Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gingrich Talks Current Events


  1. The Democrats are smart enough to know the predictable reaction of the wide stance blue nose wing of the Republican Party.

    What relevance are the comments of a bitter ex-spouse?

  2. Mitt lost in Iowa, Santorum won.

    It's official.

  3. Current Events in Egypt.
    The status que has won, so far.
    The Muslim Brotherhood, still out in the cold. There is no heat in the Egyptian legislature.

    Egypt's Military Government Quiets Revolutionaries

    by Lourdes Garcia-Navarro
    January 19, 2012

    It's been nearly a year since the uprising began in Egypt that toppled President Hosni Mubarak began. The revolutionaries that started it all are again finding themselves persecuted. The military council that runs Egypt is targeting them, using the court system and prison to shut them up. Unlike a year ago, the revolutionaries can no longer count on much popular support.

  4. If Romney ran the country like a private equity deal, he would leverage it with more debt, pay a special dividend to the banksters, lower their tax rates, then leave government bond holders and savers holding the bag when the US defaults eight years later in a bankruptcy déjà vu, ironically, JUST LIKE OBAMA.

    We are in for 4 years where lame duck Obama fearlessly shows his true socialist colors. Romney's background and bankster low tax rate makes him unelectable. Romney or Obama, America loses either way.

  5. Wholesale Prices, yesterday:

    Gasoline - $2.82

    Ethanol - $2.11

    One we fight wars in the Persian Gulf to obtain.

    Guess which one.

  6. One supports our local economies, and

    One pays for golden toilet seats for Kings, Emporers, and Thugs, and destroys our "Balance of Payments."

    Guess which one.

  7. Guess "which is the stupidest species to ever habituate Planet Earth?"


    Warn us when you put up a link to that stupid rag.

    Of course, they left out the obvious best solution - NO WAR, PERIOD!

  9. Why in the hell would the country with, probably, the 3rd largest Nuclear Inventory on Earth, and an Excellent Missile Defense System, want to start a war with Ifuckingran?

  10. The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that the USA will be 160,000 physicians short by 2025 (when all patients would be insured under ObamaCare), and this is without even considering those doctors who will limit their practice to insured patients because of decreasing reimbursements or who retire early when faced with increasing costs with little return.

    Docs Turning On ObamaCare?

  11. Sorry, Rufus

    You click back through the toons, some are not too bad.

  12. Bob, we heard all that crap when the Dems passed Medicare. It wasn't true, then, and it isn't true, now.

  13. Used to be, when you clicked on AT, you couldn't hit "back," and get out. I notice, at least, you can do that, now.

  14. Alaska dog sled races canceled -- Too much snow and cold...

    They could hold them here.

  15. It was a disappointing weekend for middle-distance mushers, many of whom were planning on knocking out a 300-mile qualifier for the Iditarod/Yukon Quest at this year’s Copper Basin 300.

    The contest was expected to end sometime this morning at Red Eagle Lodge. Instead, mushers began to pile up after the Meier’s Lake checkpoint – less than a third of the way into the race.

    Aliy Zirkle, of Two Rivers, described the scene on her SP Kennel blog: “I really began to have my doubts about the trail when I came head on with three of the lead trail breaking snow machines headed the wrong direction - one was being towed.”

    Read more here:

  16. RufusCare

    Rather than get in an extended and futile argument, I'm going back to bed.

  17. "Rufuscare" is based on Romneycare, and the people of Mass love Romneycare.

    Everyone has Healthcare, and the State Budget was affected by less than 1%.

    And, Healthcare Inflation in Mass Was Below the National Average last year.

  18. allen said...
    bob said...
    There are wonderful Jews.

    Then there are worthless assholes like allen who write this kind of shit -

    Christian cannibalism in the Philippines

    It's kind of like saying all Marines eat corpses.


    Don't take it personally. The question has to do with exactly that: Do Christians eat corpses?

    Gosh, a guy asks a simple question of Christian doctrine and instantly bob is talking about Jews.


    Thu Jan 19, 08:55:00 AM EST

  19. Don't take it personally. The question has to do with exactly that: Do Christians eat corpses?

    Has Allen stopped beating his wife?

  20. They're looking at 30% in 2020, and 50% by 2030.

  21. Bob: It's kind of like saying all Marines eat corpses.

    Or like saying Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover.

  22. Which would you rather your children were doing in 2030:

    Getting their electricity from a paid-for Solar/Wind Farm, or

    Buying Coal?

  23. Rufus II said...

    Which would you rather your children were doing in 2030:

    Getting their electricity from a paid-for Solar/Wind Farm, or

    Buying Coal?

    Solar, from invisible nanotechnology film sprayed on every available surface.

  24. Rufus II said...

    Warn us when you put up a link to that stupid rag.

    Of course, they left out the obvious best solution - NO WAR, PERIOD!

    Of course they left out the obvious best solution, Genocide of Israel that is the final and best solution!

    If we only would allow democracy to flourish in the middle east ( and murder every jew and christian) we could have peace.

    Peace in our time!

  25. If only those stupid Isrealis would just kill themselves

    Peace would be our in our time!

    The settlement of the Palestinian problem, which has now been achieved is, in my view, only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all of the Middle East may find peace. This morning I had another talk with the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine. Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you: ' ... We regard the agreement signed last night and the Sunni and Shia Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.'[3]

  26. No, Ms T, 45 watts from 3 panels for $150 at Tools-R-Us.

    The batteries, not magical, but lead.

    Always capable of upgrade, when the magic is ready.

  27. Teresita said...
    Bob: It's kind of like saying all Marines eat corpses.

    Or like saying Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover.

    Teresita is a know Jew hater. Please when reading ANYTHING she posts she has a bias against anything Jewish, Israel or Zionism

  28. Rufus II said...
    Why in the hell would the country with, probably, the 3rd largest Nuclear Inventory on Earth, and an Excellent Missile Defense System, want to start a war with Ifuckingran?

    To bring about the hidden Imam...

    Try learning what the Iranians believe, not what a hillbilly injun wants to think they believe.

    Their world view aint yours....

