Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Obama demonstrates why he must be defeated.

What Vladi­mir Putin must think about President Obama’s missile defense open mike gaffe
By Stephen Stromberg Washington Post

An open mike on Monday caught President Obama asking Russian President Dmitri Medvedev for “space” on the U.S.-backed European missile defense system, a tense issue between the two countries.

“After my election,” Obama explained, “I have more flexibility.”

“I understand,” Medvedev said. “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

My first reaction: Just imagine how Vladimir must see this.

Obama, of course, isn’t Putin — he’s not rigging elections or controlling state-run media, for example. And it’s hardly unprecedented for an American leader to feel constrained by politics in an election year, even on an issue as low on voters’ minds as missile defense.

But when the president of the world’s leading democracy asks the boss of the world’s leading managed “democracy” to time international diplomacy according to an election calendar, he encourages Putin to believe that the difference between Russian democracy and those in the West is only the degree to which political elites manipulate their people, and that when Americans object to Russia’s slouch toward authoritarianism, the criticism is more about tearing down Russia than promoting principle. Perhaps Putin is determined to believe all this, regardless. One would nevertheless hope that America’s leaders would give the opposite impression to their Russian counterparts, when the mics are on and when they’re off.


  1. Obama deserves to be defeated. He appears to agree with the Russians on missile defense and only needs time to get it through Congress along with the rest of his agenda. He never should have been president in the first place and would not have been except for the Bush fiasco and the creepy pervert, Jack Ryan.

    I hate the thought of voting for Romney but Obama’s actions over the last week, if nothing else, should rally the opposition to do everything possible to send Obama packing.

  2. Remember President Obama said if he had a son it would be Trayvon.

    I am going to join the movement and begin wearing a Hoodie for Trayvon tomorrow.

    How about you?

  3. Obama deserves to be defeated.


    Obama deserves to be in jail.

  4. Can the stupid effs that still think Obozo is doing a good job see who this traitor is yet? What will it take before you see that he is anti-American?
    We were DOOMED from the beginning with Bush, and am saying this because I can only recall what that scumbag had done when I was on my last years of my Military service. I know there were other POTUS that have NOT been so good as leaders but I can only focus on Bush and Obama at the moment, sorry !

  5. God help the USA if this man is re-elected in November!

  6. Ah, we're constantly giving people excuses why we can't do this thing, or that thing right now.

    I've got to put this pretty much in that category.

  7. Update on Travon the Innocent, son of Barack the Magnificent

    As thousands of people gathered here to demand an arrest in the Trayvon Martin case, a more complicated portrait began to emerge of a teenager whose problems at school ranged from getting spotted defacing lockers to getting caught with a marijuana baggie and women’s jewelry.

    The Miami Gardens teen who has become a national symbol of racial injustice was suspended three times, and had a spotty school record that his family’s attorneys say is irrelevant to the facts that led up to his being gunned down on Feb. 26.

    In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

    Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.

    Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.

    Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.

    “Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.

    Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/26/2714778/thousands-expected-at-trayvon.html#storylink=cpy

  8. Hopefully an autopsy will be done on Trayvon to see what kind of drugs, if any, were in his system when he died.

    Meanwhile, mom files TradeMark papers on her son's name to safeguard the profits from the publicity.

    I do not know if this is a usual move in such cases.

  9. Read all about it at Drudge -

    'You ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver'...

    New details emerge on Trayvon...

    Multiple suspensions from school: marijuana, grafitti, 'possession of burglary tool,' jewelry...

    COPS: Zimmerman says Trayvon decked him with one blow, hammered head on sidewalk...

    'Suffered broken nose and had injury to back of head'...

    Former NAACP leader accuses Sharpton, Jackson of 'exploiting' death...

    Mother seeks to trademark dead son's name...

    Whole thing is sad, sad, sad....

  10. Update on Travon the Innocent, son of Barack the Magnificent

    I needed that "LOL" this morning. A great way to start the day.

    On the other hand everything you just wrote is irrelevant to the case. While I really don't think the shooting was racially committed, the fact is he killed a kid, probably for no reason. And from what I read it wasn't even dark.

    If he was so gun happy why didn't he just hold him at gun point. Especially after 911 told him to leave it alone until they got there.

    Maybe I don't know all the facts.

  11. probably for no reason

    hmmmmm, well, the 'kid' WAS beating the shit out of him

    least that's what a witness says

  12. Maybe I don't know all the facts.

    That seems true enough.

    But then, being generous, no one really does at this point.

    That mother is one sharp cookie, filing that TradeMark, so soon too.

    Has anyone asked why gated compounds with rent a cops became popular in the first place?

