Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The man Conservatives love to hate: Pat Buchanan

You have to see this video to believe it!

It’s not just the liberals who are against Pat Buchanan.

When it comes to the issue of foreign policy, the conservatives are against him as well. Most all of them.

With the exception of Ron Paul, the current and former Republican presidential candidates are against him – Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain. And so are previous candidates like John McCain and Sarah Palin

Conservative magazines are against him. Publications like National Review and the Weekly Standard.

Conservative think tanks are against him. Organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.

Conservative talk show hosts are against him. Levin, Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh – take your pick.

Republicans in the House are against him, including the leaders: John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy.

Republicans in the Senate are against him, including the leaders: Mitch McConnell and John Kyl.

Other members of Congress are against him – like interventionist, warmonger, and imperial vulture Lindsey Graham.

Conservatives in general are against him. At the recent CPAC presidential straw poll, Ron Paul received only 12 percent of the vote. It is Congressman Paul’s views on foreign policy – which are very similar to Buchanan’s – that are unconscionable to most of the conservatives in attendance.

Republican primary voters in general are against him. Most of them are picking warmonger A, imperialist B, or militarist C instead of noninterventionist Ron Paul…

The empire should have been dismantled after the Cold War:

Liquidation of this empire should have begun at the end of the Cold War. Now it is being forced upon us by a deficit-debt crisis that the cost of that empire helped to produce. We cannot continue to kick the can up the road, for we have come to the end of the road.

As Russia had gone home, some of us urged back then, America should come home, cede NATO and all the U.S. bases in Europe to the Europeans, and become again what UN ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick called "a normal country in a normal time."

But instead,

George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan, declared Iran, Iraq, and North Korea an "axis of evil," warned the world that we would maintain military supremacy in every vital region of the globe, declared a Bush Doctrine of preventive war and used it to invade and occupy an Iraq that had never threatened or attacked us, and launched a global crusade for democracy that feature demonstrations to dump over governments install pro-American regimes in Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Lebanon, as Kermit Roosevelt and the CIA had done in Iran in 1953.

Clinton and Bush II pushed NATO right up to Russia’s front porch, bringing six former Warsaw Pact nations – East Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Romania – and three Baltic states that had been part of the Soviet Union into an alliance created to contain Russia. Only European resistance stopped Bush II from putting Ukraine and Georgia on a fast track to NATO membership, which would have meant that should there be a Moscow-Tbilisi clash, American would instantly be eyeball to eyeball with a nation possessing thousands of nuclear weapons.

Barack Obama doubled U.S. forces in Afghanistan, began done strikes in Pakistan, and launched a war on Libya.

Buchanan then asks: "And what has all this compulsive interventionism availed us?" And then answers: "We are less secure, less respected, less confident, and less powerful than we were in 1991." And then asks again: "And is the world a better place?" The answer, of course, is a resounding no.

Recognizing the disastrous consequences of the Iraq and Afghan wars, Buchanan sees no point in threatening Iran over its non-existent nuclear weapon’s program:

The immediate goal must be to derail the War Party campaign to have America launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities that would trigger acts of terror against U.S. soldiers and civilians from Baghdad to Beirut. An early result of such a war could be the closing of the Persian Gulf, crippling the U.S. and world economies.

If America could deter the Russia of Stalin and the China of Mao, who declared himself willing to lose three hundred million Chinese, why can’t we deter an Iran that has no bomb and no missile to deliver it? Lew Rockwell


  1. Pat damned near praised Hitler in one of his last books.

    The man has been totally off the rails for years.

    A padded room for Pat.

  2. Pat damned near praised Hitler in one of his last books.

    The man has been totally off the rails for years.

    A padded room for Pat.

  3. Buchanan and I agree on certain facets of foreign (non)policy, but I just can't bring myself to like the man.

  4. But, at least he doesn't stutter.

  5. I suppose those that took us down the war path in three Muslim countries, then Libya and can’t conceal their glee for dragging us into a war with Iran are well planted on the rails. Buchanan has some tough bark on him. I am much more comfortable with street fighting Buchanan than letter-sweater Romney or any of the tough guys behind the mikes.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Meanwhile, why the collective genius in DC looks for existential threats, China has some other ideas

    China intends to extend renminbi loans to other Brics nations, in another step towards the internationalisation of its currency.
    The China Development Bank will sign a memorandum of understanding in New Delhi with its Brazilian, Russian, Indian and South African counterparts on March 29, say people familiar with their talks. Under the agreement CDB, which lends mainly in dollars overseas, will make renminbi loans available, while the other Brics nations’ development banks will also extend loans denominated in their respective currencies.

    The initiative aims to boost trade between the five nations and promote use of the renminbi, rather than US dollar, for international trade and cross-border lending. Under 13 per cent of China’s Asia trade is transacted in renminbi, according to Helen Qiao, chief Asia economist for Morgan Stanley. HSBC estimates that the currency’s share of regional trade could swell to up to 50 per cent by 2015.

    China has learned that one of the existential threats is blowing all your money in tribal wars, and not minding your own business. China’s business is business. Quaint that.

