Monday, June 30, 2014

The “most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11”.

 “See you in New  York.” 

Brookings analyst Charles Lister explains more about why he thinks the caliphate announcement is so significant.
In an email briefing he writes: 

The impact of this announcement will be global as al-Qaida affiliates and independent jihadist groups must now definitively choose to support and join the Islamic State or to oppose it. The Islamic State’s announcement made it clear that it would perceive any group that failed to pledge allegiance an enemy of Islam. Already, this new Islamic State has received statements of support and opposition from jihadist factions in Syria – this period of judgment is extremely important and will likely continue for some time to come.
In retrospect, one could surmise that ISI and then ISIS, has been working towards this point for years now. As an organization, ISIS has become the wealthiest militant group in the world with assets in the low $ billions and has developed an almost obsessive level of bureaucracy, account keeping, and centrally controlled but locally implemented military-political coordination. Moreover, since the seizure of territory and crucially, population, in areas of Syria in 2013, it has developed an increasingly efficient model of governance, capable of simultaneously implementing harsh medieval justice and a whole range of modern social services.
Geographically, ISIS is already fully operational in Iraq and Syria; it has a covert presence in southern Turkey, appears to be establishing a small presence in Lebanon; and has supporters in Jordan, Gaza, the Sinai, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. This could well be the birth of a totally new era of transnational jihadism.
Perhaps most significantly, this announcement poses a huge threat to al-Qaida and its long-time position of leadership of the international jihadist cause. Put simply, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi [pictured] has declared war on Al-Qaida. While it is now inevitable that members and prominent supporters of al-Qaida and its affiliates will rapidly move to denounce Baghdadi and this announcement, it is the long-term implications that may prove more significant. Taken globally, the younger generation of the jihadist community is becoming more and more supportive of ISIS, largely out of fealty to its slick and proven capacity for attaining rapid results through brutality. The recent seizure of Mosul and other gains in Iraq has already dramatically boosted ISIS’ recruitment potential, but this announcement will likely make recent events seem very minor in comparison. Nonetheless, al-Qaida will retain considerable support and once the dust has settled, we will very likely find ourselves in a dualistic position of having two competing international jihadist representatives – al-Qaida, with a now more locally-focused and gradual approach to success; and the Islamic State, with a hunger for rapid results and total hostility for competition.
In Iraq, the announcement will pose a significant risk of provoking other Sunni-composed groups fighting the government to turn against ISIS, thereby potentially precipitating a new, third front within the emerging Iraqi civil conflict. On the other hand, the huge morale boost this will create within ISIS circles in Iraq could help spur on an eventual push on Baghdad. Whatever judgments are made, an increase in violence in Iraq can be expected in the immediate term ...

Intriguingly, it is only a Caliph that has the legal legitimacy to declare or order an offensive jihad. This announcement makes it all the more plausible that Baghdadi may position his forces to begin operations further afield, perhaps in Jordan or Saudi Arabia. Even before this announcement, the chance that ISIS could have chosen to expand its target set looked to be increasing, but now, that looks almost to be a certainty.


  1. Was it George Will or was it George Wallace who observed that politicians in Mississippi take the 5th concurrent with the Oath of Office?

  2. Someone earlier poked fun at ISIS's "grandiose" map of its world. They organization may evaporate quickly, but it ought to be recalled that Mao began with literally a handful of followers. By winning over the rural population with social services and justice and killing off his adversaries, Mao won. Don't sell these guys short.

    1. Social justice, seriously? Crucifixions along the road ala Spartacus?

    2. The Iranian Government is shitting today.

      Iran, which is almost 57% non-persian is waking up. The non-persians are angry and are motivated.

      Look for things to start happening again, inside Iran to railroads, comm links, infrastructure and even nuke plants and supply.

    3. .

      Never waste a good crisis.


    4. Well if we have a President that liked America we'd be drilling for oil, natural gas and driving the price of oil thru the floor.

      Giving OPEC, Russia, Iran and assorted other players a big fat kick in the wallet.

    5. Never waste a good crisis.

      And never answer a simple question.

    6. Teresita RedingerMon Jun 30, 09:02:00 AM EDT
      Social justice

      ...your phrase, not mine...

  3. The problem with being the "New" Bin Laden is that we killed the Old "Bin Laden."

  4. It's akin to being promoted to "target" on the Marine Corps Firing Range.

    1. How long did it take to hit that first target? Ten years? The new kid on the block is doing more damage in the region than OB ever dreamed possible. He is also doing it in record time. Who knows what he will have "accomplished" in ten years. Deuce is correct, these guys are on a mission and they are wired.

      As for death, I don't think his longevity rates highly on his "to do" list; he is not a Westerner. Yea, I know you think everybody views life identically, i.e. tits, ass, and booze, but Islam proves the contrary.

      Shia Iraq can put all the boots on the ground it can find; it cannot keep them from advancing "to the rear march" at "double-time". The US et al can provide lots of expensive toys; it won't matter without troops holding ground. These guys are being led by a military man (men), intimately familiar with Western doctrine. When they start using Western technology against Western technology, things are going to get interesting fast.

  5. ISIS is fighting with all the vigor of the Viet Cong on steroids and meth.

    1. The offensive, during which more than 100 towns and cities were attacked, began during the early hours of 31 January 1968. The first assaults achieved almost complete surprise, not least because they occurred over the Chinese New Year or Tet holiday period, which, according to recent tradition, was a time of truce. In many places the Viet Cong were astonishingly successful; in the former capital, Hue, they took control of a large part of the city. The most spectacular Viet Cong successes were, however, in the South Vietnamese capital Saigon, where a number of government buildings were attacked. An elite Viet Cong squad even managed to fight its way into the grounds of the American embassy.

      Although most of the attacks were quickly defeated, in Hue and at the American provincial base at Khe Sahn Tet signalled the beginning of protracted battles. Yet there was no “general uprising” in South Vietnam. The “quick victory” had turned into a disastrous defeat and recriminations within the communist leadership soon followed. With the Viet Cong decimated


    2. The “quick victory” had turned into a disastrous defeat and recriminations within the communist leadership soon followed.
      With the Viet Cong decimated

    3. The NVA and Viet Cong were not decimated. They were destroyed and out of reserves. Uncle Walter's America was out of nerve.

    4. allen, better get back to class.

      past tense: decimated; past participle: decimated

      kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.

    5. literally 1/10, Dipshit...You did not get a GED either, did you?

      decimate (v.) Look up decimate at
      c.1600, in reference to the practice of punishing mutinous military units by capital execution of one in every 10, by lot; from Latin decimatus, past participle of decimare (see decimation). Killing one in ten, chosen by lots, from a rebellious city or a mutinous army was a common punishment in classical times. The word has been used (incorrectly, to the irritation of pedants) since 1660s for "destroy a large portion of." Related: Decimated; decimating.