  29. Another anoni that has lost their mind.

    Little wonder that they fear a screen name, to say such stupid shit would have negative ramifications, even for an avatar.

  30. Teresita said...
    Don't take it personally. The question has to do with exactly that: Do Christians eat corpses?

    Has Allen stopped beating his wife?

    Has Teresita stopped lying tot he US government about her sexuality?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. The hidden Imam, or the return of the Christ at the head of an Army, on the plains of Armageddon.

    Equality of insanity.

    It certainly is not limited to Islam.

  33. desert rat said...
    Another anoni that has lost their mind.

    Little wonder that they fear a screen name, to say such stupid shit would have negative ramifications, even for an avatar.

    Hardly Herr Rat, WAS on a phone

    Back on the puter now...

    and your still an asshole.

  34. desert rat said...
    The hidden Imam, or the return of the Christ at the head of an Army, on the plains of Armageddon.

    Equality of insanity.

    It certainly is not limited to Islam.

    Christianity has had 1000 years of violence already, it has taught us well...

    So when crazy islamists (that you are supportive of) call for genocide? We listen. We arm. We prepare.

  35. With Zionist Christians supporting a "Jewish" Israel to bring about just that "End".

    More to fear, from the Christians, than from Iran. The Christians already have their nuclear warheads, and the largest combined budget for war in the whirled.

    The Iranians, spending less than 1% of the expenditures of the "West".

    So be afraid, if you wish, but the US has nothing to fear but the fear mongers and chicken hawks.

  36. desert rat said...
    With Zionist Christians supporting a "Jewish" Israel to bring about just that "End".

    More to fear, from the Christians, than from Iran.

    You live in a fantasy world.

    Iran is the nation threatening genocide of Israel not the Christians

    But you can keep making excuses for your islamic brothers all you wish, We KNOW you are the 5th columnist in America.

    You constantly make excuses for Islamic issues across the world.

    We KNOW whose side your bread is buttered.

    And we shall call you Ishmael....

  37. I wonder if the Germans used "brownshirts" as the 5th column....

    Does Rat have "Green Shirts" he wears at his pro-jihadist meetings?

  38. Teresita is a know Jew hater.

    I love every Jew in the world. I don't LIKE the Jews on the EB who call me a Nazi or a Trash Lady.

  39. Has Teresita stopped lying tot he US government about her sexuality?

    We're on the brink of World War III and Great Depression II, but Pork Rinds for יהוהis asking questions about my sexual preferences? Fuck off.

  40. I wear "Red, White and Blue".

    It is you who proclaims the divided loyalties of the hyphenated.
    Those who are to be disdained, by those loyal to their own country.

  41. Got news for ya, Pork Rinds; I don't give a fart in a whirlwind what Israel, and Iran do to each other. I'm just determined not to pay for it.

  42. What I can't figure out is:

    If a Russian Jew moves to the Levant, and finds bad neighbors, how does that become MY problem?

  43. And we shall call you Ishmael....

    And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!

  44. If a Russian Jew moves to the Levant, and finds bad neighbors, how does that become MY problem?

    When they butter the bread of the RNC.

  45. Rufus II said...
    What I can't figure out is:

    If a Russian Jew moves to the Levant, and finds bad neighbors, how does that become MY problem?

    Same way as if africans move to the the USA.

    It's all your problem.

    America that is... Or if you dont want it to be?

    America should stop being the leader of the free world.

    But your query about "russian jews"?

    people move all over the globe, including your own ancestors.

  46. And, in all honesty, the bread of the DNC, also.

  47. Teresita said...
    Teresita is a know Jew hater.

    I love every Jew in the world. I don't LIKE the Jews on the EB who call me a Nazi or a Trash Lady.

    You are so full of shit....

    But we expect that from you...

  48. Ms T"
    I love every Jew in the world. I don't LIKE the Jews on the EB who call me a Nazi or a Trash Lady.

    Hmm... She LOVES Bibi...


    It's a strange phenomenon those that claim to "love" ll jews...

    Most say things like that have no problem with those same Jews dying so that they may be saved.

  49. Sure, people are migratory.

    That does not tell US why we should protect Russians moving to Arabia from the Arabs.

    Not when the Russian Navy is right there and fully capable of that task.

  50. Teresita said...
    Has Teresita stopped lying tot he US government about her sexuality?

    We're on the brink of World War III and Great Depression II, but Pork Rinds for יהוהis asking questions about my sexual preferences? Fuck off

    No just establishing that you in fact have lied to the US government and violated the Constitution of the United States.

    Regardless of whether your lying now is not a crime, it was for YEARS while you took government pay and benefits.

    It's all about character (or lack thereof).

    We have proven, or shall we say, you have admitted you have lied to the government for years.

    What else do you lie about?

  51. desert rat said...
    Sure, people are migratory.

    That does not tell US why we should protect Russians moving to Arabia from the Arabs.

    Not when the Russian Navy is right there and fully capable of that task.

    What a weird twist of logic you come up with Herr Ishamel...

    But you may have stumbled on a point worth noting..

    Russia seems to always be supportive with your pals (the moslems) up to a point, building and supplying weapons and such repeatedly to arabs and persians, only to be destroyed and needed to be replaced.

    The moslems are too stupid to understand that the Russians are simply prepping for another arms contract once the arms the moslems have are destroyed....

    As for migration?

    Your family migrated (or stole into the usa) and now you squat on someone else's lands in AZ, why should the US government protect you?

  52. The Christians ruled Jerusalem for hundreds of years, that does not mean that the US protects their "Right of Return".

    Nor should we.
    We do not police Rhodesian politics, nor should we.
    We should not police the Middle East, tambien.

    Leave it to the League of Nations to supply an army, for that.

    Let the Arab League send troops to police the politics of the Levant and to settle the feuds between Muslims, Alawi and Europeons.

    But the Russians ay "nyet", to that. Their navy is in the Arab port, so they have the last word, currently.

  53. ms T writes: We're on the brink of World War III and Great Depression II, but Pork Rinds for יהוהis asking questions about my sexual preferences? Fuck off

    See even that is a lie..

    It's Pork Rinds for ALLAH"

    Allah aint anything in Hebrew. To write in Hebrew is a lie as you KNOW that that is not the handle I created.

