Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Wonder if Obama Will do some “Soul Searching” over this murdered student?

Student shot dead at Mississippi State University

STARKVILLE, Mississippi | Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:44am EDT

(Reuters) - A student was shot to death at a Mississippi State University residence hall late on Saturday night, authorities said, adding that three suspects remained at large.

The unidentified student was reported shot at Evans Hall shortly after 11 p.m. local time, university officials said.

Authorities described the suspects as three black males who fled the hall in a late model blue Crown Victoria car.

There were no immediate reports of further injuries and the university is operating on "emergency" status, officials said.

Obama is big on Americans "Soul Searching”:

Obama “Soul Searching” is everywhere:


  1. The Huffington Post thought it unimportant to mention that the three shooters were black. They had no trepidation in mentioning that Zimmerman, in Florida was half Peruvian, white and Jewish.

  2. STARKVILLE, Miss. — A student was shot to death at a Mississippi State University residence hall late Saturday night, prompting campus-wide alerts as authorities searched for suspects who fled the scene.

    University spokeswoman Maridith Geuder said police received a call about the shooting at Evans Hall around 10 p.m. Saturday. The victim was taken to a hospital where he subsequently died.

    Three male suspects fled the building in a blue Crown Victoria. As of early Sunday, no arrests had been made and the campus remained under emergency conditions.

  3. AP is equally color blind over this murdered Student

    STARKVILLE, Miss. (AP) – Mississippi State University says someone was shot and killed on campus late Saturday, prompting an alert to the campus.

    The university sent out a campus-wide Maroon Alert Saturday evening after the death at Evans Hall.
    The alert said three male suspects had fled the building in a late-model blue Crown Victoria. The alert said the campus was "operating under emergency conditions."
    Authorities reached by phone declined to give further details.

  4. Washington Post

    STARKVILLE, Miss. — A student was shot to death at a Mississippi State University residence hall late Saturday night, prompting campus-wide alerts as authorities searched for suspects who fled the scene.

    University spokeswoman Maridith Geuder said police received a call about the shooting at Evans Hall around 10 p.m. Saturday. The victim was taken to a hospital where he subsequently died.

    Three male suspects fled the building in a blue Crown Victoria. As of early Sunday, no arrests had been made and the campus remained under emergency conditions.

  5. I have learned that if I want the truth, go to “The Independent”, "Al Jazeera", "RT News”, "The Telegraph” and a few others.

    The American media is mostly a dishonest joke. Pathetic.

  6. I cannot find any information on the race of the murdered student. Maybe Al Sharpton will be heard from.

  7. Soul searching seems to be easier than truth searching.

  8. Al Sharpton’s home, MSNBC

    STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A student was shot to death at a Mississippi State University residence hall late Saturday night, authorities said, adding that three suspects remained at large.

    The shooting was reported in an alert on the school's website at 10:37 p.m., and the victim was confirmed dead in an alert at 11:17 p.m.
    Authorities described the suspects as three males who fled the hall in a blue late-model Crown Victoria car.
    There were no immediate reports of further injuries and the university is operating on "emergency" status, officials said. staff contributed to this report by Reuters.

  9. Maybe this is not an American 'race' killing? The media does not include that in the Trayvon Martin race case that the boy was a towering 6’2″ football player and are only showing his baby face pictures from years ago. The media are ignoring the first witness statement too. The truth doesnt matter. The dead guy is black so everyone else in the world is wrong. The mexican guy should have died before defending himself against Trayvon. Thats just the way that those who want war think. They dont care about the truth because their great great grandfather was a slave.
    Disgusting journalism with a hidden agenda.

  10. The real facts of the case are not yet clear, but I agree that there will be selective indignation. The issue has become political and the left will play it for all it's worth. Facts need not hinder the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and the other race hustlers. I think President Obama made a mistake commenting on the case at this time, but I didn't think his comments were as bad as Sharpton, et al. I don't feel the need for any soul searching at this time. I feel bad for the family of Trayvon Martin and I hope justice is done in the case, but only justice that is consistent with the facts and local law.

