Tuesday, July 01, 2014

It Is Guaranteed: Retaliation, Retribution, Revenge And Vengeance Always Results In Retaliation, Retribution, Revenge And Vengeance


In the Deaths of 3 Israeli Teens, Likud Policies are also Implicated

By Juan Cole

The kidnapping and killing of three Israeli squatter youth whose parents usurped Palestinian land has produced a paroxysm of hatred and calls for reprisals in Israel. Whoever is responsible for it, the killing of the youth was a horrid and inexcusable crime, and the heart of any parent goes out to the bereaved families.

It should be noted that during the Israeli dragnet in the West Bank, some 9 Palestinians, some youth or children, have also been killed, and hundreds arbitrarily arrested. The heart of any parent also goes out to those bereaved families.

But assuming that Palestinians were the culprits, the social and political structures fostered by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party form an essential context here. Social scientists always contextualize, an anathema to propagandists and the more glib of the journalists, who confuse it with excusing things. To put things in context is not to justify anything, it is to seek and understanding of human actions beyond the simple demonization of the Other.

The Likud has a policy of keeping the Palestinians stateless. Stateless people lack the right to have rights, in the phrase of Hannah Arendt and the US Chief Justice Warren Burger. They have no state to back their rights, therefore they have no real title to their property, no rights over their land, water or air, nor really even control of their own bodies. In some ways their situation is analogous to that of slaves.

Since the stateless lack a state, they also lack law and order. What most struck me from my last visit to a Palestinian refugee camp was how much of a frontier situation it was. There are no police. Everyone has to fend for themselves. And it is easy for predatory gangs to form.

That is, statelessness produces small violent groups such as Islamic Jihad and perhaps the Palestinian branch of the so-called “Islamic State” of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It produces them because in the absence of formal state structures, such groups thrive in the interstices of society. And it produces them because statelessness and the consequent deprivation of basic human rights produces potent grievances.

If the Likud really wants an end to such incidents, then it should negotiate in good faith to bring about the kind of Palestinian state that could actually police Palestinian lives. Instead, Mr. Netanyahu, despite public denials, wants to make a Palestinian state forever impossible, because he sees it as a danger to his brand of Iron Wall Zionism, which is aggressive and expansionist and Jewish-supremacist. Netanyahu did everything he could to torpedo Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process. One side-effect of statelessness is lawlessness. Netanyahu is actively choosing it.

Likewise, the Likud Party (and its coalition partners, some more barracuda-like than even the Likud itself) is dedicated to a vast project of stealing Palestinian land and resources on the West Bank. They are building beehives of colonies, which are solely Jewish and racist in character, excluding the native Palestinians from dwellings built on their own territory. The intended end game here of people like Avigdor Lieberman is likely that once a majority of the population in the West Bank is Israeli, an incident like the one that just took place will be used as a pretext to simply chase all the Palestinians out to Jordan or Egypt and then lock them out of their own country– i.e. a repeat of what was done in 1948.

It should be fairly obvious that if you take adolescents into the middle of the Palestinian West Bank and steal Palestinian land and build houses on it and shoot at Palestinians trying to harvest their crops nearby and bulldoze down their homes or dig tube wells so deep as to cause the Palestinian wells to run dry– if you engage in this settler-colonial enterprise, then you are exposing those adolescents you drag with you into it to danger.

It is still wrong. Violence in anything other than direct self-defense is always wrong, and innocent non-combatant life must never be taken. A resistance movement is legitimate, but its quarrel must be with soldiers.

In the way of politics, the killing will be used by the Israeli Right wing to demonize all Palestinians and to justify collective punishment of innocents among them, and as a pretext to take further property and rights away from them. Mr. Netanyahu seems to think he can use the murders as a basis for a campaign to destroy the Hamas Party-Militia in Gaza altogether. But Hamas is a side effect of Israeli brutalization of Palestinians in Gaza, who live under an economic siege, and if it were destroyed, something worse would take its place. Intolerable situations produce resistance, and resistance movements are often fanatical. Of course, the Israeli crackdown actions will produce a backlash from Palestinians in turn. The Likud, with its Ku Klux Klan kind of ideology, thrives on such a backlash– just as the Klan liked to see defiant African-Americans in the days of Jim Crow so as to make it easier to stage a lynching.

The Likudniks, whether in Israel or in the US, seem blithely unaware that they are operating in the same world as Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He didn’t expect suddenly to lose a third of the territory he controlled. While the surprises awaiting the Likudniks aren’t exactly like those that confronted al-Maliki, that there will be unpleasant surprises is fairly predictable. 

Grasping, indictive and petty policy always produces tragedies for those who pursue it.


  1. Those young men were doomed when their so-called leaders and protectors flooded the occupied territories with thousands of angry young men looking for the three unfortunate boys. Now that they are dead, Netanyahu is all but guaranteeing that more young men and children will die on both sides. Is Netanjahu so foolish that he does not realize that there are killers and sociopaths that will do their best to keep up the murder-cycle and raise the ante? Netanyahu knows exactly what will happen and nothing will ever change until reasonable people get rid of such political leaders.

    1. Yup, it's all Netanyahu's fault, and not that of the kidnappers and kidkillers.

    2. Draft Dodger Bob has got it correct, for once

    3. It is reasonable to confront the palestinians with war.

      They want it? They should get it.

      As deuce says, there are no historic claims.

      And yet deuce still says "occupied territories". They are "disputed territories" as per the UN resolutions.

      The easy fix? Make all arab occupants of the west bank (to use the new name for it) to be moved to the Gaza Strip.

      That' reasonable.

    4. Funny thing? this article speaks as if Hamas IS not a government.


    5. Bob's Awakening?Tue Jul 01, 02:42:00 AM EDT
      Draft Dodger Bob has got it correct, for once

      Morning killer! "Oh, I wanna be an airborne ranger..."

    6. Notice that now the IDF's mission is the capture of the specific kidnappers...

      The airstrikes were not revenge. Killed none, and were in direct retaliation for the missiles being fired from gaza.

      Yep the IDF is everything the arab world is not...

      No barrel bombs for gaza...

      Now in syria, iraq, lebanon, egypt, yemen, algeria, libya and more?

      throat slitting, beheading, murder, rape, ied's and more fun.

  2. You cannot look into the photos of the faces of the three young men and not see yourself or your own children. Their life was taken from them by a ruthless and heartless killer and a system of unsustainable human injustice under state repression.

    1. The moslem books instructs to kill the Jews. Which is the real problem.

      "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews
      (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The
      stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me,
      come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (a certain kind of
      tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the
      Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:45:00 AM EDT

      Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the Lord your God. (Deut. 20.16-18)

    3. Hamas and Fatah are responsible, no different than most arab governments.

    4. Love the way Deuce can't simply blame the killers...

      Talk about bias. " Their life was taken from them by a ruthless and heartless killer and a system of unsustainable human injustice under state repression."