    You cant help yourself can you?

    Try being honest for a change.

    It will do your soul good.

    I will think you are a nasty human being but at least you could stop lying.


    Try it...

  54. Because the Congress bought the land from Mexico, "o".

    And decided that it should be a State in the Union.

    The Levant is not part of the United States. Will not become part of it, either.

    There is no call for Israel to come police the frontier of Mexico and the US, nor for Israel to police the American hemisphere.

    Nor even for Israel to fund our border patrol.

    The only call I hear, with regards Israel in the Americas, is for Israeli mercenaries to abandon training the drug cartel death squads. For Israel to end the harboring of criminals and deport Lt Col Klein, IDF(ret) to Colombia to serve his justly deserved sentence for support terrorism, there.

  55. There is no correlation between the United States and the Monroe Doctrine and the US supporting Europeon colonists in Arabia.

  56. Allah aint anything in Hebrew. To write in Hebrew is a lie as you KNOW that that is not the handle I created.

    By citing my post verbatim, you have put "Pork" in the same string as the sacred Tetragrammaton.

    The LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

  57. But the Russians ay "nyet", to that. Their navy is in the Arab port, so they have the last word, currently.

    They're doing us a favor, keeping the Neo-Cons from getting us involved in another land war in Asia.

  58. desert rat said...
    Because the Congress bought the land from Mexico, "o".

    Good luck with that logic squatterboy...

    Just because the USA used cash to BUY the land is not germane when talking to La Raza and others that view it as stolen.

    The SAME issue applies to Israel.

    Most all of the land was purchased of the original state. Even lands like Har Homa, when clear title is shown over the green line, the arabs (your pals) refuse to see the validity of purchase.

    Moslems refuse to accept the idea that land can be purchased away from a holy islamic trust.

    That same insanity is now spreading to the insane hispanics that are now about to start their liberation against YOUR illegal occupation...

    Your friends the arabs have taught the liberation idea to the terrorists of mexico...

    enjoy the party.


  59. Most say things like that have no problem with those same Jews dying so that they may be saved.

    The only thing I want to save is the $49.1 billion dollars in foreign aid we shell out.

  60. Teresita said...
    Allah aint anything in Hebrew. To write in Hebrew is a lie as you KNOW that that is not the handle I created.

    By citing my post verbatim, you have put "Pork" in the same string as the sacred Tetragrammaton.

    The LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    Do you actually read what you write before hitting the send button?

    You are getting dumber by the day.

    Now go worship your Jewish messiah/god and hope that he doesnt crack a board across your head for being nothing but an asshole.

  61. Teresita said...
    Most say things like that have no problem with those same Jews dying so that they may be saved.

    The only thing I want to save is the $49.1 billion dollars in foreign aid we shell out.

    Let's start by having you return your illegally gotten pay and benefits that you scammed the US government out of.....

  62. We can add "Manifest Destiny" too.

    The US did not demand aid from foreign powers to fulfill its destiny.

    The aid it did receive, in the revolution, was in the "best interest" of the French to provide.

    No one has made a similar case with regards the US going to war with Iran, or Islam, for that matter.

    Indeed, there are calls here for US to support the Muslims against the Alawi, in Syria.

    Discounting the dangers of Islam, when they call for support of the Islamoids against the sectarian Alawi regime of the family Assad.

  63. Mrs. Gingrich said Newt sought an “open marriage” arrangement so he could have a mistress and a wife.

    But Pork Rinds has a problem with me being gay.

  64. Fear not "o", if the Mexicans start to revolt, we will not call upon Israel to protect US, from them.

    As Mr Romney family history proves conclusively, the US and Mexico have a long history of cross border migrations, trade and immigration cooperation, along with that of a few wars, tambien.

  65. Gettin' worse,

    Demand for gasoline was down 6.1% in the last four weeks compared to the same period in 2011.

  66. Two generations, from Insurrectionist and refugee, to candidate for President.

    We allowed those Insurrectionists to return, to the United States, granting citizenship to their foreign born progeny, too.

    Why can't the Israeli do the same?

  67. Opie's dropping out. Endorsing the philanderer.

  68. Wot a choice, the philanderer, the crook, or the whackjob.

    Go, Doc, go.

  69. "Allah aint anything in Hebrew."

    A variation of ''elah' (424):--oak.


  70. Teresita said...
    Mrs. Gingrich said Newt sought an “open marriage” arrangement so he could have a mistress and a wife.

    But Pork Rinds has a problem with me being gay.

    No, i have a problem with you being a liar.

    As well as a jew hating, zionist trashing, Judaism distorter.

    Your actual lesbianism i could care less about.

    BTW, that is the 15th time I have told you that.

    And yet you still seek to lie....


  71. Thanks Doug

    you posted a nice post from:

    Sacred Name King James Bible

    Sacred Name Bible Index

    No, ALLAH aint nothing in Hebrew.

    We dont use it in any way shape or form

  72. Dougman said...
    Used only once in Josh 24:26

    Sorry Doug, "ALLAH" aint used in Torah

  73. Any bets, now that "Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow" are supporting a come from behind run by Herman Cain that he'll poll well on election day, in South Carolina?

  74. desert rat said...
    Fear not "o", if the Mexicans start to revolt, we will not call upon Israel to protect US, from them.

    Fear not, they all ready are HELPING the USA protect it'sself.

    You just dont have a clue....

    Nor should you...

    But Israel does quite a BIT to help keep America safe and secure.

  75. Teresita said...
    Most say things like that have no problem with those same Jews dying so that they may be saved.

    The only thing I want to save is the $49.1 billion dollars in foreign aid we shell out.

    Teresita is concerned about the aid we have provided to Israel over the decades.

    Fair enough. But the aid was not given in a vacuum.

    More than that was given (alot of it just direct cash not the aid that israel gets that has to be spent in the USA) to Egypt.

    She doesnt talk of the "aid" we give to Arabia in the form of protecting the shipping lanes...

    the TRILLIONS spent in aid to NATO or for fighting wars in Iraq or Aphpak...

