Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Forget the Middle East - America if far more interesting!

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America


New archaeological evidence suggests that America was first discovered by Stone Age people from Europe – 10,000 years before the Siberian-originating ancestors of the American Indians set foot in the New World.

A remarkable series of several dozen European-style stone tools, dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, have been discovered at six locations along the US east coast. Three of the sites are on the Delmarva Peninsular in Maryland, discovered by archaeologist Dr Darrin Lowery of the University of Delaware. One is in Pennsylvania and another in Virginia. A sixth was discovered by scallop-dredging fishermen on the seabed 60 miles from the Virginian coast on what, in prehistoric times, would have been dry land.

The new discoveries are among the most important archaeological breakthroughs for several decades - and are set to add substantially to our understanding of humanity's spread around the globe.

The similarity between other later east coast US and European Stone Age stone tool technologies has been noted before. But all the US European-style tools, unearthed before the discovery or dating of the recently found or dated US east coast sites, were from around 15,000 years ago - long after Stone Age Europeans (the Solutrean cultures of France and Iberia) had ceased making such artefacts. Most archaeologists had therefore rejected any possibility of a connection. But the newly-discovered and recently-dated early Maryland and other US east coast Stone Age tools are from between 26,000 and 19,000 years ago - and are therefore contemporary with the virtually identical western European material.

What’s more, chemical analysis carried out last year on a European-style stone knife found in Virginia back in 1971 revealed that it was made of French-originating flint.

Professor Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, and Professor Bruce Bradley of the University of Exeter, the two leading archaeologists who have analysed all the evidence, are proposing that Stone Age people from Western Europe migrated to North America at the height of the Ice Age by travelling (over the ice surface and/or by boat) along the edge of the frozen northern part of the Atlantic. They are presenting their detailed evidence in a new book - Across Atlantic Ice – published this month.

At the peak of the Ice Age, around three million square miles of the North Atlantic was covered in thick ice for all or part of the year.

However, the seasonally shifting zone where the ice ended and the open ocean began would have been extremely rich in food resources – migrating seals, sea birds, fish and the now-extinct northern hemisphere penguin-like species, the great auk.

Stanford and Bradley have long argued that Stone Age humans were quite capable of making the 1500 mile journey across the Atlantic ice - but till now there was comparatively little evidence to support their thinking.

But the new Maryland, Virginia and other US east coast material, and the chemical tests on the Virginian flint knife, have begun to transform the situation. Now archaeologists are starting to investigate half a dozen new sites in Tennessee, Maryland and even Texas – and these locations are expected to produce more evidence.

Another key argument for Stanford and Bradley’s proposal is the complete absence of any human activity in north-east Siberia and Alaska prior to around 15,500 years ago. If the Maryland and other east coast people of 26,000 to 19,000 years ago had come from Asia, not Europe, early material, dating from before 19,000 years ago, should have turned up in those two northern areas, but none have been found.

Although Solutrean Europeans may well have been the first Americans, they had a major disadvantage compared to the Asian-originating Indians who entered the New World via the Bering Straits or along the Aleutian Islands chain after 15,500 years ago.

Whereas the Solutreans had only had a 4500 year long ‘Ice Age’ window to carry out their migratory activity, the Asian-originating Indians had some 15,000 years to do it. What’s more, the latter two-thirds of that 15 millennia long period was climatologically much more favourable and substantially larger numbers of Asians were therefore able to migrate.

As a result of these factors the Solutrean (European originating) Native Americans were either partly absorbed by the newcomers or were substantially obliterated by them either physically or through competition for resources.

Some genetic markers for Stone Age western Europeans simply don’t exist in north- east Asia – but they do in tiny quantities among some north American Indian groups. Scientific tests on ancient DNA extracted from 8000 year old skeletons from Florida have revealed a high level of a key probable European-originating genetic marker. There are also a tiny number of isolated Native American groups whose languages appear not to be related in any way to Asian-originating American Indian peoples.

But the greatest amount of evidence is likely to come from under the ocean – for most of the areas where the Solutreans would have stepped off the Ice onto dry land are now up to 100 miles out to sea.

