Friday, January 20, 2012

The Revenge of the Hackers - Raging at the Machine

…and talking about striking back at the media. This will go down in the history of all time great political responses.


  1. Anonymous and not anonymous seem to working to shut-down the EB as well.

  2. I am adding the amazing Gingrich attack on the media to this post. If he keeps this up, he could become president.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It's obvious to all but the willfully blind that the MSM will go to any extent to smear Republicans while conversely ignoring damaging news about Democrats.

    Drudge has a link to Limbaugh's interesting take on the timing and nature of the smears du jour.

  5. There are four regulars who are seriously damaging the brand of the EB. The constant back and forth has a corrosive effect on the site to the extent that one thread after another is spoiled by the ongoing feud. The four have also damaged themselves by stooping to ever lower standards of decency. The levels of discourse, the name calling, the baiting, all reflect most poorly on those who engage in it.

    Ceasefire. Refuse to respond. Be a mature adult. End the madness. Try civility. Stay away from certain topics for awhile. The EB will be a better and more enjoyable place for it.

  6. Days of the jackals

    This happens all too frequently in Philadelphia. Areas around center city are mostly populated with younger white professionals. There are also pockets of working class whites in other parts of the city that are surrounded by Puerto Ricans or black feral "youths". If they were white teens attacking a 65 year old black man, fracturing his skull, the media would be howling racism and hate crime.

    I feel sorry for those that have to live in those areas and bewildered at the naievity of those that don't but do.

  7. Justice for Border Agent Brian Terry.

    Executive Branch - POLITICS
    Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'

    The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.
    Patrick J. Cunningham informed the House Oversight Committee late Thursday through his attorney that he will use the Fifth Amendment protection.
    Cunningham was ordered Wednesday to appear before Chairman Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee regarding his role in the operation that sent more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa Cartel. Guns from the failed operation were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.

  8. It is a travesty that lawmakers with no understanding of the issues and no effort to understand the issues pass a law that will harm pretty much everyone. The Arab Spring has shown just how valuable a non-broken internet is. We have to make sure the internet is never broken in the service of a political or economic agenda. This is reminiscent of people voting on whether evolution is accurate with no effort made to understand it. The good news is that even the publicity of the blackout (and quite a few more subtle protests before this) have succeeded in getting the knuckleheads in congress to see the light. SOPA is in in a coma, and PIPA is loosing support fast. Yay internet!

  9. L.A. paper calls Seattle "snow wimps" as SoCal warns about 1/3" of rain

  10. The Arab Spring has shown just how valuable a non-broken internet is.

    Sure is!!! The people have spoken!

    Viva the Arab Spring!

  11. YOU PEE FOR ME, MARINE You pee for us all,

    This has to do with the video that popped up
    yesterday. It's 40 seconds, and it shows four Marines standing above the
    bodies of some dead Taliban. Peeing on them. "Have a great day, buddy," one
    of the Marines says to the corpse at his feet.

    Let's review. America is at war with
    militant Islam. In Afghanistan, the Taliban is militant Islam. In
    Afghanistan, the Taliban gave refuge and support to Al Qaeda as it prepared
    the attacks of September 11. In Afghanistan, the Taliban works around the
    clock to put American servicemen in their graves. The Taliban is the bad
    guys. And the United States Marines are the good guys.

    And this is much ado about nothing.

    Because the brass are crapping their pants.
    "This is egregious, disgusting behavior," said Pentagon spokesman Capt. John
    Kirby. "It turned my stomach." Kirby's branch of the service is not listed,
    but I'm guessing it's Girl Scouts.

    It turned his stomach? We are a nation at
    war. We've had thousands of Americans die. We've brought hundreds of
    thousands home with losses of limb and mind, and THIS turns his stomach?
    That's not exactly a warrior spirit. And it makes you wish that men like
    those urinating Marines were running this operation. But they are not. And
    they will be crucified. Because our military establishment specializes in
    throwing young GIs under the bus.

    Any number of desk jockeys and political
    generals are glad to backstab as many warriors as they can. In the White
    House and at the Pentagon, the god of political correctness is fed with the
    frequent sacrifice of young soldiers' careers. You send people to war, but
    heaven help them if they act like it. Hamstrung by Marquis of Queensbury
    rules in a bar fight with savages, our GIs are attacked by enemy fighters on
    one side and government lawyers on the other. It's a funny game where no one
    has their back. Except the American people.

    Which gets me back to my point. You pee for
    us all, Marine.

  12. That group of Camp Lejeune snipers is
    condemned by the political generals, but embraced by the American people.
    Because that's what you get when you screw with the United States of
    America. You get a bullet through the brainpan, and we're going to line up
    to spit on the pieces. Unless we have a full bladder. And show the YouTube
    far and wide, as a warning to your pals. This is what it means to mess with

    The pantywaists in the Pentagon might want
    to win your hearts and minds, but the men pulling the triggers want to snap
    your freaking necks. And some 310 million real Americans feel the same way.
    Mess with the best, die like the rest. The sooner the better, the more the
    merrier, and don't be surprised if it's not holy water you get sprinkled

    Real people aren't bothered by this. Real
    people believe this is how war should be fought. Real people think that
    we've pussyfooted around long enough, it's time to make the rubble bounce.
    Pull the B52s out of the barn and let's light those mo-fos up. And real
    people are sick and tired of the feigned indignation coming out of the
    Pentagon and White House. Life is not group therapy and war is not run by
    "Robert Rules of Order." War is where you kill people and break the will of
    a society. War is where you make the other guy cry "Uncle." Ask the people
    of Hiroshima and Dresden. Or Atlanta, for that matter. You attack the United
    States and you die. You die ugly. There are only two sure winners - us and
    the maggots. And any people, nation or religion that can't stand that heat
    should stay the hell out of the kitchen.

    So if you don't want to be blown to bits and
    pieces, and pissed on by fine examples of American manhood, then you better
    stay home with mama. You better lay off the jihad. You better learn some
    manners and mind your Ps and Qs. Because Lady Liberty is shaking her fist.
    And that's not just some words in a song. That's our pledge. We're going to
    kill you, and we're going to cheer the men who do it. And the rest of you
    goat-bearded savages better shake in your sandals, because those Marines pee
    for us. And they're coming for you next.

    - by Bob Lonsberry (c) 2012

  13. The next time that you cut and paste, at least take the time to remove the return command from the copy.

  14. It turned his stomach? We are a nation at
    war. We've had thousands of Americans die. We've brought hundreds of
    thousands home with losses of limb and mind, and THIS turns his stomach?
    That's not exactly a warrior spirit. And it makes you wish that men like
    those urinating Marines were running this operation.

    Damn right!
    Thanks for the uplift.

  15. They just need to learn to leave the cameras at home.

    Cameras are for Politicians, and teen-aged girls, Not Marines.

