Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pachelbel's canon


  1. Rufus: Nearly 39 percent of the Philippines' energy requirements are derived from renewable sources such as hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind and biomass...

    And yet they still pay the equivalent of $4.50 a gallon at the pump, and not all of that premium is due to the requirement of having an attendant pump your gas (for fuller employment ala Oregon).

  2. If you'll notice they're going great guns on electricity generation, with some biodiesel thrown in; but the oil companies have managed to beat down any competition with gasoline (ethanol.)

  3. Monopolies are really, really hard to break (especially when one of the two political parties is fighting hammer, and tong, to preserve said monopoly.)

  4. O my ass the corn farmers have liked those ethanol subsidies that have lined their pockets and their republican congress folks that have voted for them.

  5. Yeah, you'd rather line the pockets of the fucking Saudis, and Koch Bros, right? Fucking idiot.

  6. Wholesale Ethanol is selling for $2.12/gal

    But, you'd rather give the stinking Saudis $2.73 gal for their filthy crud, right asshole?

    Fucking asshole.

  7. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to call you an asshole, twice.

    The second time I meant to call you a

    fucking moron.

  8. I'm sorry; I'm a better person than that. How about this?

    Fucking, Mouth-breathing Moron

  9. (especially when one of the two political parties is fighting hammer, and tong, to preserve said monopoly.)

    that whatyou said you fucking dick

    the pubs and dems both suck up to corn farmers

  10. Probably some mouth-breathing, idiot moron from out west that actually thought that "God was going to guide Tebow's arm," or some such silly, magical nonsense.

  11. At least Obama doesn't have his lips firmly attached to the Saud King's princely pisser.

  12. You're probably too stupid to notice that there are no longer any ethanol subsidies, but the Billions of Dollars of Oil Subsidies are still firmly in place.

    Not to mention the 15,000 troops that are still in Kuwait, and a whole Fleet, replete with Two Nuclear Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf.

  13. Rufus, breaking out that expansive vocabulary?
    So eloquent at times.

  14. If Mitt Romney really believes 'Corporations are people, my friend,' then Mitt Romney is a serial killer.

  15. Too fucking mad to be eloquent. Besides, it'd be wasted.

  16. Rufus II seems highly committed to ethanol.

  17. Rufus, just settle down! I was just trying to get your heart beating good. You are like Pavlov's dogs, throw a little red meat your way, it's ggrrrrrr..

    Here - Levitation Pic Pick of the Day


  18. Rufus II seems highly committed to ethanol.

    That, Toshtu, is the understatement of all understatements. Believe me, I almost think this man might, er, wander outside the criminal code, if it would aid his blessed ethanol.

  19. Nice music deuce.

    Happy Birthday too.

  20. "At least Obama doesn't have his lips firmly attached to the Saud King's princely pisser."

    A kiss between leaders and the hand-holding is a sign of equality in the Arab culture.

    Bowing to the king, as Obama prefers, is to exhibit submission to a greater power.

    Like mayors.

  21. Ethanol's ok, but I prefer Russian vodka.

  22. That's an old man's idea of levitation.

    This is more my speed.

  23. That could levitate this ol' man. :)

  24. Here's what RUf's fucking dems say

    Can't drill in Alaska, might hurt the seals

    Can't drill off Martha's Vineyard, Kerry and Kennedy don't like it

    Can't drill off Calfornia, too damn pretty there

    Can't drill out in the Gulf, too dangerous, let the Chinese and Cubans have it

    Can't bring that pipeline down from Canada (and by the way Ruf, I asked my engineer about that piping, his considered opinion was it would pose zero risk to underground water, our piping is so good)

    Can't do a damn thing

    etc etc etc

    And you are always whining about the Republicans.

    All I ask for is a little ecumenical whining.

  25. At least Obama doesn't have his lips firmly attached to the Saud King's princely pisser.

    No he has it attached to iran's...

    that is why he is delaying the sanctions, so he can suck iran dick for 12 more months til they come out of the closet with their nuclear weapon...

  26. We have megaloads of tar sands equipment being shipped through here around midnight about once a week, headed for Montana, and Canada, and who is out there in the cold, protesting and trying to slow the convoys?


    The state police have the situation pretty well under control now though, after the jailing of a few of the motherfuckers.

  27. obama condemned the killing of an iranian nuke scientist last week....

    obama stands with Iran and Iran's fight against the world

  28. Yeah, but you've gotta get your facts straight. The only off-limits place in Alaska is Anwar, and that doesn't have anything to do with "seals."

    Nobody wants to drill off Martha's Vineyard. There's no oil, there (I don't know where you came up with that one.)

    It's the State of California that got tired of oil spills off Malibu Beach. Obama, and the Feds have nothing to do with it.

    There are set to be more rigs drilling Feb 1st in the Gulf than there were before BP bathed the coast in oil.

    Yeah, tell the folks in Yellowstone how good that piping is. We had, I believe, 50 something leaks/spills from pipelines last year, alone.

    You just babble the "magical/Republican line with no idea what you're talking about, and post links to "The American Thinker," as if they were a real source of information for anything.

  29. rufus:
    Nobody wants to drill off Martha's Vineyard. There's no oil, there (I don't know where you came up with that one.)

    no but the dems/dead kennedy's fought the wind turbines...

  30. What was he supposed to do? Say, "Good Shooting?"

  31. Bob, I just assume Idaho Democrats are as backward, and fucked up as all other Idahoan hicks.

  32. Well, then, dumbass, say "wind turbine."

    Wind turbines, and "oil wells" are, hardly, synonymous.

  33. Rufus II said...
    What was he supposed to do? Say, "Good Shooting?"

    How about "no comment"

  34. Rufus II said...
    Well, then, dumbass, say "wind turbine."

    Wind turbines, and "oil wells" are, hardly, synonymous.

    Well dumbass, the dems have fought every effort to provide energy from the private sector that doesnt line their sticky paws.

  35. I wonder what iranian or arab dick tastes like...

    let's ask obama...

    he was raised on it...

  36. No, you can't say, "no comment." That would be a tacit admission of guilt.

    We do covert operations to assure "plausible deniability."