    6. Such name calling, allen, proving again that ...

      Ad hominem arguments are a preferred tool for people who ran out of real arguments
      (or are unable to understand someone else's opinion in the first place).
      It's so much easier to just attack another person instead of attacking his arguments
      (especially if the other person is right.)

    7. literally, 1/10, etymologically and used by the Romans and Europe for over 2,000 years...

      What do you call a jackoff who steals another man's name and work, Ellis? Gee, I just did, "jackoff". I could have said you were a lying thief, but “jackoff” more accurately captured you to the mind’s eye – a little fellow playing with his little fellow while frantically trying to surf the net.

  6. We made end up with two Caliphates, Avignon and Rome?

    1. The liberation of Constantinople would be a good thing.

      Islam needs to be driven back to Arabia.

    2. LOL never say never...

    3. The 2013–14 protests in Turkey are a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Turkey, which began on 28 May 2013, initially to contest the urban development plan for Istanbul's Taksim Gezi Park. The protests were sparked by outrage at the violent eviction of a sit-in at the park protesting the plan.[79] Subsequently, supporting protests and strikes took place across Turkey protesting a wide range of concerns, at the core of which were issues of freedom of the press, of expression, assembly, and the government's encroachment on Turkey's secularism. With no centralised leadership beyond the small assembly that organized the original environmental protest, the protests have been compared to the Occupy movement and the May 1968 events. Social media played a key part in the protests, not least because much of the Turkish media downplayed the protests, particularly in the early stages. 3.5 million of Turkey's 80 million people are estimated to have taken an active part in almost 5,000 demonstrations across Turkey connected with the original Gezi Park protest.[80] 11 people were killed and more than 8,000 were injured, many critically.[80][80][81]

      It's only just begun....

    4. Islam is in a state of self immolation.

      My advise? Buy popcorn.

    5. Deuce ☂Mon Jun 30, 09:11:00 AM EDT
      We made end up with two Caliphates, Avignon and Rome?

      ...or three...

  7. Islam needs to be driven back to Arabia.

    Sure, as long as you can sit back here in the rear with the gear and send veteran assholes to do it for you, right?

    1. Not to worry, you'd NEVER be asked to do anything but play Pong on your 25 year old Commodore 64.

    2. Islam is doing a FINE job at suicide. No need for fake posers like you to worry.

      The truth? Demographics.

      Islam is dying.

      Just let it do it to it's self.

    3. AnonymousMon Jun 30, 10:27:00 AM EDT
      The truth? Demographics.

      Islam is dying.

      ...and that's the truth...

      “Its universities [Iranian] have competent demographers who helped frame the first studies of Iran’s fertility decline, and its leaders have inveighed for years against the failure of Iranian women to bear children. Persian-language websites warn of the tidal wave of elderly dependents who will swamp Iran’s economy.”

  8. ISIS is fighting with all the vigor of the Viet Cong on steroids and meth.

    Now all they need is a jungle supply trail that can't be cut off from the air.

    1. Such a deep thinker this Teresita Redinger is.

      Thinking in terms of Vietnam and "supply" routes

      Vietnam 127,881 sq miles

      Iran 636,400 sq miles
      Iraq 168,754 sq miles
      Syria 71,998 sq miles

      Size of Alaska 663,300 sq miles

      Might I politely suggest that the ISIS, bordering on numerous nations and comprising a land mass larger than Alaska has supply routes the Viet Cong could only dream of...

      Once again you speak above your pay grade. (and you are way over paid)

    2. Teresita RedingerMon Jun 30, 09:19:00 AM EDT
      ISIS is fighting with all the vigor of the Viet Cong on steroids and meth.

      Now all they need is a jungle supply trail that can't be cut off from the air.

      When and where was that successful?

  9. We need to mind our own business, protect our national borders and alliances and advance the secular and the lessers of the crazies.

    1. "Roger, that," Good Buddy.

      We've got some Big problems, right here on the home front.

      And, it don't appear that they're going to get any better, anytime soon.

    2. The Oligarchy would really, really like to see us distracted by another severe case of "stupid war fever."

  10. The Bard of MurdockMon Jun 30, 09:56:00 AM EDT

    Hopefully Obama is too smart to be goaded down this rabbit hole. These religious fanatics are just looking for a holy war, it is what they really want, we in the west are being goaded into fighting it and giving them just what they desire, they are seeking to create extremism in every country by implying that all Muslims should join them on their holy Jihad, this is not going to get any better or end well.


    After Fleeing Violence, Many Indian Muslims Refuse to Return Home

    an estimated 15,000 Muslims remain in sprawling makeshift tent cities in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, refusing to believe it is safe to return. In deepening cold, family members slept clinging to one another for warmth while icy water dripped through the tarps overhead. By mid-December, according to the government, 35 children in the camps had died.

    1. Yes, in India crimes against women go unchecked. It is a horrid country.

      LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Assembly today witnessed uproarious scenes on the issue of rising cases of crime against women and communal violence in the state, with opposition BSP and BJP staging separate walkouts during Question Hour.

      As soon as the Question Hour began, agitated BSP members voiced serious concern over rising crime against women and accused the Samajwadi Party government of failing to check such incidents.

      Leader of the Opposition Swami Prasad Maurya (BSP) said Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav had accepted that there were 736 incidents of rapes between January and March, and described as insufficient the initiatives taken by the government to check crime against women.

    2. More evidence that India is an abomination, not ready for the real world.

      Violent protests in Uttar Pradesh’s Firozabad over killing of two constables

      FIROZABAD (UP): Violent protests broke out on Monday in which several persons, including a DIG of police, were injured following the killing of two police constables by unidentified assailants.

      Protests erupted in the city at Subhash crossing near the district hospital with locals demanding immediate arrest of those involved in the killing of the two constables last night at Sailai road.

      DIG (range) Vijay Singh Meena was one of those injured as the irate crowd resorted to brick-batting. Several shops and vehicles were damaged by the angry mob which also blocked the road and set a police vehicle on fire.

    3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India admits that women are not protected in India, they should be, but they are not.
      India is a backwards country, where the police are criminals.

      "People who are trying to worsen law and order situation of Uttar Pradesh are somewhat getting protection from the government. We have noticed the government is justifying the criminal acts of people," he said.

      Congress Party leader Rashid Alvi said Uttar Pradesh should be "divided," so that governance could be done "in a better way."

      During his first speech to parliament, on Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged lawmakers to stop "politicizing" rape and instead work together to ensure women's safety.

      He said "respecting and protecting women" should be a priority in India.