  16. "There are four regulars who are seriously damaging the brand of the EB."

    I am with you, Anon.

  17. Gingrich did hit it out of the park there.

    He had them on their feet twice!


    I always wanted to be able to whistle by using the fingers in the mouth technique like many in that crowd but never was able to master it.

  18. I'm irritated at the dumb assholes, because they've gotten themselves in a lot of trouble that they don't need, nor deserve.

    Deuce had it right. Some NCO wasn't doing his job.

    For those of you that don't know, the 3/5 is the most pointy end of the pointy end. Always has been. That Scout Team lives, and fights, right smack-dab in the middle of indian territory. Those guys are as far out into the badlands as you can get.

    The rag-headed bastards try to kill those boys every single day. I thoroughly understand pulling out the old tallywhacker and taking a whizz on their stinking noggins. But, Goddammit, you can't put it on the freakin' internet.

    The prissy-assed Generals will stain their pretty little party dresses. You cain't have that.

  19. Watch out, you might get what you're after
    Cool baby, you're strange but not a stranger
    I'm an oridinary girlguy and I'm burnin' down the house
    Hold tight, wait till this party's over
    Hold tight, well we're gonna be in for some nasty weather
    There has got to be a way and we're burnin' down the house
    Here's your ticket, pack your bags, it's time for goin' overboard
    Transportation is here
    Close enough but we're not too far, bet you're wonderin' where you are
    Fight fire with fire
    All wet, and you might need a raincoat
    Shake down, my dreams are walkin' in broad daylight
    365 degrees and we're burnin' down the house
    My house, out of the ordinary
    That's right, I don't wanna really hurt nobody
    Some things sure sweep me off my feet
    And we're burnin down the house
    Watch out, you might get what you're after
    Cool baby, you're strange but not a stranger
    I'm an ordinary guy and I'm burnin' down the house

  20. General George S. Patton

    "I drove to the Rhine River and went across on the pontoon bridge. I stopped in the middle to take a piss and then picked up some dirt on the far side in emulation of William the Conqueror." General George S. Patton, March 1945

  21. It violated regulations to have a camera at Abu Ghraib. It violated regulations to take pictures of the prisoners.

    Needless to say, it violated regulations to use the prisoners as part of some twisted sex game.

    It violated regulations to take photos of the dead Taliban, in Afghanistan.

    Needless to say, it violated regulations to piss on them.
    The golden shower not part of the USMC approved psych warfare doctrine.

    The dumb-nuts that took those photos and videos, then disseminated them through the INet violated common sense.

    No more deserving of praise than Capt. Francesco Schettino, the reckless captain of the Costa Concordia.

  22. Rules for some and none for thee?

  23. Those Marines were thinking they were:
    "Back on the Block"

    Criminals give themselves away via social-networking, say LAPD and L.A. sheriff's deputies

    When Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies in the Antelope Valley saw an explosion in the number of graffiti and monikers of taggers painting the town, they barely had to leave the station to ID the perps.

    The evidence was in plain view right on Facebook and Myspace -- pictures of the crew's work, videos of taggers bragging and discussion about graffiti they were planning to do and even where to steal or buy paint.

    It was enough for deputies to serve search warrants. In May, they arrested 10 suspected members of crew FDK, all juveniles, who are believed to have caused an estimated $1.3 million in damages by tagging signs, poles, sidewalks, bridges, buildings and electrical boxes in Lancaster and Palmdale.

  24. I was never a Marine, nor a jailer, anoni, but knew which regulations had to be strictly adhered to and which could be ignored, in the efforts to complete the mission and get the job done.

    The Marines in that video, they lost that perspective, if they ever had it, to begin with.

  25. The uproar over Abu Ghraib and the pissing Marines in Afpakistan were never about the behaviors and actions, it was all about the pictures and videos.

    It is one thing to take a dump, another to spread the shit all over the parade ground.

  26. "which regulations had to be strictly adhered to and which could be ignored"

    Sounds like Fast and Furious.

    Sounds like Iran/Contra

    Sounds like "I never had "sexual relations with that woman"

    Sounds like ruling the rules you choose to follow and breaking the rules you could get away with.

    No honor in that.

    "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

    or shall we say

    "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, unless I deem otherwise; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. unless I deem otherwise; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, unless I can break them and not get caught, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God, unless I choose to break what I can get away with.

  27. "which regulations had to be strictly adhered to and which could be ignored"

    Some laws to be obeyed. Some laws to be ignored.

    " in the efforts to complete the mission and get the job done."

    The ends justifies the means...

    No honor in that.

  28. The "Arab Spring" is cool in Cairo, but frowned upon in NYCity and London.

    NYPD's Social Media Unit Will Track Criminals On Facebook, Twitter

    The NYPD has formed a new social media unit, The New York Daily News reports, to catch criminals who use Facebook and Twitter to announce law-breaking plans or to brag about their latest crime.

    In June, an overcrowded house party in East New York, Brooklyn that was advertised on Facebook as "Freaky Friday" ended in a shooting that left one man dead and seven injured.

    After that incident Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters "We look at social networking. We’re very much focused on weekend parties, the type of parties that happened last weekend, and we visit them ahead of time. But not every one of these parties happen at a place we can readily identify... Our gang division, our borough personnel look at party advertisements. A lot of these things are at peoples’ apartments."

    In March, 18-year-old Anthony Collao was killed in an anti-gay attack at a Woodhaven, Queens, house party advertised on Facebook. Calvin Pietri, one of six later arrested, bragged about the murder on Facebook.

    NY1 asked New Yorkers in June what they thought of cops snooping around on Facebook and Twitter. One said, "If it is going to help cut down on the homicides, then I guess I’m for it," while another lamented, "I really do think it is an invasion of privacy."

    The relationship between mayhem and social media was brought into focus this week as violent riots spreading across London were coordinated via Twitter and Blackberry messages.

  29. oh my, poor Newt, he is appalled, APPALLED, that his 2nd wife would go on TV and say that he asked for an open marriage and that he, the fine family man that he is, should be asked to respond to her allegation. It is atrocious that some should doubt, nay stoop to inquire about the fine Catholic couple he and his third wife make.

  30. Fuck, some of you have no more idea of what constitutes "Honor," than a pig has of Christmas.

    Those guys are Real Warriors, fighting every single day. Some of them will come home to friends, and loved ones, packed in a body bag, just so some of you can sit around on your fat asses, typing on your computers, and opining on something you know nothing about.

    I don't know what could, possibly, be more "Honorable" than that.

    And, Rat, comparing those guys to a cowardly italian cruise line captain is nuts. I know you just got carried away, but jeeze.

  31. Pissing on dead bodies is honorable in your view Rufus?

  32. I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me...

    Exactly, anoni.