  8. The terrorists in the mist

    On June 2, 2009, a janitor in an office building in New Brunswick, N.J., noticed what he thought was terrorist-related literature and sophisticated surveillance equipment in an office he had been assigned to clean. He told his boss, who called the local police, who notified the FBI. Later in the day, the FBI and the New Brunswick police broke into the office and discovered five men busily operating the equipment. Four of the men were police officers from the New York City Police Department (NYPD), and the fifth was a CIA agent.

    The conundrum faced by all of these public servants soon became apparent. Who should arrest whom?

    Should the FBI agents and the local cops arrest the NYPD and the CIA agent for violating the U.S. and New Jersey constitutions, both of which prohibit searches and seizures without search warrants, and for violating federal and New Jersey laws against wiretapping and surveillance? Should the NYPD and the CIA agent arrest the FBI agents and the local cops for breaking and entering and obstructing a governmental function without a search warrant? Did the FBI and the local cops even have a search warrant? Was the NYPD/CIA surveillance a lawful governmental function?

    No one at the scene of this unique encounter was arrested. In return for not becoming a defendant, everyone agreed not to become a complainant. The FBI and the New Brunswick police went home, and the NYPD cops and their CIA mentor went back to their surveillance—even though everyone in that office had sworn the same oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the laws written pursuant to it.

  9. Will Rogers said that "no man is so harmlessly engaged as when he is trying to make a buck."

    (or, something to that effect.) :)

  10. meanwhile back on the rails, not in a padded room we have:

    FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday said he would have to go back and check with the Department of Justice whether Attorney General Eric Holder's "three criteria" for the targeted killing of Americans also applied to Americans inside the U.S.

    What could be shocking about that?

  11. The FBI Director has to check with Eric Holder to see when it is OK to assassinate an American citizen. Another existential threat if I ever heard one.

  12. Back when Rick Santorum was driving around Iowa in the “Chuck Truck,” the ratio between Mitt Romney’s and Santorum’s respective fundraising hauls was far greater than the ratio between the respective payrolls of the Boston Red Sox and the Pittsburgh Pirates. For every $1 that Santorum raised in 2011, Romney raised $26.


    About 50 percent of Santorum’s fundraising through January had come from small individual donors, compared to 10 percent for Romney.

  13. Now for some unbiased advice:

    Ilan Berman, vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, briefed some 40 congressional staffers on Iran’s support for terrorism worldwide.

    The Feb. 24 event, hosted by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC, highlighted Tehran’s efforts to cultivate a global terrorist network, explaining how Iran’s ties to countries in Latin America and other regions could lead to attacks against the United States and its allies.

    Good thing to have a foreign power instructing the staff of our legislators, who are either too lazy or too irresponsible to do their own research. What a system. What a way to run a country. We have millions in the civil service and we need a propaganda lobby for a foreign power instructing our leaders. No agenda there.

  14. I have a lot of compassion for Par Buchanan, after all his father was killed at a concentration camp...

    Of course he fell from a guard tower....

    but oh well...

  15. “ Deuce said...
    Now for some unbiased advice:

    Ilan Berman, vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, briefed some 40 congressional staffers on Iran’s support for terrorism worldwide.

    The Feb. 24 event, hosted by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC, highlighted Tehran’s efforts to cultivate a global terrorist network, explaining how Iran’s ties to countries in Latin America and other regions could lead to attacks against the United States and its allies.

    Good thing to have a foreign power instructing the staff of our legislators, who are either too lazy or too irresponsible to do their own research. What a system. What a way to run a country. We have millions in the civil service and we need a propaganda lobby for a foreign power instructing our leaders. No agenda there."

    Why are there so many Americans vassals to Israel, AIPAC and the plutocratic American-Israeli dual citizens? Is this another 1917 Balfor Agreement supported by the Federal Reserve Bank owners like it was in Wilson's time? In 1917 plutocratic financiers like the warburgs and Jacob Schiff Kuhn and Loeb gave money to England so that England could steal Palestine from the Turks in fullfillment of Theodore Herzl's dream of a Zionist state.

    Does Tel Aviv and the disproportionately wealthy Jewish bankers, financiers and, incidentally bail out recipients, dictate policy and declare our wars?

    There is a pentagram of power that is intent upon making America a mere vassal in a new Holy Roman Empire ruled by elite progressive plutocrats and bureaucrats. Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Beijing Wall Street and Washington. Everything this administration does advances the power of the five centers to the detriment of our liberty, sovereignty, prosperity and freedom.

  16. Obama didn’t say, “No, the USA will not go to war to support an Israeli assault on Iran.”

    Now, there are political reasons not to say that: AIPAC would be up in arms. Wealthy radical-right pro-Israeli hawk Sheldon Adelson is the reason Gingrich is still a Republican candidate, though a runner-up. And who knows what Netanyahu would do?

    Still, it does look very much like Obama is preparing to be backed into a war that would make Iraq War II look minor.

    Americans will see the irresponsibility and the idiocy of the warmongers. Unfortunately, given the number of platforms that the zionist warmongers have at their disposal, there is need for much greater effort to bring home to the American public the forces that are at play and the cost of being led into another war based on lies, as was done in the case of Iraq.