  12. Islamic Civilization is Dying

    David P. Goldman is best known for his "Spengler" column at Asia Times Online, which draws a million readers a month.

    Mr. Goldman opened his talk by highlighting the widespread disappointment with the deterioration of the "Arab Spring" into an Islamist resurgence. He cautioned that the U.S. must learn to live with instability, as nothing in its power would enable it to stabilize the Middle East, yet noted that this was not necessarily the end of the world; Ronald Reagan was able to exploit it for the national interest in the case of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s.

    Rather than focus on Islamism and its conflict with modernity as chief culprit for this instability, Mr. Goldman pointed to the massive decline in Muslim birthrates attending the growing education of women. Iranian women, for example, used to bear 7 children on average; now the rate has fallen to 1.5, with the most highly educated subgroup approaching a fertility rate of 1.0. Such an inverted population pyramid means that fewer and fewer young people will be forced to support a growing but aging populace. This is not some pipe dream of Western demographers; President Ahmadinejad himself has called the decision by Iranian youth not to have children an act of genocide against the Iranian nation.

    Turkey, which also boasts a high literacy rate, including among its women, has seen the fertility rate among ethnic Turks declining to 1.5 children per woman. At the same time, Turkey's restive Kurdish population is now some 20% of the citizenry, with Kurdish women averaging 4.5 children. If this trend continues, and there seems to be no reason it will not, the inverting Turkish population pyramid will be overwhelmed by the "normal" Kurdish one, in essence creating a Kurdistan within the borders of Turkey, a situation fraught with the potential for intensified conflict.

    The population decline of these two Muslim countries is to be contrasted with Egypt with its 45% illiteracy rate, and where two thirds of the population lives in rural areas relatively untouched by education or opportunities for women. Combine Egypt's burgeoning population with its diploma mill universities (producing essentially unemployable graduates), its reliance on imports for half its caloric consumption, and its draw-down of hard currency reserves and one has what can be viewed as a "perfect storm" for upheaval and potential chaos.

    1. Israelis - they damned their country for moneyMon Jun 30, 10:53:00 AM EDT

      David P. Goldman, he is the fellow that wrote about Isrsel, so vividly.

      Spengler's Universal Law #9: A country isn't beaten until it sells its women,
      but it's damned when its women sell themselves.

    2. Spengler is mistaken. Islam is evolving. It is not going anywhere. Look at the videos of the fighters. These guys are juiced.

  13. Gaius Obamus Golfus gets curbstomped by SCOTUS over Hobby Lobby

  14. WIO: Vietnam 127,881 sq miles

    Iran 636,400 sq miles
    Iraq 168,754 sq miles
    Syria 71,998 sq miles

    How much of that Middle-Eastern territory is jungle cover, Einstein?

    1. Add in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, to get an accurate analogy.

      Let's compare apples to apples, not to oranges

    2. Then factor population, topography, and as Ms T mentions the flora.

      This current rendition of an Anonymous Anoni is not a very capable contributor.

    3. And, while you're at it, add in the ports of Hanoi and Haiphong, and China and Russia, with 15,000 Nukes strapped to their web belts, steadily shipping them guns and bullets.

  15. Middle East
    Israeli leader calls for independent Kurdistan

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls for supporting independent Kurdistan, as Iraq reels from a radical Sunni insurgency which has been slowed by Kurdish forces. (  / Reuters)
    BY ASSOCIATED PRESS June 29 at 4:22 PM
    TEL AVIV, Israel — Seizing on the mayhem in Iraq, Israel’s prime minister on Sunday called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan as part of a broader alliance with moderate forces across the region, and asserted that Israel would have to maintain a long-term military presence in the West Bank to keep a jihadi juggernaut from powering its way to the outskirts of Tel Aviv.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out his positions in a policy speech that marked one of the most detailed responses by a world leader to the lightning territorial gains made in recent weeks by Sunni extremists fighting in Iraq, and it underscored how profoundly events can ripple across an increasingly interlocked Middle East.

    Netanyahu suggested that the territorial gains made this month by the Al Qaida-inspired jihadi group called the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant could endanger neighboring Jordan, with which Israel has a peace agreement it considers vital to its security. The group has recently captured wide swaths of Iraq including the important cities of Mosul and Tikrit and several border crossings with Syria, and on Sunday formally declared a caliphate, or an Islam-ruled state, on territory it controls in both countries.

    The offensive by the Islamic State’s militants “can be aimed toward Jordan in the shortest time,” Netanyahu warned. Without stating outright that the Western-leaning Jordanian monarchy could fall, Netanyahu suggested as much by saying that the new developments meant a need for Israel to hold on to the West Bank border with the Hashemite kingdom, along the Jordan River.

    (nice file photo of the great man too)

    1. ISRAEL prefers al-QAEDAMon Jun 30, 11:40:00 AM EDT

      Speaking of photos of Bibi ...

      Here are some of Bibi giving solace to al-Qeada terrorists in an Israeli hospital

  16. Open thread: SCOTUSocalypse Monday with Hobby Lobby, Harris v Quinn; Update: Harris first, unions lose 5-4; Update: Hobby Lobby wins, 5-4
    Jun 30, 2014 9:51 AM by Ed Morrissey

    Ah, good. All is well at the Supreme Court this day, but just barely.

  17. I despise bible-thumpers with every last bone in my body.

    1. They at least don't wish you blow you up as the moslems wish to do.

    2. Are you nuts, Draft Dodger Bob?

      Christians, Bible Thumpers, are the folks that committed genocide against the natives of North America.

      Your view of history is certainly skewed.

    3. We'll bury your heart at Wounded Knee.

    4. Yet!!

      I see no difference between the Muslim assholes, and the Christian, or Jew assholes.

      None of them have the interests of me, or mine, at heart.


    5. What? The Rufus People run out the Solutreans long ago, and put the Sioux on a trail of tears, and enslaved blacks.

      All thumpers wish to do is save Ruf's liver by getting him off the booze, and save his very soul, Professional AssHole Jack.

    6. And you stole that rich bottom land, Professional Assole lil' PsychoRat.

  18. The comparison with Viet Nam is the level of motivation of the fighters. These guys will kill and die for the cause.

    1. I could be wrong - I quite often am :) - but, I have a hunch that they are getting ready to enter that "dying" phase, pretty soon, now. :)

    2. However, when it comes to "motivation," I have to agree with you. These guys look every bit as motivated a Charlie.

      "God," and "Country" are Both powerful motivators.

  19. Fleming, 38, and Jackson, 47, will be among thousands of registered domestic partners who will start the week married in the eyes of the state, under a component of Washington's same-sex marriage law that was approved by voters at the end of 2012. A provision of that law converts all same-sex domestic partnerships — in which both partners are under 62 years old — to marriage on June 30.