    That there can be debate in DC over the commands of the President, well, that is well above the Private's pay grade.

    But to take pictures and video of activities not approved of by the chain of command, not the same as following the instructions of those in command, even if doing so may violate a regulation or two.

    Even if the chain of command of those Marines would look the other way under "normal circumstance", they cannot, once the videos are uploaded to the INet.

    Those in the chain o command, would be violating regulations, "looking away", but that could have happened, without the videos.

    Would have happened at Abu Ghrab, if the photos had not been e-mailed to "friends" in the States.

  33. Why hell yes.

    If they'd had video phones, and facebook in Vietnam, we'd have all been in jail.

  34. really!? pretty sad conception of honor.

  35. Those dead ragheads didn't just show up on those guys' doorstep. A few minutes earlier they were trying to kill those Marines. Well, the natural order of things to hold, and the Marines killed their sorry asses. Just like we pray every day that they will.

    The fear, adrenalin, testosterone was Off the Freakin' Charts. The Marines Won, and they pissed on the bastards. Good on them.

    They just shouldn't have taken pictures.

  36. Honor?

    And, when did your family move to Canada?

    What could you possibly know of honor?

  37. One of the Discussions of Iran, and Middle East Oil I've Seen

    Truly Expert Analysis - From Experts.

    On Al Jazeera, of course.

  38. Actually, I think it's far, and away, the Best Discussion of Iran/Oil I've seen.

  39. anoni and his cohort advocating the US should withdraw from the Geneva Accords.

    When the "real" issue is to better educate the troops in the field as to the importance of not using "Social Media" to connect with their friends back home.

  40. In short, when the pecker comes out, the camera goes off.

  41. Rule 113. Treatment of the Dead

    Rule 113. Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited.

    State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

    International armed conflicts
    The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled (or pillaged) was first codified in the 1907 Hague Convention (X).[1] It is now also codified in the Geneva Conventions.[2] It is also contained in Additional Protocol I,[3] albeit in more general terms of “respecting” the dead, which includes the notion of preventing the remains from being despoiled.[4]

    The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled or the prohibition of the despoliation of the dead is set forth in numerous military manuals.[5] The despoliation of dead bodies is an offence under the legislation of many States.[6] In the Pohl case in 1947, the US Military Tribunal at Nuremberg stated that robbing the dead “is and always has been a crime”.[7] In addition, the prohibition of despoliation of dead bodies is an application of the general prohibition of pillage (see Rule 52).

    The prohibition of mutilating dead bodies in international armed conflicts is covered by the war crime of “committing outrages upon personal dignity” under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, which according to the Elements of Crimes also applies to dead persons (see commentary to Rule 90).[8]

    Many military manuals prohibit the mutilation or other maltreatment of the dead.[9] Mutilation of the dead is an offence under the legislation of many States.[10] In several trials after the Second World War, the accused were convicted on charges of mutilation of dead bodies and cannibalism.[11] The prohibition on mutilating the dead is further supported by official statements and other practice.[12]


  42. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.”

    Gen William C. Westmoreland

  43. And no the crime was not the filming of it.

    What kind of nastiness did you get up to in Vietnam rufus?

  44. I can't wait to get to Berlin, and piss on that paper-hanging sonofabitches dead carcass.

    George Patton

  45. I ain't no snitch, Ash.

    ('specially on myself)

  46. .


    And, when did your family move to Canada?

    What could you possibly know of honor?

    Geez, Rufus, get a grip.


  47. desert rat said...
    I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me...

    Exactly, anoni.

    So if the President orders you to murder you believe it is not a crime?

  48. You could say the same thing about troops in WWII, WWI, Korea, Antietam, or anywhere else men have fought for their lives.

  49. Franklin knew that pissing upon Eleanor was not the same as mutilating her, ash.

    Though it may be considered, by some, as "outrages upon personal dignity".

    That is a finer line to judge, to be sure.

    Better to leave the cameras in the rucksack, or even back in the whirled.

  50. My God, the chemical analysis of the blood of a man that has just survived combat would scare you to death. To expect perfectly normal, rational reactions at such a time is absurd to the nth.

    The good news is they will be Judged by "Field" Officers, and will be given a measure of lattitude. After they've delayed as long as possible.

  51. .

    Fuck you, Quirk.

    Perry offered one of the few sensible comments during his campaign when talking about this incident. Paraphrasing, what you have here are young eighteen and nineteen years and kids make mistakes. What they did was wrong. They should be reprimanded but it was not a criminal act.

    To state Ash has no honor because he is now Canadian and doesn't agree with you that pissing on corpses is ok is batshit crazy old man.


  52. The discussion is not about murder, anoni.

    It is about taking pictures of Marines pissing upon dead bodies.

    It is about skirting regulations that hobble operational readiness. While not trumpeting the fact on social media outlets.

    Not murder.

    Though some in DC would, and have, called the dispatching of Anwar al-Awlaki murder.

    U.S-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, who edited the slick Jihadi Internet magazine, were killed in an air strike on their convoy in Yemen by a joint CIA-U.S. military operation, according to counterterrorism officials.

    I'd have pulled the trigger, given the opportunity. Would you have killed Anwar al-Awlaki, even if some called it murder?

  53. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

    On this site some days ago, I was libeled by Teresita as a “genocide”. “Libel” is defined by reputable authorities as “anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.” “Malice” is an active evil carried out aforethought. In short, Teresita felt perfectly comfortable acting out on this site because she felt she would have free rein.

    Now, the simplest way to have halted the subsequent demeaning intercourse would have been for Deuce to say, “I have known allen for years. While we may disagree on a host of issues, particularly those related to Israel, he has never printed on my blog a statement advocating genocide. To say otherwise, Teresita, is malicious slander and you are now required to prove your point by facts. If you are unable to do so, I will expect an immediate apology. If that means you will again storm off my site, well, good riddance.”
    Deuce did no such thing.

    There is no question of my believing that the West is at war with Islam because the followers of that ancient evil have made it so. Today, across the globe, some number of innocent men, women, and children will be murdered and mangled under cover of the horrific, purported ramblings of “The Prophet”. When the chance comes, they will do the same to the West. What Abdul Rahman could not accomplish at Tours now is being carried out all over Europe. The US is also on the list as evidenced by the erosion of Americanism in Michigan, let’s say. The acceptance of Sharia by US and Canadian courts and municipalities is a perfect example of the danger. That I believe the West must resist and maintain strategic outposts in the world does not make me a genocide. The fact that tactical nuclear armaments specifically targeting high value Islamic targets could work without destroying entire cities and millions of people is the matter of fact. As it turns, the US and Russians planned for exactly such scenarios when they built such devices in the thousands. That Teresita was unaware of this is not my fault and does not give her the right to label me a genocide. And by the way, I do not believe I have ever taken a position on the advisability of targeting the “black rock” of Mecca.