    If it turns out that Mr. Zimmerman acted within the law, and that is not yet clear, I look forward to the deafening silence from the left media as they drop this story like a lead weight. If the facts indicate Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter or some other crime, he should be prosecuted for his misdeeds.

    I cannot find any mention of the race of the UM dead victim.

  11. I should have said Mississippi State University.

  12. Hurry, Hurry call Al Sharpton and Barack Obama , Three Black men wearing hoodies killed another person . Oh I forgot how stupid of me . It doesn't count when the shooter's are Black .. Never mind, no outrage overhere . Forget what I just wrote because Obama needs to concentrate on Florida instead . ....It's election year and its Obama's chance to get votes at the cost of anothers life. If the perpetrators weren't of the right race though, I can understand his reluctrance to say anything about it.

  13. God have mercy. Obama lost another son.

  14. There does seem to be a black-out of information. Perhaps it is a white-out. There is no hysteria, in fact, barely a mention.

    What could be the difference between the Florida shooting and this one?

    - We have two dead students. That should go down as equal.

    - Mississippi has three shooters, not one. That should make it worse and more newsworthy.

    - We notice that someone in the media forgot to edit from the story that the three shooters were black.

    - So now we have it. Black shooters and killers of a student, regardless if the dead student is white or black is hardly worth mentioning.

    I, am an obvious racist for noticing and mentioning it.

  15. They don't really need to say they are black, they just need to describe the car better. You know, crown Vic, 24 inch rims, Christmas Tree scent wafer on the rear view mirror, an Obama / Biden 2012 and a We Shall Overcome bumber sticker.

  16. We notice that someone in the media forgot to edit from the story that the three shooters were black.

    Well that's a shame, Deuce, because my first impulse was to say this was a case of homegrown terrorism from a group of Right Wing Christian Fundamentalists.

  17. Blue Crown Vic? That pretty much does it. :)

  18. Joshua Israel Gemmell wrote: Where in the Middle East do you find a land of milk and honey?

    Al Masirah, Oman. C-17s fly in the milk and honey, which is helicoptered to the Fast Combat Supply Ships, thence to the carrier battlegroups.

  19. .

    Blue Crown Vic? That pretty much does it. :)

    Could be a hit by three senior citizens or the FBI.


  20. Regional democrats are irate at being linked with Obama, none of them has invited him to speak. He's a turd in a punchbowl.

  21. Jews throughout the world are all potential targets for attack in a terrifying manifestation of global incitement to murder. Islamists regularly declare their intention to kill Jews wherever they can find them. Hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza at southern Israel over the past couple of weeks bear out daily the frenzied attempt to murder as many Jews as possible. In the Mumbai massacre in 2008, it turned out that the attack on the tiny ultra-orthodox Lubavitch centre was for the Islamic perpetrators of that atrocity the most important target. There have been repeated Islamic terrorist attempts on Jewish targets around the world. Oh -- and Islamists have been murdering black people in Libya because they are black.

    the entire article

  22. A Chinese couple is in bed.

    The husband says, "I want sixty-nine."

    His wife says, "You want beef and broccoli now?"

  23. holy fucking shit! The America as described by the folks at EB is one messed up place. Everyone's panties are in a knot about the race of the assailants and victims complete with pontifications on what is to be expected if you wear a 'hoodie'.

    Hoodie or no hoodie, hispanic or black or white an unarmed kid coming home from the convenience store is shot dead by a dude pretending he is a cop and you guys are blathering on about the racial injustice of it all.

    sad fucking shit!

  24. nice place Florida where you can shoot someone dead and simply say "I was standing my ground". Too fucking sad!

  25. Joe Bruno wrote: Einstein's view is that religion and science are not naturally opposed to each other, but must work hand-in-hand in the pursuit of truth.

    Sure, it works like this:

    Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning rod, but needs to certify it before putting it into production. He installs his lightning rods on the whorehouse.