      Pure bullshit.

    5. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:45:00 AM EDT

      Morning, Killer! "Oh, I wanna be an airborne ranger..."

  3. Human behavior is predictable. Human injustice is not inevitable.

    1. Human behavior is predictable/therefore human injustice is inevitable.

      This would seem to be the teaching of a sincere reading of history.

      Yet, things seem to have improved a good deal in many places of the world over time.

      So, it is an unresolved question.

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:50:00 AM EDT

      And all the cities of those kings, and all the kings of them, did Joshua take, and smote them with the edge of the sword, and he utterly destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded. ...every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe. As the Lord commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.
      (Joshua 11:12-15)

      Things have not improved

    3. Maybe it's time for Israel to declare war against those that have declared war against it.

      Time for the palestinians to have a real refugee moment.

    4. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:50:00 AM EDT

      "Phantom soldiers from the sky
      Paper pushers who trick and lie..."

  4. I'm sorry, but I find this knee slapping funny -

    Islamic State: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba”

    Robert Spencer Jun 30, 2014 at 9:17am Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jihadist intimidation and thuggery, Saudi Arabia

    This will not endear them to many Muslims. The Saudis themselves, who are no friends of The Islamic State, assiduously destroy religious artifacts in a bid to prevent “idolatry,” but since Muhammad himself is — according to Islamic tradition — supposed to have prayed in the Kaaba, they have not dared to touch it. Will an irresistible force here meet an immovable object? Muslims must reject and destroy all possible temptations to idolatry, and also must follow Muhammad’s example in all things. Can the Kaaba ipso facto not be an inducement to idolatry because Muhammad prayed there? Or must it be destroyed despite Muhammad’s example so as to prevent the worship of stones? Are Muslims to follow Muhammad in all things or are they to destroy all sources of idolatry? Can’t do both in this case! This will be interesting to watch.

    “ISIS: We will ruin the Kaaba after capturing Saudi Arabia,” APA, June 30, 2014 (thanks to Tabitha):

    Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. Representatives of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) stated that they will ruin the Kaaba after capturing Saudi Arabia.

    APA reports quoting Turkish media that ISIS wants to take control of Arar city of Saudi Arabia and start operations here.

    ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”

    1. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:47:00 AM EDT

      And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males. ...And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. ...

      And Moses said unto them...Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

      (Numbers 31:7-18)

    2. And Moses said unto them...Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      (Numbers 31:7-18)

      So when does it start?

      We've waited for decades...

    3. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:47:00 AM EDT

      What was that unit ID?

    4. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 09:28:00 AM EDT

      Check the link provided

    5. LOL the Jack Ass Rat speaks behind a mask..

      what a coward

  5. Three young men were murdered in Mississippi for objecting to an unjust system of priveledge and subjugation while attempting to overturn that system. These three young Israeli men were murdered because they were seen as part of an unjustice system. They were just there as targets of opportunity to be preyed on by killers.

    The Israeli response of thousands of troops arresting and harrassing Palestinians will only guarantee more murder and more suffering.

    1. Moslem literature is the problem.

      Has nothing to do with Mississippi.


    2. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:48:00 AM EDT

      Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” (1 Sam 15:2-3)

    3. The god of the Old Testament presents all the vile temperaments of a human dictator—the very antithesis of an all-loving, all-merciful, all-knowing, all-just and all-powerful being.

    4. Three young men were murdered in Mississippi for objecting to an unjust system of priveledge and subjugation while attempting to overturn that system. These three young Israeli men were murdered because they were seen as part of an unjustice system. They were just there as targets of opportunity to be preyed on by killers.

      The Israeli response of thousands of troops arresting and harrassing Palestinians will only guarantee more murder and more suffering.

      Maybe Israel needs to simply execute the terrorists that are convicted of lethal crimes and not release them to murder again????

      It's time for Israel to have the death penalty for murder and terrorism

    5. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:48:00 AM EDT
      Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” (1 Sam 15:2-3)

      Are you saying that Israel should do the above?


      Sounds like America did to Japan

    6. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:48:00 AM EDT

      "What was that unit ID"?

    7. Allen you and I both know he's a fraud.

  6. You want violence and calls for killing, read your Orwellian titled “Good BooK”. there is nothing good about it and nothing good about all the other sacred, holy and good books.

    1. You the so called Palestinians and their so called holy books fall into your statement????

  7. Why are there no Jews in Saudi Arabia? In Egypt? In Iran? There used to be. Where have they gone?

    Can either of you name one thriving Jewish community in the Moslem middle east? Just one? Of twenty thousand Jews. Of ten thousand Jews. Where have they gone? And why are they gone?

  8. For has the Chosen People not said in Psalms 137:

    [8] O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

    [9] Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

  9. ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”

    That must be why they want a nuke, so they can nuke the black rock. Maybe WiO can help.

    1. I can't help but according to your friends there are 55,000 nukes just waiting to be purchased.

      Maybe the Kaaba is on the short list.

      I can guarantee you they won't care about the population surrounding the black rock...

  10. What does that have to do with anything? The US has been dislodging secular leaders from Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt. It knocked off a democratically leader in Iran and assisted the Jihadis in ousting the secular regime in Afghanistan. The US attacked Christian Yugoslavia to help Muslim Albanians take over Kosovo. Israel, the Neocons and Aipac have all supported and encouraged most, if not all of these actions.

    Israel has decided to establish religious colonies displacing Muslims and has recently bombed Muslim communities in Syria, Gaza and Palestine. What could possibly grow wrong?

    Do you think all that can be done without consequences?

    1. This is a tribal god, in fact, a family god. He is the god of Abraham, Jacob and Isaiah. It is consistent with its creators to have him/it/her command destruction of the people whose lands they want to appropriate.

    2. Deuce you are aipac on the brain. You really lack any knowledge of AIPAC. And it shows.

  11. The highest murder rates in the World are committed by blacks against white farmers in South Africa. Why do you think that is?

    1. hmm... so are you saying that Arabs should be targeted in the 899/900th of the middle east that they occupy?

  12. No country or society, in all of history, has been able to establish anything more than a temporary military technological advantage over its enemies. Do you think the temporary Jewish/religious colonies in Palestine will be the first?

    Better check your history. Your God has been AWOL through some pretty rough periods.

    1. They always attributed that absence to their own failure to observe this or that Sabbath, or eating ham sammiches, or breaking some other rule.

    2. Do you think the temporary Jewish/religious colonies in Palestine will be the first?

      Do you think the temporary fake Arab nations are any different?

      Viva the destruction of the arab world!! It's about time...