The one underwater site that has been identified - thanks to the scallop dredgers – is set to be examined in greater detail this summer – either by extreme-depth divers or by remotely operated mini submarines equipped with cameras and grab arms.


  1. This is a far greater story told.

  2. ...than the greatest story ever told.

  3. Newt to push $2.50 gas at today's rally. He can do that with a wave of a pen, apparently, just like Obongo made the sea levels fall.

    Israeli official say they will not alert the US if they decide to launch a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities amid growing war threats against Tehran.

    But they also expect to be notified well ahead of time if the US plans to allow the customary cost-of-living increase for their military aid package to Israel to slip behind the rate of inflation.

  4. Santorum says JFK's speech on religion makes him want to throw up and calls Obongo a snob for wanting everyone to go to college.

    Ron Paul called Santorum a fake conservative for voting to raise entitlements and fund Planned Parenthood.

    Newt Gingrich said Santorum voted for unions over Fed Ex.

    Romney said Santorum, who worked as a lawyer for four years, never had a job in the private sector.

    Santorum said Romney "heroically bailed out" the Salt Lake City Olympics by securing an "earmark" from Congress.

    Dogs Against Romney say that he strapped his family dog Seamus' kennel to the roof of his station wagon -- with the dog inside -- during a 12-hour drive.

    A pox on all their houses.

    Angelina Jolie's leg on other bods, including the Statue of Liberty.

  5. .

    And Hatha Yoga appears more interesting still.

    Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here

    In India, recent clinical studies have shown that men and women who take up yoga report wide improvements in their sex lives, including enhanced feelings of pleasure and satisfaction as well as emotional closeness with partners.

    At Rutgers University, scientists are investigating how yoga and related practices can foster autoerotic bliss. It turns out that some individuals can think themselves into states of sexual ecstasy — a phenomenon known clinically as spontaneous orgasm and popularly as “thinking off.”

    Any of you ladies up for a little Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Legged Straddle Pose)


  6. Wonderful find, Deuce.

    I switched over to Youtube to watch the remaining 4 Parts.

    It got my morning off to a great start.

  7. .

    I still argue Saudi Arabis is the most dangerous actor in the ME.

    Saudi Arabia Is Arming the Syrian Opposition


  8. Although, I doubt that first meeting went off exactly as the authors are imagining it. :)

  9. The first meeting between East, and West, that is.

  10. Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

    The best lack all conviction, while the worst

    Are full of passionate intensity.

  11. I forget which tribe it is, but some expert linguists swear that at least one of the Eastern Indian languages has more in common with Libyan than any other world dialect.

  12. wasp, our perpetual lady of lies says:

    But they also expect to be notified well ahead of time if the US plans to allow the customary cost-of-living increase for their military aid package to Israel to slip behind the rate of inflation.

    Thanks for your opinion on Israel. As we all know your thousands of posts of Israel and Jew bashing have proven that you are an anti-semite.

    No matter which persona you use or create, the jew hatred shows thru....

    Thanks for posting on this thread, out of the blue, your clear position of anti-semitic rantings.

    useless twit...

  13. Rufus, the implications to the historical finds turn the entire concept of the privilege of Middle Eastern religions based on time in grade and place as baseless. The finds are based on evidential discovery and backed up by science, not myth and ethno-centric wishful thinking. It is far more interesting and inspiring to the human spirit rather than the master slave relationship of the ME based religions.

  14. back to our discussion on agnosticism:

    I was thinking about the belief in God.

    In general, my problem is that religions that personalize the god-person relationship trivialize god or form a grandiose opinion of the importance of one person or species or tribe. All evidence points to a far more interesting universe in size and time.

    What if God exits as a true CEO and is a macro-manager disinterested in details and minutia. That makes more sense to me.

  15. Far, far, far - a million times more - interesting.

    That was just about the most interesting video I've seen in Years.

  16. In Syria, the Christians are angry. For eleven months, many of their leaders have stood firmly behind the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. However, Syria's new constitution explicitly says in Article 3 that the president of the country has to be a Muslim, thereby barring Christians from the right to run for the top post.

    Waa fucking waa. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.