    As a control, the pastor of the local church rejects the lightning rod as "impious" and refuses to allow Mr. Franklin to put them on the roof.

    A terrible electrical storm passes through. Lightning strikes both the whorehouse and the church. The lightning rods on the whorehouse shit-can the electricity to ground, but the church, sans lightning rods, burns to the ground, despite the prayers of the faithful.

    Satisfied, Mr. Franklin then begins to market his new product. Religion and Science working hand-in-hand to advance human civilization.

  26. nice place Florida where you can shoot someone dead and simply say "I was standing my ground". Too fucking sad!

    Faux Snooze Commenters React to Trayvon Martin: ' Good Shot Zimmy '

  27. Joshua Israel Gemmell wrote: But how times have changed my friend, We Are Not A Christian Nation Anymore.

    We have not been a Christian Nation since June 10, 1797. Treaty of Tripoli:

    "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen,—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries..."

  28. Hoodie or no hoodie, hispanic or black or white an unarmed kid coming home from the convenience store is shot dead by a dude pretending he is a cop and you guys are blathering on about the racial injustice of it all.

    6 foot 2 inch football player beating the shit out of a homeowner who responses AFTER he gets a gash on the head and a broken nose shoots said 6'2" football player?

    Go ZImmy Go

    Time for PUNK ass thugs to not be treated like martyrs

  29. pumping your meat on that fantasy situation are you anon?

    If some person, pretending to be a cop, wants to tell me what to do as I walk down the street I'd be happy to kick his ass. Heck, while living the American dream, I should get a conceal carry permit and pick off any fucker who pisses me off as I stand my ground. Especially little punk ass twerp pretending to be a law enforcement officer.

  30. I love the picture of the "martyr of the day"

    Doesnt show the 6 foot 2 punk he became, it shows a 14 year old...

    Talk about bullshit...

    The good news? A punk ass criminal is off the earth..

    Go zimmy Go

  31. You've got the government crawling up your ass about all sorts down there in America and you crave punk ass wanna be to have that power too? Idiots!

  32. little ole anon is scared of 6 foot black men. go hide under the bed pussy!

  33. Ash the deserter states:

    If some person, pretending to be a cop, wants to tell me what to do as I walk down the street I'd be happy to kick his ass.

    In America, a land you gave up, if someone asks you what you are doing, you do not have the right to answer him, however if you use violence? Then your punk ass needs to be shot....

    Ash Heck, while living the American dream, I should get a conceal carry permit and pick off any fucker who pisses me off as I stand my ground.

    Once again your knowledge of the law is let's just say off..

    Carrying a permit does not give you the right to "pick off" people at will, it does give you the right to defend yourself from punk ass thugs that are trying to beat your ass to death.

    Ash: Especially little punk ass twerp pretending to be a law enforcement officer.

    Zimmerman was not pretending to be a cop, he was a CITIZEN, something you really can talk about. Making sure his streets were safe.

    As a homeowner, I have every RIGHT to walk the streets of my suburb and ask who and what someone is doing if I choose. This is America still

    If that person I question proceeds to beat my ass, break my nose and cut my head? AND I FEEL MY LIFE IS IN DANGER? I my SHOOT him

    You do not have the right to BEAT SOMEONE'S ass because you didnot like the question asked of you.

    Glad the punk ass is dead

  34. Ash said...
    little ole anon is scared of 6 foot black men. go hide under the bed pussy!

    You ran away to Canada....

  35. How was the baby seal hunt this year, Ash?

    Glad you made it back safe and sound.

    The Hindus invented the zero.

  36. It is unfair to say Ash avoided a draft notice by running to Canada.

    Nobody here knows that.

    That is bullshit Rufus talk.

    Maybe Ash just got dead drunk in a bar and rolled out the door to the Greyhound Bus depot instead of to the Marine Recruiting Station. Who knows.

    Maybe he just likes Canada.

  37. It's really odd.

    I've read right here Rufus saying anyone is a fool that actually joins an army.

