico's dysfunctional legal system
      Unlike the U.S., Mexico's legal system has no jury trials. In the majority of cases, there are also no oral arguments, meaning lawyers don't stand in front of a judge to plead their client's case. Judges usually never meet the accused. Everything is done via paperwork. Judges are subject to a Napoleonic code of justice, meaning laws are strictly codified, leaving them little room for judgment.

      But what is so humorous, in regards Bob's ignorance ...

      ... the Egyptian Civil Code of 1810 that developed in the early 19th century—which remains in force in Egypt is the basis for the civil law in many countries of the Arab world where the civil law is used— is based on the Napoleonic Code,

      The countries that have not 'modernized' are governed by the Napoleonic Code ...
      A rose by any other name, smell the same.

    3. Truly beautiful horse shit.

  34. My Niece just sent me a close up photo of her recently received University of Idaho Master's Degree certificate and package.

    You can't keep a good woman down!

  35. I am really happy right now.

    Everything seems to be working out for a change, and I can't hide it.

    I don't give God's Big Fuck about politics.

  36. The lake there at Sandpoint, Lake Pend Oreille, is the second largest lake west of the Mississippi River.

    Lake Tahoe is the biggest.

    I knew immediately that our host aofthe fancy dinner didn't know shit about fishing. He said there were no kokanee in the lake.

    Oh,oh, California alien reject with an underwater mortgage!!

    Much of the talk was about possible property trades and sales to get out form under.

    I enjoyed the whole event immensely.

  37. The US Navy still operates that testing facility one the lake.

  38. on the lake

    They test propellers and sonar and stuff.

    The lake is really really deep, and quiet.

    Our bird guide said a couple of square miles are off limits at this time for national security reasons.


  39. Rocket Hits Jerusalem...
    Israel opens public bomb shelters...
    Siren sounds...
    VIDEO: Arabs Celebrate...



    Peaceful 'Palestinians' doing their thing.

    My Niece, of course, thinks they are all crazy as hell.

    1. The 'Palestinians' of course, she's got no argument with the Jews.

  40. Semite vs Semite.

    A family feud.

    1. A literary feud.

      And the Jews have by far the better literature.

    2. The Hindus have the best literature of all on these matters.

      I will be quoting soon, sure as when my books come.

    3. Bob needs to expand his information sourcesTue Jul 08, 06:02:00 PM EDT

      The Talmud prescribes ...

      Sanhedrin 59a

      To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

      Libbre David 37

      A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

      Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

      When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

      Great literature, to be sure ...

    4. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 06:09:00 PM EDT

      So much bigotry, so much hatred all in a religious tome ...

      So readily quotable, too.

    5. God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee.

    6. God Damn Straight.

      Right out of the Farmer's Book of Life.

      And don't you forget it kiddo.

  41. Support for Hillary drops 11 points among Democrats

    AP: ISIS Has Seized Thousands of Rockets with Chemical Warheads (the ones they told us Bush lied about and said were in Iraq).

  42. rat is a brain dead asshole.

    He quotes some stuff, which actually prove my point.

    It is a literary dispute.

    But Jewish literature has changed and morphed.

    Not so with the muzzies.

    rat is an IDIOT.

  43. Tell us true now, rat ass hole.

    Have you ever actually read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?

    Which is the touchstone of our American Literature.

  44. A truly great book, but not meant for the likes of you.

    1. .

      What a flaming elitist.

      I suppose you would prefer to burn books rather than have 'the wrong people' read them.



    2. ??????????????????????????????????????????

      What the fuck??????????????????????????????

    3. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 07:47:00 PM EDT

      Bob allies himself with book burning NASI, and then is shocked when it is made clear that he is counted amongst them.

  45. It is simply too deep, and requires a mind of a woman or man to actually read it.

    rat crapper is an IDIOT.

  46. I have spoken with my Niece about it.

    She says : " I haven't read that, Uncle Bob. But I wish to read it with you, and talk all about it."

    There is a proper response to higher literature.

  47. .

    The Little Sisters of the Poor have now been inducted into NOW's 'Dirty 100'.

    I expect they should prepare for a big jump in donations.

    As part of its full-throated defense of ObamaCare's contraception mandate, NOW has a list of what it calls "The Dirty 100" — entities that have sued the Department of Health and Human Services and demanded exemptions on the basis of their First Amendment right to religious expression and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties, the two firms that won the Hobby Lobby case last week, occupy two spots on the list, as does Wheaton College, which won a controversial injunction against HHS later in the week.

    Almost square in the middle of the list, though, are the Little Sisters of the Poor.

