Saturday, March 24, 2012

Obama the racial healer.

President Barack Obama weighed into the controversial killing of a black teenager in Florida in very personal terms on Friday, comparing the boy to a son he doesn't have and calling for American "soul searching" over how the incident occurred.
Alright, first off, why is it necessary for Americans to do “soul searching” because a white community volunteer killed a black teenager? Black teenagers kill each other all the time, are they less important or is it worse that the shooter was white? I won’t get into the lack of presidential racial  introspection about black on white crime, all too boring, a more natural state of affairs I suppose.

Has anyone asked the obvious question in why was a community watch necessary in that neighborhood?
Rather than soul searching let’s start with searching for the absent fathers in these black communities. Let’s search the  government programs that support and enable and normalize broken black families, the root cause of the disproportionate level of black crime. 


  1. Martin was an African-American 17-year-old who was watching a basketball game at a friend’s apartment complex in Sanford, Fla. During a break, he walked to a nearby store for candy and iced tea.

    While he was out, a resident, George Zimmerman, reported him to 911 as acting suspicious. The operator told Zimmerman not to pursue Martin, but Zimmerman shot Martin a short while later. Police didn’t arrest Zimmerman, and that angered Martin’s family and others.

  2. Sanford International is much easier to travel through than MCO. It is a smaller airport (at least for now) located about 20 miles north east of MCO. If you are looking to travel to the Orlando area or attractions, I-4 and 417 are right there. Driving time is about 30-40 minutes depending on traffic. I used Tansmeridian while they were flying out of sanford but now I use Jet-Blue from MCO.

    Just a heads up....Sanford is not a place to be after night fall. Get in a car and go, don't sight-see Sanford at night.

    Read more:

  3. It just may be that Sanford and other places like it is where the soul searching should begin

    I live in Sanford, about 2 miles from the airport (but right above it on the map). I wouldn't stay in Sanford overnight unless you just want to stay in the hotel overnight. I wouldn't walk anywhere NEAR Lake Monroe, or the rest of Sanford for that matter, if you PAID me to. Just take a look at the crime maps for this area. Go Google "seminole county sheriff" then click on CRIME MAPS on the left, and look at the north region, then zero in on the Sanford.

    The city's waterfront area is the biggest farce to cover up what Sanford REALLY is. They have spent MILLIONS of dollars re-doing the Riverwalk, and right now, they're finishing up these huge archways to 'GREET' unsuspecting visitors (investors???).... but only down First St. and Seminole Blvd. (along the lake). They have even gone so far as to put in free internet wi-fi for "downtown" Sanford to make it look more appealing to investors. They are DESPERATELY trying to get investors to come in and put their money into re-developing the Lake Monroe area, including a convention center and major hotels, million dollar condo developers, upscale shops, etc. BUT ONLY AROUND THE LAKE AREA. Heaven forbid the investors should ask to take a ride around the neighborhoods within a few-mile radius of the Lake. What they would see would shock them. Take them on a tour of West 13th St., Midway, Washington (Oaks) Shores, Roseland Park, the areas surrounding the zoo, Upsala Rd., Airport Blvd West, and the neighborhoods surrounding the airport, or down by Walmart, etc., etc. Let them ask the residents what they think of the area. They only way big businesses will come to Sanford is if they "think" there are big-spending residents here, and the only way to do that is create the million dollar condos by the lake to fool them. Why do you think Publix Supermarkets won't even COME to this area? The closest one is down on Lake Mary Blvd. and 17-92! And only because it's on the corner of Seminole Community College to get business there! On the WEST side of Sanford, near I-4 and the HUGE Seminole Towne Center Mall, you WILL find another Publix, but that's about 8 miles away LOL, just like the other Publix. What we have HERE are the crappy little supermarkets -- ONE Winn Dixie that is run down and needs generators constantly to re-freeze the freezers! -- as well as Shop N Save (small and crappy), Some "Sanford Ave" market that's small and disgusting, a Bravo (well, you know what neighborhoods THOSE are traditionally plopped in), and pretty much that's about it!