    I do not intend to halt taking positions on any subject I find appealing and/or germane. That is what mature adults do. That is why the Republicans are debating and that is why a blog such as this exists.

    For example, my raising the issue of “Christian cannibalism” is nothing new. I refer all to the voluminous notes and findings of the First Counsel of Nicaea (325 C.E.) Among other causes, this question and its implications led to the first major schism within the Christian churches. Consequently, mine was not the first such question, nor will it be the last. Since Teresita never tires of informing others on all things Jewish-Hebrew-Zionist-etc and jumped into the debate, she quickly found herself trapped by her own ignorant hyperbole and resorted to her usual profanity, bigotry, and obfuscation in reply. That is not my problem, and I think “fool” is amply descriptive of such behavior. How “numbnuts” added to the debate, I leave to Teresita to explain. To imply that being a married lesbian would have curried favor with the inquisitors of the then medieval Philippines of the 19th Century is just absurd.

  54. Or would anoni wait for the debate to be finalized and a Supreme judgement rendered?

  55. The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. They are the mixture of all the bad races on earth, and they get worse from west to east, because the eastern ones have had more crosses. Letter to Frederick Ayers (5 May 1943), published in The Patton Papers 1940-1945

  56. Quirk wrote:

    "To state Ash has no honor because he is now Canadian and doesn't agree with you that pissing on corpses is ok is batshit crazy old man."

    A quibble, I know, but I am not "Canadian" but rather a US citizen living in Canada which, in the view of some, might make me authorized to validly express an opinion on "honor".

  57. I would like to follow up Rufus' request from Ash. What do you know about honor, Ash?

    That is, beside what you can copy and paste?

    Ash constantly accuses others of being intolerant and self righteous, when he is actually the worst in both categories at the EB.

  58. The above fact does, in the eyes of the US government, give me all the obligations and priviledges of US citizenship such as tax obligations.

  59. A quibble, I know, but I am not "Canadian" but rather a US citizen living in Canada which, in the view of some, might make me authorized to validly express an opinion on "honor".

    If that in itself gives you authorization to express opinion on honor, it would just as easily give you authorization to do brain surgery.

  60. gag, do you think it honarable to piss on the corpses of the vanquished? I don't. It does not reflect well on the individuals involved, the military in general, nor religious folk like you who, apparently, encourage such behavior. Pissing is ok in your view, how about shitting? Maybe we should behead the corpse and stick it on a pike to scare their compatriots? All fine unless a video gets posted on the internet?

  61. gag wrote:

    "If that in itself gives you authorization to express opinion on honor, it would just as easily give you authorization to do brain surgery."

    My point exactly - Americans are not the sole arbiters of honor.

  62. You falsely conflate urination and mutilation, ash.

  63. I would like to follow up Rufus' request from Ash. What do you know about honor, Ash?

    That is, beside what you can copy and paste?

    Ash constantly accuses others of being intolerant and self righteous, when he is actually the worst in both categories at the EB.

  64. Some of us went to war; some of us went to Canada. I have a second cousin that went to Ontario. I haven't talked to him since. And, I won't.

  65. Where do you draw the line Rat? Pissing OK, how about shitting, or how about sex? All that stuff is generally considered unacceptable things to do to a dead body and in a military context no "honorable" behavior.

  66. My ending up in Canada had nothing to do with war.

  67. .

    Some of us went to war; some of us went to Canada. I have a second cousin that went to Ontario. I haven't talked to him since. And, I won't.

    And you project that onto Ash?


  68. Gag, I see you are repeating your request for help understanding what is honorable. Acting honorably is not to act "like everyone else" to do what is "understandable" but rather it is to act with honor, with merit, with distinction. Pissing on dead bodies in NOT honorable.

  69. "Deuce did no such thing."

    deuce is simply not the person you think he is but rather one that is fixated on his 401k. accept it.

  70. When you've survived your first fire-fight I'll pay more attention, Ash. But, it's obvious to me that your family has no propensity for getting involved in such things.

  71. But, I'll tell you this; you have No Fucking Idea what you would do under the circustances.

  72. I'm thinking the market is getting ready to tank again.

  73. Rufus, how does the US Military view the pissing on dead bodies issue? It isn't standard procedure is it? In fact they frown on it somewhat, no?

  74. The piss dries, ash.
    The shit will flake off.

    Necrophilia should be prosecuted.
    Mutilation does not need social media photos to prove the crime was committed.

    Putting a miscreants head on a pike, an age old remedy to men behaving badly.

    That pissing upon a corpse is now conflated with putting a head on a pike, or perhaps next, execution by impalement...

    ...seems we've "grown", since the "Good Old Days"

  75. Yes, rat, the piss dries and the shit will flake off but that does not make the act honorable, quite the opposite.

  76. Ash, learn how to read and answer a simple question instead of answering a question with a question, as you like to do.

    I also find it humorous you taunt and criticize Gingrich about his past, when you post things like:

    "yeah, and we will all be smoking pot and having a good time screwing all the while making a buck or two..."

    Try not to be such an intolerant, self righteous hypocrite. You will be a better man for it.

  77. Honorable?

    That's what the discussion ha devolved to?

    No, ash, it is not "Honorable" to piss on the dead. It is exactly the opposite. The pissing upon the bodies is meant to dishonor the dead.

    Does that bring "Honor" upon those actively participating by pissing, not particularly, but it doe not especially dishonor them, either.

    Besides, those Taliban had already pissed and shit all over themselves, a little more could be over looked. Dealt with in a non-judicial manner.

    But the video removed that opportunity from the Command's options.

  78. Rufus is correct in his understanding about the chemical rush that keeps one alive in combat. It drains away slowly.Things are done that are not understandable upon sober reflection. The error here is their NCO should have said, “Alright assholes, take your piss and put the camera away.”

    My father told me about the bomber crews when they returned to England from their bombing missions in Germany. Some nice English ladies from the Red Cross would have a little stand set up for some hot chocolate. Behind them would be the medics with packs of Lucky Strikes and glasses of pure grain alcohol “to rinse off their oxygen masks.” The nice English ladies almost got run over as the flyboys tended to their masks.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. devolved to? That is exactly what it is about (at least my participation in the discussion):

    Rufus II said...
    Fuck, some of you have no more idea of what constitutes "Honor," than a pig has of Christmas.

    Those guys are Real Warriors, fighting every single day. Some of them will come home to friends, and loved ones, packed in a body bag, just so some of you can sit around on your fat asses, typing on your computers, and opining on something you know nothing about.

    I don't know what could, possibly, be more "Honorable" than that.

    And, Rat, comparing those guys to a cowardly italian cruise line captain is nuts. I know you just got carried away, but jeeze.