    Iran is about 3 times as populous as Iraq and is a much bigger, more rugged country (Iran is as big as Germany, France and Spain rolled into one). So all those statistics can easily be tripled or more if there is a US-Iran war.

    That is, its cost would not be ‘more than’ 3 trillion. It would be more than 9 trillion. And we’d likely see some 100,000 dead or severely wounded.

    And gasoline surely would go to $7 or $8 a gallon, maybe $10, throwing millions back out of work.

    It is the height of hypocrisy for Republican candidates to campaign on lower gasoline prices, on economic recovery, and on reducing government debt, but then to cavalierly pledge to strike Iran. While they may think they can do a hit and run, such a strike could easily spiral into war, and war has unexpected costs.

    While Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have spoken recklessly about striking Iran, Mitt Romney has hemmed and hawed, and basically has suggested exaction the steps President Obama is taking.

    On the other hand, much of what Obama said about Iran is wrong. Iran is in compliance with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which it is a signatory. It has the right to close the fuel cycle according to that document. Iran’s nuclear facilities are regularly inspected.

  17. Obama talks about the cost to USA, in lives and dollars, but he never mentions the consequences for Iran, he never mentions international laws against wars of aggression. Anyone who knows anything about the Middle East knows that it is Israel and their stockpile of nuclear weapons that makes other countries in that area seek nuclear weapons. In fact, it is rational for those countries to do so. Israel’s huge stockpile of nukes is one major factor in countries like Iran seeking nukes (if they are).

    Why is Israel being the local hegemon in the area the starting position of any talks? AIPAC wants to use Israel’s US proxies to fight war after war for Israel. Israeli American agents own the US Congress. Israel first, US a distant second is the accepted rule in DC.

    We could live with a nuclear Iran, and we’d likely bankrupt our country if we started a war with them, but our imperial instincts are so strong that we are willing to attack just to continue to dictate to Iran what they should do and to ensure that Israel remains the super power in the area.

    Furthermore, they see what happens when they don’t have a deterrence to US/Israel aggression (see Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya).This is an empire speaking, an empire that thinks it has the right to attack other countries when convenient, and the only thing stopping it from war against Iran is the cost. Weaker countries find themselves target of Israeli instigated US missile strikes.

  18. Every ten cent increase in the price of gasoline will cost Americans an estimated additional $14B, $14B that will come out of the pockets of Americans people and American business and go directly into the pockets of oil speculators, oil companies, and the country of origin.

    Israel has entirely too much power. Obama clearly is leaning to the US best interests, and good for him, but there is a very fine game he must play to do so in the months leading up to the election, when Israeli power will diminish somewhat. What bothers me now is how the dogs have stopped barking.

  19. Aha,

    Bob’s link about Pat Buchanan was authored by Mark Saltveit, widely recognized as one of the world's experts on palindromes, a Harvard graduate and standup comedian. His expertise is on words like "tit, tat, bob, boob, pap and toot.”


  20. Just looked at Drudge’s link on Leon Panetta,
    where he said NATO or the UN or some coalition can cause the American Military to go to war without prior consent from the representatives of the people of the USA. AIPAC, UN and NATO and the new progressive Pentagon!

  21. The week of AIPAC is becoming Washington’s Hajj.

  22. It is just a matter of time before our politicians will be arm in arm doing the hajji stroll around the Washington Monument to demonstrate piety, internationalism and solidarity with our foreign masters. An annual PIS parade on the US Constitution.

  23. Pat Buchanan is the real problem. No doubt.

  24. The video on Leon Panetta vs. the attacks on Pat Buchanan.

    I rest my case.

  25. Well, that was certainly a big "F' You" to the people of the United States, and their elected Representatives, wasn't it?

  26. That is why your posts dissapear, you post identical comments on different blogs and Google sees it as spam.

  27. WiO: I have a lot of compassion for Par Buchanan, after all his father was killed at a concentration camp...

    WiO makes jokes about the Shoah, I guess that means enough time has passed that the subject has become funny.

  28. Panetta should be removed from his office.

  29. Catherine LavalleeThu Mar 08, 07:45:00 AM EST

    How dare they drag us into another war? Why are we in Afghanistan? What part of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation includes Afghanistan?

    We had no business going there to make war on people who had done us no harm. We had no business throwing away human lives killing people, often civilians, whose only wish was to be alive at the end of each day.

    The whole ISAF mission in Afghanistan has been an exercise in futility and bravado. The Taliban were routed and utterly defeated by 2002, when the US neocons decided that Saddam would make a more suitable target.

    Let them fight their stupid wars which they never win, and are about money and profit, nothing more. I never understood why we agreed to be part of this fools errand at the behest of Bush and the neocons. From history, we should have known the perils of the so-called North West Frontier. And in more modern times, the Soviet adventure in the 1980s was a salutory warning of what could happen in this "graveyard of empires".

    You reap what you sow. How many of the Taliban fighters were trained by the CIA and others to harry the Soviet invaders? Was not one Osama bin Laden one of them?