  17. That stuff is way too much for my po' litle ol' besodden, pea-brain.

    But, the archeology of those flint knives I can get my head around. :)

  18. Deuce: What if God exits as a true CEO and is a macro-manager disinterested in details and minutia. That makes more sense to me.

    The cosmological argument buys me. There's a lot a coincidences in the dozens of apparently arbitrary regularites of succession (such as the ratio of the strength of the strong nuclear force to electromagnetic force) that appear to be finely tuned to maximize the appearance of life in the universe. If the universe was cyclical, one could argue that these "random" values would shuffle and only in the cycle that was conducive to life would anyone exist to wonder about them. But with dark energy, the universe is definitely not cyclical, but a one-shot that is not only expanding, but accelerating its rate of expansion.

  19. .

    The cosmological argument buys me. There's a lot a coincidences in the dozens of apparently arbitrary regularites of succession (such as the ratio of the strength of the strong nuclear force to electromagnetic force) that appear to be finely tuned to maximize the appearance of life in the universe. If the universe was cyclical, one could argue that these "random" values would shuffle and only in the cycle that was conducive to life would anyone exist to wonder about them. But with dark energy, the universe is definitely not cyclical, but a one-shot that is not only expanding, but accelerating its rate of expansion.


    Given that at the quantum level each body contains particles that we continue to find are smaller and smaller, where does it end? Can the reverse be true? Did our universe start out as a cell in some cosmic chicken, too big from our pygmy perspective to grasp? Perhaps the big bang was merely mitosis, cell division, on a galactic scale for us but at a quantum scale for the chicken.

    As for the expanding rate of expansion? Dark energy? Mere speculation, an unproven theory. Perhaps we started out as one huge cancer cell slowly (or speedily) corrupting the cosmic chicken.

    Just saying.


  20. Aren't we supposed to be sitting on the hood of a car, out in the middle of a field, somewhere, smoking pot, to be having this conversation?

  21. Our Lady of Perpetual Lies copied and pasted from the internet.

    "The cosmological argument buys me. There's a lot a coincidences in the dozens of apparently arbitrary regularites of succession (such as the ratio of the strength of the strong nuclear force to electromagnetic force) that appear to be finely tuned to maximize the appearance of life in the universe. If the universe was cyclical, one could argue that these "random" values would shuffle and only in the cycle that was conducive to life would anyone exist to wonder about them. But with dark energy, the universe is definitely not cyclical, but a one-shot that is not only expanding, but accelerating its rate of expansion."

    An original thought never to be expressed when google is around to think for you...

  22. ever wonder why "gyros" in America are pronounced "gyro, but in Europe they are Yeero's?

  23. Yo Ruf (tee hee t...) doood, here me man, take toke...

  24. WiO: An original thought never to be expressed when google is around to think for you...

    We breathlessly await your revelation of the URL where I copied and pasted that; alternatively, your apology for bearing false witness.

  25. For Rufus the Peaker...

    Neil Cavuto:

    Enough. This whole, blame the evil oil companies for this gas spiral. Enough. People who know better sounding like they have brains made out of butter. I’ve heard the prattling on, now time for some basic facts to sink in. Gas prices aren’t rising. The dollar is falling. Let me explain that. Oil is priced in dollars. Dollars are getting cheaper. It takes more of them to buy oil. So oil gets more expensive. Gas gets more expensive. Traders can gun that. Some can try and capitalize on that. Make bets on that. But that….is that. Finite product.

  26. For those among us enamored of Ron Paul, muzzies in Michigan are voting for Ron big time.

  27. White House won’t release Obama’s three page apology letter to Hamid Karzai.

    No apology for this desecration, however:

    The Defense Department acknowledged Tuesday that some cremated remains of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were dumped in a landfill.

    And now just $3 at Walmart for a month's supply of birth control. Just another reason why Walmart is the happiest place on earth.

  28. WiO: An original thought never to be expressed when google is around to think for you...

    We breathlessly await your revelation of the URL where I copied and pasted that; alternatively, your apology for bearing false witness.

    Go fuck yourself liar...

    It was not hard to find the core of your statement on 3 websites.

    cut and paste.

    as for bearing false witness?