    Fri Jan 20, 10:49:00 AM EST

    Ash said...
    Pissing on dead bodies is honorable in your view Rufus?

    Fri Jan 20, 10:51:00 AM EST

    Rufus II said...
    Why hell yes.

    If they'd had video phones, and facebook in Vietnam, we'd have all been in jail.

  81. What the pissing episode does dishonor, ash, i the institution of the US Marine Corps.

    Illustrating to the public of the lack of small unit discipline amongst the ranks.

    The lack of control maintained by the NCOs.

    That dishonors the Corps, just as the disregard for regulations at Abu hraib dishonored the Army.

    None of the Iraqi were mutilated or sexually violated, as I recall. Just put on a collar and leash, with panties on their heads.

    While the female soldier pointed to and laughed about the lack of physical endowment of the detainees.

    What that has to do with "Honor", I'm not quite sure.

  82. To imply that being a married lesbian would have curried favor with the inquisitors of the then medieval Philippines of the 19th Century is just absurd.

    The lesbian crap is cover to protect me from on-line stalkers. It is enough to say that in any century I would not be put to the rack, the lash, or any other instrument of enforcing sexual morality.

  83. I'm trying to remember the context in which I made that comment Gag but I'm failing. What did I say "yeah" to? If I remember correctly it had an element of sarcasm or irony to it.

    Anyway, re Newt, his second wife said in an interview a couple of days ago, for the second time, that he wanted an "open marriage". He categorically denies it. Being on his third wife is odd for a family man who is Catholic. I have little pity for him getting asked about such apparent contradictions - you know, things like pontificating against Clinton having an extra-maritial affair while he was conducting his own. Personally I find Clinton lying under oath to be the problem not the affair per se.

    as to answering questions with questions it often serves to illuminate what is by demonstrating what it isn't.

  84. The Marines in the video, ash
    Could qualify under #1, be men of honor and piss on the dead Taliban
    Though they brought dishonor to their Marine Corps family, which would influence how the interpretation of #3 would advance. Definition #4 does not apply and I think, from the posting on this thread, the view of their standing in regards to #5 is split.

    I hold them in low esteem, for allowing the episode to be videoed.

    honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.
    a source of credit or distinction: to be an honor to one's family.
    high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank: to be held in honor.
    such respect manifested: a memorial in honor of the dead.
    high public esteem; fame; glory: He has earned his position of honor.

  85. One week of Canuckistan weather, take it back Ash.

  86. While the female soldier pointed to and laughed about the lack of physical endowment of the detainees.

    Sort of like nuking the black rock, but with fewer cancer deaths.

  87. It has been funny reading of you all suffering winter weather (I hear even Florida has been cold) whereas here in Toronto we've had an incredibly mild winter with virtually no snow as of yet. I ran into more snow driving through Pennsylvania and Virginia in early November than we've had this year to date.

  88. Achilles “tempts the wrath of heaven too far” with his desire to “vent his mad vengeance on the sacred dead.”

    This is what is good about 'Homer'. Achilles, the Greek, is the thug, while Hector, the alien, is the honorable man. The Jews too had a knack for being honest about their heros.

    Even The Moslems Know It Is Wrong

    Wrong, but understandable, to mutilate the sacred dead.

  89. Grand total of 8 inches of snow, but here comes the big Thaw.

  90. Somebody: On this site some days ago, I was libeled by Teresita as a “genocide”.

    Actually, what I did was I said Somebody's comments were not surprising in light of the three Mitzvot requiring genocide against Amalek in every generation.

  91. .

    Grand total of 8 inches of snow, but here comes the big Thaw.

    Sorry, T, those pictures you put up just didn't look all that bad to someone from the Midwest states.


  92. Mere dusting over by Seattle, we got snow here.

  93. Is Ash back with his selective indignation?

    It used to be that POTUS (R) was shredding the constitution via FISA, pre-emptive drone assassinations, Gitmo, indefinite detention, etc.

    Now, with POTUS (D), not a chirp can be heard.

    And now Ash is upset that some Taliban got pissed on.
    Too bad; do something about it

  94. Quirk, the weather in Seattle is very similar to London. This amount of snow, for seven days, has a periodicity of about once per seven years.

  95. I met a girl once who had never seen snow. From Honolulu, which she had never been off of, she came here to school. She soon saw snow.

  96. Anonymous said...
    Is Ash back with his selective indignation?

    It used to be that POTUS (R) was shredding the constitution via FISA, pre-emptive drone assassinations, Gitmo, indefinite detention, etc.

    That stuff still pisses me off. What I find interesting in the recent developments is that they are now threatening to do it to Americans as well and that has the 'right' all pissed off. That reminds me of the EIRUS video I did awhile back:

  97. What I find interesting in the recent developments is that they are now threatening to do it to Americans as well...

    Good luck to them, we're going all drones, no boots.

  98. Drones to Monitor U.S. Citizens

    ... The use of drones in the U.S. itself, however, has received considerably less coverage. This year will prove to be a coming out party for the domestic drone. If used responsibly while remaining fully aware of potential dangers, drones could revolutionize law enforcement in the United States.

    In June 2011, a sheriff in North Dakota was searching for six missing cows that were stolen. Three armed men chased the sheriff off the farm and called for the usual reinforcements in the case of an armed standoff. The difference in this situation was that a Customs and Border Patrol Predator B drone was called away from the Canadian border and aided law enforcement in arresting the three suspects.

    According to the Los Angeles Times, this was the first known arrest of U.S. citizens using Predator drones on our soil. No shots were fired, a cache of weapons and the missing cows were found, and three alleged members of the Sovereign Citizens Movement were arrested. The drones at the border are primarily used for tracking illegal activity, but the 2005 bill that authorized these drones allowed them to work within “interior law enforcement support.” That small loophole may open up a can of worms as law enforcement eyes the benefits of having unmanned vehicles carry out dangerous surveillance tasks.

  99. Romney Collapsing Nationally

    New Gallup poll looks bad for CaymanIslands, good for the retreaded whitewall tire.

    This race is going on for a long time, betcha.

  100. .

    ...Sovereign Citizens Movement...

    I understand these guys are librarians rat (except for the cows of course).




  101. That is interesting Rat in light of the fact you can't use the US military domestically but drones...

  102. It's called the NDAA; perhaps you missed that POTUS signed it.

  103. If used responsibly while remaining fully aware of potential dangers, drones could revolutionize law enforcement in the United States.

    That's a big barn door.

    Meanwhile, an Obama administration official is taking the 5th in Fast and Furious.

    While meanwhile meanwhile, some "feral youths" in Philly I think it is are being tracked down for beating up an aging Veteran on the streets.

    ID of the "feral youths" comes from surveillance videos.

  104. .

    Finally something we agree on bobbo.


  105. ...Sovereign Citizens Movement...

    I understand these guys are librarians rat (except for the cows of course).