  13. Religion is a vile canker on the ass of mankind.

  14. Deuce says that no one has historic claims to any lands any more...

    then says "Do you think the temporary Jewish/religious colonies in Palestine will be the first? "

    News flash, Israel has as much right to be a nation as America (even more)

    Arabs have as much right to form nations as well.

    If they choose not to? Aint anyone's fault but their own.

    Stop the playing the victim card, makes you sounds small

    1. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 09:32:00 AM EDT

      The Ashkenazi have no historic claim to Arabia, sorry.
      The Ashkenazi are Europeans, not Semites.

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 09:32:00 AM EDT
      The Ashkenazi have no historic claim to Arabia, sorry.
      The Ashkenazi are Europeans, not Semites.

      You have made your claim, so tell us, about the 800,000 and their 2.5 million descendants of Jews that were thrown out of their history homes in the arab occupied middle east?

      they make up a huge number of Israel.

      No matter about your false claims... Israel is.

      Like it or not...

      Israel IS..

      And you are just a ball-less coward that hides on the internet in his mommy's basement...

  15. Ah... The fun begins...


    Over the last few days, dozens and dozens of hamas rockets have been fired into Israel. Couple that will the kidnapping and murder of 3 teenagers that were civilians?

    Israel is responding..

    IAF strikes dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip; several more rockets hit southern Israel on Tuesday morning.

    I can only hope that dozens and dozens of Hamas fighters lose legs, eyes and arms....

    I can only hope that billions and billions of Iranian funded weapons and supplies go up in smoke...

    i can only hope that fear and terror and dismay creeps into every jihadist fighter in the world...

    I also hope that any jihadist fighter? DIES a painful and worthless death.

    1. The Israeli Air Force pounded the Gaza Strip early on Tuesday morning with 34 targets hit by jets in response to a barrage of rockets that pounded Israel's South on Monday.

      Terrorists in Gaza fired 8 rockets since midnight into Israel. Four were fired at around midnight, and another four early on Tuesday, following the air force's strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip. All projectiles fell in open areas and failed to cause injuries or damages.

    2. Bad news... the Hamas knew the strikes were coming and the IDF struck empty buildings.

      I guess we will have to wait another day for the IDF to get revenge.

    3. WiO,

      I love ya like a brother, man, but it was all for show. There will be no revenge. None is possible.

      Netanyahu is a fool, playing with high-explosive toys. No one is fooled by his bravado.

      "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."

    4. Allen, sadly I know.

      no one was killed in 34 strikes.

      hamas KNEW it was coming and vacated the buildings, just like years ago, when Israel made "retaliatory" strikes against empty police stations.

      Sad but Israel just doesn't know how to murder like their arab cousins and the Americans

    5. WiO,

      The great wrong of the recent past was all the killing of the wrong people.

      On 9/11, I advocated killing a couple thousand of the right somebodies, sparing us the unjust task of killing everybody. In my opinion, using a punch list would have brought some semblance of peace in about a week. America would have been satisfied and much Islamic poison would have been purged.

      If Netanyahu were a serious person, last night would have seen the death of much of the Hamas leadership. Abu Mazan would have gone ballistic for a day, and resumed business as usual, tomorrow...in Gaza.

      While I will pray for the three lost lads and their families, their abduction and murder was/is a distraction. It does not rise to casus belli. The barrages of rocketry do. A nation which cannot or will not defend its borders has ceased to exist. This is the message Mr. Netanyahu sends every time he pisses into the wind.

  16. news bulletin;

    The three dead lads were revenge.

    1. newsflash

      The 3 dead lads, including one American? Were normal Hamas and Fatah behavior. Murder the Jews.

      Nothing new.

      Maybe it's time for real war on the Palestinians?

    2. You cannot know that. It could have been pledge week; they were earning their colors. Abduction, torture, and murder are typical of primitive tribes and bands. In the sense of their social evolution, the murderers conformed to the norm. Souvenirs were probably taken and the killers are now recognized heroes, possessors of fetishes. “Emic” is the description.

      During the horrid search phase, one could not help but notice hundreds of heavily armed Israeli young men dealing with the Palestinians. There were no massacres, rapes, robberies. Culture tells.

    3. What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 01, 08:20:00 AM EDT
      Maybe it's time for real war on the Palestinians?

      That is already happening... ... ... stupidly.

  17. I’m sure that will work out well.

    1. If it was your son (or grandson) laying in a field in Valley Forge, murdered with his friends, for 18 days by native indians still pissed at the Europeans for stealing their lands would you be saying all the crap that you are saying today?

  18. WiO: I can guarantee you they won't care about the population surrounding the black rock...

    Making them different from you...how?

    1. Oh we have gone over this a million times. I advocate the nuking of JUST the rock.

      But your selective editing of my words always paints a picture of genodice.

      The jihadists WHEN they purchase the fabled nuke and use it in Mecca will take out a city.

      My solution, as always, never changed, says take out the rock, use precision, pick the off season yada yada yada....

      Don't be like the Americans in Japan...

      But thanks again for proving that you cannot tell a truth. Just distortions, lies and misdirections.

  19. WiO: Do you think the temporary Jewish/religious colonies in Palestine will be the first?

    I love the smell of domino theories in the morning.

  20. Yep.. me too... Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Libya, Quatar, Kuwait, UAR, Sudan, Tunsia, Pakistan, Indonesia..

    Good start...

  21. ISIS Head Released By Obama Demands All Muslims Swear Allegiance To Him As Leader Of Planetary Islamic Empire

    1. .

      Today, the planets, tomorrow the galaxy.

      After that, god-willing...


  22. Oh we have gone over this a million times. I advocate the nuking of JUST the rock.

    Sure. Because a nuclear fireball is only 5 meters wide, not one kilometer times the cube root of the yield in megatons.

    1. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 09:37:00 AM EDT

      When the people are not considered human, killing them with a nuclear weapon does not count.

      It's like burning books, if you do not believe the New Testament, it does not count as a book when you burn it in a bonfire!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Teresita RedingerTue Jul 01, 09:11:00 AM EDT
      Oh we have gone over this a million times. I advocate the nuking of JUST the rock.

      Sure. Because a nuclear fireball is only 5 meters wide, not one kilometer times the cube root of the yield in megatons.


      Again, I have said if a proper nuke cannot me made, kidnap it and shoot it to the sun.

      But don't let the real things I say get in the way of your fiction.

      Either way? It will be the islamists doing the nuking and they will go for maximum human death.

      So your point about me? Meaningless. Just like most all of your posts. Meaningless shit.

    4. Israel is an apartheid state
      It's like burning books, if you do not believe the New Testament, it does not count as a book when you burn it in a bonfire!

      the term "burning books" refers to the confiscation and burning of books by the power of state.