    Is that the LESBIAN speaking or the straight woman?

    amazing standards coming from someone of such low standards such as yourself.

  29. McDonald's Corp. is launching a new ad campaign in China that taps rising worries over food safety and quality in an attempt to win market share from its dominant rival, Yum Brands Inc.'s KFC.

    The fast-food giant is planning to air a series of television commercials this summer to portray itself as the fast-food brand in China with the best quality. The ads will feature "100% fresh beef" on the chopping block, farmers picking tomatoes from the vine and chickens eating high-quality feed, according to a company spokeswoman.

  30. Nancy Pelosi held a congressional hearing on Monday with a single witness, Georgetown student Sandra Fluke, to testify about the need for Obamacare to mandate that religious institutions provide free contraception and abortifacients under their health insurance plans.


    It strains credulity to believe that a single Georgetown student can't afford $9 per month for birth control. But this is the justification the mandate's supporters give for forcing religious institutions to purchase insurance that violates their religious and moral convictions.

  31. Green party leader Caroline Lucas said: “It is completely outrageous that the Big Six energy firms are able to rake in eye-watering profits as people up and down the country are forced to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families.”


    Finally she called for an independent enquiry into the Big Six energy companies.

    “People do not trust the energy companies,” Ms Lucas pointed out.

    Poverty Deaths

  32. On this day in 1991, the first Gulf War came to an end.

  33. When mass demonstrations against the Iranian regime erupted in the summer of 2009, the Obama administration found itself facing a totally unexpected problem. President Obama had gone to great lengths to try to strike a bargain with the regime, and had ignored the internal opposition.


    Devoted as he was to reaching an agreement with Tehran, the president did not authorize any contacts with the leading component of the Iranian opposition, the so-called Green Movement, whose candidate for the presidency, Mir Hossein Mousavi, almost certainly won the elections of June 2009. Throughout the eruptions of the summer and early fall, Mousavi and the other top leaders of the Greens received no communication from the U.S. government.

    This was undoubtedly due to two factors:

    –if such contacts were discovered by the regime, it would have made any deal with Tehran much more difficult;

    –the U.S. intelligence community did not believe there was any serious possibility of regime change in Iran. Top analysts told the policy makers that the regime was strong and stable, and any street demonstrations or labor protests would be ineffective, and short-lived.


    Hillary actually put the entire blame for the lack of American support on the victims themselves:

    …we wanted to be full-hearted in favor of what was going on inside Iran, and we kept being cautioned that we would put people’s lives in danger, we would discredit the movement, we would undermine their aspirations. I think if something were to happen again, it would be smart for the Green Movement or some other movement inside Iran to say, “We want the voices of the world.

  34. Romney will win in a landslide in AZ.

    Romney will just squeak in, in MI.

  35. Romney is going down hard in O Hi O.

  36. Record Oil Company Profits:

    2001 - 2008 ---> Bush's fault

    2009 - present ----> Greedy oil companies

    There is finally conclusive evidence that Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead. Yesterday, they both registered to vote in Chicago.

  37. Fine for not complying with Obama contraception mandate: $100 per day per employee

    RINO Olympia Snowe won't seek reelection

    Cardinal Francis George of Chicago paints a bleak future for Catholic institutions if Obama mandate not rescinded, says no more Catholic hospitals in two years.

    California will ask all judges and justices about their sexual orientation to make certain gays and lesbians are adequately represented on the bench.

    In a letter of apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Obama expressed "deep regret" over the Koran burning incident that he said was unintentional and pledged that those responsible would be held accountable.

    Taliban suggests:

    "You should bring the invading forces' military bases under your brave attack, their military convoys, kill them, capture them, beat them and teach them a lesson that they will never again dare to insult the Holy Quran."

  38. It is possible for Mr. Santorum or Mr. Romney to lose the popular vote in Michigan but win the delegate count—an outcome that would muddy the results and allow both to claim victory.

    As for the other two candidates, it has been five weeks since Mr. Gingrich surged to a win in South Carolina, and early January since Mr. Paul grabbed the spotlight with strong back-to-back showings in Iowa and New Hampshire.