    Exactly, kind of nincompoopery one associates with the crapper.

    I'm joining the Sovereign Senior Citizens Movement myself.

    I've earned the right to look, say, dress, and do, legally of course, just exactly as I please. I and some others have pledged ourselves to this.

    And, if you don't like it, well fuck you too.

  106. Teresita said...
    Somebody: On this site some days ago, I was libeled by Teresita as a “genocide”.

    Actually, what I did was I said Somebody's comments were not surprising in light of the three Mitzvot requiring genocide against Amalek in every generation.

    Spoken like someone who DOESNT have a clue as to what they are talking about.

    Not surprising.

    Ms T comments on many things Jewish, Zionist or Israeli that she is clueless about.

    If knowledge came from cut and paste she'd be a genius.

    But it doesnt.

    And this latest comment shows her ignorance again.

  107. Teresita said...

    The lesbian crap is cover to protect me from on-line stalkers.

    IS she lying now or was she LYING then?

  108. .

    More importantly, who gives a damn?


  109. Ash, you were trying to force your intolerant views of abortion on all of us.

    Ash thinks peeing on a dead combatant is deplorable......but it's ok to kill unborn babies.

  110. Dad used to say, to be a politician, you got to be a bullshitter, and to be a great politician, you got to be a great bullshitter.

    I perceive that's the trouble with Santorum, not a good bullshitter.

    Romney, passable slick bullshitter.

    Gingrich, astounding bullshitter, which is while he will win.

    Demento, bullshitter supremo, but from Mars

  111. Ash thinks peeing on a dead combatant is deplorable......but it's ok to kill unborn babies.

    What about making combatants dead, isn't that deplorable?

  112. Anybody who hasn't figured out by now that Mr. T is a cross dressing male just hasn't been paying attention.


    He actually posted his photo, leaning up against a snow covered car, and, opposite 'Mr.T' Teresita as she, by a snow covered tree.

  113. "but it's ok to kill unborn babies."

    no, Gag, you misunderstand -- it is a woman's right to make that choice, not yours, not the States much like the family has the choice to disconnect life support from and elderly relative.

  114. Time to get the daughter's hair dryer plugged in to the extension cord and hobble across the street and melt the three feet of snow the city crew plowed up around the car....

  115. the family has the choice to disconnect life support from and elderly relative.

    O, wrongo, Asho

    That is called murder, unless there is a valid living will.

    A senior is still his own sovereign, life support or no, unless he/she has made it legally clear otherwise.

  116. Bob: Anybody who hasn't figured out by now that Mr. T is a cross dressing male just hasn't been paying attention.

    Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

  117. I have to once again agree with Ash but on the other hand...

    I have a friend with PTSD. His unit was one of the first to go to Iraq. He pretty much said, he's not saying it was right, but war is hell and if you've never been then point that finger somewhere else.

    So, who am I to say whether it was morally right or wrong.

  118. It is understandable Meldoy but still not honorable.

    Bob, I don't know my US law very well but I think you are incorrect to surmise that unless there is express direction that life support will be maintained forever.

  119. As you know I don't have family members that served in the military, except one, my mother's older brother. I don't know much about him as he died at the age of 22, in a car accident, while on leave. The only thing I know was, he loved the Army and wanted to make it his career.

    Recently, while rummaging through a bin of old photos I found one of my uncle with two fellows. To my advantage they all signed the back of the photo. When I did a Google search to my surprise I found a prospect. I emailed him with the information I had and he confirmed that was his information but didn't recall my uncle. He assured me the Army keeps excellent records and if I wanted any information about him to start there.

    He wanted to see the photo. After confirming once again that he was certainly the man in the photo standing next to my uncle, he briefly told me about their assignment and said that he remembers carousing around with my uncle, the detail of which can not leave Korea.

    My point is, whether it was morally right or wrong, honorable or dishonorable by the Marine code of conduct, a) that video should have never been made and b) it should have never left Afghanistan. If any charges are to be brought against anyone it should be the one behind the camera.

  120. Its 75 degrees in North Texas today. I am going to the golf course. Adios.

  121. I believe you are wrong, Ash, for the most part, though the states may have differing laws.

    Here you need a designated plug puller, I believe. That is why we both have living wills. That is why the lawyer asked, do you want a plug puller.

    Perhaps a wife has some say some places, without being the designated plug puller, I am not sure. Maybe parents too, maybe...

    I am glad 'family' in the form of cousin Sal doesn't have the ability, I would not last long.

    Under ObamaDeath, Uncle Sam will soon be the designated plug puller.


    gustafus 23 minutes ago
    Women are not that sympathetic to former wives.... I don't know where you got the idea that a miserable EX can change our opinion. I like Newt more and more... and I swore I would never vote GOP after 8 years of the bush/cheney criminal gang. I said the GOP was dead for a generation.... I may be right -- but Obama is a huge disappointment... I voted REVENGE and got a lawn jockey for Wall St. If Ron Paul is not the candidate - I WAS going to stay home... after the beating Newt's taken.. I find myself quoting him.... he's a hoot.

    Three New Polls All Show Gingrich In Front In S.C.

  122. On the other hand, charges have to start somewhere. (I am not saying in this instance)

    What if, like Achilles, they had tied the bodies behind a truck and dragged them around the streets?

    What then?

    The law is a tough mistress, hard to please, easily distressed.

  123. Rufus, were you drafted, or did you join up? I thought you were drafted, but then once you said something about the Marines. Just askin'

  124. Watch that video, and then tell me if you'd be prone to a bit of rowdiness after 9 straight months of that.

  125. I voted REVENGE and got a lawn jockey for Wall St.

    I think that's pretty good.

  126. No, Bob, I joined the Marine Corp after a particularly brutal, all-night poker/drinkfest.

    I sobered up about 2 seconds after the DI stepped onto the bus at MCRD San Diego. :)

  127. Yeah, we hardly had time to drill, what with screwin' them movie stars day, and night.

  128. That drinking is going to kill you yet.

  129. Teresita said...
    Bob: Anybody who hasn't figured out by now that Mr. T is a cross dressing male just hasn't been paying attention.

    Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

    Guess that means that Ms T doesnt wear a strap on...

  130. I don' know, Bob; if it ain't got me yet . . . .

  131. Teresita said...
    Bob: Anybody who hasn't figured out by now that Mr. T is a cross dressing male just hasn't been paying attention.

    Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

    Since when are Christians concerned about the laws of the Old Testament?


    Ms T? You aint no Jew why quote rules that don't apply to you?

  132. Well then! That's it!

    No strap for Mr T!


  133. Since when are Christians concerned about the laws of the Old Testament?

    "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." -- Master Je Tzu

  134. I think Bob is referring to Gal 3:10-14.

  135. Teresita said...
    Since when are Christians concerned about the laws of the Old Testament?

    "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." -- Master Je Tzu

    Yep sounds like you....

