Monday, July 14, 2014

Kristallnacht comes to Gaza

17,000 Palestinians are fleeing the Israeli blitzkrieg. 170 Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF Panzers and Stukas. 1300 wounded:

Here is how the IDF does it:

How the Nazis did in on Kristallnacht in Buehl:


  1. Sorry, Deuce, I don't see much Blitz in your Krieg. "Knock. Knock. Anybody home"? hardly counts as war.

    1. Those with with eyes can see it plainly.
      But there are none so blind as those that will not see.

  2. Deuce you are losing it...


    seek medical attention.

    1. heh, heh, heh

      Look in a mirror, NASI, you will see just who is losing it.

  3. But the odd thing? The wilder your accusations? the less credibility you have.

    1. There are no accusations, there is merely reporting of the facts on the ground.
      It i funny how yesterday you were celebrating, today you are denying

      Get ready Israeli, the men in the white coat are coming to take you away!

  4. Israel is JUST like the Nazis and Kristallnacht...

    An exodus of Palestinian dual citizens from the Gaza Strip began Sunday at the Erez crossing, with several hundreds making their way out of the coastal territory as Operation Protective Edge entered its sixth day, with no cease-fire in sight.

    So Israel is HELPING Dual Citizens that live in Gaza leave, safely, from an area that will be an active war zone.

    Sounds JUST how the Nazis protected the Jews...

    Oh yeah were those fleeing put in Concentration Camps? Then put to death?


    1. Israel is JUST like the Nazis and Kristallnacht...

      While Hamas terrorists continued to hurl rockets and missiles at Israel, including the city of Haifa, Rambam Medical Center is now treating 20 Palestinians, including eight children from Gaza.

      The largest hospital in Haifa said on Thursday that it provides medical care to Palestinians year round. The latest group to come were 11 from the Palestinian Authority area and nine more from Gaza who needed outpatient care. Most of them are children suffering from cancer or kidney disease who cannot get adequate care near their homes. They were accompanied by family members. Some children are also hospitalized at Rambam over the long term.

      Every year, hundreds of Palestinian outpatients and inpatients, including some 650 children and teens, are treated at the Haifa medical center. Some of them come with very difficult conditions that require hospitalization.

      Yazid Fallah, who coordinates medical treatment at the hospital for Palestinians, said that “despite the security situation and the fact that the two sides are fighting each other, medical care for children and adults continues as usual.”

      He added that the Gaza patients “feel locked up in an impossible situation. On the one hand, they are in Israel and see what Gaza terrorists have done, and at the same team they see how their own population is being hurt by retaliatory attacks from Israel and are worried for the safety of their families.”

      Fallah reported that some Palestinian patients are ashamed of what the terrorists have done, but are afraid to return to Gaza out of concerned that they would be punished for going to an Israeli hospital for treatment. In general, they want to live quietly, but it’s clear to them that the situation has changed for the worse and is declining,” the Rambam staffer said.

      Yet despite the insane political situation, “the human factor is victorious. Long-term patients from Gaza have a presence that people are used to and there are good relations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, Fallah said. When this round of terrorism and bombing began, Palestinian patients feared they would encounter antagonism. “We calmed then down and said there is no such danger in an Israeli hospital. We see humans and not antagonists. Israeli patients try to make the Palestinian patients feel comfortable. They believe that they are all in the same boat.”

    2. So where are the thousands and thousands of Israelis with sledgehammers, looting, burning down, and destroying the buildings by the thousands?

      Kristallnacht (German pronunciation: [kʁɪsˈtalnaχt]; English: "Crystal Night"), also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, or Reichskristallnacht [ˌʁaɪçs.kʁɪsˈtalnaχt], Pogromnacht [poˈɡʁoːmnaχt] ( listen), and Novemberpogrome [noˈvɛmbɐpoɡʁoːmə] ( listen), was a pogrom (a series of coordinated attacks) against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and Austria on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians. German authorities looked on without intervening.[1] The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues had their windows smashed.[2]

      At least 91 Jews were killed in the attacks, and 30,000 were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps.[2] Jewish homes, hospitals, and schools were ransacked, as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers.[3] Over 1,000 synagogues were burned (95 in Vienna alone) and over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged.[4][5] Martin Gilbert writes that no event in the history of German Jews between 1933 and 1945 was so widely reported as it was happening, and the accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world.[3] The Times wrote at the time: "No foreign propagandist bent upon blackening Germany before the world could outdo the tale of burnings and beatings, of blackguardly assaults on defenseless and innocent people, which disgraced that country yesterday."[6]

      If it was a fitting comparison, we'd see jews destroying everything in site and deporting tens of thousands into death camps.

      Oh wait, all the while Hamas is shooting hundreds of missiles and rockets at civilians in Israel, did the Jews of Germany shoot rockets at the civilians of Germany?

      Inquiring minds want to KNOW...

    3. We know that both the Israeli NASI and the German NAZI embrace the concept of Lebensraum ("living space") as being a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races …

  5. 17,000 Palestinians are fleeing the Israeli blitzkrieg.

    Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war"About this sound listen (help·info)) is an anglicised term[1][2][Notes 1] describing a method of warfare whereby an attacking force spearheaded by a dense concentration of armoured and motorized or mechanized infantry formations, and heavily backed up by close air support,[6] forces a breakthrough into the enemy's line of defense through a series of short, fast, powerful attacks; and once in the enemy's territory, proceeds to dislocate them using speed and surprise, and then encircle them.[7][8] Through the employment of combined arms in maneuver warfare, the blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for them to respond effectively to the continuously changing front, and defeat them through a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (battle of annihilation).

    Sounds like a war tactic against another's army...

    Are you saying that Hamas has an ARMY hidden within the civilian areas of the Strip?

    Oh my..

    1. Your lack of understanding of the language does not change the truth of the words....
      Back to ESL, Israeli

  6. 170 Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF Panzers and Stukas.

    Civilians? All of them? Wow...

    Not one military target?