    Both have had disappointing finishes in most of the other races this month, and both have landed in the lower tier of Michigan and Arizona polls. Mr. Gingrich has been pinning his hopes on winning at least his home state of Georgia on Super Tuesday.

  39. The Republicans are in big trouble

  40. Please, someone take Santorum out for a drink or a pill or something!

  41. Neil Cavuto is a moron. The fact is you have to work almost 4 times as many hours to fill up your gas tank today as you did in 1999.

  42. From the price action the last couple of days, I believe Obama has informed the Sauds, and others, that he is getting ready to hit the "Strategic" Reserves, again.

    We should know in a couple of weeks.

  43. .

    One more war-pusher comes to accept reality.

    We Can't Export Democracy


  44. .

    And then you have those who will never learn.

    Many Americans seem to be saying that if the Afghan people don't want us there, why should we stay? That's dubious logic because we are not in Afghanistan as a favor to the Afghan people. We are there to protect our own self-interest in not having their territory once again become a haven for al Qaeda...

    Max Boot: Afghans Don't Hate Americans


  45. many here have claimed that the US medical system is way better than the Canadian one.

    Here is one Canadian doctor who agrees with you:

    Canadian doctor living in U.S. charged in massive health-care scam


  46. "We'll find a way to get out of the IDF, because it has betrayed us," an ultra-Orthodox soldier warned Wednesday after IAF Chief Rabbi Moshe Raved resigned from his post as head a program which recruits haredim.

    Raved resignation on Tuesday came a day after the army announced it would not excuse religious soldiers from official events that feature female soldiers singing.

    haredi soldier said in an interview with Kol Hai Radio, "If Rabbi Raved resigned, I will also leave the program. I'm certain others will do the same. The rabbi set an example, and if he (left), we'll all find a way to get out of here (army), because the IDF has betrayed us.

    "We were specifically told we would not have to attend 'mixed' events or listen to lectures given by women. Now these promises have been broken," he continued to say.

    Oh well. It might be better if the IDF lets them go AWOL. After all, if they're afraid they might hear women singing songs, they might drop their Uzis and run away when they see the enemy in the field. That way they can stay home in the West Bank settlements, study Torah, and let other people do their fighting for them.

  47. We don't need no stinkin' gas from Canada......we got Chevy Volts.

  48. .

    The other day, I saw a blurb that said purchasers of the Volt in California will be given an additional $1500 incentive and will also be allowed to drive in the carpool lanes with only one person in the car.


  49. .

    Yeh, old Tim was a bit of an asshole.


  50. A religious, nutjob asshole is a religious, nutjob asshole; it doesn't matter if he's thumping a bible, a torah, or a koran.

  51. Wasp says: Oh well. It might be better if the IDF lets them go AWOL. After all, if they're afraid they might hear women singing songs, they might drop their Uzis and run away when they see the enemy in the field. That way they can stay home in the West Bank settlements, study Torah, and let other people do their fighting for them.

    Please shove your opinion on Israel, the IDF and Jews where the sun doesnt shine.

    You have proven to us that you are an anti-semite.

    There is a giant universe out there. Try keeping your comments to everything in the universe and leave Israel, the IDF, Jews, Zionist and Judaism alone.

    Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and most stink...

    Yours? Hasnt been cleaned in a decade...


  52. It's amazing to see how a self confessed liar like Wasp, aka Ms T, aka, teresita, aka Zena has the balls to make comments at all.

    After all she lied to everyone for years about being a lesbian, now claims to be a straight gal married to a man for a couple of decades....

    Is she lying now or lying then...

    SHe also claimed to be a cancer survivor...

    she tries to play people like Pearlman played a violin...

    No lie to low to gain and edge.

    Fucking anti-semite....

  53. Rufus II said...
    A religious, nutjob asshole is a religious, nutjob asshole; it doesn't matter if he's thumping a bible, a torah, or a koran.

    except the distinctions...

    the Christian nutjob thinks the world is going to end and seeks you to repent the end is near...

    the Jewish nutjob wants to BUILD homes and vineyards.....

    and the Moslem nutjob want to decapitate you..

    big nutjob differences...