    Understand, the only way Obama's going to war with Iran is if Iran really screws the pooch.

    And, yes, he would Love it if Iran would pop a nuke, tomorrow. As would I.

    It would save us the opportunity to fuck up, and get involved in an unnecessary war (and, they're going to pop one, eventually, anyway.)

  37. It has been reported that in 3 years of being the President of the United States, Obama has NEVER had dinner with Bill Clinton.

  38. Rufus II said...
    No, you can't say, "no comment." That would be a tacit admission of guilt.

    you are a dumbass

  39. Yea Rufus, them folks from Idaho do not have the blessin to have been born in Mississippi, better known as the Mesopotamia of North America

  40. obama in reaction to the "hit" in iran, obama suspended military exercises with israel and scolded israel for killing iranians

    israel has been reported to have responded by sending out 790 sympathy cards to the civilian victims of the US predator drone program killings directly ordered by Obama in Pakistan

  41. .

    Well dumbass, the dems have fought every effort to provide energy from the private sector that doesnt line their sticky paws.

    And the GOP has promoted every effort to provide energy from the private sector as long as it did line their sticky paws.

    While pushing for the new pipeline, Boehner has recently purchased shares in Devon, Conoco, Exxon, BP, and about three other oil companies that would benefit directly from the new pipeline.

    Funny, no?


  42. He probly wants to keep Bubba away from his ol' lady.

  43. obama recently ordered the hit on an American citizen

    1st President to order the killing of an American Citizen without being arrested and due process...

    But some UNKNOWN killer takes out an Iranian in charge of uranium enrichment plant and he sends his sympathy.

    Did obama show such sympathy when Major Hassan had his "workplace"accident?

  44. quirk: While pushing for the new pipeline, Boehner has recently purchased shares in Devon, Conoco, Exxon, BP, and about three other oil companies that would benefit directly from the new pipeline.

    Funny, no?

    So a politician openly bought stocks?

    Now that is a 1st.

    Not insider trading, but in the open?


    that is a pig flying moment.

  45. Rufus II said...
    He probly wants to keep Bubba away from his ol' lady.

    Hillary has been fucking Obama up the ass for 3 years, just after Michelle finishes, she takes over.

    Ole Bill has never been invited.

    Maybe he doesnt like Barry ass??

  46. Did I miss something? I thought it was probably Pachelbel's birthday.

    Well, then, Happy Birthday Deuce.

    That "rockin' chair" money is getting closer, and closer, eh? :)

  47. dont understand why 3 dead on a cruise ship is a big deal?

    hundreds of thousands of italian babies are aborted every year...

    more italians have been killed by italians than by cruise ships

  48. Deuce -
    You are the perfect age.

    Not dead.

  49. and while we are on the subject, Barry offering condolences about ONE iranian nuke guy, just ho many women have been stoned to death in iran last year?

    and why no condolences

    after all MORE Americans have been murdered by Iran last year than Israel had murdered in "hit' squads in iran...

    no big deal

  50. .

    NIMBY plays no favorites, bobbo.

    If it had been a rich Republican that was having the pristine ocean view he has been gazing upon for decades threatened to be 'destroyed' by windmills he likely would have fought it even more, especially given the fact that he has been supporting oil companies for years.


  51. Rufus II said...
    I bet "3" don't catch it.

    been raised to 5....

    just how many Americans have been killed and maimed by Iranian IED's?

  52. quirk:
    If it had been a rich Republican that was having the pristine ocean view he has been gazing upon for decades threatened to be 'destroyed' by windmills he likely would have fought it even more

    How can a drunken Kennedy see that far in the water?

    After all he couldnt see a woman's body 3 feet away in the water

  53. RIP Mary Jo Kopechne

  54. That ship listed pretty fast. I'll bet it ends up between 30, and 300.

  55. Rufus II said...
    That ship listed pretty fast. I'll bet it ends up between 30, and 300.

    Bet you Israel did it

  56. .

    So a politician openly bought stocks?

    Now that is a 1st.

    Not insider trading, but in the open?


    that is a pig flying moment.

    I am merely offering up once more the equivalancy argument I have been spouting here since day one.

    And had you been keeping up on the major news stories that have been in the news for the past few weeks, you would have realized Congress has exempted itself from the laws of insider trading since day one.

    Nothing new there either.


  57. Global warming.... Israel's fault

    War in Iraq.... Israel's fault

    Housing crisis... Israel's fault

    Laws preventing loose scrambled eggs in NJ?


  58. you would have realized Congress has exempted itself from the laws of insider trading since day one.

    Insider trading would be trading in secret and before the general public knew about it.

    Ole John didnt "insider trade"

    Your implication is that ANY stock purchase is something bad..

    tsk tsk...

  59. .

    How can a drunken Kennedy see that far in the water?

    After all he couldnt see a woman's body 3 feet away in the water

    More non-sequiters and red herrings?

    You're starting to sound like our resident flim-flam man.



  61. More non-sequiters and red herrings?



  62. A very nice way to end a perfect weekend is with a peaceful alluring MeLoDy that could sweep anyone off their feet.

    Thank you. ( :

  63. Self-proclaimed alternative energy proponent Sen. Ted Kennedy has strongly opposed an environmentally friendly "wind farm” off the coast of Massachusetts – and now it appears Kennedy will have his way.

    A proposal before Congress would limit the construction of wind turbines and most likely doom plans for the Cape Wind Project, the nation’s first offshore wind farm. [Editor’s Note: Read the book that first exposed Sen. Kennedy’s hypocrisy

    "This is a dire moment for us,” declared Mark Rodgers, a Cape Wind Associates spokesman, who said the proposal "would be totally fatal” for the project.

    The Cape Wind Project would erect 130 windmills in Nantucket Sound and could provide three-fourths of the power needed by Cape Cod and nearby islands, which is now largely supplied by coal-fired plants.

    But Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has called for a ban on all wind turbines within 1.5 nautical miles of shipping and ferry lanes, The Washington Post reports.

    Young cited research in Britain suggesting that the wind turbines’ huge blades could interfere with shipboard radar, and he singled out the Cape Wind site – close to sea routes between the Cape and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard – as especially unsafe.