    Aid comes in many ways. The real question is or should be..

    What does America get for it's aid. Is it an investment or not.

    But Teresita has problems ONLY with aid to Israel.

    Thus once again showing her bias.

  76. The Israeli stand at the DC payout window, telling me what "good" they're doing, for me?

    Get a grip on reality, boy.

    Or lay out the particulars.

  77. OK, bye for now losers

    you may continue to smash, bash and destort all things jewish, israeli or zionist now..

    please help yourself to calling me any and all names...

    be honest, tell us how you really feel.

    time for me to be productive...

  78. As the economy tanked, some Fortune 500 firms raked in huge profits, all while benefiting from government tax breaks.

    The new Report is from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and Citizens for Tax Justice. They highlight companies they call "especially aggressive at dodging taxes and lobbying Congress: the Dirty Thirty."

    One-third of them are energy companies. Together, between 2008 and 2010, they reported $164 billion in U.S. profits. Yet the report says most paid what amounts to a negative tax rate, meaning they got more in tax rebates than they paid in taxes. And they spent close to half a billion dollars lobbying Congress.

    Altogether they collected $10.6 billion in tax rebates from the federal government, while skirting a total of $67.9 billion in taxes.

    Ordinary American taxpayers and small businesses must pick up the tab when major corporations avoid their taxes. Spread out over every individual tax filer in America, the taxes avoided by the Dirty Thirty break down to an average of $481 per taxpayer.

  79. Marianne described her "shock" at Gingrich's behavior, including how she says she learned he conducted his affair with Callista "in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington."

    All this happened, she said, during the same time Gingrich condemned President Bill Clinton for his lack of moral leadership.

    Disgusting. And the alternative is Mittens?

  80. The only thing I want to save is the $49.1 billion dollars in foreign aid we shell out.

    Teresita is concerned about the aid we have provided to Israel over the decades.

    That's how much we pay everyone, every year.

  81. But Israel does quite a BIT to help keep America safe and secure.

    As long as they aren't a SIGINT ship in the Navy.

  82. One way these big winners avoid taxes, the report says, is by using exotic tax havens that are sometimes nothing more than post office boxes.

    The "Ugland House" in the Cayman Islands houses 18,857 "corporations."

  83. There is a reason why the GOP elites allowed Doctor Paul on the stage, but denied the opportunity to Gary Johnson.

    The elites think that Dr Paul's 20% will ride the GOP bus, without even getting lip service to the key planks of the Doctor's program.

    Indeed, gaming the play so that the antithesis of Dr Paul garners the nomination.

    Anyway, when the choice is Obama or Obama White, I mean Lite, there is another choice.

    Gary Johnson on the Issues

    Governor Johnson, who has been referred to as the ‘most fiscally conservative Governor’ in the country, was the Republican Governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003.

    A successful businessman before running for office in 1994, Gov. Johnson started a door-to-door handyman business to help pay his way through college. Twenty years later, he had grown the firm into one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico with over 1,000 employees. Not surprisingly, Governor Johnson brings a distinctly business-like mentality to governing, believing that decisions should be made based on cost-benefit analysis rather than strict ideology.

    Johnson is best known for his veto record, which includes over 750 vetoes during his time in office, more than all other governors combined and his use of the veto pen has since earned him the nickname “Governor Veto.” He cut taxes 14 times while never raising them when he left office, New Mexico was one of only four states in the country with a balanced budget.

    Term-limited, Johnson retired from public office in 2003. An avid skier, adventurer, and bicyclist, he has currently reached four of the highest peaks on all seven continents, including Mt. Everest.

    In 2009, after becoming increasingly concerned with the country’s out-of-control national debt and precarious financial situation, the Governor formed the OUR America Initiative, a 501c(4) non-profit that promotes fiscal responsibility, civil liberties, and rational public policy. He traveled to more than 30 states and spoke to over 150 conservative and libertarian groups during his time as Honorary Chairman.

  84. I gotta admit, Rat, Johnson is looking better all the time. :)

  85. .

    Mitt lost in Iowa, Santorum won.

    It's official.

    As official as politics will allow.

    The GOP admits there were irregularities in 131 precincts and that 8 precincts weren't even counted this go round.

    We'll probably never know who "actually" won.

    More to the point, who gives a shit. It's friggen Iowa.


  86. .

    I know nothing about Johnson; but after looking at his stand on the issues I find I agree with most of them.

    Unfortunately, like me, most of the country knows nothing about Johnson. In reality, voting for him would have the same effect as me voting for the NLP candidate except that you wouldn't be helping to promote TM, the only path to world peace.


  87. Exactly, Q.

    They still split the dozen or so delegates.

    But some how, it's a lock if someone "wins" 30% support from primary participants in South Carolina.

    Why even move on to Florida?
    Are the rest of the Primaries just a jobs program for State election appointees?

    A media mounting a march to a Republican coronation, not a electoral competition, like Obama and Clinton had, in '08.

    If a politico ties in Iowa, wins 40% of the vote in their Home State or a State in which they own a home, and eke out 30% or so in South Carolina....

    That's a mandate for the nomination?

    With the delegates allocated proportionately, for the first time?

  88. There is that TM, Q, but the NLP is not fielding a candidate.

    So, that leaves voting for the winner, the loser, or someone that agrees with you.

    Seems to me, that voting for a loser with whom you disagree, close to the apex of irresponsibility, in a representative Republic.
    Voting for the winner, with whom you disagree, even worse.

    Voting for someone that mirrors your own views, a victory for democracy.

  89. .

    There is that TM, Q, but the NLP is not fielding a candidate.

    I am offering them use of the Rosecrucian Temple in San Diego for a nominating convention in early May.


  90. As for "knowing" Mr Johnson, I have no depth of knowledge beyond a few TV interviews and his website.

    But he does mirror many of my views with regards public policy and he has some practical experience in government.

  91. The GOP elite froze him out, because he is a responsible alternative to Doctor Paul. He would resonate well with over 30% of the GOP base, if they were exposed to is positions.

    Which is not what the Eastern GOP elites are wanting, not when their man Mitt polled at 40% in a Northeastern State where he owns a home.