    As for bin Laden and al-Qaeda, did it need the invasion of a whole country to deal with that desperate band of extremists. And how ironic that bin Laden should be found in Pakistan where he had apparently lived for years.

  30. logos said:
    Israel has entirely too much power.

    Of only you were correct, we could arrest you and have you executed legally!

    But alias...

    You are just full of shit.

  31. Deuce said...
    It is just a matter of time before our politicians will be arm in arm doing the hajji stroll around the Washington Monument to demonstrate piety, internationalism and solidarity with our foreign masters. An annual PIS parade on the US Constitution.

    You need to take your meds...

    You are delusional

  32. Deuce said...
    That is why your posts dissapear, you post identical comments on different blogs and Google sees it as spam.


    the power of google.

  33. WiO: I have a lot of compassion for Par Buchanan, after all his father was killed at a concentration camp...

    WiO makes jokes about the Shoah, I guess that means enough time has passed that the subject has become funny.

    Dear Ms T,

    I have not said this in a while...

    Shove it up your ass, anti-semite.

    Have a nice day.

  34. What is "Occupation" said...
    logos said:
    Israel has entirely too much power.

    Of only you were correct, we could arrest you and have you executed legally!

    But alias...

    You are just full of shit.

    - the final solution to your torment.

  35. Happy 195th birthday, Big Board. On this day in 1817, a group of stock brokers in Lower Manhattan drafted a constitution to create the New York Stock & Exchange Board.

  36. Washington State fact #4:

    The state is the nation’s largest exporter, representing $34 billion and 5 percent of all U.S. exports: forest products, aerospace products, apples, tulips, hops, mint, wheat and several other quality food products.

  37. Washington State fact #25:

    It is America’s raspberry capital, harvesting more than 57 million pounds of raspberries each year.

  38. deuce: the final solution to your torment.


    Just feeding the paranoid nature of you and others at this blog.

    You folks claim that israel controls the USA, the press, the banks, hollywood and is all powerful

    I was simply pointing out that if Israel had 1/1000th of the power you ascribe to it? It would have no critics.

  39. I don't post anywhere but here, certainly not identical posts. I know you are not taking them down, was just joking, but I really can't figure out what's going on.

    It' odd, like some of your views.

    Pat Buchanan, Grandfather Paul....honestly.

  40. Disgusting

    WASHINGTON -- The US offered to give Israel advanced weaponry -- including bunker-busting bombs and refueling planes -- in exchange for Israel's agreement not to attack Iranian nuclear sites, Israeli newspaper Maariv reported Thursday.
    President Obama reportedly made the offer during Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington this week.
    Under the proposed deal, Israel would not attack Iran until 2013, after US elections in November this year. The newspaper cited unnamed Western diplomatic and intelligence sources.

  41. Deuce said...

    How dare America support it's allies.

    Better to let the Iranians go hot and control the middle east.

    Take your meds deuce the delusions are getting the best of you.

  42. Israel has already "gone hot" haven't they?

  43. Ash said...
    Israel has already "gone hot" haven't they?

    ABSOLUTELY Ash, except unlike Iran, Israel's stated national goal is not the genocide of any other nation.

    America, France and several other nationals have "gone hot" that are not a concern.

    It is acknowledged that North Korea, Pakistan, Syria and Iran are not stable, peace seeking nor "friendly" to the world's continued survival.

    Your comparison actually proves what a fucking nitwit twit you are.

  44. One side of me actually would like to seek the havoc a hot Iran would create for the rest of the world.

    Problem is that Israel is 1st on the hit list.

    The funny thing? So many nations deal with Iran that would be targeted by Iran, it's a shame they could not get a case of the blowbacks...

    SO in the end, the pussy like, appeasing, cowardly world will force tiny Israel to do it's dirty work...

    Israel will be blamed, will be hauled up in the UN and accused of war crimes in public.

    I hope that this time Israel will out all those nations that in public condemn them and in private thank them.

    The world is full of two faces pussies...

  45. Nah, WiO, it is you that is the nit wit.

    Try to step outside your prejudices and view the issue as a 'neutral observer'.

    On the one hand we have a nation, a religious nation, Israel, who is constantly expanding their borders, taking land from others. Israel also has launched numerous wars with their neighbors and they refuse to sign the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty. They are generally considered to possess nuclear weapons.

    On the other hand you have a religious nation, Iran, who has signed the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty, has not acted to expand it borders, and is developing nuclear power.

    The issues in not black and white with a 'good' nation versus a 'bad' nation as you so often portray it.

  46. and your constant bleating about 'Iran wants to destroy Israel' is mirrored by your constant blathering on about nuking mecca, coating bullets in pig fat, killing all muslims ect.

    Two peas in pod.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. WiO: ABSOLUTELY Ash, except unlike Iran, Israel's stated national goal is not the genocide of any other nation.

    Except the nation of Amalek, and anyone that a rabbi designates as the modern day Amalek.