    Who are the Little Sisters of the Poor? They are Catholic nuns, operating as a charitable organization on behalf of their community. The application of the HHS contraception mandate to practicing Catholic nuns who take vows of chastity is one of the biggest absurdities of HHS' mandate enforcement anyway. Obviously, nuns aren't clamoring for free IUDs and Plan B.

    It's true that churches and closely related organizations do not have to comply with the mandate, but there's a big catch, and one that provides another level of absurdity. HHS requires that any such group primarily employ and serve only members of their own faith. The Little Sisters, who provide hospice care to impoverished people about to die, do not restrict their service to just Catholics. In other words, HHS demands compliance in the case of these "dirty" nuns because they refuse to discriminate in serving the needs of the poor.


  48. .

    Popular boys names in 2014:

    1. Asher

    2. Declan

    3. Atticus

    Most Popular Baby Names -- 1014


    1. Most unpopular Baby Name of the Last One Hundred years:

      1) Quirk

    2. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 07:52:00 PM EDT

      In Abhodah Zarah (26b, Tosephoth) it says:

      "Even the best of the Goim should be killed"

    3. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 07:55:00 PM EDT

      In Hilkhoth Akum (X, 1) it says:

      "Do not eat with idolaters, nor permit them to worship their idols; for it is written: Make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them (Deuter. ch. 7, 2). Either turn away from their idols or kill them."

      Ibidem (X,7):

      "In places where Jews are strong, no idolater must be allowed to remain..."

      "Either turn away from their idols or kill them."

    4. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 07:59:00 PM EDT

      "They are diligently warned not to have any contact with Christians, not to play with their children, nor to eat or drink with them, nor to have anything to do with them socially. And parents tell their children the conversation of Christians is so horrible and vicious that they conceive an implacable hatred of Christians from their very cradle." Ibedem, ch. VII, p. 136.

  49. rat is faking names again, Deuce.

    Take it all down.

    rat is a sociopath.

  50. The Microsoft Bob OS pretty much did for the name Bob what Hitler did for Charlie Chaplin moustaches.

    1. ??????????????

      You are beyond me, Dear.

    2. Save Bob from the big meanies, Deuce, everyone is picking on him again.
      He needs protection from who he is. From what he has written. He cannot stand up on his own!
      Save him Deuce, there is no one else!

    3. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationTue Jul 08, 11:15:00 PM EDT


  51. BobTue Jul 08, 05:23:00 PM EDT

    Rocket Hits Jerusalem...
    Israel opens public bomb shelters...
    Siren sounds...
    VIDEO: Arabs Celebrate...

    ...and no phone call from Mr. nazty iz thiz? :-)

  52. "Rocket Hits Jerusalem...
    Israel opens public bomb shelters...
    Siren sounds...
    VIDEO: Arabs Celebrate..."

    Rocket Hitz Jeruzalem...
    Izrael openz public bomb zhelterz...
    Zirrn zoundz...
    VIDEO: Arabz Celebrate...


    1. All thoze Jewizh Arabz are celebrating in their Zhelterz!
      While the NASI mourn the deathz of the opprezzed.

    2. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsTue Jul 08, 09:41:00 PM EDT

      Those NASI Pricnces of Judea, all 150,000 of them that fought for their cousin, Adolf.
      Back in the Great Patriotic War.

      Finally, in Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust, which was published also by Modiin, Barry Chamish writes (on pg. 232) that, about a year before he became Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon said that had Jabotinsky been head of the Jewish Agency instead of Ben-Gurion, millions of Jews would have been saved from the Holocaust.

      Perfidy, The Transfer Agreement, and The Scared And The Doomed are accurate books (which were created by Jewish people, not anti-Semite bigots) that detail how Labor Zionism prevented the rescue of European Jewry.

    3. Rat is a figment of your imaginationTue Jul 08, 11:13:00 PM EDT


  53. We call on Israel to show maximum restraint and end the cycle of violence.

    1. After killing 1,500 Semitic children it is time for Israel to stop the violence.
      Little matter what is written in Talmud.

    2. Fuck off rat.

      Go get a job or something.

    3. -the bum who boasts that his great-grandfather was an empire-builder,
      (as if the achievement of one man could rub off on the mediocrity of another)

      This is a sample of racism.”

  54. Secretary of State John Kerry was photographed on Thursday doing something that has raised eyebrows in the past — kiteboarding in Nantucket as America faces crises abroad and at home.

    1. .

      Kerry is doing pretty good at 70. Not the most effective SOS we have had but one of the hardest working.

      No harm in him trying to relax a little.


    2. Certainly the old horror movie star needs a little sailing time, and that is for sure.

    3. John Kerry as Secretary of State.......what a bad joke.

  55. It's time to impeach Obama.

    So says Sarah Palin.