  92. Rick Perry is OUT?!

    Ha! I KNEW he was gay!

    Oh... out of the campaign...

    Well, that's much less exciting isn't it?

  93. Rick "If you'll cheat on your wife you'll cheat on anyone" Perry endorses Newt. It doesn't get better than this.

  94. Anyway, when the choice is Obama or Obama White, I mean Lite, there is another choice.


    That's such an obvious pun I'm amazed I haven't seen it before. If it's original with crapper, I congratulate him. It's simple enough that everyone gets it, and lame enough to rub the funny bone of the rural rubes like me.

    The Republican nominating process has now broken down into an all out farce. I knew these little boys couldn't handle such a grown up undertaking.

    It is time for Sarah to waltz in and say she'll run if the convention calls her.

    Would anyone here actually vote for THIS ASSHOLE for President??

    Senator from Pennslyvania?? Wasn't he??

    Shit, I'd take wide stance Craig.

    Whole thing is an embarrassing farce.

  95. Teresita said...

    Rick "If you'll cheat on your wife you'll cheat on anyone" Perry endorses Newt. It doesn't get better than this.

    heh :):):)

    It don't get no better, and that's the truth.

    Let up a little last night, Miss T, but coming down hard again now. Cars stuck all around.

  96. One of the more upstanding candidates has his money parked in the Caymans.

  97. ShareMe is ahead of CaymanIslands 33% to 31% in new Rasmussan poll in S.C.

    Doctor Demento has 15% and Sanitarium comes in at 11%.

  98. Let up a little last night, Miss T, but coming down hard again now. Cars stuck all around.

    Headed out in an hour to do my radiation. Neither rain nor snow, nor gloom of night...

  99. Remember, if there is a hill, try to avoid it.

    Have a good day!

  100. If Gingrich wins in South Carolina we will to date have had three different winners. (none named Doc Demento)

    This might go on for a long while.

    Red meat for the crapper department -

    Last week, the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC received $5 million from Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson. The group is expected to use the cash for new television advertisements in this month’s primary elections as the former House speaker tries to overtake front-runner Romney in the race for the GOP nomination.

    The group said Sunday it was planning to run a half-hour film assailing Romney’s tenure at the investment firm Bain Capital. Adelson is one of wealthiest people in America, and his huge contribution coincides with tough comments by Gingrich in support of Israel, a signature issue of Adelson’s. Gingrich in December said that Palestinians were an “invented” people, and he has warned about the consequences of Iran developing nuclear weapons, an important issue to Israel.

    Sheldon Adelson

    This is not a comment about Israel/Iran, or Jews/Gentiles.

    It is a comment on how money corrupts.

    Las Vegas is the worst pit in the whole of the United States.

    When was that Natural Law Party convention, again?

  101. Some of the big no-nos in Buddhism would be:

    the selling of weaponry
    soldier of fortune career

    as none are conducive to liberation.

    Vote Natural Law Party 2012

    Contact Quirk, c/o EB, for convention details.

  102. All these motherfuckers should be in prison.

  103. heh

    Courts bringing modernity to AmishLand?

    Accused Amish Beard Cutter Offers to Install Electricity in Home to Power Electronic Monitoring...

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. .

    Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial

    And some people worry about 'natural born' citizenship when we have this going on. It's a pretty sad day when Rand Paul and Dianne Feinstein are the voices of reason in Congress.

    What Constitution?

    Toshtu was speaking of lawyers the other day. Lindsay Graham is a lawyer and a JAG reserve officer.

    Graham added that it was right that Americans should be subject to the detention law as well as foreigners. "It is not unfair to make an American citizen account for the fact that they decided to help Al Qaeda to kill us all hold them as long as it takes to find intelligence about what may be coming next," he said. "And when they say, 'I want my lawyer,' you tell them, 'Shut up. You don't get a lawyer.'"

    What old dick-Graham doesn't mention is that proof isn't required under the new law only supicion. And what does suspicion consist of...

    "There are laws on the books now that characterise who might be a terrorist: someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect according to the department of justice. Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist," Paul said. "If you are suspected because of these activities, do you want the government to have the ability to send you to Guantánamo Bay for indefinite detention?"

    Constitution: Section 9
    Clause 2: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it.

    I would suggest most people in the US have no idea what OZ is doing to their rights. Unfortunately, there are those who do know and don't care.

    And one wonders why Congress' approval rating is about 9%?

    "The paradigm of the war on terror has advanced so far in people's minds that this has to appear more normal than it actually is," Malinowski said. "It wasn't asked for by any of the agencies on the frontlines in the fight against terrorism in the United States. It breaks with over 200 years of tradition in America against using the military in domestic affairs."

    In fact, the heads of several security agencies, including the FBI, CIA, the director of national intelligence and the attorney general objected to the legislation. The Pentagon also said it was against the bill...


  106. All these motherfuckers should be in prison.

    Everything is ticking me off today.

    someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist

    That would make the entire Mormon Church out to be terrorists.

    I was already called a 'right wing extremist' - actually what he wrote was 'the Tea Party defines right wing extremism' - by that shit Eugene Robinson writing in Florida, for attending a Tea Party get to once.

    Amazing, the mis-use of language these days.

  107. If we had something else than a half Kenyan moslem impostor in there the subject might not have come up.

  108. Under the Rufus/Obama regime, my gas prices have doubled.

  109. .

    If we had something else than a half Kenyan moslem impostor in there the subject might not have come up.

    It was a pretty bi-partisan vote and the Patriot Act came in under Bush.

    OZ has used the 9/11 tragedy as an excuse for a war of choice and for a consolidation of power in Washington.

    To think Obama, as president, is going to give up power once he has it is naive.

    Now, if you are saying the guy is a dick like all the other dicks in D.C., I grant you that.



  110. Well, that's what I'm saying, then.

  111. The Mormons were already in one Insurrection against Federal authority, boobie.

    Mass suspicion and guilt is the "Order of the Day" when it comes to radical religions. Those looking to establish a "Homeland", a "Zion", here in North America. Folks that have, historically, taken up arms in that cause.