  49. 1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

  50. That last comment of yours displays your ignorance Bob. There are regular statements by Bibi et al that Israel is a Jewish nation and should remain a Jewish nations.

    re. the expanding borders. Take a look at the borders established in 1948 versus the 1967 borders versus the borders today. Add to that the course of the "wall", the demands for all of Jerusalem, and the ever increasing and expanding settlements and it should be obvious to even someone with your intelligence that the borders have been expanding with future expansion in the works.

  51. Well, duh, you dumb fuck, Israel was created as a refuge for the Jewish people.

    Ash, you make me weep.

    Teresita....ah, what's the use.

    Both of you morons, read islamic history if you want to know what expansionism is.

    I'm going to the Mall. There is more intelligence walking around out there, some of it quite attractive too.

    Behind the pickup truck, an climate contolled Mall is the best invention of the human race.

  52. ash: Nah, WiO, it is you that is the nit wit.

    Ash, the word is "nitwit" you stupid, stupid person

    Definition of NITWIT

    : a scatterbrained or stupid person

  53. ash:

    On the one hand we have a nation, a religious nation

    Actually ash you are incorrect, it's a JEWISH state that is open to all faiths.

    ASH:, Israel, who is constantly expanding their borders

    Ash, sorry to inform you over 99.9% of all disputed lands have been returned. Might I suggest you look at a thing call a MAP..

    Notice that big thing on the LEFT of Israel, it's called the SInai, was captured by Israel 2 times in defensive wars and was RETURNED FOR PEACE.

    Now you fucking nitwit, look to the left of Israel that is the GAZA strip, you will be over joyed to learn that Israel left the Gaza strip years ago and actually pulled it's citizens out of their houses JUST to give the arabs a chance for peace...

    Now you fucking retarded inbred nitwit, there is southern lebanon, you will notice that Israel gave back all of lebanon according to the UN and gave the land back so that Israel would not be occupying another's lands...

    Now you may notice that there is another piece of land, it's called the west bank" by those that cant stomach the idea that the lands had another name for 2800 years, so we call it' the "west bank", now if you will notice about 30% of that land is "jewish controlled" and the other 70% is arab controlled.

    So the ONLY lands that are even debatable as to who has a right to have them are:

    the west bank, currently 70% occupied by arabs and the golan heights, taken from syria in a defensive war.

    These 2 areas make up less than .1% of all conquered and returned lands....

    ASH:, taking land from others.

    America and Canada as well as every other nation on the face of the globe have the right to defend themselves. Israel has that right as well.

  54. ASH:
    Israel also has launched numerous wars with their neighbors

    DO I really have to respond to that?

    Please site ONE unprovoked war that Israel was not dealing in self defense?

    Go away numb nuts, I am listening...

    Those "neighbors" have attempted 7 times to wipe out the state and have threatened to kill every man, woman and child... Are you seriously suggesting they did not have the right to protect their citizens?

    ASH: and they refuse to sign the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty. They are generally considered to possess nuclear weapons.

    There is obligation to sign the treaty, if you sign you get benefits, if you do not sign? you do not get those goodies.

    Israel has maintained the policy NOT to be the 1st nation to introduce nuclear arms to the middle east.

    THe fact of whether thy have them or not aside, if they did have them thy could have wiped out their enemies several times over and have not...

  55. Ash the illiterate nitwit continues:

    On the other hand you have a religious nation, Iran,

    Yep that kills gays, women, christians, jews, bahai's and other moslems that do not follow the party line...

    ASH: who has signed the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty

    ANd who has violated the NPT even before the ink was dry lying about programs, materials and hiding from the inspectors major programs even to this day IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE TREATY THEY DID INFACT PROMISE TO ADHERE TO

    ASH:, has not acted to expand it borders,

    Their borders? They currently are 100 TIMES larger than Israel, they OCCUPY an area of Kurdistan that is NOT THIERS that in it'sself is 30 times larger than all the land of Israel. Iran funds, trains and supplies terrorist groups across the globe and even your own new nation Canada considers Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist organizations.

    ASH: and is developing nuclear power.

    The NPT was a treaty to ensure that countries could use nuclear power for energy and medical research, Iran is trying to become a nuclear bomb power, in violation of the NPT

    ASH: The issues in not black and white with a 'good' nation versus a 'bad' nation as you so often portray it.

    Sure it is..

    It's as simple as that...

    maybe Iran will start a "death to canada" day just as it already has a "death to america" and a "death to israel" day...

    Let's ask the family of Canadian Zahra "Ziba" Kazemi-Ahmadabadi what they think...

    In closing, Ash, you are a dumb, ignorant, retarded nitwit.

    I sure hope that you get the honor of living in Iran, Gaza, Egypt or Lebanon sometime in the future.

    If not?

    I hope your kids do....

    fucking asshole

  56. Ash the dimwit says:

    and your constant bleating about 'Iran wants to destroy Israel'

    that is a fact, they say it themselves....

    ASH: is mirrored by your constant blathering on about nuking mecca,

    No, nuking the black ROCK of mecca asshole...

    ASH: coating bullets in pig fat,

    Yep you stated a fact there partner....

    ASH: killing all muslims ect.

    Never said that you lying sack of puss....

    ASH: Two peas in pod.

