Thursday, March 01, 2012

Afghanistan - Why apologize when the strategy is wrong?

KABUL – Two American soldiers were killed Thursday in a shooting by an Afghan soldier and a literacy teacher at a joint base in southern Afghanistan, officials said, the latest in a series of deaths as anti-Americanism rises following the burning of Korans by U.S. soldiers.

Both were killed on the same day that the top NATO commander allowed a small number of foreign advisers to return to work at Afghan ministries after more than a week of being locked down in secure locations because of the killing of two other Americans.

Read more:


  1. This really was not what I had in mind.

  2. .

    I like that hillary cites worries at the UN as justification for not letting Iran have their rights under the NPT.

    Under Bush, we took the intelligence provided by our spooks in the Pentagon, and we ignored the UN when they said they had no proof on WMD in Iraq.

    Under Obama, we ignore our spooks and generals and use the UN as the appeal to authority, this dispite the fact that the UN has said they have no evidence that Iran is planning on building a bomb but only that they are concerned they might.

    In my mind, it merely proves what we all know is true, that any administration will do what it thinks is in its own best interest and then justify those actions by whatever means they can find.


  3. Iran have their rights under the NPT.

    interesting point of view....


    but as signers of the NPT they have obligations as well...

    if they are in violation of the agreement of the NPT then they really dont have much in the way of rights do they?

    this is from 5 years ago...

    IF iran was in compliance with it's treaty obligations they we could talk of Iran's RIGHTS to enrich uranium but it aint.

    Also Iran, a member of the UN, has called for the destruction of a fellow member of the UN. This should be dealt with before al matters.

    If Iran was sanctioned at the UN then maybe their "rights" to the NPT and it's benefits could be suspended?

  4. Quirk must love those Iranians.

    Been living in moslem occupied Detroit for too long.

  5. The shallower the brook the louder the babble.

  6. this is from 2003, a list of Iranian violations of the NPT

    This does not have any further violations from 2003 - 2012

    that list is even more scary

    Specific NPT Violations

    From the mid-1980s to 2003 Iran violated its safeguards agreement with the IAEA by failing to
    declare numerous activities required by Iran’s safeguards agreement with the IAEA, primarily
    involving experiments with nuclear material. Though several IAEA reports describe these
    violations, the November 2004 report provides an especially detailed summary of Iran’s overall
    nuclear program, including specific NPT violations.2 According to the IAEA, Iran failed to
    declare the following major activities:

    • Uranium Imports: Iran failed to report that it had purchased natural uranium (1,000 kg of
    UF6, 400 kg of UF4, and 400 kg of UO2) from China in 1991, and its subsequent transfer for
    further processing. Iran acknowledged the imports in February 2003.

    • Uranium conversion: Iran did not inform the IAEA of its use of the imported uranium in
    tests of its uranium conversion processes, including “uranium dissolution, purification using
    pulse columns, and the production of uranium metal, and the associated production and loss
    of nuclear material.” Iran acknowledged this failure in February 2003.

    • Uranium enrichment: Iran failed to report that it had used 1.9 kg of the imported UF6 to
    test P1 centrifuges at the Kalaye Electric Company centrifuge workshop in 1999 and 2002.
    In its October 2003 declaration to the IAEA, Iran first admitted to introducing UF6 into a
    centrifuge in 1999, and into as many as 19 centrifuges in 2002. Iran also failed to declare the
    associated production of enriched and depleted uranium.

    • Hidden Sites: Iran did not declare to the IAEA the existence of a pilot enrichment facility
    at the Kalaye Electric Company Workshop, and laser enrichment plants at the Tehran
    Nuclear Research center and at Lashkar Ab’ad. Because experiments at these sites involved
    the use of nuclear material in equipment, Iran was obligated to report them to the IAEA.