  7. Go ahead and bring the drama from this kiddie table over to the grown ups at the BC once again, Porky, the same thing will happen.

    1. Thank Ms C. But My point was made and WILL BE made over and over again there.

      I will expose you for the Skanky, lying Anti-semite you are..


    2. I got your quotes, I have your posts and the truth is hard to hid.

      Your hatred of Israel and jews is well documented.

      You will not get a free ride/slate...

    3. With respect to my friend, WiO, a more nuanced, surgical approach might be needed. Don't get too comfortable, dear girl. :-)

    4. Even allen can see that his fellow Israeli is ...
      "Losing it"

      Is in need of medication

  8. According to Watering about 15 minutes elapsed between the warning and the home's destruction. The family in the building - the Nofal family - escaped.

    London's Daily Mail describes what you've just seen.
    Gaza-based Watania news agency posted the footage to YouTube yesterday, describing it as the moment the home of Samir Nofal and his family was bombed.

    Filmed from across the road from the three-storey target, it shows how passing aircraft first fire small rockets at the roof of the building, causing a blast powerful enough to blow out the curtains and shake the street.

    The house is not destroyed but, according to the caption, around 15 minutes later the warplane returns. This time it fires two fully armed missiles at the building, causing a tremendous explosion and filling the street with smoke and debris.

    As the dust gradually clears it can be seen that the structure has been devastated, its front has been blown off and what remains is a skeleton with the trappings of daily life spilling out.

    Yes, true. but notice something else. The home next to it - which presumably was not inhabited by terrorists - escaped completely unscathed. Where else have you ever seen that?

    And here's what it looks like from the air. Note the secondary explosions at the end. Do you think you saw those in the first video as well? You probably did.

    So the home, had a store of bombs....


  9. It has been my opinion since the beginning that Israel would have to wade into Gaza and see if it could find enough Muslim warriors to organize a real fight. If the women and children flee, the Arab warriors will also flee, having lost their human shields. Consequently, there is no likelihood of defeating the enemy on the ground.

    Netanyahu cannot make a deal and hope to survive politically. All it will take to bring him down is a single missile fired into Israel following the next so-called peace. He cannot risk this, if he is rational. Gaza is a warren of terrorist infrastructure. Israeli troops must go underground and systematically destroy this complex. Netanyahu’s mission is to make it impossible for Hamas to wage war by reducing the technology available in Gaza to that of the Stone Age. Israel can live with “utes” throwing stones across the border. Israel will lose its industrial base if investors must contend with incoming missiles as a daily cost of business. Therefore, the survival of Israel depends on the outcome of this fight. Either Israel must win or Israelis and foreign investors must start packing their bags. This is where Netanyahu finds himself because of his past failures and clever deals.

    The two modes of waging war could not be more different. Thousands of Gazans would now be dead had Israel acted without restraint. Video will show the Israelis having aborted hundreds of attacks when the presence of civilians was detected. On the other hand, Hamas follows the formula, "Fire. Fire. Fire. Aim(?)"? It willfully targets fellow Palestinians in the PA in its wild flaying. Hamas, in short, cares not where its missiles land or who is hurt in the process. Like their anti-Jewish supporters in the West, they are savages, lusting only for Jewish blood. Come and take it.

    1. Last night the savages of Hamas hit their own power grid...

      And missiles are hitting Hebron and Bethlehem, it only a matter of time when more and more arabs are hit by palesitnian attacks.

  10. Thank Ms C. But My point was made and WILL BE made over and over again there.

    I want you to do it, WiO, I'm starting a betting pool on how soon Wretchard blocks your domain.

    1. Ms C.

      I am betting he won't..

      I am sure he remembers what a C you were too....

    2. and Ms t, you aint the only tech genius...

      block my domain... LOL

      that's so 2005...


      You are such an over paid/ Under trained parasite.

    3. Funny, the people that post the anti-Judaic rants on the web, the true haters ...
      The call the objects of their derision "parasites".

      Now the NASI of the Elephant Bar is using the term.
      The fruit don't fall far from the tree, does it.

      Proving again the accuracy of the theme of this thread.

    Booted spy crisis puts White House, CIA ties under strain

    As always, Yahoo News has attempted the Herculean task of cleaning after the administration’s elephants in the parade. I don’t think anyone will be fooled.

    The only sin in the spy game is getting caught.

  12. Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found “Washed Up Along Riverbank” of Rio Grande

  13. The rants, the raving, proves just how the truth is scaring the NASI.

  14. Netanyahu cannot make a deal and hope to survive politically. All it will take to bring him down is a single missile fired into Israel following the next so-called peace. He cannot risk this, if he is rational. Gaza is a warren of terrorist infrastructure. Israeli troops must go underground and systematically destroy this complex. Netanyahu’s mission is to make it impossible for Hamas to wage war by reducing the technology available in Gaza to that of the Stone Age. Israel can live with “utes” throwing stones across the border. Israel will lose its industrial base if investors must contend with incoming missiles as a daily cost of business. Therefore, the survival of Israel depends on the outcome of this fight. Either Israel must win or Israelis and foreign investors must start packing their bags. This is where Netanyahu finds himself because of his past failures and clever deals.


    1. “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”

  15. deals...Hamas must be effectively destroyed...

    Israel has a top-notch economy, growing at a breathtaking rate. It will lose that economy if current and future investors must contend with attacks from Hamas. Who would invest in an economy, regardless of its intellectual capital, if that investment could be snuffed out by a randam missile? The rule of law must prevail. To survive, Israel must put an end to these attacks, once for all. It is a matter of survival at the most basic level.

  16. Replies
    1. The dittohead is about to watch Bibi go down, then.
      Because Hamas will not be destroyed, not effectively, not in situ, not at all.

      No more than the Hitler was able to effectively destroy Zionism.

      Yet again, the theme of the thread is effectively endorsed by the Israeli NASI.

    2. The validity of the comparison between the NASI and the NAZI is shown to be accurate by the comments of the Israelis.

      No one else makes the argument so effectively.