    Not even close you lazy, ball-less sack of shit...

  57. the anti-semite says: Wasp said...
    WiO: ABSOLUTELY Ash, except unlike Iran, Israel's stated national goal is not the genocide of any other nation.

    Except the nation of Amalek, and anyone that a rabbi designates as the modern day Amalek.

    Go fuck yourself liar...

    we all know your own agenda....

  58. Wasp said...
    1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

    Notice how the jew hating lying sack of shit Ms T, aka Teresita, aka ZENA aka wasp, aka the lying lesbian quotes torah out of context with no facts or actual basis of history...

    Go fuck yourself evil one..

  59. ash the retarded says:

    Ash said...
    That last comment of yours displays your ignorance Bob. There are regular statements by Bibi et al that Israel is a Jewish nation and should remain a Jewish nations.

    And you lack the ability to actually KNOW what that means... You ignore Bibi's statement last weekend that the Jewish state of Israel has 20% non-jews as full citizens, that gays, women and arabs are all considered full and equal in the eyes of the law.

    But ignore facts you retarded inbred piece of potato mold...

    rASH: . the expanding borders. Take a look at the borders established in 1948 versus the 1967 borders versus the borders today.

    There were no "borders" in 1948 the arabs atacked and lost the war of genocide, the armistice line aint a border

    As for the 1967 border, the DISPUTED lands of the west bank belong to NO NATION.

    ASH: Add to that the course of the "wall",

    ASH YOU SIMPERING ASSHOLE... THE "WALL" is 98% FENCE and not a wall and follows the 1948 armistice lines in the majority of it's path.

    ASH: the demands for all of Jerusalem,

    YOu simply dont read much do you?

    If Israel demanded ALL of Jerusalem then WHY are is there moslem control of the Dome of the Rock?

    ASH and the ever increasing and expanding settlements

    Ash, Israel policy is to allow building inside of areas already created as suburbs.

    More ARAB towns and developments have occured in the west bank than Jews since 1948 and they are just as legal or illegal as israel ones.

    ASH and it should be obvious to even someone with your intelligence that the borders have been expanding with future expansion in the works.

    Try looking at a map you fucking simpering pile of belly lint...

  60. WiO: Notice how the jew hating lying sack of shit Ms T, aka Teresita, aka ZENA aka wasp, aka the lying lesbian quotes torah out of context with no facts or actual basis of history...

    Shows how much WiO knows about his own fucking book. Torah is the five books of Moshe, and I quoted from the prophets.

  61. WiO just makes up 'facts' to suit his agenda.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Dear Ash...

    you state:

    Ash said...
    WiO just makes up 'facts' to suit his agenda.

    Please show me ONE fact that I made up.

    Otherwise it you that are a lying sack of puss...

    you are one retarded nitwit...

    yep that is a FACT

  64. The so called Lady of Perpetual Lies says:

    Shows how much WiO knows about his own fucking book. Torah is the five books of Moshe, and I quoted from the prophets.

    Wow, you are a scholar alright...

    I guess you are unfamiliar with many things.

    Hard to get a real education off the back of a match box sweetie.

    I said nothing incorrect, whereas you are a literalist nitwit.

    Please do us all a favor, talk about anything except things Jewish, Torah, Israel or Zionism. After all you are the self confessed liar and know anti-semite.

    Someday, when you are sitting in a Church somewhere, I hope the holy spirit comes over you and makes you see what a piece of crap you are. Go pray to your Jewish Lord, seek his forgiveness, be honest and tell him what a jew hating witch you have been.. How you have been a gossip, a liar and tried to drag people from a holy lifestyle..

    If you are of any "belief" I hope it haunts you til the day you die what a anti-semite troll you are...

    Happy Purium all!

  65. I think I will do a post on “Puff the Magic Dragon” and a reality check on the Middle East.

  66. Israel likes to harken back to the long ago departed mythology of prophets, madmen and charismatics. It is all about the dearly and not-so-dearly departed. Stories preserved changed and retold, no more unique than the rest of Middles Eastern myths. The stories of the Zoroastrians are no more or less credible than the wandering desert tribes on either side of the Abrahamic divide.

    In fact israel is a European anachronism that does not go back any further than the late 1940’s and the attempt by France, England, Holland and Belgium to retrieve the White Man’s burden after WWII. It did not work in Africa, The Muslim Middle East, Southeast Asia or Mississippi. Colonialism is dead and Israel is as relevant today as a sustainable entity as the Boors in South Africa. White, right and out of date.

    If Israel had been formed in Florida, Spain, Poland or Ukraine, it would be a non-issue today and hardly noticed. israel would be a diverse semi -Latin state with great science, fine musicians, talented but eccentric art, Nobel overachievers and an interesting culture with crappy wines and mediocre food.

    Israel is a European throwback to colonialism. It is as stable as Vicksburg Mississippi waiting for the next flood. It is a good society constructed on badly chosen real estate. All the missiles and all the dikes real and imagined will not sustain the unsustainable against the mighty changed river licking Israeli shores.