    Cape Wind officials call Young’s concerns a "pretext” for killing the project, according to the Post, and point out that in 2003 a contractor for the Army Corps of Engineers stated that the wind farm "is not expected to create negative impacts to navigational safety.”



  65. Just how much energy would 130 wind turbines produce?

    How much coal would it have reduced?

    How many green electric cars would it have powered?

  66. .

    Insider trading would be trading in secret and before the general public knew about it.

    Ole John didnt "insider trade"

    Your implication is that ANY stock purchase is something bad..

    tsk tsk...

    In stating "Ole John didnt "insider trade", you state the obvious since insider trading doesn't apply to Congress by Congress' own decree.

    And there is no logical connection between that statement and your conclusion.


  67. Should we offer Occupation Wall Street protesters cash for sterilization operations?

    What about offering up that same cash reward to multiple abortion users?

  68. quirk

    In stating "Ole John didnt "insider trade", you state the obvious since insider trading doesn't apply to Congress by Congress' own decree.

    And there is no logical connection between that statement and your conclusion.

    No, it wasnt insider trading. It it was insider trading it would not have been illegal. But it still would have been speeding.

    Just like a State Trooper SPEEDING to a crime scene. It's still speeding but they are allowed to SPEED.

    Old John just traded. Not insider traded...

  69. At least I know there is one person who reads my meaningless comments I spew across the board.

  70. 1000 bucks to harvest 2 ovaries.

    Think of the possibilities.

    We could reduce the usage of abortion across the globe by millions..

    But what to do with a 89 foot high pile of ovaries?

  71. MeLoDy said...
    At least I know there is one person who reads my meaningless comments I spew across the board.

    did you say something?

  72. MeLoDy said...
    Apparently not


  73. Them electric cars ain't worth a shit, either.

    In fairness, it was more Mat than Rufus pumping up this iron balloon.

    My wife, even my wife, after reading about them now says, like a sensible woman, I don't want to burn up like a torch.

    And, she now has it figured out, the electricity probably comes from some coal fired plant anyway.

    And, they only go 30 miles fore you got to plug up again. Hell that's hardly even around Ripley, Mississippi a couple of times.

    She is looking into Ford Class C Motorhomes, even as I type.

  74. Our new anon and Melody are having one of the more pleasant, and meaningful too, conversations recorded here of late.


  75. did you say something?

    Were you being sarcastic or sincere.

  76. bob said...
    Them electric cars ain't worth a shit, either.

    In fairness, it was more Mat than Rufus pumping up this iron balloon.

    mat suggested israeli made batteries, not Chevy batteries....

  77. MeLoDy said...
    did you say something?

    Were you being sarcastic or sincere.


  78. Bob, I just assume Idaho Democrats are as backward, and fucked up as all other Idahoan hicks.

    Idaho is 20th Century at least. Montana is 19th.

  79. Anonymous said

    Deuce -
    You are the perfect age.

    Not dead.


    Is this what you said.

  80. (CNN) -- Syria's President Bashar al-Assad must "stop killing" his people, the head of the United Nations demanded Sunday, as a fact-finding mission to determine whether the Syrian government is abiding by an agreement to end the violence nears a conclusion.
    "Today, I say again to President Assad of Syria: Stop the violence. Stop killing your people," U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said during a conference in Lebanon. "The path of repression is a dead end." In a further statement Ki-moon demanded Israel give up the Western Wall and all housing in Jerusalem as it prevents a 2 state solution.

  81. Agenda 21 anyone?

  82. .

    In one post, Anonymous, argues that Dems are opposed to wind power and implies that is a bad thing.

    In the next, he argues the impediment to putting windmills on the east coast is gone so let's build those windmills.

    In the next he questions the actual value of wind power.

    If all the posts are by the same Anonymous, it points out the schizophrenic thought processes of this particular Anonymous. If they are by separate Anonymi, it points out one more reason why I point out that those using that screen name are nitwits.


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Paki Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed by U.S. drone.


    ...the White House called off Austere Challenge 12, the biggest joint war game the US and Israel have every staged, ready to go in spring, in reprisal for a comment by Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in an early morning radio interview. He said the United States was hesitant over sanctions against Iran's central bank and oil for fear of a spike in oil prices...

    Trouble in paradise.

  85. quirk
    In the next, he argues the impediment to putting windmills on the east coast is gone so let's build those windmills.

    In the next he questions the actual value of wind power.

    you do have reading issues dont ya?

    I ASKED in positive way, how many cars could be powered.

    you have stick in the ass bias.

    but who is "quirk"

    it is an anonymous handle.

    just some made up name behind a faceless body.

    now talk about a self obsessed dumb ass.

  86. .

    No, it wasnt insider trading. It it was insider trading it would not have been illegal. But it still would have been speeding.

    Just like a State Trooper SPEEDING to a crime scene. It's still speeding but they are allowed to SPEED.

    Old John just traded. Not insider traded...

    I was going to say a distinction without a difference; but it is really a distinction without an apparent point. Are you trying to make a point or merely to quibble?


  87. Obami wants to lead from behind.

    He is pushing the jewish state into a corner so they will have to react

    He wants Israel to do the dirty work then he can get all the credit for coming to the rescue and getting re-elected.

    then after the higher oil prices, israel can be put on the dock for war crimes and the USA will not veto it.

    but by then? obami will be a 2nd term prez.

    and the American public?

    will be so screwed

  88. My point is that there are least four people on this thread who congratulated Deuce on his birthday.

    When yesterday, and I won't copy and past the whole comment, I wrote

    c) I celebrated my birthday Coyote Ugly style

    Apparently Deuce was the only one who read it...and remembered.

  89. quirk: I was going to say a distinction without a difference; but it is really a distinction without an apparent point. Are you trying to make a point or merely to quibble?

    you stated: While pushing for the new pipeline, Boehner has recently purchased shares in Devon, Conoco, Exxon, BP, and about three other oil companies that would benefit directly from the new pipeline.

    Funny, no?

    So you were not trying to slur the Speaker of the House?