  54. In a joint statement agreed to with Pyongyang, the Obama administration formally stated that the U.S. "reaffirms that it does not have hostile intent toward [North Korea] and is prepared to take steps to improve our bilateral relationship in the spirit of mutual respect for sovereignty and equality."

    As part of the agreement, North Korea accepted the amount of food assistance the U.S. had been offering in talks the two countries held last year before the death of Kim Jong Il. Just after Kim Jong Eun took charge, North Korea issued a media statement pressing the U.S. to provide up to 500,000 tons and saying it doubted "the U.S. will for confidence-building."

    The Jan. 11 statement indicated that a deal was on the table for North Korea to halt its uranium-enrichment program in return for food and a suspension of other U.S. sanctions. The U.S. for months has insisted there were no links between food assistance and its effort to curtail North Korea's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction.

  55. No doubt Romney’s win in Michigan will be regarded as unimpressive, since it’s his home state, he outspent Santorum by roughly 5-to-1, and he beat John McCain there by a larger margin in the 2008 primary. True, but back then Romney didn’t face an organized effort by Democrats to intrude in the Republican primary and vote for Santorum.

    Romney had a lot to lose in Michigan, perhaps even the nomination. Had he lost, the media, which doesn’t like him anyway, would have had a field day, pillorying and making fun of him at the same time.

    But like he did in Florida after Gingrich had trounced him in South Carolina, Romney won when he had to in Michigan.

  56. Downing Street said the referendum decision was "a matter for Ireland".

    The Prime Minister's spokesman said: "We had our own particular issues but we have always known that those countries in the eurozone bound by new fiscal rules would be pooling sovereignty. The possibility of a referendum in Ireland has certainly been talked about so I don't think it's a great surprise."

    Mr Cameron's stance in December was attacked as a "phantom veto" since the other 25 EU members went ahead anyway with an agreement outside the Union's governing treaties.

  57. Two Texans were out on the range talking about their favorite sex positions.

    One said, "I think I enjoy the rodeo position the best."

    "I don't think I have ever heard of that one," said the other cowboy. "What is it?"

    "Well, it's where you get your wife down on all fours and you mount her from behind.

    Then you reach around and cup each one of her breasts in your hands and whisper in her ear,

    'Boy, these feel just like your Sister's.'

    Then you try and stay on for 8 seconds.

  58. How does the extra day change how the folks at Dow Jones Indexes generate their annual comparisons? Feb. 29 will be the 40th trading day of 2012. When viewing it in the context of how the market performed one year ago, the day will be compared to 2011′s 40th trading day as opposed to determining whether Feb. 28 or March 1 would be a better comparison.

  59. February 29 is known as Leap Day, the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar and a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4. There are exceptions -- some years evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a Leap Day.

  60. Hinduism/Budhism has with deep insight seen that Fear is an essential mark of the animal, and of man in so far as he is an animal, pasu. The Sakta unites himself with his joyous and liberating Mother, saying Sa'ham - "She I am." As he realizes this he is the fearless Hero, or Vira. For he who sees Duality, he alone fears. To see Duality means not merely to see otherness, but to see that other as alien non-self. The fearless win all worldly enterprises, and fearlessness is also the mark of the Illuminate Knower. Such an one is also in his degree independent of all outward power, and Mrtyunjaya, Master of Death. Such an one is not troubled by the thought of Death.

    Think of the Buddhists that burned themselves to death in protest in Saigon, O my friends!

    So calm.....

  61. He no more fears than do the leaves of the trees, yellowing to their fall in the mists of autumn. An imperishable instinct tells him that if he, like the leaves, is about to fall he is also the tree on which they will come out again, as also the Earth in which both grow, and yet again (as the Sakta would say) he is also, in his Body of Bliss, the Essence which as the Mother-Power sustains them all. As that Essence is imperishable, so in the deepest sense is its form as Nature. For whatever exists can never altogether cease to be. Either man's consciousness expands into that Lordliness which see all as itself, or he and all lower beings are withdrawn into the Womb of Power, in which they are conserved to reappear in that Sphurana or Blossoming which is the Springtide of some new world.

