Friday, March 09, 2012

Ron Paul in 2012


  1. From the last thread...

    a new anon states:

    Anonymous said...
    Israel seems to have forgotten what it is like living in a ghetto surrounded by menacing walls bristling with guns. Israel has many laws which openly discriminate against non-Jews. You can't call Israel a democracy if it has one law for one person and a different law for for his/her neighbour.It has forgotten what it is like being brutally subjugated and mercilessly humiliated. It has turned a blind eye to the horrors of being discriminated based on race. It has ignored the lessons of it's own history. IIsrael is a bi-national apartheid state. Israel does not want to give up the territories and Israel's apartheid is worse than that of South Africa. Sadly, I believe that many Israelis don't give a damn about the injustices the Israeli state and the settlers have been heaping on Palestinians since the inception of the state - and even before. And, sadly, I believe that no matter what Israel does, whether it is complete ethnic cleansing or squeezing Palestinians into small walled in compounds there will be no outcry from the U.S. A tap on the wrist maybe but the money will keep flowing in.

    Now this is a perfect example of a mindless twit.

    Lies, distortions and outright fantasy.

    There is only ONE place in the middle east that arabs are free...


    Not, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Jordan or Lebanon.

    Not Iran or Iraq, Algeria or Libya


    That tiny sliver of land that comprises 1/900th of the middle east.

    Now Ron Paul?

    He could give a flying fuck...

  2. You can't call Israel a democracy if it has one law for one person and a different law for for his/her neighbour.

    You can't even call it a good law-abiding theocracy.

    LEV 24:22 Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the LORD your God.

    It was this sort of thing Master Je Tzu was getting at when he taught thus:

    A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard.

    He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.

    And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not.

    Whether of them twain did the will of his father?

    They say unto him, The first.

    Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.

  3. Hamas Terror Manifesto Published By Obama's Church

    Sen. Barack Obama's Chicago church reprinted a manifesto by Hamas that defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist and compared the terror group's official charter – which calls for the murder of Jews – to America's Declaration of Independence.

  4. Irony: Carbonite can't restore relationship with Rush.

  5. wasp said:
    You can't call Israel a democracy if it has one law for one person and a different law for for his/her neighbour.

    You can't even call it a good law-abiding theocracy.

    LEV 24:22

    Wasp is a known anti-semite.

    her/his/it's opinion on anything Israel, Jewish or Zionist is suspect.

    Thousands of posts by it has taught us that he/she/it has it's own agenda to trash Jews, israel et al.

    he/she/it should stick to subjects it knows... How to pretend to be a lesbian...

  6. this just in from Iran...


    “We heard two days ago that the US president said that [they] are not thinking about war with Iran. These words are good words and an exit from delusion,” Khamenei said, according to the official press agency IRNA.

    Ayatollah Seyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei is the Supreme Leader of Iran

    He and Ron Paul should have a coffee

  7. Ron Paul is Founding Father material and if Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thomas Paine, etc, etc where running for office they would not be doing much better then him. It's a sign of the times just like Rome before it fell. Dr. Paul is no lap-dog neocon.

    If this country wants REAL change in the way we are going, and end to the debt and America be the great nation it once was, then vote for Ron Paul! By all means donate, spread the word, caucus, vote, phone from home, etc. Give the ONLY true conservative, consistent, honest statesman in the race, the people's candidate, your support. A Vote for Romney is a vote for Obama, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for the people who love America as A Republic.

  8. Ron Paul: The Most Pro-Israel Candidate

    First of all, it may come as a surprise to many that Ron Paul is actually the most pro-Israel candidate in the presidential race.

    With hundreds of nuclear weapons in her possession, Israel has become the most
    powerful state in the Middle East. She could easily take on her neighbors and eliminate any and all threats to her existence.

    Ron Paul would not stop Israel from defending her interests in any way she saw fit. When Israel attacked a nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981, almost the entire U.S. Congress voted to condemn the act. Ron Paul was one of the few dissenters: he voted against the condemnation and in favor of Israel’s right to self-determination.

    Ending Foreign Aid Sets Israel Free

    Ron Paul has also been criticized for wanting to “end foreign aid to Israel.” He had in fact called for an end to all foreign aid in general.

    ( Ron Paul: How Foreign Aid Creates Instability and Isolates America )
    Foreign aid acts like an entitlement: eventually the recipient grows dependent on it and will do everything in his power to continue the flow of funds.

  9. Ron Paul has also been criticized for wanting to “end foreign aid to Israel.” He had in fact called for an end to all foreign aid in general.

    that is true.

    however unless America stops providing free protection to the arab nations oil routes and supplying those nations with arms the 3 billion a year in military aid is meaningless.

    America gives/spends hundreds of billions a year in subsidy to Arabia and friends.

    Foreign aid is narrowly defined.

    The money America spends on rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan are not considered "foreign aid"

    The money spent on NATO (turkey included) not "Foreign aid"

    the list goes on.

    I for one am for reduced economic aid to all nations.

    I am also for reduced military aid to many as well.

    How about a litmus test?

