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Ann Coulter: Still Full of It |
By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
When Republican
author and columnist Ann Coulter attacked the Senate Conservatives Fund and
others who oppose Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s re-election as
“shysters,” we said “Ann
Coulter is full of it.”
Now, three weeks
after Coulter first criticized conservative and liberty-leaning organizations,
and their members, for opposing McConnell’s re-election she has doubled down on
her defense of Senator McConnell, and in the process, upped the intensity of her
attacks on those who oppose granting McConnell lifetime tenure in the Senate.
In a March 12
article on Townhall, Coulter posits that anyone who thinks Republican primary
elections are the right place to begin the battle against Big Government is a
member of a “right-wing mob” driven not by the facts of McConnell’s record, but
by irrational “mob characteristics,” such as imperviousness to facts, slogans
as arguments and acceptance of contradictions.
Coulter then lays
out a set of facts that she claims validate her argument that Mitch McConnell
is a “conservative” starting with McConnell’s opposition to the McCain-Feingold
campaign finance “reform” law and including McConnell’s opposition to amnesty for
illegal aliens and role in the passage of the 2011 Budget Control Act that led
eventually to the reductions in spending forced by the sequester provisions in
that law.
The problem with
this defense of Mitch McConnell is that it is founded on the proposition that
conservatism is a smorgasbord, and that by dropping by to pick up a meatball or
two a candidate or elected official qualifies as a “conservative” and should therefore
be immune to a primary challenge from the right.
In our view
conservatism is a fully formed world view with constitutional limits on
government to protect individual liberty, life and economic opportunity at its
core. Treating conservatism as a smorgasbord from which legislators pick and
choose as Coulter proposes reduces the conservative movement’s principles to a
mere collection of this year’s bills and special interest demands, not a
governing philosophy.
And more to the
point of Coulter’s article on Townhall, she apparently missed the causes of the
rise of the TEA Party movement that now supplies the on the ground horsepower
driving the opposition to the re-election of Mitch McConnell and other big
government establishment Republican Senators, such as Mississippi’s Thad
The fact of the
matter is the TEA Party movement is a rebellion against Big Government and in
its opposition to Big Government it is as much a rebellion against the
Republican establishment’s betrayal of conservative principles on the growth of
government and spending during the Bush years as it is about Obama and
And Mitch McConnell
and his record in the Senate are Exhibits A through Z
in the case against the
Capitol Hill Republican establishment and the inside-the-Beltway GOP leadership
betraying conservative principles on spending and the growth of government.
Mitch McConnell has
a record of pork-barreling and earmarking that has regularly put him near the
top of lists of legislators supporting wasteful spending, such as the Citizens
Against Government Waste Pig Book. CWGW
referred to Mitch McConnell as one of the Senate’s “perennial porkers” long
before he faced a 2014 primary challenge, and that’s a fact, not an argument by
bumper sticker.
Mitch McConnell for
voted for the TARP Wall Street bailout and he supported the $25 billion Bush
version of the automobile manufacturers bailout saying it was “a sound way to
go forward.” Yes, we know McConnell’s opponent may or may not have been supportive
of TARP, but that is a strike against him if true, not a defense of McConnell.
As for Ann Coulter’s
ridiculous proposition that because McConnell “tricked” Obama into supporting
the sequester he can claim credit for cutting spending, let’s take a look at
the coin McConnell traded for the now-abandoned sequester; Cut, Cap and Balance.
That’s right, while
Ann Coulter may have forgotten, conveniently, that the goal of conservatives
going into the 2011 debt ceiling debate was to force Obama to accept some
version of Jim DeMint’s Cut, Cap and Balance legislation we haven’t forgotten
or forgiven the betrayal.
We well remember
that Mitch McConnell started the debate over Cut, Cap and Balance opposed to
the legislation and in favor of giving President Barack Obama the authority to
increase the debt ceiling unless Congress voted its disapproval.
McConnell did
eventually sign on to a Cut, Cap and Balance bill, but there was never any
serious effort made in the Senate on behalf of the bill and McConnell’s Budget
Control Act not only raised the debt ceiling, it also gave Obama and the
Democrats a free pass on the issue during the 2012 election.
What’s more, calling
them “crippling” and “destructive” McConnell regularly criticized the
sequestration spending cuts for which he is now trying to claim credit.
The fault line in
today’s politics isn’t between Democrats and Republicans, it is between the
proponents of Big Government in both political parties and those who favor
putting the federal government back inside strict constitutional limits to
reduce the spending and erosion of freedom that Big Government brings no matter
which establishment political party holds sway in Washington.
Ann Coulter’s
smorgasbord conservatism is a path to permanent minority status for the GOP
because it blurs the lines between the parties and amounts to a grant of
lifetime tenure to establishment Republican Senators like Mitch McConnell, Thad
Cochran and other Big Government Republicans.
The first battlefield in the
fight against Big Government must be the Republican primary elections
anyone who doesn’t understand that, including Ann Coulter, is full of it.
It's the Primaries, Stupid!
ConservativeHQ Endorses the Following Candidates:
U.S. Senate Republican Primary
- Sam Clovis:
Iowa Senate
Dan Sullivan: Alaska Senate
Chris McDaniel: Mississippi Senate
Ben Sasse: Nebraska Senate
U.S. House of Representatives Republican Primary
- Bryan Smith:
Dan Bongino: MD-6
Frank Roche: NC-2
Dave Brat: VA-7
Alex Mooney: WV-2
November is nine months away, and McConnell remains
the favorite.
But there are distressing signs for the Republican leader.
new poll found that 60 percent of Kentuckians disapprove of the powerful
five-term incumbent,
compared to just 32 percent who approve of his performance
in the Senate.
That’s a shade worse than the ratings registered by President
Barack Obama,
who lost the state by 22 points in 2012.
Ann Coulter’s conservative credentials were ably challenged in the 2011 book, The Beauty of Conservatism, at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf. Coulter consistently promotes establishment RINOs, attacks the Tea Party, opposes many pro-lifers, and boasts of being a Gay Icon. Coulter is hardly the fount of conservatism.