    Folks that refused to take an loyalty oath to the Federal government and fled to Mexico, instead.

    "o" believes that Mexicans are the equivalent of Palestinians.
    Descendents of Mexican immigrants, like Mr Romney. Terrorists in waiting.

    There is always cause to "fear", especially if one is empowered by the fear embedded in others.

  112. I predict dick Gingrich edges out dick Romney on the basis of Perry getting out, and Palin saying she would vote dick Gingrich in order to keep the process going after S. Carolina.

  113. Newton Leroy Now By Six?

    Right wing extremists like myself in the Tea Party may be moving over to the serial humper.

  114. That was published yesterday afternoon. There’s been a fair amount of consolidation in the 27 hours since — 100 tea-party leaders from 25 states are reportedly set to endorse Newt today — and there may be more to come tonight depending upon how things go on CNN. Good to know that we finally have an a Not Romney. Too bad it’s a guy who was famously unpopular the last time he held major public office, who couldn’t pull it together enough to get on the ballot in his home state, who’s flirted with the individual mandate and cap-and-trade, and whose penchant for loose-cannon grand pronouncements is guaranteed to generates oodles of “unhelpful” news cycles if he’s the nominee. Come next week, your choice will be between him, Captain Flipflop, and Ron Paul. Worst field ever. Ever.


    O SARAH!

  115. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.

  116. If Mitt does not win in South Carolina, the coronation is cancelled. The battle moves to Florida, where it'll be a batte royale. Then the primaries across the South and West, they'll go to Newt.
    Then, through the summer ...

    Battle of the Professors

    History vs Law

  117. Battle of the Professors

    History vs Law

    Yeah, the History of Tax Evasion in the Caymans vs. the Law of Alternative Forms of Marriage

  118. Guess I'll break down and watch yet another debate tonight.

    Want to see how Newt handles the wives questions.

    He could, of course, accuse the accusing wife of helping him destroy....his first marriage....:)

  119. It was that damn slinky Marianne that shanked me away from Jackie, and if it weren't for Callista I'd still be with Marianne

  120. I was looking forward, Ms T.

    To the bare knuckle brawl...

    Newt, the community college history professor from Georgia.


    Barack, the Constitutional Law professor (Senior Lecturer) at University of Chi-town.

  121. You're about right, T. Our gas prices, in the Memphis area, are expected to rise by twenty or twenty five cents with the completion of the pipeline.

  122. Most men, most presidents, have cheated on their wives. Some kept the fire of lust in their hearts. No story there.

  123. Me an Jimmah seemed to experience our lust pangs in difrent places. :)

  124. Russia strongly criticised Western belligerence towards Syria and Iran yesterday, saying that a military assault on the Iranian regime could cause a "chain reaction" that would destabilise the entire world.

    The country's Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, also said during his annual televised press conference that Russia would use its veto at the UN Security Council to block any resolution calling for military force to be used against Syria.

    Mr Lavrov said that Russia is "seriously worried" that military action against Iran may be under consideration, and vowed that Moscow would do all it could to prevent it. "The consequences will be extremely grave," he said. "It's not going to be an easy walk. It will trigger a chain reaction and I don't know where it will stop."

    Last week, a Russian newspaper revealed that the annual training exercises undertaken in southern Russia by the country's army will focus this year on scenarios related to the regional fallout of a possible military conflict in Iran.

  125. desert rat says:
    "o" believes that Mexicans are the equivalent of Palestinians.
    Descendents of Mexican immigrants, like Mr Romney. Terrorists in waiting.

    Nice distortion as usual.

    It's a practiced liar like you that can take an out of context statement and twist it into what you said.

    Does lying come naturally to you or do you work at it?

  126. La Raza - means the RACE

    MEChA is an Hispanic separatist organization that encourages anti-American activities and civil disobedience. The radical members of MEChA who refer to themselves as "Mechistas," romanticize Mexican claims to the "lost Territories" of the Southwestern United States -- a Chicano country called Aztlan. In its national constitution, MEChA calls for self-determination by its members to liberate Aztlan. MEChA's national constitution starts out: "Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán."

    Palestinian false nationalism is now being taught to radicals in the Americas..

  127. mexicans are of mixed bloodline.

    indian and spanish descent.

    Palestinians are arabs with no real national history as a nation and are simply arabs that are in no difference in language, culture or customs that the other arabs of the region.

  128. "o" believes that Mexicans are the equivalent of Palestinians.

    The Mexicans had universities when we were going around in Dan'l Boone hats plinking squirrels.

  129. Ah, I get it now. crapper is squating in Aztlan land, where he has no right to be.

    He should go back where he came from, maybe Russia, who knows?

  130. Then people like the crapper came along and ruined it all.

  131. Such a format will allow Gingrich and Romney ample time to exchange blows, in addition to granting former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum much-needed opportunities to corral voters from Gingrich.

    Perry’s announcement Thursday — in the same city where he launched his presidential campaign — punctuated a dramatic fall for the Texas governor, as he entered the race to widespread acclaim and immediately skyrocketed to the top of the polls.

    But a chain of self-inflicted wounds — primarily a series of debate gaffes, such as the “oops” moment when he failed to remember the federal agencies he wanted to eliminate — doomed a candidate who many expected to unite both establishment and social conservatives.

  132. While up here there were no universities, or schools of any kind, till the Scands and Germans came along.

  133. Go back a little further, Miss T, folks down that way where ripping beating hearts out of living chests.

    Actually I think all of 'Aztlan' has always sucked, still sucks, and always will suck, and is a lot better off with some crappers around though I'd never admit it in polite company.

  134. The only poster that advocates for division, not inclusion, is the "o".

    Always looking for ethnic, racial or religious divide, to exploit for his own gain, in debate. It suits his political ideology of propagating hate.

    But he did equate Mexicans to Palestinian Arabs, maybe because they are both "brown"?

    While Mitt Romney proves that the stereotype of people of Mexican descent, is totally and completely wrong.

    Mexican is a nationality, not a Race. That some hyphenated Americans want to spread ethnic division, through disinformation in that regard, that is not my cause.
    Never has been, nor will it become so.