  17. How sweetly brays the Philistine ass its obeisance of the Princes of Israel and their Torah.


    1. "‘When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone,
      ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.'

      ‘The question is,' said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things."

      ‘The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that's all.'"


    2. Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.

  18. Enjoy the moment in the sun, NASI ...

    The long night is coming, or is it knives ...

  19. It is true that an Israeli victory in Gaza will not prevent future insanity any more than the Allied victory over the NAZI prevented little neo-Nazis. However, victory did leave the new NAZI without balls. That is what Israel must shoot for in this battle - a sterile Hamas - a Hamas so discredited as to be ridiculous to its own people. This is doable. The sole impediment is a cowardly Mr. Netanyahu, who may soon find himself ridiculed by his own people.

  20. “To those who abuse:
    the sin is yours, the crime is yours, and the shame is yours.

    To those who protect the perpetrators:
    blaming the victims only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse.

    Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest.”


  21. “Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine.”

  22. So Chris Christie says that Obamacare is “a failure on a number of levels”. Which levels, exactly?

    I mean, first-year enrollment is above projections. The number of Americans without insurance has dropped sharply. Costs appear to be lower than expected, and more broadly cost control on health seems to be doing remarkably well:

    chart showing Medicare costs $1,000.00 per patient below what was expected as recently as 2010, and expectations for that to increase to $2,400.00 by 2019.

    To some extent I suspect that Christie is living in the bubble; I keep remembering how Rand Paul was shocked and disbelieving at the proposition that government employment had fallen under Obama, even though all it takes to know that is a quick look at public data.

    But it’s not just misinformation; the reality doesn’t matter for Christie, or Republicans in general. Just as tax cuts can never fail, programs that help the

    Paul Krugman

  23. The Libstream Media is blasting all over the front pages images of folks in Sderot eating popcorn and cheering the IAF when they go after the source of the rockets being fired at their homes, schools, and clinics, but corresponding images of Gazans (the same ones who passed out candy and celebrated 9-11-01) cheering the rockets being fired at Israel are buried on page A19. But there's no bias, no, that's silly.

    1. Wow that's original some imposter with your name posted the same thing at the Belmont club.

  24. This battle is an existential one for Israel and Mr. Netanyahu. It will be either victory or death. Since I believe Israelis will choose life, Mr. Netanyahu has to deliver a clear-cut victory or resolve himself to ignominy. As he knows, among Jews ignominy lasts thousands of years.

    Netanyahu finds himself in the place of General Lee at Gettysburg. The strategic defeat of a Union army in detail would bring a flood of foreign aid and investment and allies; less would mean the dismantling of a bereft South, over time. With this in mind, Lee staked all on Pickett's headlong charge into the Union center. The rest is history. Netanyahu must attack. Upon how he does so, there rests the fate of both Israel and himself. But make no mistake: this is Israel's last chance to save itself from catastrophe.


    1. “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.

    2. .

      But make no mistake: this is Israel's last chance to save itself from catastrophe.

      Until the next time, a couple of years down the road.


  25. Dow at 17,074.00

    Obama proves, once again, that, as "socialists" go, he makes for a damned fine republican.

    1. .

      Back-handed praise for the Commander-in-Chief.


      The Export-Import Bank

      This tale is not just another “I was for it before I was against” anecdote. It is also a bigger parable providing a two-pronged lesson: Partisan politics can abruptly shift; yet money politics almost never changes.

      The first lesson may be the most jarring because American politics is typically portrayed as a principled battle between two ideologically divided parties. But as the Export-Import Bank debate proves, money often trumps those purported principles to the point that parties will suddenly trade ideologies based on their perception of short-term interests.

      Corporate welfare’s quiet enablers: How democrats pander to big business


  26. I haven't been paying much attention; what is the score in this current "existential" struggle?

    I seem to remember it was something like 175 - 0, the last I noticed.

    1. .


      William B. Quandt, in the introduction of his book Peace Process, says:

      "Sometime in the mid-1970s the term peace process began widely used to describe the American-led efforts to bring about a negotiated peace between Israel and its neighbors. The phrase stuck, and ever since it has been synonymous with the gradual, step-by-step approach to resolving one of the world’s most difficult conflicts. In the years since 1967 the emphasis in Washington has shifted from the spelling out of the ingredients of 'peace' to the 'process' of getting there. … Much of US constitutional theory focuses on how issues should be resolved – the process – rather than on substance – what should be done. … The United States has provided both a sense of direction and a mechanism. That, at its best, is what the peace process has been about. At worst, it has been little more than a slogan used to mask the marking of time.”[2]..

      Someone yesterday mentioned something about the US 'doing something' to help solve the problem. What a joke. Like most of our actions in the ME we have never contributed to any real solutions. The whole 'peace process' has been kabuki for the the past 45 years, a struggle over money, land, and resources. To call it an actual peace process is an oxymoron.

      Whether Netanyahu lasts or doesn't is irrelevant. The cycle will continue.

      The US should stay out of it and let it get resolved as all matters are resolved by the natives of the ME.


    2. .

      At worst, it has been little more than a slogan used to mask the marking of time.”[2]..

      Would anyone argue against the fact that all we have seen is the worst?


    3. Sure, without the US influence we could have seen the NASI remove the people from Gaza, driving them into the Sinai.
      Just look at the contributions by allen and "O'
      That is that is required to see that would have been a strong constituency within Israel for that "Final Solution"

      It would have been the Machiavellian thing to do.

      Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.
      - Niccolo Machiavelli

    4. That is all that is required to see that would have been a strong constituency within Israel for that "Final Solution"

    5. .

      US pressure, like world pressure, may delay certain actions. However, US participation in the peace process has accomplished little.

      Try following the process, from say 1988 through 2002. Deuce's post yesterday explains a lot of it though it doesn't get into Arafat's resuscitation by Israel and the US when he was at his weakest, powerless, an exile in Tunisia, his PLO spurned by previous Arab allies for his support of Iraq in the first Persian Gulf War, all aid cut off.