    IT STINKS HERE IN SANFORD...FACE IT. We're the County seat, and with that comes the Health Dept, the HRS Services, the hugh county JAIL, the courthouse, etc., and every other public service crud that low-income people use. That's why Sanford will never improve, because these people take buses there, fill up most of the jail space, and go to the most court appearances. Sanford is filled with run-down shacks and not-what. It is NO place a person really WANTS to live, but HAS to. I myself live here (but for other reasons too long and inconsequential to get into), but if I had my choice, I would get out of here in a hearbeat. I very well may be able to in several years, and I think about that day every time I wake up.


    Read more:

  4. You won’t see that 7 minutes worth of Google investigation in the big media or by The White House.

    Soul searching done for the morning.

  5. Police didn’t arrest Zimmerman, and that angered Martin’s family and others.

    Zimmermann needs to go live in a gated community at taxpayer's expense, for twenty to life.

  6. Krauthammer: "Obama boasted that on his watch oil production is up and imports down. True, but truly deceptive. These increases have occurred in spite of his restrictive policies. They are the result of Clinton and Bush era permitting.

    Sort of a reverse Blame Bush Syndrome.

  7. The loss of another 17-year is tragic but not unusual. I have no sympathy for the idiot who shot and killed a kid but this situation is being blown way out proportion. The Drudge headlines show how the race hustlers are coming out of the woodwork to gain advantage.


  8. Zimmermann needs to go live in a gated community at taxpayer's expense, for twenty to life.

    That is so you, Lilith, you don't even know for sure what the facts are yet, but that won't stop your 'thirst for justice.'

    Let's see, you are supposed to be a pro at knowledge of our system, having had to pass a test to become a citizen, no?

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

    I doubt even a law school education would temper your tendency to draw the gun and fire away. Your saving grace is you really don't realize you do it so much.

  9. Anonobob: Let's see, you are supposed to be a pro at knowledge of our system, having had to pass a test to become a citizen, no?

    My father became a citizen because he enlisted in the US Navy under a 1946 law. He brought his wife here and she became a citizen through naturalization. I was born in Vancouver, Washington, USA, in 1965, and in 1984 I joined the service to further my education and to fight the Russian Bear in Reagan's 522 ship Navy.

  10. Santorum says as President he would insist Iran open its nuclear facilities to inspectors and dismantle them. Otherwise, he promises to quote "degrade those facilities through air strikes."

    Translation: Bomb them.

  11. All Danish Television hosts can kiss my rusty, red American ass.

  12. Immigrants know more about US stuff than most citizens born here, so you are off the hook there, Miss T.


    After consideration I affirmed your request to be excused, and more importantly put up a resource for you to use when investigating the BC issue.

    You had asked if anyone in Hawaii disputed any part of the BC document O'liar put up.

    Well, yes, one fellow who ran the voting department back there says there was never any BC back there AT ALL, and everybody there KNEW IT.

    He made this experience of his somehow into a postgrad thesis paper at some Florida school.

    He seems to have been mistreated for his efforts, and mentioned something called THE CHICAGO WAY.

    Would you have any idea what that might be?

    It is there for your perusal, two or three threads back, comment #14 if I recall.

    It is just too much of an effort and too risky to bring that post to this thread, I might muck up everything.

  13. That question is not for the general public to answer unless the general public knew him and was a witness at the scene. Let the judicial system run the course and stop the street marching before the inevitable looting begins...

  14. .

    Well, yes, one fellow who ran the voting department back there says there was never any BC back there AT ALL, and everybody there KNEW IT.

    Who ran the voting department?

    Bob if I wanted to carry this on with you any further, I could post various articles, some quoting Hawaiin officials, pointing out that Adams was a low-level, part-time clerk who didn't have access to the info he purports he had and that he had no reason to be searching for the info in the first place given his assigned job duties.

    I won't unless you continue to make a big deal of it.