    • Laser Isotope Enrichment Experiments: Iran failed to report that in 1993 it imported 50
    kg of natural uranium metal, and that it used 8 kg of this for atomic vapor laser isotope
    separation (AVLIS) experiments at Tehran Nuclear Research Center between 1999 to 2000,
    and 22 kg of the metal for AVLIS experiments at Lashkar Ab’ad between 2002 to 2003.3
    These activities were ultimately acknowledged in an October 2003 declaration.

    • Plutonium Experiments: Iran did not report to the IAEA that it had produced uranium
    dioxide (UO2) targets, irradiated them in the Tehran Research Reactor, and then separated
    the plutonium from the irradiated targets. Iran also failed to report the production and
    transfer of waste associated with these activities and that it had stored unprocessed irradiated
    targets at the Tehran Nuclear Research Center. In later meetings with the IAEA, Iran said
    that it conducted the plutonium separation experiments between 1988 and 1993 using
    shielded glove boxes at the Tehran Nuclear Research Center.

  7. We're supposed to attack a non-nuclear country which signatory to the NPT on behalf of a nuclear country that is non-signatory to the NPT, all because Schuster, Schuster, Weingold and Schreiber on K Street is tossing campaign money around.

  8. Whatever happened to Rat? Did he just disappear or did he say goodbye and I missed it?

  9. A 43 year old healthy man (Breitbart) who said he was going to release Obama's college videos has a heart attack?

    OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — The fight to emerge as the Republican challenger to Barack Obama turns next to Washington state — a Democratic bastion known not just for majestic mountain ranges and good coffee, but also for independent-minded voters.

  10. Whatever happened to Rat? Did he just disappear or did he say goodbye and I missed it?

    He's getting ready for my visit to AZ. I'm not leaving till the 14th, but I'm high maintenance and require a great deal of prep time. (^_~)

  11. Died outside, all by his lonesome, nobody can only hope he left a 'upon my death, release this' set of instructions.

  12. He went into hiding knowing the femme fatale was on the way.

  13. .

    Quirk must love those Iranians.

    Been living in moslem occupied Detroit for too long.

    Bob, you are an idiot. You and WiO both seem to have missed the point of my post.

    As for being shallow, I'll admit you probably have an intimate knowledge of the subject.

    Rather than waste my time with you, I'll direct the rest of this post to WIO.

    Quirk said,

    In my mind, it merely proves what we all know is true, that any administration will do what it thinks is in its own best interest and then justify those actions by whatever means they can find.

    Either you didn't read this or you lack the intellectual capacity to understand it. It is a general statement reflective of politicians, their policies, and how they tend to justify them; the main point being that they will grasp at whatever they can find to justify their decisions even if that is 180 degrees opposite what they have said in the past.

    We saw it with Bush in Iraq. We saw it with Obama in Libya. We may see it again this year in Iran. If a decision on Iran is made this year, you can be sure that whatever that decision is will be driven primarily by politics, by Obama sticking his finger in the air and judging what will help him get elected.

    With regard to the rest of your post, I used the word 'rights' because that is what sparked the conversation betwen Paul and Clinton. Had you listened to the clip Deuce put up you would have known that.

    As for the rest of your post, I'll merely make a few comments.

    if they are in violation of the agreement of the NPT then they really dont have much in the way of rights do they?

    I've seen your ISIS link before. I've also seen links from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on the subject (most are PDF files and I'm not sure how you link them.)

    Regardless, the main reason the IAEA says Iran is not in compliance is that 1. Iran had hidden nuclear facitities, and 2. They are not in compliance with their Security Agreement, and 3. that the IAEA is unable to categorically state they Iran doesn't have aweapons program so they say they are not in compliance. However, in the absence of an addendum, the original NPT treaty stated that a country has to announce its nuclear facilities six months prior to starting production. Iran did that.

    Based on that, the IEAE pushed through an addendum to that treaty clause demanding notification as soon as there are plans for a new facility. Iran signed that agreement in 2007 (I believe) but it was never ratified. Anyone familiar with US law knows what that means.