  135. My final conjecture on this issue: if Bain buys a lot of companies and subsequently blows them to pieces, the wreckage is actually only contained to three entities: the employees of those companies, Bain management, and Bain’s investment partners. And Bain would then be unsuccessful, unable to raise the next funding round.

    However, if the federal government invests in businesses and blows their wad, not only do all the employees get canned, but the debris pile of wreckage includes all taxpayers. On top of that, the government doesn’t have to justify itself to immediately do it again and raise the next fund!

    Finally: which candidate running for office has presided over the creation of thousands of jobs, and which candidate has presided over the loss of millions of jobs?

  136. Palestinians are arabs with no real national history as a nation and are simply arabs that are in no difference in language, culture or customs that the other arabs of the region.

    Italy was not a nation state before the 19th century. Does that mean Italians have no history.

    You could have lived near Odessa, as many Jews did and been at different times Austrian, Polish or Ukrainian. They had no national history, certainly not Israel?

    Where are you going with that?

  137. But he did equate Mexicans to Palestinian Arabs, maybe because they are both "brown"?

    Which is ironic, because classic Jewry, before its little round trip to Europe, was brown as a nut.

  138. Why is it that people cannot hate without rationalizations?

  139. If Chinese authorities ushered dissident writer Yu Jie onto a plane to the U.S. in the hope of silencing his voice inside China, the move appears to have backfired.


    “Extreme idealists and liberals find it harder and harder to keep a foothold in society. Once limited, they may rapidly fade out from the public view,” the editorial said.

    To the extent that he was known in China, Mr. Yu, whose name remains blocked in searches on Sina Weibo, very well could fade from the minds of Chinese people if he continues to remain abroad. But depending on how deeply the notion of being buried alive burrows into the consciousness of the country’s Internet users, his words could live on in China for some time.

  140. WiO: La Raza - means the RACE

    It must have been rough with Wikipedia off line yesterday, but today ol' Cut 'n' Paste is BACK IN THE SADDLE!

  141. Drone Strike Kills Senior Al Qaeda Member Aslam Awan (not a job with a long life expectancy)

  142. Just because some people. "o" call a dog's tail a leg, that does not mean that dogs have five legs.

    Someone that promotes lying and the spreading of disinformation for their own political gain, is someone to be disdained.

    That you so rapidly embrace the anti-American propaganda of our hyphenated friends, telling as to the color of your own heart.

    It's black as the Kaaba rock.
    You truly are a PR man for Allah.

  143. Romney Camp Courts Bachmann

    The White House is definitely into checkers... Obama's always running around yelling "king me, king me"

  144. The US, "o" recognized that Israel was a "part" of Palestine, not separated from it.

    But the US certainly recognized that there was a Palestine, in 1948.

    Still does, in 2012.

    The United States of America,
    Love it or Leave it.

    The family Romney certainly did.
    Before they came back.

  145. Teresita said...
    WiO: La Raza - means the RACE

    It must have been rough with Wikipedia off line yesterday, but today ol' Cut 'n' Paste is BACK IN THE SADDLE!'

    that would be Rat you must be talking about...

  146. Tax experts say that might explain why Mr. Romney's IRA includes holdings in Bain entities based in offshore locations, including one Cayman Islands entity that Mr. Romney listed as having a value between $5 million and $25 million.

    Michael Knoll, a University of Pennsylvania law professor, said using offshore blocker corporations to avoid UBIT "is a form of tax planning that happens all the time."

    Asked about the offshore investments in Mr. Romney's IRA, his aide said they were "in compliance with rules created to keep it tax deferred, just like it was intended to be."

  147. desert rat said...
    The US, "o" recognized that Israel was a "part" of Palestine, not separated from it.

    Ah... Distorter of words.... he speakith!

    there never has been a NATION of Palestine.

    still have never existed...

    no matter how you wiggle and spin or lie or distort...

    no nation, ever existed called palestine.

    that was my statement...

    i am sticking to it..

    no nation...

    love it or dont?

    I dont care...

  148. It may get a bit of a test today, with a barrage of earnings and economic data. Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and a host of other companies report earnings before the opening bell.

    We then get jobless claims, housing starts and the Philly Fed index. And after the close we get results from Google, IBM, Intel and Microsoft, to name just a few.

    U.S. stock futures are flat as of this writing, about 6:00 a.m. ET, despite decent French and Spanish bond sales and the euro climbing again, nearly to $1.29. Greek debt talks are dragging on again, keeping traders nervous, and the market's thin rally may be at the point where it needs some fuel to keep going.

  149. On this day in 1983 Apple introduced the Apple Lisa, named for Steve Jobs's daughter. It was the company's first personal computer with a graphical user interface and a mouse and only the second GUI computer ever sold commercially.

  150. I'm surprised the Catholic church allowed Newt's 3rd marriage.

  151. Democrats who oppose the bill insist it will further promote a partisan atmosphere in elections by forcing voters to pigeonhole themselves by party. It seeks to fix a problem that doesn't exist, said Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax, who voted against the measure.

    "Name me one Republican that was nominated with Democratic votes? Just give me one example," Petersen said.

    "Virginia has always been unique in a lot of ways and one of them is we don't have party registration. It attempts to classify people when they don't need to be classified."

  152. Rufus II said...
    What I can't figure out is:

    If a Russian Jew moves to the Levant, and finds bad neighbors, how does that become MY problem?

    Thu Jan 19, 10:25:00 AM EST

    For the thousandth time, it isn't. Tell your government to butt out. But you know that is never going to happen.

  153. Trash Lady,

    No, allen has not stopped beating his wife, and you have still not answered the question of Christian cannibalism.

    Cat got your tongue, or is that a Christian?

    You accused me of being a genocide. There is not a sentence written by me to validate that.

    You are a filthy lying ...

  154. Sorry, Trash Lady, the word I was looking for was "swine".

  155. As plans to air the interview were disclosed, Gingrich's campaign released a statement from his two daughters from his first marriage — Kathy Lubbers and Jackie Cushman — suggesting that Marianne Gingrich's comments may be suspect given emotional toll divorce takes on everyone involved.