      In Israel collecting and burning propaganda new testaments and their literature is not a requirement.

      Just as when democrats burn their OWN signs after a failed election...

      But when America and England burn aborted fetuses for heat? Now that's weird...

      Just how many abortions have you cause Herr Rat?

      Is that why you are bitter? No loving offspring?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. WiO,

      You do not find his newly found love of The New Testament touching? I know I do - a Ranger and his Bible...Wow...Now that is America.

      The Phantom Ranger sees Israel as populated by either pox covered whores or fanatically obsessed pyromaniacs. He is one of the wee consumers of Nazi propaganda.

  23. .

    Ah, the Terry Jones's of the EB.


    1. .

      From a couple streams back...

      QuirkSun Jun 29, 09:41:00 PM EDT


      More bull. The whack jobs on the edges of every religion, every movement, every political faction have done this since uno dia. The commies have done it. The libs have done it. The fascists have done it. The Christians do it. The Muslims do it. And as we see, the Jews do it. If you can't convert or keep your people through logical argument, persuasion, or faith, silence the competition in one way or another. One of the ways these simpletons often choose is to burn books as if that will silence an argument. What happens next, you start stoning people like Muslim fanatics?

      Sadly, the nut jobs will always have enablers like you making up excuses for them.

      What is "Occupation"Sun Jun 29, 10:54:00 PM EDT

      Quirk, you just don't get it.

      Israel is a refuge for Jews. After the shoah, the expulsions, the murders, the rapes, the pogroms?

      No our situation is unique.

      The Commies murdered us, the Christians murdered us, the fascists murdered us, the arabs/moslems murdered us.

      It's not to much to ask that missionaries stop their bullshit. We are fed up.

      We will not burn the missionaries. Just the propaganda they shit all over the place.

      There is freedom in Israel seek out christian literature if wanted. There is no law preventing New Testaments in Israel.

      However there is the freedom to burn what is given you.

      Jews did not SEIZE christian's books. Jews burned what was freely given.

      Dont like it? Don't give them to us.

      What is "Occupation"Sun Jun 29, 10:56:00 PM EDT

      It is not the same as "burring books" when the other examples were peoples that TOOK other's property to burn.

      At last check? It's not against the law to burn what is your own property.

      But you said you were smart...
      QuirkMon Jun 30, 12:17:00 AM EDT



      Just like that crazy preacher down in Florida that decided to burn all those copies of the Quran.

      Wack jobs all.

      Quite a crowd you hang with.


    2. Who is/are WiO's partner(s) in crime at the EB?

  24. ...some interesting news...marvelously, this news may actually contain a conspiracy and murder (i.e. Phantom Ranger will not have to make it up as he goes)...

    "The most interesting overnight news is that former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been “held for questioning” by police investigating allegations that he tried to influence a judge investigating a illegal contributions to his campaign.

    "Mr Sarkozy is alleged to have been helped to victory in 2007 with up to €50 million provided by Colonel Gaddafi and envelopes stuffed with cash from France’s richest woman, L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. …

    "The suggestion is that Khadaffy “bought” Sarkozy; and when the arrangement was threatened with exposure it is hinted that Sarkozy, with the witting or unwitting help of Obama and Cameron, may have tied up loose ends. So far nothing has been proved.

    As Klein himself notes, it is fortunate that the Clintons are so incorruptible or we’d be in trouble. He writes “it’s a reasonable argument to say that that cash did more for the world in Clinton’s hands than in Qatar’s coffers. But it’s also reasonable to wonder whether Qatar donated that money to make sure they had a relationship with Clinton if they ever needed one.”

    Ex Oriente

    1. In the US the Zionists have developed a more subtle approach to buying politicians.

      Advances on book contracts.

      Lester Crown bought Obama with a $3 million dollar deal
      Leslie Moonves paid Mrs Clinton $8 million.

      They don't hardly make envelopes big enough for that much cash.

  25. A hundred years before the advent of Hitler, the German-Jewish poet, Heinrich Heine, had declared:
    "Wherever books are burned, human beings are destined to be burned too."

    On the night of May 10, 1933, an event unseen in Europe since the Middle Ages occurred as German students from universities once regarded as among the finest in the world, gathered in Berlin to burn books with "unGerman" ideas.
    …. http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/triumph/tr-bookburn.htm

    May 20, 2008 - Orthodox Jews burn hundreds of New Testaments in latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in Israel. ... The Maariv newspaper reported Tuesday that hundreds of students took part in the book-burning. . . . http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/05/20/orthodox-jews-burn-new-testaments-given-by-christian-missionaries-in-israel/

    “To me the Zionists, who want to go back to the Jewish state of A.D. 70 (destruction of Jerusalem by Titus) are just as offensive as the Nazis.

    With their nosing after blood, their ancient "cultural roots," ...
    their partly canting, partly obtuse winding back of the world they are altogether a match for the National Socialists.

    That is the fantastic thing about the National Socialists,...
    that they simultaneously share in a community of ideas with Soviet Russia and with Zion.”

    ― Victor Klemperer, I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941

    1. Ranger, Ranger, straight and tall
      Did you attend the Army Ball?

  26. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 10:28:00 AM EDT

    We know that both the Israeli and the NAZI embrace the concept of Lebensraum ("living space") as being a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races …

    1. ...Phantom Ranger...phantom unit...large pile of BS...

  27. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 10:35:00 AM EDT

    The Jews in Jerusalem ...The Nazis in Germany…the Japanese in Shanghai…

    Treating people as less than human because
    of the shape of their faces or the sound of their names.

  28. Some contributors speak of Geo-olitics, War and Peace, Countries ...

    Others speak of fictional characters.

    heh, heh, heh.

  29. Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

    The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" and combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel, it was alleged.

    In 2012, a Palestinian-run blog reported similar arrangements between the National Union of Israeli Students and the Israeli government. Students would be paid $2,000 to post pro-Israel messages online for five hours a week.

    According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, the most recent proposition is being spearheaded by Danny Seaman, who was slammed by the media for writing anti-Muslim messages on Facebook.

    Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

  30. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 10:48:00 AM EDT

    More than 5 million Palestinians are denied equal rights by the state of Israel under a system of apartheid,
    a deliberate policy of racial or ethnic segregation.

    Under Israeli military occupation, millions of Palestinians live in conditions which closely resemble the apartheid system that existed in South Africa:
    • No right of free speech, assembly or movement
    • Arrest and imprisonment without charge or trial
    • Torture
    • House searches without warrant
    • Assassination, extra-judicial murder
    • No right to vote for the Israeli government (even though it controls their lives)

    Israel controls all Palestinian borders, all imports and exports, and all movement between towns and cities. 
    THE GAZA STRIP, still surrounded, besieged and controlled by Israel, has been sealed off and effectively turned into the world’s largest open-air prison.