    Which is what he did.

    Then, not knowing the facts, Rufus claims Ash is a coward for going to Canada.

    Such a fucked up position is simply beyond analyzing.

    I remember in the Vietnam days, a live interview with a Marine as he was firing his automatic weapon into some building in Hue.

    "This whole thing is fucked. WE ARE THE REDCOATS" he said.

    One Marine's opinion.

  38. Farrakan is calling for retribution against Zimerman...

    the same thing he said about Malcolm X years ago that got him murdered...

    The New Black Panther Party has offered 10 grand for "wanted dead or alive" for ZImmeriman...

    Al "Crown Heights incitement" "Tawana Brawley" "Sharpton is calling for "justice"

    3 punk ass groups/people that should be in Federal Pens doing hard labor for life... But no, they are FRIENDS of the President.

    I will not dignify the 6'2" punk ass that is being shoved down our throats as the next Martin Luther King by using his name. Best be said, one less PUNK ass thug on the planet.

    If we had justice? We should export the punk ass "kids" to Canada for Ash to deal with

  39. anon (Gag) says:

    "As a homeowner, I have every RIGHT to walk the streets of my suburb and ask who and what someone is doing if I choose. This is America still"

    You can walk and ask all you fucking like but it is every individuals right to ignore you and/or tell you to FUCK OFF - even if you are strutting about wearing a "Citizens Patrol" armband. It also seems that you can, in Florida, 'stand your ground' and shoot anyone and simply say "I was defending myself". That is one fucked up place!

  40. ASH: You can walk and ask all you fucking like but it is every individuals right to ignore you and/or tell you to FUCK OFF - even if you are strutting about wearing a "Citizens Patrol" armband.

    Absolutely correct, but the PUNK ass "so called KID" decided to give the citizen an "ass whopping"

    That is ILLEGAL and violent...

    In America you can ASK a question without fear of being KILLED.

    If the person you ask the question of TRIES to beat your ass?


  41. Ash, I do believe you are missing the point. No one wants anyone dead but if a person is shot or killed the indignation should be towards the crime and not predicated on the race of the offender or the victim. If someone wishes to bring up the fact that a white citizen guard kills a black person, then it is logical that other crimes where the race roles are reversed is open for discussion.

    Based on your past postings I gather that you are as equally indignant when a Palestinian is killed by an Israel soldier as when the reverse is true.

  42. My post is exposing the agenda based indignation of US media.

  43. Not that it took a lot to expose it.

  44. Are all innocent victims equal?
    By Sara Sidner, CNN
    updated 7:39 AM EDT, Sun March 25, 2012

    Bodies of Afghan civilians allegedly shot by a rogue U.S. soldier are seen in the back of a truck.

    Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Do these names mean anything to you?

    Mohammad Dawood Abdullah
    Khudaidad Mohmmad Jama
    Nazar Mohammad Taj Mohammad
    Sahtarina Sultan Mohammad
    Zuhra Abdul Hameed
    Nazia Doost Mohammad
    Mosooma Mohammad Wazir
    Farida Mohammad Wazir
    Palwasha Mohammad Wazir
    Nabia Mohammad Wazir
    Asmatullah Mohammad Wazir
    Faizullah Mohammad Wazir
    Esa Mohammad Mohammad Husain
    Akhtar Mohammad Murad Ali

    Probably not.

    Each and every one of them was deeply loved by someone and now they are dead.


    CNN is so used to selective indignation, they fail to see the irony.

  45. Race is an explosive issue, especially in America. The central issue is that one person shot and killed another unarmed person and wasn't prosecuted by the police because of the "Stand your Ground" law. Race, in this case a side issue, has been bandied about as a factor and, yeah, loads of folk, you included, hop on the band wagon and start blathering on about race.

    That is a side issue. The prime issue is the ability to walk around in America without some self appointed do-gooder accosting you and shooting you if he deems it necessary and is then shielded by a lousy law.