    Is Iran in non-compliance? Almost certainly. However, so are any number of other countries including the US. The US has an obligation to lay out its plan for reducing its stockpile of weapons. That is one of the key items agreed to in the original NPT. It was the carrot to get all the non-nuclear signees to agree to the treaty. That wasn't even mentioned in last year's US Nuclear Assessment document.

    And if there is something about the NPT the US doesn't like, they push through a waiver. Under the NPT, the US couldn't legally transfer nuclear technology to India, so AFTER THE FACT, they pushed through a waiver for India.

    I won't even go into the countries that haven't signed the NPT.

    The IEAE can't say Iran has a nuclear program. The Security Council which set up the sanctions can't even say that Iran is in non-compliance. Many of of our intelligence and military leaders say there is no 'proof' Iran is developing a weapon. But it doesn't really matter because they can push through anything they want, or ignore what they want. Which brings me back to the point I was making in my original post.


  14. .

    He's getting ready for my visit to AZ. I'm not leaving till the 14th, but I'm high maintenance and require a great deal of prep time. (^_~)

    Just kidding, Mel, or have you had conversation with him?


  15. Quirk, what is it about "I am going to wipe you off the face of the earth" that you do not understand?

  16. Just kidding, Mel, or have you had conversation with him?

    Huh? Just kidding about what.

  17. I hope the dear boy didn't fall off his horsie, or something.

  18. I hope he hasn't gone hunting in Idaho or Ohio.

  19. From the looks of that grim, smileless face that looks as if it just got out of a boxing match, you need a month or so of real prep time.

  20. quirk: I won't even go into the countries that haven't signed the NPT.

    Yes it is difficult to hold parties accountable to treaties that they in fact are not signers of.

    Signers of the NPT GET SOMETHING for signing...

    That's why it's a contract.

    Those that do not sign?

    Dont get the benefits.

    Hence your statement "I won't even go into the countries that haven't signed the NPT." is garbage.

  21. The jew hating Wasp said...
    We're supposed to attack a non-nuclear country which signatory to the NPT on behalf of a nuclear country that is non-signatory to the NPT, all because Schuster, Schuster, Weingold and Schreiber on K Street is tossing campaign money around.

    Can't you find anymore Jew names to banter about to couple with war and cash?

    What a retarded inbred loser you are.....

    BTW, we all KNOW you're a self confessed liar.

    1st you played everyone here for years claiming to be a lesbian now you claim to be straight.

    You're just loser.

  22. Rufus II said...
    I hope the dear boy didn't fall off his horsie, or something.

    Most likely either dead or in prison

    Let's hope so..

    But only the good die young...

    Either way? Not missed.

  23. Quirk said,

    In my mind, it merely proves what we all know is true, that any administration will do what it thinks is in its own best interest and then justify those actions by whatever means they can find.

    Either you didn't read this or you lack the intellectual capacity to understand it. It is a general statement reflective of politicians, their policies, and how they tend to justify them; the main point being that they will grasp at whatever they can find to justify their decisions even if that is 180 degrees opposite what they have said in the past.

    Naw, didnt read it....

    but I agree, Presidents do whatever they wish to get re-elected.

    That being said?

    Iran is a world threat.

    Better to bomb them BEFORE they can fight back with nukes than afterwards.

  24. "I think the agreement can be perceived as good news for those who have been worried that the new regime would turn for the worse," said Hajime Izumi, professor of international relations at the University of Shizuoka in Japan.

    Lee Chung-min, a dean at Yonsei University in Seoul, said the deal gives Kim Jong Eun something he can use to build support for himself while the U.S. and other countries don't have to worry that Pyongyang will provoke them during a year when leadership in nearly all of them is in flux. Russia, South Korea and the U.S. hold elections this year, and China installs a new leader this fall.

    "For the first time since the six-party process started in 2003, all of the countries are facing fragile domestic politics," Mr. Lee said. "No one has the wherewithal to have a commanding voice in the process at the moment and no one is going to spend political capital to make it happen."