    Groovyness and groovosity.

  20. The comparison with Viet Nam is the level of motivation of the fighters. These guys will kill and die for the cause.

    Vietnam was fighting for independence. These bozos are fighting for a certain interpretation of a 1,400 year old book.

    1. You are really clueless…

    2. Not at all, Anonymous Anoni.
      We have lots of clues.

  21. I am suddenly getting an amazing amount of special pleading from Obama, Michelle, all the lefty organization in my email in box these days.

    I subscribe to them to 'keep an eye on'.

    They must be really worried about something or other these days.

    It's always 'we need money now'........

    1. You should send them money, Draft Dodger Bob, after all they reamed your ass and removed the cancer.
      Ought to be grateful for that.

      No one else is.

    2. That is a really stupid thing to say, Professional AssHole Dead Beat DadRat.

      Everyone would be grateful if they put you in prisoner, Death Threatener, Printer of People's Addresses on the internet, all round piece of shit.

    3. You should adopt one of those young girls coming over the border and save her from prostitution, instead of worrying about Israel twenty times daily, but you won't. It involves effort, PARat.

    4. Typical bible-thumping asshole. Wants other people to suffer, and die, but takes the free government treatment to save his own aged, worthless ass.

    5. Exactly, Rufus, Draft Dodger Bob is welfare king.
      Would get his benefits, then head off to the casino to gamble 'em away.

      I woory about Israel because we have so much invested there.
      And that money is going down a rat hole.
      The country of Israel has rejected the God of Abraham, has embraced prostitution and promotes homosexual activities.
      Now, I have no problem with same sex couples, but the idea that the US government is subsidizing the marketing of the Israeli sex trade, AC/DC. ... Wow, my Baptist friends don't know that, they would be shocked to discover that Israel has rejected the Book of Leviticus.

      We are going to inform them, here.

      That Spengler has a Law regarding prostitution, that when women sell themselves it damns their country, well ...
      I worry about the investment the US has made in Israel. Damn.

      So, Draft Dodger Bob, don't worry about me, don't worry about what I write about, because we are "On Time, On Target" and will Keep on Keepin' on!


    6. I worry about Israel because we have so much invested there.

      I guess if the Israeli were to return the $10 billion the US has invested in Israel, that'd change my attitude.
      Don't see that happening, though, so I have to try to protect our investment.

    7. Shame them into getting "Right" with the God of Abraham.

    8. God of Abraham, or God of Elsie the Magic Milk Cow,

      fuck all the bible-thumping sonofabitches that would deny healthcare to the poorest, and least fortunate wives, and daughters, among us.

    9. Give me birth control or I'll make you my baby-daddyMon Jun 30, 02:05:00 PM EDT

      Free condoms for the bitches… Yeah...

  22. Juan Cole Checks in:

    The Debacle of the Caliphates: Why al-Baghdadi’s Grandiosity doesn’t Matter
    By Juan Cole | Jun. 30, 2014 |

    Ibrahim al-Badri, a run-of-the-mill Sunni Iraqi cleric, gained a degree from the University of Baghdad at a time when pedagogy there had collapsed because of the Saddam Hussein dictatorship and international sanctions. After 2003 he took the name Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and turned to a vicious and psychopathic violence involving blowing up children at ice cream shops and blowing up gerbils and garden snakes at pet shops and blowing up family weddings, then coming back and blowing up the resultant funerals. This man is one of the most infamous serial killers in modern history, with the blood of thousands on his hands, before whom Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy fade into insignificance.
    Al-Baghdadi leads the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL), which today changed its name just to “the Islamic State.” And its members made a pledge of fealty to al-Baghdadi as the “caliph.” Let us please call it the “so-called Islamic State,” since it bears all the resemblance to mainstream Islam that Japan’s Om Shinrikyo (which let sarin gas into the subway in 1995) bears to Buddhism.
    After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 in Medina, West Arabia, the clans of Mecca favored as his successor notables of his noble clan, the Quraysh (the “Little Shark Tribe”). The first three were Abu Bakr, Omar and `Uthman.
    Some clans in the neighboring city of Medina preferred a dynastic principle, wanting to see a close relative of Muhammad succeed him as his vicar. They favored Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin and son-in-law, i.e., the closest thing he had to a living son at the time of his death. Ali was passed over three times by the notables in Mecca but finally became the fourth caliph in 656 AD. He was, however, assassinated in 661 only five years later. Those Muslims who accepted the first four “Orthodox caliphs” gradually became known as ‘people of the tradition,’ or ahl al-sunnah, i.e., the Sunnis.
    The groups that became the Shiites think of Ali as the first vicar of the Prophet, or “Imam,” and believe his office should rightfully have gone to his sons Hasan and Husain, and then to Husain’s son, and so on through the generations. Most Shiites today believe that the Twelfth Imam disappeared as a small child but will one day reveal himself again and restore the world to justice, as the Mahdi.
    After Ali’s assassination, the Umayyad kings ruled (661-750), and though some scholars have found that they claimed religious charisma, they were just Arab kings. A branch of the family of the Prophet tracing itself back to his uncle Abbas began making claims to rightful rule, however, and they were popular among the new converts from among the Persians in Iran, and in 750 they made a revolution against the Umayyads. They became the Abbasid caliphate, ruling until the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1258.
    The Abbasid caliphs gradually separated out their religious authority from secular authority, and later on rulers like the Buyids took Baghdad and gave the caliphs a stipend and limited the reach of their authority. Ira Lapidus argued that there was a de facto separation of religion and state in the Abbasid period.


    1. {...}
      After the embarrassing end of the caliphate at the hands of the Buddhist and animist Mongols, some attempts were made to revive the institution. They failed. The Mamluk state in Egypt in the medieval period maintained that a relative of the last caliph had escaped the Mongols to Cairo, and they maintained what some have called a “shadow caliphate” (Khilafah suriya) or pro forma caliphate. I don’t know of any Muslims who know the names of those supposed caliphs, or who refer to any of their rulings. I doubt they were widely recognized.
      Although subsequent sultans or secular emperors sometimes were termed “caliphs” in flowery style by their courtiers, I can’t find any evidence of anyone taking that sort of thing seriously. In the 18th century Ahmad al-Damanhuri, a rector of al-Azhar Seminary in Cairo, the foremost center of Sunni learning, wrote an essay in which he was frank that the caliphate ended in 1258, that the Mamluk ‘shadow caliphate’ hadn’t amounted to much, and that the Ottomans were kings, not caliphs. The Sunni caliphate had lapsed. He said, however, that some of the Ottomans were better and more just rulers, as secular monarchs, than some of the caliphs had been. I know of no reason to think that al-Damanhuri’s views weren’t the prevailing ones on the eve of Middle Eastern modernity. {Ahmad al-Damanhuri, al-Naf` al-ghazir fi salah al-Sultan wa al-wazir, Egyptian National Library, Taymur Ijtima`, MS 34, p. 10).