    Sir John Woodroffe

  62. February 29 is known as Leap Day, the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar and a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4. There are exceptions -- some years evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a Leap Day.

    They are the ones evenly divisible by 400 too. 1200, 1600, 2000

  63. John Keats:

    Say, doth the dull soil

    Quarrel with the proud forests it hath fed,

    And feedeth still, more comely than itself?

    Can it deny the chiefdom of green groves?

    Or shall the tree be envious of the dove

    Because it cooeth, and hath snowy wings

    To wander wherewithal and find its joys?

    We are such forest-trees, and our fair boughs

    Have bred forth, not pale solitary doves,

    But eagles golden-feather'd, who do tower

    Above us in their beauty, and must reign

    In right thereof; for 'tis the eternal law

    That first in beauty should be first in might:

    Yea, by that law, another race may drive

    Our conquerors to mourn as we do now.

  64. Tough call: Save delta smelt or Central California's lush farmlands

  65. The touch screen has only a few icons, which you make visible by swiping upward. One swipe changes from Everyday to Creative mode.

    In Everyday mode, tapping the viewfinder image sets the exposure. Swipe right and you can view past photos and mark your favorites.

    The Lytro is an exciting and novel leap in digital photography, but because it still has some missing features, like flash and a file format that works in other software, buyers should consider it a second camera, at least for now.

    Radical Camera

  66. Myth number one is that in every presidential election since 1984 (when Ronald Reagan ran for the last time) conservatives have been held down and forced to suffer the torments of Hades as one inept RINO (Republican In Name Only) squish after another has been shoved down their throats. George H. W. Bush won once but paved the way for Bill Clinton by breaking his pledge not to raise taxes.


    Myth number two is that George W. Bush almost destroyed the conservative movement, first by running as a bleeding heart or “compassionate conservative” and then by spending too much once he was in office, trashing the brands of the cause and the party, and leading to setbacks in 2006 and 2008. But in 2000 he ran as a compassionate conservative because the original kind had worn out its welcome.


    Myth number three is the belief that McCain ran and lost in 2008 as a moderate, failing as promised to win independents, and losing an election a conservative should have been able to win. But in fact he did a remarkable job in a difficult year​—​people were war-weary, and all parties have trouble holding the White House for more than two terms in succession​—​drawing close to Obama through most of the summer, and pulling ahead with independents in early September, before the financial implosion kicked in.

    Tales Of Woe

  67. from wikipedia

    Tarim mummies are a series of mummies discovered in the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang, China, which date from 1900 BC to 200 AD.[1] Some of the mummies are frequently associated with the presence of the Indo-European Tocharian languages in the Tarim Basin,[2] although the evidence is not totally conclusive.
    Research into the subject has attracted controversy, due to ethnic tensions in modern day Xinjiang. There have been concerns whether DNA results could affect claims by Uyghur peoples of being indigenous to the region. In comparing the DNA of the mummies to that of modern day Uyghur peoples, Victor H. Mair's team found some genetic similarities with the mummies, but no direct links, stating that "modern DNA and ancient DNA show that Uighurs, Kazaks, Kyrgyzs, the peoples of Central Asia are all mixed Caucasian and East Asian... the modern and ancient DNA tell the same story." He concludes that the mummies are basically Caucasoid, likely speakers of an Indo-European language; that East Asian peoples "began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago... while the Uighur peoples arrived after the collapse of the Orkon Uighur Kingdom, largely based in modern day Mongolia, around the year 842."

  68. Out this way, the second wave of Solutreuropeans (Swedes, Norgs, Krauts, Russkies, frogs, english)circa 1850 - 1900 CE, have interbred with the formerly thought of indigenous reds, as also foreign Irish, some Basque, a few yellows from parts east, and an occasional mid eastern. The long term viability of this mixing is at this writing still somewhat in doubt. Add into the equation the genetic leavings of Kennewick Man the whole thing becomes problematical.