    You're are the least of them....

    No heaven for you....

  136. Here Is A Good Example Of Why A Living Will Should Be Necessary To Pull The Plug

    I don't know that either father or son have much on their minds than the money, though that may be a wrong opinion.

    Think they would pull the plug, if they could, for the money?

  137. SO is Ms T not a lesbian?

    Or is Ms T, Mr T?

    SO confused....

  138. US proxies moving forward, in Somalia.

    Another success for US policies, whether by accident, design or benign neglect.

    Officials say African Union and Somali government troops have seized positions from militant group al-Shabab in the capital, Mogadishu.

    The AU force, known as AMISOM, said Friday that it had driven al-Shabab fighters from Mogadishu University and the Barakat Cemetery, areas on the city's northern outskirts.

    Witnesses in the area reported hearing heavy gunfire around dawn Friday. Reports from the area say at least three government soldiers were killed when their vehicle was attacked.

    Al-Shabab abandoned most of the city in August but had held on to a few areas and has continued to carry out bombings and guerilla-style attacks in the war-torn capital.

    The militant group is fighting to overthrow Somalia's U.N.-backed transitional government and impose strict Islamic law. It is battling AU forces in Mogadishu, as well as Kenyan soldiers in the south and Ethiopian troops in the west.

  139. I think it is time to put an Anonymous on the national ballot. Must be 35 years of age and a Natural Born Citizen and willing to move to the White House. Candidate would be chosen in a national lottery. Identity kept secret till after the election.

  140. Just another choice of course, adding a little fun to the otherwise dreary proceedings. But, what if we elected a real son of a bitch, you ask, all unknown to us? But, but, we've already done that.

  141. The odds are we'd get something better than what we've got or what the pubs are offering and the candidate would get a lot of the faceless voter vote lessening the degree of alienation in the country.

  142. Gag Reflex said...
    Its 75 degrees in North Texas today. I am going to the golf course. Adios

    I'm jealous and dying to get back out on the course. Great game is golf!

  143. If I remember correctly, Bob, Terri Schiavo did not have a formal living will...

  144. I was wondering about that Ash, I can't remember. But she must not have, otherwise there wouldn't have been the big fight.

    There's another thing, what happens without a living will if hubby wants you bumped off, and mom and dad both want you 'alive'? They are all 'relatives' is a sense. Though mom and dad might well be thought of as the closer.

    Everyone should have a living will. In addition to mine saying my wife can pull the plug in addition to underline it, it also states I don't want any 'extraordinary' means to keep me alive.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Certainly a living will makes it easier for them to pull the plug but it can be done without one as well.

    By the way, isn't Ariel Sharon still alive today?


  147. Schiavo I: end-of-life wishes

    Given the lack of a living will, a trial was held during the week of January 24, 2000, to determine what Terri's wishes would have been regarding life-prolonging procedures.

  148. Different family members had different opinions about removing her from life support I believe.

    Sharon's family appears to have chosen to keep him on life support these last 7 years or so.

    The important question is who gets to decide?

  149. I think he is still alive.

    I was going to wonder if there is some Jewish prohibition against such things, but there must not be as I know of three Jewish folks here who have them. They are not orthodox however.

  150. Then followed five year of law suits and legal wrangling.

    Which culminated in her death, The manner of death was certified as "undetermined".

    I seems that starvation and dehydration are not "determinable".

    "Mrs. Schiavo suffered severe anoxic brain injury. The cause of which cannot be determined with reasonable medical certainty. The manner of death will therefore be certified as undetermined."

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. yeppers, given that you can not legally kill them they are left to fend for themselves without life support. We shoot horses...

  153. Now you seem to want to kill them, when before we were 'simply' talking about cutting off life support.

    This is dangerous moral/ethical territory here, Ash.

    I am certain, or nearly so, she would have been given pain killers and relaxants and such -- certainly hope so -- but a bullet? That is a step - somewhere - to some different world as we know it.

  154. My wife has succeeded with the help of a neighbor, a snowblower, and a small chained up wheel tractor in getting the car out of the snow pile.
    I have maintained stability and am in charge here in the house of state.

  155. Here's the situation: Your son, or daughter is brain-dead. He/she has a living will, and the plug has been pulled. Unfortunately, he/she will go through a painful two-week starving/dehydration, ala Terry Schiavvo.

    You with me so far? The plug has been pulled; there's no way out.

    Here's the question. You have access to a small hypodermic that will put him/her out of the pain, and misery of dying of dehydration/starvation.

    You are alone with him/her, and have the opportunity.

    Oh yeah, you WILL get caught.

    Do you do it?

  156. What is the difference, b, between the Judge ordering a terminal dose of morphine, or ordering that her feeding tubes be disconnected and hydration stopped.

    Judge Greer formally denied the motion and ordered the "removal of nutrition and hydration from the ward" and set the time and date for the removal of the feeding tube as, "1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2005."

  157. The serial adulterer is demanding CaymanIslands release his income tax returns.

    CaymanIslands is demanding the adulterer release the ethics report on him by the House of Representatives some many years ago.

    And at the convention Sarah will buzz in on a white snow machine to unanimous applause and be nominated.

    This is going to be a great show!

  158. Depends.

    I might, kids are grown.

    My aunt, between 96 and when she died at 981/2 said to me many times 'I wish my heart would just stop now bob'

    At the very end, at 98 1/2, when things were getting tough, if it had been just her and I, I don't know, maybe I would have helped her out.

    But probably not, though she was in pain, it was more or less controllable. Died peacefully.

  159. What is the difference, b, between the Judge ordering a terminal dose of morphine, or ordering that her feeding tubes be disconnected and hydration stopped.

    Granted, not much...n o t much

    A lot of religious would probably say, it goes over from 'letting nature take its course' - I have heard this phrase many times around here - over to helping nature out.

    Removing the feeding tubes wouldn't be 'helping nature out' as the person would have been gone long ago if left to their own devices.

    I think there really isn't any perfect answer to any of this.

  160. Isn't it basically a question of whether there is a possibility of recovery or meaningful improvement in these cases?

  161. What would the kid's age have to do with it?


  162. NHTSA released a statement, analysis of its battery testing, fire incident reports and guidance for emergency responders late Friday in announcing the conclusion of its investigation.

    The statement read: "The agency's investigation has concluded that no discernible defect trend exists and that the vehicle modifications recently developed by General Motors reduce the potential for battery intrusion resulting from side impacts.

    "Based on the available data, NHTSA does not believe that Chevy Volts or other electric vehicles pose a greater risk of fire than gasoline-powered vehicles,"

  163. No, read the question again. The Die is Cast. The Tubes Have Been Pulled. The Child IS Going To Die.

    The only question is: A painless death now,

    or a death after two weeks of pain and suffering.