  25. Is the GOP presidential race effectively over? It could turn out that Mitt Romney’s narrow victory in Michigan, and the understandable (if misplaced) concern of lots of Republicans that the continued primary contest is doing damage to the chances of defeating President Obama in the fall, will enable Romney to do well enough next Tuesday to get a real snowball effect, a real sense of inevitability, going.


    I just had lunch with a Democratic political operative whom I respect. He said he thought Santorum had more of a chance than many would think against Romney, and then against Obama--if Santorum can go back and capture the spirit of this speech the night of the Iowa caucus.

  26. A domineering football coach and his long-term girlfriend were found guilty today of torturing a teenage family member to death because they believed he was a witch.


    Recognising the horrific nature of the trial and the harrowing evidence put in front of the court, Judge Paget excused the twelve jury members from ever having to sit on a case again should they wish not to.

    “It’s been a most remarkable case and a times a most harrowing case,” he said.

    Witchcraft Murder

  27. .

    Quirk, what is it about "I am going to wipe you off the face of the earth" that you do not understand?

    I repeat, Bob, you are an idiot (even if you stopped reading after I said the rest of this is for Wio).

    To repeat my initial post was...but then why waste my time. It's like trying to get a point across to a child. All I will say is that your post above has nothing to do with the point of my previous post.

    With regard to your post above, I would merely point out that it is possible you who are the one who doesn't understand.

    There seems to be a dispute regarding the quote.




    What did Ahmadinejad actually mean? hard to say given the conflicting interpretations and translations? WIKI gives and extensive review. Could this quote be being used to stoke war fever? I don't know. But I do recall leading up to Libya that Ghadafi's statement that those rebels who fought against the government would be severely punished got translated into 'Ghadafi threatens to massacre his people." And we had to go in for 'humanitarian' reasons.

    Then there is the statement we have heard often including here that the Palestineans refuse to agree to the existance of Israel. However, we should know by now that what Assad and others actually said is that what they won't agree with is Zionism. They will agree to a State of Israel but not a Jewish State of Israel.

    Reminds me of that Kruzchev quote I've heard repeated many times, "We will bury you." What people rarely remember is that the quote was actually, "We will bury you without firing a shot."

    Kruzchev Explains His Quote

    Not the first time words have been used and abused for political reasons. Check out the GOP primary races.

    No, you worry about Israel, Bob. You do it enough for both of us. I'll worry about the US.

    The US will do what it does but given this is an election year, whatever we do with Iran this year won't even be able to be dignified by ideology. At least, most of the neocons actually believed in what they were doing. No, this year everything will be driven by politics.

    Read your American Thinker and be content.


  28. .

    Yes it is difficult to hold parties accountable to treaties that they in fact are not signers of.

    Signers of the NPT GET SOMETHING for signing...

    That's why it's a contract.

    Yet, as far as I could find out (googling for 5 minutes), Iran never ratified the addendum to that NPT security agreement that your ISIS document said put them out of compliance on their new facilities and which are still being cited by IEAE and the State Department.

    So it appears signing or not signing a document really doesn't mean all that much if the UN and the US says it doesn't.

    Just my opinion.

    I'm willing to be corrected if I'm wrong on this one.


  29. On this day in 1961 the Peace Corps was officially established.

  30. Quirk, really, child, you want quotes? I can take you all the way back to Khomeini who said "Let this country (his country, Iran!) BURN, we are moslems, not Persians."

    We are not playing at horoscopes here, Quirk.


    Sheriff Joe says Obama birth certificate probably a fraud.

  31. .

    Sheriff Joe says Obama birth certificate probably a fraud.

    Need I say anymore?


  32. quirk: What did Ahmadinejad actually mean? hard to say given the conflicting interpretations and translations?

    Now you are just being stupid.

    Iran is committed to the complete destruction of the jewish people

    The same can be said for the palestinians and their leadership.

    You are entitled to your opinion, even on things you know nothing about.