    Quirk, if that is your REAL name, you put up the point, I simply responded to your slanted, biased, smart assed attempt at making the Speaker of the House's action as "immoral or illegal".

    Dont consider that "quibbling"

    But I do see that you are obsessed with nonsense.

    Quirk, (if that is your real name) you are quite the quibbler yourself.

  90. When yesterday, and I won't copy and past the whole comment, I wrote

    c) I celebrated my birthday Coyote Ugly style

    Saw it and quite frankly didnt have a clue what that meant.

    But if that means you had sex with a paper bag on your head? happy birthday and hope the unseeing sex was good

  91. Yikes. Happy Birfday, Melody. :)

  92. Palestinian Authority arrested 805 Hamas members in the year 2011, the Ma’an News Agency cited a Hamas statement as saying.

    According to the Islamist organization, 350 of those arrested had been previously freed from Israeli jails and eight were journalists. Sixty-seven Hamas members had been tried in court over the course of the year.

  93. Let's give these people a Nation:

    PA's highest religious authority, the Mufti,
    at Fatah event:
    Muslims' destiny is to kill Jews

    Resurrection will come
    only after Jews are killed by Muslims

    Moderator at Fatah event:
    "Our war with the descendants
    of the apes and pigs (i.e., Jews)
    is a war of religion and faith"

    by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

    Last week, the principal Palestinian Authority religious leader, the Mufti Muhammad Hussein, presented the killing of Jews by Muslims as a religious Islamic goal. At an event celebrating the 47th anniversary of the founding of Fatah, he cited the Hadith (Islamic tradition attributed to Muhammad) saying that the Hour of Resurrection will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them:

    "The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until you fight the Jews.
    The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
    Then the stones or trees will call:
    'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"

  94. Israel's Tel Aviv crowned best city for gays and lesbians
    Israel's second-biggest city has been declared the best for gay and lesbian people in a new poll.

    Sunday, 15 January 2012

    Israel's second-biggest city has been declared the best for gay and lesbian people in a new poll.

    Tel Aviv - which has a thriving population of over 400,000 – was given the title in an online poll sponsored by American Airlines and travel site

    Tel Aviv garnered 43 percent of the votes, followed by New York City with 14 percent and Toronto with 7 percent.
    "Winning this competition constitutes an additional strengthening of the fact that Tel Aviv-Jaffa is a city that respects all people and allows everyone to live according to his/her own principles," Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
    "Ours is a city in which everyone can be proud of who they are."

    In a further statement, the President of the Tel Aviv Assfuckers (a local competitive ass fucking league) requested all Arabs that wanted to play in the games please shave their assholes prior to leaving the Palestinians controlled territories. (this request also applies to Palestinian men that wished to be ass fucked)

  95. Ms T: Trouble in paradise.

    Cozy and intimate
    75 Allenby Street , Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
    Gay bath house

    what no viagra?

  96. my birthday was in the last 6 months.

    however giving out such info on this (or any other public place) is not a safe practice to do

    there are those that stalk and try to figure our who people are. No sense giving them birthdays too.

    I would advocate to anyone who wants to proclaim their day?

    pick another day and fib.

  97. .

    but who is "quirk"

    it is an anonymous handle.

    just some made up name behind a faceless body.

    now talk about a self obsessed dumb ass.

    At least Quirk does not sit around wondering "what Iranian dick tastes like."


  98. Quirk said...

    but who is "quirk"

    it is an anonymous handle.

    just some made up name behind a faceless body.

    now talk about a self obsessed dumb ass.

    At least Quirk does not sit around wondering "what Iranian dick tastes like."

    Now that is funny....

  99. At least Quirk does not sit around wondering "what Iranian dick tastes like."

    From my gay Israeli friends?

    they said pork.

    (just kidding)

    they said head cheese

    (just kidding)

  100. My birthday could have been any day in the last week. I celebrated Friday night and Saturday night. Maybe Deuce wanted to put up something neutral and remember what I had written yesterday and started the thread with Happy birthday. I thought it was kind.

    And for all I know his comment could have nothing to do with me and everything to do with wishing Martin Luther King a happy birthday.

    But thanks for the tip, WiO, I'll keep that in mind.

  101. .

    So you were not trying to slur the Speaker of the House?

    As I stated in my post at Sun Jan 15, 10:34:00 AM EST

    I am merely offering up once more the equivalancy argument I have been spouting here since day one.

    And had you been keeping up on the major news stories that have been in the news for the past few weeks, you would have realized Congress has exempted itself from the laws of insider trading since day one.

    Nothing new there either.


  102. And for all I know his comment could have nothing to do with me and everything to do with wishing Martin Luther King a happy birthday.

    I dont want to wish MLK a birthday, now if we still could wish Washington, ole Abe a birthday well then maybe.

    I still value them more than MLK

  103. .

    Regardless Mel, happy belated birthday.


  104. So mel, how was the grocery bag?


  105. .

    So mel, ...

    WiO, always the charmer.


  106. Teresita said...

    Bob, I just assume Idaho Democrats are as backward, and fucked up as all other Idahoan hicks.

    Idaho is 20th Century at least. Montana is 19th.

    Sun Jan 15, 10:56:00 AM EST

    Spoken like a true city slicker, who hasn't read 'A River Runs Through It', where it is stated with authority that the good people live in Missoula, Montana, and the quality drops off geometrically from there.

  107. Asphyxiation sex, proving again, sex and death are kissing cousins.

    Guy that plead that defense here recently got convicted of strangling his girl friend.

    A practice most certainly to be avoided.

  108. .

    And if it's in a book it's got to be true.



  109. bob said...
    Asphyxiation sex, proving again, sex and death are kissing cousins.

    not that...

    so ugly you put a bag on his or head head...

    double bag?

    just in case the other bag falls off

  110. I've been over there many times, Quirk.

    So I can tell you, it is true.

    But, of course, this is seeing things through the transcendentally aware eyes of the fly fisherman.

    It is the Eden from which flow, metaphorically speaking, the four rivers of paradise - Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates.

    All this would mean nothing to a man trapped in Detroit, Michigan, alas, alas.


  111. .