    The whole thing stinks and too blather on about race just stinks up the place even more. You Deuce, sound like you are defending the shooter because the shootee was black and walking around in a hoodie.

    Too top it off you have anon Gag blathering on how the black man assaulted the poor little do-gooder who was demanding answers. If some little do-gooder were to pester me I would respond but I'm sure a guy like you would submit to the little twerp inquisition. Imagine, Deuce, a punk ass spic approaching you walking home from the store - I'm sure you'd bend over and spread' em for him!

  46. Police Chief Lee has announced he's "temporarily" quitting his job over this Zimmerman kerfluffle.

    Stand your ground, Lee!

  47. .

    Once again your knowledge of the law is let's just say off..

    Everyone seems to be a little off this morning.

    There are conflicting reports on what actually happened FL.

    Here is a timeline from ABC News


    You'll note there are a number of investigations going on and that a grand jury will take up the case on April 10.

    Probaly a good idea to wait until you know the facts. One side or the other here will probably look a little silly when all the facts come out.

    Most of the later posts here this morning have nothing to do with Deuce's initial point.


  48. “Journalists” will (in explicit detail) describe the car, the gun, the setting, and how much was stolen, but NEVER describe the violent thugs-at-large. It’s unbelievable. The journalists seem to have been taught in school that it‘s better to let people’s imaginations run wild, rather than to state the facts, and to let the facts fall where they may.

    If a story does not fit their agenda it is not reported. If this was a black student killed by 3 whites I guarantee that would be the headline and focus of the story. The leftist are doing their best to create violence in the streets so they can bring the top down and seize total control.

  49. For the record I have a permit to carry and do so. I use a man purse for that purpose. If I do any bending it will to present a lower profile and a steadier hand.

  50. ash: The prime issue is the ability to walk around in America without some self appointed do-gooder accosting you and shooting you if he deems it necessary and is then shielded by a lousy law.

    The self appointed do-gooder did nothing illegal by watching his streets.

    The self appointed do-gooder is allowed under the law to ask "what is up?"

    The part you seem to miss is the fact that the "so called victim" was beating the shit our of the do-gooder for no reason.

    The "do-gooder" did not shoot the "victim" til the "victim" broke the do-gooder's nose, and provided a nish gash on the back of his skull.

    The law is clear.

    You have no right to violently attack someone for questioning what you are doing.

  51. Deuce said...
    For the record I have a permit to carry and do so. I use a man purse for that purpose. If I do any bending it will to present a lower profile and a steadier hand.

    I for the record live in Ohio, and have a concealed carry permit. I use a inside the belt holster. In my state we also have open carry. Which I do so from time to time.

    It's amazing how polite people are when I open carry.

  52. And guess what folks? I walk the streets of my "settlement" (jewish centric POV) and if at 1 am in the morning I see something odd or out of line, I will follow and call the police. If that person has a problem with me peacefully observing his or her behavior? Too bad, that is my right.

    If he attacks me for observing him? OR asking his business on my street?

    I pity the fool.

  53. Carrying a weapon in AMerica does not give you the right to shoot anyone for no reason...

    I'd argue that having the shit beat out of you by a 6 foot 2 inch tall football player, getting your nose broken and receiving a gash on the scalp is decent motive to tell the cops AFTER the fact....

    I can see Zimmerman telling the cops of his state of mind as the "so called kid" was beating his ass....

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. .

    The self appointed do-gooder is allowed under the law to ask "what is up?"

    My first response would be "What's it to you, asshole."


  56. ash states: He can ask all he wants but I, or anyone else, is required to answer. If he persists and 'gets in the way' you can move on - stand your ground as it were, especially if the do-gooder is trying to stop you.

    Ash you simply do not calculate the fact that the so called "victim" was beating Zimmerman

  57. anon Gag wrote:

    "The self appointed do-gooder is allowed under the law to ask "what is up?""