    2. {...}
      Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II (1876-1909) was concerned about European encroachment on Ottoman and Muslim lands (white Christians conquered Muslim-ruled states of India beginning 1757, Muslim Central Asia through the 19th Century and Algeria in 1830). The Iranian diplomat Mirza Malkum Khan cabled the shah back in Tehran in 1880 that Abdulhamid had decided to declare himself a caliph so as to turn the tables and claim authority in places like British India, where 1/4 of the population was Muslim. Although the idea that the Ottoman sultan was a caliph gained some purchase in British India, I don’t think it was widely accepted. British interviews with Egyptians after they conquered that country in 1882 suggested that Egyptians didn’t see Abdulhamid as a caliph.
      Abdulhamid, despite saying he was a caliph, was overthrown by a democratic revolution in 1908-1909, which instituted a constitution and a parliament and tried to reduce the sultan-caliph to a figurehead. In early 1913, Young Turk military officers, however, made a coup and sent parliament home. They unwisely took the Ottoman Empire into WW I in alliance with Austria and Germany. Mehmed V, the new sultan-caliph (now relatively powerless) used his bully pulpit to declare jihad or holy war on France, Britain and Russia. The Ottomans were nevertheless defeated (and Indian Muslim troops helped in the defeating). After the war, the British and the French divided up the Ottoman provinces among themselves. Nationalist, secular general Mustafa Kemal refused to see Anatolia or Asia Minor, the heartland of Turkish speakers, divvied up, and launched a war to stop it. He won. The Turkish state came into being. Its parliament declared itself a republic in 1923. In 1924 it abolished the caliphate.
      The end of the caliphate did not matter to most Muslims. You don’t need a caliph to pray five times a day or fast Ramadan. In Egypt, Ali Abd al-Raziq, a court judge, argued in modernist fashion that no caliph is necessary. Some Egyptian clerics were uncomfortable with the idea, but they lost the argument. There was some jockeying to resurrect the caliphate in the mid-1920s, and the Egyptian king, Fuad I, threw his crown in the ring. But the fact is that none of the newly forming nation-states wanted a transnational authority like that, and no consensus could be reached, and the caliphate (such as it was, since I don’t think most Muslims bought into Abdulhamid’s project) lapsed again.
      Small groups of cult-like fundamentalists ever after hoped for a restored caliphate, but it isn’t something on the minds of 99% of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims. Sunni Islam has come sociologically to resemble Protestant Christianity, lacking a formal center and largely organized on the basis of the nation-state. Thus each Muslim-majority country has a mufti, who is the highest legal authority, giving rulings on practice for the state. Ask the muftis, who have real authority backed by Muslim states, what they think of the serial murderer, al-Baghdadi.


    3. {...}
      I remember in 2004 Usama Bin Laden issued a speech in which he complained about the calamities rained down on the Muslim world by the European Christians ‘for the past 80 years.’ He was referring to the abolition of the caliphate by Ataturk in 1924. His theory was that without a caliph Muslims were easily divided and ruled by the great powers. The flaw in that theory is that the Ottomans claimed to be caliphs toward the end of the empire but the Great Powers still divided and ruled them. It is hard to argue with military power, and fancy religious titles won’t win such power struggles. Even the original Abbasid caliphate was ended by pagan Mongol steppe warriors who had lacquered, reticulated short bows that they could fire from horseback and which could penetrate armor. (Mongols had very sophisticated fletchers).
      In fact, making grandiose claims on authority was common among Muslim leaders resisting the European colonial powers Often their followers thought that such leaders had the power to deflect European bullets and cannonballs. The popular Muslim notion of a Mahdi or rightly-guided figure who will be sent by god at the last days (sometimes, it is thought, at the same time Christ returns) was invoked for anti-colonial purposes on several occasions. A Mahdi or messiah rose up against the French in Egypt in 1799. The French killed him. Another Mahdi arose in the Sudan in the 1880s. The British killed him and then went on to rule the Sudan until 1956. Muqtada al-Sadr in Iraq created the Mahdi Army, intended as a force to support the Mahdi, who he thought was about to appear, and which took on the US and British militaries in 2004; it lost on the battlefield.
      And, of course, Mulla Omar Uruzgani of Afghanistan was proclaimed “caliph” by the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Hopefully he and al-Baghdadi will end up in the same jail cell so they can drive each other crazy claiming to be the real caliph. In fact, virtually no one in the Muslim world thinks Mulla Omar is a caliph.
      The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood developed the institution of the Supreme Guide, which under President Muhammad Morsi in 2012-2013 developed theocratic aspirations. The Supreme Guide, Muhammad Badie, proved conspiratorial and controlling, and Morsi proved compliant. The vast majority of Egyptians were annoyed by this grandiosity, and they overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood government. Badie is in danger of being executed. I think that the Egyptian elite has gone too far in persecuting Muslim Brothers and branding them terrorists, mind you, and the death sentence on Badie is a human rights violation. But I’m just pointing out that calling yourself Supreme Guide and getting the loyalty of a sectarian group is no guarantee of worldly success. And the Brotherhood is way more important the the ‘Islamic State.’
      This Baghdadi ‘caliphate’ thing is doomed, as well.
      You want to see the future of Islam, look at the al-Nahda or Renaissance Party in Tunisia, which just successfully completed a term in office in coalition with a secular human rights-oriented party and a socialist party.

    4. Lengthy... bottom line: Islam is evolving.

    5. So I've heard, but backwards or forwards.

    6. If you got your head out of your ass, Draft Dodger Bob, you could tell which way you were gong.

    7. Bottom line: It's just as boring, and incoherent as any other religious bullshit.

      Burning bushes, magic bulls, and fat men with protective cobras, it's all the same. Horrific idiocy.

    8. If you got your head out of your ass, Draft Dodger Bob, you could tell which way you were going.

  23. Breaking !!!!

    Bob Beckel is on Outnumbered.

    There he is, in all his liberal glory, blabbing on and on, surrounded by four lovely young female things, great gut hanging out, suspenders stretching, survivor of alcoholism.....

    When I see Bob thus:



    1. Oh, and here with all that talk about his gut, I thought you were fantasizing about getting Bob Beckel on your barbeque grill.

    2. Inform the idiot Idahoan that Rufus got his fair share of pussy, here on this earth,

      and, never once, had to pretend that she was a daughter, sister, or niece, in order to do it.