    All this would mean nothing to a man trapped in Detroit, Michigan, alas, alas.

    True enough, bobbo. Here we do not equate the quality of a man with his ability to tie a fly.


  112. Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon and eastern Washington and British Columbia and Alaska should all get together and form a Nation.

    And the Hawaiians get to vote on Independence, USA, or IMNOWBCA.

    Let the democrats have all the rest.

  113. True enough, bobbo. Here we do not equate the quality of a man with his ability to tie a fly.

    True enough, Q, I grant.

    It is the casting that counts.

    In 'A River Runs Through It', it is noted the belief in Montana that the disciples of Jesus were all Fly Fishermen.

    Good people, then, and now.

    And they were fishermen, were they not? What else then could they have been, but Fly Fishermen?

    They cast, did they not?


  114. Geez Bob, you are a closet confederate after all.

  115. the understatement of the day:

    ...Despite the close relationship between the U.S. and Israel, U.S. officials have consistently puzzled over Israeli intentions. "It's hard to know what's bluster and what's not with the Israelis," said a former U.S. official.

    Inside the Israeli security establishment, a sort of good cop, bad cop routine, in which Israeli officials rattle sabers amid a U.S. scramble to restrain them, has assumed its own name: "Hold Me Back."

    Some American intelligence officials complain that Israel represents a blind spot in U.S. intelligence, which devotes little resources to Israel. Some officials have long argued that, given the potential for Israel to drag the U.S. into potentially explosive situations, the U.S. should devote more resources to divining Israel's true intentions.

    —Charles Levinson and Siobhan Gorman

  116. :)

    I really hadn't thought of it that way.

    It does seem logical though, that a union brought on by an agreeable vote, ought to be able to be dissolved through an agreeable vote.

    What, are we to have only one vote, binding for all of the generations of unborn to come?

  117. WiO: my birthday was in the last 6 months.

    however giving out such info on this (or any other public place) is not a safe practice to do

    My birthday is June 1. I hope to get a box of ammunition.

    Happy Birthday Melody!

  118. Israel's second-biggest city has been declared the best for gay and lesbian people in a new poll.

    Tel Aviv is very far away from Missoula indeed.

    However, this is a conservative, blog, we don't extol the virtues of places like San Francisco and the like.

  119. Some people think the "elephant" part of Elephant Bar is just a random animal that Deuce and Whit chose.

  120. that is what South Carolina thought and our greatest president ever got 600,000 Americans killed over the difference of opinion.

    Tony Soprano could have been a founder, "Once you're into this family, there's no getting out.

  121. .

    And they were fishermen, were they not? What else then could they have been, but Fly Fishermen?

    They cast, did they not?

    As I recall, they cast nets not flies.

    They were commercial fishermen, the salt of the earth, not dilettantes wandering icy streams half drunk and sans underwear.



  122. .

    However, this is a conservative, blog, we don't extol the virtues of places like San Francisco and the like...

    That reflects nineties thinking T. It was reported on the evening news a couple days ago that in 2011 Salt Lake City replaced Atlanta as the most gay-friendly city in the US.


  123. Tony Soprano could have been a founder, "Once you're into this family, there's no getting out.

    The man on the 20 dollar bill said, "...each State, having expressly parted with so many powers as to constitute, jointly with the other States, a single nation, can not, from that period, possess any right to secede, because such secession does not break a league, but destroys the unity of a nation..."

  124. That reflects nineties thinking T.

    Well, Xena was a 90s show.

  125. My birthday is June 1. I hope to get a box of ammunition.

    If that what makes a birthday?

    every week has a birthday in it.

  126. Israel's second-biggest city has been declared the best for gay and lesbian people in a new poll.

    El Shaddai replies:

    I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

    I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

    Your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.

    I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your highways shall be desolate.

    I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.

    Ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

    I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.

    I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.

    I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it.

    I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

  127. HAH!

    As I recall, they cast nets not flies.

    I knew, knew , KNEW you'd pick up on that.

    But, you know not your ancient Aramaic like I do, the language, so we are told, which Jesus spoke.

    'Nets' therein is their old word for 'nymphs', a type of casting fishing fly, generally fished wet.

    Everyone in Montana knows this.

    And, the salt of the earth, is generally taken to refer to the farmers, at any rate, certainly not to seance sorcerers from back east.



    I am a little confused. I thought it was deuce's birthday. Whoever is having a birthday today, Happy Birthday.

  128. That El Shaddai sounds an uncouth dude, but what does -

    ((((((and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.))))))

    this mean?

    Paranoia strikes deep?

  129. In a recent email, I read about a woman named Pam, who knows the pain of considering abortion. More than 24 years ago, she and her husband Bob were serving as missionaries to the Philippines and praying for a fifth child. Pam contracted amoebic dysentery, an infection of the intestine caused by a parasite found in contaminated food or drink. She went into a coma and was treated with strong antibiotics before they discovered she was pregnant. Doctors urged her to abort the baby for her own safety and told her that the medicines had caused irreversible damage to her baby. She refused the abortion and cited her Christian faith as the reason for her hope that her son would be born without the devastating disabilities physicians predicted. Pam said the doctors didn't think of it as a life, they thought of it as a mass of fetal tissue.

    While pregnant, Pam nearly lost their baby four times but refused to consider abortion. She recalled making a pledge to God with her husband: If you will give us a son, we’ll name him Timothy and we’ll make him a preacher. Pam ultimately spent the last two months of her pregnancy in bed and eventually gave birth to a healthy baby boy August 14, 1987. Pam’s youngest son is indeed a preacher. He preaches in prisons, makes hospital visits, and serves with his father’s ministry in the Philippines. He also plays football. Pam’s son is Tim Tebow.

    The University of Florida’s star quarterback became the first sophomore in history to win college football’s highest award, the Heisman Trophy. His current role as quarterback of the Denver Broncos has provided an incredible platform for Christian witness. As a result, he is being called The Mile-High Messiah.

    Tim’s notoriety and the family’s inspiring story have given Pam numerous opportunities to speak on behalf of women’s centers across the country. Pam Tebow believes that every little baby you save matters. I pray her tribe will increase! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always!