    I happen to think the whole 'birther' meme is a little nutz; however, I don't say there is no possibility it could be true.

    Our argument yesterday centered around Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and in my opinion, what a self-serving Dick he is.

    However, with regard to Obama's BC, there is a simple way to prove it's legality one way or the other. Bring a lawsuit. This is not a matter of just having 'hearings' on a matter, a political process. It is a matter of law. The resolution should be in the courts.

    You've listed articles showing the size of Joe's Posse investigation. You've shown the people he has on the posse. This couldn't have been cheaply. One assumes it has a purpose other than Joe's next book. Obama will soon be running for president again throughout the US including the state of Arizona. Supposedly, Joe has 'tons' (your word) of info on the matter. One, bring forth the lawsuit. Two, win it.

    As I pointed out yesterday, if Joe does win it would pretty much be a first. The poor guy could use a win.

    Without the legal decision (and even with it for some) we will be back to stories of the TEA Party being racists and that Bush never won the presidency in 2000, confirming the views of some, but for all practical purposes, farts in the wind.



  15. "The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression."

    (Rush Limbaugh, November 6, 2008. Obama was still the junior senator from Illinois at the time.)

  16. Gingrich said on a radio talk show, “Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe period. We should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background. Is the president suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot that would be ok because it didn’t look like him?”

    He added that it’s “just nonsense dividing this country up. It is a tragedy this young man was shot. It would have been a tragedy if he had been Puerto Rican or Cuban or if he had been white or if he had been Asian American of if he’d been a Native American. At some point we ought to talk about being Americans. When things go wrong to an American, it is sad for all Americans,” he said. “Trying to turn it into a racial issue is fundamentally wrong. I really find it appalling.”

  17. .

    W: Zimmermann needs to go live in a gated community at taxpayer's expense, for twenty to life.

    B: That is so you, Lilith, you don't even know for sure what the facts are yet, but that won't stop your 'thirst for justice.'

    So far, from what you hear, the federal government won't be bringing "hate crime" charges. If they do, we can recognize it as a completely political move since officials within DOJ admit it would be a stretch getting a conviction under those laws.

    If it stays in the state system, Bob is right in pointing out Zimmerman is innocent until proven guilty. However, to W's point, Zimmerman has already proven himself criminally stupid.

    He has a 'carry permit'. If he read the state laws on carry (which most states send out with the permit application) he would know that even with Florida's liberal rules, you can't follow someone down the street and shoot him.

    Second, he was instructed by the 911 operator 'not' to follow the boy and that the police were on the way.


  18. Some people use no common sense. They do not understand the use of iconic symbols especially the visual impact of clothing. The “hoodie" is designed to be a sinister look. Its evocation is thug-wear. It is the equivalent of some white kid, shaven head with black combat boots and camouflage fatigues.

  19. .

    All Danish Television hosts can kiss my rusty, red American ass.

    Jeez, Ruf, you make yourself sound like a Japanese Snow Monkey.


  20. It is not a good idea to walk around dressed like one of the four horseman of the apocalypse.

  21. Quirk has basically, folks, given up, saying it could be true.

    I happen to think the whole 'birther' meme is a little nutz; however, I don't say there is no possibility it could be true.

    A far cry from his old you are all nuts.

    But I hope you at least realize I am not a birther, I am primarily a borner.

    Bring a lawsuit.


    You simply have not followed the proceedings closely.


    All Danish Television hosts can kiss my rusty, red American ass.

    Jeez, Ruf, you make yourself sound like a Japanese Snow Monkey.

    I think it must be the old rusty red American hairs on the ass that most people would object to, not the rusty red ass itself per se.

  22. Hell, I wear a "hoodie" all winter. It's warm as hell.

  23. I didn't stand for snarky Euro commentators dissing the President when it was George W. Bush, and I don't like it now that it's Barack Obama.

    I'll leave those assholes alone, and they can leave me, and mine, alone.