    3. Hey, Draft Dodger Bob!

      Rufus gets his fair share of pussy, right here on this earth,
      Not once did he have to pretend that she was a daughter, sister, or niece, in order to do it

    4. Uh, Jack, uh, . . . . . . an important word, there, was . . . . . "got." :)

      But, thanks for the help. :) :)

    5. That's the telephone game, for ya.

  24. Operation Rolling Thunder
    44 months - Between March 1965 and November 1968
    More tonnage used than in WWII Pacific Theater - 864,000
    US aircraft losses:
    506 U.S. Air Force
    397 Navy
    19 Marine Corps

    (Tet Offensive began on 30 Jan 1968)

    1. AnonymousMon Jun 30, 01:21:00 PM EDT
      According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ...
      More than 100 tons of explosives were dropped in the first 9 hours of 'Operation Cast Lead'.


  25. Jack HawkinsMon Jun 30, 01:09:00 PM EDT
    Hey, Draft Dodger Bob!

    Rufus gets his fair share of pussy, right here on this earth,
    Not once did he have to pretend that she was a daughter, sister, or niece, in order to do it

    And you know this how?

    1. And, Rufus would Never lie about the important stuff. :) :) :)

    2. The point being, I always figured, "I'll take care of the pussy here above ground, and let the worms take over below ground."

    3. Rufus IIMon Jun 30, 01:37:00 PM EDT
      The point being, I always figured, "I'll take care of the pussy here above ground, and let the worms take over below ground."

      Can't you be a little more poetic? That is ugly!

    4. I've never been much of a poet.

  26. Hey Rat,

    While you were serving down in Central America, what was your unit?

    1. Right...Take your time and do some searching.

    2. I

      Go read the story, it's been there since 18JAN14
      The fellow you call 'Rat' he was there, too.


      That l at the beginning of the address could throw allen off.

    4. I just want the name of your unit. In Viet Nam, mine was Alpha Co, 1/9. See, it's easy.

    5. Viet Nam?

      Silly boy, you asked about Central America.
      If you want to know about Viet Nam, ask someone who claimed to have gone.

    6. If you want to know about the "Rat", you'll have to read the story.

      Even easier, for me.

  27. Juan Cole wrote:
    “The vast majority of Egyptians were annoyed by this grandiosity, and they overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood government.”

    There is no way Juan Cole could possibly know what the “vast majority” felt.

    The Egyptian Army used unrest, possibly of its own making, as pretext for overthrowing the government. A look at posts from the time of Hosni’s troubles will show that a military coup (or non-coup to the SoS) was my predicted outcome. The Egyptian Army was/is the only functioning institution in the country. Without it, Egypt would be a harsher shade of bedlam.

    1. Was that way when they deposed Mubarak.

      They went through the entire theater of Kabuki on the way to getting Sisi elected President.

  28. Pasky, Pisky, Posky and PuskyMon Jun 30, 01:48:00 PM EDT

    We must apologize to the Bar for the uncouth and continuing misbehavior of our 2nd cousin Pesky.

    You have to read him, if you must, as long as Deuce continues to allow his bullshit we have to LIVE with the Professional AssHole, which is way way beyond vexing.


  29. Israelis - they damned their country for moneyMon Jun 30, 02:03:00 PM EDT

    Bodies of Israeli kidnapped teens found, government confirms

    Was that way when they did other false flags.

    Those Israeli pretend that crimes occur.

    The country of Israel has rejected the God of Abraham, has embraced prostitution and promotes homosexual activities.
    But the idea that the US government is subsidizing the marketing of the Israeli sex trade, AC/DC. ... Wow, my Baptist friends don't know that, they would be shocked to discover that Israel has rejected the Book of Leviticus.

    The so called deaths of the 3 Israeli? If they were killed, there is no proof that Israel did not kill them.

    And they had no right to be living on the Palestinian's lands.

    1. The Mossad killed them


    2. It WAS a false flag operation.
      Hamas would have wanted to trade them, that is their MO.

  30. Once again the level of anti-Semitic hatred, expressed on this blog set new records.

    3 teenagers, kidnapped and executed, one American, 2 Israelis.


    But it is a teaching lesson. All JEWS should be armed.

    1. The American was an Arab, too?
      I know all Semitic Israeli are Jewish Arabs, didn't know that the American was a Jewish Arab, as well.
      Thanks for the up date.

    2. As always you are a shining example of the exact opposite of good in the world.

    3. There are European Jews and there are Arab Jews. The Semitic Jews are Arab Jews.
      Words have meaning, get back to class.

    4. Jack you never cease to amaze us with how ignorant you are. But thanks again for lowering the bar.

      It's a wonder you can even type….

  31. Rufus'll cross his eyes and curl his toes over this piece of power porn:

    1. Teresita, your "clickables" aren't clicking through. I think you're trying to put them up like you would on wordpress.

  32. Israelis - they damned their country for moneyMon Jun 30, 02:03:00 PM EDT
    The so called deaths of the 3 Israeli? If they were killed, there is no proof that Israel did not kill them.

    ...or Martians...

    1. Exactly correct, no proof at all that it was Hamas, Mossad or Martians.
      More likely to have been Mossad than Martians or Hamas, though.

  33. The "so-called" deaths...straight from allen's mouth to your ears, gents.

    1. Fingers to eyes, more appropriately.

    2. This is why we question your gender. As no real woman could be as cold hearted and hateful as you.

    3. No one but allen questioned the death of the teens.

    4. You questioned the kidnapping and you questioned the deaths.

      You said it was a false flag and that the mossad killed them.

      You are one sick, sick, demented anti-semite and you are the reason I carry....

  34. More than 100 tons of explosives were dropped in the first 9 hours of 'Operation Cast Lead'.

    And the whole 2006 fiasco in Lebanon was Operation Lost Cred

    Netanyahu hints at further Gaza action: Either Hamas reins in rocket fire or we will

    Mr. Netanyahu, with all due respect, shut the fuck up!

    1. Bibi can't do diddly, His Minister Lieberman already threatened to send the IDF into Gaza.
      But the US will not resupply the ammunition stocks, so ...

      Israel can't do diddly.

    2. But pass gas ...

      Which is all the fat man is doing.

    3. Which is why the amount of explosives the IDF used in 'Cast Lead' is pertinent to the thread.
      Much more so than "Rolling Thunder" in Vietnam.

    4. allen, caught behind the learning curve, again.

      He never has been able to anticipate, and so falls into the traps.

      Pedal faster, allen, pump those legs!

    5. Jack HawkinsMon Jun 30, 03:02:00 PM EDT
      Bibi can't do diddly, His Minister Lieberman already threatened to send the IDF into Gaza.
      But the US will not resupply the ammunition stocks, so ...

      Israel can't do diddly.

      When Israel does do anything you bitch like a stuck pig....

      Just wait, I am sure you will be plenty pissed off real soon...