    Dr. Gerald B. (Jerry) Kieschnick
    President Emeritus, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Presidential Ambassador
    for Mission Advancement, Concordia University Texas

    from Dale

  130. That El Shaddai sounds an uncouth dude, but what does -

    ((((((and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.))))))

    this mean?

    It means bombing Iran before they install a nuclear-tipped Katushya bottle rocket in Tijuana pointed right at Peoria.

  131. Did the late great Andrew Jackson say that before he ran the Cherokee off their native lands or before? He had a greater body count than Assad and was a more adept ethnic cleanser than the Serbs. Nato would have bombed him today and assisted in having him dragged into the streets.

  132. Even in generally accepted property law, you can only (I think) call the shots on your property after you are dead, for 21 years.

    After that, you got no more shots to call.

    It's up to the next generation.

  133. I went to the store the other day. A whole chicken was $0.98/lb, same as about 3, or 4 yrs. ago.

    And, we're still Paying Farmers NOT to Plant 30,000,000 Acres.

  134. Even in generally accepted property law, you can only (I think) call the shots on your property after you are dead, for 21 years.

    Certainly not for the hundreds of years following the Bar Kochba revolt of 132-136 AD.

  135. And, we're still Paying Farmers NOT to Plant 30,000,000 Acres.

    Ron Paul.

  136. Teresita said...
    Even in generally accepted property law, you can only (I think) call the shots on your property after you are dead, for 21 years.

    Certainly not for the hundreds of years following the Bar Kochba revolt of 132-136 AD.

    Fine, 1967 was much more than 21 years ago skippy

  137. Head Of Pakistan Taliban Killed By U.S. Drone

    Another one bites the dust.. and no need to worry about videos of soldiers peeing on him.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. Canada is now looking to Asian countries to market its abundance of oil, natural gas and minerals as plans to build the proposed Keystone XL pipeline have stalled with the U.S. administration.


    blahblahblah about some environmental crap, or somethng

  140. .


    As I recall, they cast nets not flies.

    I knew, knew , KNEW you'd pick up on that.

    But, you know not your ancient Aramaic like I do, the language, so we are told, which Jesus spoke.

    'Nets' therein is their old word for 'nymphs', a type of casting fishing fly, generally fished wet.

    Everyone in Montana knows this.

    And, the salt of the earth, is generally taken to refer to the farmers, at any rate, certainly not to seance sorcerers from back east.



    10. But Jesus saw beneath the surface of the sea; he saw a multitude of fish. He said to Peter,
    11. Cast out your net upon the right side of the boat.
    12. And Peter did as Jesus said, and, lo, the net was filled; it scarce was strong enough to hold the multitude of fish.
    13. And Peter called to John and James, who were near by, for help; and when the net was hauled to boat, both boats were well nigh filled with fish...

    Man that was one hell of a fly. Evidently, with multiple barbs. Sure beats the 'Royal Coachman' all to hell. One of the lost mysteries of antiquity.

    As for the phrase 'salt of the earth' once again you play fast and loose with the general meanings of the phrase.


    Those of great worth and reliability.


    The phrase 'the salt of the earth' derives from the Bible, Matthew 5:13 (King James Version):

    Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men...

    The phrase was used in the "Sermon on the Mount' and was directed to the general audience. Even if we assume it was directed solely to the disciples, we don't know all their occupations, some were fishermen, one a tax collector, some we don't know, surely we don't know if if any were farmers.

    But you were correct with the rest of your post.

    I am a little confused.


  141. You eastern moron, everybody knows, well, should know, it is an old tactic to fish four, five flies on a line.

    was directed to the general audience


    In a peasant society such as he was addressing, they probably were ALL FARMERS.

    Since the general population was, like, dude, way mostly FARMERS.

    jeez, lu-eez

  142. In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing. We lived at the junction of great trout rivers in western Montana, and our father was a Presbyterian minister and a fly fisherman who tied his own flies and taught others. He told us about Christ's disciples being fishermen, and we were left to assume, as my brother and I did, that all first-class fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fishermen and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman.

    There! I have proved my point from the text, an excerpt from which you can read HERE

    Seriously, folks, it is a very very good book, everyone should read it.

  143. But he never asked us more than the first question in the catechism, "What is the chief end of man?" And we answered together so one of us could carry on if the other forgot, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever." This always seemed to satisfy him, as indeed such a beautiful answer should have....

    Indeed, a beautiful answer.

  144. My father was very sure about certain matters pertaining to the universe. To him, all good things—trout as well as eternal salvation—come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy.

  145. Eventually, he introduced us to literature on the subject. He tried always to say something stylish as he buttoned the glove on his casting hand. "Izaak Walton," he told us when my brother was thirteen or fourteen, "is not a respectable writer. He was an Episcopalian and a bait fisherman."" Although Paul was three years younger than I was, he was already far ahead of me in anything relating to fishing and it was he who first found a copy of The Compleat Angler and reported back to me, "The bastard doesn't even know how to spell 'complete.' Besides, he has songs to sing to dairymaids." I borrowed his copy, and reported back to him, "Some of those songs are pretty good." He said, "Whoever saw a dairymaid on the Big Blackfoot River?

  146. Happy Birthday to anyone on this blog who is experiencing a birthday, has had a birthday, or is contemplating having a birthday in the future.

    yom hu'ledet sameach, eid mīlad sa'aīd, ad günün mübarək, mahtag arouh il hamam, Ta braguette est ouverte, de geit is weg gevlogen, "Бийтълс" смучат


  147. What is Occupation?

    On January 16, 1893, United States diplomatic and military personnel conspired with a small group of individuals to overthrow the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom and prepared to provide for annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States of America, under a treaty of annexation submitted to the United States Senate, on February 15, 1893. Newly elected U.S. President Grover Cleveland, having received notice that the cause of the so-called revolution derived from illegal intervention by U.S. diplomatic and military personnel, withdrew the treaty of annexation and appointed James H. Blount, as Special Commissioner, to investigate the terms of the so-called revolution and to report his findings.