  10. Where, Oh, Where, is this generation's Carrol Shelby?

    Ethanol is wholesaling for $1.07/gal below gasoline (with decent weather this year it could easily be $1.57 by Fall,)

    And, in spite of the fact that any shadetree mechanic can build an engine that gets a better HP/MPG Ratio on E85 than can be achieved by anyone using gasoline,

    there is not one on the market that I can go out and buy.

    Where am I, and what did they do with MY country?

  11. .

    And, in spite of the fact that any shadetree mechanic can build an engine that gets a better HP/MPG Ratio on E85 than can be achieved by anyone using gasoline,

    there is not one on the market that I can go out and buy.

    Surely, you have a shade tree on your yard, Ruf.



  12. .

    Foreign aid is narrowly defined.

    The money America spends on rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan are not considered "foreign aid"

    The money spent on NATO (turkey included) not "Foreign aid"

    Who gives a shit what they call it? Most here have complained about wasteful spending no matter what it is called or what category it falls into.


  13. Gots the "shade trees," Q. Still short the "mechanic." :)

  14. quirk:

    Who gives a shit what they call it? Most here have complained about wasteful spending no matter what it is called or what category it falls into.

    When the calls to throw "israel" to the wolves is centered around the aid they get that is the issue.

    America supports Israel with 3 billion a year in military aid. (most of which is spent in America)

    America's total budget per year is 7,000 billion dollars. Israel's cost is quite small when looked at in those lenses.

    And again, to point out and argue it's Israel that's costing America (and only complain about Israel) is anti-semitic

    So if you are against foreign aid (and other wasteful spending) make sure your complaints align with the costs....

    Israel should almost NEVER be mentioned as America is squandering TRILLIONS a year on other subjects.

    Start talking about those.

  15. .

    Start talking about those.

    Gee, I thought I have.


  16. Read Up On The Fate Of Mideast Christians Here, Bar Mates

    Oddly enough, it seems just as WiO, about the only place of refuge left for the Christians is.....Israel.


    When I Google/Earth Ruf's place, I see a hammock between those shade trees.

    Nothin' going down, there.

  17. Read Up On The Fate Of Mideast Christians Here, Bar Mates

    Oddly enough, it seems just as WiO, about the only place of refuge left for the Christians is.....Israel.


    When I Google/Earth Ruf's place, I see a hammock between those shade trees.

    Nothin' going down, there.

  18. WiO: America supports Israel with 3 billion a year in military aid. (most of which is spent in America)

    America's total budget per year is 7,000 billion dollars. Israel's cost is quite small when looked at in those lenses.

    A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about real money.

    Israel's defense exports exceeded $7.3 billion in 2010. Maybe they could set aside $3 billion dollars worth of those arms and keep them in-house instead of arming our enemies in China. Ya think?

  19. Now we know what Pat's been smoking.

    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government's war on drugs has failed.

  20. the distorting Ms t said...

    Israel's defense exports exceeded $7.3 billion in 2010. Maybe they could set aside $3 billion dollars worth of those arms and keep them in-house instead of arming our enemies in China. Ya think?

    One would have thought that since you suck off the tit of the government in the military supportive role you would have had the incite to understand that America is China's largest cash cow...

    dont let facts get in the way of your hatred of Israel.

    BTW I have it on good authority? Jesus thinks your are a skank.

  21. Bad news for WASP today.

    In Hamas controlled gaza strip they fired 2 rockets into Israel and Israel responded by targeting the commander of the operation, an air strike killed the secretary general of the Popular Resistance Committees, Zuhair Qaisi. Also know to all of us as Ms T's brother.

    Ms T is also known as Zena, WASP, and Teresita. It is also common knowledge that she is a supporter of Hamas. Blood relations of course.

    Of course some of us are happy that Wasp's terrorists relatives now are dead...

  22. This just in from the Jpost about WASP's spiritual cousins....

    Since 2003, 70 Iraqi churches have been burned and nearly a thousand Christians killed in Baghdad alone, causing more than half of this million-member community to flee. Conversion to Christianity is a capital offense in Iran, where last month Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was sentenced to death. Saudi Arabia outlaws private Christian prayer.

    Since the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007, half the Christian community has fled. Christmas decorations and public displays of crucifixes are forbidden. In a December 2010 broadcast, Hamas officials exhorted Muslims to slaughter their Christian neighbors. Rami Ayad, owner of Gaza's only Christian bookstore, was murdered, his store reduced to ash. This is the same Hamas with which the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank recently signed a unity pact

    Wow, you have quite the family tree there Teresita,

    I get so confused as to what to call you!

    Is it now "anon" or Wasp, or Ms T or Zena or Teresita?

    So many fake personas, so little time

  23. Yeah, I told the Misses that if she would put up a hammock she could use it on Sunday afternoons, during football season.

    She don' seem too interested in learning how to change out pistons, and shave engine heads, though.

    I guess I spoiled her. :(


  24. Rufus II said...
    She don' seem too interested in learning how to change out pistons, and shave engine heads, though.

    What's your opinion on mystery oil additives that promise better compression and or higher gas mileage

  25. Okay, not necessarily a "scam," but very likely not worth the money.

  26. Sunny For Obama/RufusCare


    (“And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.”)


  27. Sunny For Obama/RufusCare


    (“And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.”)