  69. Out this way, the second wave of Solutreuropeans (Swedes, Norgs, Krauts, Russkies, frogs, english)circa 1850 - 1900 CE, have interbred with the formerly thought of indigenous reds, as also foreign Irish, some Basque, a few yellows from parts east, and an occasional mid eastern. The long term viability of this mixing is at this writing still somewhat in doubt. Add into the equation the genetic leavings of Kennewick Man the whole thing becomes problematical.

  70. Iran’s citizens should be starved in order to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, officials in Jerusalem said Wednesday ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming trip to Washington.

    Because Iran doesn't have a black rock to nuke, I guess.

  71. once again the cut and paste and edit bitch of the EB speaks...

    "Wasp said...
    Iran’s citizens should be starved in order to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, officials in Jerusalem said Wednesday ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming trip to Washington.

    Because Iran doesn't have a black rock to nuke, I guess."

    Go fuck yourself our lady of perpetual lies...

    Please stick with something you know about...

    I'd suggest lying about cancer, your lesbian partner, being smart...

    Stop giving an opinion on Israel, Judaism, Zionism or Jews. Or my ideas for that matter.

    Go crawl back into your hole and butcher New Testament Scripture....


  72. As to the Edit Bitch's point..

    Iran should be sanctioned JUST LIKE North Korea does by the USA.

    At last check the lying bitch's employer was the one doing the starving of North Korea as a military ploy.

    Selective editing of headlines is the sin of omission.

    that is lying.

    (just in case the useless bitch didnt know)

    (( no offense to all decent bitches out there))

    ((( maybe the term "bitch" is wrong, maybe just the term "lying sack of shit" is more accurate)))

  73. Ok, I have been informed that "bitch" is not the best term to describe the Bar's perpetual lady of lies...

    Someone who constantly distorts, edit and misdirects?

    A snake is a much better description than "bitch"

    So Ms T, aka Teresita, aka, Zena, aka, WASP, the one who lies for years about being a lesbian, about having cancer, about having a life partner....

    You are a snake.

  74. Point of clarification, Q. First Timothy, and the second one for that matter were letters from Paul to Timothy. So it would be old Paul was a bit of a nut job, not Tim.

  75. Gag Reflex said...
    Andrew Breibart dead?

    Sure looks that way...

    I hope that his work that he was about to release gets released

  76. "President Obama has said America will “use all elements of American power to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.” Israel takes him at his word.

    The problem, however, is one of time. Israel doesn’t have the safety of distance, nor do we have the United States Air Force’s advanced fleet of bombers and fighters. America could carry out an extensive air campaign using stealth technology and huge amounts of ammunition, dropping enormous payloads that are capable of hitting targets and penetrating to depths far beyond what Israel’s arsenal can achieve.

    This gives America more time than Israel in determining when the moment of decision has finally been reached. And as that moment draws closer, differing timetables are becoming a source of tension.

    On Monday, Mr. Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel are to meet in Washington. Of all their encounters, this could be the most critical. Asking Israel’s leaders to abide by America’s timetable, and hence allowing Israel’s window of opportunity to be closed, is to make Washington a de facto proxy for Israel’s security — a tremendous leap of faith for Israelis faced with a looming Iranian bomb. It doesn’t help when American officials warn Israel against acting without clarifying what America intends to do once its own red lines are crossed.

    Mr. Obama will therefore have to shift the Israeli defense establishment’s thinking from a focus on the “zone of immunity” to a “zone of trust.” What is needed is an ironclad American assurance that if Israel refrains from acting in its own window of opportunity — and all other options have failed to halt Tehran’s nuclear quest — Washington will act to prevent a nuclear Iran while it is still within its power to do so.

    I hope Mr. Obama will make this clear. If he does not, Israeli leaders may well choose to act while they still can.

    Amos Yadlin, a former chief of Israeli military intelligence, is the director of Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies. "


    Jenny, what say you?

  77. .

    Thanks for that clarification, Gag.


  78. My point was Paul didn't write 1 Tim 2 - some fakaroo anti-Paul did.

    There is a whole list of ladies Paul empowered to positions in his churches, couldn't be Paul that wrote that.

    Was some guy wanting to go back to the old ways.

    If you subvert the subverter you are back to the status quo anti.

    Great lines to quote to the wife, though.

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