  148. What is Occupation

    Turkish Invasion and Cyprus Occupation

    On 15 July 1974 the ruling military junta of Greece staged a coup to overthrow the democratically elected Government of Cyprus.

    On 20 July Turkey, using the coup as a pretext, invaded Cyprus, purportedly to restore constitutional order. Instead, it seized 35% of the territory of Cyprus in the north, an act universally condemned as a gross infringement of international law and the UN Charter. Turkey, only 75 km away, had repeatedly claimed, for decades before the invasion and frequently afterwards, that Cyprus was of vital strategic importance to it. Ankara has defied a host of UN resolutions demanding the withdrawal of its occupation troops from the island.

    On 1 November 1974, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 3212, the first of many resolutions calling for respect for the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus and for the speedy withdrawal of all foreign troops.


  149. EnoughRope Today 05:11 AM
    Barack Obama has said or done the following things. America is not a Christian nation. Skipped National Day of Prayer, but attended an Islamic prayer service. Demanded that the crucifix be covered in the room in which he gave a speech at Georgetown University. Bowed to Saudi King. Initiated actions in the Middle East which helped the "Arab Spring" become a takeover by The Muslim Brotherhood. Pressures the Israelis to surrender more land for peace while Hamas rockets Israel daily. Refused to use any of three methods to destroy a drone which landed intact in Iran; the drone gives Iran and its allies a thirty year gain in stealth technology and electronics. Withdrew American troops from Iraq which will allow Iran to increase its terror and influence in Iraq. Negotiates with the Taliban and sets a withdrawal date for American troops from Afghanistan. Increased our national debt to 100% of GDP $15T+. Decreased the value of the US dollar in terms of gold. Appointed Marxists as czars. Uses the EPA to achieve caps on utility plant emissions when Congress refused to pass cap and trade legislation. Blocked much offshore drilling. Blocked the oil pipeline from Canada to Texas refineries. Issues regulations that reduce domestic oil and coal development. Used most of the stimulus money for Democratic constituencies instead of for "shovel ready" projects that he admitted in 2011 were not shovel ready. Practices crony capitalism for Wall Street banks and Democratic fund raisers in the green energy sector such as Solyndra. Used Fast & Furious with the intent of creating justification for hobbling Americans' right to bear arms. Prosecutes states that pass laws to block illegal immigration. Forces the passage of Obamacare in defiance of the will of the people and Congressional legislative rules. Obtained Congressional approval to arrest and detain American citizens on U.S. soil indefinitely without trial if the President decides a citizen was supportive in some way of terrorist organizations. The DHS deems as potential terrorists, among many others, returning veterans and anyone who stockpiles more that seven days of food. This means that Obama can suspend your RIGHT to habeas corpus.

    Is Obama The 12th Imam?

  150. I've had some birthdays but I don't want to have anymore.

  151. – is a major factor driving the dramatic escalation of food prices worldwide.

    so is qe1, qe2, qe3, qe4, qe5, qe6

  152. Idaho Bob, maybe you should have a chat with your pastor.

  153. Can a pastor stop birthdays from happening?

  154. America is tearing the tortilla from the mouths of Mexicans to fuel our F-150s.

    Which we drive, stoned on Mexican products, to deliver assault weapons to the cartels. What's next, steal the women?

  155. "Can a pastor stop birthdays from happening?"

    Sure, anyone can, but I interpreted your comment as anguished cry for help. I hear those Idaho winters can be kinda rough.

  156. .

    Can a pastor stop birthdays from happening?

    Seek guidance from the good book.

    There! I have proved my point from the text, an excerpt from which you can read HERE

    How can you argue with a man when he opines on the fishing techniques of Jesus' desciples while referencing the Maclean's Bible (1976 Presbyterian version) and the Compleat Angler .


    You eastern moron, everybody knows, well, should know, it is an old tactic to fish four, five flies on a line.

    Evidently, at least a couple thousand years old.

    Four or five fish on a line; yet, they filled up two boats. Some mighty big fish, bobbo. No wonder Christ was able to feed the multitude.

    How can one argue with a mind like yours, my friend?


  157. Mild winter here, Toshtu, no snow at all, just like Miami Beach. Something about L. Nino, or something.

    Doing well.

    Thank you for the concern.

    Indeed, I have seen my pastor lately. He is still in fine form, though retired, still does a good group hold hand prayer.

    Have counter offered to my wife to get This instead of the Ford Class C she wants.

    You wouldn't know a way to stop birthdays from happening without blowing one's head off, would you?

    Just askin'

  158. they filled up two boats

    Mythic enhancement is all that is, aka
    BFS -Big Fish Story.

  159. The boats were FILLED with fish, and men, too, AND DID NOT SINK?

    C'mon Quirk, you're smarter than that.


  160. How can one argue with a mind like yours, my friend?

    Alas, you can't, Quirk, I can't help it if I can play music inside your notes, like the albino in 'Deliverance'.


  161. Never really thought about it, Bob, but I imagine a high bridge or building might work.

    If I were gonna seeking to end my birthdays, I'd hit a Tejano bar on Saturday night and hit on some of the gals.

  162. “Advertising our altar bread is a positive thing for Cavanagh Company. We take a lot of pride in putting our family name on a product that will eventually become the body and blood of Jesus.”
    [White Meat or Dark] Buying the Body of Christ

  163. .

    Mythic enhancement is all that is, aka
    BFS -Big Fish Story.

    I bow to your experiance when it comes to mythic enhancement and BFS.


  164. .

    The boats were FILLED with fish, and men, too, AND DID NOT SINK?

    I'm sure in your mind there is a point but what it is eludes me.


  165. Ex-Im's 2008 annual report tells other interesting stories about Obama's industrial policy. Solyndra, which went bankrupt in August after benefiting from a $500 million loan guarantee from the Energy Department, pocketed an Ex-Im subsidy last year too: As Solyndra stumbled in February 2011, Ex-Im leant a hand by approving a $10 million loan guarantee to help Solyndra sell solar modules to Belgium.

    (Solyndra delivered the product to Belgium, and so the $10 million taxpayer exposure is not affected by the company's bankruptcy.)