      Call it kabuki, call it Machiavellian, call it bullshit, it's all the same to me.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Just saying that things "could" have been worse, from a humanitarian perspective, if the US had not been engaged.

      Which is not to say what has happened is either 'good' or 'humanitarian'.
      Because it has not been.

      I doubt that without US involvement the theft of Palestinian lands, the destruction of their homes or the political and economic apartheid would have tracked any differently, except for "More of it and done quicker".

    8. .

      True that.

      As I recall, in the early 90's Yitzhak Shamir said he could live with the 'peace process' since if it extended over a 10 year period the settlements process would be complete and a greater Israel would be at hand.

      Admittedly, it is taking longer than 10 years.



  27. “All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.”

  28. Replies
    1. How come "we" never get any of it?

      Rufus' Wife

  29. Iron Dome will keep on getting better, developer says

    Missile defense system not only saves lives but also gives political leaders more time to make crucial decisions about war and peace, says Danny Gold

    Read more: Iron Dome will keep on getting better, developer says | The Times of Israel
    Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

    Iron Dome

  30. Whoa! Corn is all the way down to $3.86 / bushel.

    That's the cheapest since . . . . . '09? 2010?

    Rat, how long until we can afford to eat a steak, again? :)

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Jul 14, 02:27:00 PM EDT

      Not happening, soon, Rufus, the Chinese love beef.
      The herds in Texas and Oklahoma were decimated and until the drought ends ....
      Then add two years.

    2. Unh, I was afraid you were going to say something like that. :)

  31. .

    Build it and they will 'cum'?

    Perhaps emboldened by this profusion of interest in data, last month a company called Mark One launched the Vessyl, a cup that analyzes the nutritional content of anything you put in it and tracks your sugar, caffeine, and water consumption. And the KGoal, touted as a "Fitbit for your vagina", is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. The latter device looks like a silicone hand grenade and is designed to record your progress as you do kegels, the exercise for pelvic floor muscles that women do to improve childbirth, continence and – most importantly, in my opinion – sexual pleasure. To emphasize that benefit, the KGoal even vibrates when you're doing your exercises right.


  32. Rufus IIMon Jul 14, 01:21:00 PM EDT
    Iron Dome will keep on getting better, developer says

    No, it is not. It has a serious flaw that is allowing its targets to be disabled but not detonated, as advertised. To date, the unexploded rounds have caused no damage, but eventually the good luck is going to fail.
    Israel's Iron Dome Is a 'Total Failure' at Its Most Important Job, Experts Say

  33. .

    A sign of the times.

    LOS ANGELES — Archie Andrews will die taking a bullet for his gay best friend.

    The famous freckle-faced comic book icon is meeting his demise in Wednesday’s installment of “Life with Archie” when he intervenes in an assassination attempt on Kevin Keller, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character. Andrews’ death, which was first announced in April, will mark the conclusion of the series that focuses on grown-up renditions of Andrews and his Riverdale pals.


    1. Individual copy sales were WAY DOWN and there was no outside advertising.
      The series had become a 'bust'.
      I can't find more current data sets, but the trendline was obvious and ominous.

    2. Archie was not amongst the "Top 100" of 2012

    3. That would be February of 2012, not the entire year.

  34. Replies
    1. .

      Thank you, Trish, for explaining to me who the hell Hello Kitty was.


  35. The SC ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby on religious freedom grounds, based on a 1993 law that even now Harry Reid is talking about overturning. Apparently we are long past the day when the court could rule in favor of Hobby Lobby on just plain freedom grounds, on the notion that people ought to pay for their own stuff.

    1. Yeah, your subsidized healthcare saved your life, so fuck everyone else, right?

      You are a good fit at the BC.

    2. Yeah! Do you not honor your own word at all? Obviously not.

  36. If I have $6 billion to invest, am I going to put it in a place, no matter how talented, that cannot prevent savages from routinely targeting it with missiles? To make the position even clearer, would I invest my $6 billion a few miles from an active volcano? Suppose I've already tied up money in a place where my capital could be reduced to ashes in minutes by a missile on a random trajectory, would I keep it there or find a more secure environment? Israel depends upon a constant flow of outside investment to maintain its phenomenal growth. Hamas places the Israeli economy at risk. That is existential.

    1. Do you really think that is possible short of some sort of ugly thing like a 'final solution? Egypt has outlawed the MB but they haven't gone away - do you envision something similar? If so, wouldn't that require full Israeli rule of all the territories yielding an apartheid like state? I really don't think it is possible that the ground forces move in, search every nook and cranny in order to destroy all munitions, and then seal off the place. Even with Egypt's willingness to help (the current Authoritarian government hates the MB and their allies Hamas) the area is thriving with enemies and underground (and not so underground) supply routes.

      No, I don't think there is a military solution for Israel as that has been their attempted solution all these years and it has yielded what we have. Time for something different.

    2. They never did enough, in the past, and now ...

      To much is not enough.

      Stay the Course!

    3. The Israeli landed on a Gaza beach, and took four casualties.

      The Israeli are tremendously casualty adverse, more so than the US military.
      Their most recent experience will cause them to "Go Slow" and increase the air campaign.
      Their air campaigns will not stop the signal.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "They never did enough, in the past" The general Israeli policy has been 'if they hit us we hit back harder, way harder' hoping 'they' would learn. Short of massacring the Palestinians I'm not sure what else, force wise, the Israelis could do. What, in your opinion, Jack, would be enough?

    6. They sent in ground forces in the past and took casualties.

    7. Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.
      - Niccolo Machiavelli

      The Israeli 'should' have moved the people of Gaza into Egypt, back in 1967 & '68.
      When they did not do that, they sealed their fate.

      Everything / anything else, has not been enough, never was going to be...

      Now they cannot do what needs to be done. There never was, nor is there now going to be, a solution that was not 'Final'.

    8. The US will not allow the Israeli to do what allen is advocating for.

      If the US does not support Israel, the $6 billion he is so concerned about, will be considered to be 'peanut dough'.
      US support for Israel is existential, for Israel.