    "Anyone who has had that experience understands it is a personal tragedy filled with regrets, and sometimes differing memories of events. We will not say anything negative about our father's ex-wife," they said.


    A message seeking comment from Marianne Gingrich was not immediately returned.

  156. Well, allen, if AIPAC consoled that the US should disengage from the Middle East, it might just start moving in that direction.

    Not much chance of that happening, either.

  157. you have still not answered the question of Christian cannibalism

    You still have not answered the question of Jews kidnapping Christian babies and sacrificing them.

  158. Pope Pius IV had three illegitimate children before hie got his pope button. The Catholic Church should not hoist the morality flag too high.

  159. Well, well,

    TransCanada Corp. (TRP) may shorten the initial path for its rejected Keystone XL project, bringing oil from Montana’s Bakken Shale to refiners in the Gulf of Mexico and removing the need for federal approval.

    “There certainly is a potential opportunity to connect the Bakken to the Gulf Coast,” Alex Pourbaix, TransCanada’s president of energy and oil pipelines, said in a telephone interview today. “That is obviously something we’ll be looking into over the next few weeks.”

    TransCanada’s $7 billion Keystone XL proposal to bring crude from Canada’s oil sands to the Gulf was rejected yesterday by the Obama administration. The project required U.S. approval because it crossed the border with Canada. The company may seek that approval after it builds the segment from Montana to the Gulf, Pourbaix said.

    The Bakken shale-rock formation is estimated to hold as much as 4.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil in North Dakota and Montana, according to a 2008 U.S. Geological Survey report. Oil production in North Dakota surged 42 percent to 510,000 barrels a day in November, exceeding the output of Ecuador.

    Plan B

    Take the easy part first; go back for the rest, Later.

    Them oil guys is sooo slow, eh?

  160. WiO: there never has been a NATION of Palestine

    No cut and paste PhD yesterday.

  161. Trash Lady said...

    Which is ironic, because classic Jewry, before its little round trip to Europe, was brown as a nut.

    Thu Jan 19, 07:11:00 PM EST

    And you know this how? By the way, the second wife of Moses was black. We have always taken them in any color - not to eat of course.

  162. this corner.....Crazy Ass Doc Demento....

  163. The Aztecs sold human flesh (victims of sacrifice) in their markets. The History of Money has a first-rate section on the Aztec economy and the place of cannibalism in it. The Spaniards put an end to that barbarity, while introducing another of the same sort.

  164. Corn, soybeans, rice and wheat are the most important food staples consumed in the world. We monitor these commodities because market fluctuations can lead to domestic unrest in import-reliant countries.


    Most countries have domestic agricultural industries. However, the majority of these countries do not produce more than what their populations can consume.



    The United States, Brazil, Argentina and Ukraine account for more than 80 percent of global corn exports. While some 90 countries rank among the world's corn importers, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and Egypt are the most import-dependent nations, purchasing more than 40 percent of all globally traded corn.



    The popularity of soybeans is growing. While less soy is produced than the other three food staples, soybean production has increased by nearly 150 percent in the past two decades, nearly twice the rate of corn production.


    The two largest rice producers by far are India and China. The two countries collectively produce more than half of the world's rice.


    Wheat is widely produced by countries all over the world. However, more than 90 percent of the export market is dominated by ten entities: the United States, Australia, Russia, Canada, the European Union, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey and Uruguay.

    Food Commodities

  165. If Barack's publisher were to give him a call, telling him the US should start to disengage, we'd see some movement.

    For Sure.

    Not likely to happen though.
    Mr Crown has other priorities than to see the US disengage from the Middle East.

  166. Trash Lady, the Roman Church (yours), yours has said that Jews capture and kill Christian children for all sorts of rituals. Only a humane and sane Pope in the XX Century attempted to lay that lie to rest. Obviously, he was not altogether successful. So, in short, for 1700 years the Jews were infanticides cause the Big Church said so and that's the truth.

  167. Newt gets standing ovation.

    Calls the media despicable.

    Hooooray Hooooray says the crowd

  168. Gingrich kicked ass…. Santorum is a fucking worm.

  169. Romney, good response… Paul took the weasel trail.

  170. Brilliant response from Gingrich on economic answer for SC.

  171. Good response from Romney. He goes on offense against Obama.

  172. Gingrich has won so far.

  173. Trash Lady, you cannot, dare not, answer the question because it undermines the rationality of Christianity (as if the Roman Church accepts you otherwise, e.g. homosexuality). But you know and I know that every single day the body and blood of the god Christ is either actually or ritually consumed across Christendom.

    bon appetite

    Question time is now over. You get an F for intellectual dishonesty. Fortunately for you, you do not live in the 19th Century Philippines; otherwise, you would be getting a taste of the whip and a whiff of the flames. You are a fool.

  174. Anybody got a different link to the debate besides CNN? I can't get that one.

  175. Santorum redeemed himself talking about working people.

  176. Tune in Thursday at 8 p.m. ET for the CNN/Southern Republican Presidential Debate hosted by John King and follow it on Twitter at #CNNDebate. For real-time coverage of the South Carolina primary, go to or to the CNN apps or CNN mobile web site.

    Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker

    All I can find, SAm

  177. This product is not available in your service area.

  178. Vets coming back to Obama's horrible economy.

  179. Fortunately for you, you do not live in the 19th Century Philippines; otherwise, you would be getting a taste of the whip and a whiff of the flames. You are a fool.

    I've been married to a man for 22 years, numbnuts.

  180. I guess since CNN is putting it on, they got a lock on it.

  181. How can you buy health insurance when you have no job, asks Newt.

    ELect me you'll have a job....

    THEn you can buy health insurance


  183. O shut up for awhile allen we are watching the debate

  184. Links off to the same CNN site which no workie. Thanks anyways, Bob.

  185. I've been married to a man for 22 years, numbnuts.


    Played on the internet, . . again. :)

    Or not?

  186. Gingrich ++
    Romney ++
    Paul +
    Santorum -

  187. Gingrich has thought out this debate. He has released his tax returns, available RIGHT NOW online.

    Slick move.


  188. Gingrich gets another + for the tax return ploy.

    Miss T is back to being married to a man?