  67. deuce said:

    In fact israel is a European anachronism that does not go back any further than the late 1940’s and the attempt by France, England, Holland and Belgium to retrieve the White Man’s burden after WWII. It did not work in Africa, The Muslim Middle East, Southeast Asia or Mississippi. Colonialism is dead and Israel is as relevant today as a sustainable entity as the Boors in South Africa. White, right and out of date.

    Your lack of understanding and knowledge is only out down by your sheer gaul.

    Did you take that quote from some "arab firster" website?

    Israel is not a European colony.

    In fact it is an ingather of Jews from across the world. A sizable number form Europe, and a very sizable number expelled by the arabs from their homes for 2500 years.

    So in a way? the arab world helped create Israel by it's ethnic cleansing of Jews that lived in the other 899/900 of the middle east.

    As for your date of the 1940's is so absurd it's amazing you have the balls to print such lies.

    Going back to the mid 1800's there was a majority population in Jerusalem of Jews.

    The pogroms in Hebron in the 1915's were against Jews that had lived there for centuries.

    There has been a Jewish presence for centuries in Safed.

    To make the comments you made?

    Just show how far you have dived off the rational pool and into the kool-aid.

    Jews have as MUCH right to a national homeland as any arab group and more than America has to it's lands from sea to shining sea.

  68. deuce the historian says:

    The stories of the Zoroastrians are no more or less credible than the wandering desert tribes on either side of the Abrahamic divide.

    sure, I remember seeing those imaginary rocks from the Jewish Temple, I remember walking thru the water tunnel that was hand carved 2500 years ago by imaginary ancestors...

    imaginary ancestors that build ports, mosaics, roads, mikvahs, cisterns and more..

    yep imaginary...

    deuce? you are getting dumber by the hour.


  69. deuce says: All the missiles and all the dikes real and imagined will not sustain the unsustainable against the mighty changed river licking Israeli shores.

    Hmm... the funny thing?

    the arab world with all it's money from oil is crumbling and Israel is stronger every day.

    sure there is fanatical hatred by the colonial arabs that are squatting on other's lands. but not to worry, at the rate they are going?

    they will be self destructed in 40 years or so and not a threat to anyone.

  70. By 1967, just at the time Israel was gaining control over its captive peoples, the institution was dying. Once empires were praised as the bringers of civilization to backward peoples, the “white man’s burden’’ and all that. But by the mid-’60s, empires were no longer acceptable.

    Israelis don’t like to think of their rule over the West Bank as colonialism. Some will say the territories are disputed territory, that the West Bank was never a sovereign country, that the Jordanians, from whom the Israelis took the West Bank, had no legal right to the territories. After all, were not Judea and Samaria the ancient home of the Israelites in biblical times? And are there not people other than the Palestinians without countries of their own? Think of the Kurds.

    The French used to say that Algeria was never really a colony because they had made it a department of France. And the Italians used to argue a prior claim to Libya because the Romans were there before Libyans spoke Arabic.

    But call it what you will, the domination of one people over the other, leaving the occupied without political rights or even freedom of movement, is no longer a viable policy.

  71. But call it what you will, the domination of one people over the other, leaving the occupied without political rights or even freedom of movement, is no longer a viable policy.

    Israelis can do whatever they want, just not on my nickel, and not with my countrymen as cannon fodder.

  72. But some analysts see the labor shortage as a sign of trouble awaiting Tohoku once the reconstruction boom ends, and symbolizes what many other regions in Japan face over the coming decades. Damage from the tsunami and nuclear accident prompted many to leave towns and villages for big cities, sapping energy out of communities.

    Onagawa, a tsunami-ravaged town, has lost 20% of its population since 3/11.

    "After so many years of shrinking, we are having a hard time catching up with the orders flying in," says Hirohide Ito, secretary-general of the Miyagi General Construction Association, a local trade group. The labor shortage is met in part by workers brought in from other parts of Japan, who have filled up the area's hotels and apartments.

  73. None of this assumes a wild reversal in Santorum's direction. It does assume that Santorum does better than he's done so far.


    Perhaps the broader point, however, is that competition need not prove harmful to a candidate. Barack Obama managed to survive a lengthy Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton and still beat John McCain by 7 points.

    A good case could even be made that Obama emerged from that contest a more battle-tested, better-prepared, and stronger candidate. One wonders why the Romney camp doesn’t think the same would be true for the former Massachusetts governor.

  74. The organ donor crisis is intensifying around the world as demand from ageing populations for replacement body parts rises but the supply of donors is failing to keep pace. In the UK, 3,740 transplants were carried out in the year to March 2011, but 7,587 patients are on the waiting list.


    The trachea, composed of cartilage, is a relatively simple organ. Growing lungs, livers or kidneys will pose a much greater challenge, but progress has been made.

    Several research groups have taken lungs from mice, stripped them of their respiratory cells leaving the "scaffold" of bronchioles and blood vessels, and then repopulated them with rat cells and transplanted the regrown tissue into rats. The transplanted tissue functioned for a few hours like a lung, absorbing oxygen from the air.

  75. Deuce is developing a real blind spot, alright. Kinda like a horse has that blind spot in front. Just can't see there.