      They are over the ever famous barrel.
      As was Diem in Vietnam and the Shah, in Iran.

      Foolish folks took the 'easy way' and that trail leads to disaster, because the US has interests, not friends or allies.

    9. The Israelis couldn't 'move the people of Gaza' (or the West Bank) in 1967/68 nor can they now. You are dreaming, Jack, about circumstances then, just as Allen is now.

  37. Lord, wont'cha buy me a Mercedes Benz;

    My friends all have Porsches, I must make Amends.

    Janis Joplin 'splainin' "existential."

    1. Fuck me, if I ain't been misunderstanging existential all this time.

    2. I got it now, though.

      Damage to Cash Flow = Existential.

    3. Wait, make that:

      Potential Damage to Cash Flow = Existential.

    4. Yep, you got, smart guy: those Jews will do anything for money.

    5. 3/4 of MS's teenagers and their babies...

    6. Spengler's Universal Law #9:
      A country isn't beaten until it sells its women, but it's damned when its women sell themselves.

    7. Ole Jack gets a hatin' and all he regresses to repeatedly spewing specious venom. I guess the USA is fits the bill because it allows its women to sell themselves.

  38. Quirk wrote,

    "Whether Netanyahu lasts or doesn't is irrelevant. The cycle will continue.

    The US should stay out of it and let it get resolved as all matters are resolved by the natives of the ME."

    If Israel wishes to remain a First World economy, the threat cannot be permitted to survive.

    Yes, send those cards and letters demanding that the US stay out of the fight.

    1. Israel i not a "First World" economy, never will be.
      There is not enough water.
      There is not enough space.

      Comical NASI bullshit just keeps flowin'

    2. .

      World-Class economy? How do you define a world-class economy?

      Of 180 countries worldwide, Israel probably falls around the median for GDP. In terms of water, countries like China (a world class economy?) have significant water problems. As for space, Switzerland has about the same population as Israel. It has about double the space and double the GDP. Does that prove anything?


    3. Israel = 8,019 sq miles
      Switzerland = 15,940 sq miles

      A small country, that is twice the size of Israel.
      Israel is smaller than Maricopa County, Arizona @ 9,224 sq miles

      "World Class" is not the same as "First World".

      allen is trying to slide a piece of propaganda by us. Claiming that his third world country, in the middle of Semitic Arabia is "First World", while denying Israel is a European colony.

      Wanting the benefits of the European culture, without dismantling the Semitic myth which is central to his Zionist ideology.

      He wants to have his cake, and eat it, too.

      As for water ... China is a large economy, it is a significant piece of the global economy, but not "First World".

      The sticking point of all the "Process Negotiations" is the water. The Israeli will give up large tract of Palestine, but not the land where there is a well, they will not relinquish the water rights they have stolen from the Palestinians.

      The bottom line, Israel is not a "First World" economy, never will be.
      It lacks the basic infrastructure and resources required, for that level of civilization, cultural development.

      It is a piece of Zionist propaganda our resident NASI is trying to propagate..

    4. Hey, that is just one of the reasons they want a bigger country - 'from the Sea to the River'. Unfortunately a lot of other folk already live there....

    5. We know that both the Israeli and the NAZI embrace the concept of ...
      Lebensraum ("living space") as being a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races …

    6. Quirk, they might have a GDP per capita that is on par with first world countries. I don't know. Is Monaco a first world country? Belgium? Liechtenstein? Luxembourg? I think there is more to it than landmass and GDP.

    7. “You can only rule over a subject race, especially when you are in a small minority, if you honestly believe yourself to be racially superior, and it helps towards this if you can believe that the subject race is biologically different.”

    8. .

      I think there is more to it than landmass and GDP.

      Of course, Ash. However, I was merely trying to get to definitions, specifically, the definitions Allen and rat were using. I think they both have a different perception of what 'First World' means. When the term was first coined, it was a political designation, basically, identifying the 'good guys', those developed, capitalist nations aligned with the West. Anyone else, know.

      Today when someone talks about 'First World' are they saying the same thing or do they mean something else?


  39. .

    The Affordable Care Act has been a boon to Michigan’s health insurance industry, boosting sales of individual policies by nearly 40 percent in the first three months of this year, according to a report released Monday.

    Although profits slumped in 2013, the industry is poised for a rebound because it added 88,000 individuals in January, February and March, according to Michigan Health Market Review, an annual report by independent health industry analyst Allan Baumgarten of Minnesota. He credits the high volume of policies sold in the Michigan Health Insurance Marketplace, hosted on the federal website at

    From The Detroit News:


    1. The "Market" seems to be working as it's supposed to, also. The Companies that have issued the most policies are leaving rates pretty much the same, or raising them, while the companies that have been less successful are lowering rates - one company, Molina, by 21.6%.

      All tolled, the average rate increase in Mi is slated to be 0.08%. :)

  40. Mexico City has a GDP of $411 Billion

    Israel has a GDP of $305 Billion.

    Is Mexico City a "world class" economy? Is Israel? damned if I know. :)

    1. At $294 Billion, Atlanta's GDP is about the same as Israel's,

      whereas LA's $764 Billion is approx. 2 1/2 Times as Great.


  41. Israel as an Apartheid nation, it is not "democratic", it has no mutual defense treaty alliance with the US.
    It is a socialist country, with a large ethnic Russian population, perhaps it would qualify a Second World, but has no treaty alliances with Russia.
    It is a Third World country.

    1. It is dependent upon foreign aid from the US, it is a dependency, not an ally of the US

      Like El Salvador, Panama, Venezuela or Egypt, Israel is Third World.

    2. "Third World" are all the other countries, today often used to roughly describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

      The term Third World includes as well capitalist (e.g., Colombia) and communist (e.g., North Korea) countries, as very rich (e.g., Saudi Arabia) and very poor (e.g., Mali) countries.

    3. .

      Yet, others would disagree with you, especially if you go by the term's original meaning.

      Not that it really matters, of course.