  24. Dad always used to wear a hoodie. But it was one of those big kind of parka deals with fur inside you might see in Alaska, or Russia, not Florida at night.


    Silence of the Lapdogs Again

    I like that article.


    I read that black on white violence, adjusted for the numbers %wise, is 8TIMES that of white on black violence, and that black women hardly ever get raped by white men, the incidence of that particular crime so low it didn't register statistically.

  25. The first night I spent in Florida I woke up to frost on the ground; and that was Fort Lauderdale.

    It can get downright chilly in Florida on a winter's night.

  26. .

    A far cry from his old you are all nuts.

    You are nutz!


  27. Certainly it's true that in the past, blacks have been victims of whites. But today the reality is quite different from what the street mobs, the government, the media and the P.C. crowd would have us believe. Far from being victims of white oppression, blacks today are disproportionately perpetrators of violent crimes against whites and against other blacks. According to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2009, "whites" -- a category that includes Hispanics -- were known to be responsible for 5,286 murders. Blacks, a mere 13% of the population, were known to be responsible for 5,980 murders. In 2005, the New Century Foundation's "Color of Crime" report found that "Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black" (emphasis mine). Also in 2005, the Department of Justice reported that one-third of rapes committed against white women (approximately 37,000) were perpetrated by blacks, while less than ten -- statistically zero -- rapes of black women were committed by whites.

    What If Trayvon Had Been White And The Shooter Black?

    Police are still searching for the man who took the money. He is described as black male with a tattoo on the back of his left arm. He is between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 8 inches tall, in his 20s, and has very short hair or is bald, Williams said.

    Cash Stolen From Handicapped Boy Raising Money For Handicapped B-Ball Team

  28. .

    Bring a lawsuit.


    Once again, you display the attention span of a knat.

    What I said was,

    Bring a lawsuit.
    Win a Lawsuit.


  29. .

    Rather than soul searching let’s start with searching for the absent fathers in these black communities. Let’s search the government programs that support and enable and normalize broken black families, the root cause of the disproportionate level of black crime.

    A legitimate topic for discussion, but it takes a real stretch trying to tie it to Zimmerman shooting this kid.

    From what's been reported, there was no black crime in this case.


  30. :):):):):):)

    However, with regard to Obama's BC, there is a simple way to prove it's legality one way or the other. Bring a lawsuit. This is not a matter of just having 'hearings' on a matter, a political process. It is a matter of law. The resolution should be in the courts.

    Where's 'win'?

    The deal is Quirk, it is so simple to bring a lawsuit. The hard part is getting the courts to hear the lawsuit. Many have been filed, nearly all turned down because of lack of standing or no harm shown or speculation or some other such craparoo.

    The courts, with some good reason, don't like to get involved in elections as a general rule.

    I think it is outrageous. I'm not going to do it for you, you need the experience, but you should research and see how many lawsuits have actually been filed, and dismissed, and get back to us all.


    Why would white men be seemingly immune to the crime of raping black women?

  31. Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman

    Updated: Friday, 23 Mar 2012, 6:19 PM EDT
    Published : Friday, 23 Mar 2012, 5:47 PM EDT

    ORLANDO - A witness we haven't heard from before paints a much different picture than we've seen so far of what happened the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.

    The night of that shooting, police say there was a witness who saw it all.

    Our sister station, FOX 35 in Orlando, has spoken to that witness.

    What Sanford Police investigators have in the folder, they put together on the killing of Trayvon Martin few know about.

    The file now sits in the hands of the state attorney. Now that file is just weeks away from being opened to a grand jury.

    It shows more now about why police believed that night that George Zimmerman shouldn't have gone to jail.

    Zimmerman called 911 and told dispatchers he was following a teen. The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to.

    And from that moment to the shooting, details are few.

    But one man's testimony could be key for the police.

    "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.

    Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

    The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.

    His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

    "When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

    Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

    Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.


    bob said...