  13. I'm trying to find out if Trayvon really did have gold capped teeth, or if that is whitey disinfo. So far, I can't be sure. Some say that photo seen on Drudge isn't really of Trayvon.

  14. France is to ban radical Muslim preachers from entering the country as part of a crackdown after shootings by an al Qaeda-inspired gunman in Toulouse, President Nicolas Sarkozy said today.

    Finally the French grow a pair.

  15. Getting the shit kicked out of you is no reason to shoot someone without a weapon.

    Especially when 911 told him not to pursue. What part of that sentence didn't he understand.

  16. It's a shame. Really sad. That's something he going to have to live with the rest of his life...probably in hiding.

  17. bob said...
    probably for no reason

    hmmmmm, well, the 'kid' WAS beating the shit out of him

    least that's what a witness says


    Well Bob, you've made it obvious that you will bend over and spread 'em for any fool claiming to be a neighborhood watchman. Heck, you suggested America should be like Britain and install video cameras all over the place and make it against the law to wear hoodies. Yep, Bob, it seems to are so afraid that you think every American should be force to expose their face to video cameras and bodies to neighborhood watchmen.

  18. With respect to Obama's comment noted in the headline post - well, that is standard negotiating tactics ('my hands are tied') and politiking. That is reality. Too bad y'all got exposed to it through the open mic.

  19. Ash-- The "Chester Karras" of Canada. Oh Canada!

  20. I'm going to leave it up to the Grand Jury.

  21. MacDougall said the wind farm has been a true asset for the community.

    “It’s a great project,” he said. “It’s provided additional revenue for the city and we would probably be in dire straits now without that.”

    MacDougall said the city has had 50 per cent of its energy generated from the wind farm, resulting in substantial cost savings and for 23 per cent of the time, all of the city’s energy needs are coming from wind power.

    “It’s taken a lot of time and commitment and innovative thinking to put this all together.”

    Concerns have been expressed about the costs of recreation in the city and MacDougall said with dollars generated by the wind farm positive changes are being made in recreation. There will no longer be charges for lighting at any of the city’s outdoor recreational facilities.

    “We’ve been looking at our recreational facility and user fees throughout the city and we talk about it every year,” he said. “This year it just made a whole lot of sense to eliminate the fees for lights and have the utility that provides the power sustain them.

    “We hope that this is going to increase the activity of children joining programs.”

    MacDougall said the users fees for the outside facilities will be unchanged.

    “Although we need to charge a reasonable fee for the use of our indoor facilities, these will be frozen for another year.”

    A Good Deal for Sunnyside

  22. By the way, my concealed carry guy told my daughter and wife that they really don't even have to be getting the shit kicked out of them. The law, at least here, bends over backwards for women. Basically they just have to truly fear that they are going to get the shit kicked out of them.

  23. Heck, you suggested America should be like Britain and install video cameras all over the place and make it against the law to wear hoodies.

    Heck, did not.

    MeLoDy said...

    Getting the shit kicked out of you is no reason to shoot someone without a weapon.

    Getting the shit kicked out of one is the very reason to pull the trigger, lest one is shit kicked to death. That is what my Concealed Carry guy said. Makes sense, too, what is one to do, wait until one is dead?

    But then it is too late.

    This whole sad episode might be somewhat explained in Schopenhauer's 'Transcendental Speculation on an Apparent Design in the Fate of the Individual'.
    Mr. Martin may have picked up a marker before conception 'in heaven', likewise Mr Zimmerman, and they were of necessity drawn to one another, finally doing what nitwits are destined to do.

    Doesn't it seem in some way they were made for one another?

    Thus it is explained.



    By the way, my concealed carry guy told my daughter and wife that they really don't even have to be getting the shit kicked out of them. The law, at least here, bends over backwards for women. Basically they just have to truly fear that they are going to get the shit kicked out of them.

  24. No Limit Nigga...

    Trayvon tweets....

    Seems he does have gold in his teeth.

    Wonder where he got the money to pay for that.


    so as not to lost my precious posts...

    bob said...

    Heck, you suggested America should be like Britain and install video cameras all over the place and make it against the law to wear hoodies.

    Heck, did not.

    MeLoDy said...

    Getting the shit kicked out of you is no reason to shoot someone without a weapon.

    Getting the shit kicked out of one is the very reason to pull the trigger, lest one is shit kicked to death. That is what my Concealed Carry guy said. Makes sense, too, what is one to do, wait until one is dead?

    But then it is too late.