    I have been there. I have seen the jews turned into hamburger and seen the glee in the arabs faces when the jews are murdered.

    your legalisms aside.

    iran is clear as the sunshine of it's intentions and only a half retarded nitwit could miss their intentions.

    Hell, even Obama who hates Israel get that...

    If you are serious in your defense of Iran?

    you are without merit.

  33. From Tigerhawk

    Two Laws That Make Me Livid

    By Aegon01 at 3/01/2012 01:48:00 PM
    First of all, in Chicago, it's illegal to film the police. Like, felony illegal. "Even if a cop is caught clobbering a protester on the streets of Chicago, recording the incident can land both amateur photographers and seasoned journalists alike behind bars, where they could face sentencing on par with charges of rape and murder."

    Second of all, a "Trespassing" bill makes the peoples lawful right to peaceably assemble completely illegal if the Secret Service is in the area, or if it's just "an event of national significance", like a political convention, or the Super Bowl.

    Why do people have to protect themselves from the Government so much? You know that when there's a playground bully, the best way to get him to leave you alone is to punch him back. We should punch them back.

  34. Sherrif Joe

    Just my opinion.

    I'm willing to be corrected if I'm wrong on this one.

    This is a major breakthrough in Quirk thought and Quirk self understanding.

    But, wait, what about all the other ones?


  35. Sherrif Joe

    Just my opinion.

    I'm willing to be corrected if I'm wrong on this one.

    This is a major breakthrough in Quirk thought and Quirk self understanding.

    But, wait, what about all the other ones?


  36. Sherrif Joe

    Just my opinion.

    I'm willing to be corrected if I'm wrong on this one.

    This is a major breakthrough in Quirk thought and Quirk self understanding.

    But, wait, what about all the other ones?


  37. Fresh data suggest China is moderating its appetite for investing in U.S. securities, a trend that could mean lower flows of cheap capital from Beijing and a possible rise in borrowing costs across the American economy.


    China still remains a strong buyer of U.S. debt.

  38. If someone sends me the link to any NAACP, Advancement Project, or Project Vote effort to drive people to get their free state-issued photo ID, I will post it. If there is a hotline to call to get a free ride, or a free birth certificate offered by the civil rights groups, I will post it.

    Until that happens, it seems we have more evidence that the civil rights “movement” is not what it once was. In 1964, it was about overcoming barriers by any legal means necessary.

    In 2012, it just might be more about donations.

    No Action

  39. Better to bomb them BEFORE they can fight back with nukes than afterwards.

    We survived the Y2K bug. Bob and his abacus survived the BC2AD bug. We'll muddle through this, despite what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Mayans say about December 21st.

  40. .

    quirk: What did Ahmadinejad actually mean? hard to say given the conflicting interpretations and translations?

    Now you are just being stupid.

    Iran is committed to the complete destruction of the jewish people

    My comment was in relation to the quote Bob put up. If you think there aren't conflicting interpretations and translations of what he actually said then it is you that is the idiot. Try reading the articles that I linked to.

    From my post you judge that I am defending Iran, so you are a double idiot.

    What I am attacking is Bob's and (since you joined in) your throwing around of bullshit and expecting everyone here to buy it.

    Legitimately, you argue that from your viewpoint Iran and the Palestineans are out to physically destroy the State of Israel and the Jews. That's your opinion, but I wouldn't argue with you about it. As far as I'm concerned everybody in the ME is batshit crazy. I do argue that regardless of what they want, they are not about to commit suicide to accomplish it. But that's not what my posts were about.

    If you stuck to giving us your opinions that would be fine; but you go beyond that. You tell us what these guys say and also how to interpret it. You tell us what Ahmadinejad means, yet many including he in a clarifying statement said that was wrong. You may be right but why should I take you seriously? You tell me what Abbas said but I've seen what he actually said. You tell me the US hasn't lived up to it's treaty obligations but when I ask for examples you come up empty. Then you tell me I don't know anything about history and I need to read up and learn ab out this stuff then turn around and tell me we should close Iran's embassy here in the US. You talk about all the benefits Iran gets from signing the NPT and ignore the fact that due to US pressure the Iranians have recieved no benefits from the treaty sence the Iranian revolution. I would have to say it is you that knows little of the details but merely what you read in those articles that support your position.