    However, with regard to Obama's BC, there is a simple way to prove it's legality one way or the other. Bring a lawsuit. This is not a matter of just having 'hearings' on a matter, a political process. It is a matter of law. The resolution should be in the courts.

    Where's 'win'?

    The deal is Quirk, it is so simple to bring a lawsuit. The hard part is getting the courts to hear the lawsuit. Many have been filed, nearly all turned down because of lack of standing or no harm shown or speculation or some other such craparoo.

    The courts, with some good reason, don't like to get involved in elections as a general rule.

    I think it is outrageous. I'm not going to do it for you, you need the experience, but you should research and see how many lawsuits have actually been filed, and dismissed, and get back to us all.


    Why would white men be seemingly immune to the crime of raping black women?


    Will be our cry.

  33. What say ye now, O lilith of the lockup?

  34. Waspy said...

    Police didn’t arrest Zimmerman, and that angered Martin’s family and others.

    Zimmermann needs to go live in a gated community at taxpayer's expense, for twenty to life.

    Sat Mar 24, 08:50:00 AM EDT

    Blacks under attack!

    Jesse Jackson says.



    or, at the very least, let's have a trial, how 'bouts?

    Every black preacher in America may have shit on the pulpit over this.

  35. And the editorial writers, too -

    Repeal 'Stand Your Ground' Law Before Next Tragedy - St. Pete Times

    jeez, it almost sounds like the only thing between life and death for po' young Zimmerman was concealed carry locked and loaded.

    We need some facts!

  36. Don rumsfeld was definitely right about one thing: Always be wary of "first reports."

    Barack O'Dumbass needs to learn this.

  37. At least he didn't say the Sanford Police "acted stupidly."

  38. Immigrants know more about US stuff than most citizens born here, so you are off the hook there, Miss T.

    I'm not an immigrant, Gilligan. I'm not even a hyphenated American. I'm an American-American.

  39. .

    However, with regard to Obama's BC, there is a simple way to prove it's legality one way or the other. Bring a lawsuit. This is not a matter of just having 'hearings' on a matter, a political process. It is a matter of law. The resolution should be in the courts.

    Where's 'win'?

    Q: Original post,

    However, with regard to Obama's BC, there is a simple way to prove it's legality one way or the other. Bring a lawsuit. This is not a matter of just having 'hearings' on a matter, a political process. It is a matter of law. The resolution should be in the courts.

    You've listed articles showing the size of Joe's Posse investigation. You've shown the people he has on the posse. This couldn't have been cheaply. One assumes it has a purpose other than Joe's next book. Obama will soon be running for president again throughout the US including the state of Arizona. Supposedly, Joe has 'tons' (your word) of info on the matter. One, bring forth the lawsuit. Two, win it.

    As I said, the attention span of a knat.


  40. .

    The deal is Quirk, it is so simple to bring a lawsuit. The hard part is getting the courts to hear the lawsuit. Many have been filed, nearly all turned down because of lack of standing or no harm shown or speculation or some other such craparoo.

    The courts, with some good reason, don't like to get involved in elections as a general rule.

    I think it is outrageous. I'm not going to do it for you, you need the experience, but you should research and see how many lawsuits have actually been filed, and dismissed, and get back to us all.

    Once, more you misrepresent my position. The trend in court cases with regard to standing is one I have been bemoaning since I came to this blog. The abuse under this canard by Bush in his 'War on Terror' was (and continues to be under Obama) outrageous.

    But that brings us back to the point, if as you say Big Joe despite his "tons" of groundbreaking new evidence can't convince a court to take his case, why do you keep torturing us with your constant droning about it?

    Lord, give it a rest.


  41. It's just that your writing is really really boring, Quirk, and sometimes, I go to sleep.

    (((((((((David Sohns
    Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson should be arrested for trying to incite a lynch mob.
    Reply · 2 ·
    · about a minute ago)))))))))


  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. The last two posts about it were yours, Quirk.

    Give it a rest.
    You lost.


    I didn't say you were an immigrant, lilith of the lockup. I said immigrants often know more basics about American ways than people born here, like you.