    He can ask all he wants but I, or anyone else, is not required to answer. If he persists and 'gets in the way' you can move on - stand your ground as it were, especially if the do-gooder is trying to stop you.

    Heck, in the old days we'd be having this argument about the Cops and their ability to detain you as you walk down the street. Now you are supporting anybodies right to 'detain you' - fool!

  58. Facts not in evidence WiO, but even if he was he was simply "standing his ground". Given what happened maybe he should have simply shot him first.

  59. .

    Ash you simply do not calculate the fact that the so called "victim" was beating Zimmerman

    And you have no idea why he was beating him or what led up to it. You are assuming the 'facts' as you go along. You haven't a clue, merely your own predelictions.


  60. Quirk said...

    The self appointed do-gooder is allowed under the law to ask "what is up?"

    My first response would be "What's it to you, asshole."

    ANd my answer would be, I live here and i do not know you...

    If he answer fuck off?

    I'd have no ability to detain him, but I certainly call the cops...

    If he attacks me? Then I have every right to defend myself.

  61. Blogger Quirk said...


    The self appointed do-gooder is allowed under the law to ask "what is up?"

    My first response would be "What's it to you, asshole."

    Why our good little do-gooder would puff up his chest and state his authority as "Neighborhood Watch" confident in his power due to that hot little piece of iron he packed. I'm sure you would acquiesce as he blocked your way demanding answers.

  62. Ash said...
    Facts not in evidence WiO, but even if he was he was simply "standing his ground". Given what happened maybe he should have simply shot him first.

    There are no "facts' just what is being presented by the news..

    Now the news media have released the testimony of a WITNESS that claims mr zimmerman was being beaten and that Mr Zimmerman suffered a broken nose and a gash.

  63. Quirk said...

    Ash you simply do not calculate the fact that the so called "victim" was beating Zimmerman

    And you have no idea why he was beating him or what led up to it. You are assuming the 'facts' as you go along. You haven't a clue, merely your own predelictions.

    Absolutely true except for the FACT that the law enforcement on the scene declined to arrest him because of the FACTS they gathered at the scene.

    SO far we do know that there is hysteria and no innocent until proven guilty standard for Mr Zimmerman.

  64. ash:
    Why our good little do-gooder would puff up his chest and state his authority as "Neighborhood Watch" confident in his power due to that hot little piece of iron he packed. I'm sure you would acquiesce as he blocked your way demanding answers.

    You are just as guilty of creating the myth without facts as anyone...

    you dont KNOW anything...

    Just speculation....

  65. WiO, he shot an unarmed man. The reports I read indicated that Zimmerman was not charged because of the "Stand Your Ground" law.

    Now, because of the outcry, the Chief of Police has resigned and they've formed a grand jury. It will be interesting to hear what they find.

  66. WiO, in America, it appears, any little do-gooder neighborhood watch person can accost you and, in Florida, shoot you. That is one sad fucking place if it is it appears.

  67. .

    Absolutely true except for the FACT that the law enforcement on the scene declined to arrest him because of the FACTS they gathered at the scene.

    They indicate they didn't arrest him because they had no proof disputing his story. At the time, that makes sense given the only person there to dispute it was dead.

    Now there will be a grand jury investigation. All this speculation is BS. Wait for the jury's decision and then begin the rants.


  68. Ash said...
    WiO, in America, it appears, any little do-gooder neighborhood watch person can accost you and, in Florida, shoot you. That is one sad fucking place if it is it appears.

    you are making up facts not in evidence

  69. WiO, in America, it appears, any little do-gooder neighborhood watch person can accost you and, in Florida, shoot you.

    Depends on your tribe.

  70. Wasp said...
    WiO, in America, it appears, any little do-gooder neighborhood watch person can accost you and, in Florida, shoot you

    nitwit those were ash's words..

  71. Crime fighting started with Superman, then there was Batman, then Spiderman.

    Now Zimmerman!

  72. Sounds like Ohio has the very same carry laws as Idaho. Good! No big transition for me when we finally get there. And, my permit is transferable.