    If you want to offer your opinion, do it. If you've got facts you want to offer, fine. Post them. If you want to prance and scream and call anyone that disagrees with any of your positions names, knock yourself out. It you want to throw up a bunch of bullshit, expect to be called on it.


  41. Bob is so old his Social Security number is IV.

    Oh oopsiee. NASA Laptop Stolen With Command Codes That Control Space Station

  42. .

    Quirk Has 14 Billion Fewer Brain Cells Than We Thought

    Note that the following procedure though deemed efficient was in reality sub-optimal.

    The work was performed on four human brains, ages 50, 51, 54 and 71, from men who donated their brains to science. As The Guardian summarized:

    "The method involves dissolving the cell membranes of cells within the brain and creating a homogeneous mixture of the whole lot. You then take a sample of the soup, count the number of cell nuclei belonging to neurons (as opposed to other cells in the brain such as glia) and then scale up to get the overall number. The great advantage of this method is that unlike counting the number of neurons in one part of the brain and then extrapolating from that, it gets over the problem that different brain regions may have more or less densely packed neurons."

    The scientists could have simply gone to Moscow, Id where the farmers brains are known to consist mainly of mush anyhow and eliminated one of the steps in the process.


  43. News flash: Sheriff Joe Arpaio confirms Apollo Moon missions were fake.

  44. quirk writes a novel:
    If you stuck to giving us your opinions that would be fine; but you go beyond that. You tell us what these guys say and also how to interpret it. You tell us what Ahmadinejad means, yet many including he in a clarifying statement said that was wrong. You may be right but why should I take you seriously? You tell me what Abbas said but I've seen what he actually said. You tell me the US hasn't lived up to it's treaty obligations but when I ask for examples you come up empty. Then you tell me I don't know anything about history and I need to read up and learn ab out this stuff then turn around and tell me we should close Iran's embassy here in the US. You talk about all the benefits Iran gets from signing the NPT and ignore the fact that due to US pressure the Iranians have recieved no benefits from the treaty sence the Iranian revolution. I would have to say it is you that knows little of the details but merely what you read in those articles that support your position.

    If you want to offer your opinion, do it. If you've got facts you want to offer, fine. Post them. If you want to prance and scream and call anyone that disagrees with any of your positions names, knock yourself out. It you want to throw up a bunch of bullshit, expect to be called on it.

    Once again you spin words like an indian serves slurpies...

    lots of words, little meaning, gloss over facts....

    same ole quirk...

    I have explained many things, you just dont accept what anyone else says...

    but the good news?

    your opinions about what the arabs and persians say and mean? worthless....

    it aint bullshit that i just dont take the time to address your nonsense line by line, that would be a complete waste of effort.

    suffice to say your knowledge of the iranians, the arabs and their intentions is shallow to say the least.

    Might I suggest you play in a different sand box from that topic...

    Talk about English prose, 15th century underwear and anything your heart desires but to try to have an intelligent conversation with you? It's like peeing in the wind...

  45. .

    Might I suggest you play in a different sand box from that topic...

    Sure you can suggest it.

    But to suggest that I would leave the field to someone whose idea of settling the problems of the ME is to bomb the black rock of the Kaaba, that argues the US has been deliberately setting out to screw Israel for the last 60 years, that insists that the US hasn't abided by its 'treaty obligations' to Israel over that time, that states we are selfish if we don't support the idea of bombing Iran or supporting Israel if they do it, that...well you get the idea...and no, that's not very likely to happen.