  44. I didn't say you were an immigrant, lilith of the lockup. I said immigrants often know more basics about American ways than people born here, like you.

    So why did you say I was off the hook?

  45. .

    You lost.

    I could take this more seriously if it wasn't coming from a man who admits he falls asleep reading posts; yet still feels qualified to comment on what he hasn't read.

    The same man who perpetually stutters and combines his posts in an indecipherable manner, then complains that people don't take what he says seriously.

    The same man who of late has taken to giggling nonsensically or, at least, inappropriately, i.e.

    Whoops. I was going back to post examples but you can't even seem to keep your posts up here. Even Blogger doesn't take you seriously.


  46. This is the first time I've known, or at least, that I know of that you have said you were born here. Your talk of going back to the Philippines must have lead me to assume you were an immigrant who had been naturalized.

    Maybe I was confused in what I said, whatever that was.

    Now I know you are NBC, just like me.

    Zimmerman, of course, is in hiding, fearful of black pre-trial/non-trial retribution.


  47. Poor Quirk, back to the vomit.

    Hey Quirk, did you see where I get to go free to a Hindu/India Gala Fest at The International Ballroom here for drinks, dinner, discussions and dancing?

    I have to paint my bindi on.....You want I should take a photo of bobbo in loin cloth with begging bowl, bindi foreheaded?

    I am, as are you, at the proper age to give it all up now, and head to the forest and watch the monkeys, and let the others provide.

  48. This is the perfect case for the left to use against Florida's Stand Your Ground Law; A clean-cut, black kid with no priors is followed and gunned down by a state-registered Conceal Carry vigilante.

    The anti-gun crowd is mobilizing all the Democratic resources at their disposal.

  49. Just read at Ace o' Spades that the "little boy" was 6'2", and a Star football player.

    I'm guessing the "white hispanic" was the "little guy."

  50. It seems that hoodie picture is an Old picture.

  51. As usual, Obama involves himself without facts.

  52. Guy's kind of a talkative bastard, isn't he? :)

  53. Obammie don't care much for white people; that's obvious.

    Sometimes he just can't keep it in.

  54. Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New Black Panther Party
    for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ago.

    If goes to jail he's a dead man walking.

    If he is not convicted, he's a dead man walking.

  55. Must hate himself, halfway through.

    To think one is The Half, then hate the other half.....

    This must be an unusual feeling....

  56. It was white people that elected Obama. It could be white people that send him packing.

  57. Martin is just like John Gotti's son that was accidentally killed by a neighbor who ran the kid over with his car. He couldn't get out of town fast enough before he was never seen or heard from again.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. .

    I have to paint my bindi on.....You want I should take a photo of bobbo in loin cloth with begging bowl, bindi foreheaded?

    No thanks.

    If I ever get busted for anything, I wouldn't want anything like that archived on my hard drive somewhere.


  60. hmmm, I hadn't thought about that. Maybe I'll wear my usual dress up wear, the coveralls, bow tie, and straw hat.

  61. A "white Hispanic" with a Jewish name.

  62. Q

    Is there anyone on this earth you do like?

  63. .

    Is there anyone on this earth you do like?

    Most people, Gag.

    Bob, has a sense of humor. He knows I'm bustin his balls.

    If by "like' you mean agree with on everything, you might have a point.


  64. There are many white Jewish Hispanics throughout Latin America.

  65. ..and they all have birth certificates.

  66. Actually, I was informed by Puerto Ricans, while at Vieques, that the light-skinned, Spanish Jew was the top of the food chain down there.

    Followed by the light-skinned, non-Jew Spaniard.

    Followed by the dark-skinned Spaniard.

    Followed, IIRC, by the Spaniard/native mix, followed by the poor ol' indians (bringing up the caboose, agin.)

  67. KrishnabobRasaDance

    Quirk is just jealous I'm with the gopi girls tonight, Gag, and he is stuck at home again in Detroit, watching TV as usual.