  164. A major player who's up to his eyeballs in the bloody fiasco known as Operation Fast and Furious is pleading the fifth.

    Probably drinking one too.

    Criminal Division Chief of AZ U.S. Attorney's Office Will Plead Fifth in Fast and Furious Investigation

    Short Article Here - ( Am Thinker Alert)


  165. McClatchy Newspapers

    KABUL, Afghanistan -- The killings of four French troops Friday by an Afghan soldier they were training has renewed concerns - a decade into the training mission - that Afghans are growing increasingly disdainful of the U.S.-led coalition forces ostensibly there to help them and are striking back.

    The American military has conceded that troop deaths at the hands of Afghans have climbed in the last six months but has refused to release statistics. The Pentagon hasn't suggested any renewed security measures for American troops training their Afghan counterparts, a cornerstone of the U.S. strategy to end its combat mission in Afghanistan by 2014.

    "We believe that they do appear to be increasing in frequency in recent months. What we can't discern is a cause for that," Navy Capt. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said Friday.

    "We're certainly concerned about these incidents, and officials are taking a look at it," he said. "But we also don't believe that this is an endemic or systemic problem. The great majority of partnered operations, and frankly most of our operations are partnered, are done successfully, smoothly, efficiently."

    Coalition partners appear more concerned. The French suspended their mission in Afghanistan on Friday after the deaths of their soldiers and President Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to pull his nation's 4,000 troops out of the country altogether, saying he couldn't allow allies to kill them.

    "I cannot accept that Afghan soldiers fire on French soldiers," Sarkozy said.

    Read more here:

  166. The only question is: A painless death now,

    or a death after two weeks of pain and suffering.

    Use the hypo.

    What I was meaning to say, was, my kids are grown, so if I was to say put my wife out, or someone else, and go to prison for awhile, I wouldn't be so worried about my kids welfare.

    If it were certain to badly affect my kids welfare I would let the person suffer for two weeks.

  167. Okay, I've got it now.

    I would, also, use the hypo. BUT, if I were thirty, with a young family it would be a lot tougher call.

    There should be a provision for this in the law, but the bible-thumping crazies would never allow it to happen.

    Although, isn't there a state (Washington?) that allows assisted suicide?) Maybe a contract could be signed if you lived in that state that would allow the "assistor" to do the deed in such a case.

  168. Waited all day and still anoni refuses to answer the question ...

    Would he have pulled the trigger on Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, after the President approved the strike, even if some in DC considered it murder?

  169. That is Oregon, Rufus, and it has worked out pretty well, only a couple of complaints. It seems a well thought out program.

    I think Washington may be considering it, you might ask Miss or Mrs T, she might know.

    These days, if you have the bucks, you can check out, unlike here at EB, anytime you want, by going "suicide touring" in Switzerland. Any age, though you must be an adult, any condition, even perfectly healthy, just fly on over and take the cocktail.

    They should I think, have a longer waiting period than they do, lots of people change their minds.

  170. Romney so "out of touch" that he did not know that the Gingrich ethics report is available on the INet.

    While he knows full well that his tax returns are not.

  171. I think Washington may be considering it, you might ask Miss or Mrs T, she might know.

    You are almost surrounded Bob. We just gotta get Wyoming on board...

    Assisted suicide is legal in the three American states of Oregon (via the Oregon Death with Dignity Act), Washington (by Washington Death with Dignity Act), and Montana (through the 2009 trial court ruling Baxter v. Montana).

  172. Thanks, T.

    Montana (through the 2009 trial court ruling Baxter v. Montana)

    That is interesting - a court.

    I will look that up.

  173. hmmmm.....and at my age I better start paying attention to these things. If I can just get outta state in time....


    The last I knew, and this was a long time ago, suicide was illegal in Idaho :)

    Used to laugh with my dad about this, though he didn't seem to think it as funny as I.

  174. "nothing in Montana Supreme Court precedent or Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy."[13]

    " nothing in Montana statutes" - meaning the court felt the legislature could call the shot if it wanted to, I suppose.

    And then, after passing the law forbidding it, be taken back to court again. Heh :)

  175. What looks like half an apple?

  176. "What looks like half an apple?

    The other half."

    That's what I told the kids when they were pups, they didn't always buy it. They knew it was impossible to be precise, someone is gonna get the short slice. They were right.

    The same dynamic works from Zucchini Park to Damascus. The greatest percentage of the people get the least of the sliced apple, every time, it sucks to be a majority, for most.

  177. This weeks visuals are a happy singing Obama, thrilling an awed, surprised crowd, contrasted to an angry grumpy wife-beater disrespecting the media, which is just trying to get to the truth.

    There is a reason Obama is laughing and singing.

  178. Not that there's anything to this for-now rumor, but apparently the Keystone deal was nixed on account of terrorist threat from eh-Qaida.

  179. Occupy Boise protesters showed up at a hearing at the statehouse this morning to make their voices heard. The legislature is currently looking at a bill which would evict the protesters from the land they have been inhabiting.

    According to the Idaho Statesman, more than 40 Occupiers showed up for the meeting being held to discuss the issue.

    House Majority Leader Scott Bedke introduced the bill which would not allow camping on state property within city limits.

    Occupiers have now moved into tents and sleeping bags now that it has snowed.

  180. "According to the Idaho Statesman, more than 40 Occupiers showed up for the meeting being held to discuss the issue."

    That's larger than the US Senate, depending on how many states we have. Estimates vary.

    Damn near a quorum regardless.

    Imagine the SotU Address in the Mic-Check Era, a hybrid of Parliament and MTV.

    Have the bartender record my prediction: Eventually, Obama will humorously acknowledge the mic-check by participating in a mic-check.



  182. "Occupiers have now moved into tents and sleeping bags now that it has snowed."

    Well, now I'm impressed.

  183. They are intelligent folk, Toshtu, one even sent a message from jail, saying, 'I am with you in spirit, and will be always', which sounds kinda familiar somehow, as if I've heard it before, somewhere, but that's what she said just a bit ago, over the radio.

    Ah, mystic music, my kind of tunes.

  184. She also said, and I am not making this up either, said right from jail, 'you can use my tent, and bag too'.

  185. Van Morrison is great, but he is of the One Percent.

    This is the People's Music:


  186. Abajo el 1 %

    Arriba las 99%




  187. P>S>

    This is old stuff, Justice Douglas said rocks should have constitution rights, and long ago, too.

    Animals? No question, and govmint paid lawyers to represent each and every one.

    PETA rocks!

    g'nite agin

  188. Trees Have Standing

    That's what wiki says but I do believe he also said rocks did as well, in his book.

    Do fallen trees have any standing?

    Or, only standing trees?

    I pass this intricate question over to Toshtu.