  42. All I know is that WE have a very "Interesting" economy going on right here in river city.

    You would be very hard-pressed to get me to give a, pardon the expression, :) Rat's ass about what's going on over there.

    1. And, I do have to be careful throwing that "non-first world" stone around - living in Mississippi, and all. :)

    2. It's kind of hard imagining the old Magnolia State qualifying for 1st World status, absent the sizable amount of money the Federal guvmint (read: Blue States) shovels down to us every year.

    3. In fact, now that I think about it, Mississippi does kind of remind me of Israel. The Ms power structure allowed their white citizens' animus toward Obama, and blacks, in general, to lead themselves to refuse a Lot of free federal money for the expansion of Medicaid - a decision that most rational observers simply refer to as "baffling."

      Bad mistakes are bound to happen when you start seeing your fellow human beings as "them" - based on religion, color, ethnicity, culture, physical appearance, etc.

    4. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Jul 14, 05:04:00 PM EDT

      It not rat's ass that is burning.
      It's allen's "Third World" ass that is on fire.

    5. As big an asshole as Snyder (the gov. of Michigan) is, he had enough sense to take the money. As a result, the hospitals in Michigan are, probably, 30% (the national average for states that took the money) More Profitable this year, than last.

      Meanwhile, the hospitals down here are suffering, and trying to blame everyone but their own republican politicians.

    6. Our Governor stuck her finger in Obama's face, made some headlines, but she took the money, too.

    7. .

      As big an asshole as Snyder (the gov. of Michigan) is...

      Why do you call him an asshole?


    8. Cause, that's what we Missipians call assholes. :)

    9. .

      Bad mistakes are bound to happen when you start seeing your fellow human beings as "them" - based on religion, color, ethnicity, culture, physical appearance, etc.



    10. You notice that I didn't include political affiliations in that list.

      Republicans is still assholes.

    Tel Aviv residents live normally amid rocket attacks

    “Tel Aviv residents live normally amid rocket attacks” - so chirps merrily Ms. Chabin. She follows that with:
    “Marcus acknowledges that the rockets have had an impact. A Neil Young concert scheduled for later this week in a city park had to be canceled "because 40,000 people would not be able to find shelter" in a minute and a half, he said.”

    That, dear lady, is abnormal! The inability to understand that is pathological.

  44. QuirkMon Jul 14, 03:45:00 PM EDT

    World-Class economy? How do you define a world-class economy?

    I have no definition.

    If you need additional proof of Israel’s status, there is the internet.
    Human Development Index
    “The 2013 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was released on March 14, 2013, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2012. Below is the list of the "very high human development" countries: …
    16. Israel”
    “As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[146] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower…”

    (For the confused, the US is “Very Highly Developed”, also)
    The Paris Club announced Israel’s induction, bringing the club’s membership to 20 countries. The club is an informal group of governments, including the United States, that collectively negotiates deals with poor countries struggling with huge debts. It was created in 1956 and has worked out loan deals for 90 countries.

    Finance Minister Yair Lapid lauded the Paris Club announcement, saying it “shows Israel’s economic might and presents additional proof that Israel’s place is alongside the strongest countries.”

    Once a tiny farming nation, Israel has evolved into a high-tech economy with numerous start-ups and companies in communications, software and military technology. Its economy continues to grow, and unemployment is roughly 6 percent, well ahead of the double-digit levels seen in many parts of Europe.

    After a 16-year effort, Israel was accepted into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a policy forum for the world’s most developed economies, in 2010.
    Terms similar to developed country include "advanced country", "industrialized country", "'more developed country" (MDC), "more economically developed country" (MEDC), "Global North country", "first world country", and "post-industrial country". The term industrialized country may be somewhat ambiguous, as industrialization is an ongoing process that is hard to define. The term MEDC is one used by modern geographers [citation needed] to specifically describe the status of the countries referred to: more economically developed.

    1. Semitic Arabia is Third World, get used to it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      QuirkMon Jul 14, 03:45:00 PM EDT

      World-Class economy? How do you define a world-class economy?

      The conversation started out on 'First World' economies not 'World Class' economies, something possibly more controversial and hard to define.

      I started the referenced post out with a slip of the tongue or as some might call it a brain-fart.



  45. By the way, fellows, Israel is still pounding the aggressors.

    1. :) :) I've heard it called a lot of things, but . . . . "aggressors?" :) :)

      "spanking the monkey" - is that close? :) :)

  46. .

    Washington (CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder says he sees "racial animus" in strident Republican opposition to some Obama administration policies. Some media conservatives say he's playing racial politics.

    Holder on Sunday told ABC's "This Week" that "there's a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that's directed at me (and) directed at the President. ... There's a certain racial component to this for some people."

    Gee, we must be coming up on an election.


    1. McConnell: Defeating Obama “single most important job”
      October 26, 2010

      That was more than two years before the election.

    2. GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

      WASHINGTON -- As President Barack Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency at a private dinner in Washington.

      The event -- which provides a telling revelation for how quickly the post-election climate soured -- serves as the prologue of Robert Draper's much-discussed and heavily-reported new book, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives."

      According to Draper, the guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) -- who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.

    3. .


      And you chalk that up to racism?


    4. I caulk it up to an election, four years away.

      You were the one that connected election campaigns to claims of racism.
      I merely indicate that election campaigns are ongoing

  47. Yep, the republicans are getting ready to shut down thousands of road, and bridge construction/repair projects, putting some 750,000 Construction Workers out of a Job. Right before the elections.

    Will it work? Will Obama, and the Dems get blamed? Yeah, probably will.

    Nothing like a little 700,000 Jobs Lost Last Month headline the month before the election to nurture that old "incumbent love."

  48. I won't presume to speak for a lot of Michiganders, but I'll guarantee you that there's a whole bunch of racist ODS bullshit going on down here. I know, because I talk to these yahoos, and they're not the least bit bashful about telling anyone what they think (it's not pretty.)

    But, we all know that. We know that Obama has been a hell of a shock to some white folks - a lot of white folks that are probably even a little surprised by it, themselves.