    Did you know Krishna is said to have had 16,000 wives? That's a lot of wives. Not even Osama had that amount of wives.

    I think, though, it is metaphorical, and all the girls are wives to Krishnabobbo.

    Talk about keeping the sperm count low.....

  68. .

    Have fun with the cow herd girls, Bob.

    But don't take it too far. I don't want to hear about you shaving your haed and begging alms in some airport.


    Right, like the story of Krishna stealing the unmarried gobis clothing.

    Krishna: But officer, I was just stripping them of their earthly trappings and filling them "with Krishna consciousness".

    Cop: Right, buddy. I've heard that on before, you pervert. Now put your hands on the car and spread your legs.



    The singer, the one I have fallen in love with, is, I looked her up, Alex Sharpe, a Mormon. Eyes the color of my own, I know she's Swede. She said, music leads to the gospels, as indeed it does, as the gospels preach bliss, and that's where music can lead.

    Right, like the story of Krishna stealing the unmarried gobis clothing.

    Well, shuuuucks, trust Quirk to get right to the bottoms of things, thinking of stealing gobipanties.

    The Egyptians have a myth or tale about how their outlook came to them from the east in the form of a white bull, that is to say, they got some of their ideas from everlasting India. But I think some Hindu humor may not have survived the trip.

    Stealing undies, really.....

    Starts at 5 we are almost on our way. If I don't return, don't come get me....


  70. Ash


    Dear xoxoxox

    As you read this e-mail, baby seals may be having their heads smashed in with clubs and hooks rammed into their eyes or mouths. Yes, Canada has started its annual massacre of seals.

    We are nearing the final nail in the coffin, so your help is extremely important now so that we can keep pushing hard and end the cruel slaughter of baby seals.

    Now that Russia—which had been importing 95 percent of Canadian seal pelts—has joined the U.S. and the E.U. in banning seal fur imports, the seal slaughter is dwindling like never before. Here at PETA, we are working hard to reach the tipping point—in the last year alone, we've teamed up with Iggy Pop and Ke$ha to launch "Canada's Club Scene Sucks" ads, Canadian actor Emmanuelle Vaugier narrated our new seal video highlighting the enormous tax waste of the slaughter, Pamela Anderson led PETA's international plea calling on Russia to ban seal fur from her native Canada, and we protested at Canadian embassies around the world.

    Canadian officials are starting to recognize that it may be time to end the slaughter, and national Canadian media outlets are finally editorializing against the massacre. We are closer to victory now than we've ever been before, but we need your voice to help end the slaughter once and for all.

    We are asking everyone to take to Twitter and stand up against the seal slaughter by tweeting one of these messages:
    This is the Canadian seal slaughter & it's starting today. RT IF UR OUTRAGED! via @peta Tweet This
    The Canadian seal slaughter has begun! Take action 2 stop the massacre of thousands of seals and RT: via @peta Tweet This
    This is a picture of a baby seal. RT if u think it's wrong 4 Canada 2 slaughter him: #SaveTheSeals via @peta Tweet This
    Even some of Canada's own members of Parliament are publicly questioning whether the annual massacre should continue. Please politely tweet to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (@pmharper) that he should listen and call off the slaughter immediately.

    Thank you for speaking up for seals.


    Dan Mathews
    Senior Vice President
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

  71. George Zimmerman was an Altar boy, his dad is of German not Jewish lineage.
    I do find the similarities bewteen this site and Stormfront compelling though

    (please dont delete this post)
    George Zimmerman, His Mother Is Latino and His Father Is Jewish ...


    A "white Hispanic" with a Jewish name
    There are many white Jewish Hispanics throughout Latin America.
    George Zimmerman, His Mother Is Latino and His Father Is Jewish ...

  72. I'm coming to you folks old school, from Windows 98. That's harder than you think, because this computer never ran Win98 and so HP never created a network driver that will work for that OS.