  31. http://www.france24.com/en/20140701-european-rights-court-upholds-french-burqa-ban/
    European rights court upholds French burqa ban

    "In France, a woman who repeatedly insists on appearing veiled in public can be fined 150 euros and ordered to attend re-education classes."

  32. Benjamin DisraeliTue Jul 01, 10:39:00 AM EDT
    Some contributors speak of Geo-olitics, War and Peace, Countries ...

    Others speak of fictional characters.

    heh, heh, heh.

    Yes, your alleged Army career was a fiction.

    1. What alleged career?
      Please document that claim, that there ever was a military career.

      The reenlistment NCO once told me I had a "Career Path", I disagreed, told him I had a "Party Plan".

      There was never a carer, there was an adventure.
      Read abut it at the link provided, yesterday or go buy the book.
      https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/415470>Border Wars - Aztlan Assault
      By Jack Hawkins

    2. No, you needed to answer the question concerning your Central American service. You could not, claiming it was fiction. I agree. We need never speak again. Thanks.

    3. Good deal, ignore to your hearts content.

  33. "In France, a woman who repeatedly insists on appearing veiled in public can be fined 150 euros and ordered to attend re-education classes."

    Meanwhile, here in the west, it's okay to just wear sunglasses and nothing else.

  34. I have enjoyed the thread so far today.

    If Herr rat ass served, he did so dishonorably, as per his own statements.

    If he didn't, well, the dead beat dad is a world class liar.....

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationTue Jul 01, 11:20:00 AM EDT

      Draft Dodger Bob ...

      Go back to advocating for genocide and cannibalism, it suits you better.
      Does not make you look so foolish

    2. Here is my contribution before I must get busy -


      Pretty much my sentiments exactly.

    3. And this -

      July 1, 2014
      President Obama jokes about WH pastry chef putting crack cocaine in pies
      By Rick Moran

      Forty Three presidents have presided over the country before Barack Obama. They were of varying abilities and intelligence. Some were not very pleasant to be around. But, I daresay all forty three would never, in a million years, have made an inappropriate joke like this:

      Monday at the White House while hosting a reception to observe LGBT Pride Month, President Barack Obama call his White House Pastry Chef Bill Yosses "the crust master" because the president said, "I don't know what he does—whether he puts crack in them." But the president continued he had to adopt a no weekday pie rule.
      Laughing and applauding, the first lady Michelle Obama added, "Theres no crack in our pies."

      Where in the wide, wide, world of sports did that come from? Joking about the scourge of the inner cities, where how many thousands of black kids end up like the pair of teenagers who were shot last night 1/2 mile from the president's house in Chicago:

      A 17-year-old boy was killed and a 15-year-old wounded in a shooting about half a mile from President Barack Obama's Kenwood home late Monday night, police said.

      The shooting happened about 10:40 p.m. in the 600 block of East 50th Place, Police News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro said.

      The boys were outside, talking with several people inside a van, when one of the van's occupants raised a handgun and started shooting, Alfaro said.

      The 15-year-old was hit in the upper arm, and his condition was stabilized at University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital.

      The 17-year-old was shot in the chest, Alfaro said. He died on the scene.

      The shooting came less than five hours after three boys were shot in the Longwood Manor neighborhood, bringing to five the number of boys 17 or younger shot late Monday.

      The vast majority of gun violence in Chicago is connected to drugs and gangs. Those kids shot so close to the president's home may have been involved in a drug deal gone bad. The battle over drug turf claims many more lives. Recall the huge deal made by Michelle Obama, attending the funeral of the black teenage girl who took part in the president's inaugiral parade and was shot to death a few days later. Violence fueled by a drug she and her husband joked about.

      The White House has apparently removed the video, although Breitbart still has it. Can you imagine any other president making a joke about crack cocaine? It makes the president so common, so - hate to say it - low class.


      WiO may well be right.......the dude may be usin' again.

    4. Bob,

      Ignore the man. As he said, it was fiction. Whatever else he may have been when not behind bars, he was not a soldier.

    5. Bob,

      For all we know, the guy could be behind bars as we speak. Prisons are filled with pseudo-Islamic groups and neo-Nazi Bunds.

    6. And here you were going to ignore, but instead you are fixated upon a fictional character.

      Comical, that you don't have the self discipline or control to last an hour.
      Doubt if you can last a week, but it would be joyful if you did.

  35. I Am A Professional AssholeTue Jul 01, 11:23:00 AM EDT

    I, rat, am a professional asshole.

    And everyone agrees with me.

  36. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/security-detail-fed-chairwoman-irks-023000427.html
    Security detail for Fed chairwoman irks neighbors

    "’Bob Mueller, who you would think would have a much more dangerous job dealing with terrorists all over the world, had people who were businesslike, didn't socialize and waited for him outside the gate,’… Now we have this group, overweight, wearing the most ridiculous blue uniforms with the most ridiculous blue caps, and they have guns that are visible.’ She declined to be named because she is worried about federal-government reprisals.”

    “she is worried about federal-government reprisals”

    In Israel, loud, banner waving demonstrators have been known to camp outside the PM’s home for days on end. To my knowledge, there have been no reprisals.

    So, tell me again, who lives in a fascist state?

    1. allen lives in a fascist state of mind.

      That is where he and Draft Dodger Bob reside.

  37. If the subject was book burning, and my country, it would not be something I would ignore.

    “Silent acquiescence in the face of tyranny is no better than outright agreement.”
    ― C.J. Redwine,

  38. Rat knew the answer to the ear plug question. Only a soldier, or a Marine would have known that one.

    1. I've never read the answer to that one, anywhere. And, I read a Lot.

    2. As Eve said to Adam “Why is this hard”?

    3. What was his unit while serving in Central America? ...cannot get easier than that...

    4. Perhaps, he has learned, as I have - finally - that you give away NO personal information on the internet (and, most especially on blogs.)

    5. Hey, trying to save your buddy's lying ass is keen. You give him a break that you would not give others. Fact is: There is not a damned thing that could happen if he named his unit...other than those bad-ass boys at Stolen Valor outing his miserable ass.

    6. What happen to ignoring the fictional character, allen?
      Who couldn't go an hour.

      I provided the link to the entire biography, that you are not authorized to open it, not my fault

    7. Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      Seems that the "Powers That Be" won't let 'em surf the World Wide Web while they are 'on the clock'

  39. Kurds Fight ISIS, as Iraqi Army is Halted Outside Tikrit

    Would you like White, Lite, Kettle, or Movie Theater Butter popcorn?