  46. Send you donations for Quirk's new sandbox to P.O. Box 2239, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83563

  47. Send you donations for Quirk's new sandbox to P.O. Box 2239, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83563

  48. Talk about English prose, 15th century underwear and anything your heart desires but to try to have an intelligent conversation with you? It's like peeing in the wind...

    This from the guy who's only reply to objections of Israeli warmongering is to mention so-and-so is no longer a lesbian.

  49. Wasp said...
    Talk about English prose, 15th century underwear and anything your heart desires but to try to have an intelligent conversation with you? It's like peeing in the wind...

    This from the guy who's only reply to objections of Israeli warmongering is to mention so-and-so is no longer a lesbian.

    Hardy Ms Anti-Semite.

    But you are a proven piece of lying shit.

    No sense in discussing anything about Jews, Israel, Zionism with you.

    You lie, distort, misrepresent all the time all things Jewish, Israel et al.

    You are just a loser and not worthy of real discussion.

    However you were the one that played the entire place for years with yes about your fake lesbian status

  50. Make the checks out to 'Bob' - on the envelopes, mark Att: Sandbox Fund

  51. Make the checks out to 'Bob' - on the envelopes, mark Att: Sandbox Fund

  52. The last time I saw him was at the 2011 CPAC conference. I was meeting a friend for an afternoon coffee upstairs at the Marriott Wardman Park and Andrew was in a corner of the restaurant, in animated discussion with probably a dozen people.

    I didn’t stop over to say hello—there’s a lesson. But I smiled as I watched him holding court, and remembered what he had said at our first lunch together.

    And I’m smiling today at my luck to have met him that first time, as he stuck his head out of the secret passage in the Bat Cave.

    Bat Cave

  53. Washington State fact #14:

    Washington’s entrepreneurial climate has made it the leading state for both startup and gazelles, or fast growing young companies.

  54. Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained,
    "It's the druggist. He insulted me terribly this morning on the phone. I had to call multiple times before he would even answer the phone." Immediately, the husband drove downtown to confront the druggist and demand an apology.

    Before he could say more than a word or two, the druggist told him, "Now, just a minute, listen to my side of it. This morning the alarm failed to go off, so I was late getting up. I went without breakfast and hurried out to the car, just to realize that I'd locked the house with both house and car keys inside and had to break a window to get my keys."

    "Then, driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket. Later, when I was about three blocks from the store, I had a flat tire."

    "When I finally got to the store a bunch of people were waiting for meto open up. I got the store opened and started waiting on these people, all the time the darn phone was ringing off the hook."

    He continued, "Then I had to break a roll of nickels against the cash register drawer to make change, and they spilled all over the floor. I had to get down on my hands and knees to pick up the nickels and the phone was still ringing. When I came up I cracked my head on the open cash drawer, which made me stagger back against a showcase with a bunch of perfume bottles on it. Half of them hit the floor and broke."

    "Meanwhile, the phone is still ringing with no let up, and I finally got back to answer it. It was your wife. She wanted to know how to use a rectal thermometer. And believe me mister, as God is my witness, all I did was tell her."

  55. Washington’s entrepreneurial climate has made it the leading state for both startup and gazelles, or fast growing young companies.

    There was a startup company actually called Gazelle, made a DOS file manager that I liked, but Y2K got 'em, kilt 'em dead.

  56. Watch the 5th video. The answer is there. It's physical evidence. Quite compelling.

    Conclusion: When Obama was 18 he didn't need to register for the draft because when he was 18, he wasn't an American citizen.But in 2008, in order to work in the WH, he needed to have registered.

  57. I really don’t know why everyone is talking birth certificates, Marxist proclamations, and anti-American claptrap.

    There is only one issue that would be worth releasing now- that would have sustaining impact. There is only one issue that is too much of a risk- that would take cojones as stainless as Andrew’s to hold on to.

    They have tape of Barry and his male lover.

    M240H on March 1, 2012 at 11:20 PM


  58. I really don’t know why everyone is talking birth certificates, Marxist proclamations, and anti-American claptrap.

    There is only one issue that would be worth releasing now- that would have sustaining impact. There is only one issue that is too much of a risk- that would take cojones as stainless as Andrew’s to hold on to.