    1. .

      And I am not saying there isn't racism out there.

      All I am saying is that I don't think that it is the main reason people are opposed to Obama. I think policy issues trump the racism.

      I brought it up only because of how cynical Holder is about it. He is careful to say that there is only 'some' racism out there and then goes on talking about how much progress we have made as a country in the past 50 years etc. etc. all to the point where I have to ask myself 'if it is such small potatoes, why did you bring it up at all and why now?'

      Being a cynical little prick, my mind naturally turns to one explanation.


    2. WHOSE racism?

      And against WHOM?

    3. It's just an excuse being used by a failed administration.

  49. Arabs of Palestine have been calling the Jews the descendents of apes and pigs for as long as anyone can remember and our big guy takes down some quotes from Martha Gellhorn, pointing this out, saying she is the racist.


    Anti-Israel Rants on Police Megaphones...


    The protesters referred to are of course, Neo-Nazis and Islamics.

    1. allen called Ms T a monkey,
      That is the same as saying she was an ape,


    2. Miss T called Bob a peckerwood.

    3. She was correct in her assessment of Bob.

    4. We are all apes after all, Jack.

    5. Jack Hawkins called Jack Hawkins a professional asshole.

      Jack was correct is his assessment of Jack.

    6. Jack don't know jack shit about Jack

  50. Black residents of Chicago slam Obama over preferential treatment for illegals...

    'Will go down as worst president'...

    PAPER: Dems' immigration push aliening white working class... DEAD CHILDREN WASH UP ON BANKS OF RIO GRANDE...


    Outbreak of pneumonia, swine flu...

    Leaked Data Shows 10-Fold Increase In Obama's Asylum Approvals...

    27,000 illegals found in non-border county...


    Get this:

    Black residents of Chicago slam Obama over preferential treatment for illegals...

    'Will go down as worst president'...


    The blacks in Chicago must all be racists...

    1. Black residents of Chicago slam Obama over preferential treatment for illegals...

      Because the Black vote is in the bag, he's fighting for the Hispanic vote. The Chicagoans have to think of the good of the Party.

  51. I can't help noticing that some who profess no interest in the ME become vocal when Israel starts kicking Arab butts. Clearly, then, they have an interest in Jews...Hmm...

    At this writing, Israel is still pounding the aggressors. :-)

  52. Niece went to see some soccer match in Germany and was raving about some goal Götze made.

    Whoever that is and whoever he plays for.

    Not a mention of anti-Israeli protests in Dresden.

    Many of these protests are 'for the cameras', anyway.

    "'What a goal Götze made and specially the winning spirit of people' -something like that.

    Gotze sounds German.

    Sounds like most people are more interested in soccer than things in Gaza.

  53. Egypt has proposed a ceasefire to end a week of cross-border fire between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

    The initiative urges a ceasefire starting early on Tuesday followed by a series of meetings in Cairo with high-level delegations from both sides.

    However an official from Hamas, which controls Gaza, said a full deal would have to come first, before a ceasefire.

    Israeli officials said PM Benjamin Netanyahu's security cabinet would discuss the proposal early on Tuesday.

    A senior Israeli official told the BBC that Hamas was "much weaker" after air strikes destroyed many of its rockets and manufacturing facilities

    1. Some how "much weaker" does not equate to 'destroyed' or 'annihilated'.

      Maybe the real meaning was lost in translation?

    2. heh, heh, heh

      Will there be a new off Broadway show ...

      Bye, Bye, Bibi!

    3. Maybe a musical ...

      Or a comedy ...
      of errors

      So sad that hose three teens had to die, so Bibi could produce a "Protective Edge".

      At least the Mossad did not murder 252 Jews.
      Or even 252 Palestinians. the Zionists must be slipping.

    4. So sad that those three teens had to die, so Bibi could produce a "Protective Edge".

    5. The original purpose of the structures under assault in Gaza may indeed have been homes, hospitals, mosques and such, but if they have been re-purposed as missile launching sites, then they are fair game for counter-battery fire. And if Hamas forces, at gunpoint, their constituents to act as human shields for these various sites, well then I guess the voters will learn the meaning of the phrase "Elections have consequences."

    6. Maybe a farce with Jack as the lead...............?

    7. Bye, Bye, Bibi !

      Or allen will be proven wrong, Again

      heh, heh, heh.

      The more things stay the same, the less they change.

  54. I'm just glad we don't even have a 'smidgeon' of corruption at the IRS.

  55. Some rabbis suggest that Jacob wrestled with Michael, or even Sammael, the angel of death. Surely it was not Yahweh himself, for why would he fear the coming of the dawn like a vampire or wrestle a mere mortal man to a draw? Could it be that Jacob was not wrestling with God or an angel at all, but his own mortality? In his dark night of the soul, with deadly Laban behind him and deadly Esau before him, Jacob took command of his own fate with sheer dogged persistence, not letting go of his quest for "life, and life more abundantly" even in the face of crippling pain, symbolized by the breaking of his thigh. "I won't let you go until I have your Blessing," he insists. He is rewarded with a new name. Passing through this great trial, the old man Jacob Heelclutcher falls, while the new man Israel Godclutcher goes on.

    Everyone who comes up against Israel and his descendants ends up going away...permanently. You still see the Israelis around four thousand years later. You don't see the Hittites and Amalekites and Nazis around anymore. Palestinians take note.

    1. Though Rufus Budclutcher would say it's all a campfire story.

      Which it might have been originally.

    2. Oh, the Nazi are still around, they are right there, in Israel.
      Nationalists, Socialists ...


  56. FORBES:

    Joseph P. Kennedy’s choice to place his fortune in trusts is possibly the single most critical reason why the family wealth is still around today. The most obvious benefit was to protect the fortune from the prying fingers of ne’er-do-well heirs, said Laurence Leamer, who wrote three Kennedy biographies. Trusts often prevent beneficiaries from tapping more than 10 percent of principal, said Rick Kruse, principal at Kruse and Crawford, which offers estate management advice.