    This whole sad episode might be somewhat explained in Schopenhauer's 'Transcendental Speculation on an Apparent Design in the Fate of the Individual'.
    Mr. Martin may have picked up a marker before conception 'in heaven', likewise Mr Zimmerman, and they were of necessity drawn to one another, finally doing what nitwits are destined to do.

    Doesn't it seem in some way they were made for one another?

    Thus it is explained.



    By the way, my concealed carry guy told my daughter and wife that they really don't even have to be getting the shit kicked out of them. The law, at least here, bends over backwards for women. Basically they just have to truly fear that they are going to get the shit kicked out of them.

    Tue Mar 27, 11:59:00 AM EDT

  25. I see - if I go an pick a fight with a big black guy I can then shoot him dead?

  26. No Ash. You are hopeless.

    He can shoot you dead.

    How did you survive until now?

  27. Sounds like Obammie (Rufus) Care had a bad day in court, today.

    Sorry kids, no healthcare for You.

  28. Sounds like the Republicans are winning a magnificent victory; a few million more of our young people get to live a life of misery and then die.

    While the old fucking farts with their medicare live for fucking ever. Swell.

  29. Maybe good ole George doesn't understand English very well when 911 told him to NOT follow the boy he may be dangerous.

  30. Rufus II said...

    Sounds like the Republicans are winning a magnificent victory; a few million more of our young people get to live a life of misery and then die.

    While the old fucking farts with their medicare live for fucking ever. Swell.

    Tue Mar 27, 01:25:00 PM EDT

    Total nonsense.

  31. There will be healthcare in the US but something that is sustainable and not the system crafted by Obama and the dems.

    It is interesting that if you juxtapose the two videos on this post, you get an interesting insight on Obama.

    He is caught telling one thing to the Russians and something else to the American public. He did a similar thing with his healthcare bill. Both designed to kick in while he is safe in his second term.

    BO’s MO

  32. I see - if I go an pick a fight with a big black guy I can then shoot him dead?

    Tue Mar 27, 12:46:00 PM EDT

    bob said...
    No Ash. You are hopeless.

    He can shoot you dead.

    How did you survive until now?

    What a frickin' Moron this ASS, i mean ASH is. he/it is definately the type that acts tough to a small wimpy guy but cowars in fear of a "big black guy". hate these kind of cowards; bullies at heart (probably why he picks on israel so much).

  33. No, Deuce, you're whistling past the graveyard. When the Republicans get through with the neediest, they'll come after you (and your medicare.)

  34. Grayson was right. The Republican HC plan is:

    1) Don't get sick.

    2) If you do get sick, Die.

  35. The fact is, any 99%'er that votes Republican is an idiot.

  36. .

    What a frickin' Moron this ASS, i mean ASH is. he/it is definately the type that acts tough to a small wimpy guy but cowars in fear of a "big black guy". hate these kind of cowards; bullies at heart (probably why he picks on israel so much).

    Bob, you should have quit while you were behind.


  37. The court hasn't even ruled yet, Rufus.

    You are sounding like a fool.

    The fact is, any 99%'er that votes Republican is an idiot.

    You go ahead, vote for Maxine Waters.

  38. .

    There will be healthcare in the US but something that is sustainable and not the system crafted by Obama and the dems.


    Sorry, had to laugh. If you are implying we can expect anything out of the GOP on healthcare, you must be kidding.


  39. We are striving to save your life, Quirk.

    The death panels wouldn't give someone with a name like yours the time of day.


    I admit I have never thought of Ash as a bully.


    I don't understand Obama. Why get into a situation like this, when you have the black vote anyway. He doesn't seem to have any restraint over his damn mouth. This whole thing is going to cost him with the Hispanic vote.

  41. Yeah, them Republicans are going to "Save" you from the death panels, Bob.


  42. Just like they're going to save you from those evil solar panels, and wind turbines, and biofuels.

    But, don't worry, they'll let you remain a loyal servant (slave) to Exxon, and the Sauds.

  43. Yeah, them Republicans are going to "Save" you from the death panels, Bob.


    And, they'll save you too, Ruf!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Ever since Quirk first mentioned it I've pondered how the forced purchase of Health Insurance could be Constitutionally problematic.

    Obama's health bill has many problems aside from that constitutional one. It does nothing to address the problems of cost while increasing demand (i.e. everyone must buy health insurance). I'm guessing it came about this way because going any further would have been politically impossible.

    While there are problems with the Canadian style of health insurance I think it far superior to what is available in the US. America is a looooong ways from getting even started toward that point if the courts should strike down the Health legislation.

    America is sure tied up in one heckuva Gordian health knot!