    1. And it's time for some benign intervention for poor ol' R-Fus.

      A welfare check as the first move.

    2. We have, after all, our duties as a society.

    3. A competitor will find a way to win. Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves just that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up. It's all a matter of pride. - Nancy Lopez

      Sarah Palin, a quitter, a woman that couldn't go the distance.
      Obviously, it is a matter of pride, A virtue Sarah Palin lacks.

      Winners never quit and quitters never win. - Vince Lombardi

    4. I have answered that O RAT SHIT.

      Alaska has some odd laws.

      She didn't 'quit' as you say.

      She was forced out to save her economic well being.

      All the cases that were brought against her, which she had to defend on her own dime, were finally ruled to be bogus.

      It's Alaska, and they need some new rules passed through their Legislature.

      But you know all this, print man.

  56. The Islamic State extremist group has taken control of a vast former chemical weapons facility northwest of Baghdad, where remnants of 2,500 degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago with the deadly nerve agent sarin are stored along with other chemical warfare agents, Iraq said in a letter circulated Tuesday at the United Nations.

    The U.S. government played down the threat from the takeover, saying there are no intact chemical weapons and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to use the material for military purposes.

  57. These Lady Lawyers on Fox are really great.

    Wonderful legal minds, and beautiful to boot.

    What's not to like?

  58. The SAT scores in Washington State are beginning to tank.

    Soon now Washington State will rank behind even Mississippi.

    1. Shame: Idaho ranks poorly in many key areas

      Vultures Circling Idaho’s Economy
      The vultures are circling Idaho’s economy. As one business leader, CEO of WhiteCloud Analytics Bob Lokken said, “Idaho is in a ‘death spiral’ of poor education, low wages.”

      Idaho department of Labor listed our poor wage standings:

      50th in average wage
      50th in per capita income
      50th in wage increases since 2007
      1st in percentage of minimum wage jobs

    2. Mississippi BEATS Idaho....

      That is REALLY funny shit.

    3. On the other hand, you will struggle to find the poor in Sandpoint, Idaho.

      I didn't see what I would consider a poor person on the whole trip.

      Just the opposite.

      We do have plenty of Mexicans down south out of Boise.

      But I won't argue with your figures.

      We are a very rural state, most of it.

      There is no one starving here.

    4. Idaho has the worst wages in the nation.

  59. Replies
    1. Idaho department of Labor listed our poor wage standings:

      50th in average wage
      50th in per capita income
      50th in wage increases since 2007
      1st in percentage of minimum wage jobs


    2. “Idaho is in a ‘death spiral’ of poor education, low wages.”

      Hysterical, lower than Mississippi, lower than New Mexico,
      Lower than any other state in the United States.

    3. :)

      Beats inner city Phoenix.

      I would have to look really close at the numbers to adequately reply.

      We do have one hell of a lot of spics out of Boise for example.


    4. “Bigotry does not consort easily with free trade.”

    5. Arizona ranked 6th best state to to business (, 2013);

    6. WASHINGTON – Arizona ranked seventh in the nation for its economic performance over a 10-year period and sixth for its economic outlook, ...

    7. Apr 10, 2014 - Arizona ranked sixth among U.S. states for the economic clout of its women-owned businesses ...

  60. Idaho’s average wages worst in nation
    Betsy Z. Russell - The Spokesman-Review

    BOISE - Idaho has the worst wages in the nation.

    The Famous Potatoes state ranks 50th for average annual wage, per-capita income, and for wage increases since 2007.
    It also has the greatest percentage of minimum-wage workers in America.

    After hearing those figures Thursday as they reviewed Idaho’s economic outlook, state legislative leaders said it’s time to figure out how to reverse that “dubious distinction” for the state.

    “I don’t think anybody’s proud of that No. 1,” said House Speaker Scott Bedke, R-Oakley. He quizzed the state’s new Labor director, Ken Edmunds, about why the state ranks so poorly. “We need to understand, I think, as a state this phenomenon here, so that we can address this as we shape policy to improve these numbers,” Bedke said.


    1. Idaho has the worst wages in the nation.

      Idaho is in a DEATH SPIRAL

      Poor Education is the Cause

  61. :)

    But the scenery is top flight.

    I admit we need a medical school.

    I have argued for that my entire life.

    Boise is now big enough to support one.

    When I was born here, there were 250,000 thousand folks.

    Now we have over a million.

    And going upwards.

    This is sad.

    1. Idaho is in a DEATH SPIRAL

      Poor Education is the Cause

    2. On the other hand, we don't have Mexicans dealing drugs in the back yard.

  62. But your point is well enough taken.

    We should do better.