  36. In Viet Nam, mine was Alpha Co, 1/9

    Tell us which of these operations you fought in, and what they were like. Try not to pick the ones with blue links on Wikipedia that already have write-ups you can copy and paste.

    Blastout I August 65
    Golden Fleece Sep–Oct 65
    County Fair Sep–Dec 65
    Rice Straw Oct–Nov 65
    Independence February 1966
    Ky Lam Campaign May 1966
    Liberty July 1966
    Macon Jul–Oct 1966
    Deckhouse V January 1967
    Prairie II Feb–Mar 1967
    Chinook II Feb–Apr 1967
    Operation Beacon Hill Mar–Apr 1967
    Operation Prairie III Mar–Apr 1967
    Operation Prairie IV Apr–May 1967
    Operation Cimarron Jun–Jul 1967
    Buffalo July 1967
    Fremont Jul–Oct 1967 (became Neosha)
    Operation Kentucky November 1967–Feb 1969
    Neosho November 1967–January 1968
    Scotland November 1967–March 1968
    Checkers December 1967–January 1968
    Ballistic Armor January 1968
    Dai Do April–May 1968
    Kentucky Apr–Jun 1968
    Lancaster July 1968
    Scotland II Apr–Sep 1968
    sdale Aug–Sep 1968
    Pegasus/LamSon 207 April 1968 26 Mar
    July Action July 1968
    Utah Mesa June-Jul
    Cameron Falls JunAug 1969
    Direct Combat Support 19–21 May 1971
    Heroic Action 11 May 1972
    Song Thanh 5-72 13 May 1972
    Song Thanh 6-72 24 May 1972
    ReadyOp 27-June 1972
    LamSon 72(I) 29 June 1972
    LamSon 72 (II) 11 July 1972
    Frequent Wind 20–30 April 1975

    1. Ask him what the unofficial, in-country conversion rate was between MPC and the U.S. Dollar. That'll keep him busy for awhile (but, he'll never find it.) :)

    2. Blastout I August 65
      Golden Fleece Sep–Oct 65
      County Fair Sep–Dec 65
      Rice Straw Oct–Nov 65
      Independence February 1966
      Ky Lam Campaign May 1966
      Liberty July 1966
      Macon Jul–Oct 1966
      Deckhouse V January 1967
      Prairie II Feb–Mar 1967
      Chinook II Feb–Apr 1967
      Operation Beacon Hill Mar–Apr 1967
      Operation Prairie III Mar–Apr 1967
      Operation Prairie IV Apr–May 1967
      Operation Cimarron Jun–Jul 1967
      Buffalo July 1967
      Fremont Jul–Oct 1967 (became Neosha)
      Operation Kentucky November 1967–Feb 1969
      Neosho November 1967–January 1968
      Scotland November 1967–March 1968
      Checkers December 1967–January 1968
      Ballistic Armor January 1968
      Dai Do April–May 1968
      Kentucky Apr–Jun 1968
      Lancaster July 1968
      Scotland II Apr–Sep 1968
      sdale Aug–Sep 1968
      Pegasus/LamSon 207 April 1968 26 Mar
      July Action July 1968
      Utah Mesa June-Jul
      Cameron Falls JunAug 1969
      Direct Combat Support 19–21 May 1971
      Heroic Action 11 May 1972
      Song Thanh 5-72 13 May 1972
      Song Thanh 6-72 24 May 1972
      ReadyOp 27-June 1972
      LamSon 72(I) 29 June 1972
      LamSon 72 (II) 11 July 1972
      Frequent Wind 20–30 April 1975

      ...nope...still waiting for rat...

  37. Teresita, your "clickables" aren't clicking through. I think you're trying to put them up like you would on wordpress.

    That clickable is a link to my own page, I've never heard a report of trouble before. Even Bob goes there.

  38. Re: "so called"

    You can't fix stupid.

    1. That should be in bold, allen.

      HTML for dummies, you used to know it, what happened?

    2. Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      Seems they have a limited number of sign-ons that can be used.
      Some students know HTML, others do not.

  39. This is why we question your gender. As no real woman could be as cold hearted and hateful as you.

    Since I will never accept a date with you, Porky, you can question my gender to your heart's content. That question and five dollars will get you a cafe Americano at Starbucks.

    1. Don't flatter yourself, there has never been any offer in any way, shape or form.

      I was referring to your lack of compassion, your soullessness and your apparent lack of feminine grace.

  40. Allen:
    Re: "so called"

    You can't fix stupid.

    Exactly. Which is why I'm not surprised you said it.

  41. A new low has been reached here today for sure, by rat and his hating friends.

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Jun 30, 03:14:00 PM EDT

      Draft Dodger Bob, you just don't comprehend the reality of the situation.
      There is no rat.

      Only in the forest of your mind, does the rat reside.

    2. .

      The Prophet tells us "There is no rat but rat".


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Jun 30, 04:43:00 PM EDT

      allen found himself a Prophet!


  42. Here's why I don't think the economy will be able to "get out of its own way" (in spite of improving statistics.)

    EIA World Crude + Condensate Data

    World C + C Supplies are expanding at only 0.16% (125,000 bpd) Year on Year. This is compared to approx. 8 times that rate (1 Million bpd) up to 2005, and about twice that rate (270,000 bpd) from 2005 to 2012. - Can you say, "reaching the top of the curve?"

    It's hard to see Global Growth at much more than 1% with these numbers, and with most of that going to China, and some of the Oil Exporters.

  43. I was referring to your lack of compassion, your soullessness and your apparent lack of feminine grace.

    This blog weeds that shit out.

  44. souls, my friend...Like that mouse, they prove it possible to have a brain but lack a mind.

  45. WiO,

    Today was VA payday...sweet... I earned mine...sweeter...Knowing that the cons here did not...sweetest...

  46. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Jun 30, 04:43:00 PM EDT
    allen found himself a Prophet!


    ...yes, Moses...And? ... What was your unit, again?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jack HawkinsMon Jun 30, 06:09:00 PM EDT
      This comment has been removed by the author.

      "Silence is golden". :-)

    3. Actually it's not golden, it's Bretton Wood.

  47. And do you two bozos find Jenny to be Miss Congeniality, or do women have to be Zionists to be feminine?

    1. Teresita RedingerMon Jun 30, 05:54:00 PM EDT
      And do you two bozos find Jenny to be Miss Congeniality, or do women have to be Zionists to be feminine?

      I thought Rufus and the airborne stranger were your friends.

      Jenny is a sock-puppet.

  48. BobMon Jun 30, 03:07:00 PM EDT
    A new low has been reached here today for sure, by rat and his hating friends.


    They will sink lower; I'll make sure of it.

      Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys

    2. So that's where Mossad dumped the bodies?

    3. Would it not been grand if those throwing rocks had been shot?

      I know I am looking forward to the day when a vehicle that comes under attack can shoot the attackers...

  49. .

    Teresita RedingerMon Jun 30, 11:13:00 AM EDT

    Gaius Obamus Golfus gets curbstomped by SCOTUS over Hobby Lobby

    Things have not been going well in Court lately for the Big O. He has had a long losing streak.

    Rufus IIMon Jun 30, 11:14:00 AM EDT

    Along with 100 Million American women.

    Nonsense. This doesn't deny anyone the right to contraception.

    The ACA merely said the insurances policies needed to provide preventive services. Overreach on the part of the Obama administration 'interpreted' that to evidently mean that pregnancy was a disease and that all 20 types of approved birth control had to be included in the policies. Hobby Lobby was already covering 16 of the 20 but objected to the other 4 on religious grounds.

    But for those who are dismayed by Obama's recent rebuff's hang in there. He has already vowed to continue with his unilateral decision making.


    1. You and your pedophile priests can blow me, motherfucker. I'm not in the mood for your religious bullshit, today.

      They banned the morning after pill, and the IUD. Maybe, there's a Catholic asshole, out there, somewhere, that doesn't know that the IUD is the only form of birth control some women can use.

      I've got news for you, Quirk, there's no goddamned way in hell that you're going to convince me that YOU should be the arbiter of the forms of birth control available (or, even that you have any business thinking about it) to My family.

    2. then open up your wallet and pay for the legal cheap assessable forms of birth control that is in our nation.

    3. Holy Moley, WiO gets one right.

  50. Rufus IIMon Jun 30, 07:32:00 PM EDT
    You and your pedophile priests can blow me, motherfucker.

    After going out and looking at the crops all afternoon, do you know how stupid you sound?

    Why don't you get up, go to the door, and go out and TAKE A WALK?

  51. Listening to a computer guy on Fox.

    Lois Lerner's email are indeed recoverable.

    With cooperation it would weeks.

    Without cooperation, some months maybe.

    What a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION the Obama Administration truly has turned out to be !!

    1. They are recoverable in two or three different ways.

      Not that I understood much of the fancy talk.

      He was talking also about how CRIMINAL this truly is under, I think it was, the Government Records Act, or some such.

    2. Well Draft Dodger Bob, if you do not understand how it can be done, you should not tell people it can be.
      You are talking up your ass, again.

      Pull your out of your butt, and gain some understanding of what you ar writing about.


    3. “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

    4. Pull your head out of your butt, and gain some understanding of what you are writing about.

    5. He heard it on the Wahhabi News Network; it has to be right.

      fucking morons

    6. Re: "Simple as that."

      This is grammatically incorrect, since Retro-Ranger has decided to lecture on writing expertise. Try finding a quote that makes your point.

    7. allen, when you have sold half as many books as Stephen King, we will take your opinion into account.

      Until then your opinion is decimated. Simple as that.

  52. Lois Lerner took the 5th, repeatedly. She is guilty as sin. When she finally goes to court, her attorneys will plea bargain.

    1. She won't go to court, Obumbler will blanket pardon the whole shooting match.

  53. Q: "Things have not been going well in Court lately for the Big O. He has had a long losing streak."

    That means we have a republic after all, not an Empire.

  54. AnonymousMon Jun 30, 06:43:00 PM EDT
    So that's where Mossad dumped the bodies?

    Yea, that's what Lester wanted.

    1. Who is Lester, but a molester?

  55. To sign the online petition to impeach Obama, go to Impeach Him Now.

    Knowing full well he probably wouldn't be convicted - unless more comes out - still it is time to impeach Obama. This CRIMINAL farce has gone on long enough. And the proposal should be debated in the House.


    President jokes that WH pastry chef laces pies with crack cocaine..............drudge

    I think it was WiO who was wondering out loud if he was using again. He may very well be.

    What kind of idiot American President would be 'cracking' such undignified and disgusting jokes?

    H.L. Mencken said the American People will one day get what they have deeply wanted.........a total moron in the White House.

    That day has arrived.

    Mencken was a prophet.

    1. Try these -

      Impeach Obama Campaign — To Save America Cached

      Impeach Obama Campaign is the largest movement to Impeach Obama in the US. Find out why he should be.
      Impeach Him Now | Facebook Cached
      Impeach Him Now. 40,253 likes · 212 talking about this. Dedicated to the impeachment and removal from office of President Barack Hussein Obama, the worst...

      Impeach Obama Now | Facebook Cached

      Impeach Obama Now is on Facebook. To connect with Impeach Obama Now, sign up for Facebook today. Sign Up Log In. Impeach Obama Now. 847 likes · 27 talking about this.

    2. Bob is a looney tuneMon Jun 30, 09:12:00 PM EDT

      Have your lap dog, Labrador, talk to Boner about it.

  56. I thought Rufus and the airborne stranger were your friends.

    I don't have friends here, only students and enemies. My favorite pupil is Doug. I don't like it when my pupil Bob calls me a cunt, I make him sit in a corner.

    1. You pupil has surpassed his teacher, and now he teaches teach.

      I called Hillary a smelly cunt, not you.

  57. What the hell has the nation come to, when we call it a victory that the court rolled back a federal requirement to force one family to pay for another family's contraception on religious freedom grounds? What happened to just freedom grounds?

    1. Excellent point, my young student.

    2. And, ask yourself this:

      Why have I been paying Higher Taxes, all these years, just so you could have your health insurance paid for with Before Tax Dollars?

      Health Insurance that ended up saving your stinking, greedy life.

    3. You two greedy assholes have sucked at the federal teat your entire fucking lives, and now you're ecstatic that some poor little gal, working for minimum wage at Hobby Lobby will no longer be able to get the birth control that she needs.

      Kiss my fucking rusty red ass, the both of you greedy bitches.

    4. And, now would be a damned fine time for you to get your feelings hurt, and blow out the door, Teresita. I'll be happy to take the credit.

  58. Let's see, I'm losing count.

    Quirk has been instructed to 'blow' Rufus.

    As have I.

    That's two.

    Miss T counts as three.

    I am not sure I quite understand this reference though -

    "Kiss my fucking rusty red ass, the both of you greedy bitches."

    There must be another "greedy bitch" around somewhere that I have missed.

    Anyway, that makes four.

    I believe, but am not certain, that up there somewhere Allen was also similarly instructed. (It may have been on some other day)

    Anyway, that would five.


    Caliban has a sexual appetite that won't quit.

    1. ""Kiss my fucking rusty red ass, the both of you greedy bitches."

      An alternative explanation might be that Rufus is seeing double again.

      It is, after all, nearly 10pm there, and he may have started early today.