    Create taxpayer-subsidized jobs in a politically important state, win the loyalty of a huge and vulnerable company, and try to bail out a failing green-energy poster child -- Obama couldn't do any of these things if he took a laissez-faire approach. That's why, for politicians, agencies like Ex-Im are so crucial.

  166. WIO sez: "Israel's Tel Aviv crowned best city for gays and lesbians"

    But Tehran has more gays hanging out in public.

  167. It was 4 p.m. on Jan. 13, 1982, and Lenny Skutnik was just trying to make his way home.

    It was snowing. Most of the city had left work early, and Skutnik's was one of a slew of cars battling rush hour traffic near the 14th Street Bridge when Air Florida Flight 90 slammed into the bridge -- leaving behind just a handful of survivors clinging to the plane's tail section in the frigid waters of the Potomac.


    He says he doesn't consider himself a hero. "It feels kind of funny.

  168. Toshtu said...

    WIO sez: "Israel's Tel Aviv crowned best city for gays and lesbians"

    But Tehran has more gays hanging out in public.

    Sun Jan 15, 06:50:00 PM EST

    Excellent, and, worthy of Miss T

  169. How Joseph Campbell died --

    At the end of his life, according to Pythia Peay in an article on "Campbell and Catholicism", Campbell was undergoing laser treatment at St. Francis Hospital in Honolulu. His room, like every other room in that hospital, had a small brass crucifix hanging on the wall. Instead of the usual suffering Christ with head bowed and body bloodied (a terrible image -Bob), the figure on the cross in Campbell's room was fully clothed, with head erect, eyes open, and arms outstreched in what seemed an almost joyous embrace of the divine. This was the triumphant Christ of whom Campbell had often written as a symbol of the zeal of eternity for incarnation in time, which involves the breaking up of the one into the many and the acceptance of the sufferings in a confident and joyful manner.

    According to Peay, Campbell "experienced profoundly the depths of the Christian symbol" during what were his last weeks of his life. She quotes his wife Jean Erdman as saying, "He was thrilled to see that, because for him this was the mystical meaning of Christ that reflected the state of at-one-ment with the Father." In the hospital room, according to his wife, "he experienced emotionally what he had before understood intellectually. Seeing this image in a Catholic hospital room helped release him from the conflict that he had had with his childhood religion."

    from Thou Art That

    Across from the Carnegie Library here at the Episcopal Church there used to be a great stained glass of Christ, fully clothed, radiant, with his hands and arms in the buddhist fear dispelling, boon bestowing gesture, but it is gone now, dang it.

    Icons mean a lot.

  170. UN Chief Moon Demands The Jews Give Up Jerusalem, Calls Israel ‘Occupiers’ (I thought the far Left approved of the Occupiers)

  171. Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But don't whip it out in public and wave it around.

  172. We all knew this, didn't we --

    Bolton Says Iran Closer To Bomb Than World Realizes

    The internationally respected politico/military analyst "Bob" has said 'they got the fixings, they is working on the delivery'

  173. In a move that looks to tackle the biggest problem America faces right now, three GOP candidates— Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have all pledged to criminalize pornography if elected president.

  174. What's pornography? What's art?

    The country has been through that debate twice just in my lifetime.

  175. The anti-porn talk is just red meat for the people who watch it, but expect the state to pretend to try and eliminate it.

  176. That's all we need, a trillion dollar war on smut.

  177. Toshtu,

    Thanks! Have you ever been Tosh.0?

    I do hope my link now leads here

    Can a little cannibalism among friends be a bad thing?

  178. Teresita said...
    Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But don't whip it out in public and wave it around.

    Sun Jan 15, 08:17:00 PM EST

    And you would know this how?

    Here's the deal, Dear One, if you have the big 10", you will be loved. Even you would "feel" loved.

  179. Quirk (the anonymousiiiiii) said...

    I'm sure in your mind there is a point but what it is eludes me.

    I'll bet it does; but not to worry; Deuce will go to bat for you.

  180. Huntsman must be thinking of looking for another job as an ambassador somewhere.

    Jon Huntsman will drop out of the Republican presidential race on Monday, a campaign spokesman told ABC News.

    Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller said the former ambassador to China was “proud of the race that he ran” but “did not want to stand in the way” of rival Mitt Romney, the current front-runner for the

    Huntsman plans to endorse Romney at an 11 a.m. press conference Monday in Myrtle Beach, SC.


    Here's the deal, Dear One, if you have the big 10", you will be loved. Even you would "feel" loved.

    Why don't you go fuck your own self in some dark alley somewhere, allen.

    Some orthodox Jew, an embarrassment to the profession of faith.

  181. "That's all we need, a trillion dollar war on smut."

    If you're a hack lawyer in the public sector (is there any other kind?), war on anything is good war.

    I was married to a lawyer, I know lots of lawyers. When drunk, they tend to agree that lawyers rule the earth.

  182. What's all this shit about communion wafers?

    You're enough to almost even turn a religiously laid back guy like me into an anti-semite, allen.

    With you always around, it's hard to think of all the great Jewish people I've known in my life.

    You obscure.

    Go away, go fuck off somewhere.

    I'm turning in for the night. Why sit and read a bunch of crap by pedant allen.

  183. Why don't you go fuck your own self in some dark alley somewhere, allen.

    Some orthodox Jew, an embarrassment to the profession of faith.

    Sun Jan 15, 09:55:00 PM EST

    Yes, yes, Dear Bob, but I won't be "fuckiing" my daughter. Shut up!!!

  184. Lawyers do rule the earth, Toshtu.

    I'm in on that secret.

  185. Feeling unloved Allen? In need of an ally, Mr. foreign policy wizard.

  186. bob,

    If all else fails, your hero Ernest used a double barrel 12 gauge to the mouth. He had slapped his wife around beforehand. You know all about that I am sure.

  187. "Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But don't whip it out in public and wave it around."

    If religion were like a vagina, there would be more churches.

  188. Dear Jenny,

    What do you know, other than "cocksucker", "motherfucker" and "shitbat". You must make your parents proud. Why did Mister Colonel Marine chose a sweet thing to you? Oh, yes, that mauf :-)