  46. Well Ash, the experience so far seems to give indications that ObamaCare SUCKS

  47. Well, they've turned me into a "yellow dog democrat"

    (I'll vote for a mangy, yellow dog before I'll vote for another republican.)

  48. .

    We are striving to save your life, Quirk.

    It's always a struggle trying to figure out whether you are obtuse or just painfully naive, bobbo.


    There are things I like about Obamacare (Can't drop a person because they get a major illness; that is, afterall, why they call it insurance. Or, they can't refuse comparible insurance to a person merely because he is old.)
    On the other hand, there are things I don't like, the IPAB being one and the fact that I don't see them ever attaining the cost savings they project. However, all of that is mute if key portions of the package are ruled unconstitutional.

    However, to the point that the GOP is going to save me all I can say is get real. Only a naif could belief that.

    Clintoncare was defeated and the GOP had a chance to come up with some kind of healthcare regulation to try to stem healthcare costs or even help on Medicare. What did they do? ZIP.

    In 2001, Bush expanded Medicare but never chose to fund the increase. What did the GOP do while they were in power? ZIP.

    Obama takes over and passes Obamacare. The GOP fights it all the way. What alternatives have they offered. ZIP.

    Now what have they done lately? Other than mandate that the government can't negotiate with drug companies or big pharma, ZIP.

    Having left healthcare to drift on it's own, they now attack Medicare. Under Ryan's budget proposals, there will be no Medicare as we know it in a couple decades.

    If Obamacare fails on constitutional grounds, the GOP will take it as a 'mandate' and an excuse to do nothing or continue along their destructive path.

    They are clueless, as are the Kool-aid drinkers that support their folly.

    Healthcare costs in the USA represent over 17% of GDP rapidly heading for 20%. What is the GOP's solution? ZIP.



  49. Looks like it's all up to Kennedy. He might surprise, say, well, just this once, just one little mandate.

  50. Liberal Democrats. Out of all groups examined, they contribute the smallest portion of their earnings to the less fortunate. What group contributes the biggest portion? Conservative Republicans.

    That is why the liberals want all the give away programs: welfare, food stamps, free housing, and now free medical. They want the government to pay for it so they don't have to. It makes them sleep better at night.

    A bunch of bleeding heart tightwads.

  51. Let Mississippi pass RufusCare and leave the rest of us alone.

    Spike Lee tweeted the wrong address for Zimmerman and could have gotten a poor lady killed, before the mistake was rectified.

    It's the kind of shit that might happen when the President basically encourages the mobs. Trayvon is my son.....

    Zimmerman was......an Obama voter! (Least he is a registered democrat)

  52. Got any links to support your facts gag? It sure may be true but it would be interesting to see the data.

  53. I would like to see those figures, myself. And, not some phonied-up numbers that include "church tithes," which overwhelmingly go to the furtherance of infrastructure for their own little feel-good, playhouses.

  54. Rufus never ever uses phonied-up numbers when bullshitting us all about his pet projects.

    Hey Ruf, I see your idolO has had the EPA take down the coal industry.

    Oh, and what's up with this move of his to give away all our advantages (if we have any left) to Puty and Company, once the election is behind us?

  55. Obama/Rufus Kill Coal - Watch You Electricity Bills Skyrockets Folks, Just As Was Promised

    bob said...

    Rufus never ever uses phonied-up numbers when bullshitting us all about his pet projects.

    Hey Ruf, I see your idolO has had the EPA take down the coal industry.

    Oh, and what's up with this move of his to give away all our advantages (if we have any left) to Puty and Company, once the election is behind us?

  56. No, watch your bills go down you fucking moron.

  57. Only a fucking idiot from idaho could believe that it will be cheaper to dig up, transport thousands of miles, and burn a depleting, finite fossil fuel than to build and install a wind turbine.

  58. On Wednesday, the court will consider whether the rest of the health-care overhaul can remain intact if the insurance mandate is ruled invalid. The law's challengers are seeking to void the entire law, while the Obama administration argues that most of the law's provisions aren't connected to the mandate and should remain in place even if the insurance requirement is struck down.

    The court will also consider the states' legal attack against the health-care law's expansion of Medicaid, a federal-state partnership that provides health care to low-income Americans. Lower courts ruled for the Obama administration on this issue.

    A decision in the case is expected by the end of June.

  59. "church tithes," which overwhelmingly go to the furtherance of infrastructure for their own little feel-good, playhouses.