  73. As you read this e-mail, baby seals may be having their heads smashed in with clubs and hooks rammed into their eyes or mouths. Yes, Canada has started its annual massacre of seals.

    Seal clubs are so barbaric. Elephant bars are much more humane.

  74. PETA is the biggest scam going on today. They kill puppies, lots of them, and they would kill those baby seals given the chance. Keep sending them money.

    Zimmerman may be German, but its still a Jewish name. Get over it. Ask Bob Dylan.

  75. PETA-- People who Eat Tasty Animals

  76. Gag: Zimmerman may be German, but its still a Jewish name. Get over it. Ask Bob Dylan.

    One of those durn Zimmermans sent a telegram to Mexico, but it was intercepted by the NSA and when it was published it got the US into the Great War.

  77. It is what it is does the source really matter?

  78. "...why is it necessary for Americans to do “soul searching” because a white community volunteer killed a black teenager?"

    To see if you may be responsible and if so, the degree of your moral liability.

    I've done so, it took me all afternoon, but I found my culpability.

    I may have never shot a young black man nor have I advocated that, but I've never actually taken a strong position against nor done anything to prevent it. I have never marched against violence, I have remained silent.

    But no longer. Today Toshstu Takes A Stand, I will no longer accept as normal course of the American Day the shooting of young black men, by anybody.

    We have that problem here in Dallas, the city is in turmoil over the actions of a Korean convenience store owner, who in addition to being rude to blacks, has evidently shot one of them who was robbing his store, which upset his customer base.

    Backlash from the community has been very focused.

    A Dallas City Councilwoman has now declared that the problem runs deeper - Korean beauty shop owners are rude to blacks as well, specifically black women. However, none of them have been shot by the Koreans.

    There is to be a burning of Korean-made wigs and a movement to run these Koreans out of black communities.

    You think Florida has problems?

    Here's the best headline ever, from the Dallas Observer:

    "Sandra Crenshaw Wants You To Throw Out Your Wig And Mace The Living Shit Out Of Korean Storeowners"

  79. The US press and Romney made a big deal over his win in Illinois. No Republican is going to win Illinois in the general election. They can take Louisiana and Santorum wins there.

  80. I'm voting for Dole again. He's still alive isn't he?

  81. .

    In previous statements, Mr. Rasmussen had said that there were no “confirmed” civilian casualties caused by NATO in the entire war. That ringing denial overlooked two points: NATO’s definition of a “confirmed casualty” is a casualty that has been investigated by NATO; and because the alliance has refused to look into credible allegations of the scores of civilian deaths that independent investigations have found it caused, it is impossible for the official tally to rise above zero...

    NATO Secrecy

    Of course the problem is as more voices, including that of Senator John McCain, call for airstrikes against government forces in Syria, extending the principle of Responsibility to Protect to include another conflict, here is a straightforward matter of tactical importance. Learning from the mistakes in Libya could save lives in the next war and do much to help air forces fine-tune their training ahead of future campaigns.


  82. Ash'sh been on fugging seal hunt? That's where he been all this time/? Why that little pecker. maybe his ship sunk though that hindu bhang shit drunk with thechicken bits kinds takes you head off.

    I just made that up, there was lots of really good dancing, lousy food though, no bhang, but everybody really up and happy. The muslims can't dance can they? Dance and get stoned to death, isn't it? These hindu gals know how to dance, that is for sure. Their heads and necks go this way and that, their eyes flash like camera lights flashing, and their arms move like Shiva dancing.

    The emcee claimed the Hindus invented the zero. I'm not sure if he was joking, or taking a hit at the muzzies, or, maybe they really did. Seemed to have a twinkle in his eye. They all have nice women, dressed really cool. I got a good photo of my tenants. Fun.

    This was India nite, that is what it was called. Lots of little kids running around, too, cute as devils.

    Somehow, I don't think I'd want to go to Pakistan nite. Might find yourself flying out the window, blow up by a suicider.

    These Hindus know how to have fun. They are the ones we should be nice to.