    Some of this recent stuff is so off the wall. Would make rat proud. That stuff about Jews and Europe....

    A man can be many things....great engineer, business man, blind as a bat on other issues....

    The trick is to try to find out where one's blind spots are....cause we all have them.

    I have been blogging mightily, WiO, but my posts often disappear....

  76. Wasp said...
    But call it what you will, the domination of one people over the other, leaving the occupied without political rights or even freedom of movement, is no longer a viable policy.

    Israelis can do whatever they want, just not on my nickel, and not with my countrymen as cannon fodder.

    Good point there Ms Anti-semite

    Let me make a small point.

    One, you are a government worker, sucking off the tit of the AMerican taxpayer (ME)

    I pay more in taxes in 1 month than you do in a year.

    2. Israel wants to fight it's own battles. Now your people? they were happy to be defended and rescued by the blood of Americans.

    So why is it ok for Americans to die for your people but you are offended at the possibility (not asked for) that America could possibly do something that would protect an actual ally.

    Now the funny thing? Your people actually staged a war against America.

    from wiki

    Fighting erupted between U.S. and Filipino revolutionary forces on February 4, 1899, and quickly escalated into the 1899 Battle of Manila. On June 2, 1899, the First Philippine Republic officially declared war against the United States.[15] The war officially ended on July 4, 1902.[16] However, members of the Katipunan society continued to battle the American forces. Among them was General Macario Sacay, a veteran Katipunan member who assumed the presidency of the proclaimed Tagalog Republic, formed in 1902 after the capture of President Aguinaldo. Other groups, including the Moro people and Pulahanes, continued hostilities until their defeat at the Battle of Bud Bagsak on June 15, 1913.[10][11]
    Opposition to the war inspired the founding of the Anti-Imperialist League on June 15, 1898. The war and occupation by the United States would change the cultural landscape of the islands, as the people dealt with an estimated 34,000–1,000,000 casualties, disestablishment of the Catholic Church as the Philippine state religion (as the United States allowed freedom of religion), and the introduction of the English language as the primary language of government and most businesses. In 1916, the United States promised some self-government, a limited form of which came in 1935. In 1946, following World War II, the United States gave the territory independence through the Treaty of Manila.

    So now let's re-examine your post...

    anon says:
    But call it what you will, the domination of one people over the other, leaving the occupied without political rights or even freedom of movement, is no longer a viable policy.

    wasp chides in..
    Israelis can do whatever they want, just not on my nickel, and not with my countrymen as cannon fodder.

    One standard for Jews and Israel, no standards for anyone else.

  77. Just how many Americans DIED defending them?

    The interesting thing?

    Philippine–American_War and all its detail are amazing...

    America killing about 1 million Philippinos, the Philippinos killing scores of Americans...

    then after that phase, the Americans defending them from the japenese, losing the land and then returning and fighting to liberate them...

    hmmm... Israel fights it's own fights.

    history is amazing

  78. After being tended by Catherine the Philippino out at the rest home, with whom I fell mightily in love, just like, an older nurse told me, every other male that has ever come through there, I cannot criticize the Philippino's as a group, o, no, no, no.

  79. After being tended by Catherine the Philippino out at the rest home, with whom I fell mightily in love, just like, an older nurse told me, every other male that has ever come through there, I cannot criticize the Philippino's as a group, o, no, no, no.

    See, my Purim post was gone.


  80. .


    "I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Help"


    Government-subsidized green light bulb carries costly price tag

    The U.S. government last year announced a $10 million award, dubbed the “L Prize,” for any manufacturer that could create a “green” but affordable light bulb.

    Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the prize would spur industry to offer the costly bulbs, known as LEDs, at prices “affordable for American families.” There was also a “Buy America” component. Portions of the bulb would have to be made in the United States.

    Now the winning bulb is on the market.

    The price is $50.

    A $50 Light Bulb. Green is Good


  81. Running mountain creek blue is my favorite color, and I'd take out a mortgage to buy a light bulb that color.

  82. See, my running mountain creek blue light bulb post is gone too, g'nite, blogger don't want me around.

  83. I don't get it. Sometimes gone, sometimes not gone, but, I am boring you.

  84. Israel seems to have forgotten what it is like living in a ghetto surrounded by menacing walls bristling with guns. Israel has many laws which openly discriminate against non-Jews. You can't call Israel a democracy if it has one law for one person and a different law for for his/her neighbour.It has forgotten what it is like being brutally subjugated and mercilessly humiliated. It has turned a blind eye to the horrors of being discriminated based on race. It has ignored the lessons of it's own history. IIsrael is a bi-national apartheid state. Israel does not want to give up the territories and Israel's apartheid is worse than that of South Africa. Sadly, I believe that many Israelis don't give a damn about the injustices the Israeli state and the settlers have been heaping on Palestinians since the inception of the state - and even before. And, sadly, I believe that no matter what Israel does, whether it is complete ethnic cleansing or squeezing Palestinians into small walled in compounds there will be no outcry from the U.S. A tap on the wrist maybe but the money will keep flowing in.


    Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.