  40. Rat knew the answer to the ear plug question. Only a soldier, or a Marine would have known that one.

    Hey boot, go down to the EOD locker and ask for some Sound Powered Phone batteries.

    1. And, then go keep a look-out for the "Mail Buoy."

    2. "Boots" were not called "Boot"...shithead, dumbfuck, shit-for-brains, ass-wad, scumbag, turd, pussy...but never "boot"...


    3. “profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.”

    4. The famous baroque City in Europe - Dresden

      Dresden - the "Florence of the north" called from the beginning of the 19th Century as a nickname for the city of Dresden.

      The origin of the appreciation is the architecture and the art collection of this city.

      Kurt Vonnegut described the uniqueness in his novel of 1968, "Slaughterhouse No. 5 - the Children's Crusade"
      Nightwalk Team Dresden offer since autum 2008 this thematic tour:

      "In the footsteps of Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse No 5 Tour Dresden"

      Nothing is more exciting than the symbiotic relationship between literature and reality.
      "So it goes."


    5. Rufus IITue Jul 01, 01:42:00 PM EDT
      Blow me, Kurt.


  41. The kidnapping and killing of three Israeli squatter youth whose parents usurped Palestinian land has produced a paroxysm of hatred and calls for reprisals in Israel.

    "squatter youth"? "usurped Palestinian land"?

    Love the lack of fact, the bias the blame the victim mentality.

    So in the spirit of the article I say the following.

    The savages, called Palestinians, are a fake nationalistic group that are no more than a billion dollar a year funded gang no more a nation than the Crips or the Bloods if they could control lands…

    The savages, routinely murder children, lobe rockets aimed at schools, day care centers and homes.

    These are the same cut of human animal cloth the Breslen School attackers come from.

    There needs to be a clear and honest assessment of these peoples.

    1. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 01:32:00 PM EDT

      The Mossad does routinely murder innocents.
      Did it in Guatemala, does it in Palestine
      Does it to Muslim Arabs, does it to Christian Arabs, does it to Jewish Arabs, too.

      Mossad - an equal opportunity murderer.

    2. Let's hope you are next...

    3. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 02:42:00 PM EDT

      Ja, Ja, Ja

      The Mossad only targets the helpless, women, children and those that go unarmed.

    4. You told us last week that the Mossad took out those Jews. Well everyone KNOWS Jews carry now….

      9mm 40cal 45 cal…

      Pick your poison….

      Either way, the mossad will get you…. Even hiding in your mommy's basement.

    5. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 03:53:00 PM EDT

      Those Jewish Arab teenagers in Israel that the Mossad just murdered, they were carrying, were they?

  42. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 01:42:00 PM EDT

    Does the term 'apartheid' fit Israel? Of course it does.

    The storm of controversy after Secretary of State John F. Kerry's warning that Israel risked becoming an "apartheid state" reminded us once again that facts, data and the apparently tedious details of international law often seem to have little bearing on conversations about Israel conducted at the highest levels of this country. As was the case when other major figures brandished the "A-word" in connection with Israel (Jimmy Carter comes to mind), the political reaction to Kerry's warning was instantaneous and emotional. "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and any linkage between Israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer. That's that, then, eh?

    Not quite. Flat and ungrounded assertions may satisfy politicians, but anyone who wants to push the envelope of curiosity even a little bit further might want to spend a few minutes actually thinking over the term and its applicability to Israel.

    "Apartheid" isn't just a term of insult; it's a word with a very specific legal meaning, as defined by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1973 and ratified by most United Nations member states (Israel and the United States are exceptions, to their shame).

    According to Article II of that convention, the term applies to acts "committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them." Denying those others the right to life and liberty, subjecting them to arbitrary arrest, expropriating their property, depriving them of the right to leave and return to their country or the right to freedom of movement and of residence, creating separate reserves and ghettos for the members of different racial groups, preventing mixed marriages — these are all examples of the crime of apartheid specifically mentioned in the convention.

    Seeing the reference to racial groups here, some people might think of race in a putatively biological sense or as a matter of skin color. That is a rather simplistic (and dated) way of thinking about racial identity. More to the point, however, the operative definition of "racial identity" is provided in the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (to which Israel is a signatory), on which the apartheid convention explicitly draws.

    There, the term "racial discrimination" is defined as "any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

    A few basic facts are now in order.

    The Jewish state (for so it identifies itself, after all) maintains a system of formal and informal housing segregation both in Israel and in the occupied territories. It's obvious, of course, that Jewish settlements in the West Bank aren't exactly bursting with Palestinians. In Israel itself, however, hundreds of communities have been established for Jewish residents on land expropriated from Palestinians, in which segregation is maintained, for example, by admissions committees empowered to use ethnic criteria long since banned in the United States, or by the inability of Palestinian citizens to access land held exclusively for the Jewish people by the state-sanctioned Jewish National Fund.


  43. The savages, routinely murder children, lobe rockets aimed at schools, day care centers and homes.

    Says the man from the JDL, a known terrorist outfit.

    1. Teresita RedingerTue Jul 01, 01:52:00 PM EDT
      The savages, routinely murder children, lobe rockets aimed at schools, day care centers and homes.

      Says the man from the JDL, a known terrorist outfit

      Says the lying fraudster lesbian that misled the blog for years.. How's your wife? LOL

    2. Teresita RedingerTue Jul 01, 01:52:00 PM EDT
      The savages, routinely murder children, lobe rockets aimed at schools, day care centers and homes.

      Says the man from the JDL, a known terrorist outfit.

      is that the BEST you can come up with? really?

      wow…. you must be slipping in your old age..

      Maybe get one of your kids to help you type your slams…

      Oh yeah… you are barren….


    3. The barren Ms T…. LOL

      Fit the slam fits? You must acquit..

      Guilt are your Ms T… and barren as dust..

    4. Ms T's womb = Dust bowl


    5. Ms T and her lady friend have a baby, sort of….

      It's called Linux.


    6. When Mr T goes to bed, one wonders if he gets to choose which psycho he gets to bed down with…

      Teresita, Xena, Ms T lol

  44. "Boots" were not called "Boot"...shithead, dumbfuck, shit-for-brains, ass-wad, scumbag, turd, pussy...but never "boot"...

    I wasn't a Gyrene, I was a Squid. If we ever heard something that we couldn't believe, we'd say, "Go tell it to the Marines."

    1. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationTue Jul 01, 02:04:00 PM EDT

      Or, more pertinently ...

      Go tell someone that gives a shit.

      Your opinion, allen, is not pertinent.
      Your fiction is dull, boring and self-centered.

      You fail the Hemingway test.
      That is what we are supposed to do when we are at our best — make it all up —
      but make it up so truly that later it will happen that way.
      - Ernest Hemingway

      Anyone that reads your writing knows that it did not happen the way you wrote it, and never could or will be that way.
      Worse than that, no one cares.