    The trusts also protect the family assets from another set of prying fingers: Uncle Sam’s. By holding assets in so called “dynasty trusts,” which are passed from heir to heir for decades, if not longer, the Kennedy family fortune is largely insulated from the estate tax, Kruse said. Handled correctly, a dynasty trust could potentially maintain an un-taxable fortune indefinitely. The oldest Kennedy trust on record dates back to 1936.

  57. It was a pleasant day, but the "silly time" seems to be upon us. Good time for it, though. :)

  58. An ape is not a monkey, as anyone with a high school education should know.

  59. What can one take seriously from an ignoramous who cannot distinguish a monkey from an ape. I bet he cannot say in the next 3 minutes the main difference between Old World and New World monkeys.

  60. What can one take seriously from an ignoramous who cannot distinguish a monkey from an ape. I bet he cannot say in the next 3 minutes the main difference between Old World and New World monkeys.

  61. Anthropology 1
    Introduction to Physical Anthropology


    This is a picture of a capuchin, a New World monkey

    This is a picture of a Douc langur, an Old World monkey

    Monkeys flourish in the tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America, Asia and Africa. Monkeys also are found in regions outside of the tropics in both Africa and Asia (but never in the Americas). Although monkeys everywhere have similar external appearances, a closer look reveals unique and distinctive differences between the American and Old world monkeys.


    New World monkeys

    Flat nosed (or platyrrhine)

    Nostrils are far apart and open to the side

    Old World monkeys

    Downfacing nose (or catarrhine)

    Nostrils are closer together and open downward or forward

    (Apes and humans share this nasal feature as well.)


    New world monkeys

    Three rather than two premolars

    Molars are relatively large

    The last molar is comparatively small or sometimes absent

    Old World monkeys

    Two premolars

    Premolar in the mandible is SECTORIAL. That is, it's specialized for sharpening the upper canine

    Molars have sharply connected cusps


    New world monkeys

    Tympanic membrane connected to external ear by a bony ring

    Old World monkeys

    Tympanic membrane connected to external ear by a bony tube (is visible on the outside of the skull)


    New world monkeys

    Some species (howlers, spiders) have prehensile tails

    Old world monkeys

    All have tails ­ but lack prehensility feature

    Sitting pads (ischial callosities) around the tail region. These thickly calloused skin areas supports the animals while they sit in trees (or on ground) to feed, rest, or sleep


    New world monkeys

    Thumb orientation lies in line with other digits. Opposes the next digit in a scissorslike grip

    (Spider monkeys have lost their thumbs)

    Fingernails = some species have fingernails on big toe

    Old world monkeys

    Thumbs are rotated and more opposable, more like ours (Hanuman langurs, baboons)

    (Thumbs reduced or absent among colobine monkeys of Africa)

    Fingernails and toenails are present on all digits


    New world monkeys

    Male involvement common

    Old world monkeys

    Male involvement rare or absent in most species (gibbons and siamangs are the exception to this non-male involvement)


    New world monkeys

    Few species have one male ­ multifemale groups like many of the Old World monkey species

    Have scent glands ­ rely more on scent to mark territories than Old World species

    Old world monkeys

    Prominent sexual skin around the anus and vagina in females which swells during estrous cycle


    New world monkeys

    Confined to arboreal habitats

    Rely heavily on fruit and less on foliage in comparison to Old World monkeys

    Old world monkeys

    Tolerate a wider range of habitats, from rainforest through savanna fringe or open savanna to high mtn ranges and semiarid regions ­ even urban environments (remember the hanuman langurs).

    Many spend some or most of day on the ground

    Some species (leaf-eaters) have specialized digestive tracks for processing low-value food

  62. Seems like a big deal is in the hands.

  63. Wonder if the New World monkey can clutch a Bud?

  64. Hama will survive in situ.

    Ha, ha, ha

    Three dead Jewish teenager sacrificed as were the 252 passengers of the “Patra”, for the propaganda value..

    “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,”
    - Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at their memorial service

    History repeats itself.

    heh, heh, heh.

    1. They best, cause if they don't they have no other situ to sit in.

    2. Robert Peterson, neither do the NASI, they have burnt their bridges.
      It is a matter of demographics, now.

      As allen said who will be willing to invest in Israel, let alone move there, with the threat from Hamas right there, entrenched.
      Hamas wins by surviving, Israel loses if it does.

      Hamas will survive, Israel loses, in situ.

      allen laid it all out.

    3. rat sounds so happy.......

    4. It seems the Hamas may be sitting in the dark, though, there in situ.

  65. Teresita RedingerMon Jul 14, 10:07:00 PM EDT

    The original purpose of the structures under assault in Gaza may indeed have been homes, hospitals, mosques and such, but if they have been re-purposed as missile launching sites, then they are fair game for counter-battery fire. And if Hamas forces, at gunpoint, their constituents to act as human shields for these various sites, well then I guess the voters will learn the meaning of the phrase "Elections have consequences."


    Your are going good today, MissT.

  66. <<<<<the Hamas Charter, which also calls for the “murder” of Jews, the “obliteration” of Israel, and Israel's replacement with an Islamist theocracy otherwise known as a caliphate<<<<<<

    Israel has no "Partner for Peace".

    Neither do the Christans in Nigeria.


    1. Israel does not want peace, so the lack of a partner is irrelevant.

  67. July 14, 2014
    Finally, a perfectly aimed rocket from Hamas
    By Carol Brown

    Hamas has fired a rocket that took out a major electric line in Gaza leaving 70,000 Gazans without electricity. Prime Minister Netanyahu has asked the Israel Electric Company not to fix it yet because it will endanger the lives of the repairmen while rockets continue to rain own on Israel.

    Maybe it’s not quite as good as when a suicide bomber accidentally blows himself up. But it’s something.


    Any answer as to who built the facility in the first place?


    UnCommie • 15 hours ago

    Q: How many arabs does it take to change a light-bulb?
    A: None; they just sit in the dark and blame it on the jews.