    They have tape of Barry and his male lover.

    M240H on March 1, 2012 at 11:20 PM


  59. Conclusion: When Obama was 18 he didn't need to register for the draft because when he was 18, he wasn't an American citizen.But in 2008, in order to work in the WH, he needed to have registered.

    Correct me if I am wrong. I never registered with the draft because I was only 17 when I joined. At that time everyone, citizen or non-citizen, had to sign up and they were also drafted regardless of citizenship.

  60. .

    AS I recall, it was only within the last couple of weeks that one of the anonymous anonymi was arguing that decisions on abortion, birth control, etc. should be left up to the scientists because they were the only ones qualified to make those sort of decisions.

    Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

    Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued...

    Hey, if it was good enough for the ancient Greeks what the heck


  61. .

    holy crap wtf

    Woman admits to burning down 3,500-year-old tree while smoking meth

    Why is it that so many of nature's most awe-inspiring specimens seem to meet their end under such stupid circumstances? Some of you may recall reading about The Senator in recent weeks. The massive tree — which stood for over 3,500 years in what is now Longwood, Florida — was the oldest pond cypress tree in the world, and was believed to be the fifth-oldest tree on the planet. And on January 16th of this year, after smoldering unnoticed for over a week, The Senator became engulfed in flames and fell to Earth, utterly destroyed...

    So how was I to Know?

    So I see this story on NBC and it looked like there was some kind of fence around the tree. So if I understand it right, she goes around the fence, goes into a hole in the tree with a friend, lights a fire to see what she is doing, gets high smoking meth, leaves the fire burning, and walks away. The tree smolders for six days and then ignites totally and she comes back and takes a picture of the burning tree to show to her friends. As I recall, the story said she was an aspiring model. No doubt a blond.



  62. Correct me if I am wrong. I never registered with the draft because I was only 17 when I joined. At that time everyone, citizen or non-citizen, had to sign up and they were also drafted regardless of citizenship.

    I don't know. That wasn't my quote, I forgot to mark it.

    I can't understand how a non citizen could be required to sign up for the draft, though.

  63. Correct me if I am wrong. I never registered with the draft because I was only 17 when I joined. At that time everyone, citizen or non-citizen, had to sign up and they were also drafted regardless of citizenship.

    I don't know. That wasn't my quote, I forgot to mark it.

    I can't understand how a non citizen could be required to sign up for the draft, though.

  64. Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

    Killing experts no different from abortion, wheat farmer mumbles.

  65. The BBC has a remarkably detailed piece about whether Israel has the military capacity to cripple the Iranian nuclear program.

    It's well worth reading in full to fully understand just how much the odds are stacked against success. But here are the conclusions:

    The Israelis would be operating at the very limits of their capabilities. "If they pulled it off," says Douglas Barrie, "it would be an impressive display of power projection against a difficult and dispersed set of targets."

    Only a small number of air forces in the world, he notes, could mount such an operation. But, Mr Barrie stresses: "Even if successful, it would only delay Iran's nuclear programme."

    It is a point echoed by IHS Jane's Robert Hewson.

    "Israel does not have the mass of forces and will not be given the operational freedom [by Iran] required to destroy Iran's nuclear complex," he says. "If you bury enough stuff deep enough, enough of it will survive. Any Israeli attack can only damage and possibly not even slow the Iranian effort.

    "The consequences of such an attack would be dire and global. It is impossible to see any up-side to this venture."

    That's a view shared for now by Israel's most important ally.

    Only a few days ago, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff, Gen Martin Dempsey, said that an Israeli attack would not be prudent.

    Such a strike, he said, "would be destabilising and would not achieve their long-term objectives".

    Every other assessment we have seen out of the Pentagon or the Israeli security establishment reaches the same conclusions. So on any rational view there is no good military option.