    You stupid fucking begging asshole from shithole Mississippi, go FUCK OFF, and never, ever send yourself or one of yours to a CATHOLIC HOSPITAL or a LUTHERAN REST HOME you goddamn hick MORON - do yourself a favor and DRINK YOURSELF TO DEATH

  60. Finally, Obama doesn't seem at all aware of how inappropriate his whole line of discussion with Medvedev was. It's one thing to acknowledge election year imperatives when discussing domestic issues at home.

    It's quite another to do so when discussing foreign policy with a foreign leader. A president of the United States, meeting with a foreign leader abroad, should surely maintain the posture that he's acting in the best interests of the United States at all times.

    Others can explain election year considerations sotto voce if necessary. But it's deeply inappropriate for the president to discuss election year considerations—especially with a foreign leader whose country is often hostile to U.S. interests.

  61. The cluster of shirtless, tattooed inmates in the prison courtyard make no effort to hide the joint as a policeman wanders by. Instead, one turns up the volume on the salsa booming out of a portable stereo.


    While prisoners across the region languish in appalling conditions, one high-profile inmate in Peru appears to be doing just fine, allegedly conducting business from his prison cell. Antauro Humala, the brother of the Peruvian President Ollanta Humala and a former army major sentenced to 19 years for leading a military uprising, has been making headlines after being transferred from Piedras Gordas prison to a secure unit at a military base.


    Most of the revelations about Antauro Humala come from the hacking of his email account by Peruvian journalists. One email includes a "business model" for lucrative land deals.

  62. When you go to that Catholic hospital, be sure and take your Medicare card, asshole, or they'll have your hick ass out the door before you can say, "bbut, bbbut, I thot this was a charitee?"

  63. On this day in 1794, the U.S. Congress passed the Naval Act, establishing the country's first naval force.

  64. Not ezzackly; the USMC was formed Nov 10, 1775.

  65. You still haven't figured that internet thingie out, have you moron?

    For your information, my entire alcoholic consumption for 2011 was 9/10ths of a fifth of Old Charter, and, maybe, a twelve-pack of Bud Light.

    Now, go "fall in love" with another made-up, web moniker, and try not to hurt anyone with your naivete.

  66. Of all the confusing technology terms used in consumer marketing today, perhaps the most opaque is "4G," used to describe a new, much faster generation of cellular data on smartphones, tablets and other devices. It sounds simple, but there are many varieties of 4G and conflicting claims.


    It's the fourth and latest generation technology for data access over cellular networks. It's faster and can give networks more capacity than the 3G networks still on most phones.


    It's mostly for people with smartphones, tablets and laptops who often need fast data speeds for Web browsing, app use and email when they're out of the range of Wi-Fi networks. It can give you the same or greater data speeds as home or office Wi-Fi when you're in a taxi.

  67. The folks at General Motors are blessed with more foresight than you might have suspected. They were prepared when Vice President Joe Biden wanted to address a United Auto Workers rally at the GM plant in Toledo, Ohio, that manufactures transmissions.


    The most significant fallout from the test was an eruption of criticism, much of it from conservatives, and much of it exaggerated. This, in turn, prompted a full-throated pushback from Bob Lutz, the former GM vice president, champion of the Volt, and a conservative himself.


    Then he unloaded this barrage:

    “What on earth is wrong with the conservative media movement that it feels it’s OK to spread false information, OK to damage the reputation of perhaps the finest piece of mechanical technology our country has produced since the space shuttle, OK to hurt an iconic American company that is roaring back to global pre-eminence, OK to hurt American employment in Hamtramck, Mich., as long as it damages the Obama administration’s reputation?”

  68. I hate when I'm singing a song and someone corrects me... I'm like "Bitch, what if I was freestyling."

  69. .

    The US government shut down a series of court cases arising from a multimillion pound business dispute in order to conceal evidence of a damning intelligence failure shortly before the 9/11 attacks, MPs were told.

    Moreover, the UK government is now seeking similar powers that could be used to prevent evidence of illegal acts and embarrassing failures from emerging in court, David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, told the Commons.

    "Through heavy-handed use of State Secrets Privilege, US agencies can dictate what British judges in British courts are entitled to know, and how much British citizens in British courts are entitled to say," Davis told MPs. "What chance did Bentham and Cecil, or anyone else in a similar position, have of getting a fair hearing when American intelligence agencies can shut down cases without explanation in the US, and use State Secrets Privilege to control what evidence courts can see in the UK?"

    Reprieve's Executive Director, Clare Algar, director of the legal charity Reprieve, said: "This demonstrates just how ready the intelligence services are to cry national security in order to cover up their own embarrassment. It is yet another compelling example - if one were needed - of why we cannot let the UK Government's plans for secret justice go ahead."

    We Could Tell You But Then We Would Have To Kill You