      Unlike the 'desert rat' whom everyone, especially YOU, wants to know better.
      You can't always get what you want, allen. But you'll get what you need.

  45. Replies
    1. California Minimum Wage went up from $8.00 / hr. to $9.00 / hr., today.

  46. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic State stretching across Iraq and Syria, has vowed to lead the conquest of Rome as he called on Muslims to immigrate to his new land to fight under its banner around the globe.

    What the fuck? It was all fun and games until now, but when they start talking about going after Rome Sweet Rome that's a whole 'nuther ballgame! Send in the troops!

  47. I'm beginning to think that that dude's expire date starts with the numeral 7.

  48. Ms T's womb = Dust bowl

    Says who?

    1. LOL

      Says you…. It's posted right next to my JDL membership card…


  49. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/07/01/guns-in-bars-bill-kicks-off-in-georgia.html
    ‘Guns in Bars’ Bill Kicks Off in Georgia

  50. @LCplSwofford: Taliban fighters state US Marines are un-killable and invicible. Taliban cannot use any tactic to gain an advantage over the Marines. One Taliban stated that US Marines are insane, "They run toward the sound of our guns rather than run away."

    Of course they Taliban are talking about the real deal, not the ones from "Alpha Co. 1/9 Btln" who wanna ride on their coattails of glory.

  51. “Fire for Effect”

    “You obviously wish to strike some specific target, but need to determine the proper aiming of the gun(s). The first rounds down range from a single piece use approximate settings on the sight and rounds (some have adjustable range). By watching the actual impact of the round in relation to where you wanted it to hit, further adjustments are made until you have the correct aiming of the gun. Those rounds are fired for "adjustment". That information is fed into the remaining guns in the battery with corrections as they may not all be located in the same spot. Then the guns may commence firing the actual "fire mission" which is a certain number of rounds in a certain pattern to strike a certain target. That is the "Fire for Effect" part . The effect being the destruction of a target.”

    former USMC artillery.”

  52. Hillary Says Not to Worry. The recently released Taliban Five will only kill Afghans and Pakistanis.

    "These five guys," saith The Hillary, "are not a threat to the United States. They are a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan and Pakistan."

    Pass the popcorn, Hil.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Always thinking about the handout, typical of a looter

    2. Guess the real estate biz didn't pan out for ya, so you decided to go on welfare.

    3. Embarrassed the looting welfare huckster into deleting the post!

  54. 133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

    June 17, 2014. Bolivia. The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.
    This is just the latest organized attack on a global financial system rigged by corrupt governments and the multinational corporations that control them. Just last month, Russia and China signed a long term trade alliance that represents the first major crack in the US Dollar bubble. The two countries agreed to stop using US Dollars in their transactions and instead use their own two currencies. The two largest banks from both countries immediately announced they would be dumping the US Dollar as well.

    On top of that, the world’s ‘BRIC’ countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – have publicly declared their goal of replacing the corrupted US Dollar with some other global default currency. Now that Russia and China have finally taken actual steps to do that, the remaining two-thirds of the world will most likely begin making preparations to stop using the US Dollar as well. It was only this weekend that 133 of them pledged to do just that.

    The scary part for Americans is that both Washington and Wall Street have promised this would never happen, because if it did, it would destroy the US economic system and possibly the US itself. Read the Whiteout Press article, ‘Russia-China Deals move US Dollar closer to Collapse’ for more information.

    To view a full list of the 133 nations that make up the G77, visit the Group of 77 website.

    The Saudi are on the list, as is the UAE and Iran.

  55. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/1/gun-makers-flee-northeast-true-blood-second-amendm/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
    Gun makers flee Northeast for ‘true blood Second Amendment’ states

  56. Uncle Rufus, cousin Rufus, brother Rufus, half brother Rufus, 2 and 3rd cousin Rufus, in law Rufus, 1/2 uncle Rufus, would you please stop with the "Blow me" stuff? You are embarrassing us all and the entire Cherokee Nation, and the neighbors are starting to laugh at us.

    Thank you, Clan Rufus

    1. Why don't the bunch of you, and your redskin friends Blow Me.

    2. Rufus, This Is Your Mother WrittingTue Jul 01, 05:01:00 PM EDT

      Rufus, for the love of The Great Spirit, quit.

  57. Took a whole, fucking day. Who could have been so dense as not to see This coming - except Quirk (supposedly.)

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday confirmed that its decision a day earlier extending religious rights to closely held corporations applies broadly to the contraceptive coverage requirement in the new health care law, not just the handful of methods the justices considered in their ruling.

    The justices did not comment in leaving in place lower court rulings in favor of businesses that object to covering all 20 methods of government-approved contraception.

    Oklahoma-based Hobby Lobby Inc. and a Pennsylvania furniture maker won their court challenges Monday in which they refused to pay for two emergency contraceptive pills and two intrauterine devices.

    Tuesday's orders apply to companies owned by Catholics who oppose all contraception. Cases involving Colorado-based Hercules Industries Inc., Illinois-based Korte & Luitjohan Contractors Inc. and Indiana-based Grote Industries Inc. were awaiting action pending resolution of the Hobby Lobby case.

    They are among roughly 50 lawsuits from profit-seeking corporations that object to the contraceptive coverage requirement in their health plans for employees. Contraception is among a range of preventive services that must be included in the health plans, at no extra cost to workers.

    The justices also ordered lower courts that ruled in favor of the Obama administration to reconsider those decisions in light of Monday's 5-4 decision.

    Two Michigan-based companies, Autocam Corp. and Eden Foods Inc., both . . . . . .


    1. SO,

      you can take that other "16" methods (and, any other that you can come up with) of contraception, and stick'em up your ass. They're outta here.

  58. The Supreme Court in its Hobby Lobby ruling was following legislation known as The Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


    Rufus wishes to overthrow the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    See the Wiki article for this picture -

    >>>This tipi is used for Peyote ceremonies in the Native American Church, one of the main religions affected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act<<<

  59. Interesting…

    not one post naming the 3 murdered teenagers..

    1. Hmmm… you did full threads on Rachel Corrie and numerous other "victims" of the Jews…
      But Jews that are butchered? They aint humans…

      They deserved it for their parents "usurping" palestinian lands… "The kidnapping and killing of three Israeli squatter youth " Nicely de-humanized… Even the American is worthy of death…

      Guess one American on the Liberty is worth more than one American hitchhiking on sacred Palestinian usurped lands…

      By that standard? All Americans in America are usurping the native's lands…..

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateTue Jul 01, 05:35:00 PM EDT

      Even more interesting, not one mention of the arrest, let alone the trial of those suspected of the murder.

      Yet bombs are falling upon people with no connection to the murders or the rocket launchers

  60. Oh, rancid horseshit. Those old, Neanderthal motherfuckers can cite the enormity of my dick, but it has nothing to do with this steaming pile of misogynist crap of a decision.

    Try fucking reading, before posting, for a change.

    From Wiki:
    Background and passage[edit]

    See also: American Indian Religious Freedom Act and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

    This tipi is used for Peyote ceremonies in the Native American Church, one of the main religions affected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
    The Religious Freedom Restoration Act applies to all religions, but is most pertinent to Native American religions that are burdened by increasing expansion of government projects onto sacred land.

    1. Anyone with a brain that's interested can go to wiki and read about the RFRA. They will readily understand why this act couldn't possibly apply.

      I would do it for you, but, frankly, bob, you're just not worth it.

    2. You want YOUR rights, as you see them, but don't give a DAMN about the rights of other people who think differently.

    3. This is about Old White Men that want Cheap Labor. That's all. You can't be that fucking stupid. Surely.

    4. Think again, Cherokee-

      "The question these cases are seeking to solve is whether for-profit companies have a right to exercise religious freedom under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a federal law passed in 1993 that states the “Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability."


      I could post a dozen others.

      Here's the opinion -


    5. Think again, Cherokee -

      The owners of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties don't have a problem with offering insurance that covers most forms of birth control, but they aren't willing to cover emergency contraceptives — like Plan B or ella -- or IUDs. Hobby Lobby contends its "religious beliefs prohibit them from providing health coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices that end human life after conception." >>>>>>>The question these cases are seeking to solve is whether for-profit companies have a right to exercise religious freedom under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a federal law passed in 1993 that states the “Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability."<<<<<<<<< If they do, does the government have a compelling interest to override it in this instance?


      I could cite a dozen more, that just came up early.

    6. Rufus IITue Jul 01, 05:40:00 PM EDT
      This is about Old White Men that want Cheap Labor. That's all. You can't be that fucking stupid. Surely.

      Surely, you're on the sauce again.

    7. You're a fucking moron; here are the meat and potatoes.

      therefore the Act states that the “Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability.”[3] The law provided an exception if two conditions are both met. First, the burden must be necessary for the “furtherance of a compelling government interest.”[3] Under strict scrutiny, a government interest is compelling when it is more than routine and does more than simply improve government efficiency. A compelling interest relates directly with core constitutional issues.[4] The second condition is that the rule must be the least restrictive way in which to further the government interest. The law, in conjunction with President Bill Clinton's Executive Order in 1996, provided more security for sacred sites for Native American religious rites.

      First: You have to show that the owners' "exercise of religion" was Burdened. Since, the only thing that happened was the insurance company paying for birth control for some employees, that is quite a stretch in and of itself.

    8. Second: the law can go forward if the two "conditions" are met; and they obviously Are.

    9. Babbling Bob is bonified bonkersTue Jul 01, 05:50:00 PM EDT

      Draft Dodging Bob is drinking, again.

    10. Every time the crazy sonofabitch gets incoherently drunk, he accused Me of "being on the sauce." Motherfucker is loony-tunes.



    Condolences to the families and the Jewish people.


    1. The Jewish people are needing condolences, after all, they are all Semitic Arabs, now.
      Poor fools, denying their European heritage, to become Jewish Arabs

  62. We had, probably, 10 X 3 Teenagers Killed in the United States last week. No one's doing a thread of them.

    1. A high proportion of them being victims of black on black violence.

      It would make a good thread.

    2. Bob continues to dissemble, spread bullshitTue Jul 01, 05:51:00 PM EDT

      You ought to write it, then

    3. What the fuck is wrong with you, Bob?

    4. Then e-mail it to Deuce.
      If those tasks are not beyond you cognizant capacity

    5. Bob is a looney tuneTue Jul 01, 05:54:00 PM EDT

      .. and a racist bigot, to boot

    6. Draft Dodging Bob is confronting his own mortality...

      He is not faring with it, well.

    7. It must be awfully strange on that planet where he lives. There are, obviously, no individuals. Everyone is a hindu, or a jew, or a black, or a Mormon, or a brown, or a swede, or a muslim, or a white dutch, or a . . . . . . .

      must be one hell of an experience.

    8. I've had an opportunity to spend a lot of time with my newest Grand-son. It's been a trip. Makes the idea of mortality a whole lot more palatable.

    9. In my Contra Rufus, dear Rufus, I was trying to show the underlying similarity among most peoples and religions, that is all.

      There are indeed a multiplicity of individuals. You are a drunk, and unreasonable, and swear a lot, and don't give damn about something like the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, I am mostly sober, and do, rat is, well, a rat, Deuce has thin skin, Quirk is hilarious and a riot most of the time, but is sober and serious too, Miss T is whacky and on and on......

      There are no two just alike, even identical twins have had different experiences, which make them different.

      Try some other play. That one don't work.

    10. Happy about you grandson, and I mean that too.

      I'm glad he wasn't aborted.

  63. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act was, IIRC, signed by our First Black President, Bill Clinton.

    It was passed with heavy majorities in both the House and the Senate.

    You're drunk again, Rufus, or you have gone brain dead from drinking so much.

    1. Draft Dodger Bob, you are projecting again.
      But take heart, there is hope for you, yet!
      Legally speaking anyway.

      New York 'cannibal cop' walks free from prison
      A New York City police officer who discussed a plot to kidnap, kill and eat women with a British pen pal has been released after his conviction was overturned
      The trial of 30-year-old Gilberto Valle - dubbed the "cannibal cop" - gripped the Big Apple and fanned global headlines, exposing the lurid world of cannibal fantasists.

      So your advocating for the murder, butchery and eaing of Four Million Arizona residents is not illegal.
      Just deranged.

    2. So your advocating for the murder, butchery and eating of Four Million Arizona residents is not illegal.
      Just deranged

  64. And, brain dead is, as brain dead does.

    And, the Republicans have managed (even before the hobby lobby decision) to Lose 11 Points among All Women (where they were already in a pretty good hole,)

    and 14 Points among White Women (where they're now at a toss-up.)

  65. Your concern is touching, Rufus. We know you have the GOP's political future at heart.

    1. Teresita, I voted Republican for many years. what can I say? I evolved.

      And, of course, the republican party went batshit crazy; that didn't help.

    2. What Rufus is saying ...

      He did not leave the Republican Party ...
      The Republican Party left him.

      I understand the feeling.

    3. And one can certainly understand why. Lots of people seem to want to leave you. The entire Republican Party, the first wife, most of us here.....is there anyone that has wanted you to stay?

  66. Hobby Lobby pays all its employees twice the minimum wage.
